changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imagingandcamerafws/imagingfws/ImageDisplay/inc/ImageDisplay.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This is the public client API for the Image Display Library
+#ifndef __IMAGEDISPLAY_H__
+#define __IMAGEDISPLAY_H__
+#include <fbs.h>
+#include <mm/mmcaf.h>
+// fwd refs
+class CImageDisplayFramework;
+Uid value for the TDescriptorDataSource data source
+const TInt KUidDescDataSourceValue=0x10207087;
+Uid for the TDescriptorDataSource data source
+const TUid KUidDescDataSource={KUidDescDataSourceValue};
+	Descriptor-based image datasource.
+	@publishedAll
+	@released
+class TDescriptorDataSource: public TMMSource
+	{
+	IMPORT_C TDescriptorDataSource(const TPtrC8& aData);
+	IMPORT_C const TPtrC8& DataBuf() const;
+	TPtrC8   iData;
+	};
+	Observer class for image display.
+	@publishedAll
+	@released
+class MIclImageDisplayObserver
+	{
+	/**	
+		Called when the image is ready to display 
+	    A plug-in should use this function to pass information asynchronously to an API client. This function is asynchronous.
+	@param aBitmap
+				a pointer to the bitmap that contains decoding result (may be NULL on error condition)
+	@param aStatus
+				the plugin status that should be combination of the TPluginStatus set
+	@param aUpdatedArea
+				a rectangle within the aBitmap that was updated during the latest operation
+	@param aError
+				error code of latest operation
+	*/
+	virtual void MiidoImageReady(const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TUint aStatus, const TRect& aUpdatedArea, TInt aError) = 0;
+	};
+The public API for clients to call the Image Display library.
+This class provides functions to convert images stored in descriptors or
+files to bitmaps ready for display.
+class CImageDisplay : public CBase
+	{
+	/**
+	Flags to control how the image is handled
+	These can be combined using an OR operation.
+	Note that the rotate and mirror options have
+	to be set together with EOptionThumbnail or 
+	EOptionMainImage.
+	*/
+	enum TImageOptions
+		{
+		/** No options defined */
+		EOptionsUndefined		= 0x00000000,
+		/** Use the thumbnail image as source */
+		EOptionThumbnail		= 0x00000001,
+		/** Use the main image as source */
+		EOptionMainImage		= 0x00000002,
+		/** Rotate the image by 90 degrees clockwise */
+		EOptionRotateCw90		= 0x00000004,
+		/** Rotate the image by 180 degrees clockwise */
+		EOptionRotateCw180		= 0x00000008,
+		/** Rotate the image by 270 degrees clockwise */
+		EOptionRotateCw270		= 0x00000010,
+		/** Mirror an image about the horizontal axis */
+		EOptionMirrorHorizontal = 0x00000020,
+		/** Mirror an image about the vertical axis */
+		EOptionMirrorVertical	= 0x00000040,
+		/** Rotate the image automatically (if necessary) */
+		EOptionAutoRotate		= 0x00000080
+		};
+	/**
+	Return flags from ImageStatus()
+	*/
+	enum TImageStatus
+		{
+		/** ImageStatus is unknown */
+		EImageTypeUnknown	= 0x00000000,	
+		/** Image is single frame */
+		EImageSingleFrame	= 0x00000001,	
+		/** Image is multiframe */
+		EImageMultiFrame	= 0x00000002,
+		/** Image is animated */
+		EImageAnimated		= 0x00000004,
+		/** Image has got a mask/alpha channel */
+		EImageMasked		= 0x00000008,
+		/** Image has got a thumbnail */
+		EImageHasThumbnail	= 0x00000010,
+		/** Image is fully scalable i.e. arbitrary scaling can be perofmed quite quickly */
+		EImageIsFullyScalable= 0x00000020
+		};
+	/**
+	An array containing the sizes of images.
+	*/
+	typedef RArray<TSize> RImageSizeArray;
+	IMPORT_C static CImageDisplay* NewL(MIclImageDisplayObserver& aCallback, RFs& aFs);
+	IMPORT_C ~CImageDisplay();
+	IMPORT_C void SetPluginUid(TUid aPluginUid);
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetImageSource(const TMMSource& aSource);
+	IMPORT_C void SetSourceMimeType(const TDesC8& aMIMEType);
+	IMPORT_C void SetSourceImageType(TUid aImageType, TUid aImageSubType = KNullUid);	
+	IMPORT_C void SetSourceRect(const TRect& aRect);
+	IMPORT_C void ResetSourceRect();
+	IMPORT_C void SetSizeInPixels(const TSize& aSize, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio = ETrue);
+	IMPORT_C void SetDisplayMode(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode);
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetOptions(TUint aOptions);
+	IMPORT_C void SetupL();	
+	IMPORT_C void Play();
+	IMPORT_C void Pause();
+	IMPORT_C void StopPlay();
+	IMPORT_C void Reset();
+	// getters
+	IMPORT_C TInt ExtensionInterface(TUid aIFaceUid, TAny*& aIFacePtr);
+	IMPORT_C TBool ValidBitmap() const;
+	IMPORT_C const RImageSizeArray& RecommendedImageSizes() const;
+	IMPORT_C void GetBitmap(const CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap, const CFbsBitmap*& aMask) const;
+	IMPORT_C TUint ImageStatus() const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt NumFrames(TInt& aNumFrames) const;
+	CImageDisplay();
+	void ConstructL(MIclImageDisplayObserver& aCallback, RFs& aFs);
+	CImageDisplayFramework* iBody;
+	};
+#endif // __IMAGEDISPLAY_H__