changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "exiftransform.h"
    17 #include "exiftransformdataaccessor.h"
    18 #include "ExifEditUtility.h"
    19 #include "ExifThumbnailGenerator.h"
    20 #include "ExifGeneralConsts.h"
    21 #include "JpegConsts.h"
    22 #include "ImageUtils.h"
    24 #include <f32file.h>
    26 const TUint8 KJpegMarkerByte = 0xff;
    27 const TUint8 KDhtMarkerByte = 0xc4;
    28 const TUint8 KDqtMarkerByte = 0xdb;
    29 const TUint8 KSosMarkerByte = 0xda;
    32 const TUint KTableTypeSize = 1;		// in DHT and DQT the table type is one byte long
    33 const TUint KEntriesInQTable = 64;	// number of entries in a specific quantization table
    35 const TUint KDCTableSize = 28;		// see Exif 2.2 specification
    36 const TUint KACTableSize = 178;		// see Exif 2.2 specification
    38 const TUint KDQTTypicalSize = (KTableTypeSize + KEntriesInQTable) * 3;
    39 const TUint KDHTTypicalSize = (KTableTypeSize + KDCTableSize) * 2 + (KTableTypeSize + KACTableSize) * 2;
    41 const TInt KJpegBlockTypeUndefined = -1;
    43 _LIT(KDhtBlockHeader, "\xff\xc4\x00\x00");	// jpeg DHT block id followed by placeholder for block size
    44 _LIT(KDqtBlockHeader, "\xff\xdb\x00\x00");	// jpeg DQT block id followed by placeholder for block size
    46 CExifEditUtility* CExifEditUtility::NewL(MExifSource* aSource, MExifDest* aDest, TBool aIgnoreExifMetadataProcessing)
    47 	{
    48 	CExifEditUtility * self= new (ELeave) CExifEditUtility(aIgnoreExifMetadataProcessing);
    49 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    50 	self->ConstructL(aSource, aDest);
    51 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    53 	return self;
    54 	}
    56 CExifEditUtility::~CExifEditUtility()
    57 	{
    58 	Cancel();
    59 	delete iScaledJpegGenerator;
    60 	delete iExifData;
    61 	iDHTTables.Close();
    62 	iDQTTables.Close();	
    63 	iTempCopyBuffer.Close();
    64 	}
    66 CExifEditUtility::CExifEditUtility(TBool aIgnoreExifMetadataProcessing)
    67 	: CActive(EPriorityStandard)
    68 	, iState(EEmpty)
    69 	, iIgnoreExifMetadataProcessing(aIgnoreExifMetadataProcessing)
    70 	{
    71 	iLookupSlackBuff.SetLength( 0 );
    72 	}
    74 void CExifEditUtility::ConstructL(MExifSource* aSource, MExifDest* aDest)
    75 	{
    76 	ASSERT(aSource != NULL);
    77 	ASSERT(aDest != NULL);
    78 	iSource = aSource;
    79 	iDest = aDest;
    80 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    81 	}
    84 MExifMetadata* CExifEditUtility::ExifMetadata()
    85 	{
    86 	return iExifData;
    87 	}
    90 //
    91 //
    92 //
    93 //
    94 //		interface methods
    95 //	
    97 void CExifEditUtility::ReadSourceL()
    98 	{
    99 	if(iState!=EEmpty)
   100 		{
   101 		User::Leave(KErrInUse);
   102 		}
   104 	InitReadL();
   105 	if(!iIgnoreExifMetadataProcessing)
   106 		{
   107 		delete iExifData;
   108 		iExifData = NULL;
   109 		TRAPD(err, iExifData = iSource->ReadAndConvertExifDataL(iHeaderBlockSize + 
   110 			(sizeof(KJpgSOISignature)+sizeof(KJpgMarker)) /*size of the app1 marker*/, 
   111 			iExifBlockSize));
   112 		if(err != KErrNone)
   113 			{
   114 			if(err == KErrNoMemory)
   115 				{
