changeset 15 c1e808730d6c
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Client / server logging for Test Framework
    15 // NOTE : does NOT include secure API changes in EKA2
    16 // 
    17 //
    20 // Test system includes
    21 #include <testframework.h>
    23 /**
    24  *
    25  * Global : start a server
    26  * NOTE. Function is global static as only one server will ever run at any time
    27  * (there may be multiple client sessions)
    28  *
    29  * @return	"TInt"
    30  *			Error code (KErrNone if successful)
    31  *
    32  * @xxxx
    33  *
    34  */
    35 GLDEF_C TInt StartServer()
    36 // Start the server process/thread which lives in an (EPOC)EXE object
    37 	{
    38 	const TUidType serverUid(KNullUid, KNullUid, KTestFrameworkServerUid3);
    41 // EPOC is easy, we just create a new server process. Simultaneous launching
    42 // of two such processes should be detected when the second one attempts to
    43 // create the server object, failing with KErrAlreadyExists.
    45 	RProcess server;
    46 	TInt r = server.Create(KTestFrameworkServerImg, KNullDesC, serverUid);
    48 	if (r != KErrNone)
    49 		return r;
    52 	TRequestStatus rendezvous;
    53 	server.Rendezvous(rendezvous);
    55 	if (rendezvous!=KRequestPending)
    56 		{
    57 		server.Kill(0);
    58 		}
    59 	else
    60 		{
    61 		server.Resume();
    62 		}
    65 	User::WaitForRequest(rendezvous);		// wait for start or death
    67 	// we can't use the 'exit reason' if the server panicked as this
    68 	// is the panic 'reason' and may be '0' which cannot be distinguished
    69 	// from KErrNone
    70 	if (rendezvous!=KErrNone)
    71 		{
    72 		server.Close();
    73 		}
    75 	// server started (at last). Cancel and consume the death-notification
    76 	// before reporting success
    77 	return rendezvous.Int();
    78 	}
    80 /**
    81  *
    82  * Constructor for RTestFrameworkClientSession
    83  *
    84  * @xxxx
    85  *
    86  */
    87 RTestFrameworkClientSession::RTestFrameworkClientSession()
    88 	{
    89 	}
    91 /**
    92  *
    93  * Client session : connect to server.
    94  * Will start a new server session if no server exists
    95  *
    96  * @return	"TInt"
    97  *			Error code (KErrNone if connect successful)
    98  *
    99  * @xxxx
   100  *
   101  */
   102 TInt RTestFrameworkClientSession::Connect()
   103 	{
   104 	// NOTE : this loop is ugly and can probably be rewritten to be more graceful
   105 	const TInt KNumRetries = 2;
   107 	TInt retry = KNumRetries;
   108 	for (;;)
   109 		{
   110 		TInt r = CreateSession(KTestFrameworkServerName, TVersion(KTestFrameworkServerMajorVersionNumber,
   111 																  KTestFrameworkServerMinorVersionNumber,
   112 																  KTestFrameworkServerBuildVersionNumber));
   113 		if (r == KErrNone)
   114 			{
   115 #ifdef __IPC_V2_PRESENT__
   116 			r = ShareAuto();
   117 #else
   118 			r = Share(RSessionBase::EAutoAttach);
   119 #endif
   120 			if (r!=KErrNone)
   121 				Close();
   122 			return r;
   123 			}
   124 		if (r != KErrNotFound && r != KErrServerTerminated)
   125 			{
   126 			return r;
   127 			}
   128 		if (--retry == 0)
   129 			return r;
   130 		r = StartServer();
   131 		if (r != KErrNone && r != KErrAlreadyExists)
   132 			return r;
   133 		}
   134 	}
   136 /**
   137  *
   138  * Request creation of an input window.
   139  * NOTE. For initialisation of input console only - unlikely to
   140  * be required by user
   141  *
   142  * @param	"TRectBuf& aAllocatedWindow"
   143  *			Window dimensions
   144  *
   145  * @param	"TRequestStatus& aReqStat"
   146  *			Request status
   147  *
   148  * @xxxx
   149  *
   150  */
   151 void RTestFrameworkClientSession::CreateInputWindow(TRectBuf& aAllocatedWindow, TRequestStatus& aReqStat)
   152 	{
   153 	SendReceiveResult(ECreateInputWindow, aAllocatedWindow, aReqStat);
   154 	}
   156 /**
   157  *
   158  * Request window change notifications
   159  * NOTE. For initialisation of input console only - unlikely to
   160  * be required by user
   161  *
   162  * @param	"TRectBuf& aNewWindow"
   163  *			New window dimensions
   164  *
   165  * @param	"TRequestStatus& aReqStat"
   166  *			Request status
   167  *
   168  * @xxxx
   169  *
   170  */
   171 void RTestFrameworkClientSession::NotifyIfWindowChange(TRectBuf& aNewWindow, TRequestStatus& aReqStat)
   172 	{
   173 	SendReceiveResult(ENotifyIfWindowChange, aNewWindow, aReqStat);
   174 	}
   176 /**
   177  *
   178  * Cancel window change notifications
   179  * NOTE. For initialisation of input console only - unlikely to
   180  * be required by user
   181  *
   182  * @return	"TInt"
   183  *			SendReceive error code
   184  *
   185  * @xxxx
   186  *
   187  */
   188 TInt RTestFrameworkClientSession::CancelNotifyIfWindowChange()
   189 	{
   190 	return SendReceive(ECancelNotifyIfWindowChange);
   191 	}
   194 /**
   195  *
   196  * Open a log server session
   197  *
   198  * @param	"const TDesC& aLogName"
   199  *			The log name
   200  *
   201  * @param	"TInt aLogMode"
   202  *			The log mode (a bitmask of TTestFrameworkLogMode)
   203  *
   204  * @xxxx
   205  *
   206  */
   207 void RTestFrameworkClientSession::OpenLog(const TDesC& aLogName, TInt aLogMode)
   208 	{
   209 	(void) SendReceive(EOpenLog, aLogName, aLogMode);
   210 	}
   212 /**
   213  *
   214  * Write message string to log server session
   215  *
   216  * @param	"const TDesC& aMsg"
   217  *			The message string
   218  *
   219  * @param	"TInt aLogMode"
   220  *			The log mode (a bitmask of TTestFrameworkLogMode)
   221  *
   222  * @xxxx
   223  *
   224  */
   225 void RTestFrameworkClientSession::WriteLog(const TDesC& aMsg, TInt aLogMode)
   226 	{
   227 	(void) SendReceive(EWriteLog, aMsg, aLogMode);
   228 	}
   230 /**
   231  *
   232  * Send close log message to server
   233  *
   234  * @xxxx
   235  *
   236  */
   237 void RTestFrameworkClientSession::CloseLog()
   238 	{
   239 	SendReceive(ECloseLog);
   240 	}
   242 /**
   243  *
   244  * Retrieve log status from server
   245  *
   246  * @return	"TInt"
   247  *			The log status (a bitmask of TTestFrameworkLogMode)
   248  *
   249  * @xxxx
   250  *
   251  */
   252 TInt RTestFrameworkClientSession::LogStatus()
   253 	{
   254 	TInt res = 0;
   255 	TPckgBuf<TInt> pckg;
   256 	TInt r = SendReceiveResult(ELogStatus, pckg);
   257 	if (r != KErrNone)
   258 	{
   259 		// RTestFrameworkClientSession does not log - 
   260 		// we can however return 0 to indicate an error (no outputs)
   261 		res = 0;
   262 	}
   263 	else
   264 		res = pckg();
   265 	return res;
   266 	}