changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imagingandcamerafws/camerafw/Include/ECam.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1872 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @publishedAll
+ @released
+#ifndef ECAM_H
+#define ECAM_H
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <ecamuids.hrh>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <ecamdef.h>
+class MFrameBuffer;
+class RWsSession;
+class CWsScreenDevice;
+class RWindowBase;
+class CFbsBitmap;
+typedef TInt TPostCaptureControlId;
+/** Specifies camera device information.
+If either zoom or digital zoom are available then the appropriate entries
+in this class will be set to indicate the range of values that they may take.
+This should be implemented such that a setting of zero corresponds to no zoom,
+and a step of one corresponds to the smallest increment available, in a linear
+There are also zoom factors that correspond to the actual zoom factor when
+at minimum (non-digital only) and maximum zoom. Negative zoom values represent
+macro functionality.
+Image capture, if supported, is simply a case of transferring the current
+image from the camera to the client via MCameraObserver::ImageReady(). The
+camera class must set the iImageFormatsSupported bitfield to indicate the
+formats available.
+class TCameraInfo
+	{
+	/** Possible directions in which the camera may point.
+	*/
+	enum TCameraOrientation
+		{
+		/** Outward pointing camera for taking pictures.
+		Camera is directed away from the user. */
+		EOrientationOutwards,
+		/** Inward pointing camera for conferencing.
+		Camera is directed towards the user. */
+		EOrientationInwards,
+		/** Mobile camera capable of multiple orientations.
+		Camera orientation may be changed by the user. */
+		EOrientationMobile,
+		/** Camera orientation is not known. */
+		EOrientationUnknown
+		};
+	/** Various flags describing the features available for a particular implementation
+	*/
+	enum TOptions
+		{
+		/** View finder display direct-to-screen flag */
+		EViewFinderDirectSupported		= 0x0001,
+		/** View finder bitmap generation flag */
+		EViewFinderBitmapsSupported		= 0x0002,
+		/** Still image capture flag */
+		EImageCaptureSupported			= 0x0004,
+		/** Video capture flag */
+		EVideoCaptureSupported			= 0x0008,
+		/** View finder display mirroring flag */
+		EViewFinderMirrorSupported		= 0x0010,
+		/** Contrast setting flag */
+		EContrastSupported				= 0x0020,
+		/** Brightness setting flag */
+		EBrightnessSupported			= 0x0040,
+		/** View finder clipping flag */
+		EViewFinderClippingSupported	= 0x0080,
+		/** Still image capture clipping flag */
+		EImageClippingSupported			= 0x0100,
+		/** Video capture clipping flag */
+		EVideoClippingSupported			= 0x0200
+		};
+	/** Version number and name of camera hardware. */
+	TVersion iHardwareVersion;
+	/** Version number and name of camera software (device driver). */
+	TVersion iSoftwareVersion;
+	/** Orientation of this particular camera device. */
+	TCameraOrientation iOrientation;
+	/** Bitfield of TOptions available */
+	TUint32 iOptionsSupported;
+	/** The supported flash modes.
+	This is a bitfield of CCamera::TFlash values. 
+	If methods CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L() are not used to create the CCamera object, it is assumed that the 
+	application may not be able to cope with any future additions to the enum values. So, any unrecognised enum value passed 
+    from the implementation should be filtered by ECAM Implementation.
+    To receive unrecognised/extra added enum values, application should rather use CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L() 
+    to create camera object. This is an indication to ECAM implementation. In this case, application is assumed 
+    to be prepared to receive unrecognised enum values.
+    @see CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedFlashModes()
+	*/
+	TUint32 iFlashModesSupported;
+	/** The supported exposure modes.
+	This is a bitfield of CCamera::TExposure values. */
+	TUint32 iExposureModesSupported;
+	/** The supported white balance settings.
+	This is a bitfield of of CCamera::TWhiteBalance values. 
+	If methods CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L() are not used to create the CCamera object, it is assumed that the 
+	application may not be able to cope with any future additions to the enum values. So, any unrecognised enum value passed 
+    from the implementation should be filtered by ECAM Implementation.
+    To receive unrecognised/extra added enum values, application should rather use CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L() 
+    to create camera object. This is an indication to ECAM implementation. In this case, application is assumed 
+    to be prepared to receive unrecognised enum values.
+    Refer to CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedWhiteBalanceModes() implementation
+    @see CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::SupportedWhiteBalanceModes()
+	*/
+	TUint32 iWhiteBalanceModesSupported;
+	/** Minimum zoom value allowed. 
+	Must be negative, or zero if not supported.
+	This is the minimum value that may be passed to CCamera::SetZoomFactorL(). */
+	TInt iMinZoom;
+	/** Maximum zoom value allowed. 
+	Must be positive, or zero if not supported.
+	This is the maximum value that may be passed to CCamera::SetZoomFactorL(). */
+	TInt iMaxZoom;
+	/** Maximum digital zoom value allowed. 
+	Must be positive, or zero if not supported.
+	This is the maximum value that may be passed to CCamera::SetDigitalZoomFactorL(). 
+	Digital zoom factor is assumed to be a linear scale from 0 to iMaxDigitalZoom. */
+	TInt iMaxDigitalZoom;
+	/** Image size multiplier corresponding to minimum zoom value. 
+	Must be between 0 and 1 inclusive. Both 0 and 1 indicate that macro functionality 
+	is not supported. */
+	TReal32 iMinZoomFactor;
+	/** Image size multiplier corresponding to maximum zoom value. 
+	May take the value 0, or values greater than or equal to 1. Both 0 and 1 indicate 
+	that zoom functionality is not supported. */
+	TReal32 iMaxZoomFactor;
+	/** Image size multiplier corresponding to maximum digital zoom value. 
+	Implementation recommendation is to use 'appropriate value' for maximum digital zoom which could cover only values 
+	given by new digital zoom methods based on image format and capture mode.
+	Must be greater than or equal to 1. */
+	TReal32 iMaxDigitalZoomFactor;
+	/** Count of still image capture sizes allowed.
+	Number of different image sizes that CCamera::EnumerateCaptureSizes() will 
+	support, based on the index passed in. Index must be between 0 and iNumImageSizesSupported-1. */
+	TInt iNumImageSizesSupported;
+	/** The supported still image formats.
+	This is a bitfield of CCamera::TFormat values. */
+	TUint32 iImageFormatsSupported;
+	/** Count of video frame sizes allowed. 
+	This is the number of different video frame sizes that CCamera::EnumerateVideoFrameSizes() 
+	will support, based on the specified index. The index must be between 0 and 
+	iNumVideoFrameSizesSupported-1. */
+	TInt iNumVideoFrameSizesSupported;
+	/** Count of video frame rates allowed.
+	This is the number of different video frame rates that CCamera::EnumerateVideoFrameRates() 
+	will support, based on the specified index. The index must be between 0 and 
+	iNumVideoFrameRatesSupported-1. */
+	TInt iNumVideoFrameRatesSupported;
+	/** The supported video frame formats.
+	This is a bitfield of video frame CCamera::TFormat values. 
+	If methods CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L() are not used to create the CCamera object, it is assumed that the 
+	application may not be able to cope with any future additions to the enum values. So, any unrecognised enum value passed 
+    from the implementation should be filtered by the ECAM implementation.
+    To receive unrecognised/extra added enum values, the application should rather use CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L() 
+    to create the camera object. This is an indication to the ECAM implementation. In this case, the application is assumed 
+    to be prepared to receive unrecognised enum values.	
+	*/
+	TUint32 iVideoFrameFormatsSupported;
+	/** Maximum number of frames per buffer that may be requested. */
+	TInt iMaxFramesPerBufferSupported;
+	/** Maximum number of buffers allowed */
+	TInt iMaxBuffersSupported;
+	};
+/** Mixin base class for camera clients.