   116 				User::Leave(KErrNoMemory);					
   117 				}
   118 			iIgnoreExifMetadataProcessing = ETrue;
   119 			iExifBlockSize = 0;
   120 			iConvertToJfif = ETrue;				
   121 			}
   123 		}
   124 	iState=EReadComplete;
   125 	}
   128 void CExifEditUtility::WriteDestL(TBool aEncodeThumbnail, const TSize& aSize, TBool aPreserveImage, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio, TRequestStatus* aNotifier)
   129 	{
   130 	iNotifier=aNotifier;
   131 	iEncodeThumbnail=aEncodeThumbnail;
   132 	iSize= aSize;
   133 	iPreserveImage= aPreserveImage;
   134 	iMaintainAspectRatio = aMaintainAspectRatio;
   135 	if(iState !=EReadComplete)
   136 		{
   137 		RunError(KErrInUse);
   138 		return;
   139 		}
   141 	TInt err=iDest->Init();
   142 	if(err!=KErrNone)
   143 		{
   144 		RunError(err);
   145 		return;
   146 		}
   148 	iState=EStartWrite;
   149 	ProcessCommandL();
   150 	*iNotifier=KRequestPending;
   151 	}
   154 //
   155 //		interface methods
   156 //	
   157 //
   158 //
   159 //
   166 //
   167 //
   168 //
   169 //
   170 //		methods from CActive
   171 //
   172 void CExifEditUtility::DoCancel()
   173 	{
   174 	iState=ECancelled;
   176 	if(iScaledJpegGenerator)
   177 		{
   178 		iScaledJpegGenerator->Cancel();
   179 		}
   181 	//Now reset everything to how it was before the transform.
   182 	iState = EReadComplete;	
   183 	iSource->Cancel();
   184 	iDest->Cancel();
   186 	//We need to cancel both the internal state machine request status
   187 	//and the client request status	
   188 	if (iStatus == KRequestPending)
   189 		{
   190 		TRequestStatus* status=&iStatus;
   191 		User::RequestComplete(status, KErrCancel);
   192 		}
   193 	if (iNotifier)//but we do need to check iNotifier TRequestStatus
   194 		{
   195 		if (*iNotifier == KRequestPending)
   196 			{
   197 			User::RequestComplete(iNotifier,KErrCancel);
   198 			}
   199 		}
   200 	}
   203 void CExifEditUtility::RunL()
   204 	{
   205 	if(iStatus.Int()==KErrNone)
   206 		{
   207 		ProcessCommandL();
   208 		}
   209 	else
   210 		{
   211 		RunError(iStatus.Int());
   212 		}
   213 	}
   215 TInt CExifEditUtility::RunError(TInt aError)
   216 	{					
   217 	if(iState<EReadComplete)
   218 		{
   219 		delete iExifData;
   220 		iExifData = NULL;
   221 		iState=EEmpty;
   222 		iSource->CleanupAfterEarlyError();
   223 		iDest->CleanupAfterEarlyError();
   224 		}
   225 	else 
   226 		{
   227 		iState=EReadComplete;
   228 		iSource->CleanupAfterLateError();
   229 		iDest->CleanupAfterLateError();
   230 		}
   232 	User::RequestComplete(iNotifier, aError);
   233 	return KErrNone;
   234 	}
   235 //
   236 //		interface methods
   237 //	
   238 //
   239 //
   240 //
   243 void CExifEditUtility::ProcessCommandL()
   244 	{
   245 	TBool doContinue=EFalse;
   246 	switch(iState)
   247 		{
   248 		// writer commands
   249 		case EStartWrite:
   250 			doContinue=DoCopyBlockL(0, iHeaderBlockSize, EWriteWriteHeader);
   251 			iState=ECopying;
   252 			break;
   253 		case EWriteWriteHeader:
   254 			if(!iIgnoreExifMetadataProcessing)
   255 				{
   256 				doContinue=DoWriteReadThumbnailL();
   257 				}
   258 			else
   259 				{
   260 				//skip to next step.
