changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef C3GPLIBRARY_H
    17 #define C3GPLIBRARY_H
    19 #include <f32file.h>
    20 #include <f32file64.h>
    21 #include <caf/content.h>
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    23 #include <3gplibrary/mp4lib.h>
    25 /**
    26 Error code for C3GPParse API
    28 3GP Parser requires more data before the requested information can be retrieved
    29 */
    30 const TInt KErr3gpLibMoreDataRequired = (-12300);
    32 class M3GPParseCallback;
    34 /** 
    35 File format to use when composing a file.
    36 @publishedPartner
    37 @released
    38 */
    39 enum T3GPFileFormatType
    40 	{
    41 	/** 3GP file format. */
    42 	E3GP3GP,
    43 	/** MPEG-4 file format. */
    44 	E3GPMP4,
    45 	/** 3GPP2 file format. */
    46 	E3GP3G2
    47 	};
    49 /** 
    50 Optional flags to be used when composing a file.
    51 @publishedPartner
    52 @released
    53 */
    54 enum T3GPComposeFlag
    55 	{
    56 	/** Default value. No special setup. */
    57 	E3GPNoFlag = 0x0000,
    58 	/** Metadata is placed at end of file. */
    59 	E3GPMetaDataLast = 0x0001,
    60 	/** Collect metadata in files instead of storing it in memory. */
    61 	E3GPLongClip = 0x0002, 
    62 	};
    64 /** 
    65 Type of stream contained in the file.
    66 @publishedPartner
    67 @released
    68 */
    69 enum T3GPFrameType
    70 	{
    71 	/** Frame contains audio data. */
    72 	E3GPAudio,
    73 	/** Frame contains video data. */
    74 	E3GPVideo
    75 	};
    77 /** 
    78 Type of video stream contained in the file. 
    79 @publishedPartner
    80 @released
    81 */
    82 enum T3GPVideoType
    83 	{
    84 	/** No Video */
    85 	E3GPNoVideo,
    86 	/** MPEG-4 video (MPEG-4 Part 2) - Simple and Advance Simple Profiles */
    87 	E3GPMpeg4Video, 
    88 	/** H263 Profile 0  */
    89 	E3GPH263Profile0, 
    90 	/** H263 Profile 3 */
    91 	E3GPH263Profile3,
    92 	/** AVC (also known as H.264) Baseline Profile */               
    93 	E3GPAvcProfileBaseline,
    94 	/** AVC (also known as H.264) Main Profile */               
    95     E3GPAvcProfileMain,
    96     /** AVC (also known as H.264) Extended Profile */               
    97     E3GPAvcProfileExtended,
    98     /** AVC (also known as H.264) High Profile */               
    99     E3GPAvcProfileHigh
   100 	};
   103 /** 
   104 Type of audio stream contained in the file.
   105 @publishedPartner
   106 @released
   107 */
   108 enum T3GPAudioType
   109 	{
   110 	/** No audio */
   111 	E3GPNoAudio,
   112 	/** MPEG-4 audio (MPEG-4 Part 3) */
   113 	E3GPMpeg4Audio,
   114 	/** AMR NB */
   115 	E3GPAmrNB,   
   116 	/** AMR WB */   
   117 	E3GPAmrWB,
   118 	/** QCELP 13K */
   119 	E3GPQcelp13K
   120 	};
   123 /** 
   124 Location of the user data in the file.
   125 @publishedPartner
   126 @released
   127 */
   128 enum T3GPUdtaLocation
   129 	{
   130 	/** User data resides within the Movie Box. */
   131 	E3GPUdtaMoov,
   132 	/** User data resides within the Track Box for video. */
   133 	E3GPUdtaVideoTrak,
   134 	/** User data resides within the Track Box for audio. */
   135 	E3GPUdtaAudioTrak
   136 	};	
   138 /** 
   139 Storage method of QCELP audio stream. 
   140 @publishedPartner
   141 @released
   142 */
   143 enum T3GPQcelpStorageMode
   144 	{
   145 	/** QCELP Sample Entry ('sqcp') box is used for the storage of QCELP media data. */
   146 	E3GPQcelpSampleEntryBox,
   147 	/** MP4 Audio Sample Entry ('esds') box is used for the storage of QCELP media data. */
   148 	E3GPMP4AudioDescriptionBox	
   149 	};	
