--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmdevicefw/mdf/src/video/encoderadapter/mdfvideoencodehwdeviceadapter.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,975 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "mdfvideoencodehwdeviceadapter.h"
+#include <mmf/server/mmfdatabuffer.h>
+#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideobase.h>
+#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideopuconfig.h>
+#include <mmf/server/mmfdatabuffer.h>
+// Literal descriptor for the encoder's info
+_LIT8(KEncoderInfoCSInfo, "Coded by Symbian");
+// Literal descriptor for the encoder's implementation info
+_LIT8(KEncoderInfoISInfo, "Implemented by Symbian");
+// Literal descriptor for the video encoder panic
+_LIT(KDevVideoEncoderPanicCategory, "DevVideoEncoder");
+// Processing unit's input port index
+const TInt KEncoderPUInputPortIndex = 0;
+// Processing unit's output port index
+const TInt KEncoderPUOutputPortIndex = 0;
+// Processing unit's major version number
+const TInt KEncoderPUInfoVersionMaj = 0;
+// Processing unit's minor version number
+const TInt KEncoderPUInfoVersionMin = 1;
+// Processing unit's build version number
+const TInt KEncoderPUInfoVersionBuild = 1;
+// Bytes per pixel
+const TInt KBytesPerPixel = 3;
+void DevVideoEncoderPanic(TInt aReason)
+ {
+ User::Panic(KDevVideoEncoderPanicCategory, aReason);
+ }
+ Constructs a new instance of CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter.
+ @return "CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter*"
+ A pointer to the newly constructed HwDevice
+ */
+CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter* CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::NewL()
+ {
+ CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter* self = new(ELeave) CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ Default constructor
+ {
+ }
+ Safe contructor for CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter.
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::ConstructL()
+ {
+ // Load the PU Loader plugin
+ iPuLoader = static_cast<CMdfPuLoader*>
+ (REComSession::CreateImplementationL(TUid::Uid(KUidPuLoaderImplementation), iPuLoaderDtorKey));
+ }
+ Default destructor
+ {
+ if(iEncoderPU)
+ {
+ iPuLoader->UnloadProcessingUnit(iEncoderPU);
+ }
+ delete iPuLoader;
+ delete iPuData;
+ delete iManufacturer;
+ REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(iPuLoaderDtorKey);
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < iOutputVideoFormats.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ delete iOutputVideoFormats[i];
+ }
+ iEncoderPUOutputPortsArray.Reset();
+ iEncoderPUOutputPortsArray.Close();
+ iEncoderPUInputPortsArray.Reset();
+ iEncoderPUInputPortsArray.Close();
+ iPictureRates.Reset();
+ iPictureRates.Close();
+ iInputVideoFormats.Reset();
+ iInputVideoFormats.Close();
+ iOutputVideoFormats.Reset();
+ iOutputVideoFormats.Close();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < iDataBuffers.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ User::Free((TAny*)iDataBuffers[i].iData.Ptr());
+ }
+ iDataBuffers.Reset();
+ iDataBuffers.Close();
+ delete iInputBuffer;
+ delete iOutputBuffer;
+ }
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::LoadProcessingUnitL(const CImplementationInformation& aImplInfo)
+ {
+ iPuUid = aImplInfo.ImplementationUid();
+ iEncoderPU = iPuLoader->LoadProcessingUnitL(*this,iPuUid);
+ // store the opaque data associated with this PU so we can extract information about
+ // the PU later
+ iPuData = CCodecApiVideoOpaqueData::NewL(aImplInfo.OpaqueData());
+ iManufacturer = HBufC::NewL(iPuData->Manufacturer().Length());
+ iManufacturer->Des().Copy(iPuData->Manufacturer());
+ }
+// private method : body of Initialize()
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::InitializeL()
+ {
+ if (!iEncoderPU)
+ {
+ iProxy->MdvrpInitializeComplete(this, KErrNotFound);
+ return;
+ }
+ // we have to pre-check that the image format is set correctly,
+ // else an attempt to set it into the config will panic.
