changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <fbs.h>
    17 #include "ImageClientMain.h"
    18 #include "ImageUtils.h"
    19 #include "PNGCodec.h"
    21 // Constants.
    22 const TInt KTwipsPerMeter = 56693;
    25 // Helper classes.
    26 // TPngImageInformation
    27 TPngImageInformation::TPngImageInformation()
    28 	{
    29 	iSize.SetSize(0,0);
    30 	iBitDepth = 0;
    31 	iColorType = EGrayscale;
    32 	iCompressionMethod = EDeflateInflate32K;
    33 	iFilterMethod = EAdaptiveFiltering;
    34 	iInterlaceMethod = ENoInterlace;
    35 	iPalettePresent = EFalse;
    37 #if defined(_DEBUG)
    38 	ASSERT(sizeof(TRgb)==sizeof(TUint32)); // ie no new fields
    39 	ASSERT(KPngMaxPLTESize%4==0);
    40 #endif  // defined(_DEBUG)
    42 	TRgb* palette=iPalette;
    43 	TInt i=KPngMaxPLTESize>>2;
    44 	do 
    45 		{
    46 		*palette++ = KRgbBlack;
    47 		*palette++ = KRgbBlack;
    48 		*palette++ = KRgbBlack;
    49 		*palette++ = KRgbBlack;
    50 		} while (--i);
    52 	iBackgroundPresent = EFalse;
    53 	iBackgroundColor = KRgbWhite;
    54 	iPhysicalPresent = EFalse;
    55 	iPhysicalUnits = EUnknownUnits;
    56 	iPhysicalSize.SetSize(0,0);
    57 	iTransparencyPresent = EFalse;
    58 	Mem::Fill(iTransparencyValue,KPngMaxPLTESize,0xff);
    59 	}
    62 // CMdaPngReadCodec
    63 CPngReadCodec::~CPngReadCodec()
    64 	{
    65 	delete iDecoder;
    66 	delete iDecompressor;
    67 	if (iOwnsImageProcessor)
    68 		{
    69 		delete iImageProc;
    70 		}
    71 	if (iOwnsMaskProcessor)
    72 		{
    73 		delete iMaskProc;
    74 		}
    75 	if (iOwnsFastProcessor)
    76 		{
    77 		delete iFastProc;
    78 		}		
    79 	}
    81 CPngReadCodec* CPngReadCodec::NewL(MPngDecoder& aDecoderIFace)
    82 	{
    83 	CPngReadCodec* self = new(ELeave) CPngReadCodec(aDecoderIFace);
    84 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    85 	self->ConstructL();
    86 	CleanupStack::Pop(self); 
    87 	return self;
    88 	}
    91 CPngReadCodec::CPngReadCodec(MPngDecoder& aDecoderIFace):	
    92 	iDecoderIFace(aDecoderIFace), iNewPosition(0), iReadMore(EFalse)
    93 	{
    94 	}
    96 void CPngReadCodec::ConstructL()
    97 	{
    98 	CImageMaskProcessorReadCodec::ConstructL();
    99 	}
   101 void CPngReadCodec::InitFrameL(TFrameInfo& /*aFrameInfo*/, CFrameImageData& /*aFrameImageData*/, TBool aDisableErrorDiffusion, CFbsBitmap& aDestination, CFbsBitmap* aDestinationMask)
   102 	{
   103 	CFbsBitmap& newFrame = aDestination;
   105 	iChunkBytesRemaining = 0;
   106 	iChunkId = KNullDesC8;
   107 	iPreviousChunkReadFailed = EFalse;
   109 	const TSize destinationSize(newFrame.SizeInPixels());
   110 	TInt reductionFactor = ReductionFactor(iImageInfo.iSize, destinationSize);
   112 	TBool fastProcessorMode = EFalse;
   114 	CImageProcessor* imageProc = NULL;
   115 	SetImageProcessor(NULL);
   117 	CImageProcessor* maskProc = NULL;
   118 	SetMaskProcessor(NULL);
   120 	CFastProcessor* fastProc = NULL;
   121 	SetFastProcessor(NULL);
   123 	if (!SkipImageProcessor(aDestination))
   124 		{
   125 		imageProc = ImageProcessorUtility::NewImageProcessorL(newFrame, reductionFactor, ERgb, aDisableErrorDiffusion);
   126 		SetImageProcessor(imageProc);
   127 		imageProc->PrepareL(newFrame,iImageInfo.iSize);
   129 		if ((iImageInfo.iTransparencyPresent || (iImageInfo.iColorType & TPngImageInformation::EAlphaChannelUsed))
   130 			&& aDestinationMask)
   131 			{
   132 			maskProc = ImageProcessorUtility::NewImageProcessorL(*aDestinationMask, iImageInfo.iSize, ERgb, aDisableErrorDiffusion);
   133 			SetMaskProcessor(maskProc);
   134 			maskProc->PrepareL(*aDestinationMask,iImageInfo.iSize);
   135 			// set mask to black so that unknown parts on streamed image are not drawn
   136 			ClearBitmapL(*aDestinationMask, KRgbBlack);
   137 			}
   138 		}
   139 	else
   140 		{
   141 		fastProc = CFastProcessor::NewL(iImageInfo, &aDestination, aDestinationMask, EFalse);
   142 		SetFastProcessor(fastProc);
   143 		fastProcessorMode = ETrue;
   144 		}
   146 	delete iDecoder;
   147 	iDecoder = NULL;
   148 	iDecoder = CPngReadSubCodec::NewL(imageProc,maskProc,iImageInfo, fastProc, fastProcessorMode);
   150 	if (!iDecompressor)
   151 		{
   152 		iDecompressor = CEZDecompressor::NewL(*this);
   153 		}
   154 	else
   155 		{
   156 		iDecompressor->ResetL(*this);
   157 		}
   159 	if (!aDestinationMask)
   160 		{
   161 		// if no mask, clear destination for sensible behaviour on streamed partial images
   162 		TRgb background = iImageInfo.iBackgroundPresent ? iImageInfo.iBackgroundColor : KRgbWhite;
   163 		ClearBitmapL(aDestination, background);
   165 		if (aDestination.DisplayMode() == EColor16MA && iFrameInfo->iFlags & TFrameInfo::ETransparencyPossible)
   166 			{
   167 			iDecoder->SetAlphaMode(ETrue);
   168 			}
   169 		}
   170 	}
   172 void CPngReadCodec::InitFrameHeader(TFrameInfo& aFrameSettings, CFrameImageData& /* aFrameImageData */)
   173 	{
   174 	ASSERT(aFrameSettings.CurrentFrameState() == TFrameInfo::EFrameInfoUninitialised);
   175 	iFrameInfo = &aFrameSettings;
   176 	iFrameInfo->SetCurrentFrameState(TFrameInfo::EFrameInfoProcessingFrameHeader);
   177 	}
   179 TFrameState CPngReadCodec::ProcessFrameHeaderL(TBufPtr8& aData)
   180 	{
   181 	const TUint8* startDataPtr = aData.Ptr();
   182 	const TUint8* dataPtr = startDataPtr;
   183 	const TUint8* dataPtrLimit = startDataPtr + aData.Length();
   186 	if (iFrameInfo->CurrentFrameState() == TFrameInfo::EFrameInfoProcessingFrameHeader)
   187 		{
   188 		if (dataPtr + KPngChunkLengthSize + KPngChunkIdSize + KPngIHDRChunkSize + KPngChunkCRCSize > dataPtrLimit)
   189 			User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
   191 		TInt chunkLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc(dataPtr);
   192 		TPtrC8 chunkId(dataPtr,KPngChunkIdSize);
   194 		if (chunkLength != KPngIHDRChunkSize || chunkId != KPngIHDRChunkId)
   195 			User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   197 		dataPtr += KPngChunkIdSize;
   199 		DoProcessIHDRL(dataPtr,chunkLength);
   201 		dataPtr += KPngIHDRChunkSize + KPngChunkCRCSize;
   202 		}
   204 	//When there is not enough buffer to read the chunk length and chunk id,
   205 	//the input buffer is not increased, the decoder will not be able to read more data,
   206 	//the test will stuck in infinite loop.
