--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/devsound/devsoundrefplugin/src/controller/audio/MmfAudioToneController.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1029 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <mmf/server/mmfformat.h>
+#include <mmf/server/mmfclip.h>
+#include <mdaaudiosampleeditor.h>
+#include <mmfcontrollerimplementationuids.hrh>
+#include <mmf/common/mmffourcc.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfpaniccodes.h>
+#include "MmfAudioToneController.h"
+#include <mmf/server/mmfaudiooutput.h>
+ A list of panic codes for the Audio Tone Controller
+ TMmfAudioToneControllerPanics is an enumeration with the following entries:
+ EBadArgument indicates a bad argument
+ EBadState indicates a state viaolation
+ EBadInvariant indicates an invariant violation
+ EBadReset indicates failed reset
+ EPostConditionViolation indicates a post condition violation
+enum TMmfAudioToneControllerPanics
+ {
+ EBadArgument,
+ EBadState,
+ EBadInvariant,
+ EBadReset,
+ EPostConditionViolation,
+ EBadCall,
+ ENoDataSource,
+ ENoDataSink,
+ EMessageAlreadyBeingProcessed,
+ ENoMessageToProcess,
+ EStateNotReadyToPlay,
+ EStateNotConstructed,
+ EBadStateToGetDataSource,
+ EBadStateToGetDataSink,
+ EBadStateForPrime,
+ EStateNotPrimed,
+ EBadResetState,
+ EBadStateToReset,
+ EBadPlayState,
+ EBadPauseState,
+ EBadStateToPause,
+ EBadStateToStop,
+ EBadStopState,
+ ENotReadyForDataSourceRemoval,
+ EBadDataSourceRemoval,
+ ENotReadyForDataSinkRemoval,
+ EBadDataSinkRemoval,
+ ENotReadyForCustomCommand,
+ EBadStateAfterNegotiate,
+ EBadStateToSetPriority,
+ EBadPriorityState,
+ EBadInitializeState,
+ EBadStateToSetVolume,
+ EBadStateAfterVolumeSet,
+ EBadStateToGetMaxVolume,
+ EBadStateAfterGetMaxVolume,
+ EBadStateToGetVolume,
+ EBadStateAfterGetVolume,
+ EBadStateToSetVolumeRamp,
+ EBadStateAfterSetVolumeRamp,
+ EBadStateToSetBalance,
+ EBadStateAfterSetBalance,
+ EBadStateToGetBalance,
+ EBadStateAfterGetBalance,
+ EBadStateForTransition,
+ EBadStateAfterTransition,
+ EStateNotValid,
+ };
+ Instantiates a new Audio Tone Controller. Usually invoked from ECom
+ @internalTechnology
+ @return CMMFController* bas class for all plugin controllers
+ */
+CMMFController* CMMFAudioToneController::NewL()
+ {
+ CMMFAudioToneController* self = new(ELeave) CMMFAudioToneController;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return STATIC_CAST( CMMFController*, self );
+ }
+2nd Phase constructor
+void CMMFAudioToneController::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iSourceAndSinkAdded = EFalse;
+ // Construct custom command parsers
+ CMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandParser* audPlayDevParser = CMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandParser::NewL(*this);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(audPlayDevParser);
+ AddCustomCommandParserL(*audPlayDevParser);
+ CleanupStack::Pop( audPlayDevParser );//audPlayDevParser
+ CMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandParser* audPlayConParser = CMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandParser::NewL(*this);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(audPlayConParser);
+ AddCustomCommandParserL(*audPlayConParser);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(audPlayConParser);//audPlayConParser
+ CMMFAudioPlayControllerSetRepeatsCustomCommandParser* audPlayConSetRepeatsParser = CMMFAudioPlayControllerSetRepeatsCustomCommandParser::NewL(*this);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(audPlayConSetRepeatsParser);
+ AddCustomCommandParserL(*audPlayConSetRepeatsParser);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(audPlayConSetRepeatsParser);
+ // [ assert the invariant now that we are constructed ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EStateNotConstructed));
+ }
+1st Phase constructor
+CMMFAudioToneController::CMMFAudioToneController() : iState(EStopped)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete iMMFDevSound;
+ delete iToneSequenceData;
+ delete iMessage;
+ }
+Adds a data source to the controller
+@param aSource will provide the data the controller plays
+void CMMFAudioToneController::AddDataSourceL(MDataSource& aSource)
+ {
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToGetDataSource));
+ // [ precondition that the controller is stopped ]
+ if( State() != EStopped )
+ User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
+ //[ precondition iData source is not already configured ]
+ if (iDataSource)
+ User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
+ //Only works with files or descriptors
+ if ((aSource.DataSourceType() != KUidMmfFileSource ) && (aSource.DataSourceType() != KUidMmfDescriptorSource))
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported ) ;
+ //extract the tone data into a buffer ready to play.
