1 @rem |
2 @rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
3 @rem All rights reserved. |
4 @rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
5 @rem under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
6 @rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
7 @rem at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
8 @rem |
9 @rem Initial Contributors: |
10 @rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
11 @rem |
12 @rem Contributors: |
13 @rem |
14 @rem Description: |
15 @rem |
16 @rem = '--*-Perl-*-- |
17 @echo off |
18 if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT |
19 perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 |
20 goto endofperl |
21 :WinNT |
22 perl -x -S "%0" %* |
23 if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endofperl |
24 if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH. |
25 goto endofperl |
26 @rem '; |
27 #!perl |
28 #line 14 |
29 eval 'exec perl.exe -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' |
30 if $running_under_some_shell; |
31 |
32 use strict; # important pragma |
33 use File::Copy; |
34 use File::Find; |
35 |
36 |
37 my @Month =("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); |
38 my ($sec,my $min,my $hour,my $mday,my $mon,my $year,my $wday,my $yday,my $isdst); |
39 |
40 |
41 my $BuildToUse="winscw"; |
42 my $EpocCDrive = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\$BuildToUse\\c"; |
43 my $ResultsDirectory = "$EpocCDrive\\Logs\\TestResults"; |
44 my $TestFrameworkOpts=""; |
45 my $TestFrameworkNoDelay=""; |
46 my $Debug=0; |
47 my $Warning=0; #controls how pernickety the output is |
48 my $Cmd; #general variable to carry system commands |
49 my $CodeCover=0; |
50 my $ScriptToRun='[\S]+\.script'; |
51 my $TimesToRun=1; |
52 |
53 |
54 if(@ARGV && (($ARGV[0] eq "-h") || |
55 ($ARGV[0] eq "--h") || |
56 ($ARGV[0] eq "-help") || |
57 ($ARGV[0] eq "--help") || |
58 ($ARGV[0] eq "help")) |
59 ) |
60 { |
61 print "Runs all the Test Framework and Test Execute script files.\n"; |
62 print "\nSyntax : runtests -b=sss -d -c -a -v=nnn -cc -rep=nnn -q\n"; |
63 print "-b Compiler version to use [wins\|winscw) (default=$BuildToUse)\n"; |
64 print "-d Force to run testframework at debug mode \n"; |
65 print "-c Clean results directory ($ResultsDirectory)\n"; |
66 print "-a Full output in testframework console\n"; |
67 print "-v Provide verbose output 1=limited 2=maximum\n"; |
68 print "-s Define a script to be executed (ommitting causes all scripts to be run)\n"; |
69 print "-cc Only run release builds for Code Cover\n"; |
70 print "-rep Repeat the test run a number of times\n"; |
71 print "-q Start testframework without the 20 second delay\n"; |
72 |
73 exit 0; |
74 } |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 use Getopt::Long; |
79 my %optctl = (); |
80 keys(%optctl)=10; |
81 unless (GetOptions (\%optctl, "b=s","d","c","v=i", "cc", "s=s","rep=i","a","q")) |
82 {exit 1;} |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 if($optctl{"b"}) |
87 { |
88 $BuildToUse=$optctl{"b"}; |
89 if((lc($BuildToUse) ne "wins") && (lc($BuildToUse) ne "winscw")) |
90 { |
91 print STDERR "only wins and winscw builds are supported\n"; |
92 exit 1; |
93 } |
94 |
95 $EpocCDrive = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\$BuildToUse\\c"; |
96 $ResultsDirectory = "$EpocCDrive\\Logs\\TestResults"; |
