changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // This module contains CScript class
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 // system includes
    19 #include <f32file.h>
    21 // test system includes
    22 #include <testframework.h>
    23 #include "Filename.h"
    24 #include "script.h"
    25 #include "parseline.h"
    26 #include "config.h"
    28 #if !defined (__TSU_TESTFRAMEWORK__)
    29 /**
    30  *
    31  * Script files can reference other script files.
    32  * KMaxDepthRecursion limits the number of references.
    33  * This is to catch accidental circular references in script files
    34  * which would otherwise cause the system to continue until all
    35  * memory had be used making more CScript objects.
    36  *
    37  * @xxxx
    38  *
    39  */
    40 const TInt KMaxDepthRecursion = 100; 
    42 #endif
    44 /**
    45  *
    46  * Global data : count of how deep in script files parser is.
    47  * This is to check against infinite recursion
    48  *
    49  * NB : we must patch this out for Unit Testing, where script.cpp
    50  * is part of a DLL
    51  *
    52  * @xxxx
    53  *
    54  */
    55 // do not define static if Unit Testing
    56 #if !defined (__TSU_TESTFRAMEWORK__)
    57 GLDEF_D TInt CScript::iScriptDepth = 0;
    58 #endif			
    60 /**
    61  *
    62  * Console prompts
    63  *
    64  * @xxxx
    65  *
    66  */
    67 //_LIT(KTxtPressAnyKey,"[press any key to continue]\n");	// EABI warning removal
    68 //_LIT(KTxtBreakOnError,"The test has failed, press X to terminate this test\n [press any other key to continue]\n");	// EABI warning removal
    70 /**
    71  *
    72  * CScript first-phase constructor
    73  *
    74  * @xxxx
    75  *
    76  */
    77 CScript::CScript()
    78 	{
    79 	}
    81 /**
    82  *
    83  * CScript second-phase constructor for a script processor which
    84  * does not inherit a parser.
    85  *
    86  * @param	"CTestUtils* aTestUtils"
    87  *			The TestUtils object to use
    88  *
    89  * @param	"CLog* aLog"
    90  *			The logger to use
    91  *
    92  * @xxxx
    93  *
    94  */
    95 void CScript::ConstructL(CTestUtils* aTestUtils, CLog* aLog, TInt64 aGuardTimer, const TDesC& aMatchString)
    96 	{
    97 	iLog = aLog;
    98 	iGuardTimer = aGuardTimer;
   100 	iMatchString = aMatchString.AllocL();
   102 	iParse = CParseLine::NewL(this, aTestUtils, aLog, aGuardTimer, *iMatchString);
   103 	iParseOwner = ETrue;
   105 	iPauseAtEnd = EFalse;
   107 #if !defined (__TSU_TESTFRAMEWORK__)
   108 	iScriptDepth++;
   109 #endif
   110 	}
   112 /**
   113  *
   114  * CScript static constructor for a script processor which
   115  * does not inherit a parser.
   116  *
   117  * @param	"CTestUtils* aTestUtils"
   118  *			The TestUtils object to use
   119  *
   120  * @param	"CLog* aLog"
   121  *			The logger to use
   122  *
   123  * @xxxx
   124  *
   125  */
   126 CScript* CScript::NewL(CTestUtils* aTestUtils, CLog * aLog, TInt64 aGuardTimer, const TDesC& aMatchString)
   127 	{
   128 	CScript * self = new(ELeave) CScript;
   129 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   130 	self->ConstructL(aTestUtils, aLog, aGuardTimer, aMatchString);
   131 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   132 	return self;
   133 	}
   135 /**
   136  *
   137  * CScript static constructor for a script processor which
   138  * does not inherit a parser.
   139  *
   140  * @param	"CTestUtils* aTestUtils"
   141  *			The TestUtils object to use
   142  *
   143  * @param	"CLog* aLog"
   144  *			The logger to use
   145  *
   146  * @xxxx
   147  *
   148  */
   149 CScript* CScript::NewLC(CTestUtils* aTestUtils, CLog * aLog, TInt64 aGuardTimer, const TDesC& aMatchString)
   150 	{
   151 	CScript * self = new(ELeave) CScript;
   152 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   153 	self->ConstructL(aTestUtils, aLog, aGuardTimer, aMatchString);
   154 	return self;
   155 	}
   157 /**
   158  *
   159  * CScript second-phase constructor, for a script processor which
   160  * inherits a parser.