   151 /** 
   152 Define the dependency information between video frames.
   153 @publishedPartner
   154 @released
   155 */
   156 enum T3GPVideoFrameDependency
   157 	{
   158 	/** The dependency of this sample is unknown or the dependency of other 
   159 	samples on this sample is unknown. */
   160 	E3GPDependencyUnknown = 0,
   161 	/** This sample does depend on others or other samples depend on this sample. */
   162 	E3GPDependencyExists,
   163 	/** This sample does not depend on others or no other sample depends on this sample. */
   164 	E3GPDependencyNone,
   165 	};	
   167 /** 
   168 Define the existence of redundant coding in a frame.
   169 @publishedPartner
   170 @released
   171 */
   172 enum T3GPVideoFrameRedundancy
   173 	{
   174 	/** It is unknown whether there is redundant coding in this sample. */
   175 	E3GPRedundancyUnknown = 0,
   176 	/** There is redundant coding in this sample. */
   177 	E3GPRedundancyExists,
   178 	/** There is no redundant coding in this sample. */
   179 	E3GPRedundancyNone,
   180 	};		
   182 /** 
   183 Structure containing a frame's dependency information.
   184 @publishedPartner
   185 @released
   186 */
   187 NONSHARABLE_STRUCT(T3GPFrameDependencies)
   188 	{
   189 	/** Defines the current frame’s dependency.  It can be defined as an I-frame 
   190 	(E3GPDependencyNone), not an I-frame (E3GPDependencyExists), or dependency 
   191 	unknown (E3GPDependencyUnknown).  See T3GPVideoFrameDependency.
   192 	*/
   193 	T3GPVideoFrameDependency iDependsOn;
   194 	/** Defines the dependency of other frames on this frame. It can be defined as a disposable 
   195 	frame (E3GPDependencyNone), non-disposable (E3GPDependencyExists), or dependency unknown 
   196 	(E3GPDependencyUnknown).  See T3GPVideoFrameDependency.
   197 	*/
   198 	T3GPVideoFrameDependency iIsDependedOn;
   199 	/** Defines the existence of redundant coding in this frame.  See T3GPVideoFrameRedundancy. */
   200 	T3GPVideoFrameRedundancy iHasRedundancy;
   201 	};
   203 /** 
   204 Structure containing video frame properties.
   205 @publishedPartner
   206 @released
   207 */
   208 NONSHARABLE_STRUCT(T3GPFrameInfoParameters)
   209 	{
   210 	/** Frame size. */
   211 	TUint32 iSize;
   212 	/** Frame start time. */
   213 	TUint32 iStartTime;
   214 	/** ETrue if frame is an intra or random access point. */
   215 	TBool iIsRandomAccessPoint;
   216 	};
   218 /**
   219 This class should not be used directly.  It stores common properties amongst all supported 
   220 types of video data. 
   222 Note: iTimescale should be chosen so that the duration of each sample is an integer.  It should also 
   223 be chosen so that the duration of the presentation fits into 32 bits.
   225 @publishedPartner
   226 @released
   227 */	
   228 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPVideoPropertiesBase)
   229 	{	
   230 protected:
   231 	/**
   232  	@internalTechnology
   233  	*/
   234 	T3GPVideoPropertiesBase(T3GPVideoType aType, TUint aTimescale, const TSize& aSize);
   235 public:
   236 	/** Type of video stream contained in the file. */
   237 	T3GPVideoType iType;
   238 	/** Timescale of the video data.  This is the number of time units that pass in one second. */
   239 	TUint iTimescale;
   240 	/** Video width and height in pixels */
   241 	TSize iSize;	
   242 	};
   244 /** 
   245 This structure stores the common and MPEG-4 video specific properties of video data
   246 @publishedPartner
   247 @released
   248 */
   249 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPVideoPropertiesMpeg4Video) : public T3GPVideoPropertiesBase
   250 	{
   251 public:
   252 	IMPORT_C T3GPVideoPropertiesMpeg4Video(TUint aTimescale, const TSize& aSize, TUint aMaxBitRate, TUint aAvgBitRate, const TDesC8& aDecoderSpecificInfo);
   253 public:
   254 	/** Maximum video bit rate */
   255 	TUint iMaxBitRate;
   256 	/** Average video bit rate */
   257 	TUint iAvgBitRate;	
   258 	/** MPEG-4 video decoder specific info data stored in an ESDS atom */
   259 	const TDesC8& iDecoderSpecificInfo;
   260 	};
   262 /** 
   263 This structure stores the common and H.263 specific properties of video data 
   264 @publishedPartner
   265 @released
   266 */
   267 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPVideoPropertiesH263) : public T3GPVideoPropertiesBase
   268 	{
   269 public:
   270 	enum TProfile { EProfile0, EProfile3 };
   272 public:
   273 	IMPORT_C T3GPVideoPropertiesH263(TUint aTimescale, const TSize& aSize, TInt aVideoLevel, TProfile aProfile);	
   274 public:
   275 	/** Indicates the H263 video level. */
   276 	TInt iVideoLevel;
   277 	};