+An application must implement an MCameraObserver or MCameraObserver2 (recommended)
+in order to use the camera API. This derived class is called when the camera is 
+ready for use, an image has been captured or a buffer of video data is ready, including 
+when errors occur.
+Implementations of the camera API should use MCameraObserver::FrameBufferReady()
+and MFrameBuffer::Release() to co-ordinate the mapping of any special memory
+class MCameraObserver
+	{
+	/** Camera reservation is complete.
+	Called asynchronously when CCamera::Reserve() completes.
+	@param  aError
+	        An error on failure and KErrNone on success.
+	*/
+	virtual void ReserveComplete(TInt aError)=0;
+	/** Indicates camera power on is complete.
+	Called on completion of CCamera:PowerOn().
+	@param  aError
+	        KErrNone on success, KErrInUse if the camera is in
+	        use by another client or KErrNoMemory if insufficient system memory is available.
+	*/
+	virtual void PowerOnComplete(TInt aError)=0;
+	/** Tests whether transfer of view finder data has completed.
+	Called periodically in response to the use of CCamera::StartViewFinderBitmapsL().
+	@param  aFrame
+	        The view finder frame.
+	*/
+	virtual void ViewFinderFrameReady(CFbsBitmap& aFrame)=0;
+	/** Transfers the current image from the camera to the client.
+	Called asynchronously when CCamera::CaptureImage() completes.
+	@param  aBitmap
+	        On return, a pointer to an image held in CFbsBitmap form if
+	        this was the format specified in CCamera::PrepareImageCaptureL().
+	@param  aData
+	        On return, a pointer to an HBufC8 if this was the format specified
+	        in CCamera::PrepareImageCaptureL(). NULL if there was an error.
+	@param  aError
+	        KErrNone on success or an error code on failure.
+	*/
+	virtual void ImageReady(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,HBufC8* aData,TInt aError)=0;
+	/** Passes a filled frame buffer to the client.
+	Called asynchronously, when a buffer has been filled with the required number
+	of video frames by CCamera::StartVideoCapture().
+	@param  aFrameBuffer
+	        On return, a pointer to an MFrameBuffer if successful,
+	        or NULL if not successful.
+	@param  aError
+	        KErrNone if successful, or an error code if not successful.
+	*/
+	virtual void FrameBufferReady(MFrameBuffer* aFrameBuffer,TInt aError)=0;
+	};
+Class used for passing camera picture data between camera and client in the V2 observer.
+Used for viewfinder, image capture and video capture.
+The class offers APIs for the client to access the data as a descriptor, a bitmap
+or a handle to a kernel chunk. Depending on the format previously requested by
+the client, one or more of the API choices may be inappropriate e.g. an image will
+not be avaiable as a bitmap in the FBS unless the client has specifically requested
+The buffer may contain multiple frames.
+class MCameraBuffer
+	{
+	/** 
+	Returns the number of frames of image data contained within the buffer. This
+	would be 1 for a image capture, and match the requested count
+	for video capture. For other methods in this class that take a aFrameIndex
+	param, 0 <= aFrameIndex < NumFrames()
+	@return The number of frames of image data in the buffer. 
+	*/
+	virtual TInt NumFrames()=0;
+	/**
+	Returns a pointer to a descriptor containing a frame of camera data. The format
+	will have been previously specified by a CCamera class method.
+	@param  aFrameIndex
+	        The index of the required frame. For a still image this should be 0.
+	@leave  KErrArgument if aIndex is out of range and 
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported if the camera data is actually bitmaps in the FBS.
+	@return A pointer to a descriptor containing a frame of image data.
+	*/
+	virtual TDesC8* DataL(TInt aFrameIndex)=0;
+	/** 
+	Returns a reference to a FBS bitmap containing a frame of image data.
+	@param  aFrameIndex 
+	        The index of the required frame. For a still image this should be 0.
+	@leave  KErrArgument if aIndex is out of range and 
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported if the picture data is not a FBS bitmap.
+	@return A reference to a FBS bitmap containing a frame of picture data. 
+	*/
+	virtual CFbsBitmap& BitmapL(TInt aFrameIndex)=0;
+	/** 
+	Returns a handle for the chunk that contains the camera data.
+	The RChunk is exposed so that it can potentially be shared between multiple
+	processes.
+	The ptr returned by DataL(aFrameIndex) is effectively derived from this
+	RChunk (where both are supported simulataneously). The equivalent ptr would be:
+	TPtrC8* ptr;
+	ptr.Set(ChunkL().Base() + ChunkOffset(aFrameIndex), FrameSize(aFrameIndex));
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported if the chunk is not available.
+	@return A reference to a handle to the chunk that contains the buffer of picture data. 
+	*/
+	virtual RChunk& ChunkL()=0;
+	/** 
+	Returns the offset into the chunk that contains the frame specified by aFrameIndex.
+	The client would add this offset to the ptr returned by ChunkL().Base() to
+	get the address of the start of the frame data. 
+	@param  aIndex 
+	        The index of the required frame. For a still image this should be 0.
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported if the chunk is not available 
+	@leave  KErrArgument if aIndex is out of range.
+	@return The offset into the chunk for the start of the frame. 
+	*/
+	virtual TInt ChunkOffsetL(TInt aFrameIndex)=0;
+	/** 
+	Returns the size of the data in bytes that comprises the frame specified by aIndex.
+	@param  aFrameIndex 
+	        The index of the required frame. For a still image this should be 0.
+	@leave  KErrArgument 
+			if aIndex is out of range.
+	@return Returns the size of the data in bytes that comprises the frame. 
+	*/
+	virtual TInt FrameSize(TInt aFrameIndex)=0;
+	/** 
+	Releases the buffer. Once the client has processed
+	the picture data it should use this method to signal to CCamera that the
+	buffer can be re-used.
+	*/
+	virtual void Release()=0;
+	/** 
+	Sequential frame number of the first frame in the buffer, counting from when
+	CCamera::StartVideoCapture() was called and including frames dropped due to
+	lack of buffers. Always zero for still images. May also be used by client viewfinders.
+	*/
+	TInt iIndexOfFirstFrameInBuffer;
+	/** 
+	Time elapsed from when CCamera::StartVideoCapture() was called until the first
+	frame in the buffer was captured. Always zero for still images.
+	*/
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iElapsedTime;
+	};
+	Uid used to identify the event that the request to Reserve() has completed
+static const TUid  KUidECamEventReserveComplete = {0x101F7D3B};
+	Uid used to identify the event that the request to PowerOn() has completed
+static const TUid  KUidECamEventPowerOnComplete = {0x101F7D3C};
+	Uid used to identify the event that the client has lost
+	control of the camera
+static const TUid  KUidECamEventCameraNoLongerReserved = {0x101F7D3D};
+Uid used to notify the client who made the new reserve request. 
+Error value KErrECamHighPriorityReserveRequesterExists indicates another such reserve request is outstanding and
+has higher priority than this one.
+Error value KErrCancel indicates a new reserve requester with higher priority than the current requester has 
+been made. That's why, this one got cancelled.
+Any other error may also occur.
+@see CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::ReserveL(const TTimeIntervalMicroseconds32& aMaxTimeToWait, TBool aKickOut);
+static const TUid  KUidECamEventNewReserveComplete = {KUidECamEventNewReserveCompleteUidValue};
+General purpose class to describe an ECam event.
+Contains a UID to define the actual event type, and an integer to define the event code.
+class TECAMEvent
+	{
+	/**
+	Constructor.
+	@param  aEventType
+	        A UID to define the type of event.
+	@param  aErrorCode
+	        The error code associated with the event.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TECAMEvent(TUid aEventType, TInt aErrorCode);
+	/**
+	Default constructor.
+	Provided so this class can be packaged in a TPckgBuf<>.
+	*/
+	/**
+	A UID to define the event type.
+	*/
+	TUid iEventType;
+	/**
+	The error code associated with the event.