   161  *
   162  * @param	"CParseLine* aParse"
   163  *			The parser to use
   164  *
   165  * @param	"CTestUtils*"
   166  *			Dummy parameter (would be used for constructing a parser);
   167  *			retained to maintain overload distinction
   168  *
   169  * @param	"CLog * aLog"
   170  *			The logger to use
   171  *
   172  * @xxxx
   173  *
   174  */
   175 void CScript::ConstructL(CParseLine* aParse, CTestUtils*, CLog* aLog, TInt64 aGuardTimer, const TDesC& aMatchString)
   176 	{
   177 	iLog = aLog;
   178 	iGuardTimer = aGuardTimer;
   180 	iMatchString = aMatchString.AllocL(); // should be the same as that for aParse, for moment don't check
   182 	iParse = aParse;
   183 	iParseOwner = EFalse;
   185 	iPauseAtEnd = EFalse;
   187 #if !defined (__TSU_TESTFRAMEWORK__)
   188 	iScriptDepth++;
   189 #endif
   191 	}
   193 /**
   194  *
   195  * CScript static constructor for a script processor which
   196  * inherits a parser.
   197  *
   198  * @param	"CParseLine* aParse"
   199  *			The parser to use
   200  *
   201  * @param	"CTestUtils* aTestUtils"
   202  *			The TestUtils object to use
   203  *
   204  * @param	"CLog* aLog"
   205  *			The logger to use
   206  *
   207  * @xxxx
   208  *
   209  */
   210 CScript* CScript::NewL(CParseLine* aParse, CTestUtils* aTestUtils, CLog* aLog, TInt64 aGuardTimer, const TDesC& aMatchString)
   211 	{
   212 	CScript* self = new(ELeave) CScript;
   213 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   214 	self->ConstructL(aParse, aTestUtils, aLog, aGuardTimer, aMatchString);
   215 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   216 	return self;
   217 	}
   219 /**
   220  *
   221  * CScript static constructor for a script processor which
   222  * inherits a parser.
   223  *
   224  * @param	"CParseLine* aParse"
   225  *			The parser to use
   226  *
   227  * @param	"CTestUtils* aTestUtils"
   228  *			The TestUtils object to use
   229  *
   230  * @param	"CLog* aLog"
   231  *			The logger to use
   232  *
   233  * @xxxx
   234  *
   235  */
   236 CScript* CScript::NewLC(CParseLine* aParse, CTestUtils* aTestUtils, CLog* aLog, TInt64 aGuardTimer, const TDesC& aMatchString)
   237 	{
   238 	CScript* self = new(ELeave) CScript;
   239 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   240 	self->ConstructL(aParse, aTestUtils, aLog, aGuardTimer, aMatchString);
   241 	return self;
   242 	}
   244 /**
   245  *
   246  * CScript destructor
   247  *
   248  * @xxxx
   249  *
   250  */
   251 CScript::~CScript()
   252 	{
   253 	// delete parser if we own it
   254 	if(iParseOwner)
   255 		{
   256 		delete iParse;
   257 		iParse = NULL;
   258 		}
   260 	// delete scriptbuffer
   261 	delete iScriptBuffer;
   263 	delete iMatchString;
   265 #if !defined (__TSU_TESTFRAMEWORK__)
   266 	iScriptDepth--;
   267 #endif
   268 	}
   271 /**
   272  *
   273  * Open and read a script file.