   261 				iStatus=KRequestPending;
   262 				TRequestStatus* reqStat=&iStatus;
   263 				User::RequestComplete(reqStat, KErrNone);
   264 				doContinue = ETrue; 
   265 				}
   266 			iState = EReadThumbnail;
   267 			break;
   268 		case EReadThumbnail:
   269 			doContinue=DoReadThumbnailL();		
   270 			if (iPreserveImage)
   271 				{
   272 				iState=EWriteReadThumbnail;
   273 				}
   274 			else
   275 				{
   276 				iState=EWriteWriteExif;
   277 				}
   278 			break;		
   279 		case EWriteReadThumbnail:
   280 			doContinue=DoWriteConvertExifL();
   281 			iState=EWriteConvertExif;
   282 			break;
   283 		case EWriteConvertExif:
   284 			if(iIgnoreExifMetadataProcessing && (iExifBlockSize >0))
   285 				{
   286 				HBufC8* destBuffer = iIOBufferPtr.AllocL();
   287 				iDest->SetDestBuffer(destBuffer); // Give iDest ownership of buffer
   288 				}
   289 			doContinue=DoWriteDestBufferL();
   291 			if(iPreserveImage)
   292 				{
   293 				iState=EWriteWriteExif;
   294 				}
   295 			else
   296 				{
   297 				iState=EWriteReadMainImage;
   298 				}
   299 			break;
   300 		case EWriteWriteExif:
   301 			if(iPreserveImage)
   302 				{
   303 				doContinue=DoCopyBlockL(iTrailerOffset, iTrailerBlockSize, EWriteTrailer, iDestIsExif);
   304 				iState=ECopying;
   305 				}
   306 			else
   307 				{
   308 				doContinue=DoCreateMainImageL();
   309 				iCurrentWriteBufferIndex = 0;
   310 				iState=EWriteReadThumbnail;
   311 				}
   312 			break;
   313 		case EWriteTrailer:
   314 			DoWriteComplete();
   315 			iState=EReadComplete;
   316 			break;
   317 		case EWriteReadMainImage:
   318 			doContinue=DoWriteScaledImageL();
   319 			break;
   320 		case ECancelled:
   321 			return;
   322 		case ECopying:
   323 			iState=DoCopyNextBlockL();
   324 			doContinue=ETrue;
   325 			break;
   326 		default:
   327 			break;
   328 		}
   330 	if(doContinue)
   331 		{
   332 		SetActive();
   333 		}
   334 	}
   339 //
   340 //
   341 //
   342 //
   343 //		Readers and writers
   344 //	each performs one step of the process
   347 //
   348 //			Readers
   349 //
   350 void CExifEditUtility::InitReadL()
   351 	{
   352 	iSource->InitL();
   354 	TBool exifFound=EFalse;
   356 	TUint16 jpegMarker=0;
   357 	TUint position=0;
   358 	TUint16 blockSize=0;
   359 	// we want to preserve the image data.
   360 	// so we parse the source file, and isolate the exif metadata
   361 	for(;;)
   362 		{		
   363 		position+=blockSize;
   364 		jpegMarker=KJpgSOISignature;
   365 		User::LeaveIfError(iSource->SetReadPosition(position));
   366 		do
   367 			{
   368 			jpegMarker=iSource->ReadUint16L();	
   369 			position+=sizeof(TUint16);
   370 			}while(jpegMarker==KJpgSOISignature);
   372 		if(jpegMarker==KJpgApp0Signature || jpegMarker==KJpgApp1Signature)
   373 			{
   374 			blockSize=iSource->ReadUint16L();
   375 			position+=sizeof(TUint16);
   376 			if (jpegMarker==KJpgApp1Signature)
   377 				{
   378 				exifFound=ETrue;
   379 				break;					
   380 				}
   381 			}
   382 		else
   383 			{
   384 			break;
   385 			}
   386 		}
   388 	User::LeaveIfError(iSource->Size(iTrailerBlockSize));
   389 	iTrailerOffset=sizeof(KJpgSOISignature);
   390 	if(exifFound)
   391 		{
   392 		// Set our reading parameters
   393 		TUint sizeOfApp1Marker = sizeof(KJpgSOISignature)+sizeof(KJpgMarker);
   394 		if(position <= sizeOfApp1Marker) User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);//source file is corrupted.
