changeset 0 40261b775718
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // This contains CTestSuite which is the base class for all the TestSuite DLLs
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 // EPOC includes
    19 #include <e32base.h>
    21 // Test system includes
    22 #include <testframework.h>
    24 // do not export if Unit Testing
    25 #if defined (__TSU_TESTFRAMEWORK__)
    26 #undef EXPORT_C
    27 #define EXPORT_C
    28 #endif
    30 /**
    31  *
    32  * Default test suite version string
    33  *
    34  * @xxxx 
    35  *
    36  */
    37 _LIT(KTxtVersion,"?.?");
    39 /**
    40  *
    41  * Test suite destructor
    42  * This destroys all the test steps contained in this class and
    43  * in classes derived from it
    44  *
    45  * @xxxx 
    46  *
    47  */
    48 EXPORT_C CTestSuite::~CTestSuite()
    49 	{
    50 	// free all test steps
    51 	if (iArrayTestSteps)
    52 		iArrayTestSteps->ResetAndDestroy();
    54 	// free the dynamic array used for test steps
    55 	delete iArrayTestSteps;
    57 	}
    59 /**
    60  *
    61  * Test suite constructor (second phase)
    62  *
    63  * @xxxx 
    64  *
    65  */
    66 EXPORT_C void CTestSuite::ConstructL()
    67 	{
    68 	// create a new Array to store the test steps in
    69 	iArrayTestSteps = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<RTestStep>(1);
    71 	// default severity
    72 	SetSeverity(ESevrAll);
    73 	iLogger = NULL;
    75 	// initialise the derived test suites
    76 	InitialiseL();
    77 	}
    79 /**
    80  *
    81  * Get test suite version.
    82  *
    83  * NOTE : this function is not pure virtual i.e. a test suite
    84  * does not have to provide a version string - however this
    85  * may change. It is strongly recommended that a test suite DLL
    86  * overrides this method.
    87  *
    88  * @return	"TPtrC"
    89  *			The version string.
    90  *
    91  * @xxxx 
    92  *
    93  */
    94 EXPORT_C TPtrC CTestSuite::GetVersion() const
    95 	{
    96 	return KTxtVersion();
    97 	}
    99 /**
   100  *
   101  * Add a test step into the suite
   102  *
   103  * @param	"RTestStep* aTestStep"
   104  *			The test step to add.
   105  *
   106  * @xxxx 
   107  *
   108  */
   109 EXPORT_C void CTestSuite::AddTestStepL(RTestStep* aTestStep)
   110 	{
   111 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aTestStep, User::Panic(_L("CTestSuite::AddTestStepL"), KErrArgument));
   112 	// test steps contain a pointer back to the suite which owns them
   113 	aTestStep->SetSuite(this);
   114 	// add the step; order is not important, so add it at position 1
   115 	iArrayTestSteps->AppendL(aTestStep, 1);
   116 	}
   119 /**
   120  *
   121  * Perform a test step.
   122  *
   123  * @param	"const TDesC& aStep"
   124  *			The test step to run.
   125  *
   126  * @param	"const TDesC& aConfig"
   127  *			The configuration file name.
   128  *
   129  * @return	"TVerdict"
   130  *			Result of the test.
   131  *
   132  * @xxxx 
   133  *
   134  */
   135 EXPORT_C TVerdict CTestSuite::DoTestStep(const TDesC& aStep, const TDesC& aConfig, const TDesC& aParamSet)
   136 	{
   137 	// This function traps leaves in the test steps, so should never leave
   139 	//	get the number of tests available in this suite
   140 	TInt noOfTests = iArrayTestSteps->Count();
   142 	// search the available test steps for the required one
   143 	for (TInt i = 0; i < noOfTests; i++)
   144 	{
   145 		RTestStep* theStep = iArrayTestSteps->At(i);
   146 		if (theStep->StepName().MatchF(aStep) != KErrNotFound)
   147 			{
   149 			// found required test so initialise to PASS
   150 			theStep->SetResult(EPass);
   152 			// set the param set to use
   153 			theStep->SetDefaultParamSet(aParamSet);
   155 			// pass the config file info into the test step
   156 			theStep->LoadConfig(aConfig);
   158 			// assume it's going to work
   159 			TVerdict result = EPass;
   161 			// set step status
   162 			iStepStatus = EStepStatusStart;
   164 			// execute pre-preamble (cleanup stack growth)
   165 			TRAPD(rPreOpen, theStep->PreOpenL());
   167 			if (rPreOpen != KErrNone)
   168 				{
   169 				WARN_PRINTF4(_L("Warning: Test step:%S PreOpenL in suite:%S left, error %d"), &aStep, &iSuiteName, rPreOpen);
   170 				result = EInconclusive;
   171 				}
   172 			else
   173 				{
   174 				// execute test step preamble (if any) inside a trap
   175 				TRAPD(rPreAmble, result = theStep->OpenL());
   177 				if (result != EPass)
   178 					{
   179 					WARN_PRINTF3(_L("Warning: Test step:%S preamble in suite:%S failed"), &aStep, &iSuiteName);
   180 					// here : call to virtual cleanup function in test step, if it exists...
