--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/devsound/devsoundrefplugin/src/sounddevice/ToneGenerator.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This file contains an implementation of the ToneGenerator interface
+// that converts all tone generation requests in to sampled audio
+// data to be played through the normal local sampled audio interface
+#include "ToneGenerator.h"
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include <mda/common/resource.h>
+* Tone Generators
+* The following classes are used to generate simple frequency/duration tones,
+* DTMF, and SymbianOS tone sequences in a WINS environment. The below code
+* should only be considered for WINS.
+// this defines the maximum possible amplitude allowed for TSineGen::SetFrequency()
+const TInt KMaxAmplitude = 0x8000;
+// default number of samples for trailing silence following a Tone
+const TInt KDefaultTrailingSilenceSamples = 20;
+// Sine tone generator
+const TInt16 TSineGen::SineTable[KMaxSineTable] =
+ {
+ 0, 804, 1607, 2410, 3211, 4011, 4807, 5601,
+ 6392, 7179, 7961, 8739, 9511, 10278, 11038, 11792,
+ 12539, 13278, 14009, 14732, 15446, 16150, 16845, 17530,
+ 18204, 18867, 19519, 20159, 20787, 21402, 22004, 22594,
+ 23169, 23731, 24278, 24811, 25329, 25831, 26318, 26789,
+ 27244, 27683, 28105, 28510, 28897, 29268, 29621, 29955,
+ 30272, 30571, 30851, 31113, 31356, 31580, 31785, 31970,
+ 32137, 32284, 32412, 32520, 32609, 32678, 32727, 32757,
+ 32767, 32757, 32727, 32678, 32609, 32520, 32412, 32284,
+ 32137, 31970, 31785, 31580, 31356, 31113, 30851, 30571,
+ 30272, 29955, 29621, 29268, 28897, 28510, 28105, 27683,
+ 27244, 26789, 26318, 25831, 25329, 24811, 24278, 23731,
+ 23169, 22594, 22004, 21402, 20787, 20159, 19519, 18867,
+ 18204, 17530, 16845, 16150, 15446, 14732, 14009, 13278,
+ 12539, 11792, 11038, 10278, 9511, 8739, 7961, 7179,
+ 6392, 5601, 4807, 4011, 3211, 2410, 1607, 804,
+ 0, -804, -1607, -2410, -3211, -4011, -4807, -5601,
+ -6392, -7179, -7961, -8739, -9511,-10278,-11038,-11792,
+ -12539,-13278,-14009,-14732,-15446,-16150,-16845,-17530,
+ -18204,-18867,-19519,-20159,-20787,-21402,-22004,-22594,
+ -23169,-23731,-24278,-24811,-25329,-25831,-26318,-26789,
+ -27244,-27683,-28105,-28510,-28897,-29268,-29621,-29955,
+ -30272,-30571,-30851,-31113,-31356,-31580,-31785,-31970,
+ -32137,-32284,-32412,-32520,-32609,-32678,-32727,-32757,
+ -32767,-32757,-32727,-32678,-32609,-32520,-32412,-32284,
+ -32137,-31970,-31785,-31580,-31356,-31113,-30851,-30571,
+ -30272,-29955,-29621,-29268,-28897,-28510,-28105,-27683,
+ -27244,-26789,-26318,-25831,-25329,-24811,-24278,-23731,
+ -23169,-22594,-22004,-21402,-20787,-20159,-19519,-18867,
+ -18204,-17530,-16845,-16150,-15446,-14732,-14009,-13278,
+ -12539,-11792,-11038,-10278, -9511, -8739, -7961, -7179,
+ -6392, -5601, -4807, -4011, -3211, -2410, -1607, -804,
+ };
+const TInt16 TSineGen::IncTable[KMaxSineTable] =
+ {
+ 804, 803, 803, 801, 800, 796, 794,