+ iToneSequenceData = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(STATIC_CAST(CMMFClip*, &aSource)->Size());
+ aSource.SourcePrimeL();
+ STATIC_CAST(CMMFClip*, &aSource)->ReadBufferL(iToneSequenceData,0);
+ aSource.SourceStopL();
+ //[ its now safe to set the source ]
+ iDataSource = &aSource ;
+ //[ assert the post condition ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDataSource, Panic(EMMFAudioControllerPanicDataSourceDoesNotExist));
+ iDataSource->SetSourcePrioritySettings(iPrioritySettings);
+ }
+Adds a data sink to the controller
+@param aSink will accept the data the controller plays
+void CMMFAudioToneController::AddDataSinkL(MDataSink& aSink)
+ {
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToGetDataSink));
+ // [ precondition that the controller is stopped ]
+ if( State() != EStopped )
+ User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
+ // [ assert precondition that sink does not exist ]
+ if (iMMFDevSound)
+ User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
+ //Only support playing to audio output
+ if (aSink.DataSinkType() != KUidMmfAudioOutput)
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+ iMMFDevSound = CMMFDevSound::NewL();
+ // [ assert post conditions that a sink has been added ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMMFDevSound, Panic(EMMFAudioControllerPanicDataSinkDoesNotExist));
+ }
+Primes the controller, ready for playing
+@param aMessage allows response to client upon completion or error
+void CMMFAudioToneController::PrimeL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+ {
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateForPrime));
+ //[ assert the precondition ( in a friendly way for this api
+ // that we are either stopped or primed already ]
+ if(!(( State() == EStopped ) || (State() == EPrimed )))
+ User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
+ // [ precondition we have a data source & sink and aren't already processing a message]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iDataSource, Panic( ENoDataSource));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iMMFDevSound, Panic( ENoDataSink));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( !iMessage, Panic( EMessageAlreadyBeingProcessed ));
+ if (iState == EStopped)
+ {
+ iMessage = new(ELeave) TMMFMessage(aMessage); //store message
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iMessage, Panic( EPostConditionViolation )); //check if message created sucessfully
+ SetState(EPriming);
+ TRAPD(err,NegotiateL());
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ SetState( EStopped );
+ delete iMessage;
+ iMessage = NULL;
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ }
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EStateNotPrimed ) );
+ }
+Primes the controller, ready for playingAdds a data sink to the controller
+void CMMFAudioToneController::PrimeL()
+ {
+ Panic(EBadCall);
+ }
+This method resets the controller
+void CMMFAudioToneController::ResetL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToReset ) );
+ // Stop recording if it's not stopped,
+ if (State() != EStopped)
+ {
+ StopL();
+ }
+ //[ ensure loggoff of source and sink ]
+ iDataSource = NULL ;
+ delete iMMFDevSound; iMMFDevSound = NULL ;
+ iSourceAndSinkAdded = EFalse;
+ delete iMessage;
+ iMessage = NULL;
+ // [ assert the invariant]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadResetState ) );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ResetPostCondition(), Panic( EBadReset ));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadState));
+ }
+This function determnines if the reset post condition is valid
+TBool CMMFAudioToneController::ResetPostCondition() const
+ {
+ TBool result = EFalse ;
+ if((iMMFDevSound == NULL) &&
+ (iDataSource == NULL) &&
+ (State() == EStopped))
+ {
+ result = ETrue;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+Start playing the audio tone, passing the data to Dev Sound
+The controller will be put into the EPlaying state
+void CMMFAudioToneController::PlayL()
+ {
+ // [ assert the precondition that the
+ // play command is only activated in the primed state]
+ if ( State() != EPrimed && State() != EPausePlaying)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ // [ assert the Invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EStateNotReadyToPlay));
+ if(State() == EPausePlaying && iIsResumeSupported)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iMMFDevSound->Resume());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iMMFDevSound->PlayToneSequenceL(iToneSequenceData->Data());
+ }
+ SetState( EPlaying );
+ //[ assert the post condition we are playing ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( (State() == EPlaying ), Panic( EBadState));
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadPlayState));
+ }
+This should Pause playing of the audio tone. HOWEVER, this is not possible with a
+tone sequence. This method is therefore provided as a NOP purely to allow audio
+clients to operate correctly.
