changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imagingandcamerafws/camerafw/Include/CameraHistogram.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype
+#include <ecam.h>
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include <ecam/camerasnapshot.h>
+#include <ecamcapturecontrol.h>
+#include <ecamviewfinder.h>
+#include <ecam/ecamcommonuids.hrh>
+class MHistogramBuffer;
+class MCameraHistogram;
+class MCameraV2Histogram;
+class MImplementationFactory;
+The current Version of the TDirectHistogramParameters class.
+static const TUint KECamDirectHistogramParametersCurrentVersion = 1;
+@deprecated use MCaptureImageObserver, MCaptureVideoObserver, MDirectViewFinderObserver, and MClientViewFinderObserver
+which have callback functions which notify the client about availability of histogram data. These are sent when 
+CCameraV2Histogram::StartHistogram() is called after CCameraV2Histogram::PrepareClientHistogramL(). If
+CCameraV2Histogram::PrepareClientHistogramL() is not called first then the callback returns KErrBadHandle.
+Uid used to identify the event that the request for histogram has completed.
+A callback to MCameraObserver2::HandleEvent() will occur when the histogram data is ready to be retrieved.
+If a call to StartHistogram() is made without a previous successful call to PrepareHistogramL() then the callback returns KErrBadHandle.
+static const TUid KUidECamEventCameraHistogram = {KUidECamEventHistogramUidValue};
+This is the UID which is used to obtain the CCameraHistogram interface, via a call to CCamera::CustomInterface().
+@see KECamHistogramUidValue
+@see CCamera::CCameraHistogram
+@deprecated use KECamV2HistogramUid
+static const TUid  KECamHistogramUid = {KECamHistogramUidValue};
+This class allows the client to get histogram data in a specified format for an image (for example, luminance based histogram,
+average colour value histogram, etc).
+The data generated can be fed to some exposure based algorithm, or directly displayed in the viewfinder.
+It also allows the client to get and set the properties of a histogram.
+The client selects histogram parameters calling PrepareHistogramL(). It can then start and stop 
+receiving notifications from the ECam implementation by calling StartHistogramL() and StopHistogramL().
+The client application using this API should provide MCameraObserver2 interface to be signalled,
+with event KUidECamEventCameraHistogram, when histogram data is available to be retrieved from 
+the ECam implementation.
+The client can then retrieve the histogram data from the ECam implementation calling HistograDataL().
+@note This class provides a standardised client interface for the camera histogram. Classes cannot be derived from it.
+@note   If the class methods leave, the output type parameter value is not guaranteed to be valid.
+@deprecated use CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram
+class CCamera::CCameraHistogram : public CBase
+	{
+	friend class CCamera;
+	/** Supported histogram types. */
+	enum THistogramType
+		{
+		/** No histogram has been specified. */
+		EHistNone			= 0x0000,
+		/** Luminance based histogram. */
+		ELuminance			= 0x0001,
+		/** The histogram is based on the average value of all three RGB colour components. */
+		EAverageRGB			= 0x0002,
+		/** The histogram is based on the value of the red colour component. */
+		ERedComponent		= 0x0004,
+		/** The histogram is based on the value of the blue colour component. */
+		EBlueComponent		= 0x0008,
+		/** The histogram is based on the value of the green colour component. */
+		EGreenComponent		= 0x0010
+		};
+	IMPORT_C static CCamera::CCameraHistogram* NewL(CCamera& aCamera);
+	IMPORT_C TUint32 SupportedHistograms();
+	IMPORT_C TUint PrepareHistogramL(CCamera::CCameraHistogram::THistogramType aType); 
+	IMPORT_C TUint PrepareDSAHistogramL(CCamera::CCameraHistogram::THistogramType aType, const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize, const TRgb& aColor);
+    IMPORT_C void StartHistogramL(TUint aHistHandle);
+    IMPORT_C void StopHistogramL(TUint aHistHandle);
+    IMPORT_C void DestroyHistogramL(TUint aHistHandle);
+    IMPORT_C void GetActiveHistogramsL(RArray<TUint>& aActiveHistograms); 
+    IMPORT_C void UpdateDSAHistogramPropertiesL(TUint aHistHandle, const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize, const TRgb& aColor);
+	IMPORT_C void GetDSAHistogramPropertiesL(TUint aHistHandle, TPoint& aPosition, TSize& aSize, TRgb& aColor);
+	IMPORT_C MHistogramBuffer& HistogramDataL();
+	IMPORT_C MHistogramBuffer& HistogramDataL(TUint aHistHandle);
+	IMPORT_C ~CCameraHistogram();
+	CCameraHistogram(CCamera& aOwner);
+	void ConstructL();
+	CCamera&        iOwner;
+    MCameraHistogram* iImpl;  // not owned
+ 	};
+This is the UID which is used to obtain the CCameraV2Histogram interface, via a call to CCamera::CustomInterface().
