changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imagingandcamerafws/imagingfws/src/Test/TImageTran/TImageTranParse.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Parsing functions for imagetran tool
+#include "TImageTran.h"
+* Parsing squeeze transformation parameters 
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseSqueezeParams(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    Select_Transform(ITRAN_SQU);
+    /* To get the proposed size or inputfile or outputfile for squeeze */
+    do
+        {
+        if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) == 0)
+            {
+            if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("p"), 1)) //Proposedsizeinbytes
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseProposedSize(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("i"), 1)) //Inputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseInputFile(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("o"), 1)) //Outputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseOutputFile(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                /* unknown switch */ 
+                iConsole->Printf( _L( "Unknown parameter in the squeeze command\n") );
+                ImageTranUsage();
+                }                                                       
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            /* Missing parameters for squeeze command */ 
+            iConsole->Printf( _L( "Missing squeeze parameters in command\n") );
+            ExitImageTranTool();
+            }
+        ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+        if(aArgNum == iCmdArgs->Count())
+            {
+            break;
+            }
+        } while(aArgNum < iCmdArgs->Count());
+     /* Validate required parameter for squeeze */   
+     if(iProposedSize <= 0)
+        {
+        /* Missing parameters for squeeze command */ 
+        iConsole->Printf( _L( "Missing squeeze parameters in command\n") );
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;        
+    }
+* Parsing autosqueeze transformation parameters 
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseAutoSqueezeParams(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    Select_Transform(ITRAN_AUTOSQU);
+    // To get the proposed size or inputfile or outputfile or maximagesize 
+    // or minimagesize for auto squeeze 
+    do
+        {
+        if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) == 0)
+            {
+            if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("p"), 1)) //Proposedsizeinbytes
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseProposedSize(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("i"), 1)) //Inputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseInputFile(aArgNum); 
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("o"), 1)) //Outputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseOutputFile(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("max"), 1)) //MaxImagesize
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseMaxImageSize(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("min"), 1)) //MinImagesize
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseMinImageSize(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("mode"), 1)) //SamplingMode
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseColorMode(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("q"), 1)) //Qualityfactor
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseQualityFactor(aArgNum);
+                }        
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("sqopt"), 1)) //Autosqueezeoption
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseSqueezeOptions(aArgNum);
+                }                          
+            else
+                {
+                /* unknown switch */ 
+                iConsole->Printf( _L( "Unknown parameter in the autosqueeze command\n") );
+                ImageTranUsage();
+                }                                                       
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            /* Missing parameters for squeeze command */ 
+            iConsole->Printf( _L( "Missing autosqueeze parameters in command\n") );
+            ExitImageTranTool();
+            }
+        ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+        if(aArgNum == iCmdArgs->Count())
+            {
+            break;
+            }                                    
+        } while(aArgNum < iCmdArgs->Count());
+    /* Validate whether all the autosqueeze parameters are entered */                    
+    if(iProposedSize <= 0 || iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iMaxImageSize.iWidth <= 0 ||
+       iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iMaxImageSize.iHeight <= 0 ||
+       iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iMinImageSize.iWidth <= 0 || 
+       iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iMinImageSize.iHeight <= 0)
+        {
+        /* Missing parameters for squeeze command */ 
+        iConsole->Printf( _L( "Missing autosqueeze parameters in command\n") );
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;
+    }
+* Parsing flip transformation parameters 
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseFlipParams(TInt aArgNum)  
+    {
+    Select_Transform(ITRAN_FLIP);
+    /* To flip horzontal or vertical for flip command */
+    do
+        {
+        if(iEndOfCmd)
+            {
+            iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing flipoption in flip command\n"));
+            ImageTranUsage();
+            }
+        if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) == 0)
+            {
+            if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("flipopt"), 1)) //Flipoption
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseFlipOpt(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("i"), 1)) //Inputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseInputFile(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("o"), 1)) //Outputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseOutputFile(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                /* unknown switch */ 
+                iConsole->Printf( _L( "Unknown parameter in the flip command\n") );
+                ImageTranUsage();
+                }                                                       
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            /* Missing parameters for flip command */ 
+            iConsole->Printf( _L( "Missing flip parameters in command\n") );
+            ExitImageTranTool();
+            }
+		ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+        if(aArgNum == iCmdArgs->Count())