+The controller will be put into the EPrimed state
+ */
+void CMMFAudioToneController::PauseL()
+ {
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToPause));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMMFDevSound, Panic(EMMFAudioControllerPanicDataSinkDoesNotExist));
+ if(iIsResumeSupported)
+ {
+ iMMFDevSound->Pause();
+ SetState(EPausePlaying);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If Resume is not supported
+ // this method can't do anything, as we have no interface to restart DevSound
+ // after pausing a tone. It need to be here however as client utility does
+ // Pause() Stop() when stopping.
+ SetState(EPrimed);
+ }
+ //[ assert the post condition we are stopped ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( (State() == EPrimed || State() == EPausePlaying), Panic( EBadState));
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadPauseState));
+ }
+This stops the tone that is currently playing
+The controller will be put into the EStopped state
+void CMMFAudioToneController::StopL()
+ {
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToStop));
+ // [ precondition that we are not already stopped
+ // && if we are stopped do nothing.
+ // Due to the asynchronous nature of the controller
+ // interaction the response to stopped when stopped
+ // should not be an error ]
+ if (State() != EStopped)
+ {
+ //[ update state to stopped propogate to devsound ]
+ iMMFDevSound->Stop();
+ SetState(EStopped);
+ }
+ //[ assert the post condition we are stopped ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( (State() == EStopped), Panic( EBadState));
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStopState));
+ }
+Removes a data source form the controller
+@param aDataSource The source that is to be removed.
+void CMMFAudioToneController::RemoveDataSourceL(MDataSource& aDataSource )
+ {
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(ENotReadyForDataSourceRemoval) );
+ //[ precondition is that we have a data source ]
+ if( !iDataSource )
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ //[precondition the data source is the data source we have]
+ if( iDataSource != &aDataSource )
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ //[ the controller is in the stopped state ]
+ if(State() != EStopped)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ //[ remove the data sink from the controller and delete the format]
+ if( iSourceAndSinkAdded )
+ {
+ iMMFDevSound->Stop();
+ iSourceAndSinkAdded = EFalse ;
+ }
+ iDataSource = NULL ;
+ // [ assert postcondition we are stopped ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( (State() == EStopped), Panic(EPostConditionViolation) );
+ //[ assert postcondition the SourceAndSinkAdded is false ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( !iSourceAndSinkAdded, Panic( EPostConditionViolation ));
+ //[ assert postcondition the data sink is null ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( (iDataSource == NULL ), Panic( EPostConditionViolation ));
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadDataSourceRemoval));
+ }
+Removes a data sink form the controller
+@param aDataSink The sink that is to be removed. We donot
+use this value, as we only support a single sink.
+void CMMFAudioToneController::RemoveDataSinkL(MDataSink& /*aDataSink*/)
+ {
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(ENotReadyForDataSinkRemoval) );
+ //[ precondition is that we have a data sink ]
+ if(!iMMFDevSound)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ //[ the controller is in the stopped state ]
+ if(State() != EStopped)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ //[ remove the data sink from the controller and delete the format]
+ if(iSourceAndSinkAdded)
+ {
+ iMMFDevSound->Stop();
+ iSourceAndSinkAdded = EFalse;
+ }
+ delete iMMFDevSound; iMMFDevSound = NULL;
+ // [ assert postcondition we are stopped ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( (State() == EStopped), Panic(EPostConditionViolation) );
+ //[ assert postcondition the SourceAndSinkAdded is false ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( !iSourceAndSinkAdded, Panic( EPostConditionViolation ));
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadDataSinkRemoval));
+ }
+Handles a CustomCommand for the controller. This controller doesn't support Custom Commands
+@param aMessage
+void CMMFAudioToneController::CustomCommand(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+ {
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(ENotReadyForCustomCommand));
+ // [ We do not have any custom commands ]
+ aMessage.Complete(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+Configures Dev Sound, ready for playing.
