changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmdevicefw/mdf/src/video/encoderadapter/mdfvideoencodehwdeviceadapter.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// mdfvideoencoderhwdeviceadapter.h
+#include <mmf/devvideo/videorecordhwdevice.h>
+#include <mdf/mdfinputport.h>
+#include <mdf/mdfoutputport.h>
+#include <mdf/mdfprocessingunit.h>
+#include <mdf/mdfpuloader.h>
+#include <mdf/codecapivideoresolverutils.h>
+#include "mdfvideoencodehwdeviceadapter.hrh"
+#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideobase.h>
+#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideohwdeviceadaptersetup.h>
+class CMMFDescriptorBuffer;
+Video encoder hardware device. 
+This is the DevVideo encoder plugin component talking to a processing unit.
+class CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter :  public CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice,
+										public MMdfInputPortObserver,
+										public MMdfOutputPortObserver,
+										public MMdfProcessingUnitObserver,
+										public MDevVideoHwDeviceAdapterSetup
+	{
+	static CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter* NewL();
+	~CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter();
+	// from CMMFVideoHwDevice
+    TAny* CustomInterface(TUid aInterface);
+	// from CMMFVideoRecordHwDevice
+	CPreProcessorInfo* PreProcessorInfoLC();
+	void SetInputFormatL(const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat, const TSize& aPictureSize);
+	void SetSourceCameraL(TInt aCameraHandle, TReal aPictureRate);
+	void SetSourceMemoryL(TReal aMaxPictureRate, TBool aConstantPictureRate, TBool aProcessRealtime);
+	void SetClockSource(MMMFClockSource* aClock);
+	void SetPreProcessTypesL(TUint32 aPreProcessTypes);
+	void SetRgbToYuvOptionsL(TRgbRange aRange, const TYuvFormat& aOutputFormat);
+	void SetYuvToYuvOptionsL(const TYuvFormat& aInputFormat, const TYuvFormat& aOutputFormat);
+	void SetRotateOptionsL(TRotationType aRotationType);
+	void SetScaleOptionsL(const TSize& aTargetSize, TBool aAntiAliasFiltering);
+	void SetInputCropOptionsL(const TRect& aRect);
+	void SetOutputCropOptionsL(const TRect& aRect);
+	void SetOutputPadOptionsL(const TSize& aOutputSize, const TPoint& aPicturePos);
+	void SetColorEnhancementOptionsL(const TColorEnhancementOptions& aOptions);
+	void SetFrameStabilisationOptionsL(const TSize& aOutputSize, TBool aFrameStabilisation);
+	void SetCustomPreProcessOptionsL(const TDesC8& aOptions);
+	void Initialize();
+	void WritePictureL(TVideoPicture* aPicture);
+	void InputEnd();
+	void Start();
+	void Stop();
+	void Pause();
+	void Resume();
+	void Freeze();
+	void ReleaseFreeze();
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds RecordingPosition();
+	void GetPictureCounters(CMMFDevVideoRecord::TPictureCounters& aCounters);
+	void GetFrameStabilisationOutput(TRect& aRect);
+	TUint NumComplexityLevels();
+	void SetComplexityLevel(TUint aLevel);
+	void CommitL();
+	void Revert();
+	// from CMMFVideoEncodeHwDevice
+	CVideoEncoderInfo* VideoEncoderInfoLC();
+	void SetOutputFormatL(const CCompressedVideoFormat& aFormat, 
+								  TVideoDataUnitType aDataUnitType, 
+								  TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation aDataEncapsulation,
+								  TBool aSegmentationAllowed=EFalse);
+	void SetOutputRectL(const TRect& aRect);
+	void SetInputDevice(CMMFVideoPreProcHwDevice* aDevice);
+	void SetErrorsExpected(TBool aBitErrors, TBool aPacketLosses);
+	void SetMinRandomAccessRate(TReal aRate);
+	void SetNumBitrateLayersL(TUint aNumLayers);
+	void SetScalabilityLayerTypeL(TUint aLayer, TScalabilityType aScalabilityType);
+	void SetGlobalReferenceOptions(TUint aMaxReferencePictures, TUint aMaxPictureOrderDelay);
+	void SetLayerReferenceOptions(TUint aLayer, TUint aMaxReferencePictures, TUint aMaxPictureOrderDelay);
+	void SetBufferOptionsL(const TEncoderBufferOptions& aOptions);
+	void SetCodingStandardSpecificOptionsL(const TDesC8& aOptions);
+	void SetImplementationSpecificEncoderOptionsL(const TDesC8& aOptions);
+	HBufC8* CodingStandardSpecificInitOutputLC();
+	HBufC8* ImplementationSpecificInitOutputLC();
+	void SetErrorProtectionLevelsL(TUint aNumLevels, TBool aSeparateBuffers);
+	void SetErrorProtectionLevelL(TUint aLevel, TUint aBitrate, TUint aStrength);
+	void SetChannelPacketLossRate(TUint aLevel, 
+									  TReal aLossRate, 
+									  TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aLossBurstLength);
+	void SetChannelBitErrorRate(TUint aLevel, TReal aErrorRate, TReal aStdDeviation);
+	void SetSegmentTargetSize(TUint aLayer, TUint aSizeBytes, TUint aSizeMacroblocks);
+	void SetRateControlOptions(TUint aLayer, const TRateControlOptions& aOptions);
+	void SetInLayerScalabilityL(TUint aLayer, 
+									TUint aNumSteps,
+									TInLayerScalabilityType aScalabilityType,
+									const TArray<TUint>& aBitrateShare,
+									const TArray<TUint>& aPictureShare);
+	void SetLayerPromotionPointPeriod(TUint aLayer, TUint aPeriod);
+	HBufC8* CodingStandardSpecificSettingsOutputLC();
+	HBufC8* ImplementationSpecificSettingsOutputLC();
+	void SendSupplementalInfoL(const TDesC8& aData);
+	void SendSupplementalInfoL(const TDesC8& aData, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTimestamp);
+	void CancelSupplementalInfo();
+	void GetOutputBufferStatus(TUint& aNumFreeBuffers, TUint& aTotalFreeBytes);
+	void ReturnBuffer(TVideoOutputBuffer* aBuffer);
+	void PictureLoss();
+	void PictureLoss(const TArray<TPictureId>& aPictures);
+	void SliceLoss(TUint aFirstMacroblock, TUint aNumMacroblocks, const TPictureId& aPicture);
+	void ReferencePictureSelection(const TDesC8& aSelectionData);
+	void SetProxy(MMMFDevVideoRecordProxy& aProxy);
+	// from MMdfInputPortObserver
+	void MipoWriteDataComplete(const MMdfInputPort* aInputPort,CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, TInt aErrorCode);
+	void MipoDisconnectTunnelComplete(const MMdfInputPort* aInputPort, TInt aErrorCode);
+	void MipoRestartTunnelComplete(const MMdfInputPort* aInputPort, TInt aErrorCode);
+	// from MMdfOutputPortObserver
+	void MopoReadDataComplete(const MMdfOutputPort* aOutputPort, CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, TInt aErrorCode);
+	void MopoDisconnectTunnelComplete(const MMdfOutputPort* aOutputPort, TInt aErrorCode);
+	void MopoRestartTunnelComplete(const MMdfOutputPort* aOutputPort, TInt aErrorCode);	
+	// from MMdfProcessingUnitObserver
+	void InitializeComplete(const CMdfProcessingUnit* aPu, TInt aErrorCode);
+	void ExecuteComplete(const CMdfProcessingUnit* aPu, TInt aErrorCode);
+	// from MDevVideoHwDeviceAdapterSetup
+	void LoadProcessingUnitL(const CImplementationInformation& aImplInfo);
+	CMdfVideoEncodeHwDeviceAdapter();
+	void InitializeL();
+	void ConstructL();
+	// call back class for the DevVideo
+	MMMFDevVideoRecordProxy* iProxy;
+	// the encoder itself
+	CMdfProcessingUnit* iEncoderPU;
+	// the processing unit loader	
+	CMdfPuLoader* iPuLoader;
+	TUid iPuLoaderDtorKey;
+	// encoder port arrays
+	RPointerArray<MMdfInputPort>  iEncoderPUInputPortsArray;
+	RPointerArray<MMdfOutputPort> iEncoderPUOutputPortsArray;
+	// encoder settings
+	TUncompressedVideoFormat iFormat;
+	TSize iPictureSize;
+	TReal32 iFrameRate;
+	CMMFDevVideoRecord::TPictureCounters iPictureCounters;
+	// video format arrays (for VideoEncoderInfoLC())
+	RArray<CCompressedVideoFormat*> iOutputVideoFormats;
+	RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat> iInputVideoFormats;
+	RArray<TPictureRateAndSize> iPictureRates;
+	// output data buffers
+	RArray<TVideoOutputBuffer> iDataBuffers;
+	TBool iInputStreamEnd;
+	// buffers used to communicate to the encoder PU
+	CMMFDescriptorBuffer* iInputBuffer;
+	CMMFDescriptorBuffer* iOutputBuffer;
+	TVideoPicture* iCurrentPicture;	
+	// Uid of PU to load
+	TUid iPuUid;
+	CCodecApiVideoOpaqueData* iPuData;	
+	HBufC* iManufacturer;
+	};