   395 		iHeaderBlockSize=position - sizeOfApp1Marker;	
   396 		iExifBlockSize=blockSize;
   397 		iTrailerOffset+=iHeaderBlockSize+blockSize;
   398 		}
   399 	else
   400 		{
   401 		iHeaderBlockSize=sizeof(KJpgSOISignature); 		
   402 		iExifBlockSize=0;
   403 		}
   404 	iTrailerBlockSize-= iTrailerOffset;
   405 	}
   407 //			Readers
   408 //
   409 //
   412 //
   413 //			Writers
   414 //
   415 TBool CExifEditUtility::DoWriteConvertExifL()
   416 	{
   417 	if(iIgnoreExifMetadataProcessing)
   418 		{
   419 		if(iExifBlockSize)
   420 			{
   421 			//copy the EXIF metadata en-block, without parsing it first.
   422 			iSource->ReadL(iHeaderBlockSize, iIOBufferPtr, iExifBlockSize + KBlockSizeLength, iStatus);
   423 			iDestIsExif = ETrue;
   424 			}
   425 		else
   426 			{ // JUMP to next step... no EXIF metadata information, so nothing to ignore.
   427 			if (iConvertToJfif)
   428 				{
   429 				//Create a buffer to hold a default JFIF header
   430 				HBufC8* buffer=HBufC8::NewMaxL(KJfifApp0DataSize+sizeof(KJpgApp0Signature));
   431 				TPtr8 buf(buffer->Des());
   432 				TJpegUtilities::CreateJfifHeader(buf);
   433 				iDest->SetDestBuffer(buffer);// Give iDest ownership of buffer				
   434 				}
   436 			iStatus=KRequestPending;	
   437 			TRequestStatus* reqStat=&iStatus;
   438 			User::RequestComplete(reqStat, KErrNone);
   439 			iDestIsExif = EFalse;
   440 			}
   441 		}
   442 	else
   443 		{	
   444 		TInt err = KErrNone;
   445 		if(iExifBlockSize > 0 || iExifData->IsExifDataModified())
   446 			{
   447 			HBufC8* buffer = NULL;
   449 			UpdateImageSizeTagsL();
   450 			iExifData->CheckUpdateMandatoryTagsL();
   452 			err= iExifData->CreateExifChunk(buffer); // buffer not owned by iExifData
   453 			if (err == KErrNone)
   454 				{
   455 				iDest->SetDestBuffer(buffer); // Give iDest ownership of buffer
   456 				}	
   457 			iExifData->ResetExifDataModified();
   458 			iDestIsExif = ETrue;	
   459 			}
   460 		else
   461 			{
   462 			iDestIsExif = EFalse;
   463 			}
   464 		iStatus=KRequestPending;	
   465 		TRequestStatus* reqStat=&iStatus;
   466 		User::RequestComplete(reqStat, err);	
   467 		}
   468 	return ETrue;	//we continue to the next step
   469 	}
   471 TBool CExifEditUtility::DoWriteReadThumbnailL()
   472 	{
   473 	if(iEncodeThumbnail)
   474 		{
   475 		HBufC8* buffer = iExifData->GetJpegThumbnailData(); // Does not transfer ownership of buffer
   476 		if(buffer==NULL)
   477 			{
   478 			delete iScaledJpegGenerator;
   479 			iScaledJpegGenerator=NULL;
   480 			// we have to generate the thumbnail
   481 			iScaledJpegGenerator=CScaledJpegGenerator::NewL(&iStatus, iSource);
   482 			iScaledJpegGenerator->StartL(TSize(KThumbnailWidth, KThumbnailHeight), CScaledJpegGenerator::EThumbnail);
   483 			}
   484 		else
   485 			{
   486 			iStatus=KRequestPending;
   487 			TRequestStatus* reqStat=&iStatus;