97 } |
98 #repeat test run a number of times |
99 if($optctl{"rep"}) |
100 { |
101 $TimesToRun = $optctl{"rep"}; |
102 if(($TimesToRun < 1)) |
103 { |
104 print STDERR "must specify a positive number of repeates\n"; |
105 exit 1; |
106 } |
107 } |
108 |
109 |
110 #debug on |
111 if($optctl{"v"}) |
112 {$Debug=$optctl{"v"};} |
113 |
114 if($Debug ==2) |
115 { |
116 print "Command line options:-\n"; |
117 while ((my $key, my $val) = each %optctl) |
118 {print "$key => $val\n";} |
119 } |
120 |
121 |
122 #Code Cover run |
123 if($optctl{"cc"}) |
124 {$CodeCover=1;} |
125 |
126 |
127 if($Debug ==2) |
128 { |
129 print "Command line options:-\n"; |
130 while ((my $key, my $val) = each %optctl) |
131 {print "$key => $val\n";} |
132 } |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 if($optctl{"c"}) |
137 { |
138 print "Deleting Existing Results FIles\n"; |
139 |
140 my @ExistingResultsFiles; |
141 my $ExistingResultsFile; |
142 find( sub { push @ExistingResultsFiles, $File::Find::name if /\.htm/ }, ($ResultsDirectory) ); |
143 |
144 |
145 foreach $ExistingResultsFile (@ExistingResultsFiles) |
146 { |
147 $ExistingResultsFile =~ s/\//\\/g; |
148 $Cmd="del $ExistingResultsFile"; |
149 if($Debug==2) |
150 {print "executing $Cmd\n";} |
151 system($Cmd); |
152 } |
153 |
154 } |
155 |
156 if($optctl{"a"}) |
157 { |
158 print "Full output in testframework console\n"; |
159 $TestFrameworkOpts .= " -a"; |
160 } |
161 |
162 if($optctl{"s"}) |
163 { |
164 $ScriptToRun = $optctl{"s"}; |
165 |
166 print "Looking for script file $ScriptToRun\n"; |
167 } |
168 |
169 # Only add -q flag to textframework request |
170 if($optctl{"q"}) |
171 { |
172 $TestFrameworkNoDelay .= " -q"; |
173 } |
174 |
175 my $UrelTestFramework = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\$BuildToUse\\urel\\testframework.exe" . $TestFrameworkOpts . $TestFrameworkNoDelay; |
176 my $UdebTestFramework = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\$BuildToUse\\udeb\\testframework.exe -t" . $TestFrameworkOpts . $TestFrameworkNoDelay; |
177 my $RecogUrelTestFramework = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\$BuildToUse\\urel\\testframeworkrecognizer.exe" . $TestFrameworkOpts . $TestFrameworkNoDelay; |
178 my $RecogUdebTestFramework = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\$BuildToUse\\udeb\\testframeworkrecognizer.exe" . $TestFrameworkOpts . $TestFrameworkNoDelay; |
179 my $NoneUrelTestFramework = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\$BuildToUse\\urel\\testframeworkNone.exe" . $TestFrameworkOpts . $TestFrameworkNoDelay; |
180 my $NoneUdebTestFramework = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\$BuildToUse\\udeb\\testframeworkNone.exe" . $TestFrameworkOpts . $TestFrameworkNoDelay; |
181 my $MMDDCapUrelTestFramework = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\$BuildToUse\\urel\\testframeworkMMDDCap.exe" . $TestFrameworkOpts . $TestFrameworkNoDelay; |
182 my $UECapUrelTestFramework = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\$BuildToUse\\urel\\testframeworkUECap.exe" . $TestFrameworkOpts . $TestFrameworkNoDelay; |
183 my $UrelEpocEmulator = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\$BuildToUse\\urel\\epoc.exe" . $TestFrameworkOpts; |
184 my $UdebEpocEmulator = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\$BuildToUse\\udeb\\epoc.exe" . $TestFrameworkOpts; |