+ 791, 787, 782, 778, 772, 767, 760, 754,
+ 747, 739, 731, 723, 714, 704, 695, 685,
+ 674, 663, 652, 640, 628, 615, 602, 590,
+ 575, 562, 547, 533, 518, 502, 487, 471,
+ 455, 439, 422, 405, 387, 371, 353, 334,
+ 317, 299, 280, 262, 243, 224, 205, 185,
+ 167, 147, 128, 108, 89, 69, 49, 30,
+ 10, -10, -30, -49, -69, -89, -108, -128,
+ -147, -167, -185, -205, -224, -243, -262, -280,
+ -299, -317, -334, -353, -371, -387, -405, -422,
+ -439, -455, -471, -487, -502, -518, -533, -547,
+ -562, -575, -590, -602, -615, -628, -640, -652,
+ -663, -674, -685, -695, -704, -714, -723, -731,
+ -739, -747, -754, -760, -767, -772, -778, -782,
+ -787, -791, -794, -796, -800, -801, -803, -803,
+ -804, -804, -803, -803, -801, -800, -796, -794,
+ -791, -787, -782, -778, -772, -767, -760, -754,
+ -747, -739, -731, -723, -714, -704, -695, -685,
+ -674, -663, -652, -640, -628, -615, -602, -590,
+ -575, -562, -547, -533, -518, -502, -487, -471,
+ -455, -439, -422, -405, -387, -371, -353, -334,
+ -317, -299, -280, -262, -243, -224, -205, -185,
+ -167, -147, -128, -108, -89, -69, -49, -30,
+ -10, 10, 30, 49, 69, 89, 108, 128,
+ 147, 167, 185, 205, 224, 243, 262, 280,
+ 299, 317, 334, 353, 371, 387, 405, 422,
+ 439, 455, 471, 487, 502, 518, 533, 547,
+ 562, 575, 590, 602, 615, 628, 640, 652,
+ 663, 674, 685, 695, 704, 714, 723, 731,
+ 739, 747, 754, 760, 767, 772, 778, 782,
+ 787, 791, 794, 796, 800, 801, 803, 803,
+ 804
+ };
+void TSineGen::SetFrequency(TInt aFrequency,TInt aAmplitude)
+// Given the frequency set iStep.
+// Reset iPosition to the equivalent of 0 degrees.
+// In the special case of aFrequency==4KHz set iPosition to 90 degrees.
+ {
+ if (aAmplitude>(1<<15))
+ iAmplitude=(1<<15);
+ else if (aAmplitude<-(1<<15))
+ iAmplitude=-(1<<15);
+ else
+ iAmplitude=aAmplitude;
+// There are 256 entries in the sine table to traverse 360 degrees.
+// The codec requires samples at a rate of 8000 per second.
+// Thus for a 1Hz tone the step will be 256/8000 or 4/125.
+// Now we need need the integer part of the result to end up in
+// the MSB so we need to multiply by 2^24. This gives the formula
+// step = (f*4*2^24)/125 or (f*2^26)/125.
+// Our highest frequency is 4KHz so that the term (f*2^26) exceeds
+// a 32 bit result by 4000/2^6 (2^6 is the number of significant bits
+// left after a multiply by 2^26). i.e. 6 bits. We overcome this by
+// having 6 bits less in the fraction, so the new formula becomes
+// ((f*2^20)/125)*2^6. This still gives us 20 significant bits in the
+// fraction.
+ iStep=(((TUint)aFrequency<<20)/125)<<6;
+ iPosition=(aFrequency==4000 ? 0x40000000 : 0);
+ }
+TInt TSineGen::NextSample()
+// Generate the next sample using linear interpolation
+ {
+ TUint pos=iPosition>>24;
+ TInt amp=((IncTable[pos]*((iPosition&0x00ffffff)>>20)));
+ amp>>=4;
+ amp+=SineTable[pos];
+ amp=(amp*iAmplitude)>>15;
+ iPosition+=iStep;
+ return(amp);
+ }
+void TSineWave::Generate(TInt16* aDest,TInt aCount)
+// Called when more samples need to be generated.