+            {
+            break;
+            }             
+        } while(aArgNum < iCmdArgs->Count()); 
+    return aArgNum;                      
+    }
+* Parsing Rotate transformation parameters 
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseRotateParams(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    Select_Transform(ITRAN_ROTATE);
+    /* To rotate 0,90,180,270 degrees for rotate command */
+    do
+        {
+        if(iEndOfCmd)
+            {
+            iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing rotation angle in rotate command\n"));
+            ImageTranUsage();
+            }
+        if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) == 0)
+            {
+            if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("ang"), 1)) //Rotationangle
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseRotationAngle(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("i"), 1)) //Inputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseInputFile(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("o"), 1)) //Outputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseOutputFile(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                /* unknown switch */ 
+                iConsole->Printf( _L( "Unknown parameter in the rotation command\n") );
+                ImageTranUsage();
+                }                                                       
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            /* Missing parameters for squeeze command */ 
+            iConsole->Printf( _L( "Missing rotation parameters in command\n") );
+            ExitImageTranTool();
+            }
+		ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+        if(aArgNum == iCmdArgs->Count())
+            {
+            break;
+            }		            
+        } while(aArgNum < iCmdArgs->Count());
+    return aArgNum;        
+    }
+* Parsing transpose transformation parameters 
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseTransposeParams(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    Select_Transform(ITRAN_TRANSPOSE);
+    /* To flip horzontal or vertical for flip command */
+    do
+        {
+        if(iEndOfCmd)
+            {
+            iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing inputfile and outputfile in transverse command\n"));
+            ImageTranUsage();
+            }
+        if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) == 0)
+            {
+            if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("i"), 1)) //Inputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseInputFile(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("o"), 1)) //Outputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseOutputFile(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                /* unknown switch */ 
+                iConsole->Printf( _L( "Unknown parameter in the transpose command\n") );
+                ImageTranUsage();
+                }
+			iOrientation = COrientationTransformExtension::ETransposeOverMainDiagonal;                
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            /* Missing parameters for squeeze command */ 
+            iConsole->Printf( _L( "Missing transpose parameters in command\n") );
+            ExitImageTranTool();
+            }
+        ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+        if(aArgNum == iCmdArgs->Count())
+            {
+            break;
+            }                         
+        } while(aArgNum < iCmdArgs->Count());
+    return aArgNum;        
+    }
+* Parsing transpose transformation parameters 
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseTransverseParams(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    Select_Transform(ITRAN_TRANSVERSE);
+    /* To flip horzontal or vertical for flip command */
+    do
+        {
+        if(iEndOfCmd)
+            {
+            iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing inputfile and outputfile in transverse command\n"));
+            ImageTranUsage();
+            }
+        if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) == 0)
+            {
+            if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("i"), 1)) //Inputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseInputFile(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("o"), 1)) //Outputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseOutputFile(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                /* unknown switch */ 
+                iConsole->Printf( _L( "Unknown parameter in the transverse command\n") );
+                ImageTranUsage();
+                }
+			iOrientation = COrientationTransformExtension::ETransposeOverMinorDiagonal;                
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            /* Missing parameters for squeeze command */ 
+            iConsole->Printf( _L( "Missing transverse parameters in command\n") );
+            ExitImageTranTool();
+            }
+        ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+        if(aArgNum == iCmdArgs->Count())
+            {
+            break;
+            }		                                    
+        } while(aArgNum < iCmdArgs->Count());
+    return aArgNum;        
+    }
+* Parsing proposedsizeinbytes for squeeze & autosqueeze transformation
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseOverlayParams(TInt aArgNum)
+	{
+    Select_Transform(ITRAN_OVERLAY);
+    /* To set overlay/replace image for overlay command */
+    do
+        {
+        if(iEndOfCmd)
+            {
+            iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing rotation angle in rotate command\n"));
+            ImageTranUsage();
+            }
+        if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) == 0)
+            {
+            if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("pos"), 1)) //Rotationangle
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseOverlayPosition(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("i"), 1)) //Inputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseInputFile(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("o"), 1)) //Outputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseOutputFile(aArgNum);
+                }
+            else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr.Mid(1), _L("ovl"), 1)) //Outputfile
+                {
+                aArgNum = ParseOverLayFile(aArgNum);
+                }    
+            else
+                {
+                /* unknown switch */ 
+                iConsole->Printf( _L( "Unknown parameter in the rotation command\n") );
+                ImageTranUsage();
