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     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 // EPOC includes
    17 #include <e32base.h>
    19 // Test system includes
    20 #include "LogFile.h"
    23 /*
    24  * destructor for CFileLogger.
    25  */
    26 CFileLogger::~CFileLogger()
    27 	{
    28 	// make sure session to file server is closed
    29 	Close();
    30 	}
    33 /**
    34  *
    35  * Static constructor for CFileLogger.
    36  *
    37  * @return	"CFileLogger*"
    38  *			The constructed CFileLogger
    39  *
    40  * @xxxx 
    41  *
    42  */
    43 CFileLogger* CFileLogger::NewL()
    44 	{
    45 	CFileLogger* s = new(ELeave) CFileLogger;
    46 	return s;
    47 	}
    49 /**
    50  *
    51  * Create and open a log file. The file is shareable, and a mutex
    52  * and file seeks employed in case more than one session is using 
    53  * the file.
    54  *
    55  * @param	"const TDesC& aDir"
    56  *          The file path of the logfile to be created. If the path
    57  *			does not exist, the logfile will not be created.
    58  *
    59  * @param   "const TDesC& aName"
    60  *          The file name of same.
    61  * 
    62  * @xxxx
    63  *
    64  */
    65 void CFileLogger::CreateLog(const TDesC& aDir, const TDesC& aName)
    66 	{
    67 	// if aDir or aName are empty, then panic
    68 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aDir.Ptr() != NULL, User::Panic(_L("CFileLogger"), 0));
    69 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aName.Ptr() != NULL, User::Panic(_L("CFileLogger"), 1));
    72 	// if aDir doesn't exist, create it anyway
    73 	TUint aAttValue;
    74 	if (iFs.Att(aDir, aAttValue) != KErrNone) 
    75 		{
    76 		TInt returnCode = iFs.MkDirAll(aDir);
    77 		if (returnCode != KErrNone)
    78 			{
    79 			iEnabled = EFalse;
    80 			User::Panic(_L("CFileLogger"), 2);
    81 			}
    82 		}
    84 	iEnabled = ETrue;
    85 	iLogName = aName;
    87 	// create logfile mutex
    88 	RMutex logMutex;
    89 	logMutex.CreateGlobal(iLogName);
    91 	// make the correct file name
    92 	TFileName logFile;
    93 	logFile.Format(_L("%S%S"), &aDir, &aName);	// aDir will be \\-terminated
    95 	// If the file does not exist, create it. If it does, truncate it
    96 	// Open it for sharing
    97 	TInt returnCode=iLogfile.Replace(iFs, logFile, EFileWrite | EFileStreamText | EFileShareAny); 
    99 	// check if open fails 
   100 	if (returnCode==KErrNone)
   101 		{
   102 		//file has opened ok
   103 		//add the start to the HTML
   104 		iLogfile.Write(_L8("<html><body><pre>\n"));
   105 		TInt dummy;
   106 		iLogfile.Seek(ESeekEnd, dummy);
   107 		}
   108 	else
   109 		iEnabled = EFalse;
   110 	}
   112 /**
   113  *
   114  * Close the logfile. The flag iEnabled will be clear if there
   115  * is no logfile to close.
   116  * 
   117  * @xxxx
   118  *
   119  */
   120 void CFileLogger::CloseLog()
   121 	{
   123 	// this should be mutex-safe as each thread has its own handle to 
   124 	// the log file
   125 	// if logging enabled, flush buffers
   126 	if (iEnabled)
   127 		{
   128 		iLogfile.Flush();
   129 		iLogfile.Close();
   130 		iEnabled = EFalse;
   131 		}
   133 	// disconnect from the file server
   134 	iFs.Close();
   135 	}
   137 /**
   138  *
   139  * Write output to the logfile.
   140  *
   141  * @param	"const TDesC& aMsg"
   142  *          The message (string) to be written.
   143  * 
   144  * @xxxx
   145  *
   146  */
   147 void CFileLogger::WriteLog(const TDesC& aMsg)
   148 	{
   150 	if (!iEnabled) 
   151 		return;
   153 	// convert from unicode to 8 bit
   154 	TBuf8<KMaxLogLineLength> lineBuf8;
   155 	const TText* msgBuf = aMsg.Ptr();
   156 	for (TInt i = 0; i < aMsg.Length() ;i++)
   157 		lineBuf8.Append(STATIC_CAST(TText, msgBuf[i]));
   159 	// wait on mutex
   160 	RMutex logMutex;
   161    	logMutex.OpenGlobal(iLogName);
   163 	logMutex.Wait();
   165 	// write to log file
   166 	TInt dummy=0;
   167 	iLogfile.Seek(ESeekEnd, dummy);
   168 	iLogfile.Write(lineBuf8);
   169 	// seek to end after write - in case another process or thread is also using the file
   170 	dummy=0; //dummy is updated after a seek to contain the new file position. With ESeekEnd
   171 	         //it is used as an offest value to control the seek.
   172 	iLogfile.Seek(ESeekEnd, dummy);
   174 	logMutex.Signal();
   175 	logMutex.Close();
   176 	}
   178 /**
   179  *
   180  * Connect to the file server. Used as a helper function
   181  * by classes owning a CFileLogger, to ensure that a
   182  * file server session can be opened
   183  *
   184  * @return	"TInt"
   185  *			standard EPOC error code
   186  * 
   187  * @xxxx
   188  *
   189  */
   190 TInt CFileLogger::Connect()
   191 	{
   192 	TInt err = iFs.Connect();
   193 	if (err == KErrNone)
   194 		iFsOpen = ETrue;
   195 	return err;
   196 	}
   198 /**
   199  *
   200  * Close a file server session. Used as a helper function
   201  * by classes owning a CFileLogger.
   202  *
   203  * @xxxx
   204  *
   205  */
   206 void CFileLogger::Close()
   207 	{
   208 	if (iFsOpen)
   209 		{
   210 		iFs.Close();
   211 		iFsOpen = EFalse;
   212 		}
   213 	}