+ {
+ while (aCount--)
+ {
+ *aDest++=STATIC_CAST(TInt16,iGen1.NextSample()+iGen2.NextSample());
+ }
+ }
+void TSineWave::SetFrequency(TInt aFrequency,TInt aAmplitude)
+// Set to generate a single frequency
+ {
+ SetFrequency(aFrequency,aAmplitude,0,0);
+ }
+void TSineWave::SetFrequency(TInt aFrequency1,TInt aAmplitude1,TInt aFrequency2,TInt aAmplitude2)
+// Set to generate two frequencies
+ {
+ iGen1.SetFrequency(aFrequency1,aAmplitude1);
+ iGen2.SetFrequency(aFrequency2,aAmplitude2);
+ }
+// TMdaToneGenerator
+void TMdaToneGenerator::Configure(TInt aRate, TInt aChannels, TInt aRepeats, TInt aSilence, TInt aRampUp)
+// Set up this tone generator to generate data at the desired sample rate
+// and number of channels (typically mono/stereo)
+ {
+ iRate = aRate;
+ iChannels = aChannels;
+ iSamplesLeft = 0;
+ iIncompleteVolume = 0;
+ iRampUpRemainder = 0;
+ iRampUp = ETrue; // Default ramping to on as it is normally useful
+ iRampDown = ETrue;
+ iIncompleteRampDown = EFalse;
+ iIncompleteRampUp = EFalse;
+ iRepeats = aRepeats;
+ iSilenceBetweenRepeats = aSilence;
+ iRampUpCount = aRampUp;
+ iRampUpLeft = aRampUp;
+ iAfterRepeatSilence = EFalse;
+ }
+LOCAL_C void RampVolume(TInt16* aData,TInt aCount,TInt aStartVol,TInt aEndVol)
+// Simple function to ramp down the volume of some samples
+// Typically used to prevent "clicking" artifacts at the beginning/end of tones
+ {
+ TInt step = (aEndVol - aStartVol)/aCount;
+ while (aCount--)
+ {
+ TInt data = TInt(*aData) * aStartVol;
+ *aData++ = TInt16(data>>15);
+ aStartVol += step;
+ }
+ }
+TInt TMdaToneGenerator::FillBuffer(TDes8& aBuffer)
+// Fill the supplied buffer with tone data
+// Sets the buffer length to zero if there is no more data to play
+// The buffer must have a max length of at least one sample * channels
+// e.g. 2 bytes mono, 4 bytes stereo
+ {
+ const TInt KRampUpSamples = 50;
+ const TInt KRampDownSamples = 50;
+ ASSERT(aBuffer.MaxLength()>= (iChannels<<1));
+ aBuffer.SetMax();
+ TBool silence;
+ TInt samples = 0; //
+ TInt used = 0; // Data used
+ TInt avail = aBuffer.Length(); // Data filled
+ TInt count = 0; // Data to be converted
+ TBool rampUp = EFalse;
+ TMdaPtr8 fill;
+ fill.Set(aBuffer); // Pointer to data left to be filled
+ //
+ // The rest of this function will loop around continually until the buffer
+ // is filled or there is no more data to play
+ //
+ silence = EFalse; // Reset
+ if (iSamplesLeft == 0)
+ {
+ if (iTrailingSilence == 0)
+ {
+ TInt error = GetNextTone();
+ if (error)
+ return error;
+ rampUp = ETrue;
+ if ((iSamplesLeft==0)&&(iTrailingSilence==0))
+ {
+ if ((iSilenceBetweenRepeats)&&(!iAfterRepeatSilence))
+ {
+ iTrailingSilence = iSilenceBetweenRepeats;
+ iAfterRepeatSilence = ETrue;
+ goto Restart;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((iRepeats>0)||(iRepeats==KMdaRepeatForever))
+ {
+ iAfterRepeatSilence = EFalse;
+ if (iRepeats>0)
+ iRepeats--;
+ Reset();
+ goto Restart;
+ }
+ }
+ // No more to play
+ goto Finished;
+ }
+ goto Restart;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ silence = ETrue;
