changeset 0 40261b775718
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:40261b775718
     1 # Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 # All rights reserved.
     3 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 # at the URL "".
     7 #
     8 # Initial Contributors:
     9 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 #
    11 # Contributors:
    12 #
    13 # Description:
    14 #
    16 # Full build
    18 use strict;
    21 my $ARGC = @ARGV;
    22 if  (($ARGV[0] eq "-h") ||
    23      ($ARGV[0] eq "--h") ||
    24      ($ARGV[0] eq "-help") ||
    25      ($ARGV[0] eq "--help") ||
    26      ($ARGV[0] eq "help")
    27 	 )
    28 	{
    29 	print "fullMmBuild\n\n";
    30 	print "Syntax : fullMmBuild [-x] [-k] [-c] [-f] [-eabi] [-y] [-a] [-g] [-s] [-dir=directory] [-a3flog]\n";
    31 	print "-x       include optional elements\n";
    32 	print "-k       keep going\n";
    33 	print "-c       clean build\n";
    34 	print "-f       build A3F and A3F DevSound instead of Legacy DevSound\n";
    35 	print "-l		build Legacy DevSound instead of A3F (ignored if -f given)\n";
    36 	print "-eabi    build rom for armv5 EABI\n";
    37 	print "-arm4    build the extra components for arm4\n"; 
    38 	print "-y       build for ccover (wins only)\n";
    39 	print "-a       call mmbuildrom with MMAutoExec.iby\n";
    40 	print "-g       include build of gccxml target, to allow check of BC etc\n";
    41 	print "-s       skip setup and makefile stages (useful on rebuild following minor changes)\n";
    42 	print "-dir     location of TestTools\\Build directory\n";
    43 	print "-a3flog		enables A3F logging\n";
    44 	print "-iclTestdata	builds ICL test data\n";
    45 	exit 0;
    46 	}
    49 use Getopt::Long;
    50 my %optctl = ();
    51 keys(%optctl)=8;
    52 unless (GetOptions (\%optctl, "x", "c", "k", "f", "eabi" ,"y", "a", "g", "s", "l", "dir=s","arm4","a3flog","iclTestdata")) 
    53   {exit 1;}
    55 my $ccover_target = "wins";
    56 my $eka2IdentifyFile  = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\winsgui.dll"; # if file present, is EKA2 build
    57 my $x86gccIdentifyFile  = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\x86gcc\\udeb\\euser.dll"; # if file present, x86 environment present
    59 # main 
    60 	{
    61 	my $auto = "-a " if ($optctl{"a"});
    62 	my $optional = "-x " if ($optctl{"x"});
    63 	my $eabi = "-eabi " if ($optctl{"eabi"});
    64 	my $keep = "-k " if ($optctl{"k"});
    65 	my $target = ""; # default to all
    66 	my $gccxml = "-g " if ($optctl{"g"});
    67 	my $skipSetup = "-s " if ($optctl{"s"});
    68 	my $iclTest = " --iclTestdata " if ($optctl{"iclTestdata"});
    69 	$target = " " . $ccover_target if ($optctl{"y"});
    71 	##################  A3F Section #######################################
    72 	my $a3f_define = 'SYMBIAN_MULTIMEDIA_A3FDEVSOUND';
    73 	my $search_item = '#define\s+'.$a3f_define;  # looking for this
    74 	my $hrh_filename = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\include\\variant\\Symbian_OS.hrh"; # assign hrh file and location
    75 	my $found_search_item = 0; #false
    76 	# print "HRH filename is : $hrh_filename\n";
    78  	if ($optctl{"f"})
    79 	 	{
    80 	 	# This displays the content of the hash table
    81 	 	# use it to confirm the "f" entry has been added.
    82 	 	#
    83 	 	# my $key;  # holds the command line options
    84 	 	# my $value; # redundant for hash entry as only a key is used.