   207 	//To break the infinite loop, here it checkes whether it's reading the same data as last time,
   208 	//if so, leaves.	
   209 	if ((iPreviousDataPos == iNewPosition) && (iPreviousDataLength == aData.Length()))
   210 		{
   211 		User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
   212 		}
   214 	TRAPD(err, DoProcessInfoL(dataPtr, dataPtrLimit));
   216 	iPreviousDataPos = iNewPosition;
   217 	iPreviousDataLength = aData.Length();
   219 	if (err != KErrNone)
   220 		{
   221 		if (err == KErrNotFound)
   222 			return EFrameComplete;
   223 		User::Leave(err); // A real error occured
   224 		}
   225 	if(iReadMore)
   226 		{
   227 		iReadMore = EFalse;
   228 		iNewPosition += dataPtr - startDataPtr;
   229 		return EFrameIncompleteRepositionRequest;
   230 		}
   231 	aData.Shift(dataPtr - startDataPtr);
   233 	iFrameInfo->iFrameCoordsInPixels.SetRect(TPoint(0,0),iImageInfo.iSize);
   234 	iFrameInfo->iOverallSizeInPixels = iImageInfo.iSize;
   235 	if (iImageInfo.iPhysicalPresent && iImageInfo.iPhysicalUnits == TPngImageInformation::EMeters)
   236 		iFrameInfo->iFrameSizeInTwips = iImageInfo.iPhysicalSize;
   237 	else
   238 		iFrameInfo->iFrameSizeInTwips.SetSize(0,0);
   240 	iFrameInfo->iBitsPerPixel = iImageInfo.iBitDepth;
   241 	if (iImageInfo.iColorType & TPngImageInformation::EColorUsed 
   242 		 && iImageInfo.iColorType != TPngImageInformation::EIndexedColor)
   243 		iFrameInfo->iBitsPerPixel *= 3;
   245 	iFrameInfo->iDelay = 0;
   246 	iFrameInfo->iFlags = TFrameInfo::ECanDither;
   248 	if (iImageInfo.iColorType & (TPngImageInformation::EPaletteUsed | TPngImageInformation::EColorUsed))
   249 		iFrameInfo->iFlags |= TFrameInfo::EColor;
   251 	if (iImageInfo.iColorType & TPngImageInformation::EAlphaChannelUsed)
   252 		{
   253 		iFrameInfo->iFlags |= TFrameInfo::ETransparencyPossible;
   254 		iFrameInfo->iFlags |= TFrameInfo::EAlphaChannel;
   255 		}
   256 	else if (iImageInfo.iTransparencyPresent)
   257 		iFrameInfo->iFlags |= TFrameInfo::ETransparencyPossible;
   259 	const TInt bitsPerPixel = iFrameInfo->iBitsPerPixel;
   260 	// the best mode for colour-indexed images is 16m
   261 	if (iImageInfo.iColorType == TPngImageInformation::EIndexedColor)
   262 		iFrameInfo->iFrameDisplayMode = EColor16M;
   263 	else if(bitsPerPixel == 1)
   264 		iFrameInfo->iFrameDisplayMode = EGray2;
   265 	else if(bitsPerPixel == 2)
   266 		iFrameInfo->iFrameDisplayMode = EGray4;
   267 	else if((bitsPerPixel > 2)&&(bitsPerPixel <= 4))
   268 		iFrameInfo->iFrameDisplayMode = EGray16;
   269 	else if((bitsPerPixel > 4)&&(bitsPerPixel <= 8))
   270 		iFrameInfo->iFrameDisplayMode = EGray256;
   271 	else if((bitsPerPixel > 8)&&(bitsPerPixel <= 12))
   272 		iFrameInfo->iFrameDisplayMode = EColor4K;
   273 	else if((bitsPerPixel > 8) && (!(iFrameInfo->iFlags & TFrameInfo::EColor)))
   274 		iFrameInfo->iFrameDisplayMode = EGray256;
   275 	else if((bitsPerPixel > 12)&&(bitsPerPixel <= 16))
   276 		iFrameInfo->iFrameDisplayMode = EColor64K;
   277 	else if((bitsPerPixel > 16)&&(bitsPerPixel <= 48))
   278 		iFrameInfo->iFrameDisplayMode = EColor16M;
   279 	else
   280 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   283 	if (iImageInfo.iBackgroundPresent)
   284 		iFrameInfo->iBackgroundColor = iImageInfo.iBackgroundColor;
   286 	iFrameInfo->SetCurrentFrameState(TFrameInfo::EFrameInfoProcessingComplete);
   287 	return EFrameComplete;
   288 	}
   290 TFrameState CPngReadCodec::ProcessFrameL(TBufPtr8& aSrc)
   291 	{
   292 	CImageProcessor*const imageProc = ImageProcessor();
   293 	CImageProcessor*const maskProc = MaskProcessor();
   296 	TUint8* startDataPtr = CONST_CAST(TUint8*,aSrc.Ptr());
   297 	TUint8* dataPtr = startDataPtr;
   298 	const TUint8* dataPtrLimit = dataPtr + aSrc.Length();
   299 	TBool chunkReadFailed = EFalse;
   300 	while (dataPtr < dataPtrLimit)
   301 		{
   302 		if (iChunkBytesRemaining == 0)
   303 			{
   304 			if (iChunkId != KNullDesC8)
   305 				{
   306 				// this is not the first chunk - need to skip the previous chunk's CRC
   307 				// as well as reading this chunk's length and id
   308 				if (dataPtr + KPngChunkCRCSize + KPngChunkLengthSize + KPngChunkIdSize > dataPtrLimit)
   309 					{
   310 					// not enough data
   311 					chunkReadFailed = ETrue;
   312 					break;
   313 					}
   315 				dataPtr += KPngChunkCRCSize;
   316 				}
   317 			else
   318 				{				
   319 				if (dataPtr + KPngChunkLengthSize + KPngChunkIdSize > dataPtrLimit)
   320 					{
   321 					// not enough data
   322 					break;
   323 					}
   324 				}
   326 			// read the current chunk's length and id
   327 			iChunkBytesRemaining = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc(const_cast<const TUint8*&>(dataPtr));
   329 			if(iChunkBytesRemaining < 0 )
   330 			    {
   331 			    User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   332 			    }
   334 			iChunkId = TPtr8(dataPtr,KPngChunkIdSize,KPngChunkIdSize);