   279 /** 
   280 This structure stores the common and AVC-specific properties of video data. 
   281 @publishedPartner
   282 @released
   283 */
   284 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPVideoPropertiesAvc) : public T3GPVideoPropertiesBase
   285 	{
   286 public:
   287 	IMPORT_C T3GPVideoPropertiesAvc(TUint aTimescale, const TSize& aSize, const TDesC8& aDecoderSpecificInfo);	
   288 public:
   289 	/** AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord data that will be stored in the avcC atom. */
   290 	const TDesC8& iDecoderSpecificInfo;
   291 	};
   293 /** 
   294 This class should not be used directly.  This structure stores common properties amongst all supported types of audio data 
   295 @publishedPartner
   296 @released
   297 */
   298 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPAudioPropertiesBase)
   299 	{
   300 protected:
   301 	/**
   302  	@internalTechnology
   303  	*/
   304 	T3GPAudioPropertiesBase(T3GPAudioType aType, TUint aTimescale, TInt aFramesPerSample);
   305 public:
   306 	/** Type of audio stream contained in the file */
   307 	T3GPAudioType iType;
   308 	/** Timescale of the audio data.  This is the number of time units that pass in one second.  It 
   309 	 must be smaller than 65536. */
   310 	TUint iTimescale;
   311 	/** Frames per sample.  It must be smaller than 512. MPEG-4 audio has a fixed value of 1. */
   312 	TInt iFramesPerSample;
   313 	};
   315 /** 
   316 This structure stores the common and MPEG-4 audio specific properties of audio data 
   317 @publishedPartner
   318 @released
   319 */
   320 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPAudioPropertiesMpeg4Audio) : public T3GPAudioPropertiesBase
   321 	{
   322 public:
   323 	IMPORT_C T3GPAudioPropertiesMpeg4Audio(TUint aTimescale, const TDesC8& aDecoderSpecificInfo);
   324 public:
   325 	/** MPEG-4 audio decoder specific info data stored in an ESDS atom */
   326 	const TDesC8& iDecoderSpecificInfo;	
   327 	};
   329 /** 
   330 This structure stores the common and AMR specific properties of audio data 
   331 @publishedPartner
   332 @released
   333 */
   334 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPAudioPropertiesAmr) : public T3GPAudioPropertiesBase
   335 	{
   336 public:
   337 	enum TSpeechCodec{ EAmrWB, EAmrNB };
   339 public:
   340 	IMPORT_C T3GPAudioPropertiesAmr(TUint aTimescale, TInt aFramesPerSample, TInt aModeSet, TSpeechCodec aCodec);
   341 public:	
   342 	/** AMR mode set. */
   343 	TInt iModeSet;
   344 	};
   346 /** 
   347 This structure stores the common and Qcelp specific properties of audio data 
   348 @publishedPartner
   349 @released
   350 */
   351 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(T3GPAudioPropertiesQcelp) : public T3GPAudioPropertiesBase
   352 	{
   353 public:
   354 	IMPORT_C T3GPAudioPropertiesQcelp(TUint aTimescale, TInt aFramesPerSample, const TDesC8& aDecoderSpecificInfo);
   355 	IMPORT_C T3GPAudioPropertiesQcelp(TUint aTimescale, TInt aFramesPerSample);
   356 public:	
   357 	/** Specifies the mode to store QCELP audio data.
   358 	In 3G2 files, QCELP can be registered to be stored in two ways:
   359 	- Use QCELP Sample Entry (‘sqcp’) Box.  This is the default mode.
   360 	- Use MPEG4 Audio Sample Description (‘esds’) Box.  If this mode is selected, decoder specific info should be supplied.
   361 	See T3GPQcelpStorageMode. */
   362 	T3GPQcelpStorageMode iMode;	
   363 	/** MPEG-4 audio decoder specific info data stored in an ESDS atom.