+	*/
+	TInt iErrorCode;
+	};
+Uid used to identify a particular version of TECAMEvent base class being used i.e. TECAMEvent2 . 
+Useful for MCameraObserver2::HandleEvent implementation to detect the version of TECAMEvent base class.
+static const TUid  KUidECamEventClass2 = {KUidECamEventClass2UidValue};
+event indicating setting of color entry in the color swap operation. This is a part of class CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing. 
+This event should be packed in TECAMEvent2 class.
+@note  TECAMEvent2::iParam represents color entry.
+static const TUid  KUidECamEventCIPSetColorSwapEntry 		   = {KUidECamEventCIPSetColorSwapEntryUidValue};
+static const TUid  KUidECamEvent2CIPSetColorSwapEntry 		   = {KUidECamEventCIPSetColorSwapEntryUidValue};
+event indicating removal of color entry in the color swap operation. This is a part of class CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing. 
+This event should be packed in TECAMEvent2 class.
+@note  TECAMEvent2::iParam represents color entry.
+static const TUid  KUidECamEventCIPRemoveColorSwapEntry 	   = {KUidECamEventCIPRemoveColorSwapEntryUidValue};
+static const TUid  KUidECamEvent2CIPRemoveColorSwapEntry 	   = {KUidECamEventCIPRemoveColorSwapEntryUidValue};
+event indicating setting of color entry in the color accent operation. This is a part of class CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing. 
+This event should be packed in TECAMEvent2 class.
+@note  TECAMEvent2::iParam represents color entry.
+static const TUid  KUidECamEventCIPSetColorAccentEntry 		   = {KUidECamEventCIPSetColorAccentEntryUidValue};
+static const TUid  KUidECamEvent2CIPSetColorAccentEntry 	   = {KUidECamEventCIPSetColorAccentEntryUidValue};
+event indicating removal of color entry in the color accent operation. This is a part of class CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing. 
+This event should be packed in TECAMEvent2 class.
+@note  TECAMEvent2::iParam represents color entry.
+static const TUid  KUidECamEventCIPRemoveColorAccentEntry 	   = {KUidECamEventCIPRemoveColorAccentEntryUidValue};
+static const TUid  KUidECamEvent2CIPRemoveColorAccentEntry 	   = {KUidECamEventCIPRemoveColorAccentEntryUidValue};
+event indicating issue of pre capture warnings. This is a part of class CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings. 
+This event should be packed in TECAMEvent2 class.
+This TUid is available from the following methods only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::
+void CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetSupportedSettingsL(RArray<TUid>& aSettings) const;
+void CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetActiveSettingsL(RArray<TUid>& aActiveSettings) const;
+void CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::GetDisabledSettingsL(RArray<TUid>& aDisabledSettings) const;
+@note  TECAMEvent2::iParam represents bit field describing all PreCaptureWarnings currently issued.
+static const TUid  KUidECamEventCameraSettingPreCaptureWarning 	= {KUidECamEventCameraSettingPreCaptureWarningUidValue};
+static const TUid  KUidECamEvent2CameraSettingPreCaptureWarning = {KUidECamEventCameraSettingPreCaptureWarningUidValue};
+Special type of TECAMEvent class used to retrieve some extra information from particular events received
+class TECAMEvent2 : public TECAMEvent
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static TBool IsEventEncapsulationValid(const TECAMEvent& aECAMEvent);
+	IMPORT_C TECAMEvent2(TUid aEventType, TInt aErrorCode, TInt aParam);
+	IMPORT_C const TUid& EventClassUsed() const;
+	/** 
+	Uid representing this version of TECAMEvent base class. Uid used is KUidECamEventClass2 
+	*/
+	TUid iEventClassUsed;
+	/**
+	Reserved for future
+	TInt iReserved1; -> Made Public TInt iParam1
+	*/
+	/**
+	Reserved for future	
+	*/
+	TInt iReserved2; 
+	/**
+	iParam1 will be used to provide extra information if iParam is not sufficient.
+	This signifies different things for different valid events.
+	Future events may also use this class member variable.
+	*/
+	TInt iParam1;
+	/**
+	This signifies different things for different valid events.
+	Future events may also use this class member variable.
+	*/	
+	TInt iParam;
+	};
+/** Mixin base class V2 for camera clients.
+An application must implement an MCameraObserver2 (or MCameraObserver) in order to use the camera
+API. This derived class is called when the camera is ready for use, an image
+has been captured or a buffer of video data is ready, including when errors
+class MCameraObserver2
+	{
+	/** 
+	A camera event has completed.
+	@note Implementations of MCameraObserver2 should ignore events which are not recognised and should not leave.
+	@param  aEvent
+	        A reference to a TECAMEvent. This can be completion of a call to Reserve() 
+			or a call to PowerOn() or a notification that the client has lost control 
+			of the camera.
+			The event contains a uid identifying the event and an accompanying
+			error code (KErrNone for the successful completion of a request).
+			The error will be KErrNotReady for a request that was made out of the
+			correct sequence.
+			The error will be KErrAccessDenied for a Reserve() request that failed
+			because a higher priority client already controls the camera.
+	@note   This may internally call TECAMEvent2::IsEventEncapsulationValid(aEvent) and also for any other derived version of TECAMEvent 
+			class to know whether correct version of TECAMEvent base class has been used. 
+	*/
+	virtual void HandleEvent(const TECAMEvent& aEvent)=0;
+	/** 
+	Notifies client of new view finder data. Called periodically in response to 
+	the use of CCamera::StartViewFinderL().
+	@param  aCameraBuffer
+	        A reference to an MCameraBuffer if successful, or NULL if not successful.
+	@param  aError
+	        KErrNone if successful, or an error code if not successful.
+	*/
+	virtual void ViewFinderReady(MCameraBuffer& aCameraBuffer,TInt aError)=0;
+	/** 
+	Notifies the client of a new captured camera image. Called asynchronously 
+	when CCamera::CaptureImage() completes.
+	@param  aCameraBuffer
+	        A reference to an MCameraBuffer if successful, or NULL if not successful.
+	@param  aError
+	        KErrNone if successful, or an error code if not successful.
+	@note   If new image capture classes used, then this callback will not be used. Refer MCaptureImageObserver
+	*/
+	virtual void ImageBufferReady(MCameraBuffer& aCameraBuffer,TInt aError)=0;
+	/** 
+	Notifies the client of new captured video. Called asynchronously and periodically
+	after CCamera::StartVideoCapture() is called. The buffer has been filled with the 
+	required number of video frames specified PrepareVideoCaptureL().
+	@param  aCameraBuffer
+	        A reference to an MCameraBuffer if successful, or NULL if not successful.
+	@param  aError
+	        KErrNone if successful, or an error code if not successful.
+	*/
+	virtual void VideoBufferReady(MCameraBuffer& aCameraBuffer,TInt aError)=0;
+	};
+/** Base class for camera devices.
+Provides the interface that an application uses to control, and acquire images
+from, the camera.
+An application must supply an implementation of MCameraObserver2 (or MCameraObserver).