   488 			User::RequestComplete(reqStat, KErrNone);
   489 			}
   490 		}
   491 	else
   492 		{
   493 		iExifData->SetThumbnailData(NULL);
   494 		iStatus=KRequestPending;
   495 		TRequestStatus* reqStat=&iStatus;
   496 		User::RequestComplete(reqStat, KErrNone);
   497 		}
   499 	return ETrue;
   500 	}
   502 TBool CExifEditUtility::DoReadThumbnailL()
   503 	{
   505 	if(iEncodeThumbnail && iScaledJpegGenerator)
   506 		{
   507 		HBufC8* thumb=iScaledJpegGenerator->GetJpegDataL(); // thumb not owned by iScaledJpegGenerator
   508 		delete iScaledJpegGenerator;
   509 		iScaledJpegGenerator=NULL;
   510 		iExifData->SetThumbnailData(thumb); // Give iExifData ownership of thumb
   511 		}
   512 	iStatus=KRequestPending;	
   513 	TRequestStatus* reqStat=&iStatus;
   514 	User::RequestComplete(reqStat, KErrNone);
   515 	return ETrue;
   516 	}
   518 TBool CExifEditUtility::DoCreateMainImageL()
   519 	{
   520 	if(!iScaledJpegGenerator)
   521 		{
   522 		iScaledJpegGenerator=CScaledJpegGenerator::NewL(&iStatus, iSource, iMaintainAspectRatio, 
   523 			CImageDecoder::EOptionIgnoreExifMetaData);
   524 		}
   525 	iScaledJpegGenerator->StartL(iSize, CScaledJpegGenerator::EMainImage);
   526 	return ETrue;
   527 	}
   529 TBool CExifEditUtility::DoWriteScaledImageL()
   530 	{
   531 	HBufC8* buffer = iScaledJpegGenerator->JpegDataBufferL(iCurrentWriteBufferIndex);
   532 	if (buffer)
   533 		{
   534 		iCurrentWriteBufferIndex++;
   535 		iState = EWriteReadMainImage;
   536 		}
   537 	else
   538 		{
   539 		iState = EWriteTrailer;
   540 		}
   541 	iDest->SetDestBuffer(buffer); // Give iDest ownership of buffer
   542 	return DoWriteDestBufferL();
   543 	}
   545 void CExifEditUtility::SetUpTablesL()
   546 	{
   547 	// set up the descriptors that store the combined tables
   549 	iDHTTables.Zero();
   550 	if (iDHTTables.MaxLength() < KDHTTypicalSize)
   551 		{
   552 		iDHTTables.ReAllocL(KDHTTypicalSize);
   553 		}
   554 	iDHTTables.Append(KDhtBlockHeader);	// write the DHT block id and placeholder size
   556 	iDQTTables.Zero();
   557 	if (iDQTTables.MaxLength() < KDQTTypicalSize)
   558 		{
   559 		iDQTTables.ReAllocL(KDQTTypicalSize);
   560 		}
   561 	iDQTTables.Append(KDqtBlockHeader);	// write the DQT block id and placeholder size
   562 	}
   564 void CExifEditUtility::AppendTableDataL(RBuf8& aTables, const TDesC8& aData)
   565 	{
   566 	if (aTables.Length() + aData.Length() > aTables.MaxLength())
   567 		{
   568 		aTables.ReAllocL(aTables.Length() + aData.Length());
   569 		}
   570 	aTables.Append(aData);
   571 	}
   573 TBool CExifEditUtility::DoCopyBlockL(TUint aStart, TInt aLength, TConvertState aNextStep, TBool aCombineTables)
   574 	{
   575 	iCurrentJpegBlockType = KJpegBlockTypeUndefined;
   576 	iCurrentJpegBlockSize = 0;
   578 	TUint bytesToRead = 0;
   579 	if (aCombineTables)
   580 		{
   581 		// EXIF only supports one DHT table and one DQT table (JFIF supports multiple tables)
