changeset 0 40261b775718
child 38 4269ca484c7b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef _MMRCUTIL_H_
    17 #define _MMRCUTIL_H_
    19 #include <e32base.h>
    21 template <class T>
    22 class RMMRCFifoQueue
    23 	{
    24 public:
    25 	RMMRCFifoQueue( );
    26 	~RMMRCFifoQueue( );
    28 	void Reset( );
    29 	void ResetAndDestroy();
    30 	TBool IsEmpty( ) const;
    31 	TInt Count() const;
    32 	T* PopAndRemove( );
    33 	T* PopAndRemove( TInt aIndex );
    34 	void PushL( T const* const  aElement );
    35 	T* Pop( ) const;
    36 	T* Pop( TInt aIndex ) const;
    37 	T* operator[] ( TInt aIndex ) const;
    39 private:
    40 	RMMRCFifoQueue( const RMMRCFifoQueue & aMMRCFifoQueue ); //not implemented
    41 	const RMMRCFifoQueue & operator= ( const RMMRCFifoQueue & aMMRCFifoQueue );  //not implemented
    43 private:
    44 	struct TListNode
    45 		{
    46 		T const*  iElement;
    47 		TListNode *iNext;
    49 		TListNode( T const* const aElement )
    50 		: iElement( aElement ), iNext(NULL) { }
    51 		};
    53 	TListNode *iFirst;
    54 	TListNode *iLast;
    55 	TInt iCount;
    56 	};
    58 /**
    59  Construct the queue.
    60 */
    61 template <class T>
    62 RMMRCFifoQueue<T>::RMMRCFifoQueue( )
    63 	{
    64 	iFirst = iLast = NULL;
    65 	iCount = 0;
    66 	}
    68 /**
    69  Destructor.
    70 */
    71 template <class T>
    72 RMMRCFifoQueue<T>::~RMMRCFifoQueue( )
    73 	{
    74 	Reset( );
    75 	}
    78 /**
    79  Delete each node without deleting the elements.
    80 */
    81 template <class T>
    82 void RMMRCFifoQueue<T>::Reset( )
    83 	{
    84 	while( !IsEmpty( ) )
    85 		{
    86 		PopAndRemove( );
    87 		}
    88 	}
    90 /**
    91  Delete each node and each element.
    92 */
    93 template <class T>
    94 void RMMRCFifoQueue<T>::ResetAndDestroy( )
    95 	{
    96 	while( !IsEmpty( ) )
    97 		{
    98 		T* element = PopAndRemove( );
    99 		delete element;
   100 		}
   101 	}
   103 /**
   104  Return the number of elements.
   105 */
   106 template <class T>
   107 TInt RMMRCFifoQueue<T>::Count( ) const
   108 	{
   109 	return iCount;
   110 	}
   113 /**
   114  Test if the queue is logically empty.
   115  Return TTrue if empty, TFalse, otherwise.
   116 */
   117 template <class T>
   118 TBool RMMRCFifoQueue<T>::IsEmpty( ) const
   119 	{
   120 	return iFirst == NULL;
   121 	}
   124 /**
   125  Return and remove the least recently inserted item from the queue.
   126 */
   127 template <class T>
   128 T* RMMRCFifoQueue<T>::PopAndRemove( )
   129 	{
   130 	T* element = NULL;
   131 	if( !IsEmpty( ) )
   132 		{
   133 		TListNode* front = iFirst;
   134 		element = const_cast<T*>(iFirst->iElement);
   135 		iFirst = iFirst->iNext;
   136 		if( NULL == iFirst )
   137 			{
   138 			iLast = NULL;
   139 			}
   140 		iCount--;
   141 		delete front;
   142 		front = NULL;
   143 		}
   144 	return element;
   145 	}
   147 /**
   148  Return and remove the least recently inserted item from the queue.
   149 */
   150 template <class T>
   151 T* RMMRCFifoQueue<T>::PopAndRemove( TInt aIndex )
   152 	{
   153 	T* element = NULL;
   154 	TListNode* PreviousNode = NULL;
   155 	TListNode* node = iFirst;
   156 	TInt i = 0;
   157 	for( ; i<aIndex && i<iCount && node->iNext ; i++)
   158 		{
   159 		PreviousNode = node;
   160 		node = node->iNext;
   161 		}
   163 	if(node && i < iCount)
   164 		{
   165 		if(PreviousNode)
   166 			{
   167 			PreviousNode->iNext = node->iNext;
   168 			if( NULL == node->iNext )
   169 				{
   170 				iLast = PreviousNode;
   171 				}
   172 			}
   173 		else 
   174 			{
   175 			iFirst = node->iNext;
   176 			if( NULL == iFirst )
   177 				{
   178 				iLast = NULL;
   179 				} 
   180 			}
   181 		element = const_cast<T*>(node->iElement);
   182 		iCount--;
   183 		delete node;
   184 		}
   185 	return element;