   335 			dataPtr += KPngChunkIdSize;
   336 			}
   338 		if (iChunkId == KPngIDATChunkId)
   339 			{
   340 			if(SetupProcessData(aSrc, dataPtr, const_cast<const TUint8*&>(dataPtr), dataPtrLimit))
   341 				iDecoderIFace.GoToProcessDataState();
   342 			break;
   343 			}
   344 		else if (iChunkId == KPngIENDChunkId)
   345 			{
   346 			iDecompressor->InflateL();
   347 			if (imageProc)
   348 				{
   349 				imageProc->FlushPixels();	
   350 				}
   351 			if (maskProc)
   352 				{
   353 				maskProc->FlushPixels();	
   354 				}
   355 			return EFrameComplete;
   356 			}
   357 		else // Skip other chunks
   358 			{
   359 			TInt bytesLeft = dataPtrLimit - dataPtr;
   360 			if (bytesLeft >= iChunkBytesRemaining)
   361 				{
   362 				dataPtr += iChunkBytesRemaining;
   363 				iChunkBytesRemaining = 0;
   364 				}
   365 			else
   366 				{
   367 				dataPtr += bytesLeft;
   368 				iChunkBytesRemaining -= bytesLeft;
   369 				}
   370 			}
   371 		}
   373 	// allow decode of png files with missing IEND chunks
   374 	if (!iMissingiENDChunkFail && chunkReadFailed && iPreviousChunkReadFailed)
   375 		{
   376 		// we're completely out of data but have finished a whole chunk
   377 		// try to decode the image
   378 		TBool moreDataNeeded = EFalse;
   379 		TRAPD(err, moreDataNeeded = iDecompressor->InflateL());
   380 		if ((err == KErrNone) && !moreDataNeeded)
   381 			{
   382 			if(imageProc)
   383 				{
   384 			 	imageProc->FlushPixels();
   385 				}			
   386 			if (maskProc)
   387 				{
   388 				maskProc->FlushPixels();
   389 				}
   391 			return EFrameComplete;
   392 			}
   393 		}
   394 	iPreviousChunkReadFailed = chunkReadFailed;
   396 	aSrc.Shift(dataPtr - startDataPtr);
   397 	return EFrameIncomplete;
   398 	}
   400 void CPngReadCodec::DoProcessInfoL(const TUint8*& aDataPtr,const TUint8* aDataPtrLimit)
   401 	{
   402 	FOREVER
   403 		{
   404 		if (aDataPtr + KPngChunkLengthSize + KPngChunkIdSize > aDataPtrLimit) // Check there is enough data to read the chunk length
   405 			{
   406 			iNewPosition = 0 ;
   407 			iFrameInfo->SetCurrentFrameState(TFrameInfo::EFrameInfoProcessingFrame);
   408 			iReadMore = ETrue;
   409 			return;
   410 			}
   411 		TInt chunkLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc(aDataPtr);
   412 		TPtrC8 chunkId (&aDataPtr[0],KPngChunkIdSize);
   414 		if (chunkId == KPngIDATChunkId)
   415 			{
   416 			aDataPtr -= KPngChunkLengthSize; // Rewind to start of chunkLength
   417 			break;
   418 			}
   420 		if (aDataPtr + KPngChunkIdSize + chunkLength + KPngChunkCRCSize > aDataPtrLimit
   421 			 || chunkLength < 0) // Check there is enough data to read the whole chunk
   422 			{
   423 			if (	chunkId == KPngPLTEChunkId || chunkId == KPngbKGDChunkId ||
   424 					chunkId == KPngpHYsChunkId || chunkId == KPngtRNSChunkId )
   425 				{
   426 				aDataPtr -= KPngChunkLengthSize; // Rewind to start of chunkLength
   427 				User::Leave(chunkLength < 0 ? KErrCorrupt : KErrUnderflow);
   428 				}
   429 			iNewPosition = KPngChunkIdSize + chunkLength + KPngChunkCRCSize;
   430 			iFrameInfo->SetCurrentFrameState(TFrameInfo::EFrameInfoProcessingFrame);
   431 			iReadMore = ETrue;
   432 			return;
   433 			}
   435 		aDataPtr += KPngChunkIdSize;
   437 		if (chunkId == KPngPLTEChunkId)
   438 			DoProcessPLTEL(aDataPtr,chunkLength);
   439 		else if (chunkId == KPngbKGDChunkId)
   440 			DoProcessbKGDL(aDataPtr,chunkLength);
   441 		else if (chunkId == KPngpHYsChunkId)
   442 			DoProcesspHYsL(aDataPtr,chunkLength);
   443 		else if (chunkId == KPngtRNSChunkId)
   444 			DoProcesstRNSL(aDataPtr,chunkLength);
   445 		else if (chunkId == KPngIHDRChunkId || chunkId == KPngIENDChunkId)
   446 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   448 		aDataPtr += chunkLength;
   449 		PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc(aDataPtr); // Skip crc value
   450 		}
   451 	}
   453 void CPngReadCodec::DoProcessIHDRL(const TUint8* aDataPtr,TInt aChunkLength)
   454 	{
   455 	if (aChunkLength != KPngIHDRChunkSize)
   456 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   458 	iImageInfo.iSize.iWidth = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc(aDataPtr);
   459 	iImageInfo.iSize.iHeight = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc(aDataPtr);
   460 	iImageInfo.iBitDepth = aDataPtr[0];
   461 	iImageInfo.iColorType = TPngImageInformation::TColorType(aDataPtr[1]);
   462 	iImageInfo.iCompressionMethod = TPngImageInformation::TCompressionMethod(aDataPtr[2]);
   463 	iImageInfo.iFilterMethod = TPngImageInformation::TFilterMethod(aDataPtr[3]);
   464 	iImageInfo.iInterlaceMethod = TPngImageInformation::TInterlaceMethod(aDataPtr[4]);
   466 	// Check is one of the PNG formats we support
   467 	if (iImageInfo.iSize.iWidth < 1 || iImageInfo.iSize.iHeight < 1
   468 		|| iImageInfo.iCompressionMethod != TPngImageInformation::EDeflateInflate32K
