changeset 58 b6dbf97aba93
equal deleted inserted replaced
57:1cbb0d5bf7f2 58:b6dbf97aba93
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "common.h"
    21 #ifndef NULL
    22 #define NULL (void*)0
    23 #endif 
    25 int32 IPEmz_sYUV420toY2VY1U(tBaseVideoFrame* yuv420Frame, tBaseVideoFrame* yuv422Frame, int16 stride);
    26 int32 IPEmz_sYUV420toUY1VY2(tBaseVideoFrame* yuv420Frame, tBaseVideoFrame* yuv422Frame, int16 stride);
    28 /*
    29 *******************************************************************************
    30 Name            : IPEmz_gYUV420toY2VY1U
    31 Description     : This fuction converts image from yuv420 to YUYV interleaved format
    32 Parameter       : yuv420Frame :contains the decoded image of jpeg stream in yuv420 format
    33           yuyvFrame:this is user passed buffer to store the output in YUYV
    34               interleaved format
    35 Return Value    : int32
    36 *******************************************************************************
    37 */
    39 int32 IPEmz_sYUV420toY2VY1U(tBaseVideoFrame* yuv420Frame, tBaseVideoFrame* yuv422Frame, int16 stride)
    40 {
    41     int32   lLumWidth, lLumHeight;  
    42     uint8   *lLumPtr1;
    43     uint8   *lCrPtr;
    44     uint8   *lCbPtr;
    45   	int32   lY1, lCr, lCb,lTemp;
    46     int32   i,j;
    47   	uint32  *lOutyuvBufferPtr;
    48   	uint8		*pOutputLinePtr;
    50   	lLumWidth = yuv420Frame->width;	
    51 	lLumHeight = yuv420Frame->height;
    53 	if (stride < lLumWidth<<1)
    54         return E_ERROR_ARGUMENT;
    56 	lLumPtr1 = yuv420Frame->lum+lLumWidth*(lLumHeight-1);
    57   lCbPtr = yuv420Frame->cb+(lLumWidth>>1)*((lLumHeight>>1)-1);
    58   lCrPtr = yuv420Frame->cr+(lLumWidth>>1)*((lLumHeight>>1)-1);
    60 	lOutyuvBufferPtr = (uint32*) (yuv422Frame->lum+((lLumHeight-1)*(stride)));	
    61 	pOutputLinePtr= (uint8*)lOutyuvBufferPtr;
    63   for(i = 0; i < lLumHeight ; i ++)
    64 	{
    65 		j=(lLumWidth >> 1) + 1;
    66 		while(--j)
    67 		{
    68 			lY1    = *lLumPtr1++; //Y1
    69 			lCr	   = *lCrPtr++;			
    70 			lTemp  = *lLumPtr1++; //Y2
    71 			lCb    = *lCbPtr++;
    73 			lTemp |= (lY1 << 16);			  
    74 			lCr |= (lCb<<16);	//Cb and Cr are common			
    75 			*lOutyuvBufferPtr++ = (uint32)(lTemp|(lCr<<8));
    76 	    }
    78 		if(i&1)
    79 		{		
    80 			lCbPtr	 -= lLumWidth;
    81 			lCrPtr	 -= lLumWidth;			
    82 		}
    83 		else
    84 		{
    85 			lCbPtr	 -= lLumWidth/2;
    86 			lCrPtr	 -= lLumWidth/2;			
    87 		}
    89 		lLumPtr1 -= lLumWidth*2;	
    90 		pOutputLinePtr -= stride;
    91  	  lOutyuvBufferPtr = (uint32*) pOutputLinePtr;
    92 	}
    94   return E_SUCCESS;
    95 }
    97 /*
    98 *******************************************************************************
    99 Name            : IPEmz_gYUV420toUY1VY2
   100 Description     : This fuction converts image from yuv420 to YUYV interleaved format
   101 Parameter       : yuv420Frame :contains the decoded image of jpeg stream in yuv420 format
   102           yuyvFrame:this is user passed buffer to store the output in YUYV
   103               interleaved format
   104 Return Value    : int32
   105 *******************************************************************************
   106 */
   107 #if (defined ARM_V5) || (defined ARM_V5E) || (defined __WINSCW__)
   108 int32 IPEmz_sYUV420toUY1VY2(tBaseVideoFrame* yuv420Frame, tBaseVideoFrame* yuv422Frame, int16 stride)
   109 {
   110     int32   lLumWidth, lLumHeight;  
   111     uint8   *lLumPtr;
   112     uint8   *lCrPtr;
   113     uint8   *lCbPtr;
   114   	int32   lY1, lCr, lCb,lTemp;
   115     int32   i,j;
   116 	  uint32  *lOutyuvBufferPtr;
   117 	  uint8		*pOutputLinePtr;
   119   	lLumWidth = yuv420Frame->width; 
   120   	lLumHeight = yuv420Frame->height;
   122     if (stride < lLumWidth<<1)
   123         return E_ERROR_ARGUMENT;
   125     lLumPtr = yuv420Frame->lum+lLumWidth*(lLumHeight-1);
   126     lCbPtr = yuv420Frame->cb+(lLumWidth>>1)*((lLumHeight>>1)-1);
   127     lCrPtr = yuv420Frame->cr+(lLumWidth>>1)*((lLumHeight>>1)-1);
   129 	  lOutyuvBufferPtr = (uint32*) (yuv422Frame->lum+((lLumHeight-1)*(stride)));
   130 	  pOutputLinePtr= (uint8*)lOutyuvBufferPtr;
   132     for(i = 0; i < lLumHeight ; i ++)
   133 	  {
   134 		j=(lLumWidth >> 1) + 1;
   136 		while (--j)
