changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/devsoundextensions/mmfcustominterfaces/WmaDecoderIntfc/WmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr/src/WmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Message handler for WMA 10 Pro decoder custom interface.
+#include    "WmaDecoderIntfcMsgs.h"
+#include    "WmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr.h"
+//#include "WmaDecoderIntfc.h"
+// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
+                              CWmaDecoderIntfc* aWmaDecoderConfigCI) :
+	CMMFObject(KUidWmaDecoderIntfc)
+    {
+    iWmaDecoderIntfcCI = aWmaDecoderConfigCI;
+    }
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::ConstructL()
+    {
+    }
+// WmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+EXPORT_C CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr* CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::NewL(
+                                       TAny* aWmaDecoderConfigCI)
+    {
+    CWmaDecoderIntfc* WmaDecoderConfigCI =
+                (CWmaDecoderIntfc*)aWmaDecoderConfigCI;
+    CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr* self =
+                new (ELeave) CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr(WmaDecoderConfigCI);
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// Destructor
+EXPORT_C CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::~CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr()
+	{
+    iSupportedFormats.Close();
+    iSupportedTools.Close();
+    iControllableTools.Close();
+	delete iDataCopyBuffer;
+	delete iWmaDecoderIntfcCI;
+	}
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::HandleRequest
+// Handles the messages from the proxy.
+EXPORT_C void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::HandleRequest(
+                                            TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	ASSERT(aMessage.Destination().InterfaceId() == KUidWmaDecoderIntfc);
+	TRAPD(error, DoHandleRequestL(aMessage));
+	if(error)
+		{
+		aMessage.Complete(error);
+		}
+	}
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoHandleRequestL
+// Determines which custom interface to call.
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoHandleRequestL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	switch(aMessage.Function())
+		{
+		case EWmaGetSupportedFormats:
+			{
+    		DoGetSupportedFormatsL(aMessage);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EWmaGetSupportedTools:
+			{
+    		DoGetSupportedToolsL(aMessage);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EWmaGetSupportedMaxChannels:
+			{
+    		DoGetSupportedMaxChannelsL(aMessage);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EWmaGetSupportedMaxBitrate:
+			{
+    		DoGetSupportedMaxBitrateL(aMessage);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EWmaGetSupportedMaxSampleRate:
+			{
+    		DoGetSupportedMaxSampleRateL(aMessage);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EWmaGetControllableTools:
+			{
+    		DoGetControllableToolsL(aMessage);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EWmaGetAllMsg:
+			{
+    		DoGetAllL(aMessage);
+			break;
+			}		
+		case EWmaApplyConfig:
+			{
+    		DoApplyConfigL(aMessage);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EWmaGetNumOfSupportedFormats:
+ 			{
+    		DoGetNumOfSupportedFormatsL(aMessage);
+			break;
+			}
+   		case EWmaGetNumOfSupportedTools:
+			{
+    		DoGetNumOfSupportedToolsL(aMessage);
+			break;
+			}		
+		case EWmaGetNumOfControllableTools:
+   			{
+    		DoGetNumOfControllableToolsL(aMessage);
+			break;
+			}
+		default:
+			{
+			aMessage.Complete(KErrNotSupported);
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetSupportedFormatsL
+// Get supported formats.
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetSupportedFormatsL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	if (!iDataCopyBuffer)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);			
+		}
+	aMessage.WriteDataToClientL(iDataCopyBuffer->Ptr(0));
+    aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+    }
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetSupportedToolsL
+// Get supported tools.
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetSupportedToolsL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	if (!iDataCopyBuffer)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);			
+		}
+	aMessage.WriteDataToClientL(iDataCopyBuffer->Ptr(0));
+    aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+	}
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetSupportedMaxChannelsL
+// Get max number of channels.
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetSupportedMaxChannelsL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	TUint maxChannels = 0;
+	TInt status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetSupportedMaxChannelsIn(maxChannels);
+    TPckgBuf<TUint> pckg;
+    pckg() = maxChannels;
+	aMessage.WriteDataToClientL(pckg);
+    aMessage.Complete(status);		
+	}
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetSupportedMaxBitrateL
+// Get supported max bit rates.