   469 		|| iImageInfo.iFilterMethod != TPngImageInformation::EAdaptiveFiltering
   470 		|| (iImageInfo.iInterlaceMethod != TPngImageInformation::ENoInterlace &&
   471 		iImageInfo.iInterlaceMethod != TPngImageInformation::EAdam7Interlace))
   472 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   474 	/*
   475 		Check if color type and bit depths are valid. 
   476 		PNG image type		Color type		Allowed bit depths
   477 		--------------      -----------     ------------------
   478 		Greyscale				0				1, 2, 4, 8, 16
   479 		Truecolour				2				8, 16
   480 		Indexed-colour			3				1, 2, 4, 8
   481 		Greyscale with alpha	4				8, 16
   482 		Truecolour with alpha	6				8, 16
   484 		  (See
   485 	*/
   486 	switch(iImageInfo.iColorType)
   487 		{
   488 		case TPngImageInformation::EGrayscale: // 0
   489 			{
   490 				if (! (iImageInfo.iBitDepth == 1 
   491 					|| iImageInfo.iBitDepth == 2 
   492 					|| iImageInfo.iBitDepth == 4
   493 					|| iImageInfo.iBitDepth == 8 
   494 					|| iImageInfo.iBitDepth == 16))
   495 				{
   496 					User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); // Invalid bit depth for color type 0
   497 				}
   498 			}
   499 			break;
   500 		case TPngImageInformation::EDirectColor: // 2
   501 		case TPngImageInformation::EAlphaGrayscale: // 4
   502 		case TPngImageInformation::EAlphaDirectColor: // 6
   503 			{
   504 				if (! (iImageInfo.iBitDepth == 8 
   505 					|| iImageInfo.iBitDepth == 16))
   506 				{
   507 					User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); // Invalid bit depth for color type 2 or 4 or 6
   508 				}
   509 			}
   510 			break;
   511 		case TPngImageInformation::EIndexedColor: //3
   512 			{
   513 				if (! (iImageInfo.iBitDepth == 1 
   514 					|| iImageInfo.iBitDepth == 2 
   515 					|| iImageInfo.iBitDepth == 4
   516 					|| iImageInfo.iBitDepth == 8))
   517 				{
   518 					User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); // Invalid bit depth for color type 3
   519 				}
   520 			}
   521 			break;
   522 		default: // Invalid color depth.
   523 			{
   524 				User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   525 			}
   526 		}
   527 	}
   529 void CPngReadCodec::DoProcessPLTEL(const TUint8* aDataPtr,TInt aChunkLength)
   530 	{
   531 	const TInt paletteEntries = aChunkLength / 3;
   533 	if ((aChunkLength % 3 != 0)||(paletteEntries > KPngMaxPLTESize))
   534 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   536 	iImageInfo.iPalettePresent = ETrue;
   538 	const TUint8* dataPtrLimit = aDataPtr + aChunkLength;
   539 	TRgb* palettePtr = iImageInfo.iPalette;
   541 	while (aDataPtr < dataPtrLimit)
   542 		{
   543 		*palettePtr++ = TRgb(aDataPtr[0],aDataPtr[1],aDataPtr[2]);
   544 		aDataPtr += 3;
   545 		}
   546 	}
   548 void CPngReadCodec::DoProcessbKGDL(const TUint8* aDataPtr,TInt aChunkLength)
   549 	{
   550 	iImageInfo.iBackgroundPresent = ETrue;
   551 	if (iImageInfo.iColorType == TPngImageInformation::EIndexedColor) // 3
   552 		{
   553 		if (aChunkLength < 1)
   554 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   556 		iImageInfo.iBackgroundColor = iImageInfo.iPalette[aDataPtr[0]];
   557 		}
   558 	else if (iImageInfo.iColorType & TPngImageInformation::EColorUsed) // 2 & 6
   559 		{
   560 		if (aChunkLength < 6)
   561 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   563 		TInt red = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16(&aDataPtr[0]);
   564 		TInt green = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16(&aDataPtr[2]);
   565 		TInt blue = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16(&aDataPtr[4]);
   567 		//Allow negative shift on 48 bpp images
   568 		TInt offset = 8-iImageInfo.iBitDepth;
   569 		if(offset > 0)
   570 			{
   571 			red <<= offset;
   572 			green <<= offset;
   573 			blue <<= offset;
   574 			}
   575 		else
   576 			{
   577 			offset = -offset;
   578 			red >>= offset;
   579 			green >>= offset;
   580 			blue >>= offset;
   581 			}
   583 		iImageInfo.iBackgroundColor = TRgb(red,green,blue);
   584 		}
   585 	else
   586 		{
   587 		// Monochome images (iColorType 0 & 4)
   588 		ASSERT((iImageInfo.iColorType == TPngImageInformation::EGrayscale) || (iImageInfo.iColorType == TPngImageInformation::EAlphaGrayscale));
   589 		if (aChunkLength < 2)
   590 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   592 		TInt grayLevel = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16(aDataPtr);
   593 		switch (iImageInfo.iBitDepth)
   594 			{
   595 			case 16:
   596 				grayLevel >>= 8;
   597 				iImageInfo.iBackgroundColor = TRgb::Gray256(grayLevel);
   598 				break;
   600 			case 8:
   601 				iImageInfo.iBackgroundColor = TRgb::Gray256(grayLevel);
   602 				break;
   604 			case 4:
   605 				iImageInfo.iBackgroundColor = TRgb::Gray16(grayLevel);
   606 				break;
   608 			case 2:
   609 				iImageInfo.iBackgroundColor = TRgb::Gray4(grayLevel);
   610 				break;
   612 			case 1:
   613 				iImageInfo.iBackgroundColor = TRgb::Gray2(grayLevel);
   614 				break;
   616 			default:
   617 				ASSERT(0);
   618 			}
   619 		}
   620 	}
   622 void CPngReadCodec::DoProcesspHYsL(const TUint8* aDataPtr,TInt aChunkLength)
   623 	{
   624 	if (aChunkLength != KPngpHYsChunkSize)
   625 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   627 	iImageInfo.iPhysicalUnits = TPngImageInformation::TPhysicalUnits(aDataPtr[8]);
   629 	if (iImageInfo.iPhysicalUnits == TPngImageInformation::EMeters)
   630 		{
   631 		iImageInfo.iPhysicalPresent = ETrue;
   633 		TInt horzPixelsPerMeter = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc(aDataPtr);
   634 		TInt vertPixelsPerMeter = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc(aDataPtr);
   636 		if (horzPixelsPerMeter > 0)
   637 			iImageInfo.iPhysicalSize.iWidth = iImageInfo.iSize.iWidth * KTwipsPerMeter / horzPixelsPerMeter;
   638 		if (vertPixelsPerMeter > 0)
   639 			iImageInfo.iPhysicalSize.iHeight = iImageInfo.iSize.iHeight * KTwipsPerMeter / vertPixelsPerMeter;
   640 		}
   641 	}
   643 void CPngReadCodec::DoProcesstRNSL(const TUint8* aDataPtr,TInt aChunkLength)
   644 	{
   645 	iImageInfo.iTransparencyPresent = ETrue;
   647 	if (iImageInfo.iColorType == TPngImageInformation::EIndexedColor) // 3
   648 		{
   649 #if defined(_DEBUG)
   650 	ASSERT(sizeof(iImageInfo.iTransparencyValue)>sizeof(TAny*)); // ie it is not an allocated ptr.
   651 #endif  // defined
   652 		if (aChunkLength < 1 || TInt(sizeof(iImageInfo.iTransparencyValue)) < aChunkLength)
   653 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   655 		Mem::Copy(iImageInfo.iTransparencyValue,aDataPtr,aChunkLength);
   656 		}
   657 	else if (iImageInfo.iColorType == TPngImageInformation::EGrayscale) // 0
   658 		{
   659 		if (aChunkLength < 2)
   660 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   662 		iImageInfo.iTransparentGray = TUint16((aDataPtr[0] << 8) | aDataPtr[1]);
   663 		}
   664 	else if (iImageInfo.iColorType == TPngImageInformation::EDirectColor) // 2
   665 		{
   666 		if (aChunkLength < 6)
   667 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   669 		iImageInfo.iTransparentRed = TUint16((aDataPtr[0] << 8) | aDataPtr[1]);
   670 		iImageInfo.iTransparentGreen = TUint16((aDataPtr[2] << 8) | aDataPtr[3]);
   671 		iImageInfo.iTransparentBlue = TUint16((aDataPtr[4] << 8) | aDataPtr[5]);
   672 		}
   673 	}
   675 TBool CPngReadCodec::SetupProcessData(TBufPtr8& aSrc,
   676 									 TUint8* aStartDataPtr,
   677 									 const TUint8*& aDataPtr,
   678 									 const TUint8* aDataPtrLimit)
   679 	{
   680 	iSavedSrc = &aSrc;
   681 	iStartDataPtr = aStartDataPtr;
   682 	TInt bytesToProcess = Min(aDataPtrLimit - aDataPtr,iChunkBytesRemaining);
   683 	if(bytesToProcess<=0)
   684 		return EFalse;
   685 	iDataPtr = aDataPtr;
   686 	iDataDes.Set(aDataPtr,bytesToProcess);
   687 	iDecompressor->SetInput(iDataDes);
   688 	return ETrue;
   689 	}
   691 const TInt KInflateLimit=4; // max times we try to Inflate on each call
   693 TBool CPngReadCodec::DoProcessDataL()
   694 	{	
   695 	TInt bytesToProcess = iDataDes.Length(); // we stored this in SetupProcessData()
   696 	ASSERT(bytesToProcess>0);
   697 	TBool result = EFalse;
   698 	TBool callAgain = ETrue;
   699 	for (TInt count = 0; count < KInflateLimit &&
   700 						 callAgain &&
   701 						 iDecompressor->AvailIn() != 0; count++)
   702 		{
   703 		callAgain = iDecompressor->InflateL();
   704 		}
   706 	const TInt availData = iDecompressor->AvailIn();
   707 	if (!availData)
   708 		{
   709 		// Run out of data, get next buffer
   710 		iPreviousChunkReadFailed = ETrue;
   711 		result = ETrue;
   713 		// Advance the buffer
   714 		iDataPtr += bytesToProcess - availData;
   715 		iChunkBytesRemaining -= bytesToProcess - availData;
   716 		iSavedSrc->Shift(iDataPtr - iStartDataPtr);
   717 		}
   718 	return result;
   719 	}
   721 void CPngReadCodec::InitializeL(CEZZStream& aZStream)
   722 	{
   723 	aZStream.SetOutput(iDecoder->FirstBuffer());
   724 	}
   726 void CPngReadCodec::NeedInputL(CEZZStream& /*aZStream*/)
   727 	{
   728 	}
   730 void CPngReadCodec::NeedOutputL(CEZZStream& aZStream)
   731 	{
   732 	aZStream.SetOutput(iDecoder->DecodeL());
   733 	}
   735 void CPngReadCodec::FinalizeL(CEZZStream& aZStream)
   736 	{
   737 	TPtrC8 buffer(aZStream.OutputDescriptor());
   738 	if(buffer.Length())
   739 		iDecoder->DecodeL();
   740 	}
   741 void CPngReadCodec::GetNewDataPosition(TInt& aPosition, TInt&  /*aLength*/ )
   742 	{
   743 	aPosition += iNewPosition;
   744 	}
   746 void CPngReadCodec::SetMissingiENDChunkFail(TBool aValue)
   747 	{
   748 	iMissingiENDChunkFail = aValue;
   749 	}
   751 //Checks if Image processor is to be used or skipped. Returns ETrue if ImageProcessor is to be ignored.
