--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imagingandcamerafws/imagingfws/inc/icl/ImageCodecData.h Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// ImageCodecData.h - data used by standard codecs
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include <ezcompressor.h>
+#include <icl/imagedata.h>
+class CFrameImageData;
+// Identification UIDs for TFrameDataBlock-derived classes
+/** GIF image descriptor.
+const TUid KGIFImageDescriptorUid = { 0x101F45E4 };
+/** GIF colour table
+const TUid KGIFColorTableUid = { 0x101F7C0A };
+/** GIF compression type LZW information.
+const TUid KGIFLZWInfoUid = { 0x101F45E5 };
+/** GIF image controller.
+const TUid KGIFImageControlUid = { 0x101F45E6 };
+/** GIF loop iterations.
+const TUid KGIFLoopIterationsUid = { 0x102834A6 };
+/** MBM decode data.
+const TUid KMBMDecodeDataUid = { 0x101F45E0 };
+/** MBM encode data.
+const TUid KMBMEncodeDataUid = { 0x101F45E9 };
+/** PNG encode data.
+const TUid KPNGEncodeDataUid = { 0x101F460A };
+/** TIFF image data.
+const TUid KTIFFImageDataUid = { 0x101F45E8 };
+//Identification UIDs for TImageDataBlock-derived classes
+/** BMP image data.
+const TUid KBMPImageDataUid = { 0x101F45BF };
+/** BMP compression.
+const TUid KBMPCompressionUid = { 0x101F45E3 };
+/** JPG image data.
+const TUid KJPGImageDataUid = { 0x101F45DA };
+/** JPG Q table.
+const TUid KJPGQTableUid = { 0x101F45E1 };
+/** JPG comment.
+const TUid KJPGCommentUid = { 0x101F45E2 };
+/** GIF background colour.
+const TUid KGIFBackgroundColorUid = { 0x101F45DE };
+/** GIF comment.
+const TUid KGIFCommentUid = { 0x101F45E7 };
+/** Max number of GIF palatte entries
+const TInt KGifColorTableMaxEntries = 256;
+BMP specific image data variant which holds bits per pixel info.
+It is only used when configuring the BMP encoder.
+If the Symbian bitmap encoder (0x101F45AE) is supplied then encoder specific defaults
+are used if this object is not presented to the conversion process.
+The default bitmap colour depth is 24-bit.
+@see CImageEncoder
+@see CFrameImageData
+class TBmpImageData : public TImageDataBlock
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TBmpImageData();
+ /** The number of bits/pixel.
+ */
+ TInt iBitsPerPixel;
+ TImageDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+BMP specific image data variant which holds compression info.
+It is only used when extracting info from the BMP decoder.
+class TBmpCompression : public TImageDataBlock
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TBmpCompression();
+ /**
+ Flag reflecting the compression type.
+ */
+ enum TCompression
+ {
+ /** No compression used.
+ */
+ ENone,
+ /** Eight bits per pixel run length encoding.
+ */
+ EEightBppRLE,
+ /** Four bits per pixel run length encoding.
+ */
+ EFourBppRLE,
+ /** Compression using bit fields.
+ */
+ EBitFields
+ };
+ /**
+ @see enum TCompression
+ The type of compression used
+ */
+ TCompression iCompression;
+ TImageDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+JPEG specific image data variant which holds color sampling and quality
+factor information.
+It can be used with both the JPEG decoder and encoder.
+class TJpegImageData : public TImageDataBlock
+ {
+ /**
+ Flag reflecting the color sampling type.
+ */
+ enum TColorSampling
+ {
+ /** Monochrome.
+ */
+ EMonochrome,
+ /** Horizontal and vertical chrominance decimation.
+ */
+ EColor420,
+ /** Horizontal chrominance decimation.
+ */
+ EColor422,
+ /** No chrominance decimation.
+ */
+ EColor444
+ };
+ IMPORT_C TJpegImageData(); // Defaults to EColor420 and 75
+ /**
+ @see enum TColorSampling
+ The color sampling scheme to use.
+ */
+ TColorSampling iSampleScheme;
+ /** The quality factor.
+ This represents the current allowable percentage level of degradation when compressing the image
+ data.
+ The range is 0 to 100 inclusive.
+ */
+ TInt iQualityFactor;
+ TImageDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+/** The number of JPEG Q table entries.
+@see class TJpegQTable
+const TInt KJpgQTableEntries = 64;
+JPEG specific image data variant which holds QTable info.
+It can be used with both the JPEG decoder and encoder.
+class TJpegQTable : public TImageDataBlock
+ {
+ /**
+ Flag reflecting the type of Q or quantization table.
+ */
+ enum TQTableIndex
+ {
+ /** Luminance table.
+ */
+ ELumaTable = 0,
+ /** Chrominance table.