   364 	If this is provided as an input parameter, the storage mode is automatically set to MPEG4 Audio 
   365 	Sample Description Box mode	 */
   366 	const TDesC8& iDecoderSpecificInfo;
   367 	};
   369 /** 
   370 @publishedPartner
   371 @released
   373 The 3GP composer accepts H.263 /H.264 / MPEG-4 / AVC video, and AMR / MPEG-4 AAC / QCELP 
   374 audio as input to create a 3GP / 3G2 / MP4 file. 
   375 */
   376 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(C3GPCompose) : public CBase
   377 	{
   378 public:
   379 	IMPORT_C static C3GPCompose* NewL();
   380 	IMPORT_C static C3GPCompose* NewL(TInt aMediaWriteBufferSize, TInt aWriteBufferMaxCount);	
   381 	IMPORT_C ~C3GPCompose();
   383 	IMPORT_C TInt Open(T3GPFileFormatType aFileFormat, const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo, const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio, const TDesC& aFilename, TUint aFlags = E3GPNoFlag);	
   384 	IMPORT_C TInt Open(T3GPFileFormatType aFileFormat, const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo, const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio, RFile& aFile, TUint aFlags = E3GPNoFlag);
   385 	IMPORT_C TInt Open(T3GPFileFormatType aFileFormat, const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo, const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio, RFile64& aFile, TUint aFlags = E3GPNoFlag);
   386 	IMPORT_C TInt WriteVideoFrame(const TDesC8& aBuffer, TUint aDuration, TBool aKeyFrame);	
   387 	IMPORT_C TInt WriteVideoFrame(const TDesC8& aBuffer, TUint aDuration, TBool aKeyFrame, const T3GPFrameDependencies& aDependencies);
   388 	IMPORT_C TInt WriteAudioFrames(const TDesC8& aBuffer, TUint aDuration);
   389 	IMPORT_C TInt SetUserData(T3GPUdtaLocation aLocation, const TDesC8& aBuffer);     	
   390 	IMPORT_C TInt Complete();
   391 private:
   392 	C3GPCompose(TInt aMediaWriteBufferSize = 0, TInt aWriteBufferMaxCount = 0);
   394 	TInt SymbianOSError(MP4Err aError);
   395 	mp4_u32 Mp4Type(const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo, const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio);
   396 	TInt SetComposeProperties(const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo, const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio, T3GPFileFormatType aFileFormat, TUint aFlag);
   397 	TInt SetMPeg4VideoProperties(const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo);
   398 	TInt SetAvcVideoProperties(const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo);
   399 	TInt SetH263VideoProperties(const T3GPVideoPropertiesBase* aVideo);
   400 	TInt SetMpeg4AudioProperties(const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio);
   401 	TInt SetAmrAudioProperties(const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio);
   402 	TInt SetQcelpAudioProperties(const T3GPAudioPropertiesBase* aAudio);
   403 	TInt SetComposeFlag(T3GPFileFormatType aFileFormat, TUint aFlag);
   404 	void Reset();
   405 	static void Panic(TInt aPanic);
   406 private:
   407 	MP4Handle iHandler;
   408 	TInt iMediaWriteBufferSize;
   409 	TInt iWriteBufferMaxCount;
   410 	TBool iHasVideo;
   411 	TBool iHasAudio;
   412 	TBool iDuplicateFileHandleCreated;
   413 	RFile64 iFile;
   414 	};
   417 /**
   418 The Parser provides APIs to parse 3GP, 3G2 and MP4 contents (from a file, a CAF object, or given 
   419 through memory buffer), containing H.263/MPEG-4/H.264 video and AMR/MPEG-4/QCELP audio.