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetSupportedMaxBitrateL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	TUint maxBitrate = 0;
+	TInt status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetSupportedMaxBitrate(maxBitrate);
+   	TPckgBuf<TUint> pckg;
+   	pckg() = maxBitrate;
+    aMessage.WriteDataToClientL(pckg);
+    aMessage.Complete(status);			
+	}
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetSupportedMaxSampleRateL
+// Get supported max sample rate.
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetSupportedMaxSampleRateL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	TUint maxSamplerate = 0;
+	TInt status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetSupportedMaxSampleRate(maxSamplerate);
+    TPckgBuf<TUint> pckg;
+    pckg() = maxSamplerate;
+	aMessage.WriteDataToClientL(pckg);
+    aMessage.Complete(status);		
+	}
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetControllableToolsL
+// Get supported controllable tools.
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetControllableToolsL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	if (!iDataCopyBuffer)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrNotReady);			
+		}
+	aMessage.WriteDataToClientL(iDataCopyBuffer->Ptr(0));
+    aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+	}
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetAllL
+// Get all configure parameters.
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetAllL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+   	TPckgBuf<TAllParams> pckg;
+	CWmaDecoderIntfc::TFormat format;
+	TInt status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetFormat(format);
+   	pckg().iCurrentFormat = format;
+	pckg().iCurrentFormatStatus = status;    	
+    TUint bitsPerSample = 0;
+    status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetBitsPerSampleIn(bitsPerSample);    	
+    pckg().iCurrentBitsPerSample = bitsPerSample;
+	pckg().iCurrentBitsPerSampleStatus = status;    	
+	TUint numOfChannels = 0;
+	status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetNumOfChannelsIn(numOfChannels);
+   	pckg().iCurrentNumChannelsIn = numOfChannels;
+	pckg().iCurrentNumChannelsInStatus = status;    	
+	TUint samplesPerSec = 0;
+	status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetSamplesPerSec (samplesPerSec);
+   	pckg().iCurrentSamplesPerSec = samplesPerSec;
+	pckg().iCurrentSamplesPerSecStatus = status;    	
+    TUint avgBytesPerSec = 0;
+    status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetAvgBytesPerSec (avgBytesPerSec);
+   	pckg().iCurrentAvgBytesPerSec = avgBytesPerSec;
+	pckg().iCurrentAvgBytesPerSecStatus = status;    	
+	TUint blockAlign = 0;
+	status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetBlockAlign (blockAlign) ;
+   	pckg().iCurrentBlockAlign = blockAlign;
+	pckg().iCurrentBlockAlignStatus = status;    	
+	TUint encodeOpts = 0;
+	status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetEncodeOptions (encodeOpts);
+   	pckg().iCurrentEncodeOptions = encodeOpts;
+	pckg().iCurrentEncodeOptionsStatus = status;    	
+	TUint encodeOpts1 = 0;
+	status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetEncodeOptions1 (encodeOpts1);
+   	pckg().iCurrentEncodeOptions1 = encodeOpts1;
+	pckg().iCurrentEncodeOptions1Status = status;    
+	TUint encodeOpts2 = 0;
+	status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetEncodeOptions2(encodeOpts2);
+   	pckg().iCurrentEncodeOptions2 = encodeOpts2;
+	pckg().iCurrentEncodeOptions2Status = status;    	
+	TUint channelMask = 0;
+	status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetChannelMaskIn (channelMask);
+   	pckg().iCurrentChannelMask = channelMask;
+	pckg().iCurrentChannelMaskStatus = status;    	
+	CWmaDecoderIntfc::TTool tool = CWmaDecoderIntfc::EToolOutput32Bit;
+	TBool able = EFalse;
+	status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetTool(tool, able);
+   	pckg().iCurrentToolOutPut32Bit = able;
+	pckg().iCurrentToolOutPut32BitStatus = status;    	
+	tool = CWmaDecoderIntfc::EDownMixToStereo;
+	status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetTool(tool, able);
+   	pckg().iCurrentToolDownMixToStereo = able;
+	pckg().iCurrentToolDownMixToStereoStatus = status;    	
+	tool = CWmaDecoderIntfc::ELostDataConcealment;
+	status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetTool(tool, able);
+   	pckg().iCurrentToolLostDataConcealment = able;
+	pckg().iCurrentToolLostDataConcealmentStatus = status;    	
+    aMessage.WriteDataToClientL(pckg);
+    aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+	}
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoApplyConfigL
+// Handles the message from the proxy and calls the custom interface method
+// to commit configuration settings to the decoder.
