--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imagingandcamerafws/imagingfws/inc/ICLExif.h Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This is the public client API for EXIF-enabled ICL modules
+#ifndef __CEXIFICL_H__
+#define __CEXIFICL_H__
+#include <imageconversion.h>
+#include <icl/imagetransformpluginext.h>
+#include <icl/imageplugin.h>
+IFD number representing Exif IFD 0.
+For use in MExifMetadata methods when reading or writing IFD 0 tags other than GPS tags.
+In other words, for reading or writing any of the following tags:
+ - IFD 0 TIFF tags (i.e. IFD 0 tags)
+ - IFD 0 Exif tags (i.e. Exif sub-IFD tags)
+ - Interoperability IFD tags
+Note: To read or write GPS tags, use the IFD constant KExifGpsIfd instead.
+const TUint KExifIfdZero = 0;
+IFD number representing Exif IFD 1.
+For use in MExifMetadata methods when reading or writing tags related to thumbnail (i.e. IFD 1 tags).
+const TUint KExifIfdOne = 1;
+IFD number representing the IFD 0 sub-IFD for GPS (i.e. the GPS IFD).
+For use in MExifMetadata methods when reading or writing GPS tags.
+const TUint KExifGpsIfd = 0x00040000;
+describes a rational value
+struct TRational
+ {
+ /** numerator of the rational
+ */
+ union
+ {
+ TInt iNumerator;
+ TUint iUNumerator;
+ };
+ /** denominator of the rational. No checking is processed to know if this is null or not
+ */
+ union
+ {
+ TInt iDenominator;
+ TUint iUDenominator;
+ };
+ };
+generic accessor to read the tags from exif metadata.
+Note: The aIfd argument in MExifMetadataReader methods should be set as follows:
+ - When reading an IFD 0 tag that is not a GPS tag, use KExifIfdZero.
+ - When reading a tag related to thumbnail, use KExifIfdOne.
+ - When reading a GPS tag, use KExifGpsIfd.
+The TExifReaderUtility class offers a friendlier interface to access these tags.
+@see TExifReaderUtility
+class MExifMetadataReader
+ {
+ /**
+ Get the data associated with a signed or unsigned 32-bit integer EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ If used to get unsigned data, it is up to the caller to do the appropriate typecast of aParam.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ on return, the value of the tag
+ @return error code
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ KErrNotSupported if called on an encoding module.
+ KErrNotFound if the tag cannot be found.
+ */
+ virtual TInt GetIntegerParam(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, TInt& aParam) const = 0;
+ /**
+ Get the data associated with an unsigned short (16-bit) integer EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ on return, the value of the tag
+ @return error code
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ KErrNotSupported if called on an encoding module.
+ KErrNotFound if the tag cannot be found.
+ */
+ virtual TInt GetShortParam(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, TUint16& aParam) const = 0;
+ /**
+ Get the data associated with a signed or unsigned rational EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ If used to get an unsigned rational, it is up to the caller to typecast aNumer & aDenom as appropriate.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aNumer
+ on return, the numerator value of the tag
+ @param aDenom
+ on return, the denominator value of the tag
+ @return error code
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ KErrNotSupported if called on an encoding module.
+ KErrNotFound if the tag cannot be found.
+ */
+ virtual TInt GetRationalParam(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, TInt& aNumer, TInt& aDenom) const = 0;
+ /**
+ Get the data associated with an 8-bit (e.g. ASCII, Undefined or Byte) EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ Ownership of the buffer pointed to by aParam transfers to the client, which is therefore responsible for deleting the buffer when required.
+ Note: The client should always initialise aParam to NULL, and the plugin should only assign to this parameter when ready to transfer ownership.
+ Note: If using this method to retrieve ASCII data, the returned data will not be NULL terminated.
+ Note: If using this method to retrieve Undefined data, the raw data will be returned, exactly as it appears in the tag value. Thus if the tag
+ is one that includes a character code prefix, then this prefix will be included in the returned data. See table 6 of the Exif 2.2 specification for a list of character code prefixes.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ on return, the value of the tag
+ @return error code
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ KErrNotSupported if called on an encoding module.
+ KErrNotFound if the tag cannot be found.
+ */
+ virtual TInt GetParam8(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, HBufC8*& aParam) const = 0;
+ /**
+ Get the data associated with a 16-bit EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ Ownership of the buffer pointed to by aParam transfers to the client, which is therefore responsible for deleting the buffer when required.
+ Note: The client should always initialise aParam to NULL, and the plugin should only assign to this parameter when ready to transfer ownership.