   274  *
   275  * @param	"TFileName aScriptFileName"
   276  *			The script file name
   277  *
   278  * @return	"TBool"
   279  *			true if script file successfully read
   280  *
   281  * @xxxx
   282  *
   283  */
   285 TBool CScript::OpenScriptFile(CFileName* /*aScriptFileName*/)
   286 	{
   287 	// empty function to silence OPT:REF warning under WINS UREL build
   288 	return ETrue;
   289 	}
   290 #else
   291 TBool CScript::OpenScriptFile(CFileName* aScriptFileName)
   292 	{
   293 	// get the full pathname default drive name and extension
   294 	_LIT(KRelated,"\\xx.script"); 
   295 	TParse parseScriptFileName;
   296 	TInt returnCode = parseScriptFileName.Set(aScriptFileName->FileName(), &KRelated, NULL);
   297 	if (returnCode != KErrNone)
   298 		{
   299 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Could not set script filename: %S"), &parseScriptFileName.FullName());
   300 		Pause();
   301 		return EFalse;
   302 		}
   304 #if !defined (__TSU_TESTFRAMEWORK__)
   305 	if (iScriptDepth > KMaxDepthRecursion)
   306 		{
   307 		// prevent the parser from recursing forever
   308 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Script parser aborting: depth:%d"), iScriptDepth);
   309 		return EFalse;	
   310 		}
   311 #if !defined(__WINS__)
   312 	if (iScriptDepth > 3)
   313 		{
   314 		// on target, we are likely to KERN-EXEC 3 if nesting more than 4 levels
   315 		WARN_PRINTF2(_L("Warning : script parser depth = %d"), iScriptDepth);
   316 		}
   317 #endif
   318 #endif
   320 	// connect to the fileserver
   321 	returnCode = iTheFs.Connect();
   322 	if (returnCode != KErrNone)
   323 		{
   324 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error trying to connect to the file server") );	
   325 		return EFalse;
   326 		}
   329 	RFile listfile;
   330 	// have we got a drive letter specified - if not, check all drives
   331 	if (parseScriptFileName.DrivePresent())
   332 		{
   333 		returnCode = listfile.Open(iTheFs, parseScriptFileName.FullName(), EFileRead | EFileShareAny);
   334 		}
   335 	else
   336 		{
   337 		// checks C, D, E and Z drives - this is ugly, is there a better way of doing this?
   338 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Looking for script file on all drives..."));
   339 		_LIT(KDriveC, "C:");
   340 		parseScriptFileName.Set(aScriptFileName->FileName(), &KRelated, &KDriveC);
   341 		returnCode = listfile.Open(iTheFs, parseScriptFileName.FullName(), EFileRead | EFileShareAny);
   342 		if (returnCode != KErrNone)
   343 			{
   344 			_LIT(KDriveD, "D:");
   345 			parseScriptFileName.Set(aScriptFileName->FileName(), &KRelated, &KDriveD);
   346 			returnCode = listfile.Open(iTheFs, parseScriptFileName.FullName(), EFileRead | EFileShareAny);
   347 			if (returnCode != KErrNone)
   348 				{
   349 				_LIT(KDriveE, "E:");
   350 				parseScriptFileName.Set(aScriptFileName->FileName(), &KRelated, &KDriveE);
   351 				returnCode = listfile.Open(iTheFs, parseScriptFileName.FullName(), EFileRead | EFileShareAny);
   352 				if (returnCode != KErrNone)
   353 					{
   354 					_LIT(KDriveZ, "Z:");
   355 					parseScriptFileName.Set(aScriptFileName->FileName(), &KRelated, &KDriveZ);
   356 					returnCode = listfile.Open(iTheFs, parseScriptFileName.FullName(), EFileRead | EFileShareAny);
   357 					}
   358 				}
   359 			}
   360 		}
   362 	// check if open fails 
   363 	if (returnCode != KErrNone)
   364 		{
   365 		parseScriptFileName.Set(aScriptFileName->FileName(), &KRelated, NULL);
   366 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to open script file : %S"), &parseScriptFileName.FullName());
   367 		listfile.Close();
   368 		iTheFs.Close();
   369 		Pause();
   370 		return EFalse;
   371 		}
   373 	// display the file being processed
   374 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Reading script %S"), &parseScriptFileName.FullName());
   376 	// get the script file size
   377 	TInt listfilesize;
   378 	returnCode = listfile.Size(listfilesize);
   379 	if (returnCode != KErrNone)
   380 		{
   381 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to read script file: %S size "), &parseScriptFileName.FullName());
   382 		listfile.Close();
   383 		iTheFs.Close();
   384 		return EFalse;
   385 		}
   387 	// JW 30-10-02 DEF004555 