+ samples = iTrailingSilence;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ samples = iSamplesLeft;
+ count = Min(samples,avail>>1);
+ fill.SetLength(count<<1);
+ if (!silence)
+ { // Generate wave
+ iSineWave.Generate(REINTERPRET_CAST(TInt16*,&fill[0]),count);
+ if (iRampUp)
+ {
+ // Ramp up volume at beginning of tone
+ if (rampUp)
+ { // Fade in first few samples
+ if(count < KRampUpSamples)
+ {
+ // Partial rampup due to being at the end of the buffer
+ TInt fadeInLength = Min(KRampUpSamples,(fill.Length()>>1));
+ iIncompleteVolume = (count*((1<<15)/KRampUpSamples));
+ RampVolume(CONST_CAST(TInt16*,REINTERPRET_CAST(const TInt16*,(&fill[0]))),fadeInLength,0,iIncompleteVolume);
+ iRampUpRemainder = fadeInLength;
+ iIncompleteRampUp = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Normal rampup
+ TInt fadeInLength = Min(Min(KRampUpSamples,iSamplesLeft),(fill.Length()>>1));
+ RampVolume(CONST_CAST(TInt16*,REINTERPRET_CAST(const TInt16*,(&fill[0]))),fadeInLength,0,1<<15);
+ iIncompleteRampUp = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (iIncompleteRampUp)
+ {
+ // Completing partial rampup at the start of a new buffer
+ TInt fadeInLength = Min(Min((KRampUpSamples-iRampUpRemainder),iSamplesLeft),(fill.Length()>>1));
+ RampVolume(CONST_CAST(TInt16*,REINTERPRET_CAST(const TInt16*,(&fill[0]))),fadeInLength,iIncompleteVolume,1<<15);
+ iIncompleteRampUp = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ if (iRampDown)
+ { // Ramp down volume at end of tone
+ if ((iSamplesLeft-count) < KRampDownSamples)
+ {
+ if(iSamplesLeft-count == 0)
+ {
+ // Fade out last few samples
+ TInt startVolume = 1<<15;;
+ TInt fadeOutLength = Min(Min(KRampDownSamples,iSamplesLeft),(fill.Length()>>1));
+ if(iIncompleteRampDown)
+ {
+ // Completing partial rampdown at the start of a new buffer
+ startVolume -= iIncompleteVolume;
+ iIncompleteRampDown = EFalse;
+ }
+ RampVolume(CONST_CAST(TInt16*,REINTERPRET_CAST(const TInt16*,(&(fill.Right(fadeOutLength<<1))[0]))),fadeOutLength,startVolume,0);
+ }
+ else if(iSamplesLeft-count > 0)
+ {
+ // Partial rampdown due to being at the end of the buffer
+ TInt rampDifference = (KRampDownSamples-(iSamplesLeft-count));
+ TInt fadeOutLength = Min(Min(rampDifference,iSamplesLeft),(fill.Length()>>1));
+ iIncompleteVolume = ((rampDifference*(1<<15))/KRampDownSamples);
+ RampVolume(CONST_CAST(TInt16*,REINTERPRET_CAST(const TInt16*,(&(fill.Right(fadeOutLength<<1))[0]))),fadeOutLength,1<<15,(1<<15)-iIncompleteVolume);
+ iIncompleteRampDown = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iSamplesLeft -= count;
+ }
+ else
+ { // Generate silence
+ fill.FillZ(count<<1);
+ iTrailingSilence -= count;
+ }
+ used += count<<1;
+ avail -= count<<1;
+ fill.Shift(count<<1);
+ if (avail>(iChannels<<1))
+ goto Restart;
+ aBuffer.SetLength(used);
+ // Do any ramp up that is required
+ if (iRampUpLeft>0)
+ {
+ TInt words = iRampUpLeft * iChannels;
+ words = Min(words,used>>1);
+ if (words>0) // In case buffer has zero length...