+static const TUid  KECamV2HistogramUid = {KECamV2HistogramUidValue};
+This class allows the client to get histogram data in a specified format for an image (for example, luminance based histogram,
+average colour value histogram, etc).
+Histogram may be created for still images, video, viewfinders and snapshot. Further different types of histogram may be 
+created for any of the imaging modes.
+The data generated can be fed to some exposure based algorithm, or directly displayed on the screen.
+It also allows the client to get and set the properties of a histogram.
+The client selects histogram parameters calling PrepareClientHistogramL or PrepareDirectHistogramL. It can then start and 
+stop receiving notifications from the ECam implementation by calling StartHistogram() and StopHistogram().
+The client application using this API shall provide the interfaces: MCaptureImageObserver, MCaptureVideoObserver, 
+MDirectViewFinderObserver and MClientViewFinderObserver in order to receive notifications about direct histogram display 
+or client histogram data availablility.
+Implementation shall use MHistogramV2Buffer in order to provide client histogram data.
+@note  This class provides a standardised client interface for the camera histogram. Classes cannot be derived from it.
+@note  If the class methods leave, the output type parameter value is not guaranteed to be valid.
+class CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram : public CBase
+	{
+	friend class CCamera;
+	friend CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram* CCamera::CCameraSnapshot::CreateHistogramHandleL() const;
+	friend CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram* CCamera::CCameraImageCapture::CreateHistogramHandleL() const;
+	friend CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram* CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::CreateHistogramHandleL() const;
+	friend CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram* CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder::CreateHistogramHandleL() const;
+	friend CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram* CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder::CreateHistogramHandleL() const;
+	/** 
+	Supported histogram types. 
+	The enumeration list may be extended in future.
+	*/
+	enum THistogramType
+		{
+		/** No histogram has been specified. */
+		EHistNone			= 0x0000,
+		/** Luminance based histogram. */
+		ELuminance			= 0x0001,
+		/** The histogram is based on the average value of all three RGB colour components. */
+		EAverageRGB			= 0x0002,
+		/** The histogram is based on the value of the red colour component. */
+		ERedComponent		= 0x0004,
+		/** The histogram is based on the value of the blue colour component. */
+		EBlueComponent		= 0x0008,
+		/** The histogram is based on the value of the green colour component. */
+		EGreenComponent		= 0x0010,
+		/** Qualitative Histogram to mark over exposed parts of image. */
+		EOverExposure 		= 0x0020,
+		/** Qualitative Histogram to mark under exposed parts of image. */
+		EUnderExposure 		= 0x0040,
+		};
+	/**
+	Specifes the parameters necessary for a direct histogram.
+	*/	
+	class TDirectHistogramParameters
+		{
+	public:
+		IMPORT_C TDirectHistogramParameters();
+		IMPORT_C TUint Size() const;
+		IMPORT_C TUint Version() const;
+	private:
+		//for future expansion
+		TUint iSize:24;
+		TUint iVersion:8;
+		// reserved for future expansion
+		TInt iReserved1;
+		TInt iReserved2;
+		TInt iReserved3;
+	public:
+		/** The type of histogram to be prepared. This must be one of the supported histogram types returned by
+		SupportedHistograms(). */
+		THistogramType iHistogramType;
+		/** The position on the screen (in pixels) where the histogram is to be displayed. */
+		TPoint iPosition;
+		/** The size of histogram in pixels. */
+		TSize iHistogramSize;
+		/** The colour and alpha blending with which the histogram will be displayed. */
+		TRgb iHistogramColor;
+		/** The background color for the direct histogram. */ 
+		TRgb iBackgroundColor; 
+		};
+	IMPORT_C void GetSupportedHistogramsL(TUint& aSupportedHistogramType) const;
+	IMPORT_C void GetDirectHistogramSupportInfoL(TBool& aIsDirectHistogramSupported) const;
+	IMPORT_C void PrepareClientHistogramL(THistogramType aType); 
+	IMPORT_C void PrepareDirectHistogramL(const TDirectHistogramParameters& aDirectHistogramParameters);
+	IMPORT_C void UpdateDirectHistogramPropertiesL(const TDirectHistogramParameters& aDirectHistogramParameters);
+	IMPORT_C void GetDirectHistogramPropertiesL(TDirectHistogramParameters& aDirectHistogramParameters) const;
+	IMPORT_C void StartHistogram();
+    IMPORT_C void StopHistogram();
+	IMPORT_C void GetHistogramStateL(TBool& aIsHistogramActive) const; 
+	IMPORT_C ~CCameraV2Histogram();
+	IMPORT_C static CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram* CreateL(CCamera& aCamera, MImplementationFactory& aImplFactory);
+	CCameraV2Histogram(CCamera& aOwner);
+	void ConstructL(const MImplementationFactory& aImplFactory);
+	CCamera&        iOwner;
+    MCameraV2Histogram* iImpl;  // not owned
+   	};
+// MHistogramBuffer //
+This class is used to pass histogram data between the camera device and a client that implements MCameraObserver2.