    85 		# while (($key, $value) = each(%optctl))
    86 		#	{
    87 		# 	print $key.", ".$value."\n";
    88 		#	}
    90 		# opens up the hrh file for reading
    91 		open(FILEHANDLE, "<", $hrh_filename) or die "Unable to open $hrh_filename for reading. $!\n";
    93 		my @file_data=<FILEHANDLE>; # read all file data into array
    95 		#check the contents of the array (i.e. the contents of the file)
    96 		for(@file_data)
    97 			{
    98 			# print "$_\n";  #display the line in the file
   100 			# search line for string of interest: =~ is equals, !~ is not equal
   101 			if(($_ =~ m/$search_item/i))
   102 				{
   103 				$found_search_item = 1;  #found the macro 
   104 				# print "Search item found: $_\n";    #display the line containing the search item
   105 				}
   106 			else
   107 				{
   108 				# Search item not found, do nothing
   109 				}
   110 			} #for loop 
   112 		close(FILEHANDLE) or die "Can't close file $hrh_filename.\n";  # readonly file
   114 		if(!$found_search_item)  #search item has not been found
   115 			{
   116 			# print warning
   117 			print "Modifying file $hrh_filename to enable A3F as -f flag has been used.\n";
   119 			# open file for append
   120 			open(FILEHANDLE, ">>", $hrh_filename) or die "Unable to open $hrh_filename for appending. $!\n";
   121 			print FILEHANDLE "\n#define $a3f_define\n"; # append macro to the file
   122 			close(FILEHANDLE) or die "Can't close appended file $hrh_filename.\n";  # readonly file
   123 			}
   125 	 	# Now remove the "f" from the hash table so there is no chance of it being passed
   126 	 	# to mmbuildrom.
   127 	 	######## NOTE removal of flag from Hash table ############
   128 	 	delete($optctl{f});   
   130 	 	# This displays the content of the hash table
   131 	 	# use it to confirm the "f" entry has been removed.
   132 	 	#
   133 		# while (($key, $value) = each(%optctl))
   134 		#	{
   135 		#	print $key.", ".$value."\n";
   136 		#	}
   137 	 	} # if $optctl{"f"}
   138  	elsif ($optctl{"l"})
   139  		{
   140  		 ########### Remove the macro from the hrh as "-l" but not "-f" is specified  ###############
   142  		$found_search_item = 0 ; # false
   143 		# opens up the original hrh file for reading
   144 		open(FILEHANDLE, "<", $hrh_filename) or die "Unable to open $hrh_filename for reading. $!\n";
   146 		# temporary file
   147 		my $temp_hrh_filename = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\include\\variant\\temp_Symbian_OS.hrh";
   148 		# open temporary file for writing
   149 		open(TEMPFILEHANDLE, ">", $temp_hrh_filename) or die "can't open tempory file $temp_hrh_filename. $!\n";
   151 		my @file_data=<FILEHANDLE>; # read all original hrh file data into array
   153 		#check the contents of the array (i.e. the contents of the file)
   154 		for(@file_data)
   155 			{
   156 			# print "$_\n";  #display the line in the file
   158 			# search line for string of interest: =~ is equals, !~ is not equal
   159 			if(($_ =~ m/(.*)$search_item(.*)/i))
   160 				{
   161 				#display a warning message (only do so once)
   162 				if( !$found_search_item )
   163 					{
   164 					print "Modifying file $hrh_filename to disable A3F as -l has been given.\n";
   165 					}
   167 				# write line excluding the #define bit to temp file. (to preserve any other bits in this line. e.g.: comment delimiters)
   168 				print TEMPFILEHANDLE $1." ".$2."\n";
   169 				$found_search_item = 1 ; # true
   170 				# Do not write line to the file as we want to remove it.
