changeset 0 40261b775718
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     1 // Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef __TIFFCODEC_H__
    17 #define __TIFFCODEC_H__
    19 #include <bitdev.h>
    20 #include <icl/imageprocessor.h>
    21 #include <icl/imagecodec.h>
    22 #include <icl/imagecodecdata.h>
    24 #include "TIFFConvert.h"
    25 #include "../recordtable.h"
    27 // Constants.
    28 const TInt KTiffIfdEntryTagOffset = 0;
    29 const TInt KTiffIfdEntryTypeOffset = 2;
    30 const TInt KTiffIfdEntryCountOffset = 4;
    31 const TInt KTiffIfdEntryValueOffset = 8;
    32 const TInt KTiffIfdEntryLength = 12;
    34 // Helper classes.
    35 // TTiffImageStrip
    36 class TTiffImageStrip
    37 	{
    38 public:
    39 	TInt	iOffset;
    40 	TInt	iLength;
    41 	};
    43 // Tiff Image File Directory (IFD) class
    44 class TTiffIfdEntry
    45 	{
    46 public:
    47 	enum TId
    48 		{
    49 		ENewSubfileType = 0xFE,
    50 		ESubfileType = 0xFF,
    51 		EImageWidth = 0x100,
    52 		EImageLength = 0x101,
    53 		EBitsPerSample = 0x102,
    54 		ECompression = 0x103,
    55 		EPhotometricInterpretation = 0x106,
    56 		EFillOrder = 0x10A,
    57 		EStripOffsets = 0x111,
    58 		ESamplesPerPixel = 0x115,
    59 		ERowsPerStrip = 0x116,
    60 		EStripByteCounts = 0x117,
    61 		EXResolution = 0x11a,
    62 		EYResolution = 0x11b,
    63 		ET4Options = 0x124,
    64 		ET6Options = 0x125,
    65 		EResolutionUnit = 0x128,
    66 		};
    67 	enum TType
    68 		{
    69 		EByte = 1,
    70 		EAscii = 2,
    71 		EShort = 3,
    72 		ELong = 4,
    73 		ERational = 5,
    74 		ESbyte = 6,
    75 		EUndefined = 7,
    76 		ESshort = 8,
    77 		ESlong = 9,
    78 		ESrational = 10,
    79 		EFloat = 11,
    80 		EDouble = 12,
    81 		};
    82 	enum TT4Options
    83 		{
    84 		ET4TwoDimentionalCoding = 0x1,
    85 		ET4ContainsUncompressedData = 0x2,
    86 		ET4ContainsPaddedEols = 0x4
    87 		};
    88 	enum TT6Options
    89 		{
    90 		ET6ContainsUncompressedData = 0x2,
    91 		};
    92 	enum TCompression
    93 		{
    94 		EUncompressed = 1,
    95 		ECcitt1dCompression = 2,
    96 		EGroup3FaxCompression = 3,
    97 		EGroup4FaxCompression = 4,
    98 		ELzwCompression = 5,
    99 		EJpegCompression = 6,
   100 		EPackBitsCompression = 32773,
   101 		};
   102 	enum TPhotometricInterpretation
   103 		{
   104 		EWhiteIsZero = 0,
   105 		EBlackIsZero = 1,
   106 		ERgb = 2,
   107 		ERgbPalette = 3,
   108 		ETransparencyMask = 4,
   109 		ECmyk = 5,
   110 		EYCbCr = 6,
   111 		ECieLab = 8,
   112 		};
   113 public:
   114 	TInt	TypeSize() const;
   115 public:
   116 	TId		iId;
   117 	TType	iType;
   118 	TInt	iCount;
   119 	TUint32	iValue;
   120 	TUint8*	iValuePtr;
   121 	};
   124 // Read codec.
   125 class CTiffDecoder;
   126 class CTiffReadSubCodec : public CBase
   127 	{
   128 public:
   129 	virtual void	DoNewFrameL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, TBool aDisableErrorDiffusion, TInt aReductionFactor) = 0;
   130 	virtual void	NewStripL(TInt aNumBytes) = 0;
   131 	virtual TBool	ProcessStripL(TBufPtr8* aSrc) = 0;
   132 	};
   134 class CTiffReadCodec : public CImageReadCodec
   135 	{
   136 public:
   138 	static CTiffReadCodec* NewL(TTiffFormatInfo aFormatInfo, CTiffDecoder& aPlugin);
   140 	// from CImageReadCodec
   141 	virtual void InitFrameL(TFrameInfo& aFrameInfo, CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData, TBool aDisableErrorDiffusion, CFbsBitmap& aDestination, CFbsBitmap* aDestinationMask);
   142 	virtual void InitFrameHeader(TFrameInfo& aFrameSettings, CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData);
   144 	TFrameState ProcessFrameHeaderL(TBufPtr8& aData);
   145 	TFrameState ProcessFrameL(TBufPtr8& aSrc);
   146 	void GetNewDataPosition(TInt& aPosition, TInt& aLength);
   148 protected:
   149 	~CTiffReadCodec();
   151 private:
   152 	CTiffReadCodec(TTiffFormatInfo aFormatInfo, CTiffDecoder& aPlugin);
   155 private:
   156 	TInt	ReadIfdL(const TUint8*& aPtr,const TUint8* aPtrLimit, TInt& aIfdLengthInBytes);
   157 	void	ReadIfdEntryL(TTiffIfdEntry& aEntry,const TUint8*const aPtr);
   158 	TInt	ReadLongValuesL(const TUint8*& aPtr, const TUint8*const aPtrLimit);
   159 	void	ProcessIfdL();
   160 	void	ProcessIfdEntryL(const TTiffIfdEntry& aEntry);
   161 	TInt	IntegerIfdEntryValueL(const TTiffIfdEntry& aEntry) const;
   162 	TInt	IntegerIfdEntryValueL(const TTiffIfdEntry& aEntry,TInt aIndex) const;
   163 	TReal	RationalIfdEntryValueL(const TTiffIfdEntry& aEntry) const;
   164 	void	NewStripL();
   165 private:
   166 	enum TProcessHeaderState
   167 		{
   168 		EReadIfd,
   169 		EReadLongValues,
   170 		EProcessIfd,
   171 		EFinish
   172 		};
   173 private:
   174 	// Local frame settings.
   175 	TFrameInfo *iImageInfo;
   176 	CFrameImageData *iImageData;
   178 	TTiffImageData* iFrameImageData;
   179 	TTiffImageData* iTiffImageData;
   180 	TTiffImageStrip* iStripInfo;
   182 	TInt				iNewPosition;
   184 	TTiffFormatInfo		iFormatInfo;
   185 	TTiffValueReader	iValueReader;
   186 	TInt				iNextIfdOffset;
   188 	TProcessHeaderState	iProcessHeaderState;
   190 	HBufC8*				iIfdBuffer;
   191 	TTiffIfdEntry*		iIfdEntries;
   192 	TInt				iNumIfdEntries;
   194 	HBufC8*				iLongValuesBuffer;
   195 	TUint8*				iLongValues;
   196 	TInt				iLongValuesSize;
   197 	TInt				iLoadedLongValuesSize;
   198 	TInt				iLongValuesStartOffset;
   199 	TInt				iLongValuesEndOffset;
   201 	TBool				iNewStrip;
   202 	TInt				iCurrentStrip;
   204 	CTiffReadSubCodec*	iDecoder;
   205 	CTiffDecoder& 		iPlugin;
   206 	TInt				iIfdOffset;
   207 	TInt				iIfdSize;
   208 	CRecordTable*		iRecordTable;
   209 	};
   211 #endif // __TIFFCODEC_H__