+class CCamera : public CBase
+	{
+	friend class CCameraPlugin;
+	class CCameraPresets;
+	class CCameraAdvancedSettings;
+	class CCameraImageProcessing;
+	class CCameraHistogram;
+	class CCameraV2Histogram;
+	class CCameraOverlay;
+	class CCameraSnapshot;
+	class CCameraDirectViewFinder;
+	class CCameraV2DirectViewFinder;
+	class CCameraClientViewFinder;
+	class CCameraPreImageCaptureControl;
+	class CCameraImageCapture;
+	class CCameraPostImageCaptureControl;
+	class CCameraVideoCaptureControl;
+    class CCameraDirectSnapshot;
+    class CCameraContinuousZoom;
+	/** Possible still image and video frame formats
+	Formats are read from left to right, starting at the top of the image. YUV
+	format is as defined by ITU-R BT.601-4. */
+	enum TFormat
+		{
+		/** 8 bit greyscale values, 0=black, 255=white. */
+		EFormatMonochrome			= 0x0001,
+		/** Packed RGB triplets, 4 bits per pixel with red in the least significant bits
+		and the 4 most significant bits unused. */
+		EFormat16bitRGB444			= 0x0002,
+		/** Packed RGB triplets, 5 bits per pixel for red and blue and 6 bits for green,
+		with red in the least significant bits. */
+		EFormat16BitRGB565			= 0x0004,
+		/** Packed RGB triplets, 8 bits per pixel with red in the least significant bits
+		and the 8 most significant bits unused. */
+		EFormat32BitRGB888			= 0x0008,
+		/** JFIF JPEG. */
+		EFormatJpeg					= 0x0010,
+		/** EXIF JPEG */
+		EFormatExif					= 0x0020,
+		/** CFbsBitmap object with display mode EColor4K. */
+		EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K		= 0x0040,
+		/** CFbsBitmap object with display mode EColor64K. */
+		EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K	= 0x0080,
+		/** CFbsBitmap object with display mode EColor16M. */
+		EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M	= 0x0100,
+		/** Implementation dependent. */
+		EFormatUserDefined			= 0x0200,
+		/** 4:2:0 format, 8 bits per sample, Y00Y01Y10Y11UV. */
+		EFormatYUV420Interleaved	= 0x0400,
+		/** 4:2:0 format, 8 bits per sample, Y00Y01Y02Y03...U0...V0... */
+		EFormatYUV420Planar			= 0x0800,
+		/** 4:2:2 format, 8 bits per sample, UY0VY1.  Maps to Graphics' EUidPixelFormatYUV_422Interleaved in pixelformats.h. */
+		EFormatYUV422				= 0x1000,
+		/** 4:2:2 format, 8 bits per sample, Y1VY0U.  Maps to Graphics' EUidPixelFormatYUV_422InterleavedReversed in pixelformats.h. */
+		EFormatYUV422Reversed		= 0x2000,
+		/** 4:4:4 format, 8 bits per sample, Y00U00V00 Y01U01V01... */
+		EFormatYUV444				= 0x4000,
+		/** 4:2:0 format, 8 bits per sample, Y00Y01Y02Y03...U0V0... */
+		EFormatYUV420SemiPlanar		= 0x8000,
+		/** CFbsBitmap object with display mode EColor16MU. */
+		EFormatFbsBitmapColor16MU 	= 0x00010000,
+		/** Motion JPEG for video 
+		@note This value is available only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L().
+		@internalTechnology
+		*/
+		EFormatMJPEG				= 0x00020000,
+		/** 
+		Compressed H264 video format. 
+		@note This value is available only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L().
+		@prototype
+		*/
+		EFormatEncodedH264          = 0x00040000,
+		/**
+		4:2:2 format, 8 bits per sample, Y0UY1V. Maps to Graphics' EUidPixelFormatYUV_422Reversed in pixelformats.h.
+		@note This value is available only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L().
+		@prototype
+		*/
+		EFormatYUV222ReversedV2		= 0x00080000
+		};
+	/** Specifies whether contrast is set automatically. */
+	enum TContrast
+		{
+		/** Sets the contrast automatically. */
+		EContrastAuto		= KMinTInt
+		};
+	/** Specifies whether brightness is set automatically. */
+	enum TBrightness
+		{
+		/** Sets the brightness automatically. */
+		EBrightnessAuto		= KMinTInt
+		};
+	/** Specifies the type of flash. */
+	enum TFlash
+		{
+		/** No flash, always supported. */
+		EFlashNone			= 0x0000,
+		/** Flash will automatically fire when required. */
+		EFlashAuto			= 0x0001,
+		/** Flash will always fire. */
+		EFlashForced		= 0x0002,
+		/** Reduced flash for general lighting */
+		EFlashFillIn		= 0x0004,
+		/** Red-eye reduction mode. */	
+		EFlashRedEyeReduce	= 0x0008,
+		/** Flash at the moment when shutter opens. */
+		EFlashSlowFrontSync = 0x0010,
+		/** Flash at the moment when shutter closes. */
+		EFlashSlowRearSync  = 0x0020, 
+		/** User configurable setting */	
+		EFlashManual		= 0x0040,
+		/** Constant emission of light during video mode  
+            @note This value is available only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()
+		*/
+		EFlashVideoLight    = 0x0080
+		};
+	/** Specifies the type of exposure. - EExposureAuto is the default value. */
+	enum TExposure
+		{
+		/** Set exposure automatically. Default, always supported.
+		This may imply auto aperture so clients may receive a KUidEcamEvent2CameraSettingAutoAperture event notification some time later. */
+		EExposureAuto		= 0x0000,
+		/** Night-time setting for long exposures. */
+		EExposureNight		= 0x0001,
+		/** Backlight setting for bright backgrounds. */
+		EExposureBacklight	= 0x0002,
+		/** Centered mode for ignoring surroundings. */
+		EExposureCenter		= 0x0004,
+		/** Sport setting for very short exposures. */
+		EExposureSport 		= 0x0008,
+		/** Generalised setting for very long exposures. */
+		EExposureVeryLong 	= 0x0010,
+		/** Snow setting for daylight exposure. */
+		EExposureSnow 		= 0x0020,
+		/** Beach setting for daylight exposure with reflective glare. */
+		EExposureBeach 		= 0x0040,
+		/** Programmed exposure setting. */
+		EExposureProgram 	= 0x0080,
+		/** Aperture setting is given priority. */
+		EExposureAperturePriority 	= 0x0100,
+		/** Shutter speed setting is given priority.
+		This may imply auto aperture so clients may receive a KUidEcamEvent2CameraSettingAutoAperture event notification some time later. */
+		EExposureShutterPriority	= 0x0200,
+		/** User selectable exposure value setting. */	
+		EExposureManual				= 0x0400,
+		/** Exposure night setting with colour removed to get rid of colour noise. */
+		EExposureSuperNight			= 0x0800,
+		/** Exposure for infra-red sensor on the camera */
+		EExposureInfra				= 0x1000
+		};
+	/** Specifies how the white balance is set. */
+	enum TWhiteBalance
+		{
+		/** Set white balance automatically. Default, always supported. */
+		EWBAuto				= 0x0000,
+		/** Normal daylight. */
+		EWBDaylight			= 0x0001,
+		/** Overcast daylight. */
+		EWBCloudy			= 0x0002,
+		/** Tungsten filament lighting. */
+		EWBTungsten			= 0x0004,
+		/** Fluorescent tube lighting */
+		EWBFluorescent		= 0x0008,
+		/** Flash lighting. */
+		EWBFlash			= 0x0010,
+		/** High contrast daylight primarily snowy */
+		EWBSnow 			= 0x0020,
+		/** High contrast daylight primarily near the sea */
+		EWBBeach 			= 0x0040,
+		/** User configurable mode */
+		EWBManual 			= 0x0080,
+		/** Shade */
+ 		EWBShade			= 0x0100,
+ 		/** auto skin
+ 		If New2L()/NewDuplicate2L() are not used to create camera object, this
+		enum value would be considered as unrecognized and filtered out in 'supported'
+		or 'getter' methods.
+ 		*/
+ 		EWBAutoSkin			= 0x0200,
+ 		/** horizon
+ 		If New2L()/NewDuplicate2L() are not used to create camera object, this
+		enum value would be considered as unrecognized and filtered out in 'supported'
+		or 'getter' methods.
+		*/
+ 		EWBHorizon 			= 0x0400,
+ 		/** Daylight Under Water
+ 		If New2L()/NewDuplicate2L() are not used to create camera object, this
+		enum value would be considered as unrecognized and filtered out in 'supported'
+		or 'getter' methods.
+		*/
+ 		EWBDaylightUnderWater  = 0x0800
+		};
+	/**
+	Determines the number of cameras on the device.