   388 	// Buffer was being orphaned if already allocated, where there was more than one
   389 	// script file on the command line
   390 	// Now, we check for this and delete iScriptBuffer if it already exists
   391 	if(iScriptBuffer)
   392 		{
   393 		delete iScriptBuffer;
   394 		iScriptBuffer = NULL;
   395 		}
   397 	// get a buffer to read the file into
   398 	TRAPD(err, iScriptBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(listfilesize));
   399 	if (err != KErrNone || iScriptBuffer == NULL)
   400 		{
   401 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to allocate memory for script file %S "), &parseScriptFileName.FullName());
   402 		listfile.Close();
   403 		iTheFs.Close();
   404 		return EFalse;
   405 		}
   407 	// get a pointer to the buffer
   408 	TPtr8 ptr = iScriptBuffer->Des();
   410 	// read the file into the buffer
   411 	returnCode = listfile.Read(ptr);
   412 	if (returnCode != KErrNone)
   413 		{
   414 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to read script file %S "), &parseScriptFileName.FullName());
   415 		listfile.Close();
   416 		iTheFs.Close();
   417 		return EFalse;
   418 		}
   420 	listfile.Close();
   421 	iTheFs.Close();
   422 	return ETrue;
   423 	}
   424 #endif // EXCLUDE_FOR_UNITTEST
   426 /**
   427  *
   428  * Parse and execute script file.
   429  * Assumes script file has been read into iScriptBuffer
   430  *
   431  * @return	"TVerdict"
   432  *			The script verdict (for logging)
   433  *
   434  * @xxxx
   435  *
   436  */
   437 TVerdict CScript::ExecuteScriptL()
   438 	{
   439 	// use TLex to decode the script
   440 	TLex8 llex(*iScriptBuffer);
   442 	// keep a count of the line number
   443 	TInt8 lineNo = 1;
   445 	// loop though processing the rest a line at a time
   446 	while(!llex.Eos())
   447 		{
   448 		// skip any spaces
   449 		while ( llex.Peek() == ' ' )
   450 			llex.Inc();
   452 		// mark the start of the line
   453 		llex.Mark();
   455 		// move to the next
   456 		while(!llex.Eos() && llex.Peek() != '\n')
   457 			llex.Inc();
   459 		// step over \n
   460 		if ( llex.Peek() == '\n' )
   461 			llex.Inc();
   463 		// get the line 
   464 		TPtrC8 pline = llex.MarkedToken();
   465 		if (pline.Length() != 0)
   466 			{
   467 			// and then process
   468 			ProcessLineL(pline, lineNo);
   469 			}
   471 		// on to the next line
   472 		lineNo++;
   473 		}
   475 	// script processing complete, now return the script verdict
   476 	// Note: the script verdicts are just for the log
   477 	// if no tests failed then return pass for the script
   478 	// this covers scripts which do not test anything
   479 	return (iFail == 0 ? EPass : EFail );
   480 	}
   482 /**
   483  *
   484  * Process a single line from the script file.
   485  *
   486  * @param	"const TDesC8& aNarrowline"
   487  *			The script line
   488  *
   489  * @param	"TInt8 lineNo"
   490  *			The script line number
   491  *
   492  * @xxxx
   493  *
   494  */
   495 void CScript::ProcessLineL(const TDesC8& aNarrowline, TInt8 aLineNo)
   496 	{
   497 	// call parse to process line
   498 	iParse->ProcessLineL(aNarrowline, aLineNo);
   499 	}
   501 /**
   502  *
   503  * Display the accumulated script results.
   504  *
   505  * @xxxx
   506  *
   507  */
   508 void CScript::DisplayResults()
   509 	{
   511 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Results Summary ") );
   512 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("-------------------- ") );
   513 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Passed            :%d"),  iPass);
   514 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed            :%d"),  iFail);
   515 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Inconclusive      :%d"),  iInconclusive);
   516 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Test suite errors :%d"),  iTestSuiteError);
   517 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Aborted           :%d"),  iAbort);
   518 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("KnownFailure      :%d"),  iKnownFailure); //A new TVerdict
   519 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Total             :%d"),  iTotal);
   521 	if(iPauseAtEnd)
   522 		{
   523 		// A pause at the end has been requested
   524 		Pause();
   525 		}
   527 	}
   529 /**
   530  *
   531  * Pause testing.