   582 		// When copying the data, keep track of jpeg blocks and store any DHT and DQT tables
   583 		// Write the combined tables out before the SOS block
   585 		SetUpTablesL();
   587 		iCurCopyState = EReadJpegBlockInfo;
   588 		bytesToRead = KBlockIdAndSizeLength;
   589 		}
   590 	else
   591 		{
   592 		// copy the data in multiples of KIOBlockSize
   593 		iCurCopyState = ERead;				
   594 		bytesToRead = Min(aLength, KIOBlockSize);
   595 		}
   597 	iSource->ReadL(aStart, iIOBufferPtr, bytesToRead, iStatus);
   598 	iNextStep = aNextStep;
   599 	iCopyLength = aLength - bytesToRead;
   600 	return ETrue;	//we continue to the next step
   601 	}
   603 void CExifEditUtility::DoReadL()
   604 	{
   605 	TUint bytesToRead = 0;
   606 	if (iCurrentJpegBlockType == KJpegBlockTypeUndefined)
   607 		{
   608 		// start/continue reading data without tracking jpeg block info
   609 		iCurCopyState = ERead;
   610 		bytesToRead = Min(iCopyLength, KIOBlockSize);
   611 		}
   612 	else if (iCurrentJpegBlockSize == 0)
   613 		{
   614 		// read the next jpeg block's info
   615 		iCurCopyState = EReadJpegBlockInfo;
   616 		bytesToRead = KBlockIdAndSizeLength - iLookupSlackBuff.Length();
   617 		}
   618 	else
   619 		{
   620 		// start/continue reading data from this jpeg block
   621 		iCurCopyState = ERead;
   622 		bytesToRead = Min(iCurrentJpegBlockSize, KIOBlockSize);
   623 		iCurrentJpegBlockSize -= bytesToRead;	// keep track of how much block data is left to read 
   624 		}
   625 	iSource->NextReadL(iIOBufferPtr, bytesToRead, iStatus);
   626 	iCopyLength -= bytesToRead;	
   627 	}
   629 void CExifEditUtility::HandleJpegBlockL(const TDesC8& aPrependedData)
   630 	{
   631 	switch (iCurrentJpegBlockType)
   632 		{
   633 	case KDhtMarkerByte:
   634 	case KDqtMarkerByte:
   635 		DoReadL();
   636 		break;
   637 	case KSosMarkerByte:
   638 		{
   639 		// reached the SOS block so write out the tables
   641 		// calculate the size of the combined DHT table data
   642 		TInt totalSize = iDHTTables.Length() - KBlockIdLength;
   644 		// fill in the size placeholder
   645 		iDHTTables[2] = totalSize >> 8;
   646 		iDHTTables[3] = totalSize & 0xff;
   648 		AppendTableDataL(iDHTTables, iIOBufferPtr);
   650 		// calculate the size of the combined DQT table data
   651 		totalSize = iDQTTables.Length() - KBlockIdLength;
   653 		// fill in the size placeholder
   654 		iDQTTables[2] = totalSize >> 8;
   655 		iDQTTables[3] = totalSize & 0xff;
   657 		AppendTableDataL(iDQTTables, iDHTTables);
   659 		iDest->WriteL(iDQTTables, iDQTTables.Length(), iStatus);
   660 		break;
   661 		}
   662     case (KJpgCommentSignature & 0xFF):
   663 	case (KJpgApp0Signature & 0xFF):
   664         if (iDestIsExif)
   665             {
   666             // According to the EXIF 2.2 spec. we can't have comments
   667             // and shouldn't have APP0, so skip them.