+The buffer may contain multiple histograms.
+The class allows the client to access the data as a descriptor to a kernel chunk.
+@deprecated use MHistogramV2Buffer
+class MHistogramBuffer
+	{
+	/**
+	@deprecated Only one histogram is available per buffer in MHistogramV2Buffer
+	Returns the number of histograms contained within the buffer.
+	This value will not depend upon the number of images for which histograms are requested by the 
+	client, but on the number of histograms generated by the ECam implementation. 
+	In the case where the driving mode (bracket mode, video mode, etc.) returns more than one image or frame 
+	the ECam implementation may not generate histograms for every valid image or frame. This can happen, for example, 
+	if there are no changes in the histogram data or if there are performance problems. 
+	@return The number of histograms in the buffer. 
+	*/
+	virtual TInt NumOfHistograms() = 0;
+	/** 
+	@deprecated use CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram::THistogramType MHistogramV2Buffer::Type()
+	Returns the type of histogram data that is available at the specified index within the histogram buffer.
+	@param  aIndex
+	        The index of the required histogram in the buffer. 
+	        This must be between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@leave  KErrArgument if aIndex is not between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@return The type of the histogram in the buffer at the given index.
+	*/
+	virtual CCamera::CCameraHistogram::THistogramType TypeL(TUint aIndex) = 0;
+	/** 
+	@deprecated use TInt MHistogramV2Buffer::ElementSize()
+	Returns the number of bits per histogram element value used to store the histogram data at a 
+	specified index within the histogram buffer. 	
+	The number of bits per histogram element will be decided by the ECam implementation and it may vary
+	for each histogram within the histogram buffer.
+	@see NumOfElementsL()
+	@param  aIndex
+	        The index of the required histogram in the buffer. 
+	        This must be between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@leave  KErrArgument if aIndex is not between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@return The histogram element size in bits.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt ElementSizeL(TUint aIndex) = 0;
+	/** 
+	@deprecated use TInt MHistogramV2Buffer::NumOfElements()
+	Returns the number of elements in the histogram at a specified index within the histogram buffer. 
+	This value can be used along with the element size obtained by calling ElementSizeL(), to calculate
+	the exact size of histogram data ( element-size x number-of-elements = histogram-size ).
+	@param  aIndex
+	        The index of the required histogram in the buffer. 
+	        This must be between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@leave  KErrArgument if aIndex is not between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@return The number of elements in the histogram. 
+	*/
+	virtual TInt NumOfElementsL(TUint aIndex) = 0;
+	/**
+	@deprecated use TDesC8* MHistogramV2Buffer::DataL()
+	Allows access to a given histogram in the histogram buffer via a descriptor.
+	@param  aIndex
+	        The index of the required histogram in the buffer. 
+	        This must be between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@leave  KErrArgument if aIndex is not between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@return A pointer to a descriptor containing the histogram data.
+	*/
+	virtual TDesC8* DataL(TUint aIndex) = 0;
+	/** 
+	@deprecated use RChunk& MHistogramV2Buffer::ChunkL() 
+	Returns a handle to the chunk that contains the histogram data.
+	The RChunk is exposed so that it can potentially be shared between multiple
+	processes.
+	@note 	The descriptor pointer returned by DataL() is effectively derived from this RChunk.
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported if the chunk is not available.
+	@return A reference to a handle to the chunk containing the histogram data. 