+ {
+ TInt left = iRampUpLeft * iChannels;
+ TInt rampup = iRampUpCount * iChannels;
+ iRampUpLeft -= words/iChannels;
+ TInt16* sample = REINTERPRET_CAST(TInt16*,&aBuffer[0]);
+ while (words--)
+ {
+ TInt32 sampleValue = static_cast<TInt32>((*sample)*(rampup-(left--)));
+ *sample++ = static_cast<TInt16>(sampleValue/rampup);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt TMdaToneGenerator::DurationToSamples(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration)
+// Convert the given duration to a sample count using the current settings
+ {
+ const TInt64 KTInt64OneMilion = 1000000;
+ // Calculate duration as samples
+ TInt64 microSeconds(aDuration.Int64()); // MSVC doesn't like "aDuration.Int64()" in line below
+ TInt64 dur = ((TInt64(iRate) * TInt64(iChannels) * microSeconds) / KTInt64OneMilion);
+ if (I64HIGH(dur)>0)
+ return KMaxTInt; // Ridiculous!
+ else
+ return I64LOW(dur);
+ }
+// TMdaSimpleToneGenerator
+void TMdaSimpleToneGenerator::Reset()
+ {
+ iPlayed = EFalse;
+ }
+void TMdaSimpleToneGenerator::SetFrequencyAndDuration(TInt aFrequency, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration)
+// Store the frequency and duration of the specified sine tone
+ {
+ iFrequency = aFrequency;
+ iDuration = aDuration;
+ iPlayed = EFalse;
+ }
+TInt TMdaSimpleToneGenerator::GetNextTone()
+// Simple implementation - just sets the supplied frequency and duration
+ {
+ // This class only plays one tone for the specified duration
+ if (!iPlayed)
+ {
+ iSamplesLeft = I64LOW((iDuration.Int64() * TInt64(iRate))/1000000);
+ iSineWave.SetFrequency(iFrequency,1<<14);
+ iPlayed = ETrue;
+ iTrailingSilence = 20; // Just to stop clicking
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// TMdaDualToneGenerator
+void TMdaDualToneGenerator::Reset()
+ {
+ iPlayed = EFalse;
+ }
+void TMdaDualToneGenerator::SetFrequencyAndDuration(TInt aFrequencyOne, TInt aFrequencyTwo, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration)
+ {
+ // Store the frequencies and duration of the specified dual tone
+ iFrequencyOne = aFrequencyOne;
+ iFrequencyTwo = aFrequencyTwo;
+ iDuration = aDuration;
+ iPlayed = EFalse;
+ }
+// This is called by TMdaToneGenerator::FillBuffer()
+// to calculate the number of samples (iSamplesLeft) that will be needed
+// for the tone to be played and to initialize the sine wave generator.
+// If the tone has already been played, then leaves iSamplesLeft
+// unmodified (should be zero) to indicate that it has finished.
+TInt TMdaDualToneGenerator::GetNextTone()
+ {
+ // This class only plays one tone for the specified duration
+ if (!iPlayed)
+ {
+ iSamplesLeft = I64LOW((iDuration.Int64() * TInt64(iRate))/KOneMillionMicroSeconds);
+ iSineWave.SetFrequency(iFrequencyOne, KMaxAmplitude/2, iFrequencyTwo, KMaxAmplitude/2);
+ iPlayed = ETrue;
+ iTrailingSilence = KDefaultTrailingSilenceSamples; // Just to stop clicking
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// TMdaDTMFGenerator
+const TInt KRecalculateToneLengths = KMinTInt;
+void TMdaDTMFGenerator::Reset()
+ {
+ iChar = 0;
+ }
+void TMdaDTMFGenerator::SetToneDurations(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aOn,
+ const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aOff,
+ const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aPause)
+// Setup the DTMF tone durations
+// aOn can be == -1 indicating should play first tone indefinately
+ {
+ ASSERT(aOn.Int() >=-1);
+ ASSERT(aOff.Int()>=0);
+ ASSERT(aPause.Int()>=0);
+ iOn = aOn;
+ iOff = aOff;
+ iPause = aPause;
+ iOnSamples = KRecalculateToneLengths; // Must recalculate these later
+ }
+void TMdaDTMFGenerator::SetString(const TDesC& aDTMFString)
+// Store the DTMF string to be played
+// No need to validate it as it will already have been checked
+ {
+ iChar = 0;
+ iDTMFString = &aDTMFString;
+ }
+const TUint8 KDtmfVolumeTable[4][4]=
+// Relative strengths to assign to different DTMF tones
+// This is only important if DTMFs are being played through a speaker
+// and need to be machine-recognisable. This table compensates for frequency
+// drop-off in the speaker and can boost the relative volume of some
+// frequencies so they are still within tolerance.