+ Note: This method is not recommended. To get 16-bit data from a tag of undefined type, it is recommended that GetParam8() be used instead. The HBufC8* returned by GetParam8() can then be converted into an HBufC16* as needed.
+ If this method is used, please be aware of the following:
+ - It may only be used with the tags 0x9286 (UserComment), 0x001B (GpsProcessingMethod) & 0x001C (GpsAreaInformation).
+ - The supported tags might not contain 16-bit data. Only use this method if you are certain that the tag contain 16-bit data. If used on a tag containing 8-bit data, the 8-bit
+ data will be returned in the HBufC16* which will have to be manually converted to an HBufC8*.
+ - The first 8 bytes of the returned HBufC16* may contain a Character Code prefix. See table 6 of the Exif 2.2 specification for a list of Character Code prefixes.
+ - The length of the returned HBufC16* will include the length of the character code prefix if present.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ on return, the value of the tag
+ @return error code
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ KErrNotSupported if called on an encoding module.
+ KErrNotFound if the tag cannot be found.
+ */
+ virtual TInt GetParam16(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, HBufC16*& aParam) const = 0;
+ /**
+ Get the data associated with an array of signed or unsigned 32-bit integers EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ If being used to get unsigned integers, it is up to the caller to typecast them as appropriate.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ on return, the array is filled with the list of values in this tag
+ Note: aParam will be resized to fit the number of data elements read.
+ @return error code
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ KErrNotSupported if called on an encoding module.
+ KErrNotFound if the tag cannot be found.
+ */
+ virtual TInt GetIntegerArrayParam(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, CArrayFix<TInt>& aParam) const = 0;
+ /**
+ Get the data associated with an array of unsigned short (16-bit) integers EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ on return, the array is filled with the list of values in this tag
+ Note: aParam will be resized to fit the number of data elements read.
+ @return error code
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ KErrNotSupported if called on an encoding module.
+ KErrNotFound if the tag cannot be found.
+ */
+ virtual TInt GetShortArrayParam(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, CArrayFix<TUint16>& aParam) const = 0;
+ /**
+ Get the data associated with an array of signed or unsigned rationals EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ If used to get unsigned rational data, it is up to the client to typecast the components as appropriate.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ on return, the array is filled with the list of values in this tag
+ Note: aParam will be resized to fit the number of data elements read.
+ @return error code
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ KErrNotSupported if called on an encoding module.
+ KErrNotFound if the tag cannot be found.
+ */
+ virtual TInt GetRationalArrayParam(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, CArrayFix<TRational>& aParam) const = 0;
+ };
+generic accessor to write the tags from exif metadata.
+Note: The aIfd argument in MExifMetadataWriter methods should be set as follows:
+ - When writing to an IFD 0 tag that is not a GPS tag, use KExifIfdZero.
+ - When writing to a tag related to thumbnail, use KExifIfdOne.
+ - When writing to a GPS tag, use KExifGpsIfd.
+The TExifWriterUtility class offers a friendlier interface to access these tags.
+@see TExifWriterUtility
+class MExifMetadataWriter
+ {
+ // Setters
+ /**
+ Set the data associated with an 8-bit (e.g. ASCII, Undefined or Byte) EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ Note: If setting non-NULL terminated ASCII data, this method will add a NULL terminator to it provided that doing so will not cause the length of the tag value to be exceeded. If the length would be exceeded KErrArgument will be returned.
+ Note: This method will set other (non-ASCII) 8-bit data exactly as-is.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ the value of the tag
+ @return error code
+ KErrNotSupported if called on a decoding module.
+ KErrNotSupported if the plugin does not support the specified tag.
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ */
+ virtual TInt SetParam8(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, HBufC8* aParam) = 0;
+ /**
+ Set 16-bit Unicode data into EXIF/DCF tag/IFDs that support it (e.g.0x9286 (UserComment), 0x001B (GpsProcessingMethod) or 0x001C (GpsAreaInformation) ).
+ Note: This method will add the 8-byte prefix "UNICODE/0" to aParam before setting the tag value in the metadata. It may only be used to set Unicode data.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ the value of the tag
+ @return error code
+ KErrNotSupported if called on a decoding module.
+ KErrNotSupported if the plugin does not support the specified tag.
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ */
+ virtual TInt SetParam16(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, HBufC16* aParam) = 0;
+ /**
+ Sets the data associated with a signed or unsigned 32-bit integer EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ the value of the tag
+ @return error code
+ KErrNotSupported if called on a decoding module.
+ KErrNotSupported if the plugin does not support the specified tag.
