changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imagingandcamerafws/imagingfws/src/iclextproxystubutil.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <icl/imageconversionextensionintf.h>
+// forward declarations
+class TExecuteCommandParamsBase;
+class TExecuteCommandParamsAsyncBase;
+class CThreadDecoderRelay;
+class CThreadEncoderRelay;
+class MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface;
+class CImageConvProxyBase;
+class CImageConvStubBase;
+class MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport;
+Static class that creates client-side proxy and plugin-side stub objects
+required for marshalling data across the ICL framework.
+class ProxyStubUtility
+	{
+	static CImageConvProxyBase* GetNewProxyL(TUid aUid, MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* aParent);
+	static CImageConvProxyBase* GetNewStraightProxyL(TUid aUid, MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner,
+												  	 RThread& aRequestThread);
+	static CImageConvStubBase* NewStubL(TUid aUid,
+										MImageConvExtension* aExtension,
+										MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner,
+										RThread& aRequestThread);
+	};
+Used by the proxy/stub to identify the function call implementation of the
+MImageConvExtension interface.
+enum TImgConvExtCmd
+	{
+	EImgConvExtUid = 0,
+	EImgConvExtIncrementRef = 1,
+	EImgConvExtRelease = 2
+	};
+Used by the proxy/stub to identify the function call implementation of the
+MImageConvOperation interface.
+enum TImgConvTransformExtCmd
+	{
+	EImgConvExtCapabilities = EImgConvExtRelease+1,
+	EImgConvExtAddOperationL = EImgConvExtRelease+2,
+	EImgConvExtClearOperationStack = EImgConvExtRelease+3
+	};
+Used by the proxy/stub to identify the function call implementation of the
+MImageConvScaler interface.
+enum TImgConvScalerExtCmd
+	{
+	EImgConvExtGetCapabilitiesScaler = EImgConvExtRelease+1,
+	EImgConvExtSetScalingLSize = EImgConvExtRelease+2,
+	EImgConvExtSetScalingLCoeff = EImgConvExtRelease+3
+	};
+Used by the proxy/stub to identify the function call implementation of the
+MImageConvStreamedDecode interface.
+enum TImgConvStreamedDecodeExtCmd
+	{
+	EImgConvExtGetBlocks = EImgConvExtRelease+1,
+	EImgConvExtGetBufferSize = EImgConvExtRelease+2,
+	EImgConvExtGetNextBlocks = EImgConvExtRelease+3,
+	EImgConvExtGetCapabilitiesStreamDec = EImgConvExtRelease+4,
+	EImgConvExtGetSupportedFormatsLStreamDec = EImgConvExtRelease+5,
+	EImgConvExtInitFrameLStreamDec = EImgConvExtRelease+6
+	};
+Used by the proxy/stub to identify the function call implementation of the
+MImageConvStreamedEncode interface.
+enum TImgConvStreamedEncodeExtCmd
+	{
+	EImgConvExtGetSupportedFormatsLStreamEnc = EImgConvExtRelease+1,
+	EImgConvExtGetCapabilitiesStreamEnc = EImgConvExtRelease+2,
+	EImgConvExtInitFrameLStreamEnc = EImgConvExtRelease+3,
+	EImgConvExtAppendBlocks = EImgConvExtRelease+4,
+	EImgConvExtAddBlocks = EImgConvExtRelease+5,
+	EImgConvExtComplete = EImgConvExtRelease+6
+	};
+Used by the proxy/stub to identify the function call implementation of the
+MImageConvPrepare interface.
+enum TImgConvPrepareExtCmd
+	{
+	EImgConvExtPrepare = EImgConvExtRelease+1
+	};
+Abstract class that all Proxy classes inherit from.  Permits the
+CImageConvExtensionCache to cleanup the Proxys correctly.
+@see CImageConvExtensionCache
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvProxyBase ) : public CBase
+	{
+	virtual ~CImageConvProxyBase() {};
+	virtual void SetupExtension(MImageConvExtension*& aExtension) = 0;
+	};
+Abstract class that all Stub classes inherit from.  Permits the
+CSubThreadEncoderRelay to cleanup the Stubs correctly.