185 my $eka2IdentifyFile = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\winsgui.dll"; # if file present, is EKA2 build |
186 my $UrelTestExecute = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\$BuildToUse\\urel\\testexecute.exe" . $TestFrameworkOpts; |
187 my $UdebTestExecute = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\$BuildToUse\\udeb\\testexecute.exe" . $TestFrameworkOpts; |
188 |
189 my $RecogniserCfgFile = "$EpocCDrive\\mm\\AutorunTests.cfg"; |
190 my $copy_ini_secdisp = "perl secdisp_ini_append.pl append"; |
191 my $delete_ini_secdisp = "perl secdisp_ini_append.pl restore"; |
192 if($Debug>=1) |
193 { |
194 print "\nUsing $RecogniserCfgFile to configure the Epoc recogniser\n"; |
195 } |
196 |
197 print "\nScanning $EpocCDrive for script files\n"; |
198 my @ScriptFilesFound; |
199 my $ScriptFile; |
200 my $ScriptToRunTmp = $ScriptToRun; |
201 |
202 #Firstly, try to find an exact script name |
203 print "ScriptToRunTmp = $ScriptToRunTmp\n"; |
204 |
205 if(!($ScriptToRun =~ /\.script/i)) |
206 {$ScriptToRunTmp = $ScriptToRun .'\.script';} |
207 |
208 #find all the required script files |
209 find( sub { push @ScriptFilesFound, $File::Find::name if /^$ScriptToRunTmp$/i }, ($EpocCDrive) ); |
210 |
211 #if no scripts were found, look for scripts that wildcard match |
212 if(@ScriptFilesFound < 1) |
213 { |
214 if(!($ScriptToRun =~ /\.script/i)) |
215 {$ScriptToRunTmp = '[\S]*' . $ScriptToRun .'[\S]*\.script';} |
216 else |
217 {$ScriptToRunTmp = $ScriptToRun;} |
218 |
219 find( sub { push @ScriptFilesFound, $File::Find::name if /$ScriptToRunTmp/i }, ($EpocCDrive) ); |
220 } |
221 |
222 if($Debug>=1) |
223 { |
224 my $len = @ScriptFilesFound; |
225 print "\nScanned $len script files in $EpocCDrive\n"; |
226 foreach $ScriptFile (@ScriptFilesFound) |
227 {print "$ScriptFile\n";} |
228 } |
229 |
230 |
231 #look for any scripts that are called from other scripts; no need to call these directly |
232 my @IndirectScripts; |
233 my $IndirectScript; |
234 foreach $ScriptFile (@ScriptFilesFound) |
235 { |
236 unless (open(SCRIPTFILE,"$ScriptFile")) |
237 { |
238 print STDERR "Can't open $ScriptFile: $!\n"; |
239 exit 1; |
240 } |
241 |
242 my $ScriptFileLine; |
243 my @ResultFileContents = <SCRIPTFILE>; |
244 |
245 foreach $ScriptFileLine (@ResultFileContents) |
246 { |
247 if($ScriptFileLine =~ /^RUN_SCRIPT[\s]+[\S]+[\s]*$/) |
248 { |
249 if($Debug==2) |
250 {print "File: $ScriptFile Line: $ScriptFileLine\n";} |
251 |
252 $IndirectScript = $ScriptFileLine; |
253 $_ = $IndirectScript; |
254 |
255 m/^RUN_SCRIPT[\s]+([\S]+)[\s]*$/; |
256 $IndirectScript=($1); |
257 |
258 if($Debug==2) |
259 {print "Secondary Script = $IndirectScript\n";} |
260 |
261 push @IndirectScripts, $IndirectScript; |
262 } |
263 } |
264 } |
265 |
266 |
267 #produce a list of the script files that need running |
268 my @ScriptsToRun; |
269 ScriptFile_LBL: foreach $ScriptFile (@ScriptFilesFound) |
270 { |
271 |
272 foreach $IndirectScript (@IndirectScripts) |
273 { |
274 if($ScriptFile =~ /$IndirectScript/) |
275 { |
276 if($Debug==2) |
277 {print "Not running $ScriptFile directly\n";} |
278 next ScriptFile_LBL;} |
279 } |
280 |
281 push @ScriptsToRun, $ScriptFile; |
282 } |
283 |
284 |
285 if($Debug>=1) |
286 { |
287 foreach $ScriptFile (@ScriptsToRun) |