+void CMMFAudioToneController::NegotiateL()
+ {
+ if (!iMMFDevSound)
+ Panic(EMMFAudioOutputDevSoundNotLoaded);
+ iMMFDevSound->InitializeL(*this, EMMFStateTonePlaying);
+ iMMFDevSound->SetPrioritySettings(iPrioritySettings);
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterNegotiate));
+ }
+Set the priority settings that this controller should use to access Dev Sound
+@param aPrioritySettings The requires priority settings
+void CMMFAudioToneController::SetPrioritySettings(const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings)
+ {
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToSetPriority));
+ //[ assert the precondition ]
+ if(State() != EStopped)
+ {
+ ASSERT(EFalse); // used to leave here with KErrNotReady
+ return;
+ }
+ //[ update the priority settings of the controller]
+ iPrioritySettings = aPrioritySettings;
+ if (iMMFDevSound)
+ {
+ iMMFDevSound->SetPrioritySettings(iPrioritySettings);
+ }
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadPriorityState));
+ }
+This method is called by DevSound after initialization, indicating that it has completed and
+whether there was an error
+@param aError the error supplied by Dev Sound
+void CMMFAudioToneController::InitializeComplete(TInt aError)
+ {
+ //[ assert the state is EPriming ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ( State() == EPriming ), Panic( EBadState ));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iMessage, Panic( ENoMessageToProcess ));
+ if(aError != KErrNone)
+ {
+ SetState( EStopped );
+ iMessage->Complete(aError);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetState( EPrimed );
+ iMessage->Complete(aError);
+ iIsResumeSupported = iMMFDevSound->IsResumeSupported();
+ }
+ delete iMessage;
+ iMessage = NULL;
+ // [ assert the invariant]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadInitializeState ) );
+ }
+This method is called by DevSound after it has finished playing a tone sequence, indicating
+whether there was an error
+@param aError the error supplied by DevSound
+void CMMFAudioToneController::ToneFinished(TInt aError)
+ {
+ // NB KErrInUse, KErrDied OR KErrAccessDenied may be returned
+ // to indicate that the sound device is in use by another higher
+ // priority client.
+ if (aError == KErrCancel || aError == KErrInUse ||
+ aError == KErrDied || aError == KErrAccessDenied)
+ return;
+ if (aError == KErrUnderflow)
+ aError = KErrNone;
+ if (State() != EStopped)
+ {
+ iMMFDevSound->Stop();
+ SetState( EStopped );
+ }
+ //now send event to client...
+ TMMFEvent event;
+ event.iEventType = KMMFEventCategoryPlaybackComplete;
+ event.iErrorCode = aError;
+ DoSendEventToClient(event);
+ }
+Called my DevSound to indicate we have been thrown off H/W by a higher priority
+@param aEvent contains the reason we have been contacted by DevSound
+void CMMFAudioToneController::SendEventToClient(const TMMFEvent& aEvent)
+ {
+ if(State() == EPlaying)
+ SetState(EStopped);
+ DoSendEventToClient(aEvent);
+ }
+Sets the playback volume
+@param aVolume the required volume
+void CMMFAudioToneController::MapdSetVolumeL(TInt aVolume)
+ {
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToSetVolume));
+ // [ precondition is true for state
+ // we can set the volume in any state ]
+ //[ precondition we have a data sink ]
+ if (!iMMFDevSound)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ // [ assert the precondition that aVolume is in range ]
+ TInt maxVolume = iMMFDevSound->MaxVolume();
+ if( ( aVolume < 0 ) || ( aVolume > maxVolume ))
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ //[ set the volume on the device ]
+ iMMFDevSound->SetVolume(aVolume);
+ //[ assert the post condition volume is equal to a volume]
+ TInt soundVolume = 0;
+ soundVolume = iMMFDevSound->Volume();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ( soundVolume == aVolume), Panic(EPostConditionViolation));
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterVolumeSet));
+ }
+Gets the maximum level the playback volume can be set to
+@param aMaxVolume contains the maximum volume setting
+void CMMFAudioToneController::MapdGetMaxVolumeL(TInt& aMaxVolume)
+ {
+ // [ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetMaxVolume));
+ //[ precondition we have a data sink ]
+ if (!iMMFDevSound)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ //[ get the volume from the device ]
+ aMaxVolume = iMMFDevSound->MaxVolume();