+@see CSubThreadEncoderRelay
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvStubBase ) : public CBase
+	{
+	virtual TUid Uid() const = 0;
+	virtual void HandleExecuteCommandL(TExecuteCommandParamsBase& aExecuteCommandBase) = 0;
+	virtual void HandleExecuteAsyncCommand(TExecuteCommandParamsAsyncBase& aExecuteCommandBase) = 0;
+	};
+Supports ICL client side extensions in calling the plugin-side
+MImageConvOperation implementation.
+Used only in the single-threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvOperation
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvOperationStraightProxy ) :	public CImageConvProxyBase,
+								 						public MImageConvOperation
+	{
+	static CImageConvOperationStraightProxy* NewL(MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	~CImageConvOperationStraightProxy();
+	// From CImageConvProxyBase
+	void SetupExtension(MImageConvExtension*& aExtension);
+	// From MImageConvOperation
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void IncrementRef();
+	void Release();
+	TUint Capabilities() const;
+	void AddOperationL(TImageConvOperation::TOperation aOperation);
+	void ClearOperationStack();
+	CImageConvOperationStraightProxy(MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	MImageConvOperation* iExtension;
+	MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* iStatusOwner;
+	RThread* iThread;
+	};	
+Supports ICL client side extensions in calling the plugin-side
+MImageConvOperation implementation.
+Used only in the threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvOperation
+@see CImageConvOperationStub
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvOperationProxy ) :	public CImageConvProxyBase,
+								 				public MImageConvOperation
+	{
+	static CImageConvOperationProxy* NewL(MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* aParent);
+	// From CImageConvProxyBase
+	void SetupExtension(MImageConvExtension*& aExtension);
+	// From MImageConvOperation
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void IncrementRef();
+	void Release();
+	TUint Capabilities() const;
+	void AddOperationL(TImageConvOperation::TOperation aOperation);
+	void ClearOperationStack();
+	explicit CImageConvOperationProxy(MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* aParent);
+	MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* iParent;
+	};
+Plugin-side stub class that relays calls from the operation proxy to the
+MImageConvOperation implementation.
+Used only in the threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvOperation
+@see CImageConvOperationProxy
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvOperationStub ) :	public CImageConvStubBase
+	{	
+	static CImageConvOperationStub* NewL(MImageConvExtension* aExtension, MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	~CImageConvOperationStub();
+	// From CImageConvStubBase
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void HandleExecuteCommandL(TExecuteCommandParamsBase& aExecuteCommandBase);
+	void HandleExecuteAsyncCommand(TExecuteCommandParamsAsyncBase& aExecuteCommandBase);
+	explicit CImageConvOperationStub(MImageConvExtension* aExtension, MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	MImageConvOperation* iExtension;
+	MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* iStatusOwner;
+	RThread* iThread;
+	};
+Supports ICL client side extensions in calling the plugin-side
+MImageConvScaler implementation.
+Used only in the single-threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvScaler
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvScalerStraightProxy ) : public CImageConvProxyBase, 
+							  				 		 public MImageConvScaler
+	{
+	static CImageConvScalerStraightProxy* NewL(MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	~CImageConvScalerStraightProxy();
+	// From CImageConvProxyBase
+	void SetupExtension(MImageConvExtension*& aExtension);
+	// From MImageConvScaler
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void IncrementRef();
+	void Release();
+	void GetCapabilities(TScalerCaps& aCaps) const;
+	void SetScalingL(const TSize& aDesiredSize, TImageConvScaler::TScalerQuality aQuality, TBool aLockAspectRatio);
+	void SetScalingL(TInt aScalingCoeff, TImageConvScaler::TScalerQuality aScalingQuality);
+	CImageConvScalerStraightProxy(MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	MImageConvScaler* iExtension;
+	MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* iStatusOwner;
+	RThread* iThread;
+	};
+Supports ICL client side extensions in calling the plugin-side
+MImageConvScaler implementation.