288 {print "Running $ScriptFile\n";} |
289 } |
290 |
291 |
292 unless (open(TESTRUNLOG,">TestRunLog.txt")) |
293 { |
294 print STDERR "Can't open orphanedtests.txt: $!\n"; |
295 exit 1; |
296 } |
297 |
298 unless (open(MASTERSCRIPT,">master.script")) |
299 { |
300 print STDERR "Can't open master.script: $!\n"; |
301 exit 1; |
302 } |
303 unless (open(MASTERALLOCSCRIPT,">master_alloc.script")) |
304 { |
305 print STDERR "Can't open master_alloc.script: $!\n"; |
306 exit 1; |
307 } |
308 |
309 #create a master script file, this could be usefull for running on hardware. |
310 foreach $ScriptFile (@ScriptsToRun) |
311 { |
312 $ScriptFile =~ s/\//\\/g; |
313 $ScriptFile =~ s/^[\s]*[a-z]://i; |
314 |
315 my $regex = quotemeta $EpocCDrive; |
316 $ScriptFile =~ s/$regex//gi; |
317 |
318 #alloc tests must be run under debug |
319 if($ScriptFile =~ /_alloc(_wm)?.script/i) |
320 { |
321 print MASTERALLOCSCRIPT "RUN_SCRIPT $ScriptFile\n";} |
322 else |
323 {print MASTERSCRIPT "RUN_SCRIPT $ScriptFile\n";} |
324 |
325 } |
326 close MASTERSCRIPT; |
328 |
329 |
330 #remove any alloc tests from list. Alloc tests must be run on debug builds, Code Cover tests |
331 #are only done against release builds. |
332 if($CodeCover==1) |
333 { |
334 my @ScriptsToRunTmp=(); |
335 foreach $ScriptFile (@ScriptsToRun) |
336 { |
337 if(!($ScriptFile =~ /_alloc(_wm)?.script/i)) |
338 { |
339 push @ScriptsToRunTmp, $ScriptFile; |
340 } |
341 } |
342 @ScriptsToRun = @ScriptsToRunTmp; |
343 } |
344 |
345 |
346 my $TotalScriptFiles = @ScriptsToRun; |
347 if($TimesToRun > 1) |
348 { |
349 print "Running $TotalScriptFiles scripts $TimesToRun times\n"; |
350 } |
351 else |
352 { |
353 print "Running $TotalScriptFiles scripts\n"; |
354 } |
355 |
356 |
357 my $RunCount=0; |
358 for ($RunCount = 0; $RunCount < $TimesToRun; $RunCount++) |
359 { |
360 my $ScriptsRun=0; |
361 #run each script |
362 foreach $ScriptFile (@ScriptsToRun) |
363 { |
364 $ScriptFile =~ s/\//\\/g; |
365 $ScriptFile =~ s/^[\s]*[a-z]://i; |
366 |
367 my $regex = quotemeta $EpocCDrive; |
368 $ScriptFile =~ s/$regex//gi; |
369 |
370 # We must decide if the test needs to be run using epoc or the test framework. This is |
371 # done by looking for _WM (Window Manager) appended to the script name. |
372 # NB. This only applies to Typhoon, Jetstream is unaffected. |
373 |
374 if (!(-f $eka2IdentifyFile) && ($ScriptFile =~ /_wm.script/i)) # This script must be run using epoc and the recogniser |
375 { |
376 # First create the recogniser config file |
377 my $line1 = "// This file is generated by runtests.bat\n"; |
378 my $line2 = "RUN_SCRIPT\n"; |
379 my $line3 = ""; |
380 |
381 #alloc tests must be run under debug |
382 if($ScriptFile =~ /_alloc_wm.script/i) |
383 { |
384 $Cmd = "$UdebEpocEmulator"; |
385 $line3 = "C:$ScriptFile -t 15000000\n"; |
386 } |
387 else |
388 { |
389 $Cmd = "$UrelEpocEmulator"; |
390 $line3 = "C:$ScriptFile 15000000\n"; |
391 } |
392 open(RECOGNISER_CFG_FILE,">$RecogniserCfgFile") or die "Could not open $RecogniserCfgFile for writing\n"; |
393 print RECOGNISER_CFG_FILE $line1, $line2, $line3; |
395 } |
396 else # This script can be run from the test framework |
397 { |
398 #alloc tests must be run under debug |
399 if($ScriptFile =~ /_recog_alloc.script/i) |
400 { |
401 $Cmd = "$RecogUdebTestFramework $ScriptFile"; |
402 } |