   181 					theStep->CleanupAfterOpenFail();
   182 					result = EInconclusive;
   183 					}
   184 				else if (rPreAmble != KErrNone)
   185 					{
   186 					WARN_PRINTF4(_L("Warning: Test step:%S preamble in suite:%S left, error %d"), &aStep, &iSuiteName, rPreAmble);
   187 					// here : call to virtual cleanup function in test step, if it exists...
   188 					theStep->CleanupAfterOpenFail();
   189 					result = EInconclusive;
   190 					}
   191 				}
   193 			// only continue if the preamble passed
   194 			if (result == EPass)
   195 				{
   197 				// set step status
   198 				iStepStatus = EStepStatusPreamble;
   200 				// now execute test step inside a trap
   201 				TRAPD(r, result = theStep->DoTestStepL());
   203 				if (r!= KErrNone)
   204 					{
   205 					WARN_PRINTF4(_L("Warning: Test step:%S in suite:%S left, error %d"), &aStep, &iSuiteName, r);
   206 					result = EFail;
   207 					}
   209 				// set step status
   210 				iStepStatus = EStepStatusTest;
   212 				// execute test step postamble
   213 				// NB - postamble does not leave, but may panic
   214 				theStep->Close();
   216 				// set step status
   217 				iStepStatus = EStepStatusFinished;
   218 				}
   220 			// *** TO DO - check if there are problems when the preamble leaves.
   221 			// In this case the postamble is not called - there may be memory leaks.
   222 			// (Preambles may allocate memory, call __UHEAP_MARK, etc.)
   223 			// If so, move Close() to this point, and check again.
   225 			// clean up Config data object
   226 			theStep->UnloadConfig();
   228 			return result;
   230 			}
   231 		}
   233 	// suite has been searched but test step not found, so error.
   234  	ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Failed to find test step:%S in suite:%S"), &aStep, &iSuiteName);
   236 	return ETestSuiteError;
   238 	}
   240 /**
   241  *
   242  * Gets a step's heap and stack size.
   243  *
   244  * @param	"const TDesC& aStep"
   245  *			The step name
   246  * @param	"TInt* aHeapSize"
   247  *			Returns the step's heap size
   248  * @param	"TInt* aStackSize"
   249  *			Returns the step's stack size
   250  *
   251  * @xxxx
   252  *
   253  */
   254 EXPORT_C void CTestSuite::GetHeapAndStackSize(const TDesC& aStep, TInt* aHeapSize, TInt* aStackSize)
   255 	{
   256 	//get the number of tests available in this suite
   257 	TInt noOfTests = iArrayTestSteps->Count();
   259 	// search the available test steps for the required one
   260 	for (TInt i = 0; i < noOfTests; i++)
   261 		{
   262 		RTestStep* theStep = iArrayTestSteps->At(i);
   263 		if (theStep->StepName().MatchF(aStep) != KErrNotFound)
   264 			{
   266 			// found required test, so get the stack and heap size
   267 			*aHeapSize = theStep->HeapSize();
   268 			*aStackSize = theStep->StackSize();
   269 			}
   270 		}
   271 	}
   273 /**
   274  *
   275  * General logging function for test suites.
   276  *
   277  * @param	"TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt"
   278  *			Printf-style format.
   279  *
   280  * @param	"..."
   281  *			Variable print parameters
   282  *
   283  * @xxxx 
   284  *
   285  */
   286 EXPORT_C void CTestSuite::Log(TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt, ...)
   287 	{
   289 	VA_LIST aList;
   290 	VA_START(aList, aFmt);
   292 	if(iLogger) 
   293 		iLogger->Log(aFmt, aList);
   295 	VA_END(aList);
   296 	}
   298 /**
   299  *
   300  * General logging function for test suites, with severity.
   301  *
   302  * @param	"TInt aSeverity"
   303  *			Severity level required to log
   304  *
   305  * @param	"TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt"
   306  *			Printf-style format.
   307  *
   308  * @param	"..."