+ switch(iFormat.iDataFormat)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ break;
+ case ERgbRawData:
+ case ERgbFbsBitmap:
+ case EYuvRawData:
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ break;
+ }
+ // get the encoder input ports
+ User::LeaveIfError(iEncoderPU->GetInputPorts(iEncoderPUInputPortsArray));
+ // set the observer for the encoder input ports
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < iEncoderPUInputPortsArray.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ iEncoderPUInputPortsArray[i]->MipSetObserver(*this);
+ }
+ // get the encoder output ports
+ User::LeaveIfError(iEncoderPU->GetOutputPorts(iEncoderPUOutputPortsArray));
+ // set the observer for the encoder input ports
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < iEncoderPUOutputPortsArray.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ iEncoderPUOutputPortsArray[i]->MopSetObserver(*this);
+ }
+ TInt bufSize = iPictureSize.iHeight * iPictureSize.iWidth * KBytesPerPixel;
+ iDataBuffers.Reset();
+ // create the buffer. zero out all fields
+ TVideoOutputBuffer buf;
+ memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ TUint8* bufData = (TUint8*)User::AllocL(bufSize);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(bufData);
+ buf.iData.Set(bufData, bufSize);
+ iDataBuffers.AppendL(buf);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(bufData); // don't destroy - owned by iDataBuffers
+ TDevVideoRecordPuConfig config;
+ config.iFrameSize = iPictureSize;
+ config.iImageFormat = iFormat;
+ config.iFrameRate = iFrameRate;
+ TPuConfigDevVideoRecord puConfig(config);
+ // initialize with config info.
+ iEncoderPU->Configure(puConfig);
+ // create input buffer
+ iInputBuffer = CMMFDescriptorBuffer::NewL(bufSize);
+ iEncoderPUInputPortsArray[KEncoderPUInputPortIndex]->MipUseBuffer(*iInputBuffer);
+ // create output buffer
+ TUint32 outputPortBufferSize =
+ iEncoderPUOutputPortsArray[KEncoderPUOutputPortIndex]->MopBufferSize();
+ iOutputBuffer = CMMFDescriptorBuffer::NewL(outputPortBufferSize);
+ iEncoderPUOutputPortsArray[KEncoderPUOutputPortIndex]->MopUseBuffer(*iOutputBuffer);
+ // initialize the encoder PU
+ iEncoderPU->Initialize();
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoHwDevice
+ */
+TAny* CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::CustomInterface(TUid aInterface)
+ {
+ if (aInterface.iUid == KUidDevVideoHwDeviceAdapterSetup)
+ {
+ return static_cast<MDevVideoHwDeviceAdapterSetup*>(this);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+CPreProcessorInfo* CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::PreProcessorInfoLC()
+ {
+ // we have no preprocessor info
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetInputFormatL(const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat, const TSize& aPictureSize)
+ {
+ iFormat = aFormat;
+ iPictureSize = aPictureSize;
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetSourceCameraL(TInt /* aCameraHandle */, TReal /* aPictureRate */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetSourceMemoryL(TReal aMaxPictureRate, TBool /* aConstantPictureRate */, TBool /* aProcessRealtime */)
+ {
+ iFrameRate = (TInt)aMaxPictureRate;
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::Initialize()
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, InitializeL());
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ iProxy->MdvrpInitializeComplete(this, err);
+ }
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::WritePictureL(TVideoPicture* aPicture)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iEncoderPU, DevVideoEncoderPanic(0));
+ if(!aPicture)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ // the picture size MUST be the same as the size the encoder has
+ // been initialized with.