   532  * NOTE : stubbed pending re-implementation of user input
   533  *
   534  * @xxxx
   535  *
   536  */
   537 void CScript::Pause()
   538 	{
   539 	WARN_PRINTF1(_L("Warning : PAUSE not implemented"));
   540 	}
   542 /**
   543  *
   544  * Display error on the console and invite abort.
   545  * NOTE : stubbed pending re-implementation of user input
   546  *
   547  * @xxxx
   548  *
   549  */
   550 TBool CScript::BreakOnError()
   551 	{
   552 	WARN_PRINTF1(_L("Warning : BREAK_ON_ERROR not implemented"));
   553 	return EFalse;
   554 	}
   556 /**
   557  *
   558  * Add a test result to the accumulated totals.
   559  *
   560  * @param	"TVerdict aTestVerdict"
   561  *			The test verdict
   562  *
   563  * @xxxx
   564  *
   565  */
   566 void CScript::AddResult(TVerdict aTestVerdict)
   567 	{
   568 	// another test complete, so increment total
   569 	iTotal++;
   571 	// add in the current result
   572 	switch (aTestVerdict) 
   573 		{
   574 	case EPass:
   575 		iPass++;
   576 		break;
   577 	case EFail:
   578 		iFail++;
   579 		break;
   580 	case EInconclusive:
   581 		iInconclusive++;
   582 		break;
   583 	case ETestSuiteError:
   584 		iTestSuiteError++;
   585 		break;
   586 	case EAbort:
   587 		iAbort++;
   588 		break;
   589 	case EKnownFailure: //A new TVerdict for a known failed test
   590 		iKnownFailure++;
   591 		break;
   592 		}
   594 	// display the result
   595 	TPtrC verdictText = CLog::TestResultText(aTestVerdict);
   596 	TPtrC currentSuiteName = iParse->CurrentSuiteName();
   597 	TPtrC currentStepName = iParse->CurrentStepName();
   599 	iLog->LogResult(aTestVerdict, _L("Test Result for %S:%S is %S "), 
   600 		&currentSuiteName, &currentStepName, &verdictText);
   602 	}
   604 /**
   605  *
   606  * Add a test result from a subscript to the accumulated totals.
   607  *
   608  * @param	"CScript* aSubScript"
   609  *			The subscript
   610  *
   611  * @xxxx
   612  *
   613  */
   614 void CScript::AddResult(CScript* aSubScript)
   615 	{
   617 	iPass += aSubScript->iPass;
   618 	iFail += aSubScript->iFail;
   619 	iInconclusive += aSubScript->iInconclusive;
   620 	iTestSuiteError += aSubScript->iTestSuiteError;
   621 	iAbort += aSubScript->iAbort;
   622 	iKnownFailure += aSubScript->iKnownFailure;
   623 	iTotal +=aSubScript->iTotal;
   624 	}
   626 /**
   627  *
   628  * Traceable logging function for parseline.
   629  *
   630  * @param	"const TText8* aFile"
   631  *			Source code file name
   632  *
   633  * @param	"TInt aLine"
   634  *			Source code line
   635  *
   636  * @param	"TInt aSeverity"
   637  *			Severity level required to log
   638  *
   639  * @param	"TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt"
   640  *			Printf-style format.
   641  *
   642  * @param	"..."
   643  *			Variable print parameters
   644  *
   645  * @xxxx
   646  *
   647  */
   648 void CScript::LogExtra(const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine, TInt aSeverity,
   649 		TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt,...)
   650 	{
   651 	VA_LIST aList;
   652 	VA_START(aList, aFmt);
   654 	if(aSeverity)
   655 		{
   656 		if(iLog)
   657 			{
   658 			iLog->LogExtra(aFile, aLine, aSeverity, aFmt, aList);
   659 			}
   660 		}
   662 	VA_END(aList);
   663 	}