   137 		{
   138 			lCr    = *lCrPtr++;
   139 			lTemp  = *lLumPtr++; //Y1
   140 			lCb    = *lCbPtr++;			
   141 			lY1    = *lLumPtr++; //Y2
   143 			lCb   |= (lCr << 16);	
   144 			lTemp |= (lY1 << 16);	
   145 			*lOutyuvBufferPtr++ = (uint32)((lTemp << 8)|(lCb));
   146 		}
   148 		if(i&1)
   149 		{		
   150 			lCbPtr	 -= lLumWidth;
   151 			lCrPtr	 -= lLumWidth;			
   152 		}
   153 		else
   154 		{
   155 			lCbPtr	 -= lLumWidth >> 1;
   156 			lCrPtr	 -= lLumWidth >> 1;
   157 		}
   159 		lLumPtr -= (lLumWidth << 1);
   160 		pOutputLinePtr -= stride;
   161  	  lOutyuvBufferPtr = (uint32*) pOutputLinePtr;
   162 	}
   163   return E_SUCCESS;
   164 }
   166 #else
   167 __asm int32 IPEmz_sYUV420toUY1VY2(tBaseVideoFrame* yuv420Frame, tBaseVideoFrame* yuv422Frame, int16 stride)
   168 {
   169         STMFD    r13!,{r4-r11,lr}
   170         LDR      r12,[r1,#0]
   171         LDRH     r1,[r0,#0xc]
   172         LDR      r6,[r0,#4]
   173         LDR      r5,[r0,#8]
   174         LDRH     r4,[r0,#0xe]
   175         LSR      r3,r1,#1
   176         LDR      lr,[r0,#0]
   178         CMP      r2,r3,LSL #2
   179         MOVLT    r0,#-16
   180         STMLTFD   r13!,{r4-r11,pc}
   181         ADD      r0,r2,r2,LSR #31
   182         ASR      r0,r0,#1
   183         SUB      r2,r4,#1
   184         LSL      r11,r0,#2
   185         MUL      r0,r3,r2
   186         ADD      r1,r4,r4,LSR #31
   187         LSL      r0,r0,#1
   188         ADD      r0,r0,r0,LSR #31
   189         BIC      r0,r0,#1
   190         ADD      lr,r0,lr
   191         MVN      r0,#0
   192         ADD      r0,r0,r1,ASR #1
   193         MLA      r1,r3,r0,r6
   194         MLA      r0,r3,r0,r5
   195         ADD      r5,r11,r11,LSR #31
   196         ASR      r5,r5,#1
   197         MUL      r2,r5,r2
   198         ASR      r5,r2,#31
   199         ADD      r2,r2,r5,LSR #30
   200         BIC      r2,r2,#3
   201         ADD      r12,r2,r12
   202         MOV      r2,#0xff00
   203         ORR      r10,r2,r2,LSL #16
   204         MOV      r5,r3
   205 outer_loop
   206         LDRH     r2,[lr],#2
   207         LDRB     r6,[r1],#1
   208         LDRB     r7,[r0],#1
   209 inner_loop
   210         SUBS     r5,r5,#1
   211         PKHBT    r9,r2,r2,LSL #8
   212         PKHBT    r8,r6,r7,LSL #16
   213         AND      r9,r10,r9,LSL #8
   214         LDRBNE   r7,[r0],#1
   215         LDRBNE   r6,[r1],#1
   216         LDRHNE   r2,[lr],#2
   217         ORR      r8,r9,r8
   218         STR      r8,[r12],#4
   219         BNE      inner_loop
   220         ANDS     r2,r4,#1
   221         SUBEQ    r1,r1,r3
   222         SUBEQ    r0,r0,r3
   223         SUBNE    r0,r0,r3,LSL #1
   224         SUBNE    r1,r1,r3,LSL #1
   225         SUBS     r4,r4,#1
   226         SUB      lr,lr,r3,LSL #2
   227         SUB      r12,r12,r11,ASR #1
   228         SUB	     r12,r12,r3,LSL #2
   229         MOV      r5,r3
   230         BNE      outer_loop
   231         MOV      r0,#1
   232         LDMFD    r13!, {r4-r11,pc}
   234       }
   235 #endif
   237 /*
   238 ******************************************************************************
   239 Name            : gColorSpaceConvertYUV
   240 Description   : Converts YUV Data to YUV 422 Interleaved format.
   241 Parameter       : yuv420Frame    - Source structure
   242           yuv422Frame  - Pointer to yuv 422 Interleaved data.
   243           outClrFmt   - input color format.
   244 Return Value    : int32
   245 ******************************************************************************
   246 */
   248 int32 gColorConvYUVtoYUV422Int (tBaseVideoFrame *yuv420Frame, tBaseVideoFrame* yuv422Frame,
   249                  uint8 outClrFmt, int stride)             
   250 {
   251   if( (NULL == yuv420Frame) || (NULL == yuv422Frame) || (NULL == yuv420Frame->lum) ||
   252     (NULL == yuv420Frame->cb) || (NULL == yuv420Frame->cr))
   253   {
   254     return E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
   255   }
   257   switch(outClrFmt)
   258   {
   259     case(YUV422INT_LE):
   260       return IPEmz_sYUV420toY2VY1U(yuv420Frame, yuv422Frame, stride);
   262     case(YUV422INT_BE):
   263       return IPEmz_sYUV420toUY1VY2(yuv420Frame, yuv422Frame, stride);
   265     default:
   266       return E_ERROR_ARGUMENT;
   267   }
   268 }