   668 			// APP0 can be skipped entirely using the block length.
   669 			// In case of comment block, crawl slowly, as the comment blocks may be corrupted
   670 			if(iCurrentJpegBlockType == (KJpgApp0Signature & 0xFF))
   671             	{
   672 	            TInt fileSize = 0;
   673 				User::LeaveIfError(iSource->Size(fileSize));
   674 				ASSERT(fileSize > 0);
   675 	            TUint positionAfterCurBlock = fileSize - iCopyLength + iCurrentJpegBlockSize;
   676 	            if(positionAfterCurBlock > fileSize)
   677 	            	{
   678 	            	User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   679 	            	}
   680 				User::LeaveIfError(iSource->SetReadPosition(positionAfterCurBlock));            	
   681             	}
   682             iCurrentJpegBlockType = 0;
   683             iCurrentJpegBlockSize = 0;
   684             DoReadL();
   685             break;	
   686             }	
   687             // if we'are not in EXIF mode fall to default block handling
   688 	default:
   689 	    {
   690  	    TInt len = aPrependedData.Length() +  iIOBufferPtr.Length();
   691  	    if (iTempCopyBuffer.MaxLength() < len)
   692  	    	{
   693  	    	iTempCopyBuffer.ReAllocL(len);
   694  	    	}
   695  	    iTempCopyBuffer = aPrependedData;
   696         iTempCopyBuffer.Append( iIOBufferPtr );
   697         iDest->WriteL(iTempCopyBuffer, len, iStatus);
   698 		break;
   699 		}
   700 	    } // switch
   701 	}
   703 TConvertState CExifEditUtility::DoCopyNextBlockL()
   704 	{
   705 	TConvertState result = ECopying;
   707 	switch (iCurCopyState)
   708 		{
   709 	case EReadJpegBlockInfo:
   710 		{
   711 		iCurCopyState = EWrite;
   713 		// iIOBuffer should contain in order:
   714 		// - the jpeg marker byte (0xff)
   715 		// - the block id byte
   716 		// - the high byte of the block size
   717 		// - the low byte of the block size
   718 		const TText8* dataPtr = iIOBufferPtr.Ptr();
   719 		const TText8* const dataPtrLimit = dataPtr + iIOBufferPtr.Length();
   720 		if (iLookupSlackBuff.Length()==0 ) 
   721 		    {
   722     		while (dataPtr < dataPtrLimit && *dataPtr != KJpegMarkerByte)
   723     		    {
   724     		    dataPtr++;
   725     		    }
   726     		const TInt dataLeft = TUint(dataPtrLimit - dataPtr);
   727     		ASSERT(dataLeft >= 0 );
   728     		if (dataLeft < KBlockIdAndSizeLength) 
   729     		    {
   730     		    if (dataLeft > 0) // some partial marker, take a copy of that data
   731     		        {
   732     		        iLookupSlackBuff.Copy(dataPtr, dataLeft);
   733     		        }
   734     		    DoReadL();   
   735     		    break;
   736     		    }
   738     		// we should have some marker and block length in the buffer
   739 		    iCurrentJpegBlockType = dataPtr[1];
   740 		    iCurrentJpegBlockSize = (dataPtr[2] << 8) + dataPtr[3] - KBlockSizeLength;    		    
   741 		    }
   742 		else    // we have some marker in a slack buffer, so combine it with current data
   743 		    {
   744 		    if (iLookupSlackBuff.Length() + iIOBufferPtr.Length() < KBlockIdAndSizeLength)
   745 		        {
   746 		        User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); // unexpected and of image data
   747 		        }
   748 		    TInt needToAppend = KBlockIdAndSizeLength - iLookupSlackBuff.Length();