+	*/
+	virtual RChunk& ChunkL() = 0;
+	/** 
+	@deprecated use TInt MHistogramV2Buffer::ChunkOffsetL()
+	Returns the offset in the chunk (returned by ChunkL()) that contains the data for the 
+	histogram at a specified index within the histogram buffer. 
+	@param  aIndex
+	        The index of the required histogram in the buffer. 
+	        This must be between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@leave  KErrArgument if aIndex is not between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@return The offset in the chunk that contains the start of the histogram data. 
+	*/
+	virtual TInt ChunkOffsetL(TUint aIndex) = 0;
+	/** 
+	@deprecated Only one histogram is available per buffer in MHistogramV2Buffer
+	Returns the image number or frame index to which the histogram stored at the specified 
+	index within the buffer relates.
+	@param  aIndex
+	        The index of the required histogram in the buffer. 
+	        This must be between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@leave  KErrArgument if aIndex is not between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@return The image number or frame index.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt ImageNumberL(TUint aIndex) = 0;
+	/** 
+	@deprecated Only one histogram is available per buffer in MHistogramV2Buffer
+	Returns the handle of a particular histogram stored in the buffer.
+	@param  aIndex
+	        The index of the required histogram in the buffer. 
+	        This must be between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@leave  KErrArgument if aIndex is not between 0 and (NumOfHistograms() - 1).
+	@return The handle of the histogram on the ECam implementation.
+	*/
+	virtual TUint HandleL(TUint aIndex) = 0;
+	/** 	   
+    @deprecated use void MHistogramV2Buffer::Release()
+	Releases the buffer. Once the client has processed the histogram data it should
+    use this method to signal to the camera that the buffer can be deleted or re-used.
+	*/
+	virtual void Release() = 0;
+	};
+// MHistogramV2Buffer  //
+This class is used to pass histogram data between the camera device and a client that uses CCameraV2Histogram and 
+implements MCaptureImageObserver, MCaptureVideoObserver, MDirectViewFinderObserver and MClientViewFinderObserver.
+Only one histogram data is available per buffer. ECam implementation will issue another callback once a new histogram
+data is ready. Till that time, client shall use the histogram data available from the histogram buffer currently retrieved.
+The class allows the client to access the data as a descriptor to a kernel chunk.
+@see CCameraV2Histogram
+class MHistogramV2Buffer
+	{
+	/** 
+	Returns the type of histogram data that is available within the histogram buffer.
+	@return The type of the histogram in the buffer at the given index.
+	*/
+	virtual CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram::THistogramType Type()=0;
+	/** 
+	Returns the number of bits per histogram element value used to store the histogram data within the histogram buffer. 
+	The number of bits per histogram element will be decided by the ECam implementation.
+	@see NumOfElementsL()
+	@return Positive value means the histogram element size in bits. Negative value means error case.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt ElementSize()=0;
+	/** 
+	Returns the number of elements in the histogram within the histogram buffer. 
+	This value can be used along with the element size obtained by calling ElementSizeL(), to calculate
+	the exact size of histogram data ( element-size x number-of-elements = histogram-size ).
+	@return Positive value means the number of elements in the histogram. Negative value means error case.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt NumOfElements()=0;
+	/**
+	Allows access to the histogram in the histogram buffer via a descriptor.
+	@return A pointer to a descriptor containing the histogram data.
+	@leave  May Leave with any error code.
+	*/
+	virtual TDesC8* DataL()=0;
+	/** 
+	Returns a handle to the chunk that contains the histogram data.
+	The RChunk is exposed so that it can potentially be shared between multiple
+	processes.
+	@note 	The descriptor pointer returned by DataL() is effectively derived from this RChunk.
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported if the chunk is not available. May Leave with any other error code as well.
+	@return A reference to a handle to the chunk containing the histogram data. 
+	*/
+	virtual RChunk& ChunkL()=0;
+	/** 
+	Returns the offset in the chunk (returned by ChunkL()) that contains the data for the 
+	histogram within the histogram buffer. 
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported if the chunk is not available. May Leave with any other error code as well.
+	@return The offset in the chunk that contains the start of the histogram data. 
+	*/
+	virtual TInt ChunkOffsetL()=0;
+	/** 
+	Releases the buffer. Once the client has processed the histogram data it should
+    use this method to signal to the camera that the buffer can be deleted or re-used.
+	*/
+	virtual void Release()=0;
+	};