--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imagingandcamerafws/camerafw/Include/CameraSnapshot.h Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype
+#include <ecam.h>
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include <ecamcapturecontrol.h>
+#include <ecam/ecamcommonuids.hrh>
+#include <ecam/ecamcommonuidsconst.hrh>
+class MCameraSnapshot;
+class MCameraSnapshot2;
+class MImplementationFactory;
+Constant used to specify the default display time. When this default display time is specified by the client, the implementation
+may use its own time interval in order to display the direct snapshot data.
+@see CCamera::CCameraSnapshot::TSnapshotParameters::iDisplayTime
+static const TInt KECamSnapshotDefaultDisplayTime = 0;
+The current Version of the TSnapshotParameters class.
+static const TUint KECamSnapshotParametersCurrentVersion = 1;
+UID used to identify the event that, the request for snapshot has completed successfully.
+A callback to MCameraObserver2::HandleEvent() will occur when the snapshot data is ready to be retrieved.
+If a call to StartSnapshot() is made without a successful call to PrepareSnapshotL() then the callback returns KErrNotReady.
+static const TUid KUidECamEventCameraSnapshot = {KUidECamEventSnapshotUidValue};
+UID used to identify the CCamera::CCameraSnapshot API.
+This is the UID which is used to obtain the CCameraSnapshot interface,
+via a call to CCamera::CustomInterface().
+@see KECamSnapshotUidValue
+@see CCamera::CCameraSnapshot
+static const TUid KECamSnapshotUid = {KECamSnapshotUidValue};
+This class allows the client to request snapshot data in a specified image format for both still images and video.
+Snapshot object may be created out of new classes: CCameraImageCapture and CCameraVideoCaptureControl. The client selects
+snapshot parameters calling PrepareSnapshotL(const TSnapshotParameters& aSnapshotParameters). It can then enable and
+disable the snapshot generation by calling EnableSnapshotL() and DisableSnapshotL(). The client application using this API
+shall provide MCaptureImageObserver and MCaptureVideoObserver interface. Callbacks available are MCaptureImageObserver::
+ClientSnapshotForImageReady and MCaptureVideoObserver::ClientSnapshotReady.
+Snapshots are supposed to be displayed on a particular viewfinder. So, while destruction, client shall destroy snapshot
+first. In general, child objects shall be destroyed before the parent objects.
+Following is valid for older clients who created snapshots using NewL method:-
+The client selects snapshot parameters calling PrepareSnapshotL(). It can then start and stop
+receiving notifications from the ECam implementation by calling StartSnapshot() and StopSnapshot().
+The client application using this API should provide MCameraObserver2 interface to be signalled,
+with event KUidECamEventCameraSnapshot, when snapshot data is available to be retrieved from
+the ECam implementation.
+The client can then retrieve the snapshot data from the ECam implementation calling SnapshotDataL().
+@note This class provides a standardised client interface for the camera snapshot. Classes cannot be derived from it.
+@note If the class methods leave, the output type parameter value is not guaranteed to be valid.
+class CCamera::CCameraSnapshot: public CBase
+ {
+ friend class CCamera;
+ friend CCamera::CCameraSnapshot* CCamera::CCameraImageCapture::GetSnapshotHandleL(TInt aClientViewFinderId) const;
+ friend CCamera::CCameraSnapshot* CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::GetSnapshotHandleL(TInt aClientViewFinderId) const;
+ /**
+ Describes the state of snapshot.
+ The enumeration list may be extended in future.
+ */
+ enum TSnapshotState
+ {
+ /** Snapshot has not been prepared. */
+ ESnapshotNotCreated,
+ /** Snapshot has been prepared but not yet enabled. */
+ ESnapshotInactive,
+ /** Snapshot has been prepared and enabled but not yet disabled. */
+ ESnapshotActive,
+ /** Snapshot has been disabled. */
+ ESnapshotDisabled,
+ };
+ /**
+ Specifies the video frames to be used in order to create snapshots fo video.
+ The enumeration list may be extended in future.