+                }                                                       
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            /* Missing parameters for squeeze command */ 
+            iConsole->Printf( _L( "Missing rotation parameters in command\n") );
+            ExitImageTranTool();                                   
+            }
+		ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+        if(aArgNum == iCmdArgs->Count())
+            {
+            break;
+            }		            
+        } while(aArgNum < iCmdArgs->Count());
+    return aArgNum;        
+    }
+* Parsing proposedsizeinbytes for squeeze & autosqueeze transformation
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseProposedSize(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+    if(iEndOfCmd)
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing proposedsizeinbytes in squeeze/autosqueeze command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+        {
+        /* Validate whether its a valid numeric number or not */
+        iProposedSize = ValidateImageSize();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing proposedsizeinbytes  in squeeze/autosqueeze command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;        
+    }
+* Parsing maximagesize for autosqueeze transformation 
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseMaxImageSize(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+    if(iEndOfCmd)
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing maximagesize in autosqueeze command\n"));
+        ImageTranUsage();
+        }
+    if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+        {
+        /*validate whether its a valid MaxImagesize or not*/                
+        iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iMaxImageSize.iWidth = ValidateImageSize();
+        ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+        if(iEndOfCmd)
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing maximageheight in autosqueeze command\n"));
+        ImageTranUsage();
+        }
+        if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+            {
+            /*validate whether its a valid MaxImagesize or not*/                
+            iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iMaxImageSize.iHeight = ValidateImageSize();
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing maximageheight in autosqueeze command\n"));
+            ExitImageTranTool();
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing maximagewidth in autosqueeze command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;       
+    }
+* Parsing minimagesize for autosqueeze transformation 
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseMinImageSize(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+    if(iEndOfCmd)
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing minimagesize in autosqueeze command\n"));
+        ImageTranUsage();
+        }
+    if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+        {
+        /* Validate whether its a valid MinImagesize or not */                
+        iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iMinImageSize.iWidth = ValidateImageSize();
+        ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+        if(iEndOfCmd)
+            {
+            iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing minimageheight in autosqueeze command\n"));
+            ImageTranUsage();
+            }
+        if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+            {
+            /* Validate whether its a valid MinImagesize or not */                
+            iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iMinImageSize.iHeight = ValidateImageSize();
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing minimageheight in autosqueeze command\n"));
+            ExitImageTranTool();
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing minimagewidth in autosqueeze command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;
+    }    
+* Parsing squeeze options for autosqueeze transformation
+* Squeeze options are 
+*    PreserveSourceEncodingQuality
+*    PrioritizeLargeImageSize
+*    ResizePrioritizeHighEncodingQuality
+*    MiddleCourse
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseSqueezeOptions(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    /* to get autosqueeze option. */
+    ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+    if(iEndOfCmd)
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing autosqueezeoption in autosqueeze command\n"));
+        ImageTranUsage();
+        }
+    if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+        {
+        /* Validate whether its a valid numeric or not */                
+        iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iResizeAction = ValidateImageSize();
+        if(iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iResizeAction < 0 || iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iResizeAction > 3)
+	        {
+	        iConsole->Printf(_L("UnKnow autosqueezeoption in autosqueeze command\n"));
+	        ImageTranUsage();
+	        }    
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing autosqueezeoption in autosqueeze command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;        
+    }
+* Parsing qualityfactor  for autosqueeze transformation 
+* Must be in the range (0.0) to (1.0)
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseQualityFactor(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+    if(iEndOfCmd)
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing qualityfactor in autosqueeze command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+        {
+        TLex lLex(iArgumentPtr);
+        lLex.Val(iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iMinEncodingQuality);
+        if(iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iMinEncodingQuality < 0.0 || iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iMinEncodingQuality > 1.0)
+            {
+            iConsole->Printf(_L("Qulaityfactor for autosqueeze is not within the range 0.0 to 1.0\n"));
+            ExitImageTranTool();
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing qualityfactor in autosqueeze command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;        
+    }
+* Parsing colormode(sampling) for autosqueeze tarnsformation 
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseColorMode(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+    if(iEndOfCmd)
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing samplingmode in autosqueeze command\n"));
+        ImageTranUsage();
+        }
+    if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+        {