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ */
+ virtual TInt SetIntegerParam(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, TInt aParam) = 0;
+ /**
+ Sets the data associated with an unsigned short (16-bit) EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ the value of the tag
+ @return error code
+ KErrNotSupported if called on a decoding module.
+ KErrNotSupported if the plugin does not support the specified tag.
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ */
+ virtual TInt SetShortParam(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, TUint16 aParam) = 0;
+ /**
+ Sets the data associated with a signed or unsigned rational EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aNumerator
+ the numerator value of the rational tag
+ @param aDenominator
+ the denominator value of the rational tag
+ @return error code
+ KErrNotSupported if called on a decoding module.
+ KErrNotSupported if the plugin does not support the specified tag.
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ */
+ virtual TInt SetRationalParam(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, TInt aNumerator, TInt aDenominator) = 0;
+ /**
+ Sets the data associated with an array of signed or unsigned 32-bit integers EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ the list of values value for the tag
+ @return error code
+ KErrNotSupported if called on a decoding module.
+ KErrNotSupported if the plugin does not support the specified tag.
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ */
+ virtual TInt SetIntegerArrayParam(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, CArrayFix<TInt>& aParam) = 0;
+ /**
+ Sets the data associated with an array of unsigned short (16-bit) EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ the list of values value for the tag
+ @return error code
+ KErrNotSupported if called on a decoding module.
+ KErrNotSupported if the plugin does not support the specified tag.
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ */
+ virtual TInt SetShortArrayParam(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, CArrayFix<TUint16>& aParam) = 0;
+ /**
+ Sets the data associated with an array of signed or unsigned rationals EXIF/DCF tag/IFD.
+ @param aTag
+ the tag id where the data is stored
+ @param aIfd
+ the ifd section in which the tag is stored.
+ @param aParam
+ the list of values value for the tag
+ @return error code
+ KErrNotSupported if called on a decoding module.
+ KErrNotSupported if the plugin does not support the specified tag.
+ KErrArgument if the requested data type does not match with the tag.
+ */
+ virtual TInt SetRationalArrayParam(TUint aTag, TUint aIfd, CArrayFix<TRational>& aParam) = 0;
+ };
+generic accessor to access the tags from exif metadata.
+The TExifWriterUtility & TExifReaderUtility classes offer friendlier interfaces to access these tags.
+class MExifMetadata: public MExifMetadataReader, public MExifMetadataWriter
+ {
+ };
+Provides access to the exif jpeg decoder.
+This class provides functions to decode jpeg images held in files or descriptors.
+class CJPEGExifDecoder : public CImageDecoder
+ {
+ class CBody;
+ friend class CBody;
+ IMPORT_C static CJPEGExifDecoder* NewL();
+ IMPORT_C ~CJPEGExifDecoder();
+ IMPORT_C MExifMetadata* ExifMetadata();
+ IMPORT_C CJPEGExifDecoder();
+ IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
+ CBody* iBody;
+ };
+Provides access to the exif jpeg encoder.
+This class provides functions to encode jpeg images held in files or descriptors.
+class CJPEGExifEncoder : public CImageEncoder
+ {
+ class CBody;
+ friend class CBody;
+ IMPORT_C static CJPEGExifEncoder* NewL();
+ IMPORT_C ~CJPEGExifEncoder();
+ IMPORT_C MExifMetadata* ExifMetadata();
+ IMPORT_C CJPEGExifEncoder();
+ IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
+ CBody* iBody;
+ };
+The plugin API for Image Converter Library EXIF decoder plugins.
+class CJPEGExifDecoderPlugin : public CImageDecoderPlugin
+ {
+ /**
+ Returns the EXIF metadata associated with the image being decoded.
+ This is a pure virtual function that each individual plugin must implement.
+ @return A pointer to the metadata. NULL if there is no metadata available.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual MExifMetadata* ExifMetadata() = 0;
+ };
+The plugin API for Image Converter Library EXIF encoder plugins.
+class CJPEGExifEncoderPlugin : public CImageEncoderPlugin
+ {
+ /**
+ Returns the EXIF metadata associated with the image being encoded.
+ This is a pure virtual function that each individual plugin must implement.
+ @return A pointer to the metadata. NULL if there is no metadata available.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual MExifMetadata* ExifMetadata() = 0;
+ };
+extension for exif Image Transform
+This class gives access to the exif metadata in a jpeg image during the transform operation
+@see CImageTranform
+class CJPEGExifTransformExtension : public CImageTransformPluginExtension
+ {
+ IMPORT_C virtual MExifMetadata* ExifMetadata();
+ };
+#endif // __CEXIFICL_H__