+ */
+ enum TSnapshotVideoFrames
+ {
+ /** Snapshot for video created from first video frame. Used by default. */
+ ESnapshotVideoFirstFrame,
+ /** Snapshot for video created from last video frame. */
+ ESnapshotVideoLastFrame,
+ /** Snapshot for video created from first and last video frame. */
+ ESnapshotVideoFirstAndLastFrame,
+ /** Snapshot for video created from every video frame. */
+ ESnapshotVideoEveryFrame
+ };
+ /**
+ Specifes the parameters necessary for client snapshots.
+ */
+ class TSnapshotParameters
+ {
+ public:
+ IMPORT_C TSnapshotParameters();
+ IMPORT_C TUint Size() const;
+ IMPORT_C TUint Version() const;
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsAspectRatioMaintained() const;
+ IMPORT_C void SetAspectRatioState(TBool aIsAspectRatioMaintained);
+ private:
+ //for future expansion
+ TUint iSize:24;
+ TUint iVersion:8;
+ // reserved for future expansion
+ TInt iReserved1;
+ TInt iReserved2;
+ TInt iReserved3;
+ TInt iReserved5;
+ TInt iReserved6;
+ TInt iReserved7;
+ TUint iReserved4:31;
+ /** Set to ETrue if the aspect ratio of the snapshot image must be maintained when scaling down */
+ TUint iIsAspectRatioMaintained:1;
+ public:
+ /** The image format that the snapshot must have. */
+ CCamera::TFormat iFormat;
+ /** The top left corner position (in pixels) which determines the layout of the snapshot image
+ within the dimensions provided by the iSnapshotSize parameter when the snapshot has been scaled
+ maintaining its aspect ratio. ECam implementation is supposed to calculate the proportion between
+ the top left corner and the snapshot size and hence use it, in case, the snapshot size used is different. */
+ TPoint iPosition;
+ /** The size of the snapshot in pixels. The snapshot size may be changed by the implementation to meet hardware
+ requirements, performance etc. */
+ TSize iSnapshotSize;
+ };
+ IMPORT_C static CCameraSnapshot* NewL(CCamera& aCamera);
+ IMPORT_C CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram* CreateHistogramHandleL() const;
+ IMPORT_C TUint32 SupportedFormats();
+ IMPORT_C void PrepareSnapshotL(CCamera::TFormat aFormat, const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize, const TRgb& aBgColor, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio);
+ IMPORT_C void PrepareSnapshotL(CCamera::TFormat aFormat, const TSize& aSize, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio);
+ IMPORT_C void SetBgColorL(const TRgb& aBgColor);
+ IMPORT_C void SetPositionL(const TPoint& aPosition);
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsSnapshotActive() const;
+ IMPORT_C void StartSnapshot();
+ IMPORT_C void StopSnapshot();
+ IMPORT_C MCameraBuffer& SnapshotDataL(RArray<TInt>& aFrameIndexOrder);
+ IMPORT_C ~CCameraSnapshot();
+ IMPORT_C void PrepareSnapshotL(const TSnapshotParameters& aSnapshotParameters);
+ IMPORT_C void GetSnapshotParametersL(TSnapshotParameters& aSnapshotParameters);
+ IMPORT_C void SetSnapshotParametersL(const TSnapshotParameters& aSnapshotParameters);
+ IMPORT_C void GetSnapshotStatusL(TSnapshotState& aSnapshotState) const;
+ IMPORT_C void SelectSnapshotVideoFramesL(TSnapshotVideoFrames aSnapshotVideoFrames);
+ IMPORT_C void EnableSnapshotL();
+ IMPORT_C void DisableSnapshotL();
+ IMPORT_C static CCameraSnapshot* CreateL(CCamera& aCamera, MImplementationFactory& aImplFactory, TInt aClientViewFinderId);
+ CCameraSnapshot(CCamera& aOwner);
+ void ConstructL();
+ void ConstructL(const MImplementationFactory& aImplFactory, TInt aClientViewFinderId);
+ CCamera& iOwner;
+ MCameraSnapshot* iImpl; // not owned
+ MCameraSnapshot2* iImpl2; // not owned
+ };