   420 @publishedPartner
   421 @released
   422 */
   423 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(C3GPParse) : public CBase, public M3GPMP4LibAsyncObserver
   424 	{
   425 public:
   426 	IMPORT_C static C3GPParse* NewL();
   427 	IMPORT_C static C3GPParse* NewL(TInt aReadBufferSize);
   428 	IMPORT_C ~C3GPParse();
   430 	IMPORT_C TInt Open();
   431 	IMPORT_C TInt Open(const TDesC& aFilename);
   432 	IMPORT_C TInt Open(const RFile& aFile);
   433 	IMPORT_C TInt Open(const RFile64& aFile);
   434 	IMPORT_C TInt Open(const ContentAccess::CData& aData);
   435 	IMPORT_C TInt InsertData(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
   436 	IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoProperties(T3GPVideoType& aType, TUint& aLength, TReal& aFrameRate, TUint& aAvgBitRate, TSize& aSize, TUint& aTimeScale) const;
   437 	IMPORT_C TInt GetAudioProperties(T3GPAudioType& aType, TUint& aLength, TInt& aFramesPerSample, TUint& aAvgBitRate, TUint& aTimeScale) const;
   438 	IMPORT_C TInt GetContainerProperties(TUint& aSize, TUint& aAvgBitRate) const;
   439 	IMPORT_C TInt GetNumBufferedBytes(TInt& aNum) const;
   440 	IMPORT_C TInt GetFrameType(T3GPFrameType& aType) const;
   441 	IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoFrameSize(TUint& aSize) const;
   442 	IMPORT_C TInt GetAudioFramesSize(TUint& aSize) const;	
   443 	IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoDecoderSpecificInfoSize(TInt& aSize) const;
   444 	IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoDecoderSpecificInfo(TDes8& aInfo) const;
   445 	IMPORT_C TInt GetAudioDecoderSpecificInfoSize(TInt& aSize) const;
   446 	IMPORT_C TInt GetAudioDecoderSpecificInfo(TDes8& aBuffer) const;
   447 	IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoTimestamp(TUint& aTimeStampInMs, TUint& aTimeStampInTimescale) const;
   448 	IMPORT_C TInt GetStreamable(TBool& aStreamable) const;
   449 	IMPORT_C TInt Seek(TUint aPosition, TBool aKeyFrame, TUint& aAudioPosition, TUint& aVideoPosition) const;	
   450 	IMPORT_C TInt GetFrameAvailability(T3GPFrameType aType, TBool& aAvailable) const;	
   451 	IMPORT_C TInt GetNumberOfVideoFrames(TUint& aNum) const;
   452 	IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoSampleEntryIndex(TUint& aIndex) const;
   453 	IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoFrameSize(TUint aIndex, TUint& aSize) const;
   454 	IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoFrameStartTime(TUint aIndex, TUint& aTimeStampInMs, TUint& aTimeStampInTimescale) const;	
   455 	IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoFrameKeyType(TUint aIndex, TBool& aKeyFrame) const;
   456 	IMPORT_C TInt GetAudioSampleEntryIndex(TUint& aIndex) const;	
   457 	IMPORT_C TInt GetQcelpStorageMode(T3GPQcelpStorageMode& aMode) const;
   458 	IMPORT_C TInt GetH263VideoLevel(TInt& aLevel) const;
   459 	IMPORT_C TInt GetUserDataAtomSize(TUint32 aType, T3GPUdtaLocation aLocation, TUint& aAtomIndex, TInt& aSize) const;
   460 	IMPORT_C TInt GetUserDataAtom(TUint32 aType, T3GPUdtaLocation aLocation, TDes8& aBuffer, TUint& aAtomIndex) const;
   461 	IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoFrameDependencies(T3GPFrameDependencies& aDependencies) const;
   462 	IMPORT_C TInt GetVideoFrameProperties(TUint aStartIndex, TUint aNumberOfFrames, RArray<T3GPFrameInfoParameters>& aArray) const;	
   463 	IMPORT_C TInt ReadVideoFrame(TDes8& aBuffer, TBool& aKeyFrame, TUint& aTimeStampInMs, TUint& aTimeStampInTimescale) const;	
   464 	IMPORT_C void ReadVideoFrame(M3GPParseCallback& aCallback, TDes8& aBuffer);
   465 	IMPORT_C TInt ReadAudioFrames(TDes8& aBuffer, TInt& aReturnedFrames, TUint& aTimeStampInMs, TUint& aTimeStampInTimescale) const;
   466 	IMPORT_C void ReadAudioFrames(M3GPParseCallback& aCallback, TDes8& aBuffer);
   467 	IMPORT_C void CancelReadFrame();
   468 	IMPORT_C TInt Complete();
   469 private:
   470 	C3GPParse(TInt aReadBufferSize = 0);
   472 	TInt SymbianOSError(MP4Err aError) const;
   473 	TInt DoGetVideoProperties()  const; 
   474 	TInt DoGetAudioProperties() const;