+ */
+ EChromaTable = 1
+ };
+ IMPORT_C TJpegQTable();
+ /** The type of Q table. */
+ TInt iTableIndex;
+ /** The number of entries in the Q table. */
+ TBuf8<KJpgQTableEntries> iEntries;
+ TImageDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+JPEG specific image data variant which holds JPEG comment information.
+It can be used with both the JPEG decoder and encoder.
+class TJpegComment : public TImageDataBlock
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TJpegComment();
+ /** The JPEG comment associated with the JPEG image.
+ */
+ HBufC8* iComment;
+ TImageDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+GIF specific image data variant which holds background color info.
+It can only be used with the GIF decoder (the encoder is not configurable).
+class TGifBackgroundColor : public TImageDataBlock
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TGifBackgroundColor();
+ /** The background colour as an index.
+ */
+ TInt iBackgroundColorIndex;
+ /** The background colour as an RGB value.
+ */
+ TRgb iBackgroundColor;
+ TImageDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+GIF specific frame data variant which holds image descriptor information.
+It can only be used with the GIF decoder (the encoder is not configurable).
+class TGifImageDescriptor : public TFrameDataBlock
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TGifImageDescriptor();
+ /** A boolean indicating if the frame has its own local colour map. ETrue if it does, otherwise
+ EFalse.
+ */
+ TBool iLocalColorMap;
+ /** A boolean indicating if the frame's local colour map is sorted in priority order. ETrue if
+ it is, otherwise EFalse.
+ */
+ TBool iSortedLocalMap;
+ /** A boolean indicating if the image is interlaced. ETrue if the image is interlaced.
+ */
+ TBool iInterlaced;
+ TFrameDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+GIF specific frame data for saving a frame local color map (palette).
+class TGifColorTable : public TFrameDataBlock
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TGifColorTable();
+ /** The palette */
+ TRgb iPalette[KGifColorTableMaxEntries];
+ TFrameDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+GIF specific frame data variant which holds LZW compression information.
+It can only be used with the GIF decoder (the encoder is not configurable).
+class TGifLZWInfo : public TFrameDataBlock
+ {
+ /** The initial number of bits used in LZW compression.
+ */
+ TInt iInitialCodeLength;
+ /** The size of compressed frame.
+ */
+ TInt iCompressedBytes;
+ TFrameDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+GIF specific frame data variant which holds GIF image control information.
+It can only be used with the GIF decoder (the encoder is not configurable).
+class TGifImageControl : public TFrameDataBlock
+ {
+ /**
+ Flag reflecting how the previous frame is handled when the next frame is drawn.
+ */
+ enum TDisposalMethod
+ {
+ /** No method set.
+ */
+ ENone = 0,
+ /** Leave the previous frame in place.
+ */
+ ELeaveInPlace = 1,
+ /** Restore to the backgound colour.
+ */
+ ERestoreToBackground = 2,
+ /** Restore the previous frame.
+ */
+ ERestoreToPrevious = 3
+ };
+ IMPORT_C TGifImageControl();
+ /** The interval between display of successive frames in units of 1/100 second.
+ */
+ TInt iDelayTimeInCentiseconds;
+ /** The colour index to be used for transparency.
+ */
+ TInt iTransparentColorIndex;
+ /** A flag indicating if user input is required before display of next frame.
+ */
+ TBool iUserInputFlag;
+ /** The frame disposal method for multiframe images.
+ */
+ TDisposalMethod iDisposalMethod;
+ TFrameDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+GIF specific image data variant which holds GIF comment info.
+It can only be used with the GIF decoder (the encoder is not configurable).
+class TGifComment : public TImageDataBlock
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TGifComment();
+ /** The comment associated with the GIF image.
+ */
+ HBufC8* iComment;
+ TImageDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+GIF specific image data variant which holds Netscape 2.0 Application Extension block loop iterations value
+It can only be used with the GIF decoder (the encoder is not configurable).
+class TGifLoopIterations : public TImageDataBlock
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TGifLoopIterations();
+ /** The number of times to loop an animated GIF
+ */
+ TInt iLoopIterations;
+ TImageDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+// Mbm compression data. (Decoder only)
+MBM specific frame data variant which holds frame data information.
+It can only be used with the MBM decoder.
+class TMbmDecodeData : public TFrameDataBlock
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TMbmDecodeData();
+ /** A flag indicating if RLE compression is used.
+ */
+ TBool iCompressed;
+ /** The uncompressed frame size in bytes.
+ */
+ TInt iImageDataSizeInBytes;
+ TFrameDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+// Mbm display mode. (Encoder only)
+MBM specific image data variant which holds frame data information.
+It can only be used with the MBM encoder.