403 elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_nocap_alloc.script/i) |
404 { |
405 $Cmd = "$NoneUdebTestFramework $ScriptFile"; |
406 } |
407 elsif(($ScriptFile =~ /_alloc.script/i) || ($ScriptFile =~ /_alloc_wm.script/i) || ($ScriptFile =~ /_debug.script/i) || ($optctl{"d"}) ) |
408 { |
409 $Cmd = "$UdebTestFramework $ScriptFile"; |
410 } |
411 elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_recog.script/i) |
412 { |
413 $Cmd = "$RecogUrelTestFramework $ScriptFile"; |
414 } |
415 elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_nocap.script/i) |
416 { |
417 $Cmd = "$NoneUrelTestFramework $ScriptFile"; |
418 } |
419 elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_mmddcap.script/i) |
420 { |
421 $Cmd = "$MMDDCapUrelTestFramework $ScriptFile"; |
422 } |
423 elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_uecap.script/i) |
424 { |
425 $Cmd = "$UECapUrelTestFramework $ScriptFile"; |
426 } |
427 elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_secdisp.script/i) |
428 { |
429 #Take a backup of the existing ini files to .OLD and copy our ini files from the current dir to \epoc folders |
430 if(!(system($copy_ini_secdisp)==0)) |
431 { |
432 print "Failure to execute - $Cmd: $!"; |
433 print TESTRUNLOG "Failure to execute - $Cmd: $!\n"; |
434 } |
435 $Cmd = "$UrelTestFramework $ScriptFile"; |
436 } |
437 elsif($ScriptFile =~ /\\te_/i) |
438 { |
439 $Cmd = "$UdebTestExecute $ScriptFile"; |
440 } |
441 elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_te.script/i) |
442 { |
443 $Cmd = "$UdebTestExecute $ScriptFile"; |
444 } |
445 else |
446 { |
447 $Cmd = "$UrelTestFramework $ScriptFile"; |
448 } |
449 } |
450 |
451 |
452 |
453 ($sec,my $min,my $hour,my $mday,my $mon,my $year,my $wday,my $yday,my $isdst) = localtime(time); |
454 print "Starting script at $hour:$min:$sec\n"; |
455 print TESTRUNLOG "Starting script at $hour:$min:$sec\n"; |
456 |
457 $ScriptsRun++; |
458 print "executing $Cmd ($ScriptsRun of $TotalScriptFiles)\n"; |
459 |
460 print TESTRUNLOG "executing $Cmd\n"; |
461 |
462 if(!(system($Cmd)==0)) |
463 { |
464 print "Failure to execute - $Cmd: $!"; |
465 print TESTRUNLOG "Failure to execute - $Cmd: $!\n"; |
466 } |
467 if($ScriptFile =~ /_secdisp.script/i) |
468 { |
469 #Delete .ini files and rename .OLD files to .ini files |
470 if(!(system($delete_ini_secdisp)==0)) |
471 { |
472 print "Failure to execute - $Cmd: $!"; |
473 print TESTRUNLOG "Failure to execute - $Cmd: $!\n"; |
474 } |
475 } |
476 |
477 }#foreach $ScriptFile (@ScriptsToRun) |
478 |
479 if($TimesToRun > 1) |
480 { |
481 #now copy the results to a new numbered directory |
482 $Cmd = "xcopy /E /R /I /Y P:\\epoc32\\wins\\c\\Logs\\TestResults P:\\epoc32\\wins\\c\\Logs\\TestResults$RunCount"; |
483 print "executing $Cmd"; |
484 |
485 if(!(system($Cmd)==0)) |
486 { |
487 print "Failure to execute - $Cmd: $!"; |
488 print TESTRUNLOG "Failure to execute - $Cmd: $!\n"; |
489 } |
490 } |
491 } |
492 |
493 |
494 |
495 $Cmd="del /F /Q $RecogniserCfgFile"; |
496 if($Debug==2) |
497 {print "executing $Cmd\n";} |
498 system($Cmd); |
499 |
500 ($sec,my $min,my $hour,my $mday,my $mon,my $year,my $wday,my $yday,my $isdst) = localtime(time); |
501 print "Test run completed at $hour:$min:$sec\n"; |
502 print TESTRUNLOG "Test run completed at $hour:$min:$sec\n"; |
503 |
504 |
505 __END__ |
506 |
507 :endofperl |
508 |