--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imagingandcamerafws/cameraunittest/src/ECamUnitTestPlugin/ECamUnitTestPlugin.h Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <ecam/ecamplugin.h>
+#include <ecam/ecaminfoplugin.h>
+#include <ecamadvsettings.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+_LIT(KECamUnitTestPluginName, "C:\\102070CF.txt");
+_LIT(KTestCameraPluginName, "C:\102070cc.txt");
+_LIT(KMMCameraPluginName, "C:\\mmcameraclientplugin.txt");
+const TInt KECamSetAvailableCameras = 3;
+// Implementations of the ECam plugin classes
+class CCamUnitTestPlugin : public CCameraPlugin
+ {
+ friend class CCamPresets;
+ friend class CCamAdvSet;
+ friend class CCamImgProc;
+ friend class CCamManagement;
+ static CCamUnitTestPlugin* NewL();
+ ~CCamUnitTestPlugin();
+ // from CCameraPlugin
+ void Construct2L(MCameraObserver& aObserver,TInt aCameraIndex);
+ void Construct2DupL(MCameraObserver& aObserver,TInt aCameraHandle);
+ void Construct2L(MCameraObserver2& aObserver,TInt aCameraIndex,TInt aPriority);
+ void Construct2DupL(MCameraObserver2& aObserver,TInt aCameraHandle);
+ // from CCamera itself
+ void CameraInfo(TCameraInfo& aInfo) const;
+ void Reserve();
+ void Release();
+ void PowerOn();
+ void PowerOff();
+ TInt Handle();
+ void SetZoomFactorL(TInt aZoomFactor = 0);
+ TInt ZoomFactor() const;
+ void SetDigitalZoomFactorL(TInt aDigitalZoomFactor = 0);
+ TInt DigitalZoomFactor() const;
+ void SetContrastL(TInt aContrast);
+ TInt Contrast() const;
+ void SetBrightnessL(TInt aBrightness);
+ TInt Brightness() const;
+ void SetFlashL(TFlash aFlash = EFlashNone);
+ TFlash Flash() const;
+ void SetExposureL(TExposure aExposure = EExposureAuto);
+ TExposure Exposure() const;
+ void SetWhiteBalanceL(TWhiteBalance aWhiteBalance = EWBAuto);
+ TWhiteBalance WhiteBalance() const;
+ void StartViewFinderDirectL(RWsSession& aWs,CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice,RWindowBase& aWindow,TRect& aScreenRect);
+ void StartViewFinderDirectL(RWsSession& aWs,CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice,RWindowBase& aWindow,TRect& aScreenRect,TRect& aClipRect);
+ void StartViewFinderBitmapsL(TSize& aSize);
+ void StartViewFinderBitmapsL(TSize& aSize,TRect& aClipRect);
+ void StartViewFinderL(TFormat aImageFormat,TSize& aSize);
+ void StartViewFinderL(TFormat aImageFormat,TSize& aSize,TRect& aClipRect);
+ void StopViewFinder();
+ TBool ViewFinderActive() const;
+ void SetViewFinderMirrorL(TBool aMirror);
+ TBool ViewFinderMirror() const;
+ void PrepareImageCaptureL(TFormat aImageFormat,TInt aSizeIndex);
+ void PrepareImageCaptureL(TFormat aImageFormat,TInt aSizeIndex,const TRect& aClipRect);
+ void CaptureImage();
+ void CancelCaptureImage();
+ void EnumerateCaptureSizes(TSize& aSize,TInt aSizeIndex,TFormat aFormat) const;
+ void PrepareVideoCaptureL(TFormat aFormat,TInt aSizeIndex,TInt aRateIndex,TInt aBuffersToUse,TInt aFramesPerBuffer);
+ void PrepareVideoCaptureL(TFormat aFormat,TInt aSizeIndex,TInt aRateIndex,TInt aBuffersToUse,TInt aFramesPerBuffer,const TRect& aClipRect);
+ void StartVideoCapture();
+ void StopVideoCapture();
+ TBool VideoCaptureActive() const;
+ void EnumerateVideoFrameSizes(TSize& aSize,TInt aSizeIndex,TFormat aFormat) const;
+ void EnumerateVideoFrameRates(TReal32& aRate,TInt aRateIndex,TFormat aFormat,TInt aSizeIndex,TExposure aExposure = EExposureAuto) const;
+ void GetFrameSize(TSize& aSize) const;
+ TReal32 FrameRate() const;
+ TInt BuffersInUse() const;
+ TInt FramesPerBuffer() const;
+ void SetJpegQuality(TInt aQuality);
+ TInt JpegQuality() const;
+ TAny* CustomInterface(TUid aInterface);
+ void Notify(TUid aMessageId, TInt aError);
+ void Notify2(TUid aMessageId, TInt aError, TInt aParam);
+ void GenerateVFHandle(TInt& aVFHandle);
+ // set presets
+ //void InitPresetsL(RArray<TUid>& aPresets);
+ CCamUnitTestPlugin();
+ MCameraObserver* iObserver; // not owned
+ MCameraObserver2* iObserver2; // not owned
+ TInt iCameraIndex;
+ TInt iCameraHandle;
+ TInt iPriority;
+ RArray<TInt> iSupportedISORates;
+ TInt iIsoRate;
+ TInt iVFHandleGenerater;
+ // additional info
+ RArray<TUid> iPresets;
+ TBool iCameras[KECamSetAvailableCameras];
+ CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TCameraType iCameraTypes[KECamSetAvailableCameras];
+ };
+class CCamUnitTestPluginInfo : public CCameraInfoPlugin
+ {
+ static CCamUnitTestPluginInfo* NewL();
+ ~CCamUnitTestPluginInfo();
+ // from CCameraInfoPlugin
+ TInt CamerasAvailable();
+ CCamUnitTestPluginInfo();
+ };
+class CCamUnitTestPluginSecureId : public MSecureIdPlugin
+ {
+ static CCamUnitTestPluginSecureId* NewL();
+ ~CCamUnitTestPluginSecureId();
+ // from CCameraInfoPlugin
+ void Release();
+ void GetSecureIdL(TInt& aSecureId) const;
+ CCamUnitTestPluginSecureId();
+ };
+enum TSetPanicReasons
+ {
+ EPanicUnimplemented=1
+ };
+class FileDependencyUtil
+ {
+ static void CheckFileDependencyL();
+ };