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterGetMaxVolume));
+ }
+Gets the current playback volume
+@param aVolume the current volume
+void CMMFAudioToneController::MapdGetVolumeL(TInt& aVolume)
+ {
+ // [ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetVolume));
+ //[ precondition that we have a data sink ]
+ if (!iMMFDevSound)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ aVolume = iMMFDevSound->Volume();
+ // [ assert precondition that the volume is in range
+ // 0.. aMaxVolume ]
+ TInt aMaxVolume = iMMFDevSound->MaxVolume();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( (aVolume <= aMaxVolume), Panic(EBadState));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( (aVolume >= 0), Panic(EBadState));
+ // [ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterGetVolume));
+ }
+Sets the duration over which the volume should increase
+@param aRampDuration the time over which the volume should ramp
+void CMMFAudioToneController::MapdSetVolumeRampL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampDuration)
+ {
+ // [ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToSetVolumeRamp));
+ //[ precondition that we have a data sink ]
+ if (!iMMFDevSound)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ iMMFDevSound->SetVolumeRamp(aRampDuration);
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterSetVolumeRamp));
+ }
+Sets the balance of the tone playback
+@param aBalance the required balance level (KMMFBalanceMaxLeft <= aBalance <= KMMFBalanceMaxRight)
+void CMMFAudioToneController::MapdSetBalanceL(TInt aBalance)
+ {
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateToSetBalance));
+ // [ precondition is that we have a data sink ]
+ if (!iMMFDevSound)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ // [ separate out left and right balance ]
+ TInt left = 0;
+ TInt right = 0;
+ CalculateLeftRightBalance( left, right, aBalance );
+ //[ set the balance ]
+ iMMFDevSound->SetPlayBalanceL(left, right);
+ // [assert the post condition that the balance is set correctly]
+ TInt rightBalance = 0;
+ TInt leftBalance = 0;
+ iMMFDevSound->GetPlayBalanceL(leftBalance, rightBalance);
+ //[ assert post condition holds]
+ TBool postCondition = (( rightBalance == right) && ( leftBalance == left));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( postCondition, Panic( EPostConditionViolation ) );
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterSetBalance));
+ }
+Converts the balance from a range to a left/right form.
+Balance is provided to devsound using left and right levels, but supplied to the controller as a range
+(KMMFBalanceMaxLeft --> KMMFBalanceMaxRight). This method converts the range into a left/right form
+@param aLeft set to the left setting
+@param aRight set to the right setting
+@param aBalance the range required
+void CMMFAudioToneController::CalculateLeftRightBalance( TInt& aLeft, TInt& aRight, TInt aBalance ) const
+ {
+ // Check the balance is within limits & modify to min or max values if necessary
+ if (aBalance < KMMFBalanceMaxLeft)
+ aBalance = KMMFBalanceMaxLeft;
+ if (aBalance > KMMFBalanceMaxRight)
+ aBalance = KMMFBalanceMaxRight;
+ //[ Now separate percentage balances out from aBalance ]
+ aLeft = (100 * (aBalance-KMMFBalanceMaxRight)) / (KMMFBalanceMaxLeft-KMMFBalanceMaxRight);
+ aRight = 100 - aLeft;
+ //[ assert post condition that left and right are within range ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ( (aLeft <= 100) && (aLeft >= 0) ), Panic(EPostConditionViolation));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ( (aRight <= 100) && (aRight >= 0) ), Panic(EPostConditionViolation));
+ }
+Gets the balance of the tone playback
+@param aBalance set to the current balance level (KMMFBalanceMaxLeft <= aBalance <= KMMFBalanceMaxRight)
+void CMMFAudioToneController::MapdGetBalanceL(TInt& aBalance)
+ {
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateToGetBalance));
+ //[ precondition that we have a sink]
+ if (!iMMFDevSound)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ TInt left = 50; // arbitrary values
+ TInt right = 50;
+ iMMFDevSound->GetPlayBalanceL(left, right);
+ CalculateBalance( aBalance, left, right );
+ //[ assert the invariant ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic(EBadStateAfterGetBalance));
+ }
+Converts the balance from a left/right form to a range.