+    @return Count of cameras present on the device.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static TInt CamerasAvailable();
+    /**
+    @deprecated Use static CCamera* New2L(MCameraObserver2& aObserver,TInt aCameraIndex,TInt aPriority);
+	Creates an object representing a camera.
+	@param  aObserver
+	        Reference to class derived from MCameraObserver2 designed to receive
+	        notification of asynchronous event completion.
+	@param	aCameraIndex
+	        Index from 0 to CamerasAvailable()-1 inclusive specifying the
+	        camera device to use.
+	@param	aPriority
+	        Value from -100 to 100 indicating relative priority of client to
+	        use camera.
+	@return Pointer to a fully constructed CCamera object. Ownership is passed
+	        to the caller.
+	@leave  KErrNoMemory if out of memory.
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported if aCameraIndex is out of range.
+	@leave  KErrPermissionDenied if the application does not have
+	        the UserEnvironment capability.
+	@capability	UserEnvironment
+			An application that creates a CCamera object must have
+			the UserEnvironment capability.
+    @capability MultimediaDD
+	        A process requesting or using this method that has MultimediaDD capability will
+			always have precedence over a process that does not have MultimediaDD.
+	@note   Applications using this method to create camera object may not receive enums/uids added in future(after being baselined).
+			To receive them, they should rather use New2L() or NewDuplicate2L(), in which case, they should prepare
+			themselves to receive unrecognised values.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CCamera* NewL(MCameraObserver2& aObserver,TInt aCameraIndex,TInt aPriority);
+	/**
+	Creates an object representing a camera.
+	Clients prepare themselves to receive unrecognised enum, uids etc.
+	@param  aObserver
+	        Reference to class derived from MCameraObserver2 designed to receive
+	        notification of asynchronous event completion.
+	@param	aCameraIndex
+	        Index from 0 to CamerasAvailable()-1 inclusive specifying the
+	        camera device to use.
+	@param	aPriority
+	        Value from -100 to 100 indicating relative priority of client to
+	        use camera.
+	@return Pointer to a fully constructed CCamera object. Ownership is passed
+	        to the caller.
+	@leave  KErrNoMemory if out of memory.
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported if aCameraIndex is out of range.
+	@leave  KErrPermissionDenied if the application does not have
+	        the UserEnvironment capability.
+	@capability	UserEnvironment
+			An application that creates a CCamera object must have
+			the UserEnvironment capability.
+    @capability MultimediaDD
+	        A process requesting or using this method that has MultimediaDD capability will
+			always have precedence over a process that does not have MultimediaDD.
+	@note   Clients using this creation method should prepare themselves to receive any unrecognised enum values, uids
+			from 'supported' or 'getter' methods
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CCamera* New2L(MCameraObserver2& aObserver,TInt aCameraIndex,TInt aPriority);
+	/**
+	Creates an object representing a camera.
+	@param  aObserver
+	        Reference to class derived from MCameraObserver designed to receive
+	        notification of asynchronous event completion.
+	@param	aCameraIndex
+	        Index from 0 to CamerasAvailable()-1 inclusive specifying the
+	        camera device to use.
+	@leave  KErrNoMemory if out of memory.
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported if aCameraIndex is out of range.
+	@leave  KErrPermissionDenied if the application does not have
+	        the UserEnvironment capability.
+	@return Pointer to a fully constructed CCamera object. Ownership is passed
+	        to the caller.
+	@capability	UserEnvironment
+				An application that creates a CCamera object must have
+				the UserEnvironment capability.
+	@note   Applications using this method to create camera object may not receive enums/uids added in future(after being baselined).
+			To receive them, they should rather use New2L() or NewDuplicate2L(), in which case, they should prepare
+			themselves to receive unrecognised values.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CCamera* NewL(MCameraObserver& aObserver,TInt aCameraIndex);
+	/**
+	@deprecated Use static CCamera* NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2& aObserver,TInt aCameraHandle);
+	Duplicates the original camera object for use by, for example, multimedia systems.
+	May leave with KErrNoMemory or KErrNotFound if aCameraHandle is not valid.
+	@param  aObserver
+	        Reference to an observer.
+	@param  aCameraHandle Handle of an existing camera object.
+	@leave  KErrNoMemory if out of memory.
+	@leave  KErrNotFound if aCameraHandle is not valid.	   
+	@leave  KErrPermissionDenied if the application does not have
+	        the UserEnvironment capability.
+	@return Duplicate of the original camera object. 
+	@capability	UserEnvironment
+				An application that creates a CCamera object must have
+				the UserEnvironment capability.
+	@note   Applications using this method to create camera object may not receive enums/uids added in future(after being baselined). 
+			To receive them, they should rather use New2L() or NewDuplicate2L(), in which case, they should prepare 
+			themselves to receive unrecognised values.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CCamera* NewDuplicateL(MCameraObserver2& aObserver,TInt aCameraHandle);
+	/** 
+	Duplicates the original camera object for use by, for example, multimedia systems.
+	Clients prepare themselves to receive unrecognised enum, uids etc.
+	May leave with KErrNoMemory or KErrNotFound if aCameraHandle is not valid.
+	@param  aObserver
+	        Reference to an observer.
+	@param  aCameraHandle Handle of an existing camera object.
+	@leave  KErrNoMemory if out of memory.
+	@leave  KErrNotFound if aCameraHandle is not valid.	   
+	@leave  KErrPermissionDenied if the application does not have
+	        the UserEnvironment capability.
+	@return Duplicate of the original camera object. 
+	@capability	UserEnvironment
+				An application that creates a CCamera object must have
+				the UserEnvironment capability.
+	@note   Clients using this creation method should prepare themselves to receive any unrecognised enum values, uids 
+			from 'supported' or 'getter' methods
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CCamera* NewDuplicate2L(MCameraObserver2& aObserver,TInt aCameraHandle);
+	/** 
+	Duplicates the original camera object for use by, for example, multimedia systems.
+	@leave  KErrNoMemory if out of memory.
+	@leave  KErrNotFound if aCameraHandle is not valid.	   
+	@leave  KErrPermissionDenied if the application does not have
+	        the UserEnvironment capability.
+	@param  aObserver
+	        Reference to an observer.
+	@param  aCameraHandle Handle of an existing camera object.
+	@return Duplicate of the original camera object. 
+	@capability	UserEnvironment
+				An application that creates a CCamera object must have
+				the UserEnvironment capability.
+	@note   Applications using this method to create camera object may not receive enums/uids added in future(after being baselined). 
+			To receive them, they should rather use New2L() or NewDuplicate2L(), in which case, they should prepare 
+			themselves to receive unrecognised values.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CCamera* NewDuplicateL(MCameraObserver& aObserver,TInt aCameraHandle);	
+	/** 
+	Gets information about the camera device.
+	@param  aInfo 
+	        On return, information about the camera device. See TCameraInfo. 
+	*/
+	virtual void CameraInfo(TCameraInfo& aInfo) const=0;
+	/** 
+	Asynchronous function that performs any required initialisation and reserves
+	the camera for exclusive use.
+	Calls MCameraObserver:: ReserveComplete() when complete. 
+	*/
+	virtual void Reserve()=0;
+	/** 
+	De-initialises the camera, allowing it to be used by other clients. 
+	*/
+	virtual void Release()=0;
+	/** 
+	Asynchronous method to switch on camera power.
+	User must have successfully called Reserve() prior to calling this function.
+	Calls MCameraObserver::PowerOnComplete() when power on is complete. 
+	*/
+	virtual void PowerOn()=0;
+	/** 
+	Synchronous function for switching off camera power. 
+	*/
+	virtual void PowerOff()=0;
+	/**
+	Gets the device-unique handle of this camera object.
+	@return  The device-unique handle of this camera object. 
+	*/
+	virtual TInt Handle()=0;
+	/** 
+	Sets the zoom factor.
+	This must be in the range of TCameraInfo::iMinZoom to TCameraInfo::iMaxZoom
+	inclusive. May leave with KErrNotSupported if the specified zoom factor is
+	out of range.
+	@param aZoomFactor 
+	       Required zoom factor.
+	*/
+	virtual void SetZoomFactorL(TInt aZoomFactor = 0)=0;
+	/** 
+	Gets the currently set zoom factor.
+	@return  The currently set zoom factor.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt ZoomFactor() const=0;
+	/** 
+	Sets the digital zoom factor.
+	This must be in the range of 0 to TCameraInfo::iMaxDigitalZoom inclusive.
+	May leave with KErrNotSupported if the zoom factor is out of range.
+	@param  aDigitalZoomFactor
+	        The required digital zoom factor. 
+	*/
+	virtual void SetDigitalZoomFactorL(TInt aDigitalZoomFactor = 0)=0;
+	/** 
+	Gets the currently set digital zoom factor.
+	@return  The currently set digital zoom factor. 
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DigitalZoomFactor() const=0;
+	/**
+	Sets the contrast adjustment of the device.
+	This must be in the range of -100 to +100 or EContrastAuto. May leave with
+	KErrNotSupported if the specified contrast value is out of range.
+	@param  aContrast 
+	        Required contrast value. See TCameraInfo::iContrastSupported 
+	*/
+	virtual void SetContrastL(TInt aContrast)=0;
+	/** 
+	Gets the currently set contrast value.
+	@return  The currently set contrast value.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt Contrast() const=0;
+	/** 
+	Sets the brightness adjustment of the device.
+	No effect if this is not supported, see TCameraInfo::iBrightnessSupported.
+	This must be in the range of -100 to +100 or EBrightnessAuto. May leave
+	with KErrNotSupported if the brightness adjustment is out of range.
+	@param  aBrightness
+	        The required brightness adjustment. 
+	*/
+	virtual void SetBrightnessL(TInt aBrightness)=0;
+	/** 
+	Gets the currently set brightness adjustment value.
+	@return  The currently set brightness adjustment value. 
+	*/
+	virtual TInt Brightness() const=0;
+	/** 
+	Sets the flash mode.
+	No effect if this is not supported, see TCameraInfo::iFlashModesSupported.
+	May leave with KErrNotSupported if the specified flash mode is invalid.
+	@param  aFlash
+	        The required flash mode. 
+	*/
+	virtual void SetFlashL(TFlash aFlash = EFlashNone)=0;
+	/** 
+	Gets the currently set flash mode.
+	@return  The currently set flash mode. 
+	@note	if CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L() is not used to create CCamera object, it is assumed that 
+    application is not prepared to receive extra added enum values (unrecognised). So, any extra enum value(unrecognised)
+    (set in the ECAM implementation because of sharing clients) should not be returned from the ECAM implementation.
+    To receive extra added enum values, application should rather use CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L() 
+    to create camera object. ECAM implementation, after verifying this,(by checking version no.) may send new values, if set.
+    In this case, application is assumed to be prepared to receive unrecognised enum values.
+    @see CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::FlashMode()	
+	*/
+	virtual TFlash Flash() const=0;
+	/** 
+	Sets the exposure adjustment of the device.
+	No effect if this is not supported, see CameraInfo::iExposureModesSupported.
+	May leave with KErrNotSupported if the specified exposure adjustment is invalid.
+	@param  aExposure
+	        The required exposure adjustment. 
+	*/
+	virtual void SetExposureL(TExposure aExposure = EExposureAuto)=0;
+	/** 
+	Gets the currently set exposure setting value.
+	@return  The currently set exposure setting value. 
+	*/
+	virtual TExposure Exposure() const=0;
+	/** 
+	Sets the white balance adjustment of the device.
+	No effect if this is not supported, see TCameraInfo::iWhiteBalanceModesSupported.
+	@param  aWhiteBalance
+	        The required white balance adjustment.
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported if the specified white balance adjustment
+	        is invalid.
+	*/
+	virtual void SetWhiteBalanceL(TWhiteBalance aWhiteBalance = EWBAuto)=0;
+	/** 
+	Gets the currently set white balance adjustment value.
+	@return  The currently set white balance adjustment value.
+	@note	if CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L() is not used to create CCamera object, it is assumed that 
+    application is not prepared to receive extra added enum values (unrecognised). So, any extra enum value(unrecognised)
+    (set in the ECAM implementation because of sharing clients) should not be returned from the ECAM implementation.
+    To receive extra added enum values, application should rather use CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L() 
+    to create camera object. ECAM implementation, after verifying this,(by checking version no.) may send new values, if set.
+    In this case, application is assumed to be prepared to receive unrecognised enum values.
+    Refer  CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::WhiteBalanceMode() implementation
+    @see CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::WhiteBalanceMode()
+    */
+	virtual TWhiteBalance WhiteBalance() const=0;
+	/** 
+	Starts transfer of view finder data to the given portion of the screen using
+	direct screen access.
+	The aScreenRect parameter is in screen co-ordinates and may be modified if,
+	eg, the camera requires the destination to have a certain byte alignment, etc.
+    @param  aWs 
+	        Window server session.
+	@param  aScreenDevice 
+	        Screen device.
+	@param  aWindow 
+	        Displayable window.
+	@param  aScreenRect 
+	        Portion of the screen to which view finder data is to be
+	        transferred. This is in screen co-ordinates and may be modified if, for example,
+	        the camera requires the destination to have a certain byte alignment.
+	@leave  KErrNotReady if PowerOn() has either not
+	        been called, or has not yet completed.
+	@note   This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to 
+			refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods. 
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder
+	*/
+	virtual void StartViewFinderDirectL(RWsSession& aWs,CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice,RWindowBase& aWindow,TRect& aScreenRect)=0;
+	/** 
+	Starts transfer of view finder data to the given portion of the screen using
+	direct screen access and also clips to the specified portion of the screen.
+	The view finder has the same size and position as aScreenRect but is only
+	visible in the intersection of aScreenRect and aClipRect. May leave with KErrNotSupported
+	or KErrNotReady if Reserve() has not been called, or has not yet completed.
+	@param  aWs 
+	        Window server session.
+	@param  aScreenDevice 
+	        Screen device.
+	@param  aWindow 
+	        Displayable window.
+	@param  aScreenRect 
+	        Portion of the screen to which view finder data is to be
+	        transferred. This is in screen co-ordinates and may be modified if, for example,
+	        the camera requires the destination to have a certain byte alignment.
+	@param  aClipRect
+	        The rectangle to which the screen will be clipped.
+    @leave  KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called successfully. 
+    @note   This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to 
+    		refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+	*/
+	virtual void StartViewFinderDirectL(RWsSession& aWs,CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice,RWindowBase& aWindow,TRect& aScreenRect,TRect& aClipRect)=0;
+	/** 
+	Starts transfer of view finder data.
+	Bitmaps are returned by MCameraObserver::ViewFinderFrameReady().
+	@param  aSize 
+	        On return, the size used.
+	@leave  KErrNotReady if PowerOn() has not been called, or has not yet completed.
+	@note   This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. 
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder 
+	*/
+	virtual void StartViewFinderBitmapsL(TSize& aSize)=0;	
+	/** 
+	Starts transfer of view finder data and clips the bitmap to the specified clip
+	rectangle.
+	The bitmap is the size of the intersection of aSize and aClipRect, not simply
+	aSize padded with white space.
+	@param  aSize
+	        On return, the size used.
+	@param  aClipRect 
+	        Required clip rectangle. May be modified if, for example,
+	        the camera only supports certain byte alignments.
+	@leave  KErrInUse if Reserve() hasn't been called successfully.
+	@leave  KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called successfully.
+	@note   This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. 
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+	*/
+	virtual void StartViewFinderBitmapsL(TSize& aSize,TRect& aClipRect)=0;
+	/** 
+	Starts transfer of view finder data.
+	Picture data is returned by MCameraObserver2::ViewFinderReady().
+	@param  aImageFormat 
+	        The image format requested by the client.
+	@param  aSize 
+	        On return, the size used.
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported 
+	@leave  KErrNotReady if Reserve() has not been
+	        called, or has not yet completed. 
+	@note   This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to 
+			refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+	*/
+	virtual void StartViewFinderL(TFormat aImageFormat,TSize& aSize)=0;
+	/** 
+	Starts transfer of view finder data and clips the picture to the specified clip
+	rectangle. Picture data is returned by MCameraObserver2::ViewFinderReady().
+	The picture is the size of the intersection of aSize and aClipRect, not simply
+	aSize padded with white space.
+	@param  aImageFormat 
+	        The image format.
+	@param  aSize
+	        On return, the size used.
+	@param  aClipRect 
+	        Required clip rectangle. May be modified if, for example,
+	        the camera only supports certain byte alignments.
+	@leave  KErrInUse if Reserve() hasn't been called successfully,
+	@leave  KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called successfully.
+	@note   This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to 
+			refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+	*/
+	virtual void StartViewFinderL(TFormat aImageFormat,TSize& aSize,TRect& aClipRect)=0;
+	/** 
+	Stops transfer of view finder data to the screen. 
+	@note   This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to 
+			refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+	*/
+	virtual void StopViewFinder()=0;
+	/** 
+	Queries whether the view finder is active.
+	@return  ETrue if the view finder is active. EFalse if the view finder is not
+	         active. 
+	@note   This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to 
+			refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+	*/
+	virtual TBool ViewFinderActive() const=0;
+	/** 
+	Sets whether view finder mirroring is on.
+	Used to switch between what the camera sees and what you would see if the
+	device were a mirror.
+	@param  aMirror 
+	        ETrue to set mirroring on, EFalse to set mirroring off.
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported.
+	@note   This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to 
+			refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+	*/
+	virtual void SetViewFinderMirrorL(TBool aMirror)=0;
+	/** 
+	Gets whether view finder mirroring is active.
+	@return  ETrue if mirroring is set, EFalse if mirroring is not set. 
+	@note   This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to 
+			refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+	*/
+	virtual TBool ViewFinderMirror() const=0;
+	/** 
+	Performs setup and allocation of memory.
+	Called prior to calling CaptureImage() to keep the latency of that function
+	to a minimum.
+	Needs to be called only once for multiple CaptureImage() calls. May leave
+	with KErrNotSupported or KErrNoMemory or KErrInUse or KErrNotReady.
+	The specified image format must be one of the formats supported
+	(see TCameraInfo::iImageFormatsSupported).
+	The specified size index must be in the range of 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumImageSizesSupported-1
+	inclusive.
+	@param  aImageFormat 
+	        The image format.
+	@param  aSizeIndex 
+	        Size index.
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported
+	@leave  KErrNoMemory
+	@leave  KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called successfully.
+	@note  Depending on the ECAM implementation and underlying hardware, preparing both image capture and video capture
+		   at the same time may not be possible. In this case, the recommendation is to unprepare video capture before preparing
+		   image capture if PrepareVideoCaptureL() has already been called.
+	@see 	CCamera::CCameraPreImageCaptureControl::PrepareImageCapture(TPrepareImageParameters aPrepareImageParameters)
+	*/
+	virtual void PrepareImageCaptureL(TFormat aImageFormat,TInt aSizeIndex)=0;
+	/** 
+	Performs setup and allocation of memory and clips the image to the specified
+	rectangle.
+	No effect unless TCameraInfo::iImageClippingSupported is set to ETrue. The
+	image captured is the intersection of aClipRect and the rectangle from (0,0)
+	to aSize. Needs to be called only once for multiple CaptureImage() calls.
+	May leave with KErrNotSupported or KErrNoMemory.
+	The specified image format must be one of the formats supported (see TCameraInfo::iImageFormatsSupported).
+	The specified size index must be in the range of 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumImageSizesSupported-1
+	inclusive.
+	@param  aImageFormat 
+	        The image format.
+	@param  aSizeIndex 
+	        Size index.
+	@param  aClipRect
+	        The rectangle to which the image is to be clipped.
+	@leave   KErrNotSupported
+	@leave   KErrNoMemory
+	@leave   KErrInUse if Reserve() hasn't been called successfully
+	@leave   KErrNotReady if PowerOn()
+	         hasn't been called successfully.
+	@note  Depending on the ECAM implementation and underlying hardware, preparing both image capture and video capture
+		   at the same time may not be possible. In this case, the recommendation is to unprepare video capture before preparing
+		   image capture if PrepareVideoCaptureL() has already been called.
+	@see 	CCamera::CCameraPreImageCaptureControl::PrepareImageCapture(TPrepareImageParameters aPrepareImageParameters)
+	*/
+	virtual void PrepareImageCaptureL(TFormat aImageFormat,TInt aSizeIndex,const TRect& aClipRect)=0;
+	/** 
+	Asynchronously performs still image capture.
+	Calls MCameraObserver::ImageReady() when complete. 
+	@see CCamera::CCameraImageCapture
+	@see CCamera::CCameraPreImageCaptureControl
+	*/
+	virtual void CaptureImage()=0;
+	/** 
+	Cancels the asynchronous still image capture. 
+	@see CCamera::CCameraImageCapture
+	*/
+	virtual void CancelCaptureImage()=0;
+	/** 
+	Enumerates through the available image capture sizes, based on the specified
+	size index and format
+	The size index must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumImageSizesSupported-1
+	inclusive.
+	@param  aSize 
+	        Image size.
+	@param  aSizeIndex 
+	        Size index.
+	@param  aFormat 
+	        The image format.
+	*/
+	virtual void EnumerateCaptureSizes(TSize& aSize,TInt aSizeIndex,TFormat aFormat) const=0;
+	/** 
+	Prepares for video capture.
+	Performs setup and allocation of memory prior to calling StartVideoCapture()
+	to keep the latency of that function to a minimum.
+	May leave with KErrNotSupported or KErrNoMemory.
+	@param  aFormat 
+	        Format must be one of the video frame formats supported (see
+	        TCameraInfo::iVideoFrameFormatsSupported).
+	@param  aSizeIndex 
+	        Size index  must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameSizesSupported-1
+	        inclusive.
+	@param  aRateIndex 
+	        The rate must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameRatesSupported-1
+	        inclusive.
+	@param  aBuffersToUse 
+	        The number of discrete buffers to use.
+	@param  aFramesPerBuffer 
+	        How large the buffers are to be. Must be less than
+	        or equal to TCameraInfo::iMaxFramesPerBufferSupported. One buffer is returned
+	        to MCameraObserver::FrameBufferReady() at a time.
+	@leave  May leave with KErrNotSupported, KErrNoMemory, or KErrNotReady if PowerOn() 
+			hasn't been called successfully.
+	@note  Depending on the ECAM implementation and underlying hardware, preparing both image capture and video capture
+		   at the same time may not be possible. In this case, the recommendation is to unprepare image capture before preparing
+		   video capture if PrepareImageCaptureL() has already been called.
+	@see 	CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::PrepareVideoCapture(const TPrepareVideoParameters& aPrepareVideoParameters)
+	*/
+	virtual void PrepareVideoCaptureL(TFormat aFormat,TInt aSizeIndex,TInt aRateIndex,TInt aBuffersToUse,TInt aFramesPerBuffer)=0;
+	/** 
+	Prepares for video capture and clips the frames to the given rectangle.
+	Performs setup and allocation of memory prior to calling StartVideoCapture()
+	to keep the latency of that function to a minimum.
+	May leave with KErrNotSupported or KErrNoMemory.
+	@param  aFormat 
+	        Format must be one of the video frame formats supported (see
+	        TCameraInfo::iVideoFrameFormatsSupported).
+	@param  aSizeIndex 
+	        Size index must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameSizesSupported-1
+	        inclusive.
+	@param  aRateIndex 
+	        The rate must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameRatesSupported-1
+	        inclusive.
+	@param  aBuffersToUse 
+	        The number of discrete buffers to use.
+	@param  aFramesPerBuffer 
+	        How large the buffers are to be. Must be less than
+	        or equal to TCameraInfo::iMaxFramesPerBufferSupported. One buffer is returned
+	        to MCameraObserver::FrameBufferReady() at a time.
+	@param  aClipRect 
+	        The rectangle to which the image is to be clipped.
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported
+	@leave  KErrNoMemory, 
+	@leave  KErrInUse if Reserve() hasn't been called successfully
+	@leave  KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called successfully.
+	@note  Depending on the ECAM implementation and underlying hardware, preparing both image capture and video capture
+		   at the same time may not be possible. In this case, the recommendation is to unprepare image capture before preparing
+		   video capture if PrepareImageCaptureL() has already been called.
+	@see 	CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::PrepareVideoCapture(const TPrepareVideoParameters& aPrepareVideoParameters)
+	*/
+	virtual void PrepareVideoCaptureL(TFormat aFormat,TInt aSizeIndex,TInt aRateIndex,TInt aBuffersToUse,TInt aFramesPerBuffer,const TRect& aClipRect)=0;
+	/** 
+	Starts capturing video.
+	Calls MCameraObserver::FrameBufferReady() when each buffer has been filled
+	with the required number of frames, as set by PrepareVideoCaptureL(). 
+	*/
+	virtual void StartVideoCapture()=0;
+	/** 
+	Stops video capture. 
+	*/
+	virtual void StopVideoCapture()=0;
+	/** 
+	Tests whether video capture is active.
+	@return  ETrue if video capture is active. EFalse if video capture is not active 
+	*/
+	virtual TBool VideoCaptureActive() const=0;
+	/** 
+	Enumerates through the available video frame sizes, based on the specified
+	size index and format.
+	@param  aSize 
+	        On return the available video frame sizes. Sizes should be returned
+	        in order, largest first, so clients do not have to iterate through every one.
+	@param  aSizeIndex 
+	        Size index. Must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameSizesSupported-1
+	        inclusive
+	@param  aFormat 
+	        Image format. 
+	*/
+	virtual void EnumerateVideoFrameSizes(TSize& aSize,TInt aSizeIndex,TFormat aFormat) const=0;
+	/** 
+	Enumerates through the available video frame rates, based on the specified
+	rate index, video frame format, size index and exposure mode.
+	@param  aRate 
+	        On return, the available video frame rates. Some rates may not
+	        be available due to, for example, current flash mode setting. In those cases
+	        a rate of 0 will be returned. Rates should be returned in order, highest first,
+	        so clients do not have to iterate through every one.
+	@param  aRateIndex 
+	        The rate index. Must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameRatesSupported-1
+	        inclusive.
+	@param  aFormat 
+	        The format.
+	@param  aSizeIndex 
+	        The size index.
+	@param  aExposure 
+	        The exposure mode. 
+	*/
+	virtual void EnumerateVideoFrameRates(TReal32& aRate,TInt aRateIndex,TFormat aFormat,TInt aSizeIndex,TExposure aExposure = EExposureAuto) const=0;
+	/** 
+	Gets the frame size currently in use.
+	@param  aSize 
+	        The frame size currently in use. 
+	*/
+	virtual void GetFrameSize(TSize& aSize) const=0;
+	/** 
+	Gets the frame rate currently in use.
+	@return  The frame rate currently in use. 
+	*/
+	virtual TReal32 FrameRate() const=0;
+	/** 
+	Gets the number of buffers currently in use.
+	@return  The number of buffers currently in use. 
+	*/
+	virtual TInt BuffersInUse() const=0;
+	/** 
+	Gets the number of frames per buffer currently in use.
+	@return  The number of frames per buffer currently in use. 
+	*/
+	virtual TInt FramesPerBuffer() const=0;
+	/** 
+	Sets the quality value to use if jpeg is a supported image for video format.
+	Ignored if jpeg is not a supported image for video format.
+	@param  aQuality
+	        The quality value to use, clamped to the range 1 to 100.
+	@see	CCamera::CCameraPreImageCaptureControl::TPrepareImageParameters::iImageMaxMemorySize
+	*/
+	virtual void SetJpegQuality(TInt aQuality)=0;
+	/**
+	Gets the currently set jpeg quality value.
+	Returns 0 if not supported.
+	@return The currently set jpeg quality value.
+	@see    CCamera::CCameraPreImageCaptureControl::GetImageMaxMemorySizeL(TUint& aMemorySize)
+	*/
+	virtual TInt JpegQuality() const=0;
+    /**
+	Gets a custom interface. The client has to cast the returned pointer
+	to the appropriate type.
+	@param aInterface
+		   The Uid of the particular interface function required.
+	@return Custom interface pointer. NULL if the requested interface is not supported.
+	*/
+	virtual TAny* CustomInterface(TUid aInterface)=0;
+	/**
+	@internalComponent
+	Returns the camera API version no.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt CameraVersion();
+	/**
+	Default Constructor
+	Prevents implementers from deriving from CCamera.
+	Implementation requires derivation from CCameraPlugin instead.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C CCamera();
+	};
+Buffer class for passing video frames between camera and client.
+May contain multiple frames.
+class MFrameBuffer
+	{
+	/**
+	Gets a non-bitmap frame in the buffer.
+	@param  aIndex
+	        The index of the required, non-bitmap, frame.
+	@leave  KErrArgument if aIndex is out of range 
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported if the frame format is bitmap.
+	@return A pointer to the specified non-bitmap format frame of video data.
+	*/
+	virtual TDesC8* DataL(TInt aIndex)=0;
+	/** 
+	Gets a bitmap frame in the buffer.
+	@param  aIndex 
+	        The index of the required, bitmap format, frame.
+	@leave  KErrArgument if aIndex is out of range and 
+	@leave  KErrNotSupported if
+	        the frame format is not a bitmap.
+	@return A pointer to the specified bitmap format frame of video data. 
+	*/
+	virtual CFbsBitmap* FrameL(TInt aIndex)=0;
+	/** 
+	Releases the buffer for re-use by the camera once the client has processed
+	the frame data.
+	Signals to CCamera that the buffer data has been used and that the buffer
+	is free for re-use. 
+	*/
+	virtual void Release()=0;
+	/** 
+	Sequential frame number of the first frame in the buffer, counting from when
+	CCamera::StartVideoCapture() was called and including frames dropped due to
+	lack of buffers. 
+	*/
+	TInt iIndexOfFirstFrameInBuffer;
+	/** 
+	Time elapsed from when CCamera::StartVideoCapture() was called until the first
+	frame in the buffer was captured. 
+	*/
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iElapsedTime;
+	};
+#include <ecamconst.h>
+class MReserveObserver;
+An active object class implemented by Symbian and used to subscribe for the updates in the Properties, retrieve the 
+Properties and forward the notification to the client.
+@note Serialized part of the ECam implementation is assumed to define the Properties and publish them whenever there is 
+	  change in the reserve status.
+class CCameraStatusWatch : public CActive
+	{
+	IMPORT_C ~CCameraStatusWatch();
+	static CCameraStatusWatch* NewL(MReserveObserver& aReserveObserver, TInt aCameraIndex, TInt aSecureId);
+	CCameraStatusWatch(MReserveObserver& aReserveObserver, TInt aCameraIndex, TInt aSecureId);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void RunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+	RProperty iProperty;
+	MReserveObserver& iReserveObserver;
+	TInt iCameraIndex;
+	TInt iSecureId;
+	};
+#endif // ECAM_H