+class TMbmEncodeData : public TFrameDataBlock
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TMbmEncodeData();
+ /** The display mode.
+ */
+ TDisplayMode iDisplayMode;
+ TFrameDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+PNG specific frame data variant which holds PNG encoding information.
+It can only be used with the PNG encoder.
+class TPngEncodeData : public TFrameDataBlock
+ {
+ // Same values as CEZCompressor
+ /**
+ A flag reflecting the level of compression used.
+ */
+ enum TPngCompressLevel
+ {
+ /**
+ Default level of compression used.
+ */
+ EDefaultCompression = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,
+ /** No compression used.
+ */
+ ENoCompression = Z_NO_COMPRESSION,
+ /** Optimise compression for speed.
+ */
+ EBestSpeed = Z_BEST_SPEED,
+ /** Optimise compression for size.
+ */
+ EBestCompression = Z_BEST_COMPRESSION
+ };
+ IMPORT_C TPngEncodeData();
+ /** The number of bits per pixel.
+ */
+ TInt iBitsPerPixel;
+ /** A flag indicating if the image is color or grayscale.
+ */
+ TBool iColor;
+ /** A flag indicating use of a palette or RGB.
+ */
+ TBool iPaletted;
+ /** The level of compression to apply.
+ */
+ TPngCompressLevel iLevel;
+ TFrameDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+TIFF specific frame data variant. Holds colour sampling and quality factor information.
+It can only be used with the TIFF decoder.
+class TTiffImageData : public TFrameDataBlock
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TTiffImageData();
+ /** The new subfile type.
+ */
+ TUint32 iNewSubfileType;
+ /** The frame size in pixels.
+ */
+ TSize iSizeInPixels;
+ /** The number of bits per sample.
+ */
+ TInt iBitsPerSample;
+ /** The number of samples per pixel.
+ */
+ TInt iSamplesPerPixel;
+ /** The compression setting.
+ */
+ TInt iCompression;
+ /** T4 options as per the "Standardization of Group 3 facsimile apparatus for document
+ transmission, Recommendation T.4, Volume VII, Fascicle VII.3".
+ */
+ TInt iT4Options;
+ /** T6 options as per the "Facsimile Coding Schemes and Coding Control Functions for Group 4
+ Facsimile Apparatus, Recommendation T.6, Volume VII, Fascicle VII.3".
+ */
+ TInt iT6Options;
+ /** The photometric interpretation setting.
+ */
+ TInt iPhotometricInterpretation;
+ /** The fill order.
+ */
+ TInt iFillOrder;
+ /** The frame width in twips.
+ */
+ TReal iWidthInTwips;
+ /** The frame height in twips.
+ */
+ TReal iHeightInTwips;
+ /** The number of rows per strip.
+ */
+ TInt iRowsPerStrip;
+ /** The number of TTiffImageStrips.
+ */
+ TInt iNumStrips;
+ /** An array of TTiffImageStrips.
+ */
+ HBufC8* iStripInfo;
+ TFrameDataBlock* DuplicateL(CFrameImageData& aFrameImageData) const;
+ };
+// Identification UIDs for image types.
+/** Image type BMP.
+const TUid KImageTypeBMPUid = {0x101F45B0};
+/** Image type GIF.
+const TUid KImageTypeGIFUid = {0x101F45B3};
+/** Image type WMF.
+const TUid KImageTypeWMFUid = {0x101F45BA};
+/** Image type WMF subtype Std.
+const TUid KImageTypeWMFSubTypeStdUid = {0x101F45BB};
+/** Image type WMF subtype Apm.
+const TUid KImageTypeWMFSubTypeApmUid = {0x101F45BC};
+/** Image type WMF subtype Clp.
+const TUid KImageTypeWMFSubTypeClpUid = {0x101F45BD};
+/** Image type TIFF.
+const TUid KImageTypeTIFFUid = {0x101F45C4};
+/** Image type TIFF subtype LittleEndian.
+const TUid KImageTypeTIFFSubTypeLittleEndianUid = {0x101F45C5};
+/** Image type TIFF subtype BigEndian.
+const TUid KImageTypeTIFFSubTypeBigEndianUid = {0x101F45C6};
+/** Image type PNG.
+const TUid KImageTypePNGUid = {0x101F45C9};
+/** Image type MBM.
+const TUid KImageTypeMBMUid = {0x101F45CC};
+/** Image type WBMP.
+const TUid KImageTypeWBMPUid = {0x101F45CF};
+/** Image type OTA.
+const TUid KImageTypeOTAUid = {0x101F45D2};
+/** Image type ICO.
+const TUid KImageTypeICOUid = {0x101F45D5};
+/** Image type JPG.
+const TUid KImageTypeJPGUid = {0x101F45D8};
+#endif // __IMAGECODECDATA_H__