1 rem Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 rem All rights reserved. |
3 rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 rem under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 rem at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 rem |
8 rem Initial Contributors: |
9 rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 rem |
11 rem Contributors: |
12 rem |
13 rem Description: |
14 rem runMMFNonA3FDevSoundUnitTests.bat |
15 rem |
16 rem |
17 |
18 del E:\Logs\TestResults\TSU_MMF_DEVSOUND_SUITE_NONA3F.* |
19 md E:\Logs\ |
20 md E:\Logs\TestResults\ |
21 |
22 REM *********************************************** |
23 REM ************* NonA3FDevSound Tests ************ |
24 REM *********************************************** |
25 |
26 md c:\mm\ |
27 md c:\mm\mmf\ |
28 md c:\mm\mmf\testfiles\ |
29 md c:\mm\mmf\testfiles\truepause_devsound_test_data\ |
30 |
31 copy z:\tsu_mmf_truepause_devsound.ini c:\tsu_mmf_truepause_devsound.ini |
32 |
33 copy e:\mm\mmf\testfiles\truepause_devsound_test_data\cerrodelasilla.raw c:\mm\mmf\testfiles\truepause_devsound_test_data\ |
34 attrib c:\tsu_mmf_devsound_suite\input\cerrodelasilla.raw -r |
35 |
36 testframework tsu_mmf_devsound_suite_nona3f.script |
37 move c:\logs\testresults\*.htm e:\logs\testresults\ |
38 |
39 del c:\mm\mmf\testfiles\truepause_devsound_test_data\cerrodelasilla.raw |
40 |