   309  *			Variable print parameters
   310  *
   311  * @xxxx 
   312  *
   313  */
   314 EXPORT_C void CTestSuite::Log(TInt aSeverity, TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt, ...)
   315 	{
   316 	VA_LIST aList;
   317 	VA_START(aList, aFmt);
   319 	if(LogSeverity::IsActive(aSeverity, Severity()))
   320 		{
   321 		if(iLogger) 
   322 			iLogger->Log(aFmt, aList);
   323 		}
   325 	VA_END(aList);
   326 	}
   328 /**
   329  *
   330  * Traceable logging function for test suites.
   331  *
   332  * @param	"const TText8* aFile"
   333  *			Source code file name
   334  *
   335  * @param	"TInt aLine"
   336  *			Source code line
   337  *
   338  * @param	"TInt aSeverity"
   339  *			Severity level required to log
   340  *
   341  * @param	"TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt"
   342  *			Printf-style format.
   343  *
   344  * @param	"..."
   345  *			Variable print parameters
   346  *
   347  * @xxxx 
   348  *
   349  */
   350 EXPORT_C void CTestSuite::LogExtra(const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine, TInt aSeverity,
   351 		TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt,...)
   352 	{
   353 	VA_LIST aList;
   354 	VA_START(aList, aFmt);
   356 	if(LogSeverity::IsActive(aSeverity, Severity()))
   357 		{
   358 		if(iLogger)
   359 			{
   360 			iLogger->LogExtra(aFile, aLine, aSeverity, aFmt, aList);
   361 			}
   362 		}
   364 	VA_END(aList);
   365 	}
   368 /**
   369  *
   370  * Traceable Boolean condition tester.
   371  *
   372  * @param	"TBool aCondition"
   373  *			Condition to be checked
   374  *
   375  * @param	"const TText8* aFile"
   376  *			Source code file name
   377  *
   378  * @param	"TInt aLine"
   379  *			Source code line
   380  *
   381  * @xxxx 
   382  *
   383  */
   384 EXPORT_C void CTestSuite::TestBooleanTrueL(TBool aCondition, const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine)
   385 	{
   387 	// check condition
   388 	if (aCondition)
   389 		return;
   391 	// convert filename for log
   392 	TBuf<KMaxLogFilenameLength> fileName;
   393 	TPtrC8 fileName8(aFile);
   394 	fileName.Copy(fileName8);  // TText8->TBuf16
   396 	// display a log message
   397  	ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Test Failed in file:%S line:%d"), &fileName, aLine);
   399 	// leave with error code
   400 	User::Leave(KTestErrorCode);
   402 	}
   404 /**
   405  *
   406  * Set log severity.
   407  *
   408  * @param	"TInt aSeverity"
   409  *			The required severity
   410  *
   411  * @xxxx 
   412  *
   413  */
   414 EXPORT_C void CTestSuite::SetSeverity(TInt aSeverity)
   415 	{
   416 	iSeverity = aSeverity;
   417 	}
   419 /**
   420  *
   421  * Get log severity.
   422  *
   423  * @return	"TInt"
   424  *			The current severity
   425  *
   426  * @xxxx 
   427  *
   428  */
   429 EXPORT_C TInt CTestSuite::Severity() const
   430 	{
   431 	return iSeverity;
   432 	}
   434 /**
   435  *
   436  * Set logging system.
   437  *
   438  * @param	"CLog *aLogger"
   439  *			The log to use.
   440  *
   441  * @xxxx 
   442  *
   443  */
   444 EXPORT_C void CTestSuite::SetLogSystem(CLog* aLogger)
   445 	{
   446 	iLogger = aLogger;
   447 	}
   449 /**
   450  *
   451  * Get logging system.
   452  *
   453  * @return	"CLog*"
   454  *			The log the test suite is currently using.
   455  *
   456  * @xxxx 
   457  *
   458  */
   459 EXPORT_C CLog* CTestSuite::LogSystem() const
   460 	{
   461 	return iLogger;
   462 	}
   464 /**
   465  *
   466  * Set step status.
   467  *
   468  * @param	"TTestStepStatus aStatus"
   469  *			The status to set.
   470  *
   471  * @xxxx 
   472  *
   473  */
   474 EXPORT_C void CTestSuite::SetStepStatus(TTestStepStatus aStatus)
   475 	{
   476 	iStepStatus = aStatus;
   477 	}
   479 /**
   480  *
   481  * Get step status.
   482  *
   483  * @return "TTestStepStatus"
   484  *			The step status.
   485  *
   486  * @xxxx 
   487  *
   488  */
   489 EXPORT_C TTestStepStatus CTestSuite::StepStatus() const
   490 	{
   491 	return iStepStatus;
   492 	}