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoApplyConfigL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+    {
+    TInt status = KErrNone;
+	TPckgBuf<TWmaDecoderConfig> pckgBuf;
+    aMessage.ReadData1FromClientL(pckgBuf);
+	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->SetFormat(pckgBuf().iFormat);
+	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->SetBitsPerSampleIn(pckgBuf().iBitsPerSample);
+	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->SetNumChannelsIn(pckgBuf().iNumChannelsIn);
+	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->SetSamplesPerSec(pckgBuf().iSamplesPerSec);
+	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->SetAvgBytesPerSec(pckgBuf().iAvgBytesPerSec);
+	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->SetBlockAlign(pckgBuf().iBlockAlign);
+	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->SetEncodeOptions(pckgBuf().iEncodeOptions);
+	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->SetEncodeOptions1(pckgBuf().iEncodeOptions1);
+	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->SetEncodeOptions2(pckgBuf().iEncodeOptions2);				
+	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->SetChannelMaskIn(pckgBuf().iChannelMask);
+    TBool able = pckgBuf().iToolOutPut32Bit;
+    if (able)
+    	{
+    	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->EnableTool(CWmaDecoderIntfc::EToolOutput32Bit);	
+    	}
+    else
+    	{
+    	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->DisableTool(CWmaDecoderIntfc::EToolOutput32Bit);	
+    	}
+    able = pckgBuf().iToolDownMixToStereo;
+    if (able)
+    	{
+    	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->EnableTool(CWmaDecoderIntfc::EDownMixToStereo);	
+    	}
+    else
+    	{
+    	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->DisableTool(CWmaDecoderIntfc::EDownMixToStereo);	
+    	}
+    able = pckgBuf().iToolLostDataConcealment;
+    if (able)
+    	{
+    	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->EnableTool(CWmaDecoderIntfc::ELostDataConcealment);	
+    	}
+    else
+    	{
+    	iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->DisableTool(CWmaDecoderIntfc::ELostDataConcealment);	
+    	}
+	status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->ApplyConfig();
+    aMessage.Complete(status);
+    }
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::CreateBufFromUintArrayL
+// Utility function used to create a buffer and fill it with data from the
+// array passed in.
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::CreateBufFromUintArrayL(RArray<TUint>& aArray)
+	{
+	delete iDataCopyBuffer;
+	iDataCopyBuffer = NULL;
+	iDataCopyBuffer = CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+	RBufWriteStream stream;
+	stream.Open(*iDataCopyBuffer);
+	CleanupClosePushL(stream);
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < aArray.Count(); i++)
+	    {	    	    
+		stream.WriteUint32L(aArray[i]);
+	    }
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&stream);
+	}	
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetNumOfSupportedFormatsL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetNumOfSupportedFormatsL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	iSupportedFormats.Reset();
+	TInt status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetSupportedFormats(iSupportedFormats);
+	CreateBufFromUintArrayL(reinterpret_cast<RArray<TUint>&>(iSupportedFormats));
+    TPckgBuf<TUint> pckg;
+   	pckg() = iSupportedFormats.Count();
+    aMessage.WriteDataToClientL(pckg);
+    aMessage.Complete(status);
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetNumOfSupportedToolsL(
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetNumOfSupportedToolsL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	iSupportedTools.Reset();
+	TInt status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetSupportedTools(iSupportedTools);
+	CreateBufFromUintArrayL(reinterpret_cast<RArray<TUint>&>(iSupportedTools));
+	TPckgBuf<TUint> pckg;
+    pckg() = iSupportedTools.Count();
+	aMessage.WriteDataToClientL(pckg);
+    aMessage.Complete(status);
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetNumOfControllableToolsL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CWmaDecoderIntfcMsgHdlr::DoGetNumOfControllableToolsL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	iControllableTools.Reset();
+	TInt status = iWmaDecoderIntfcCI->GetControllableTools(iControllableTools);
+	CreateBufFromUintArrayL(reinterpret_cast<RArray<TUint>&>(iControllableTools));
+	TPckgBuf<TUint> pckg;
+    pckg() = iControllableTools.Count();
+	aMessage.WriteDataToClientL(pckg); 
+    aMessage.Complete(status);
+	}
+// End of File