changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imagingandcamerafws/camerafw/Include/MCameraHistogram.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype
+#include <ecam/camerahistogram.h>
+#include <ecam/ecamcommonuidif.hrh>
+This is the UID which is used to obtain the MCameraHistogram interface, 
+via a call to CCamera::CustomInterface(), which provides implementation of the M-class interface. 
+@see KECamMCameraHistogramUidValue
+@deprecated use KECamMCameraV2HistogramUid
+static const TUid KECamMCameraHistogramUid =  {KECamMCameraHistogramUidValue};
+This is the UID which is used to obtain the MCameraV2Histogram interface, 
+via a call to CCamera::CustomInterface(), which provides implementation of the M-class interface. 
+@see KECamMCameraV2HistogramUidValue
+static const TUid KECamMCameraV2HistogramUid =  {KECamMCameraV2HistogramUidValue};
+This is a mixin class to be implemented by providers of the extension API for the camera histogram.
+Histograms can be sent to the client or directly displayed on the viewfinder. 
+@note	This class is intended for sub classing by licensees only.
+@see CCamera::CCameraHistogram
+@deprecated use MCameraV2Histogram
+class MCameraHistogram
+	{
+	/**
+	@deprecated use void MCameraV2Histogram::GetSupportedHistogramsL(TUint& aSupportedHistogramType)
+	Gets a list of the types of histograms the ECam implementation supports.
+	@return	A bit field representing all supported types of histograms. 
+	@see CCamera::CCameraHistogram::THistogramType
+	*/
+    virtual TUint32 SupportedHistograms()=0;
+	/**
+	@deprecated use void MCameraV2Histogram::PrepareClientHistogramL
+	Request to prepare a non direct histogram.
+	@note 	A direct histogram is directly embedded into the viewfinder.
+			If a non direct histogram is requested the histogram data will be passed to the camera client.
+	@param	aType		
+			The type of histogram to be prepared. This must be one of the supported histogram types returned by
+			SupportedHistograms().
+	@leave	KErrNotSupported if the histogram type supplied in aType is not supported.
+	@return An integer value which is the handle of the histogram on the ECam implementation.
+ 			This value must be passed to other API functions when requesting operations 
+ 			involving this particular histogram.
+	@see PrepareDSAHistogramL
+	*/
+	virtual TUint PrepareHistogramL(CCamera::CCameraHistogram::THistogramType aType)=0; 
+	/**
+	@deprecated use void MCameraV2Histogram::PrepareDirectHistogramL
+	Request to prepare a direct histogram.
+	@note A direct histogram is directly embedded into the viewfinder.
+	@param	aType		
+			The type of histogram to be prepared. This must be one of the supported histogram types returned by
+			SupportedHistograms().
+	@param	aPosition
+			The position on the screen (in pixels) where the histogram is to be displayed.
+	@param	aSize
+			The size of histogram in pixels.
+	@param	aColor
+			The colour and alpha blending with which the histogram will be displayed. 
+	@leave	KErrNotSupported if the histogram type supplied in aType is not supported.
+	@return An integer value which is the handle of the histogram on the ECam implementation.
+ 			This value must be passed to other API functions when requesting operations 
+ 			involving this particular histogram.
+	@see PrepareHistogramL
+	*/
+    virtual TUint PrepareDSAHistogramL(CCamera::CCameraHistogram::THistogramType aType, const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize, const TRgb& aColor)=0; 
+	/**
+	@deprecated use void MCameraV2Histogram::StartHistogram()
+	Request to start getting histogram notifications.
+	@param	aHistHandle	
+			The handle identifying the histogram on the ECam implementation.
+	@leave	KErrArgument if aHistHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.
+	*/
+    virtual void StartHistogramL(TUint aHistHandle)=0;
+	/**
+	@deprecated use void MCameraV2Histogram::StopHistogram()
+	Request to stop getting histogram notifications.
+	@param	aHistHandle	
+			The handle identifying the histogram on the ECam implementation.
+	@leave	KErrArgument if aHistHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.
+	*/
+    virtual void StopHistogramL(TUint aHistHandle)=0;
+	/**
+	@deprecated only one histogram is available per buffer with the usage of MHistogramV2Buffer and MCameraV2Histogram.
+	Destroys a histogram on the ECam implementation and releases its handle.
+	@param	aHistHandle	
+			The handle identifying the histogram on the ECam implementation.
+	@leave	KErrArgument if aHistHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.
+	*/
+    virtual void DestroyHistogramL(TUint aHistHandle)=0;
+	/**
+	@deprecated use void MCameraV2Histogram::Release(CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram *aHistogramHandle)
+	Releases all the histogram handles created by this object and destroys them on the ECam implementation.
+	This function is called from the destructor of CCamera::CCameraHistogram.
+	*/
+    virtual void Release()=0;
+	/**
+	@deprecated use void MCameraV2Histogram::GetHistogramStateL(TBool& aIsHistogramActive)
+	Gets a list of all histograms that are active on the ECam implementation. 
+	A histogram is in an active state if StartHistogramL() has been called on it.
+	@param	aActiveHistograms
+			Returned list of histogram handles for which StartHistogramL() has been called. 
+	@leave	KErrNoMemory if the ECam implementation cannot add more histogram handles due to low memory; also any system wide error.  
+	*/
+    virtual void GetActiveHistogramsL(RArray<TUint>& aActiveHistograms)=0; 
+	/**
+	@deprecated use void MCameraV2Histogram::UpdateDirectHistogramPropertiesL
+	Updates the properties of a direct histogram.
+	@param	aHistHandle	
+			The handle identifying the histogram on the ECam implementation.
+	@param	aPosition	
+			The new position on the screen (in pixels) where the histogram is to be displayed.
+	@param	aSize	
+			The new size of histogram in pixels.
+	@param	aColor		
+			The new colour and alpha blending with which the histogram will be displayed. 
+	@leave	KErrArgument if aHistHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.
+	*/
+	virtual void UpdateDSAHistogramPropertiesL(TUint aHistHandle, const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize, const TRgb& aColor)=0;
+	/**
+	@deprecated use void MCameraV2Histogram::GetDirectHistogramPropertiesL
+	Gets the properties of a direct histogram.
+	@param 	aHistHandle		
+			The handle on the ECam implementation of the direct histogram whose properties are to be retrieved.
+	@param 	aPosition
+			A reference to a TPoint object that will receive the position (in pixels) of the histogram on the screen.
+	@param 	aSize	
+			A reference to a TSize object that will receive the size of the histogram in pixels.
+	@param 	aColor
+			A reference to a TRgb object that will receive the colour and alpha blending of the histogram.
+	@leave	KErrArgument if aHistHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.
+	*/
+	virtual void GetDSAHistogramPropertiesL(TUint aHistHandle, TPoint& aPosition, TSize& aSize, TRgb& aColor)=0;
+	/**
+	@deprecated use MCaptureImageObserver, MCaptureVideoObserver, MDirectViewFinderObserver, and MClientViewFinderObserver
+	which have callback functions which notify the client about availability of histogram data. These are sent when 
+	CCameraV2Histogram::StartHistogram() is called after CCameraV2Histogram::PrepareClientHistogramL(). If
+	CCameraV2Histogram::PrepareClientHistogramL() is not called first then the callback returns KErrBadHandle.
+	Returns to the client the histogram data for all the histograms generated by the ECam implementation.
+	@leave	KErrNoMemory if the ECam implementation has not been able to create the histogram buffer;
+			also any system wide error.
+	@return A reference to a histogram buffer which will contain the returned histogram data.
+	*/	
+	virtual MHistogramBuffer& HistogramDataL()=0;
+	/**
+	@deprecated use MCaptureImageObserver, MCaptureVideoObserver, MDirectViewFinderObserver, and MClientViewFinderObserver
+	which have callback functions which notify the client about availability of histogram data. These are sent when 
+	CCameraV2Histogram::StartHistogram() is called after CCameraV2Histogram::PrepareClientHistogramL(). If
+	CCameraV2Histogram::PrepareClientHistogramL() is not called first then the callback returns KErrBadHandle.
+	Returns the data for a single histogram from the ECam implementation to the client.
+	@param 	aHistHandle		
+			The handle on the ECam implementation of the histogram whose data is to be retrieved.
+	@leave	KErrNoMemory if the ECam implementation has not been able to create the histogram buffer;
+			also any system wide error.
+	@return A reference to a histogram buffer which will contain the returned histogram data.
+	*/
+	virtual MHistogramBuffer& HistogramDataL(TUint aHistHandle)=0;
+	};
+This is a mixin class to be implemented by providers of the extension API for the camera v2 histogram.
+Histograms can be sent to the client or directly displayed on the screen. 
+@note	This class is intended for sub classing by licensees only.
+@see CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram
+class MCameraV2Histogram
+	{
+	/** 
+	Releases the interface. 
+	@param  aHistogramHandle
+			The pointer to the histogram class object which would be destroyed by the client.
+	*/
+	virtual void Release(CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram* aHistogramHandle)=0;
+	/**
+	The pointer to the V2 Histogram class used to pass back to the client via observer callbacks when direct histogram
+	gets displayed. Implementation is not supposed to not destroy this object.
+	@param  aHistogramHandle
+			The pointer to the histogram class object.
+	@see    MCaptureImageObserver
+	@see	MDirectViewFinderObserver
+	@see    MClientViewFinderObserver
+ 	*/
+	virtual void SetHistogramHandle(CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram* aHistogramHandle)=0;
+	/**
+	Retrieves a list of the supported types of histograms.
+	@param 	aSupportedHistogramType
+			A reference to bit field representing the supported types of histograms as given by CCamera::
+			CCameraV2Histogram::THistogramType
+	@leave  May leave with any error code. 
+	@see CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram::THistogramType
+	*/
+    virtual void GetSupportedHistogramsL(TUint& aSupportedHistogramType) const =0;
+    /**
+	Informs whether or not the direct histogram is supported.
+	@param  aIsDirectHistogramSupported
+			ETrue implies that direct histogram is supported.
+			EFalse implies that direct histogram is not supported.
+	@leave  May leave with any error code.
+	*/
+	virtual void GetDirectHistogramSupportInfoL(TBool& aIsDirectHistogramSupported) const=0;
+	/**
+	Request to prepare a client based histogram.
+	@note 	A direct histogram is directly embedded into the viewfinder.
+			If a non direct histogram is requested the histogram data will be passed to the camera client.
+	@param	aType		
+			The type of histogram to be prepared. This must be one of the supported histogram types given by
+			GetSupportedHistogramsL.
+	@leave  May leave with any error code.
+	@note   Each histogram object will either prepare direct histogram or client histogram. Preparing multiple histograms
+			per object is an invalid case.
+	@see PrepareDSAHistogramL
+	*/
+	virtual void PrepareClientHistogramL(CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram::THistogramType aType)=0; 
+	/**
+	Prepares the direct histogram.
+	@param  aDirectHistogramParameters
+			The parameters required to prepare the direct histogram.
+	@leave  May leave with any error code.
+	@note   Each histogram object will either prepare direct histogram or client histogram. Preparing multiple histograms
+			per object is an invalid case.
+	@see PrepareClientHistogramL
+	*/
+	virtual void PrepareDirectHistogramL(const CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram::TDirectHistogramParameters& aDirectHistogramParameters)=0;
+	/**
+	Update the parameters for the direct histogram.
+	@param  aDirectHistogramParameters
+			The desired parameters which have to be used to update the direct histogram.
+	@leave  May leave with any error code.
+	*/
+	virtual void UpdateDirectHistogramPropertiesL(const CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram::TDirectHistogramParameters& aDirectHistogramParameters)=0;
+	/**
+	Retrieves the currently used parameters for the direct histogram.
+	@param  aDirectHistogramParameters
+			Retrieves the parameters currently being used for the direct histogram.
+	@leave  May leave with any error code.
+	*/
+	virtual void GetDirectHistogramPropertiesL(CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram::TDirectHistogramParameters& aDirectHistogramParameters) const=0;
+	/**
+	Request to start getting histogram notifications.
+	@note   Histogram should have been prepared before calling this method.
+	@note   Histogram notifications are sent to the client by using relevant callbacks for image capture, video capture 
+			and viewfinders.
+	@see    MCaptureImageObserver
+	@see    MCaptureVideoObserver
+	@see    MDirectViewFinderObserver
+	@see    MClientViewFinderObserver
+	*/
+    virtual void StartHistogram()=0;
+	/**
+	Request to stop generating histogram.
+	*/
+    virtual void StopHistogram()=0;
+    /**
+	Informs whether the histogram is currently active or not.  
+	A histogram is in an active state if StartHistogram() has been called on it and has not been yet stopped.
+	@param	aIsHistogramActive
+			ETrue indicates that the histogram is active.
+			EFalse indicates that the histogram is inactive. 
+	@leave  May leave with any error code.
+	*/
+    virtual void GetHistogramStateL(TBool& aIsHistogramActive) const=0; 
+    };