changeset 33 0267baa9dea9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmapitest/mmsvs/suite/testdata/t_multimedia.ini	Wed Jun 23 19:56:04 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# Defines the number of cameras available on the device.
+count		=1
+# Set to the 0 offset index of the camera used for still photography tests.
+validstill	=0
+# Set to an invalid camera index for negative still photography tests.
+invalidstill	=100
+# Set to the index of the camera used for video tests.
+validvideo	=0
+# Set to the default video frame width.
+framewidth	=176
+# Set to the default video frame height.
+frameheight	=144
+# Defines the uid of the video controller of the device. 
+uid		=101F8514
+# Refers to the video file which is used to execute the video player/recorder tests. 
+sample		=\multimedia\t_videoplayerutility\xvid_clock.avi
+# Defines the default video mime type of the default video file (sample). 
+format		=XVID
+# Indicates whether or not audio is enabled in the videoclip. 
+audioenabled	=FALSE
+# Defines the default length of the video clip in micro seconds. 
+duration	=13400000
+# Defines the default maximum volume of the video clip.
+maxvolume	=100
+# Defines the url used to execute the video player/recorder tests. 
+urisample	=file:///multimedia/t_videoplayerutility/xvid_clock.avi
+# These keys define the default uids of the various image types. 
+imagetype_gif   =   101F45B3
+imagetype_tiff  =   101F45C4
+imagetype_jpg   =   101F45D8
+imagetype_bmp   =   101F45B0
+imagetype_png   =   101F45C9
+imagetype_ota   =   101F45D2
+imagetype_mbm	=   101F45CC
+imagetype_ico	=   101F45D5
+imagetype_wbmp	=   101F45CF
+imagetype_mng   =   101F7C53
+# These keys define the default mime types of the various image types.
+mime_gif	=   image/gif
+mime_tiff	=   image/tiff
+mime_jpg	=   image/jpeg
+mime_bmp	=   image/bmp
+mime_png	=   image/png
+mime_ico	=   image/ico
+mime_ota	=   image/x-ota-bitmap
+mime_mbm	=   image/x-epoc-mbm
+mime_wbm	=   image/vnd.wap.wbmp
+mime_wmf	=   image/x-wmf
+mime_mng	=   image/mng
+# The full path and filename of the file to which converted audio data is appended.
+secondarylocation	=   \multimedia\t_mdaaudioconvertutility\note2.wav
+# Defines the full path and filename of a file containing audio sample data to be converted.
+primaryfile		=   \multimedia\t_mdaaudioconvertutility\note.wav
+# Defines the full path and filename of a large file containing audio sample data to be converted.
+tertiaryfile	=   \multimedia\t_mdaaudioconvertutility\explode.wav
+# Defines the uid of the audio controller on the device. 
+controlleruid		=   101F5022
+# Defines the default bitrate of the converted audio file. 
+convert_bitrate		=   128000
+# Defines the codec to be used for the converted audio object. 
+secondarycodec		=   PcmWavCodec
+# Defines the codec to be used for the source (unconverted) audio object. 
+primarycodec		=   PcmWavCodec
+# Defines the TFourcc code of the converted audio format. 
+fourcc_codecformat	=   KMMFFourCCCodePCM16
+# Defines the default bitrate the audio stream player may be set to. 
+Input_bitrate		=   10000
+# Defines the fourcc code of the input audio data stream. 
+fourcc_inputdatatype	=   KMMFFourCCCodePCM16
+# Defines the fourcc code the output audio data stream. 
+fourcc_outputdatatype	=   KMMFFourCCCodePCM16
+# The playback file of the audio player. 
+playbackfile		=   \multimedia\t_mdaaudioplayerutility\test.wav
+# Defines the format in which the audio data will be recorded. 
+fourcc_rcrdrdatatype	=   KMMFFourCCCodePCM16
+# The audio tone sequence files/descriptors to be played back by the audio tone player.
+sequence		=   \multimedia\t_audiotoneutility\sequence1.sqn
+# This is the alternate playback sequence. 
+alternate_sequence	=   \multimedia\t_audiotoneutility\sequence2.sqn
+# badsequence is a corrupt sequence used in negative tests.
+bad_sequence		=   \multimedia\t_audiotoneutility\badsequence.sqn
+# The corrupt file and path used for negative testing of the audio tone player.
+wrong_filename		=   \wrongplace\wrongfile.file
+# Defines the default priority (A priority between EMdaPriorityMin(-100) and EMdaPriorityMax(100)) of the tone to be played back. 
+tone_priority		=   50
+# Defines the default prioritypreference value, which define the behaviour to be adopted by an audio client if a higher priority client takes over the device. 
+tone_prioritypreference	=   TimeAndQuality
+# The file containing MIDI data to be used by the MIDI client. 
+midifilename		=   \multimedia\t_midiclientutility\midi.mid
+# Defines the default event uid used for callback in the event that the audio resource is replaced by a higher priority audio client. 
+event_notificationuid   =  101FD9F2
+# Defines the default uid of the recorded audio data format.
+destination_formatuid	=  101F55E2
+# Defines the default uid of the recorded audio data format.
+destination_formatuid_amr	=  101FAF66
+# Defines the default uid of the recorded audio data format.
+destination_formatuid_raw	=  101F5C17
+# Defines the default recording bit rate used by the tuner recorder. 
+# destination_bitrate	=  128
+# Defines the default recording sampling rate used by the tuner recorder.
+# samplerate		=  96000
+# Defines the default data format of the recorded audio clip used by the tuner recorder. 
+# fourcc_tnrrcrdrdatatype	=  KMMFFourCCCodePCMU8
+# Defines the ECOM Implementation UID for a read in the wav audio file format supplied in Symbian plugin(s).
+kmmfuidformatwavread             =101F55E1
+# Defines the ECOM Implementation UID for a write in the wav audio file format supplied in Symbian plugin(s).
+kmmfuidformatwavwrite           = 101F55E2
+# Defines the ECOM Implementation UID for a read in the raw image file format supplied in Symbian plugin(s).
+kmmfuidformatrawread            = 101F5C16
+# Defines the ECOM Implementation UID for a write in the raw image file format supplied in Symbian plugin(s).
+kmmfuidformatrawwrite           = 101F5C17
+# Defines the ECOM Implementation UID for a read in the au file audio format supplied in Symbian plugin(s).
+kmmfuidformatauread             = 101F5C12
+# Defines the ECOM Implementation UID for a write in the au file audio format supplied in Symbian plugin(s)
+kmmfuidformatauwrite            =101F5C13
+# Defines the ECOM Implementation UID for a read in the amr file audio format supplied in Symbian plugin(s)
+kadvanceduidformatamrread       = 101FAF65
+# Defines the ECOM Implementation UID for a write in the amr file audio format supplied in Symbian plugin(s)
+kadvanceduidformatamrwrite      = 101FAF66
+# A Default invalid UID for any format
+kinvaliduid                     =FFFF