+// The values normally need to be determined using a frequency analyser on
+// the hardware
+// Each column == same low frequency (697, 770, 852, 941 Hz)
+// Each row == same high frequency (1209, 1336, 1477, 1633 Hz)
+// The value are interpreted as ratios:
+// 0 == 100% low
+// 7f == 50% low, 50% high
+// ff == 100% high
+ {
+ {38,27,29,37},
+ {46,36,36,46},
+ {62,47,49,58},
+ {70,56,60,68}
+ };
+const TUint8 KDtmfTone697=0x0;
+const TUint8 KDtmfTone770=0x1;
+const TUint8 KDtmfTone852=0x2;
+const TUint8 KDtmfTone941=0x3;
+const TUint8 KDtmfTone1209=0x00;
+const TUint8 KDtmfTone1336=0x10;
+const TUint8 KDtmfTone1477=0x20;
+const TUint8 KDtmfTone1633=0x30;
+const TUint8 KDtmfToneTable[16]=
+ {
+ KDtmfTone941|KDtmfTone1336,//0
+ KDtmfTone697|KDtmfTone1209,//1
+ KDtmfTone697|KDtmfTone1336,//2
+ KDtmfTone697|KDtmfTone1477,//3
+ KDtmfTone770|KDtmfTone1209,//4
+ KDtmfTone770|KDtmfTone1336,//5
+ KDtmfTone770|KDtmfTone1477,//6
+ KDtmfTone852|KDtmfTone1209,//7
+ KDtmfTone852|KDtmfTone1336,//8
+ KDtmfTone852|KDtmfTone1477,//9
+ KDtmfTone697|KDtmfTone1633,//A
+ KDtmfTone770|KDtmfTone1633,//B
+ KDtmfTone852|KDtmfTone1633,//C
+ KDtmfTone941|KDtmfTone1633,//D
+ KDtmfTone941|KDtmfTone1209,//E or *
+ KDtmfTone941|KDtmfTone1477,//F or #
+ };
+TInt TMdaDTMFGenerator::GetNextTone()
+// Setup frequency/duration/silence settings for next DTMF tone
+// Supported characters are 0-9 A-F * # , and any kind of white space
+ {
+ TBool onlyPlayFirstTone = EFalse;
+ if (iOnSamples == KRecalculateToneLengths)
+ {
+ // Must recalculate tone durations as samples
+ // Handle special case where tone on duration negative
+ // - meaning play first character indefinately
+ if (iOn.Int()>=0)
+ iOnSamples = DurationToSamples(TInt64(iOn.Int()));
+ else
+ {
+ onlyPlayFirstTone = ETrue;
+ iOnSamples = -1;
+ }
+ iOffSamples = DurationToSamples(TInt64(iOff.Int()));
+ iPauseSamples = DurationToSamples(TInt64(iPause.Int()));
+ }
+ ASSERT(iDTMFString);
+ if (iChar==iDTMFString->Length())
+ return KErrNone; // Finished. Nothing to do
+ TInt highFrequency = 0;
+ TInt highVolume = 0;
+ TInt lowFrequency = 0;
+ TInt lowVolume =0;
+ TChar c((*iDTMFString)[iChar++]);
+ if ((TUint)c=='#' || (TUint)c=='*' || c.IsHexDigit())
+ {
+ TInt tableIndex;
+ switch ((TUint)c)
+ {
+ case '*':
+ tableIndex=14;
+ break;
+ case '#':
+ tableIndex=15;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (c.IsDigit())
+ tableIndex=(TUint)c-'0';
+ else //letter
+ {
+ c.UpperCase();
+ tableIndex=(TUint)c-'A'+10;
+ }
+ }
+ TInt high=KDtmfToneTable[tableIndex]&0xf0;
+ TInt low=KDtmfToneTable[tableIndex]&0x0f;
+ switch(high)
+ {
+ case KDtmfTone1209:
+ highFrequency=1209;
+ break;
+ case KDtmfTone1336:
+ highFrequency=1336;
+ break;
+ case KDtmfTone1477:
+ highFrequency=1477;
+ break;
+ default://KDtmfTone1633:
+ highFrequency=1633;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(low)
+ {
+ case KDtmfTone697:
+ lowFrequency=697;
+ break;
+ case KDtmfTone770:
+ lowFrequency=770;
+ break;
+ case KDtmfTone852:
+ lowFrequency=852;
+ break;
+ default://KDtmfTone941:
+ lowFrequency=941;
+ break;
+ }
+ high>>=4;
+ const TUint8* dtmfVolumes=&KDtmfVolumeTable[0][0];
+ TInt volume=dtmfVolumes[((low)<<2)+(high)]<<7;
+ highVolume = volume;
+ lowVolume = (1<<15)-volume;
+ iTrailingSilence = iOffSamples;
+ iSamplesLeft = iOnSamples;
+ }
+ else if ((TUint)c==',')
+ {
+ iTrailingSilence = iPauseSamples;
+ iSamplesLeft = 0;
+ }
+ else if (c.IsSpace())
+ {
+ if (iChar < iDTMFString->Length())
+ goto Retry;
+ }
+ else
+ return KErrCorrupt;
+ if (iOnSamples < 0) // Play only first character for ever
+ {
+ iTrailingSilence = 0;
+ iSamplesLeft = iRate * iChannels; // One second of samples
+ iChar = 0; // Reset so this character is played again next time
+ iRampDown = EFalse;
+ if (!onlyPlayFirstTone)
+ {
+ iRampUp = EFalse;
+ // This is not the first time around so we should not
+ // reset the tone generator - it will already have the
+ // correct settings and setting them again would cause
+ // an audible discontinuity
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ }
+ iSineWave.SetFrequency(highFrequency,highVolume,lowFrequency,lowVolume);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// TMdaSequenceGenerator
+// Sequence constants
+//const TInt KMaxFixedSequenceStack=KMaxSequenceStack;//Max nesting level of FixedSequences * 2
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+const TInt16 KFixedSequenceSignatureOne='S'+('Q'<<8);
+const TInt16 KFixedSequenceSignatureTwo='N'+('C'<<8);
+#endif // _DEBUG
+const TInt KFixedSequenceFunctionReturn=-1;
+const TInt KFixedSequenceFunctionStartLoop=-2;
+const TInt KFixedSequenceFunctionEndLoop=-3;
+void TMdaSequenceGenerator::Reset()
+ {
+ iInstructionPtr = REINTERPRET_CAST(const TInt16*,&((*iSequenceData)[0]));
+ iInstructionPtr += 2; // Skip signature
+ iStackIndex = 0;
+ }
+void TMdaSequenceGenerator::SetSequenceData(const TDesC8& aSequenceData)
+// Store the sequence data to be played
+// No need to validate it as it will already have been checked
+ {
+ iSequenceData = &aSequenceData;
+ iInstructionPtr = REINTERPRET_CAST(const TInt16*,&aSequenceData[0]);
+ iLastInstruction = iInstructionPtr + (iSequenceData->Length()>>1) - 1;
+ // These are asserts because this should not be called if signature not present
+ ASSERT(*iInstructionPtr == KFixedSequenceSignatureOne);
+ ASSERT(*(iInstructionPtr+1) == KFixedSequenceSignatureTwo);
+ iInstructionPtr += 2; // Skip signature
+ iStackIndex = 0;
+ }
+TInt TMdaSequenceGenerator::GetNextTone()
+ {
+ ASSERT(iInstructionPtr); // Sanity check
+ TInt ret = KRequestPending;
+ while (ret == KRequestPending)
+ {
+ if (iInstructionPtr > iLastInstruction)
+ ret = KErrCorrupt;
+ else if (*iInstructionPtr<=0)
+ {
+ switch (*iInstructionPtr)
+ {