+Balance is obtained from DevSound using left and right levels, but supplied to the client as a range
+(KMMFBalanceMaxLeft --> KMMFBalanceMaxRight).
+@param aLeft the current left setting
+@param aRight current right setting
+@param aBalance set to the balance range
+void CMMFAudioToneController::CalculateBalance( TInt& aBalance, TInt aLeft, TInt aRight ) const
+ {
+ //[ assert pre conditions ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( (( aLeft + aRight ) == 100 ), Panic( EBadArgument ));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( (( 0 <= aLeft) && ( 100 >= aLeft)), Panic( EBadArgument) );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( (( 0 <= aRight) && ( 100 >= aRight)), Panic( EBadArgument) );
+ aBalance = (aLeft * (KMMFBalanceMaxLeft-KMMFBalanceMaxRight))/100 + KMMFBalanceMaxRight;
+ //[ assert post condition that aBalance is within limits ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( !(aBalance < KMMFBalanceMaxLeft || aBalance > KMMFBalanceMaxRight), Panic(EBadArgument));
+ }
+The function validates a state transition from iState to aState and
+returns ETrue if the transition is allowed.
+@param TControllerState
+@return Valid controller state or not
+TBool CMMFAudioToneController::IsValidStateTransition( TControllerState aState ) const
+ {
+ TBool result = ETrue ;
+ //[ assert the precondition that aState is a valid State ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( IsValidState(aState), Panic( EBadArgument ) );
+ //[ assert the invariant that iState is a valid State ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateForTransition ));
+ // [ check the valid state transitions ]
+ // the only invalid transition is
+ // stopped to playing
+ if( ( iState == EStopped ) && ( aState == EPlaying ))
+ {
+ result = EFalse ;
+ }
+ //[ assert the invariant that iState is a valid State ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadStateAfterTransition ));
+ return result ;
+ }
+This function returns whether the invariant is valid
+@return Is the class in a good condition
+TBool CMMFAudioToneController::Invariant() const
+ {
+ //[ The invariant is for now defined
+ // as simply being in the correct state
+ return IsValidState( iState);
+ }
+This function sets the state of the controller.
+@return Whether ths state transition is valid
+TBool CMMFAudioToneController::SetState(TControllerState aState)
+ {
+ TBool result = ETrue;
+ //[ assert the precondition that the state is a valid state ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( IsValidState( aState), Panic( EBadArgument ) );
+ //[ assert the invariant the current state is valid ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EStateNotValid ) );
+ //[ only allow valid state transitions ]
+ if( IsValidStateTransition( aState ) )
+ {
+ //[ valid state transition set the state]
+ iState = aState ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //[ invalid state transition return EFalse ]
+ result = EFalse;
+ }
+ // [ assert the invariant on the state ]
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadState ));
+ return result ;
+ }
+checks whether a state is valid
+@return Is the state a valid one
+TBool CMMFAudioToneController::IsValidState( TControllerState aState ) const
+ {
+ TBool result = EFalse;
+ if(( aState >= EStopped ) && ( aState <= EPlaying ))
+ {
+ result = ETrue;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+The function State returns the current state of the audio controller
+@return State of the controller
+CMMFAudioToneController::TControllerState CMMFAudioToneController::State() const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( Invariant(), Panic( EBadState ) );
+ return iState;
+ }
+* MapcSetRepeatsL
+* @param aRepeatNumberOfTimes
+* @param aTrailingSilence
+TInt CMMFAudioToneController::MapcSetRepeats(TInt aRepeatNumberOfTimes, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTrailingSilence)
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if (!iMMFDevSound)
+ {
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(iMMFDevSound->QueryIgnoresUnderflow())
+ {
+ iMMFDevSound->SetToneRepeats(aRepeatNumberOfTimes, aTrailingSilence);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ err = KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+ }
+ return err;
+ }