   752 TBool CPngReadCodec::SkipImageProcessor(CFbsBitmap& aDestination)
   753 	{
   754 	TBool skipImgProc = EFalse;
   756 	// If the image is interlaced, has transparency or is required to be scaled, then use the generic image processors
   757 	if(iImageInfo.iInterlaceMethod != TPngImageInformation::ENoInterlace || iImageInfo.iTransparencyPresent || aDestination.SizeInPixels().iWidth != iImageInfo.iSize.iWidth || aDestination.SizeInPixels().iHeight != iImageInfo.iSize.iHeight)
   758 		{
   759 		return EFalse;
   760 		}
   762 	TDisplayMode mode = aDestination.DisplayMode();
   763 	// Skip ImageProcessor only when decoding 24 or 32 bpp images
   764 	switch (iImageInfo.iBitDepth)
   765 		{
   766 		case 8:
   767 			switch (iImageInfo.iColorType)
   768 				{
   769 				case TPngImageInformation::EDirectColor:
   770 					if(EColor16MAP == mode || EColor16MA == mode || EColor16MU == mode || EColor16M == mode)
   771 						{
   772 						skipImgProc = ETrue;	
   773 						}
   774 					break;
   775 				case TPngImageInformation::EAlphaDirectColor:
   776 					if(EColor16MAP == mode || EColor16MA == mode || EColor16MU == mode)
   777 						{
   778 						skipImgProc = ETrue;	
   779 						}
   780 					break;			
   781 				default:
   782 					break;
   783 				}
   784 			break;
   785 		default:
   786 			break;
   787 		}
   789 	return skipImgProc;
   790 	}
   792 // CPngWriteCodec
   793 CPngWriteCodec::CPngWriteCodec(CPngEncoder& aPlugin, TInt aBpp, TBool aColor, TBool aPaletted, TInt aCompressionLevel):
   794 	iCompressionLevel(aCompressionLevel),
   795 	iCompressorPtr(NULL, 0),
   796 	iPlugin(aPlugin)
   797 	{
   798 	// Set bpp
   799 	iImageInfo.iBitsPerPixel = aBpp;
   800 	switch (aBpp)
   801 		{
   802 		case 1:
   803 			iImageInfo.iBitDepth = 1;
   804 			break;
   805 		case 2:
   806 			iImageInfo.iBitDepth = 2;
   807 			break;
   808 		case 4:
   809 			iImageInfo.iBitDepth = 4;
   810 			break;
   811 		case 8:
   812 		case 24:
   813 			iImageInfo.iBitDepth = 8;
   814 			break;
   815 		default:
   816 			break;
   817 		}
   819 	// Set color type
   820 	if (aColor && aPaletted)
   821 		iImageInfo.iColorType = TPngImageInformation::EIndexedColor;
   822 	else if (aColor)
   823 		iImageInfo.iColorType = TPngImageInformation::EDirectColor;
   824 	else
   825 		iImageInfo.iColorType = TPngImageInformation::EGrayscale;
   826 	}
   828 CPngWriteCodec::~CPngWriteCodec()
   829 	{
   830 	delete iCompressor;
   831 	delete iEncoder;
   832 	}
   834 CPngWriteCodec* CPngWriteCodec::NewL(CPngEncoder& aPlugin, TInt aBpp, TBool aColor, TBool aPaletted, TInt aCompressionLevel)
   835 {
   836 	CPngWriteCodec* self = new(ELeave) CPngWriteCodec(aPlugin, aBpp, aColor, aPaletted, aCompressionLevel);
   837 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   838 	self->ConstructL();
   839 	CleanupStack::Pop(self); 
   840 	return self;
   841 }
   845 // from CImageWriteCodec
   846 void CPngWriteCodec::InitFrameL(TBufPtr8& aDst, const CFbsBitmap& aSource)
   847 	{
   848 	if (aDst.Length() == 0)
   849 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);	// Not enough length for anything
   851 	SetSource(&aSource);
   852 	iDestStartPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>(aDst.Ptr());
   853 	iDestPtr = iDestStartPtr;
   854 	iDestPtrLimit = iDestPtr + aDst.MaxLength();
   856 	// Set image information
   857 	const SEpocBitmapHeader& header = aSource.Header();
   858 	iImageInfo.iSize = header.iSizeInPixels;
   860 	switch (iImageInfo.iBitDepth)
   861 		{
   862 		case 1:
   863 		case 2:
   864 		case 4:
   865 			if (iImageInfo.iColorType == TPngImageInformation::EDirectColor)
   866 				{
   867 				// Bit depths 1, 2 and 4 don't support RGB colour (color mode 2)
   868 				// Must use paletted colour or greyscale
   869 				User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   870 				break;
   871 				}
   872 			// fall through to case 8
   873 		case 8:
   874 			break;
   875 		default:
   876 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);	// unsupported bit depth
   877 			break;
   878 		}
   880 	iImageInfo.iCompressionMethod = TPngImageInformation::EDeflateInflate32K;
   881 	iImageInfo.iFilterMethod = TPngImageInformation::EAdaptiveFiltering;
   882 	iImageInfo.iInterlaceMethod = TPngImageInformation::ENoInterlace;
   884 	// Create encoder
   885 	if (iEncoder)
   886 		{
   887 		delete iEncoder;
   888 		iEncoder = NULL;
   889 		}
   890 	iEncoder = CPngWriteSubCodec::NewL(iImageInfo, &aSource);
   892 	// Create compressor
   893 	if (iCompressor)
   894 		{
   895 		delete iCompressor;
   896 		iCompressor = NULL;
   897 		}