+ if(aPicture->iData.iDataSize != iPictureSize)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ // Picture received : increment picture count
+ iPictureCounters.iInputPictures++;
+ iCurrentPicture = aPicture;
+ TDes8& data = iInputBuffer->Data();
+ data.SetLength((*aPicture->iData.iRawData).Length());
+ data.Copy(*aPicture->iData.iRawData);
+ iEncoderPUInputPortsArray[KEncoderPUInputPortIndex]->MipWriteData(*iInputBuffer);
+ iEncoderPUOutputPortsArray[KEncoderPUOutputPortIndex]->MopReadData(*iOutputBuffer);
+ // Picture encoded : increment picture count
+ iPictureCounters.iPicturesProcessed++;
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::InputEnd()
+ {
+ // The client has notified us it has reached the end of the input stream
+ iInputStreamEnd = ETrue;
+ iProxy->MdvrpStreamEnd();
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::Start()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iEncoderPU, DevVideoEncoderPanic(0));
+ iEncoderPU->Execute();
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::Stop()
+ {
+ iProxy->MdvrpFatalError(this, KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::Pause()
+ {
+ iProxy->MdvrpFatalError(this, KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::Resume()
+ {
+ iProxy->MdvrpFatalError(this, KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::Freeze()
+ {
+ iProxy->MdvrpFatalError(this, KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::ReleaseFreeze()
+ {
+ iProxy->MdvrpFatalError(this, KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::RecordingPosition()
+ {
+ // return picture count times frame rate
+ return iPictureCounters.iPicturesProcessed * (1000000 / iFrameRate);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::GetPictureCounters(CMMFDevVideoRecord::TPictureCounters& aCounters)
+ {
+ aCounters = iPictureCounters;
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::GetFrameStabilisationOutput(TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ aRect = TRect(iPictureSize);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+TUint CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::NumComplexityLevels()
+ {
+ // separate complexity levels are not available; return 1
+ return 1;
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetComplexityLevel(TUint /* aLevel */)
+ {
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+CVideoEncoderInfo* CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::VideoEncoderInfoLC()
+ {
+ //if PU is not loaded panic
+ if(iPuData == NULL)
+ {
+ DevVideoEncoderPanic(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ // output formats array
+ iOutputVideoFormats.Reset();
+ CCompressedVideoFormat* videoCV = NULL;
+ videoCV = CCompressedVideoFormat::NewL(iPuData->OutputDataType() , KNullDesC8);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(videoCV);
+ iOutputVideoFormats.AppendL(videoCV);
+ // Note; CCompressedVideo object is destroyed in destructor
+ CleanupStack::Pop(videoCV);
+ // input formats array
+ iInputVideoFormats.Reset();
+ TUncompressedVideoFormat inputFormats[3];
+ inputFormats[0].iDataFormat = ERgbRawData;
+ inputFormats[0].iRgbFormat = ERgb16bit565;
+ iInputVideoFormats.AppendL(inputFormats[0]);
+ inputFormats[1].iDataFormat = ERgbFbsBitmap;
+ inputFormats[1].iRgbFormat = EFbsBitmapColor16M;
+ iInputVideoFormats.AppendL(inputFormats[1]);
+ inputFormats[2].iDataFormat = EYuvRawData;
+ memset(&inputFormats[2].iYuvFormat, 0, sizeof(TYuvFormat));
+ iInputVideoFormats.AppendL(inputFormats[2]);
+ // construct the video Encoder info object
+ CVideoEncoderInfo* vInfo = CVideoEncoderInfo::NewL(
+ iPuUid,
+ *iManufacturer,
+ KNullDesC,
+ TVersion(KEncoderPUInfoVersionMaj, KEncoderPUInfoVersionMin, KEncoderPUInfoVersionBuild),
+ EFalse, // not accelerated
+ EFalse, // does not support direct capture
+ iInputVideoFormats.Array(),
+ iOutputVideoFormats.Array(),
+ iPuData->MaxPictureSize(),
+ EDuCodedPicture, // data unit type(s)
+ EDuElementaryStream, // data encapsulation type
+ 1, // num bitrate layers
+ EFalse, // does not support supplemental enhancement info
+ 1, // unequal error protection levels not supported
+ KMaxTUint32, // max bitrate supported
+ iPuData->MaxPictureRates().Array(),
+ 1, // in-layer scalability not supported