   749 		    iLookupSlackBuff.Append( iIOBufferPtr.Left( needToAppend ) );
   750 		    iIOBufferPtr.Shift( needToAppend );
   751 		    iCurrentJpegBlockType = iLookupSlackBuff[1];
   752 		    iCurrentJpegBlockSize = (iLookupSlackBuff[2] << 8) + iLookupSlackBuff[3] - KBlockSizeLength;    		    		    
   753 		    }
   754 		//check validity of the block size
   755 		if(iCurrentJpegBlockSize > iCopyLength)        
   756 			{        
   757 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);        
   758 			}        
   760 		HandleJpegBlockL(iLookupSlackBuff);
   761         iLookupSlackBuff.SetLength( 0 );
   762 		break;
   763 		}
   764 	case ERead:
   765 		{
   766 		iCurCopyState = EWrite;
   768 		switch (iCurrentJpegBlockType)
   769 			{
   770 		case KDhtMarkerByte:
   771 			// store the DHT block data
   772 			AppendTableDataL(iDHTTables, iIOBufferPtr);
   773 			DoReadL();
   774 			break;
   775 		case KDqtMarkerByte:
   776 			// store the DQT block data
   777 			AppendTableDataL(iDQTTables, iIOBufferPtr);
   778 			DoReadL();
   779 			break;
   780 		default:
   781 			iDest->WriteL(iIOBufferPtr, iIOBufferPtr.Length(), iStatus);
   782 			ASSERT(iCopyLength >= 0);
   783 			if (iCopyLength == 0)
   784 				{
   785 				result = iNextStep;
   786 				}
   787 			break;
   788 			}
   790 		break;
   791 		}
   792 	case EWrite:
   793 		{
   794 		if (iCurrentJpegBlockType == KSosMarkerByte)
   795 			{
   796 			iCurrentJpegBlockType = KJpegBlockTypeUndefined;	// tables have been written out, no need to track the jpeg blocks now
   797 			}
   798 		DoReadL();
   799 		break;
   800 		}
   801 	default:
   802 		break;
   803 		}
   805 	return result;
   806 	}
   809 TBool CExifEditUtility::DoWriteComplete()
   810 	{
   811 	iDest->WriteComplete();
   813 	User::RequestComplete(iNotifier, KErrNone);
   814 	return EFalse;	
   815 	}
   818 TBool CExifEditUtility::DoWriteDestBufferL()
   819 	{
   820 	iDest->WriteDestBufferL(iStatus);
   821 	return ETrue;
   822 	}
   823 //			Writers
   824 //
   825 //
   827 //
   828 //		Readers and writers
   829 //	each performs one step of the process
   830 //
   831 //
   832 //
   835 void CExifEditUtility::UpdateImageSizeTagsL()
   836 	{
   837 	if (iPreserveImage)
   838 		{
   839 		if (!iExifData->CheckImageSizeTags())
   840 			{
   841 			TSize destSize;
   842 			// In this case, jpeg data blocks are copied from source to dest, 
   843 			// so we need CImageDecoder to get the size of the image.
   844 			// NOTE: normally image size would be copied from valid Exif source 
   845 			// but this is for the case where that data is missing from the source.
   846 			CImageDecoder* decoder = NULL;
   847 			TRAPD(err, decoder = iSource->CreateImageDecoderL(CImageDecoder::EOptionNone));
   848 			if (err != KErrNone)
   849 				{
   850 				destSize = iSize;
   851 				}
   852 			else
   853 				{
   854 				destSize = decoder->FrameInfo().iFrameCoordsInPixels.Size();
   855 				delete decoder;
   856 				}
   857 			iExifData->UpdateImageSizeTagsL(destSize);
   858 			}
   859 		}
   860 	else
   861 		{
   862 		TSize destSize;
   863 		if (iScaledJpegGenerator) 
   864 			{
   865 			iScaledJpegGenerator->GetScaledImageSize(destSize);
   866 			}
   867 		else
   868 			{
   869 			destSize = iSize;
   870 			}
   871 		iExifData->UpdateImageSizeTagsL(destSize);
   872 		}
   873 	}