   186 	}
   188 /**
   189  Insert aElement into the queue.
   190 */
   191 template <class T>
   192 void RMMRCFifoQueue<T>::PushL( T const* const aElement )
   193 	{
   194 	if( IsEmpty( ) )
   195 		{
   196 		iLast = iFirst = new(ELeave) TListNode( aElement );
   197 		}
   198 	else
   199 		{
   200 		iLast = iLast->iNext = new(ELeave) TListNode( aElement );
   201 		}
   202 	iCount++;
   203 	}
   205 /**
   206  Pop a pointer of the aIndex elements.
   207 */
   208 template <class T>
   209 T* RMMRCFifoQueue<T>::Pop ( ) const
   210 	{
   211 	T* element = NULL;
   212 	TListNode* node = iFirst;
   214 	if( node )
   215 		{
   216 		element = const_cast<T*>(node->iElement);
   217 		}
   219 	return element;
   220 	}
   222 /**
   223  Pop a pointer of the aIndex elements.
   224 */
   225 template <class T>
   226 T* RMMRCFifoQueue<T>::Pop ( TInt aIndex ) const
   227 	{
   228 	T* element = NULL;
   229 	TListNode* node = iFirst;
   231 	TInt i = 0;
   232 	for( ; (i < aIndex) && (i < iCount) && (node->iNext != NULL) ; i++)
   233 		{
   234 		node = node->iNext;
   235 		}
   237 	if(  ( NULL != node ) 
   238 			&& ( i < iCount )  )
   239 		{
   240 		element = const_cast<T*>(node->iElement);
   241 		}
   243 	return element;
   244 	}
   246 /**
   247  Pop a pointer of the aIndex elements.
   248 */
   249 template <class T>
   250 T* RMMRCFifoQueue<T>::operator[] ( TInt aIndex ) const
   251 	{
   252 	return Pop(aIndex);
   253 	}
   256 /**
   257  Class for manage the list of the sessions requesting pause.
   258 */
   259 template <class T>
   260 class RMMRCFifoOrderQueue : private RMMRCFifoQueue <T>
   261 	{
   263 public:
   264 	RMMRCFifoOrderQueue( );
   265 	~RMMRCFifoOrderQueue( );
   266 	void ResetAndDestroy( );
   267 	TInt Count() const;
   268 	void PushL( T const* const  aElement );
   269 	T* PopAndRemoveForPause( TInt aIndex );
   270 	T* operator[] ( TInt aIndex ) const;
   273 private:
   274 	RPointerArray< T >  todo;
   275 	};
   278 /**
   279  Construct the queue.
   280 */
   281 template <class T>
   282 RMMRCFifoOrderQueue<T>::RMMRCFifoOrderQueue( )
   283 	{
   284 	}
   286 /**
   287  Destructor.
   288 */
   289 template <class T>
   290 RMMRCFifoOrderQueue<T>::~RMMRCFifoOrderQueue( )
   291 	{
   292 	todo.Reset();
   293 	todo.Close();
   294 	}
   296 /**
   297  Return the number of elements.
   298 */
   299 template <class T>
   300 TInt RMMRCFifoOrderQueue<T>::Count( ) const
   301 	{
   303 	TInt iNum = todo.Count();
   304 	return iNum;
   305 	}	
   307 /**
   308  Delete each node and each element.
   309 */
   310 template <class T>
   311 void RMMRCFifoOrderQueue<T>::ResetAndDestroy( )
   312 	{
   313 	todo.ResetAndDestroy();
   314 	}
   316 /**
   317  Insert aElement into the queue and ordered.
   318 */
   319 template <class T>
   320 void RMMRCFifoOrderQueue<T>::PushL( T const* const aElement )
   321 	{
   322 	TInt numElements = todo.Count();
   324 	if( numElements == 0 )
   325 		{
   326 		todo.Append(aElement); //TODO: We need to check the error here
   327 		return;
   328 		}
   330 	for(TInt i(0); i<numElements ; ++i)
   331 		{
   332 		if(aElement->HasMultimediaCapability() && !(todo[i]->HasMultimediaCapability()))
   333 			{
   334 			todo.Insert(aElement, i);
   335 			return;
   336 			}
   337 		else if(aElement->HasMultimediaCapability() == todo[i]->HasMultimediaCapability())	
   338 			{
   339 			if (aElement->GetPriority() > todo[i]->GetPriority())
   340 			 	{
   341 				todo.Insert(aElement,i);
   342 				return;
   343 			 	}			
   344 			}
   345 		}
   346 	todo.Insert(aElement,numElements);
   347 	}
   349 /**
   350  Return and remove the inserted item from the queue.
   351 */
   352 template <class T>
   353 T* RMMRCFifoOrderQueue<T>::PopAndRemoveForPause( TInt aIndex )
   354 	{
   355 	T* aux = NULL;
   356 	aux = todo[aIndex];
   357 	todo.Remove(aIndex);	
   358 	return aux;
   359 	}
   362 /**
   363  Pop a pointer of the aIndex elements.
   364 */
   365 template <class T>
   366 T* RMMRCFifoOrderQueue<T>::operator[] ( TInt aIndex ) const
   367 	{
   368 	if(todo.Count() != 0)
   369 		{
   370 		return todo[aIndex];
   371 		}
   372 	else
   373 		{
   374 		return NULL;
   375 		}
   376 	}
   378 #endif /*_MMRCUTIL_H_*/