+ case KFixedSequenceFunctionReturn: // End of sequence
+ ret = KErrNone;
+ break;
+ case KFixedSequenceFunctionStartLoop:
+ if (iStackIndex>2) // Validate - can only nest twice
+ ret = KErrCorrupt;
+ else if ((iInstructionPtr+2) > iLastInstruction)
+ ret = KErrCorrupt; // Don't run off end of sequence
+ else
+ {
+ iStack[iStackIndex++]=(TInt)(iInstructionPtr+2);
+ iStack[iStackIndex++]=(TInt)*(iInstructionPtr+1);
+ iInstructionPtr+=2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case KFixedSequenceFunctionEndLoop:
+ if (iStackIndex==0) // Validate - must already be nested
+ ret = KErrCorrupt;
+ else
+ {
+ if ((--iStack[iStackIndex-1])!=0)
+ iInstructionPtr=(TInt16*)iStack[iStackIndex-2];
+ else
+ {
+ iStackIndex-=2;
+ iInstructionPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default: // Bad sequence
+ ret = KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((iInstructionPtr+5) > iLastInstruction)
+ ret = KErrCorrupt; // Don't run off end of sequence
+ else
+ {
+ iSamplesLeft = *iInstructionPtr++;
+ TInt freqOne = *iInstructionPtr++;
+ TInt volOne = *iInstructionPtr++;
+ TInt freqTwo = *iInstructionPtr++;
+ TInt volTwo = *iInstructionPtr++;
+ if ((volOne> 1<<15)||(volTwo > 1<<15))
+ ret = KErrCorrupt;
+ else
+ {
+ iSineWave.SetFrequency(freqOne,volOne,freqTwo,volTwo);
+ ret = KErrNone;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------
+// Code to generate sine table files used by tone generator
+// Optionally called from InitL()
+LOCAL_C GenerateSineTableL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KSineFile,"sine.txt");
+ _LIT(KSineIncFile,"sineinc.txt");
+ RFile file;
+ file.Replace(MdaManager::Fs(),KSineFile,EFileWrite);
+ CleanupClosePushL(file);
+ RFile file2;
+ file2.Replace(MdaManager::Fs(),KSineIncFile,EFileWrite);
+ CleanupClosePushL(file2);
+ const TReal pi=3.141592653589;
+ const TReal twopi=pi*2;
+ const TReal samples = 256.0;
+ const TReal step = twopi/samples;
+ TBuf8<128> sinebuffer;
+ TBuf8<128> incbuffer;
+ TReal res;
+ TInt first=0;
+ TInt last=KMaxTInt;
+ TInt current;
+ _LIT8(KFormat,"%6d,");
+ _LIT8(KNewLine,"\n");
+ for(TReal angle=0.0;angle<=(twopi-step);) // Copes with rounding errors
+ {
+ sinebuffer.Zero();
+ incbuffer.Zero();
+ for (int i=0;i<8;i++)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(Math::Sin(res,angle));
+ current = TInt(KMaxTInt16*res);
+ sinebuffer.AppendFormat(KFormat,current);
+ if (last != KMaxTInt)
+ incbuffer.AppendFormat(KFormat,current-last);
+ else
+ first = current;
+ last = current;
+ angle += step;
+ }
+ sinebuffer.Append(KNewLine);
+ incbuffer.Append(KNewLine);
+ file.Write(sinebuffer);
+ file2.Write(incbuffer);
+ }
+ // Write fine difference to incbuffer - differnece between first and last
+ incbuffer.Zero();
+ incbuffer.AppendFormat(KFormat,first-last);
+ incbuffer.Append(KNewLine);
+ file2.Write(incbuffer);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
+ }