+ 0, // no supported picture options
+ EFalse, // picture loss not supported,
+ EFalse, // slice loss not supported,
+ KEncoderInfoCSInfo,
+ KEncoderInfoISInfo);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(vInfo);
+ return vInfo;
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetOutputFormatL(const CCompressedVideoFormat& /* aFormat */,
+ TVideoDataUnitType /* aDataUnitType */,
+ TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation /* aDataEncapsulation */,
+ TBool /* aSegmentationAllowed */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetOutputRectL(const TRect& /* aRect */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetInputDevice(CMMFVideoPreProcHwDevice* /*aDevice*/)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetErrorsExpected(TBool /* aBitErrors */, TBool /* aPacketLosses */)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetMinRandomAccessRate(TReal /* aRate */)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetNumBitrateLayersL(TUint /* aNumLayers */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetScalabilityLayerTypeL(TUint /* aLayer */, TScalabilityType /* aScalabilityType */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetGlobalReferenceOptions(TUint /* aMaxReferencePictures */, TUint /* aMaxPictureOrderDelay */)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetLayerReferenceOptions(TUint /* aLayer */, TUint /* aMaxReferencePictures */, TUint /* aMaxPictureOrderDelay */)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetBufferOptionsL(const TEncoderBufferOptions& /* aOptions */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetCodingStandardSpecificOptionsL(const TDesC8& /* aOptions */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetImplementationSpecificEncoderOptionsL(const TDesC8& /* aOptions */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+HBufC8* CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::CodingStandardSpecificInitOutputLC()
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+HBufC8* CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::ImplementationSpecificInitOutputLC()
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetErrorProtectionLevelsL(TUint /* aNumLevels */, TBool /* aSeparateBuffers */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetErrorProtectionLevelL(TUint /* aLevel */, TUint /* aBitrate */, TUint /* aStrength */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetChannelPacketLossRate(TUint /* aLevel */,
+ TReal /* aLossRate */,
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 /* aLossBurstLength */)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetChannelBitErrorRate(TUint /* aLevel */, TReal /* aErrorRate */, TReal /* aStdDeviation */)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetSegmentTargetSize(TUint /* aLayer */, TUint /* aSizeBytes */, TUint /* aSizeMacroblocks */)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetRateControlOptions(TUint /* aLayer */, const TRateControlOptions& /* aOptions */)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetInLayerScalabilityL(TUint /* aLayer */, TUint /* aNumSteps */,
+ TInLayerScalabilityType /* aScalabilityType */,
+ const TArray<TUint>& /* aBitrateShare */,
+ const TArray<TUint>& /* aPictureShare */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetLayerPromotionPointPeriod(TUint /* aLayer */, TUint /* aPeriod */)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+HBufC8* CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::CodingStandardSpecificSettingsOutputLC()
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+HBufC8* CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::ImplementationSpecificSettingsOutputLC()
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SendSupplementalInfoL(const TDesC8& /* aData */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SendSupplementalInfoL(const TDesC8& /* aData */, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& /* aTimestamp */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::CancelSupplementalInfo()
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::GetOutputBufferStatus(TUint& aNumFreeBuffers, TUint& aTotalFreeBytes)
+ {
+ // We have one output buffer, which has a max size of one raw frame.