+Used only in the threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvScaler
+@see CImageConvScalerStub
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvScalerProxy ) : public CImageConvProxyBase, 
+							  				 public MImageConvScaler
+	{
+	static CImageConvScalerProxy* NewL(MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* aParent);
+	// From CImageConvProxyBase
+	void SetupExtension(MImageConvExtension*& aExtension);
+	// From MImageConvScaler
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void IncrementRef();
+	void Release();
+	void GetCapabilities(TScalerCaps& aCaps) const;
+	void SetScalingL(const TSize& aDesiredSize, TImageConvScaler::TScalerQuality aQuality, TBool aLockAspectRatio);
+	void SetScalingL(TInt aScalingCoeff, TImageConvScaler::TScalerQuality aScalingQuality);
+	explicit CImageConvScalerProxy(MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* aParent);
+	MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* iParent;
+	};
+Plugin-side stub class that relays calls from the scaler proxy to the
+MImageConvScaler implementation.
+Used only in the threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvScaler
+@see CImageConvScalerProxy
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvScalerStub ) :	public CImageConvStubBase
+	{	
+	static CImageConvScalerStub* NewL(MImageConvExtension* aExtension, MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	~CImageConvScalerStub();
+	// From CImageConvStubBase
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void HandleExecuteCommandL(TExecuteCommandParamsBase& aExecuteCommandBase);
+	void HandleExecuteAsyncCommand(TExecuteCommandParamsAsyncBase& aExecuteCommandBase);
+	explicit CImageConvScalerStub(MImageConvExtension* aExtension, MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	MImageConvScaler* iExtension;
+	MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* iStatusOwner;
+	RThread* iThread;
+	};
+Supports ICL client side extensions in calling the plugin-side
+MImageConvStreamedDecode implementation.
+Used only in the single-threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvStreamedDecode
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvStreamedDecodeStraightProxy ) : public CImageConvProxyBase,
+									  				 		 public MImageConvStreamedDecode
+	{
+	static CImageConvStreamedDecodeStraightProxy* NewL(MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	~CImageConvStreamedDecodeStraightProxy();
+	// From CImageConvProxyBase
+	void SetupExtension(MImageConvExtension*& aExtension);
+	// From MImageConvStreamedDecode
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void IncrementRef();
+	void Release();
+	void GetSupportedFormatsL(RArray<TUid>& aFormats, TUid& aOptimalFormat) const;
+	void GetCapabilities(TUid aFormat, TInt aFrameNumber, TDecodeStreamCaps& aCaps) const;
+	TInt GetBufferSize(TUid aFormat, TSize& aBlockSizeInPixels, TInt aNumBlocks) const;
+	void InitFrameL(TUid aFormat, TInt aFrameNumber, TDecodeStreamCaps::TNavigation aNavigation);
+	void GetBlocks(TRequestStatus* aStatus, CImageFrame* aFrame, TInt aSeqPosition, TInt aNumBlocksToGet, TInt* aNumBlocksRead);
+	void GetNextBlocks(TRequestStatus* aStatus, CImageFrame* aFrame, TInt aNumBlocksToGet, TInt* aNumBlocksRead, TBool* aHaveMoreBlocks);
+	CImageConvStreamedDecodeStraightProxy(MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	MImageConvStreamedDecode* iExtension;
+	MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* iStatusOwner;
+	RThread* iThread;
+	};
+Supports ICL client side extensions in calling the plugin-side
+MImageConvStreamedDecode implementation.