   898 	iCompressor = CEZCompressor::NewL(*this, iCompressionLevel);
   900 	// Initial encoder state
   901 	if (iImageInfo.iColorType == TPngImageInformation::EIndexedColor)
   902 		iEncoderState = EPngWritePLTE;	
   903 	else
   904 		iEncoderState = EPngInit;
   905 	iCallAgain = ETrue;		// to make sure we call DeflateL
   907 	// Write header
   908 	User::LeaveIfError(WriteHeaderChunk(aDst));
   909 	}
   911 TFrameState CPngWriteCodec::ProcessFrameL(TBufPtr8& aDst)
   912 	{
   913 	if (aDst.MaxLength() == 0)
   914 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);	// Not enough length for anything
   916 	TFrameState state = EFrameIncomplete;
   917 	iDestStartPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>(aDst.Ptr());
   918 	iDestPtr = iDestStartPtr;
   919 	iDestPtrLimit = iDestPtr + aDst.MaxLength();
   921 	// Set return buffer length to 0 initially
   922 	aDst.SetLength(0);
   924 	while (aDst.Length() == 0 && state != EFrameComplete)
   925 		{
   926 		// Loop round until we have some data to return or
   927 		// the image is encoded
   928 		switch (iEncoderState)
   929 			{
   930 			case EPngWritePLTE:
   931 				WritePLTEChunk(aDst);
   932 				break;
   933 			case EPngInit:
   934 				InitializeCompressorL(aDst);
   935 				ASSERT(iEncoderState==EPngDeflate);
   936 				break;
   937 			case EPngDeflate:
   938 			    SetCompressorOutputL(aDst);
   939 				iPlugin.GoToProcessDataState();
   940 				return state;
   941 			case EPngWriteIDAT:
   942 				WriteIDATChunk(aDst);
   943 				ASSERT(iEncoderState==EPngDeflate || iEncoderState==EPngEndChunk);
   944 				break;
   945 			case EPngEndChunk:
   946 				WriteEndChunk(aDst);
   947 				state = EFrameComplete;
   948 				break;
   949 			default:
   950 				ASSERT(EFalse);
   951 				break;
   952 			}
   953 		}
   955 	return state;
   956 	}
   958 void CPngWriteCodec::SetCompressorOutputL(TBufPtr8& aDst)
   959     {
   960 	// Set ptr for compressed data
   961 	const TInt dataLength = aDst.MaxLength() - KPngChunkLengthSize - KPngChunkIdSize - KPngChunkCRCSize;
   963 	if(dataLength <= 0)
   964 	    {
   965 	    // this effectively means that framework is broken
   966 	    // and can't provide encoder with sufficiently big buffer
   967 	    ASSERT( EFalse );
   968 	    User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   969 	    }
   971 	iCompressorPtr.Set(iDestPtr + KPngChunkIdSize + KPngChunkLengthSize, dataLength, dataLength);    
   972 	iCompressor->SetOutput(iCompressorPtr);
   973     }
   975 void CPngWriteCodec::InitializeCompressorL(TBufPtr8& aDst)
   976 	{
   977 	// Initialise input/output for compressor
   978 	iCompressor->SetInput(iEncoder->EncodeL(iScanline));
   980 	SetCompressorOutputL(aDst);
   981     iScanline++;
   982 	iEncoderState = EPngDeflate;
   983 	}
   985 TBool CPngWriteCodec::DeflateEncodedDataL()
   986 	{
   987 	ASSERT(iCallAgain);
   988 	iCallAgain = iCompressor->DeflateL();
   989 	//finished when NeedOutputL() or FinalizeL() change the state to EPngWriteIDAT
   990 	ASSERT(iEncoderState==EPngDeflate || iEncoderState==EPngWriteIDAT);
   991 	return(iEncoderState!=EPngDeflate);
   992 	}
   994 void CPngWriteCodec::WritePLTEChunk(TBufPtr8& aDst)
   995 	{
   996 	ASSERT(iEncoder->Palette() &&
   997 		   (iImageInfo.iColorType == TPngImageInformation::EIndexedColor ||
   998 		    iImageInfo.iColorType == TPngImageInformation::EDirectColor ||
   999 		    iImageInfo.iColorType == TPngImageInformation::EAlphaDirectColor));	// allowed color types for PLTE chunk
  1001 	// Get palette entries
  1002 	CPalette* palette = iEncoder->Palette();
  1003 	ASSERT(palette);
  1004 	const TInt count = palette->Entries();
  1005 	TUint8* ptr = iDestPtr + KPngChunkIdSize + KPngChunkLengthSize;
  1006 	TInt length = count * 3;
  1007 	TPtr8 data(ptr, length, length);
  1008 	for (TInt i=0; i < count; i++)
  1009 		{
  1010 		TRgb rgb = palette->GetEntry(i);
  1011 		*ptr = TUint8(rgb.Red());
  1012 		ptr++;
  1013 		*ptr = TUint8(rgb.Green());
  1014 		ptr++;
  1015 		*ptr = TUint8(rgb.Blue());
  1016 		ptr++;
  1017 		}
  1018 	// Write PLTE chunk
  1019 	WritePngChunk(iDestPtr, KPngPLTEChunkId, data, length);
  1020 	ASSERT(length % 3 == 0);	// length must be divisible by 3
  1021 	aDst.SetLength(length);
  1022 	iEncoderState = EPngInit;
  1023 	}
  1025 void CPngWriteCodec::WriteIDATChunk(TBufPtr8& aDst)
  1026 	{
  1027 	TPtrC8 ptr(iCompressor->OutputDescriptor());
  1028 	if (ptr.Length())
  1029 		{
  1030 		TInt length = 0;
  1031 		WritePngChunk(iDestPtr, KPngIDATChunkId, ptr, length);
  1032 		aDst.SetLength(length);
  1034 		// New output can write to the same compressor ptr