   475 	TInt DoGetStreamProperties() const;
   476 	T3GPVideoType WrapperVideoType(TUint aType) const;
   477 	T3GPAudioType WrapperAudioType(TUint aType) const;
   478 	mp4_u8 UdtaLocation(T3GPUdtaLocation aLocation) const;
   479 	void Reset();
   480 	static void Panic(TInt aPanic);
   482 	// From M3GPMP4LibAsyncObserver
   483 	void M3GPMP4LibVideoFrameAvailable(MP4Err aError, mp4_u32 aFrameSize, mp4_u32 aTimeStamp, mp4_bool aKeyFrame, mp4_u32 aTimestamp2); 
   484 	void M3GPMP4LibAudioFramesAvailable(MP4Err aError, mp4_u32 aAudioSize, mp4_u32 aTimeStamp, mp4_u32 aReturnedFrames, mp4_u32 aTimestamp2);
   486 private:
   487 	MP4Handle iHandler;
   488 	TInt iReadBufferSize;
   490 	// Async read
   491 	M3GPParseCallback* iCallback;
   492 	TDes8* iAsyncReadBuffer;
   495 	TBool iDuplicateFileHandleCreated;
   496 	RFile64 iFile;
   497 	// Video properties
   498 	mutable T3GPVideoType iVideoType;
   499 	mutable TUint iVideoLength;
   500 	mutable TUint iVideoMp4Type;
   501 	mutable TReal iVideoFrameRate; 
   502 	mutable TSize iVideoSize; 
   503 	mutable TUint iVideoTimeScale;
   504 	mutable TBool iVideoPropertiesSaved;
   505 	mutable TInt iVideoError;
   507 	// Audio Properties
   508 	mutable T3GPAudioType iAudioType;
   509 	mutable TUint iAudioLength;
   510 	mutable TUint iAudioMp4Type;
   511 	mutable TReal iAudioFramesPerSample; 
   512 	mutable TSize iAudioSize; 
   513 	mutable TUint iAudioTimeScale;
   514 	mutable TUint iAudioAvgBitRate;
   515 	mutable TBool iAudioPropertiesSaved;
   516 	mutable TInt iAudioError;
   518 	// Stream properties
   519 	mutable TUint iStreamAvgBitRate;
   520 	mutable TUint iStreamSize;
   521 	mutable TBool iStreamPropertiesSaved;
   522 	mutable TInt iStreamError;
   523     };
   525 /**
   526 A mixin class to be implemented by the client in order to use the asynchronous frame retrieval 
   527 APIs provided by the C3GPParse class.  The derived class methods are called by C3GPParse when 
   528 the audio/video frames retrieval completes, successful or not.
   529 @publishedPartner
   530 @released
   531 */
   532 class M3GPParseCallback
   533 	{
   534 public:
   535 	/**
   536 	This is called upon the completion of an asynchronous request to retrieve audio 
   537 	frames by the API C3GPParse::ReadAudioFramesAsync.
   539 	@see C3GPParse::ReadAudioFramesAsync
   541 	@param	aError			Returns KErrNone on success.  Returns KErrAccessDenied if the 3GP Parser is in buffer mode. 
   542 							Otherwise, returns one of the system wide error codes. See synchronous version of 
   543 							C3GPParse::ReadAudioFrames.
   544 	@param	aReturnedFrames	Number of the returned frames or 0 if not known.
   545 	@param	aTimeStampInMs	Audio frame presentation time in milliseconds from the beginning of the audio sequence.	
   546 	@param	aTimeStampInTimescale	Audio frame presentation time in timescale from the beginning of the audio sequence.
   547 	*/
   548 	virtual void AudioFramesAvailable(TInt aError, TUint aReturnedFrames, TUint aTimeStampInMs, TUint aTimeStampInTimescale) = 0;
   550 	/**
   551 	VideoFrameAvailable is called upon completion of an asynchronous request to retrieve 
   552 	video frames by the API C3GPParse::ReadVideoFrameAsync.
   554 	@see C3GPParse::ReadVideoFrameAsync
   556 	@param	aError		Returns KErrNone on success.  Returns KErrAccessDenied if the 3GP Parser is in buffer mode.  
   557 						Otherwise, returns one of the system wide error codes. See synchronous version of 
   558 						C3GPParse::ReadVideoFrame.
   559 	@param	aKeyFrame	Returns ETrue if the current frame is a key frame (intra), otherwise the value is EFalse.
   560 	@param	aTimeStampInMs	Video frame presentation time in milliseconds from the beginning of the video sequence.	
   561 	@param	aTimeStampInTimescale	Video frame presentation time in timescale from the beginning of the video sequence.
   562 	*/
   563 	virtual void VideoFrameAvailable(TInt aError, TBool aKeyFrame, TUint aTimeStampInMs, TUint aTimeStampInTimescale) = 0;
   564 	};
   566 #endif // C3GPLIBRARY_H