+ aNumFreeBuffers = 1;
+ aTotalFreeBytes = iDataBuffers[0].iData.Size();
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::ReturnBuffer(TVideoOutputBuffer* /*aBuffer*/)
+ {
+ // Receive a used output buffer (from DevVideoRecord)
+ // We do nothing - we have one buffer, which is going to be re-used.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::PictureLoss()
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::PictureLoss(const TArray<TPictureId>& /* aPictures */)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SliceLoss(TUint /* aFirstMacroblock */, TUint /* aNumMacroblocks */, const TPictureId& /* aPicture */)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::ReferencePictureSelection(const TDesC8& /* aSelectionData */)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::CommitL()
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::Revert()
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetProxy(MMMFDevVideoRecordProxy& aProxy)
+ {
+ ASSERT(!iProxy);
+ iProxy = &aProxy;
+ }
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::MipoWriteDataComplete(const MMdfInputPort* aInputPort, CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, TInt aErrorCode)
+ {
+ if (aErrorCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ iProxy->MdvrpFatalError(this, aErrorCode);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (aInputPort == iEncoderPUInputPortsArray[KEncoderPUInputPortIndex])
+ {
+ if (aBuffer->LastBuffer())
+ {
+ iEncoderPU->Stop();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iProxy->MdvrpReturnPicture(iCurrentPicture);
+ iCurrentPicture = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::MipoDisconnectTunnelComplete(const MMdfInputPort* /*aInputPort*/, TInt aErrorCode)
+ {
+ if (aErrorCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ iProxy->MdvrpFatalError(this, aErrorCode);
+ }
+ }
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::MopoDisconnectTunnelComplete(const MMdfOutputPort* /*aOutputPort*/, TInt aErrorCode)
+ {
+ if (aErrorCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ iProxy->MdvrpFatalError(this, aErrorCode);
+ }
+ }
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::MopoReadDataComplete(const MMdfOutputPort* aOutputPort, CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, TInt aErrorCode)
+ {
+ if (aErrorCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ iProxy->MdvrpFatalError(this, aErrorCode);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (aOutputPort == iEncoderPUOutputPortsArray[KEncoderPUOutputPortIndex])
+ {
+ TVideoOutputBuffer buf;
+ CMMFDataBuffer* dataBuffer = static_cast<CMMFDataBuffer*>(aBuffer);
+ TUint bufSize = dataBuffer->BufferSize();
+ buf.iData.Set(const_cast<TUint8*>((dataBuffer->Data()).Ptr()), dataBuffer->BufferSize());
+ if (aBuffer->LastBuffer())
+ {
+ iEncoderPU->Stop();
+ iProxy->MdvrpStreamEnd();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!iInputStreamEnd)
+ {
+ // still expecting more buffers, so let client know
+ iProxy->MdvrpNewBuffer(&buf);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dataBuffer->Data().SetLength(0);
+ dataBuffer->SetLastBuffer(ETrue);
+ // Write a zero sized input buffer to the port, with the last buffer flag set
+ iEncoderPUInputPortsArray[KEncoderPUInputPortIndex]->MipWriteData(*iInputBuffer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::InitializeComplete(const CMdfProcessingUnit* /*aPu*/, TInt aErrorCode)
+ {
+ // KB: We have an error code, so use it not fatal error in this case
+ iProxy->MdvrpInitializeComplete(this, aErrorCode);
+ }
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::ExecuteComplete(const CMdfProcessingUnit* /*aPu*/, TInt aErrorCode)
+ {
+ if (aErrorCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ iProxy->MdvrpFatalError(this, aErrorCode);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::MipoRestartTunnelComplete(const MMdfInputPort* /*aInputPort*/, TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::MopoRestartTunnelComplete(const MMdfOutputPort* /*aOutputPort*/, TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetClockSource(MMMFClockSource* /* aClock */)
+ {
+ // Function is not supported.
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetPreProcessTypesL(TUint32 /* aPreProcessTypes */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetRgbToYuvOptionsL(TRgbRange /* aRange */, const TYuvFormat& /* aOutputFormat */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetYuvToYuvOptionsL(const TYuvFormat& /* aInputFormat */, const TYuvFormat& /* aOutputFormat */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetRotateOptionsL(TRotationType /* aRotationType */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetScaleOptionsL(const TSize& /* aTargetSize */, TBool /* aAntiAliasFiltering */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetInputCropOptionsL(const TRect& /* aRect */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetOutputCropOptionsL(const TRect& /* aRect */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetOutputPadOptionsL(const TSize& /* aOutputSize */, const TPoint& /* aPicturePos */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetColorEnhancementOptionsL(const TColorEnhancementOptions& /* aOptions */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetFrameStabilisationOptionsL(const TSize& /* aOutputSize */, TBool /* aFrameStabilisation */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ @see CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+ */
+void CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter::SetCustomPreProcessOptionsL(const TDesC8& /* aOptions */)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }