--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/devsound/devsoundapi/inc/SoundDevice.h Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1120 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __SOUNDDEVICE_H__
+#define __SOUNDDEVICE_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfbase.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfutilities.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfcontroller.h>
+//Debugging info
+This file defines the DevSound class which acts as an interface to
+the hardware and is intended to invoke VCR functionality via the plug-ins.
+The DevSound also contains a product specific policy.
+//UIDs for buffers: According to Symbian: Not used
+// Public Media Server includes
+Sampling rates available.
+When queried from DevSound by calling the function Capabilities(), iRate indicates
+the sampling rates supported by the audio device.
+DevSound by default is configured to 8KHz sampling rate.
+So to configure DevSound to play/record audio at 16 KHz sampling rate:
+The mode should not be OR'ed with each other, only single values are accepted.
+enum TMMFSampleRate
+ {
+ /** 8000 Hz Sampling Rate
+ */
+ EMMFSampleRate8000Hz = 0x00000001,
+ /** 11025 Hz Sampling Rate
+ */
+ EMMFSampleRate11025Hz = 0x00000002,
+ /** 16000 Hz Sampling Rate
+ */
+ EMMFSampleRate16000Hz = 0x00000004,
+ /** 22050 Hz Sampling Rate
+ */
+ EMMFSampleRate22050Hz = 0x00000008,
+ /** 32000 Hz Sampling Rate
+ */
+ EMMFSampleRate32000Hz = 0x00000010,
+ /** 44100 Hz Sampling Rate
+ */
+ EMMFSampleRate44100Hz = 0x00000020,
+ /** 48000 Hz Sampling Rate
+ */
+ EMMFSampleRate48000Hz = 0x00000040,
+ /** 88200 Hz Sampling Rate
+ */
+ EMMFSampleRate88200Hz = 0x00000080,
+ /** 96000 Hz Sampling Rate
+ */
+ EMMFSampleRate96000Hz = 0x00000100,
+ /** 12000 Hz Sampling Rate
+ */
+ EMMFSampleRate12000Hz = 0x00000200,
+ /** 24000 Hz Sampling Rate
+ */
+ EMMFSampleRate24000Hz = 0x00000400,
+ /** 64000 Hz Sampling Rate
+ */
+ EMMFSampleRate64000Hz = 0x00000800
+ };
+Mono Stereo playback and record modes available.
+When queried from DevSound by calling the function Capabilities(), iChannels
+indicates whether the underlying audio device supports playing back stereo
+audio samples and recording audio samples in stereo mode or not.
+DevSound by default is configured to Mono mode.
+So to configure DevSound to play/record audio sample in stereo mode:
+The mode should not be OR'ed with each other, only single values are accepted.
+enum TMMFMonoStereo
+ {
+ /** Mono mode
+ */
+ EMMFMono = 0x00000001,
+ /** Stereo mode
+ */
+ EMMFStereo = 0x00000002
+ };
+Encoding modes available.
+When queried from DevSound by calling the function Capabilities(), iEncoding
+provides information about different encoding supported by audio device.
+DevSound by default is configured to play PCM16 Bit audio data.
+Setting encoding mode is not supported yet:
+enum TMMFSoundEncoding
+ {
+ /** Signed 8 Bit PCM
+ */
+ EMMFSoundEncoding8BitPCM = 0x00000001,
+ /** Signed 16 Bit PCM
+ */
+ EMMFSoundEncoding16BitPCM = 0x00000002,
+ /** Signed 8 Bit ALaw
+ */
+ EMMFSoundEncoding8BitALaw = 0x00000004,
+ /** Signed 8 Bit MuLaw
+ */
+ EMMFSoundEncoding8BitMuLaw = 0x00000008,
+ };
+Stereo support enum.
+enum TMMFStereoSupport
+ {
+ /** No stereo support
+ */
+ EMMFNone = 0x00000000,
+ /** Interleaved stereo support
+ */
+ EMMFInterleavedOnly = 0x00000001,
+ /** Non Interleaved stereo support
+ */
+ EMMFNonInterleavedOnly = 0x00000002,
+ /** Interleaved and Non Interleaved stereo support
+ */
+ EMMFBothNonAndInterleaved = 0x00000003,
+ /** Joint stereo support
+ */
+ EMMFJoint = 0x00000004
+ };
+Type class for DevSound implementation device capabilities.
+CMMFDevSound will return Sampling Rates, Encoding and Stereo feature
+supported in this structure when queried for capabilities. DevSound can
+also be configured by setting parameters in this structure and passing the
+structure to it.
+class TMMFCapabilities
+ {
+ /** Sampling Rates supported
+ */
+ TUint iRate;
+ /** Encodings supported
+ */
+ TUint iEncoding;
+ /** Mono/Stereo support
+ */
+ TUint iChannels;
+ /** Buffer size supported
+ */
+ TInt iBufferSize;
+ };
+An interface to a set of DevSound callback functions.
+This serves as the method of communication between the client and the
+The class is a mixin and is intended to be inherited by the client class
+that is interested in observing the DevSound operation. The functions
+encapsulated by this class are called when specific events occur in the
+process of initializing and playing/recording an audio sample or playing
+class MDevSoundObserver
+ {
+ /**
+ Handles initialization completion event.
+ A derived class must provide an implementation to handle the initialization
+ request.
+ CMMFDevSound object calls this function when its InitializeL() function
+ completes.
+ @param aError
+ Error code. KErrNone if successful. Other values are possible
+ indicating a problem initializing CMMFDevSound object.
+ */
+ virtual void InitializeComplete(TInt aError)=0;
+ /**
+ Handles tone play completion event.
+ A derived class must provide an implementation to handle the tone play
+ completion request.
+ CMMFDevSound object calls this function when an attempt to play tone has
+ completed, successfully or otherwise.
+ The following are the play tone functions; PlayToneL(), PlayDMTFStringL(),
+ PlayToneSequenceL(), and PlayFixedSequenceL().
+ @param aError
+ Error code. The status of tone playback. KErrUnderflow playing of
+ the tone is complete. KErrAccessDenied the sound device is in use by
+ another higher priority client. KErrCancel playing of the audio
+ sample is stopped by DevSound client another higher priority client.
+ */
+ virtual void ToneFinished(TInt aError)=0;
+ /**
+ Handles CMMFDevSound object's data request event.
+ A derived class must provide an implementation to supply CMMFDevSound
+ object the data that it needs to play or convert.
+ CMMFDevSound object calls this function when and where it needs data for
+ playing or converting. The observer should notify CMMFDevSound object as
+ quickly as possible after the data is read into buffer, aBuffer by calling
+ PlayData(), otherwise the implementation might callback function PlayError()
+ on derived class object with error code KErrUnderflow.
+ This does not apply to the very first call to PlayData(), however.
+ It is possible for a user of DevSound to hold the first buffer sent in
+ BufferToBeFilled() until ready to play.
+ The use case for this is if a low latency audio response
+ is required, as at this point all the resources used to play audio are open.
+ If used in this way then it is important to be aware that when when the
+ resources for audio are ready at the BufferToBeFilled() callback, a Devsound
+ on a real device will be running at increased power consumption as the audio
+ hw and any required DSPs will be powered up etc.
+ @param aBuffer
+ Buffer into which data should be read. The amount of data that is
+ needed is specified in CMMFBuffer::RequestSize().
+ */
+ virtual void BufferToBeFilled(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer)=0;
+ /**
+ Handles play completion or cancel event.
+ A derived class must provide an implementation to handle the play
+ completion or cancel request.
+ CMMFDevSound object calls this function when an attempt to play audio sample
+ has completed, successfully or otherwise.
+ @param aError
+ Error code. The status of playback. KErrUnderflow playing of the
+ audio sample is complete. KErrAccessDenied the sound device is in
+ use by another higher priority client.
+ */
+ virtual void PlayError(TInt aError)=0;
+ /**
+ Handles CMMFDevSound object's data request event.
+ A derived class must provide an implementation to process the data
+ supplied by CMMFDevSound object while recording or converting.
+ CMMFDevSound object calls this function when the buffer, aBuffer gets filled
+ while recording or converting. The observer should notify CMMFDevSound
+ object as quickly as possible after data in the buffer is processed by
+ calling RecordData(), otherwise the implementation might callback
+ the function RecordError() on derived class object with error code KErrOverflow.
+ @param aBuffer
+ Buffer containing processed (recorded or converted) data. The amount
+ of data that is available is specified in CMMFBuffer::RequestSize().
+ */
+ virtual void BufferToBeEmptied(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer)=0;
+ /**
+ Handles record completion or cancel event.
+ A derived class must provide an implementation to handle the record
+ completion or cancel request.
+ CMMFDevSound object calls this function when an attempt to record audio sample
+ has completed, successfully or otherwise.
+ @param aError
+ Error code. The status of recording. KErrOverflow audio devices
+ runs out of internal buffer. KErrAccessDenied the sound device is
+ in use by another higher priority client.
+ */
+ virtual void RecordError(TInt aError)=0;
+ /**
+ Handles conversion completion or cancel event.
+ A derived class must provide an implementation to handle the conversion
+ completion or cancel request.
+ CMMFDevSound object calls this function when an attempt to convert data from
+ source format to destination format has completed, successfully or otherwise.
+ @param aError
+ Error code. KErrCancel conversion operation is cancelled. KErrNone
+ conversion is complete. Other values are possible indicating a
+ problem converting data.
+ */
+ virtual void ConvertError(TInt aError)=0;
+ /**
+ Handles device event.
+ A derived class must provide an implementtion to handle the messages from
+ audio hardware device.
+ CMMFDevSound object calls this function when a message is received from the
+ audio hardware device.
+ @param aMessageType
+ Defines the type of message. Used to determine how to
+ interpret the contents of aMsg.
+ @param aMsg
+ Message that is packed in the Descriptor format.
+ */
+ virtual void DeviceMessage(TUid aMessageType, const TDesC8& aMsg)=0;
+ /**
+ Handles policy request completion event.
+ A derived class must provide an implementation to handle the policy request
+ completion event.
+ CMMFDevSound object calls this function when an attempt to acquire sound
+ device is rejected by audio policy server.
+ @param aEvent
+ Not used
+ */
+ inline virtual void SendEventToClient(const TMMFEvent& aEvent);
+ };
+This is the interface from Symbian OS to the raw audio functions on the
+device hardware.
+DevSound is currently loaded as a DLL, and implements the VCR-type
+functions to be expected for such an interface.
+The audio functions include the following functionality:
+- Initialisation and configuration of hardware devices, for example, setting microphone gain,
+setting setero balance and so on.
+- The playing and recording of raw audio data.
+- The playing and dynamic control of tones with user specified frequencies.
+- The playing of DTMF strings.
+class CMMFDevSound : public CBase
+ {
+ /**
+ Constructs, and returns a pointer to, a new CMMFDevSound object.
+ Leaves on failure.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CMMFDevSound* NewL();
+ /**
+ Destructor.
+ Deletes all objects and releases all resource owned by this
+ instance.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C ~CMMFDevSound();
+ /**
+ Initializes CMMFDevSound object to play and record PCM16 raw audio data
+ with sampling rate of 8 KHz.
+ On completion of Initialization, calls InitializeComplete() on
+ aDevSoundObserver.
+ Leaves on failure.
+ @param aDevSoundObserver
+ A reference to DevSound Observer instance.
+ @param aMode
+ The mode for which this object will be used. Any value other than EMMFStatePlaying, EMMFStateRecording or EMMFStateTonePlaying is unsupported.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void InitializeL(MDevSoundObserver& aDevSoundObserver, TMMFState aMode);
+ /**
+ Initializes DevSound object for the mode aMode for processing audio data
+ with hardware device aHWDev.
+ On completion of Initialization, the observer will be notified via call back
+ InitializeComplete().
+ Leaves on failure.
+ @param aDevSoundObserver
+ A reference to DevSound Observer instance.
+ @param aHWDev
+ The CMMFHwDevice implementation identifier.
+ @param aMode
+ The mode for which this object will be used. Any value other than EMMFStatePlaying, EMMFStateRecording or EMMFStateTonePlaying is unsupported.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void InitializeL(MDevSoundObserver& aDevSoundObserver, TUid aHWDev, TMMFState aMode);
+ /**
+ Initializes DevSound object for the mode aMode for processing audio data
+ with hardware device supporting FourCC aDesiredFourCC.
+ On completion of Initialization, the observer will be notified via call back
+ InitializeComplete().
+ Leaves on failure.
+ @param aDevSoundObserver
+ A reference to DevSound Observer instance.
+ @param aDesiredFourCC
+ The CMMFHwDevice implementation FourCC code.
+ @param aMode
+ The mode for which this object will be used. Any value other than EMMFStatePlaying, EMMFStateRecording or EMMFStateTonePlaying is unsupported.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void InitializeL(MDevSoundObserver& aDevSoundObserver, TFourCC aDesiredFourCC, TMMFState aMode);
+ /**
+ Returns the supported Audio settings ie. encoding, sample rates, mono/stereo operation, buffer
+ size etc.
+ @return The device settings.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TMMFCapabilities Capabilities();
+ /**
+ Returns the current device configuration.
+ @return The device settings.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TMMFCapabilities Config() const;
+ /**
+ Configure CMMFDevSound object with the settings in aConfig.
+ Use this to set sampling rate, encoding and mono/stereo.
+ @param aCaps
+ The attribute values to which CMMFDevSound object will be configured to.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SetConfigL(const TMMFCapabilities& aCaps);
+ /**
+ Returns an integer representing the maximum volume device supports.
+ This is the maximum value which can be passed to CMMFDevSound::SetVolume.
+ @return The maximum volume. This value is platform dependent but is always greater than or equal
+ to one.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt MaxVolume();
+ /**
+ Returns an integer representing the current volume.
+ @return The current volume level.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt Volume();
+ /**
+ Changes the current playback volume to a specified value.
+ The volume can be changed before or during playback and is effective
+ immediately.
+ @param aVolume
+ The volume setting. This can be any value from 0 to the value
+ returned by a call to CMMFDevSound::MaxVolume(). If the
+ volume is not within this range, the volume is automatically set to
+ minimum or maximum value based on the value that is being passed.
+ Setting a zero value mutes the sound. Setting the maximum value
+ results in the loudest possible sound.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SetVolume(TInt aVolume);
+ /**
+ Returns an integer representing the maximum gain the device supports.
+ This is the maximum value which can be passed to CMMFDevSound::SetGain.
+ @return The maximum gain. This value is platform dependent but is always greater than or equal
+ to one.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt MaxGain();
+ /**
+ Returns an integer representing the current gain.
+ @return The current gain level.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt Gain();
+ /**
+ Changes the current recording gain to a specified value.
+ The gain can be changed before or during recording and is effective
+ immediately.
+ @param aGain
+ The gain setting. This can be any value from zero to the value
+ returned by a call to CMMFDevSound::MaxGain(). If the
+ volume is not within this range, the gain is automatically set to
+ minimum or maximum value based on the value that is being passed.
+ Setting a zero value mutes the sound. Setting the maximum value
+ results in the loudest possible sound.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SetGain(TInt aGain);
+ /**
+ Returns the speaker balance set for playing.
+ Leaves on failure.
+ @param aLeftPercentage
+ On return contains the left speaker volume percentage.
+ @param aRightPercentage
+ On return contains the right speaker volume percentage.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void GetPlayBalanceL(TInt& aLeftPercentage, TInt& aRightPercentage);
+ /**
+ Sets the speaker balance for playing.
+ The speaker balance can be changed before or during playback and is
+ effective immediately.
+ @param aLeftPercentage
+ On return contains left speaker volume perecentage. This can be any
+ value from zero to 100. Setting a zero value mutes the sound on left
+ speaker.
+ @param aRightPercentage
+ On return contains right speaker volume perecentage. This can be any
+ value from zero to 100. Setting a zero value mutes the sound on
+ right speaker.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SetPlayBalanceL(TInt aLeftPercentage, TInt aRightPercentage);
+ /**
+ Returns the microphone gain balance set for recording.
+ Leaves on failure.
+ @param aLeftPercentage
+ On return contains the left microphone gain percentage.
+ @param aRightPercentage
+ On return contains the right microphone gain percentage.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void GetRecordBalanceL(TInt& aLeftPercentage, TInt& aRightPercentage);
+ /**
+ Sets the microphone gain balance for recording.
+ The microphone gain balance can be changed before or during recording and
+ is effective immediately.
+ @param aLeftPercentage
+ The left microphone gain precentage. This can be any value from zero to
+ 100. Setting a zero value mutes the gain on left microphone.
+ @param aRightPercentage
+ The right microphone gain precentage. This can be any value from zero to
+ 100. Setting a zero value mutes the gain on right microphone.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SetRecordBalanceL(TInt aLeftPercentage, TInt aRightPercentage);
+ /**
+ Initializes the audio device and starts the play process.
+ This function queries and acquires the audio policy before initializing audio device. If there was
+ an error during policy initialization, PlayError() function will be called on the observer with
+ error code KErrAccessDenied, otherwise BufferToBeFilled() function will be called with a buffer
+ reference. After reading data into the buffer reference passed, the client should call
+ PlayData() to play data.
+ The amount of data that can be played is specified in
+ CMMFBuffer::RequestSize(). Any data that is read into buffer beyond this
+ size will be ignored.
+ Leaves on failure.
+ @see MDevSoundObserver::PlayError()
+ @see MDevSoundObserver::BufferToBeFilled()
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void PlayInitL();
+ /**
+ Initializes audio device and starts the recording process.
+ This function queries and acquires the audio policy before initializing audio device. If there
+ was an error during policy initialization, RecordError() function will be called on the observer
+ with error code KErrAccessDenied, otherwise BufferToBeEmptied() function will be called with a
+ buffer reference. This buffer contains recorded or encoded data. After processing data in the
+ buffer reference passed, the client should call RecordData() to continue recording process.
+ The amount of data that is available is specified in CMMFBuffer::RequestSize().
+ Leaves on failure.
+ @see MDevSoundObserver::RecordError()
+ @see MDevSoundObserver::BufferToBeEmptied()
+ @capability UserEnvironment
+ For recording - the requesting client process must have the
+ UserEnvironment capability.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void RecordInitL();
+ /**
+ Plays data in the buffer at the current volume.
+ The client should fill the buffer with audio data before calling this function. The observer gets
+ a reference to the buffer along with the callback function BufferToBeFilled(). When playing of
+ the audio sample is complete, successfully or otherwise, the function PlayError() on the
+ observer is called.
+ The last buffer of the audio stream being played should have the last buffer flag set using
+ CMMFBuffer::SetLastBuffer(TBool). If a subsequent attempt to play the clip is made, this flag
+ will need resetting by the client.
+ @see MDevSoundObserver::PlayError()
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void PlayData();
+ /**
+ Contine the process of recording.
+ Once the buffer is filled with recorded data, the Observer gets a reference to the buffer along
+ with the callback function BufferToBeEmptied(). After processing the buffer (copying over to a
+ different buffer or writing to file) the client should call this function to continue the
+ recording process.
+ @capability UserEnvironment
+ For recording - the requesting client process must have the
+ UserEnvironment capability.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void RecordData();
+ /**
+ Stops the ongoing operation (Play, Record, TonePlay, Convert).
+ This function should be synchronous and invoke no callbacks through MDevSoundObserver.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void Stop();
+ /**
+ Temporarily Stops the ongoing operation (Play, Record, TonePlay, Convert).
+ The behaviour of Pause() is currently undefined when the initialisation mode
+ is not EMMFStateRecording, consequently different DevSound implementations exhibit
+ different behaviour for pause during play. For this reason, it is recommended that
+ when pausing of audio during playing is required, Stop() is used instead of the call
+ to Pause(). To resume audio playing after Stop(), call PlayInitL(). Among other things,
+ this will internally reset the SamplesPlayed() result and the calling code may need to
+ remember the previous result to give the correct "samples played from start" value.
+ In the case of record, Pause is taken to mean halt any further recording
+ but continue to call the MDevSoundObserver::BufferToBeEmptied() passing
+ already recorded buffers. The last buffer flag should be set when
+ all recorded buffers have been flushed.
+ @see CMMFDevSound::Stop()
+ @see CMMFDevSound::PlayInitL()
+ @see CMMFDevSound::SamplesPlayed()
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void Pause();
+ /**
+ Returns the number samples recorded so far.
+ @return The samples recorded.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt SamplesRecorded();
+ /**
+ Returns the number of samples played so far.
+ @return The samples played.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt SamplesPlayed();
+ /**
+ Initializes the audio device and starts playing a tone. The tone is played with the
+ frequency and duration specified.
+ Leaves on failure.
+ @param aFrequency
+ The frequency at which the tone will be played.
+ @param aDuration
+ The period over which the tone will be played. A zero value causes
+ the no tone to be played.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void PlayToneL(TInt aFrequency, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration);
+ /**
+ Initializes audio device and starts playing a dual tone.
+ The generated tone consists of two sine waves of different frequencies
+ summed together.
+ Dual Tone is played with the specified frequencies and for the specified duration.
+ @param aFrequencyOne
+ The first frequency of dual tone.
+ @param aFrequencyTwo
+ The second frequency of dual tone
+ @param aDuration
+ The period over which the tone will be played. A zero value causes
+ the no tone to be played (Verify this with test app).
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void PlayDualToneL(TInt aFrequencyOne, TInt aFrequencyTwo, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration);
+ /**
+ Initializes the audio device and starts playing the DTMF string aDTMFString.
+ Leaves on failure.
+ @param aDTMFString
+ The DTMF sequence in a descriptor.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void PlayDTMFStringL(const TDesC& aDTMFString);
+ /**
+ Initializes the audio device and starts playing a tone sequence.
+ Leaves on failure.
+ @param aData
+ The tone sequence in a descriptor.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void PlayToneSequenceL(const TDesC8& aData);
+ /**
+ Initializes the audio device and starts playing the specified pre-defined tone
+ sequence.
+ Leaves on failure.
+ @param aSequenceNumber
+ The index identifying the specific pre-defined tone sequence. Index
+ values are relative to zero.
+ This can be any value from zero to the value returned by a call to
+ FixedSequenceCount() - 1.
+ The function raises a panic if the sequence number is not within this
+ range.
+ @see FixedSequenceCount()
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void PlayFixedSequenceL(TInt aSequenceNumber);
+ /**
+ Defines the number of times the audio is to be repeated during the tone
+ playback operation.
+ A period of silence can follow each playing of a tone. The tone playing can
+ be repeated indefinitely.
+ @param aRepeatCount
+ The number of times the tone, together with the trailing silence,
+ is to be repeated. If this is set to KMdaRepeatForever, then the
+ tone, together with the trailing silence, is repeated indefinitely
+ or until Stop() is called. If this is set to zero, then the tone is
+ not repeated.
+ @param aRepeatTrailingSilence
+ An interval of silence which will be played after each tone.
+ Supported only during tone playing.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SetToneRepeats(TInt aRepeatCount,
+ const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRepeatTrailingSilence);
+ /**
+ Defines the duration of tone on, tone off and tone pause to be used during the
+ DTMF tone playback operation.
+ Supported only during tone playing.
+ @param aToneOnLength
+ The period over which the tone will be played. If this is set to
+ zero, then the tone is not played.
+ @param aToneOffLength
+ The period over which the no tone will be played.
+ @param aPauseLength
+ The period over which the tone playing will be paused.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SetDTMFLengths(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aToneOnLength,
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aToneOffLength,
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aPauseLength);
+ /**
+ Defines the period over which the volume level is to rise smoothly from
+ nothing to the normal volume level.
+ The function is only available while the tone is playing.
+ @param aRampDuration
+ The period over which the volume is to rise. A zero value causes
+ the tone sample to be played at the normal level for the full
+ duration of the playback. A value, which is longer than the duration
+ of the tone sample means that the sample never reaches its normal
+ volume level.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SetVolumeRamp(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampDuration);
+ /**
+ Defines the priority settings that should be used for this instance.
+ @param aPrioritySettings
+ A class type representing the client's priority, priority preference and state.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SetPrioritySettings(const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings);
+ /**
+ Retrieves a custom interface to the device.
+ @param aInterfaceId
+ The interface UID, defined with the custom interface.
+ @return A pointer to the interface implementation, or NULL if the device does not
+ implement the interface requested. The return value must be cast to the
+ correct type by the user.The user should be careful while caching the custom interface pointer,
+ as in some situations the lower level custom interface pointer may become NULL.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TAny* CustomInterface(TUid aInterfaceId);
+ /**
+ Returns the number of available pre-defined tone sequences.
+ This is the number of fixed sequence supported by DevSound by default.
+ @return The fixed sequence count. This value is implementation dependent but is always greater
+ than or equal to zero.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt FixedSequenceCount();
+ /**
+ Returns the name assigned to a specific pre-defined tone sequence.
+ This is the number of the fixed sequence supported by DevSound by default.
+ The function raises a panic if sequence number specified is invalid.
+ @param aSequenceNumber
+ The index identifying the specific pre-defined tone sequence. Index values are relative
+ to zero. This can be any value from zero to the value returned by a call to
+ FixedSequenceCount() - 1.
+ The function raises a panic if sequence number is not within this
+ range.
+ @return A reference to a Descriptor containing the fixed sequence name indexed by
+ aSequenceNumber.
+ @see FixedSequenceCount()
+ */
+ IMPORT_C const TDesC& FixedSequenceName(TInt aSequenceNumber);
+ /**
+ Returns a list of the supported input datatypes that can be sent to DevSound for playing audio.
+ The datatypes returned are those that the DevSound supports given the priority settings passed
+ in aPrioritySettings.
+ Note that if no supported data types are found this does not constitute failure, the function will
+ return normally with no entries in aSupportedDataTypes.
+ @param aSupportedDataTypes
+ The array of supported data types that will be filled in by this function.
+ The supported data types of the DevSound are in the form of an array
+ of TFourCC codes. Any existing entries in the array will be overwritten on
+ calling this function. If no supported data types are found given the priority
+ settings, then the aSupportedDatatypes array will have zero entries.
+ @param aPrioritySettings
+ The priority settings used to determine the supported datatypes. Note this
+ does not set the priority settings. For input datatypes the iState member
+ of the priority settings would be expected to be either
+ EMMFStatePlaying or EMMFStatePlayingRecording. The priority settings may
+ effect the supported datatypes depending on the audio routing.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void GetSupportedInputDataTypesL(RArray<TFourCC>& aSupportedDataTypes, const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings) const;
+ /**
+ Returns a list of the supported output dataypes that can be received from DevSound for
+ recording audio. The datatypes returned are those that the DevSound supports given the priority
+ settings passed in aPrioritySettings.
+ Note that if no supported data types are found this does not constitute failure, the function will
+ return normally with no entries in aSupportedDataTypes.
+ @param aSupportedDataTypes
+ The array of supported data types that will be filled in by this function.
+ The supported datatypes of the DevSound are in the form of an array
+ of TFourCC codes.
+ Any existing entries in the array will be overwritten on calling this function.
+ If no supported datatypes are found given the priority settings, then
+ the aSupportedDatatypes array will have zero entries.
+ @param aPrioritySettings
+ The priority settings used to determine the supported data types. Note this
+ does not set the priority settings. For output data types the iState member
+ of the priority settings would expected to be either
+ EMMFStateRecording or EMMFStatePlayingRecording. The priority settings may
+ effect the supported datatypes depending on the audio routing.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void GetSupportedOutputDataTypesL(RArray<TFourCC>& aSupportedDataTypes, const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings) const;
+ /**
+ Registers the client for notification of resource avalibility.
+ @param aEventType
+ The Notification event type for which the client needs notification.
+ @param aNotificationRegistrationData
+ The Notification Registration data has been reserved for future use and its value should be always NULL
+ @return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success,
+ KErrNotSupported if the event type is not supported, KErrArgument if the notification data
+ is not null otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+ */
+ inline TInt RegisterAsClient(TUid aEventType, const TDesC8& aNotificationRegistrationData = KNullDesC8);
+ /**
+ Cancels the Registered Notification.
+ @param aEventType
+ The Event type need to cancel
+ @return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, KErrNotSupported
+ if the event type is not supported otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+ */
+ inline TInt CancelRegisterAsClient(TUid aEventType);
+ /**
+ Returns the Notification data which the client needs to resume playing.
+ @param aEventType
+ The Event type for which to get notification data
+ @param aNotificationData
+ The reference data for which the client needs to resume the play. The actual data depends on the event type.
+ Note that for the event type 'KMMFEventCategoryAudioResourceAvailable' the package buffer returned
+ is TMMFTimeIntervalMicroSecondsPckg,but the contents should be converted to an integer and
+ interpreted as the data returned is samples played ,but not as a microsecond value.
+ @return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
+ another of the system-wide error codes.
+ */
+ inline TInt GetResourceNotificationData(TUid aEventType,TDes8& aNotificationData);
+ /**
+ Wait for the clients to resume play back even after the default timeout expires.
+ Unless the client cancels the notification request or completes no other client gets
+ notification.
+ @return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success,
+ KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have MultimediaDD capaility, otherwise
+ another of the system-wide error codes.
+ */
+ inline TInt WillResumePlay();
+ /**
+ Empties the play buffers below DevSound without causing the codec to be deleted.
+ @return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success,
+ KErrNotSupported if called in a mode other than EMMFStatePlaying or if the function is otherwise not supported,
+ KErrNotReady if this is called before playing,
+ otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+ If this function is not supported, it is advised to use Stop().
+ */
+ inline TInt EmptyBuffers();
+ /** Cancels the initialization process of a CMMFDevSound object
+ @return An error code indicating if the function call was successful.
+ KErrNone on success,
+ KerrNotReady if this is called before InitializeL() call or after
+ the object has been initialized,
+ */
+ inline TInt CancelInitialize();
+ /**
+ Sets client thread info for devsound to make proper policy and routing decisions
+ @param aTid
+ The thread Id of real client.
+ @capability MultimediaDD
+ A process requires MultimediaDD capability to make this call.
+ */
+ inline TInt SetClientThreadInfo(TThreadId aTid);
+ /**
+ Retrieves the current play time from the audio renderer
+ @param aTime
+ A reference to TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds object which will be filled with the current play time by this function.
+ @return An error code indicating if the function call was successful.
+ KErrNone on success,
+ KErrNotSupported if the underlying devsound implementation or the HwDevice does not support this API,
+ otherwise any of the system-wide error codes.
+ If this function is not supported, SamplesPlayed() needs to be used instead.
+ @see IsGetTimePlayedSupported()
+ */
+ inline TInt GetTimePlayed(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime);
+ /**
+ This method can be used by devsound clients to check if the devsound implementation supports
+ GetTimePlayed API. If this method returns EFalse, SamplesPlayed needs to be used.
+ @return ETrue if the underlying devsound implementation supports GetTimePlayed API,
+ EFalse if the the underlying devsound implementation does not support GetTimePlayed API
+ @see GetTimePlayed()
+ */
+ inline TBool IsGetTimePlayedSupported();
+ /**
+ This method can be used by devsound clients to check if the devsound implementation ignores the underflow
+ errors from the sound driver and does not propagate them to its clients.
+ @return ETrue if devsound ignores all the underflow errors from the sound driver except for the last buffer
+ That means DevSound propagates the underflow error from sound driver to its clients only when
+ client sets the last buffer flag on the CMMFBuffer type buffer.
+ EFalse if devsound propagates the underflow errors from the sound driver in all the cases
+ */
+ inline TBool QueryIgnoresUnderflow();
+ /**
+ This method can be used by devsound clients to check if current configuration supports resume
+ This call is only valid when DevSound is initialized
+ @return ETrue if current format does supports resume
+ EFalse otherwise
+ */
+ inline TBool IsResumeSupported();
+ /**
+ Resume play back, recording or tone playing after this has been paused
+ @return An error code indicating if the function call was successful.
+ KErrNone on success,
+ KErrNotSupported if current format configuration does not support this functionality
+ KErrNotReady if DevSound is not paused
+ */
+ inline TInt Resume();
+ /**
+ Default Constructor.
+ */
+ //So that nobody can extend derive from CMMFDevSound.
+ CMMFDevSound();
+ /**
+ Second phase constructor.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ class CBody;
+ /**
+ DevSound body
+ */
+ CBody* iBody;
+ };
+inline void MDevSoundObserver::SendEventToClient(const TMMFEvent& /*aEvent*/)
+ {
+ }
+#include <mmf/server/sounddevice.inl>
+#endif // __SOUNDDEVICE_H__