   171 				}
   172 			else
   173 				{
   174 				print TEMPFILEHANDLE $_;  # copy unchanged line to temporary file
   175 				}
   176 			} #for loop 
   178 		close(FILEHANDLE) or die "Can't close file $hrh_filename.$!\n";  # readonly file
   179 		close(TEMPFILEHANDLE) or die "Can't close file $temp_hrh_filename. $!\n";  # temp file
   180 		if($found_search_item)
   181 			{
   182 			my $orig_hrh_filename = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\include\\variant\\orig.hrh";
   183 			rename($hrh_filename, $orig_hrh_filename) or die "can't rename $hrh_filename to $orig_hrh_filename: $!\n";
   184 			rename($temp_hrh_filename, $hrh_filename)  or die "can't rename $temp_hrh_filename to $hrh_filename: $!\n";
   185 			unlink $orig_hrh_filename;  # delete the original as it is no longer needed
   186 			}
   187 		else
   188 			{
   189 			unlink $temp_hrh_filename;  # no changes to be made so delete the temporary file
   190 			}
   192  		}  # main else for A3F
   194 	##################  End A3F Section ####################################
   196 	##################  A3F Logging Section ####################################
   198 	my $search_item = "SYMBIAN_MULTIMEDIA_A3F_ENABLE_LOGGING";  # looking for this	
   199 	my $hrh_filename = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\include\\variant\\Symbian_OS.hrh"; # assign hrh file and location
   200 	my $found_search_item = 0; #false
   202  	if ($optctl{"a3flog"})
   203 	 	{
   204 		# opens up the hrh file for reading
   205 		open(FILEHANDLE, "<", $hrh_filename) or die "Unable to open $hrh_filename for reading. $!\n";
   207 		my @file_data=<FILEHANDLE>; # read all file data into array
   209 		#check the contents of the array (i.e. the contents of the file)
   210 		for(@file_data)
   211 			{
   212 			# search line for string of interest: =~ is equals, !~ is not equal
   213 			if(($_ =~ m/$search_item/i))
   214 				{
   215 				$found_search_item = 1;  #found the macro 
   216 				}
   217 			else
   218 				{
   219 				# Search item not found, do nothing
   220 				}
   221 			} #for loop 
   223 		close(FILEHANDLE) or die "Can't close file $hrh_filename.\n";  # readonly file
   225 		if(!$found_search_item)  #search item has not been found
   226 			{
   227 			# open file for append
   228 			open(FILEHANDLE, ">>", $hrh_filename) or die "Unable to open $hrh_filename for appending. $!\n";
   229 			print FILEHANDLE "\n#define $search_item\n"; # append macro to the file
   230 			close(FILEHANDLE) or die "Can't close appended file $hrh_filename.\n";  # readonly file
   231 			}
   233 	 	# Now remove the "log" from the hash table so there is no chance of it being passed
   234 	 	# to anything called in this file.
   235 	 	######## NOTE removal of flag from Hash table ############
   236 	 	delete($optctl{log});   		
   237 	 	} # if $optctl{"log"}
   238  	else
   239  		{
   240  		 ########### Remove the macro from the hrh as "-a3flog" is not specified  ###############
   242  		$found_search_item = 0 ; # false
   243 		# opens up the original hrh file for reading
   244 		open(FILEHANDLE, "<", $hrh_filename) or die "Unable to open $hrh_filename for reading. $!\n";
   246 		# temporary file
   247 		my $temp_hrh_filename = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\include\\variant\\temp_Symbian_OS.hrh";
   248 		# open temporary file for writing
   249 		open(TEMPFILEHANDLE, ">", $temp_hrh_filename) or die "can't open tempory file $temp_hrh_filename. $!\n";
   251 		my @file_data=<FILEHANDLE>; # read all original hrh file data into array
   253 		#check the contents of the array (i.e. the contents of the file)
   254 		for(@file_data)
   255 			{
   256 			# search line for string of interest: =~ is equals, !~ is not equal
   257 			if(($_ =~ m/$search_item/i))
   258 				{
   259 				#display a warning message
   260 				print "Removing $_ from file $hrh_filename as -a3flog flag has not been used to indicate an A3F logging build is required.\n";
   261 				$found_search_item = 1 ; # true
   262 				# Do not write line to the file as we want to remove it.
   263 				}
   264 			else
   265 				{
   266 				# Ensure the last newline after the macro is not written to the file.
   267 				# the last new line was added by the macro append in the previous section.
   268 				# The asssumes the macro is the last entry in the file. If it is not then 
   269 				# the if statement should be removed and the print statement left on its own
   270 				# to copy the last line to file.
   271 				if(!$found_search_item)  
   272 					{
   273 					print TEMPFILEHANDLE $_;  # copy unchanged line to temporary file
   274 					}
   275 				}
   276 			} #for loop 
   278 		close(FILEHANDLE) or die "Can't close file $hrh_filename.$!\n";  # readonly file
   279 		close(TEMPFILEHANDLE) or die "Can't close file $temp_hrh_filename. $!\n";  # temp file
   280 		if($found_search_item)
   281 			{
   282 			my $orig_hrh_filename = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\include\\variant\\orig.hrh";
   283 			rename($hrh_filename, $orig_hrh_filename) or die "can't rename $hrh_filename to $orig_hrh_filename: $!\n";
   284 			rename($temp_hrh_filename, $hrh_filename)  or die "can't rename $temp_hrh_filename to $hrh_filename: $!\n";
   285 			unlink $orig_hrh_filename;  # delete the original as it is no longer needed
   286 			}
   287 		else
   288 			{
   289 			unlink $temp_hrh_filename;  # no changes to be made so delete the temporary file
   290 			}
   292  		}  # main else for A3F
   294 	##################  End A3F Logging Section ####################################
   296 	if($optctl{"dir"})
   297 		{
   298 		my $dir = $optctl{"dir"};
   299 		chdir $dir or die "Can't cd $dir - $!";
   300 		}
   302 	my $targetToolsDir = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\TargetTools\\Build";
   303 	my $testToolsDir = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\os\\mm\\mmtestenv\\mmtesttools\\Build";
   304 	my $targetToolsExists = 0;
   305 	if (-d $targetToolsDir)
   306 		{
   307 		$targetToolsExists = 1;
   308 		print "TargetTools directory exists: $targetToolsDir\n"
   309 		}
   311 	# DEF113945:DRM tests fail due to the change from DEF112928
   312 	my $rtaUtilsDir = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Rtautils\\Build";
   313 	my $rtaUtilsExists = 0;
   314 	if (-d $rtaUtilsDir)
   315 		{
   316 		$rtaUtilsExists = 1;
   317 		print "RtaUtils directory exists: $rtaUtilsDir\n";
   318 		}
   320 	# DEF113945:DRM tests fail due to the change from DEF112928
   321 	my $testExecuteDir = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Testexecute\\Build";
   322 	my $testExecuteExists = 0;
   323 	if (-d $testExecuteDir)
   324 		{
   325 		$testExecuteExists = 1;
   326 		print "TestExecute directory exists: $testExecuteDir\n";
   327 		}
   329 	my $command;
   331  	# mmbuild [-x] [-k] setup
   332  	$command = "mmbuild " . $optional . $keep . "setup" . $iclTest;
   333  	if ($skipSetup ne "")
   334  		{
   335  		print "Skipping setup...\n";
   336  		}
   337  	else
   338  		{
   339  		(system ($command)==0 )or die "Couldn't execute $command";
   340  		}
   342  	if ($optctl{"c"})
   343  		{
   344  		# mmbuild -t clean (throw away result - so we ignore any no-export errors)
   345  		$command = "mmbuild -t clean >\$NULL 2>&1";
   346  		print $command, "\n";
   347  		(system ($command)==0 )or die "Couldn't execute $command";
   348  		}
   350  	# mmbuild [-k] [-g] build
   351  	$command = "mmbuild ". $keep. $gccxml. $skipSetup. "build" . $target . $iclTest;
   352  	(system ($command)==0 )or die "Couldn't execute $command";
   354  	# mmbuild -t [-k] build
   355  	$command = "mmbuild -t ". $keep. $skipSetup. "build" . $target . $iclTest;
   356  	(system ($command)==0 )or die "Couldn't execute $command";
   358  	# mmbuild -t -b [-k] build
   359  	$command = "mmbuild -t -b ". $keep. $skipSetup. "build" . $target . $iclTest;
   360  	(system ($command)==0 )or die "Couldn't execute $command";
   362 	if (!$optctl{"y"})
   363  		{
   364 		# DEF113945:DRM tests fail due to the change from DEF112928
   365 		if ($rtaUtilsExists)
   366 			{
   367 			$command = "testExtras_Rtautils";
   368 			chdir $rtaUtilsDir or die "Can't cd $rtaUtilsDir - $!";
   369 			(system ($command)==0 )or die "Couldn't execute $command";
   370 			chdir $testToolsDir or die "Can't cd $testToolsDir - $!";
   371 			}
   373 		# DEF113945:DRM tests fail due to the change from DEF112928
   374 		if($testExecuteExists)
   375 			{
   376 			$command = "testExtras_Testexecute";
   377 			chdir $testExecuteDir or die "Can't cd $testExecuteDir - $!";
   378 			(system ($command)==0 )or die "Couldn't execute $command";
   379 			chdir $testToolsDir or die "Can't cd $testToolsDir - $!";
   380 			}
   382 		# mmBuildRom [-x]
   383 		$command = "mmBuildRom -t -d " .$auto . $optional .$eabi;
   384 		print $command, "\n";
   385 		(system ($command)==0 )or die "Couldn't execute $command";
   386 		}
   388 	}