  1035 		iCompressor->SetOutput(iCompressorPtr);
  1036 		}
  1038 	if (iCallAgain)
  1039 		iEncoderState = EPngDeflate;
  1040 	else
  1041 		iEncoderState = EPngEndChunk;
  1042 	}
  1044 void CPngWriteCodec::WriteEndChunk(TBufPtr8& aDst)
  1045 	{
  1046 	// Write IEND chunk
  1047 	TInt length = 0;
  1048 	WritePngChunk(iDestPtr, KPngIENDChunkId, KNullDesC8, length);
  1049 	aDst.SetLength(length);
  1050 	}
  1052 TInt CPngWriteCodec::WriteHeaderChunk(TBufPtr8& aDst)
  1053 	{
  1054 	// Write signature
  1055 	Mem::Copy(iDestPtr, &KPngSignature[0], KPngFileSignatureLength);
  1056 	iDestPtr += KPngFileSignatureLength;
  1058 	// Write IHDR chunk
  1059 	TBuf8<KPngIHDRChunkSize> buffer;
  1060 	TUint8* ptr = const_cast<TUint8*>(buffer.Ptr());
  1061 	// Set length of data
  1062 	buffer.SetLength(KPngIHDRChunkSize);
  1063 	// Chunk data
  1064 	// width (4 bytes)
  1065 	if ((iImageInfo.iSize.iWidth == 0) ||
  1066 		(static_cast<TUint>(iImageInfo.iSize.iWidth) > KPngMaxImageSize))
  1067 		{
  1068 		return KErrArgument;	// invalid width
  1069 		}
  1070 	PtrWriteUtil::WriteBigEndianInt32(ptr, iImageInfo.iSize.iWidth);
  1071 	ptr += 4;
  1072 	// height (4 bytes)
  1073 	if ((iImageInfo.iSize.iHeight == 0) ||
  1074 		(static_cast<TUint>(iImageInfo.iSize.iHeight) > KPngMaxImageSize))
  1075 		{
  1076 		return KErrArgument;	// invalid height
  1077 		}
  1078 	PtrWriteUtil::WriteBigEndianInt32(ptr, iImageInfo.iSize.iHeight);
  1079 	ptr += 4;
  1080 	// bit depth (1 byte)
  1081 	PtrWriteUtil::WriteInt8(ptr, iImageInfo.iBitDepth);
  1082 	ptr++;
  1083 	// colour type (1 byte)
  1084 	PtrWriteUtil::WriteInt8(ptr, iImageInfo.iColorType);
  1085 	ptr++;
  1086 	// compression method (1 byte)
  1087 	PtrWriteUtil::WriteInt8(ptr, iImageInfo.iCompressionMethod);
  1088 	ptr++;
  1089 	// filter method (1 byte)
  1090 	PtrWriteUtil::WriteInt8(ptr, iImageInfo.iFilterMethod);
  1091 	ptr++;
  1092 	// interlace method (1 byte)
  1093 	PtrWriteUtil::WriteInt8(ptr, iImageInfo.iInterlaceMethod);
  1094 	ptr++;
  1096 	TInt length = 0;
  1097 	WritePngChunk(iDestPtr, KPngIHDRChunkId, buffer, length);
  1098 	aDst.SetLength(KPngFileSignatureLength + length);
  1100 	return KErrNone;
  1101 	}
  1103 void CPngWriteCodec::WritePngChunk(TUint8*& aDestPtr, const TDesC8& aChunkId, const TDesC8& aData, TInt& aLength)
  1104 	{
  1105 	// Chunk length (4 bytes)
  1106 	PtrWriteUtil::WriteBigEndianInt32(aDestPtr, aData.Length());
  1107 	aDestPtr += KPngChunkLengthSize;
  1108 	TUint8* crcPtr = aDestPtr;	// start position for calculating CRC
  1109 	// Chunk type (4 bytes)
  1110 	Mem::Copy(aDestPtr, aChunkId.Ptr(), KPngChunkIdSize);
  1111 	aDestPtr += KPngChunkIdSize;
  1112 	// Chunk data (0...n bytes)
  1113 	Mem::Copy(aDestPtr, aData.Ptr(), aData.Length());
  1114 	aDestPtr += aData.Length();
  1115 	// CRC (4 bytes)
  1116 	TUint32 crc = KPngCrcMask;
  1117 	GetCrc(crc, crcPtr, KPngChunkIdSize + aData.Length());
  1118 	crc ^= KPngCrcMask;
  1119 	PtrWriteUtil::WriteBigEndianInt32(aDestPtr, crc);
  1120 	aDestPtr += KPngChunkCRCSize;
  1121 	// Length of chunk
  1122 	aLength = KPngChunkLengthSize + KPngChunkIdSize + aData.Length() + KPngChunkCRCSize;
  1123 	}
  1125 // from MEZBufferManager
  1126 void CPngWriteCodec::InitializeL(CEZZStream& /*aZStream*/)
  1127 	{
  1128 	}
  1130 void CPngWriteCodec::NeedInputL(CEZZStream& aZStream)
  1131 	{
  1132 	// Give compressor more data from encoder
  1133 	aZStream.SetInput(iEncoder->EncodeL(iScanline));
  1134 	if (iCompressor->AvailIn() != 0)
  1135 		iScanline++;
  1136 	}
  1138 void CPngWriteCodec::NeedOutputL(CEZZStream& /*aZStream*/)
  1139 	{
  1140 	// Signal to write an IDAT chunk
  1141 	iEncoderState = EPngWriteIDAT;
  1142 	}
  1144 void CPngWriteCodec::FinalizeL(CEZZStream& /*aZStream*/)
  1145 	{
  1146 	// Signal to write an IDAT chunk
  1147 	iEncoderState = EPngWriteIDAT;
  1148 	}
  1150 // New functions
  1151 void CPngWriteCodec::GetCrc(TUint32& aCrc, const TUint8* aPtr, const TInt aLength)
  1152 	{
  1153 	if (!iCrcTableCalculated)
  1154 		CalcCrcTable();
  1155 	TUint32 code = aCrc;
  1156 	for (TInt i=0; i < aLength; i++)
  1157 		code = iCrcTable[(code ^ aPtr[i]) & 0xff] ^ (code >> 8);
  1158 	aCrc = code;
  1159 	}
  1161 void CPngWriteCodec::CalcCrcTable()
  1162 	{
  1163 	for (TInt i=0; i < KPngCrcTableLength; i++)
  1164 		{
  1165 		TUint32 code = static_cast<TUint32>(i);
  1167 		for (TInt j = 0; j < 8; j++)
  1168 			{
  1169 			if (code & 1)
  1170 				code = 0xedb88320 ^ (code >> 1);
  1171 			else
  1172 				code = code >> 1;
  1173 			}
  1174 		iCrcTable[i] = code;
  1175 		}
  1176 	iCrcTableCalculated = ETrue;
  1177 	}