+Used only in the threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvStreamedDecode
+@see CImageConvStreamedDecodeStub
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvStreamedDecodeProxy ) : public CImageConvProxyBase,
+									  				 public MImageConvStreamedDecode
+	{
+	static CImageConvStreamedDecodeProxy* NewL(MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* aParent);
+	// From CImageConvProxyBase
+	void SetupExtension(MImageConvExtension*& aExtension);	
+	// From MImageConvStreamedDecode
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void IncrementRef();
+	void Release();
+	void GetSupportedFormatsL(RArray<TUid>& aFormats, TUid& aOptimalFormat) const;
+	void GetCapabilities(TUid aFormat, TInt aFrameNumber, TDecodeStreamCaps& aCaps) const;
+	TInt GetBufferSize(TUid aFormat, TSize& aBlockSizeInPixels, TInt aNumBlocks) const;
+	void InitFrameL(TUid aFormat, TInt aFrameNumber, TDecodeStreamCaps::TNavigation aNavigation);
+	void GetBlocks(TRequestStatus* aStatus, CImageFrame* aFrame, TInt aSeqPosition, TInt aNumBlocksToGet, TInt* aNumBlocksRead);
+	void GetNextBlocks(TRequestStatus* aStatus, CImageFrame* aFrame, TInt aNumBlocksToGet, TInt* aNumBlocksRead, TBool* aHaveMoreBlocks);
+	explicit CImageConvStreamedDecodeProxy(MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* aParent);
+	MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* iParent;
+	};
+Plugin-side stub class that relays calls from the streamed decode proxy to the
+MImageConvStreamedDecode implementation.
+Used only in the threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvStreamedDecode
+@see CImageConvStreamedDecodeProxy
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvStreamedDecodeStub ) :	public CImageConvStubBase
+	{	
+	static CImageConvStreamedDecodeStub* NewL(MImageConvExtension* aExtension, MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	~CImageConvStreamedDecodeStub();
+	// From CImageConvStubBase
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void HandleExecuteCommandL(TExecuteCommandParamsBase& aExecuteCommandBase);
+	void HandleExecuteAsyncCommand(TExecuteCommandParamsAsyncBase& aExecuteCommandBase);
+	explicit CImageConvStreamedDecodeStub(MImageConvExtension* aExtension, MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	MImageConvStreamedDecode* iExtension;
+	MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* iStatusOwner;
+	RThread* iThread;
+	};
+Supports ICL client side extensions in calling the plugin-side
+MImageConvStreamedEncode implementation.
+Used only in the single-threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvStreamedEncode
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvStreamedEncodeStraightProxy ) : public CImageConvProxyBase,
+									  				 		 public MImageConvStreamedEncode
+	{
+	static CImageConvStreamedEncodeStraightProxy* NewL(MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	~CImageConvStreamedEncodeStraightProxy();
+	// From CImageConvProxyBase
+	void SetupExtension(MImageConvExtension*& aExtension);
+	// From MImageConvStreamedEncode
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void IncrementRef();
+	void Release();
+	void GetSupportedFormatsL(RArray<TUid>& aFormats, TUid& aOptimalFormat) const;
+	void GetCapabilities(TUid aFormat, TEncodeStreamCaps& aCaps) const;
+	void InitFrameL(TUid aFormat, TInt aFrameNumber, const TSize& aFrameSizeInPixels, const TSize& aBlockSizeInPixels, TEncodeStreamCaps::TNavigation aNavigation, const CFrameImageData* aFrameImageData);
+	void AppendBlocks(TRequestStatus* aStatus, const CImageFrame& aBlocks, TInt aNumBlocksToAdd);
+	void AddBlocks(TRequestStatus* aStatus, const CImageFrame& aBlocks, const TInt& aSeqPosition);
+	void Complete(TRequestStatus* aStatus);
+	CImageConvStreamedEncodeStraightProxy(MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	MImageConvStreamedEncode* iExtension;
+	MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* iStatusOwner;
+	RThread* iThread;
+	};
+Supports ICL client side extensions in calling the plugin-side
+MImageConvStreamedEncode implementation.
