changeset 0 40261b775718
child 12 b74061f7f3d2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/devsound/a3fdevsound/src/devsoundadaptor/cdevaudio.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#ifndef CDEVAUDIO_H
+#define CDEVAUDIO_H
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "mmfdevsoundadaptationbody.h"
+#include <a3f/maudiocontextobserver.h>
+#include <a3f/maudiostreamobserver.h>
+#include "mdevsoundadaptationinfoobserver.h"
+#include <a3f/a3f_trace_utils.h>
+#include <a3f/a3fdevsoundaudiopauseresume.h>
+class CDevAudioControl;
+class CDevPlayControl;
+class CDevRecordControl;
+class CDevToneControl;
+class CDevGenControl;
+class CAudioContextFactory;
+class CA3FDevSoundAdaptationInfo;
+class MAudioContext;
+class MAudioStream;
+class MGlobalProperties;
+enum TDevSoundAdaptorState
+	{
+	EDevSoundAdaptorCreated_Uninitialised,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorRemovingProcessingUnits,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorUnitialised_Uninitialised,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorUninitialising,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorInitialising,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorInitialised_Initialised,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorLoading,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorUnloading,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorInitialised_Idle,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorGoingActive,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorPreempted,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorBeingPreempted,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorStopping,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorActivating,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorActive_Active,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorPausing,
+	EDevSoundAdaptorPaused_Primed
+	};
+ * CDevAudio.
+ *
+ * ?description
+ *
+ * @lib mmfdevsoundadaptation.lib
+ * @since
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDevAudio) :	public CBase,
+								public MAudioContextObserver,
+								public MA3FDevSoundAdaptationInfoObserver,
+								public MA3FDevSoundAutoPauseResumeObserver
+	{
+	friend class CDevAudioControl;
+	friend class CDevPlayControl;
+	friend class CDevRecordControl;
+	friend class CDevToneControl;
+    friend class CDevGenControl;
+    friend class CDevCommonControl;
+	~CDevAudio();
+	static CDevAudio* NewL(MDevSoundAdaptationObserver& aDevSoundObserver,
+									MGlobalProperties& aGlobalProperties);
+	void ConstructL(MGlobalProperties& aGlobalProperties);
+	// 2nd phase async construct - will callback to aDevSoundObserver
+	TInt PostOpen();
+	/**
+	* Sets control operating mode (playing/recording...)
+	* @since
+	* @param aMode new control mode
+	* @param aFormat codec format
+	* @return error code
+	*/
+	TInt Initialize(TUid aFormat, TMMFState aMode);
+	/**
+	* Cancels Initialization
+	* @since
+	* @return error code
+	*/
+	TInt CancelInitialize();
+	/**
+	* Returns pointer to audio control instance for current operating mode
+	* @since
+	* @param aAudioControl on return, contains pointer to audio control
+	* @return error code
+	*/
+	CDevAudioControl* GetAudioControl();
+	/**
+	* Defines the priority settings that should be used for this instance.
+	* @since
+	* @param const TMMFPrioritySettings &aPrioritySettings A class type
+	*        representing the client's priority, priority preference and
+	*        state
+	* @return Err
+	*/
+	TInt SetPrioritySettings(const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings);
+	/**
+	* Sets client configuration
+	* @since
+	* @param TMMFClientConfig& aClientConfig A reference to client
+	*        configuration object.
+	*/
+	TInt SetClientConfig(const TMMFClientConfig& aClientConfig);
+	/**
+	* Retrieve the current A3F state
+	* @since
+	* @return the current A3F state. See TAudioState
+	*/
+	TDevSoundAdaptorState ActiveState() const;
+	/**
+	* SetVolume for DevSound
+	*/
+	TInt SetDevSoundVolume(TInt aVolume, TBool& aAsyncCompletion);
+	/**
+	* SetGain for DevSound
+	*/
+	TInt SetDevSoundGain(TInt aGain, TBool& aAsyncCompletion);
+	/**
+	* SetPlayBalance for DevSound
+	*/
+	TInt SetDevSoundPlayBalance(TInt aLeftPercentage, TInt aRightPercentage, TBool& aAsyncCompletion);
+	/**
+	* SetPlayBalance for DevSound
+	*/
+	TInt SetDevSoundRecordBalance(TInt aLeftPercentage, TInt aRightPercentage, TBool& aAsyncCompletion);
+	/**
+	* SetVolumeRamp for DevSound
+	*/
+	TInt SetVolumeRamp(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampDuration);
+	/**
+	* MaxVolume for DevSound
+	*/
+	TInt DevSoundMaxVolume() const;
+	/**
+	* MaxGain for DevSound
+	*/
+	TInt DevSoundMaxGain() const;
+	/**
+	* Volume setting
+	*/
+	TInt DevSoundVolume() const;
+	/**
+	* Gain setting
+	*/
+	TInt DevSoundGain() const;
+	/**
+	* GetPlayBalance for DevSound
+	*/
+	void GetDevSoundPlayBalance(TInt& aLeftPercentage, TInt& aRightPercentage);
+	/**
+	* GetRecordBalance for DevSound
+	*/
+	void GetDevSoundRecordBalance(TInt& aLeftPercentage, TInt& aRightPercentage);
+	/**
+	* GetSupportedDataTypes for DevSound
+	*/
+	void DevSoundSupportedDataTypesL(RArray<TFourCC>& aSupportedDataTypes, TUint aDataType);
+	/**
+	* Call from control - generates appropriate SetGainAndBalance() call
+	*/
+	TInt RequestGainAndBalance(CDevAudioControl* aCallingControl);
+	// From base class MAudioContextObserver
+	/**
+	* Callback to context observer to show progression through Commit() and pre-emption cycles
+	*
+	* @param aEvent  a Uid giving the specific event.
+	* @param aError  an error code. KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
+	*/
+	virtual void ContextEvent(TUid aEvent, TInt aError);
+	// from MA3FDevSoundAdaptationInfoObserver
+	void RequestMaxGainComplete (TUid aCodecType, TInt aError, TInt aResult);
+	void RequestSupportedFormatsComplete(TUid aCodecType, TInt aError);
+	/**
+	* Queries if the low layers does support resume operation.
+	* @since
+	* @return TBool ETrue if Resume is supported
+	*               EFalse otherwise
+	*/
+	TBool IsResumeSupported();
+	void ConvertToFourCcL(RArray<TFourCC>& aSupportedDataTypes, RArray<TUid>& iSupportedFormats);
+	//from MA3FDevSoundAutoPauseResume
+	TInt RegisterAsClient(TUid aEventType, const TDesC8& aNotificationRegistrationData);
+	TInt CancelRegisterAsClient(TUid aEventType);
+	TInt WillResumePlay();
+	//from MA3FDevSoundAutoPauseResumeObserver
+	virtual void NotifyResume();
+	/**
+	* GetPrioritySettings for DevSound
+	*/
+	void GetPrioritySettings(TAudioTypeSettings& astorage);
+	TBool IsPrioritySet();
+	CDevAudio(MDevSoundAdaptationObserver& aAdaptationObserver);
+	// If active, apply devsound volume and balance changes
+	TInt SetGainAndBalance(TBool aCallBack, TBool& aAsyncCompletion);
+	// Helper methods
+	TInt CreateAudioProcessingUnits(TUid aSource, TUid aSink, TUid aCodec);
+	void DeleteAudioProcessingUnits();
+* most of member data is protected for DevAudioControl access
+protected: // data
+	/**
+	* adaptation observer - used to indicate async callbacks etc
+	*/
+	MDevSoundAdaptationObserver& iAdaptationObserver;
+	/**
+	* Pointer to audio context factory - context creation
+	* Own.
+	*/
+	CAudioContextFactory *iAudioContextFactory;
+	/**
+	* Pointer to audio context.
+	* Not own.
+	*/
+	MAudioContext *iAudioContext;
+	/**
+	* Pointer to audio stream.
+	* Not own.
+	*/
+	MAudioStream *iAudioStream;
+	/**
+	* Pointer to audio source.
+	* Not own.
+	*/
+	MAudioProcessingUnit* iAudioSource;
+	/**
+	* Pointer to audio codec.
+	* Not own.
+	*/
+	MAudioProcessingUnit* iAudioCodec;
+	/**
+	* Pointer to audio gain control
+	* Not own.
+	*/
+	MAudioProcessingUnit* iGainControl;
+	/**
+	* Pointer to audio sink
+	* Not own.
+	*/
+	MAudioProcessingUnit* iAudioSink;
+	/**
+	* Mode to which this DevAudio is initialized in
+	*/
+	TMMFState iMode;
+	TUid 	iFormat;
+	/**
+	* Active DevSound Adaptor state
+	*/
+	TDevSoundAdaptorState iActiveState;
+	TAudioState		iActiveStreamState;
+	TBool 	iReinitializing;
+	TBool 	iClosing;
+	TBool	iStop;
+	TUid 	iTargetFormat;
+	TMMFState iTargetMode;
+	TInt iDevSoundMaxGain;
+	TInt iDevSoundMaxVolume;
+	TInt iDevSoundGain;
+	TInt iDevSoundVolume;
+	TInt iDevSoundPlayBalance[2];
+	TInt iDevSoundRecordBalance[2];
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds	iRampDuration;
+	enum TPreOpenState
+		{
+		EPreOpenStateIdle,
+		EPreOpenStateRequestingMaxVolume,
+		EPreOpenStateRequestingMaxGain,
+		EPreOpenStateRequestingInputFormats,
+		EPreOpenStateRequestingOutputFormats,
+		};
+	TPreOpenState iPreOpenState;
+	RArray<TUid> iSupportedInputFormats;
+	RArray<TUid> iSupportedOutputFormats;
+	CA3FDevSoundAdaptationInfo* iAdaptationInfo;
+	CDevPlayControl*   iDevPlayControl;
+	CDevRecordControl* iDevRecordControl;
+	CDevToneControl*   iDevToneControl;
+	CDevGenControl*    iDevGenControl;
+	/**
+	* Points to whichever control is active
+	* Not own.
+	*/
+	CDevAudioControl* iCurrentAudioControl;
+	// Pointer to global properties
+	// Not owned.
+	MGlobalProperties*	iGlobalProperties;
+	TAudioTypeSettings iPrioritySettings;
+	TBool iPriorityFlag;
+	};
+inline TInt CDevAudio::DevSoundMaxVolume() const
+	{
+	return iDevSoundMaxVolume;
+	}
+inline TInt CDevAudio::DevSoundMaxGain() const
+	{
+	return iDevSoundMaxGain;
+	}
+inline TInt CDevAudio::DevSoundVolume() const
+	{
+	return iDevSoundVolume;
+	}
+inline TInt CDevAudio::DevSoundGain() const
+	{
+	return iDevSoundGain;
+	}
+#endif // CDEVAUDIO_H