+        /* Validate whether its a valid numeric or not */                
+        iColorMode = ValidateImageSize();
+        if(iColorMode == 0)
+            {
+            iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iSamplingUid = KUidSamplingColor420;
+            }
+        else if(iColorMode == 1)
+            {
+            iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iSamplingUid = KUidSamplingColor422;
+            }
+        else if(iColorMode == 2)
+            {
+            iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iSamplingUid = KUidSamplingColor444;
+            }
+        else if(iColorMode == 3)
+            {
+            iSqueezeAutoResizeParams.iSamplingUid = KUidSamplingColor411;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iConsole->Printf(_L("Unknow samplingmode in autosqueeze command\n"));
+            ImageTranUsage();
+            }                                    
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing samplingmode in autosqueeze command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;        
+    }
+* Parsing flip options for flip transformation 
+* flip options are
+*       horizontal
+*       vertical
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseFlipOpt(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+    if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+        {              
+        if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr, _L("horizontal"), 1)) //Fliphorizontal
+            {
+            iOrientation = COrientationTransformExtension::EMirrorHorizontalAxis;
+            }
+        else if(KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr, _L("vertical"), 1)) //Flipvertical
+            {
+            iOrientation = COrientationTransformExtension::EMirrorVerticalAxis;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            /* unknown flip option */ 
+            iConsole->Printf( _L( "Unknown flip option in the command\n") );
+            ImageTranUsage();                                
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing flipoption in flip command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;        
+    }
+* Parsing rotation angle for rotate transformation 
+* rotation angles are
+*       0,90,180,270 degrees
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseRotationAngle(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+    if(iEndOfCmd)
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing rotation angle in rotation command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+        {             
+        if (KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr,_L("0"), 2))
+            {
+            iOrientation = COrientationTransformExtension::ERotationNone;
+            }
+        else if (KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr,_L("90"), 2))
+            {
+            iOrientation = COrientationTransformExtension::ERotation90DegreesClockwise;
+            }
+        else if (KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr,_L("180"), 3))
+            {
+            iOrientation = COrientationTransformExtension::ERotation180DegreesClockwise;
+            }
+        else if (KeywordMatch(iArgumentPtr,_L("270"), 3))
+            {
+            iOrientation = COrientationTransformExtension::ERotation270DegreesClockwise;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            /* unknown flip option */ 
+            iConsole->Printf( _L( "Unknown rotation angle in the rotation command\n") );
+            ImageTranUsage();                                
+            }
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing rotationangle in rotate command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;                                           
+    }
+* Parsing overlay position for overlay transformation 
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseOverlayPosition(TInt aArgNum)
+	{
+    ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+    if(iEndOfCmd)
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing overlay position in overlay command command\n"));
+        ImageTranUsage();
+        }
+    if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+        {
+        /*validate whether its a valid X point or not*/                
+        iPoint.iX = ValidateImageSize();
+        ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+        if(iEndOfCmd)
+		    {
+		    iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing X point in overlay command\n"));
+		    ExitImageTranTool();
+		    }
+        if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+            {
+            /*validate whether its a valid MaxImagesize or not*/                
+            iPoint.iY = ValidateImageSize();
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing Y point in overlay command\n"));
+            ExitImageTranTool();
+            }
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing overlay position in overlay command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;                                           
+    }
+* Parsing inputfile name for transformation 
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseInputFile(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+    if(iEndOfCmd)
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing inputfile in command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+        {
+        /* Set input file */
+        iInputfile.Set(iArgumentPtr);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing inputfile in command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;
+    }
+* Parsing outputfile name for transformation 
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseOutputFile(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+    if(iEndOfCmd)
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing outputfile in command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+        {
+        /* Set output file */
+        iOutputfile.Set(iArgumentPtr);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing outputfile in command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;
+    }
+* Parsing outputfile name for transformation 
+TInt CITArgsandFuncts::ParseOverLayFile(TInt aArgNum)
+    {
+    ReadNextArg(++aArgNum);
+    if(iEndOfCmd)
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing overlayfile in command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    if (iArgumentPtr.Left(1).Compare(_L("-")) != 0)
+        {
+        /* Set output file */
+        iOverlayfile.Set(iArgumentPtr);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Missing overlayfile in command\n"));
+        ExitImageTranTool();
+        }
+    return aArgNum;
+    }