+Used only in the threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvStreamedEncode
+@see CImageConvStreamedEncodeStub
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvStreamedEncodeProxy ) : public CImageConvProxyBase,
+									  				 public MImageConvStreamedEncode
+	{
+	static CImageConvStreamedEncodeProxy* NewL(MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* aParent);
+	// From CImageConvProxyBase
+	void SetupExtension(MImageConvExtension*& aExtension);
+	// From MImageConvStreamedEncode
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void IncrementRef();
+	void Release();
+	void GetSupportedFormatsL(RArray<TUid>& aFormats, TUid& aOptimalFormat) const;
+	void GetCapabilities(TUid aFormat, TEncodeStreamCaps& aCaps) const;
+	void InitFrameL(TUid aFormat, TInt aFrameNumber, const TSize& aFrameSizeInPixels, const TSize& aBlockSizeInPixels, TEncodeStreamCaps::TNavigation aNavigation, const CFrameImageData* aFrameImageData);
+	void AppendBlocks(TRequestStatus* aStatus, const CImageFrame& aBlocks, TInt aNumBlocksToAdd);
+	void AddBlocks(TRequestStatus* aStatus, const CImageFrame& aBlocks, const TInt& aSeqPosition);
+	void Complete(TRequestStatus* aStatus);
+	explicit CImageConvStreamedEncodeProxy(MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* aParent);
+	MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* iParent;
+	};
+Plugin-side stub class that relays calls from the streamed encode proxy to the
+MImageConvStreamedEncode implementation.
+Used only in the threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvStreamedEncode
+@see CImageConvStreamedEncodeProxy
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvStreamedEncodeStub ) :	public CImageConvStubBase
+	{	
+	static CImageConvStreamedEncodeStub* NewL(MImageConvExtension* aExtension, MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	~CImageConvStreamedEncodeStub();
+	// From CImageConvStubBase
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void HandleExecuteCommandL(TExecuteCommandParamsBase& aExecuteCommandBase);
+	void HandleExecuteAsyncCommand(TExecuteCommandParamsAsyncBase& aExecuteCommandBase);
+	explicit CImageConvStreamedEncodeStub(MImageConvExtension* aExtension, MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	MImageConvStreamedEncode* iExtension;
+	MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* iStatusOwner;
+	RThread* iThread;
+	};
+Supports ICL client side extensions in calling the plugin-side
+MImageConvPrepare implementation.
+Used only in the single-threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvPrepare
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvPrepareStraightProxy ) : public CImageConvProxyBase,
+									  				  public MImageConvPrepare
+	{
+	static CImageConvPrepareStraightProxy* NewL(MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	~CImageConvPrepareStraightProxy();
+	// From CImageConvProxyBase
+	void SetupExtension(MImageConvExtension*& aExtension);
+	// From MImageConvPrepare
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void IncrementRef();
+	void Release();
+	void Prepare(TRequestStatus* aStatus);
+	CImageConvPrepareStraightProxy(MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	MImageConvPrepare* iExtension;
+	MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* iStatusOwner;
+	RThread* iThread;
+	};
+Supports ICL client side extensions in calling the plugin-side
+MImageConvPrepare implementation.
+Used only in the threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvPrepare
+@see CImageConvPrepareStub
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvPrepareProxy ) : public CImageConvProxyBase,
+											  public MImageConvPrepare
+	{
+	static CImageConvPrepareProxy* NewL(MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* aParent);
+	// From CImageConvProxyBase
+	void SetupExtension(MImageConvExtension*& aExtension);	
+	// From MImageConvPrepare
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void IncrementRef();
+	void Release();
+	void Prepare(TRequestStatus* aStatus);
+	explicit CImageConvPrepareProxy(MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* aParent);
+	MImageConvExtensionThreadedSupport* iParent;
+	};
+Plugin-side stub class that relays calls from the Prepare proxy to the
+MImageConvPrepare implementation.
+Used only in the threaded operations.
+@see MImageConvPrepare
+@see CImageConvPrepareProxy
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CImageConvPrepareStub ) :	public CImageConvStubBase
+	{	
+	static CImageConvPrepareStub* NewL(MImageConvExtension* aExtension, MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	~CImageConvPrepareStub();
+	// From CImageConvStubBase
+	TUid Uid() const;
+	void HandleExecuteCommandL(TExecuteCommandParamsBase& aExecuteCommandBase);
+	void HandleExecuteAsyncCommand(TExecuteCommandParamsAsyncBase& aExecuteCommandBase);
+	explicit CImageConvPrepareStub(MImageConvExtension* aExtension, MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* aStatusOwner, RThread& aRequestThread);
+	MImageConvPrepare* iExtension;
+	MFrameworkExtAsyncInterface* iStatusOwner;
+	RThread* iThread;
+	};