changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmhais/videohai/devvideo/inc/H263.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Constants and structs specific to H.263.  See the DevVideo specs for more details.
+#ifndef __DEVVIDEO_H263_H__
+#define __DEVVIDEO_H263_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+Specifies the H263 picture type.
+enum TH263PictureType
+    {
+	/**INTRA picture*/
+    EH263PictureTypeI   = 0x01,
+	/**INTER picture*/
+    EH263PictureTypeP   = 0x02,
+	/**B picture according to H.263 Annex O*/
+    EH263PictureTypeB   = 0x04,
+	/**EI picture according to H.263 Annex O*/
+    EH263PictureTypeEI  = 0x08,
+	/**EP picture according to H.263 Annex O*/
+    EH263PictureTypeEP  = 0x10
+    };
+These enumerations can be used in codec capability indication and/or bitstream property indication.
+When used as part of an encoder capability indication, a signalled value indicates the capability
+of an encoder to produce such supplemental information to the bitstream and the additional meanings
+as specified below. When used as part of a decoder capability indication, a signalled value 
+indicates the capability of a decoder to react to such supplemental information in a way as 
+specified below. If a decoder does not have such capability, it shall be able to parse and discard
+the supplemental information. When used as part of a bitstream property indication, a non-signalled
+value indicates the absence of such information in the bitstream and a signalled value indicates 
+the possibility of having such information in the bitstream.
+enum TH263SupplementalInformation
+    {
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	no meaning
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 1
+	*/
+    EH263SEIDoNothing			 					= 0x00000001,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	capability to freeze displayed picture according to subclause L.4 of H.263capability to release frozen displayed picture as a response to bit 5 of PTYPE
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 2
+	*/
+    EH263SEIFullPictureFreeze            			= 0x00000002,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	capability to freeze displayed picture partially (subclause L.5 of H.263)
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 3
+	*/
+    EH263SEIPartialPictureFreeze         			= 0x00000004,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	capability to freeze and resize displayed picture partially (H.263 L.6)
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 4
+	*/
+    EH263SEIResizingPartialPictureFreeze 			= 0x00000008,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	capability to release partially frozen picture (subclause L.7 of H.263)
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 5
+	*/
+    EH263SEIPartialPictureFreezeRelease  			= 0x00000010,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	no meaning
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 6
+	*/
+    EH263SEIFullPictureSnapshotTag       			= 0x00000020,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	no meaning
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 7
+	*/
+    EH263SEIPartialPictureSnapshotTag    			= 0x00000040,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	no meaning
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 8
+	*/
+    EH263SEIVideoTimeSegmentStartTag     			= 0x00000080,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	no meaning
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 9
+	*/
+    EH263SEIVideoTimeSegmentEndTag       			= 0x00000100,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	no meaning
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 10
+	*/
+    EH263SEIProgressiveRefinementStartTag   		= 0x00000200,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	no meaning
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 11
+	*/
+    EH263SEIProgressiveRefinementEndTag     		= 0x00000400,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	operation according to sublause L.14 of H.263
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 12
+	*/
+    EH263SEIChromaKeying                 			= 0x00000800,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	use of the fixed-point IDCT algorithm specified in Annex W of H.263
+	decoder capability:	use of the fixed-point IDCT algorithm specified in Annex W of H.263
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 13
+	*/
+    EH263SEIFixedPointIDCT               			= 0x00001000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	no meaning
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 0
+	*/
+    EH263SEIArbitraryBinaryData          			= 0x00002000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	no meaning
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 1
+	*/
+    EH263SEIArbitraryText                   		= 0x00004000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	no meaning
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 2
+	*/
+    EH263SEICopyrightText                   		= 0x00008000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	capability of display caption text as specified in subclause W.6.3.5 of H.263
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 3
+	*/
+    EH263SEICaptionText                     		= 0x00010000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	no meaning
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 4
+	*/
+    EH263SEIVideoDescriptionText            		= 0x00020000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	no meaning
+	decoder capability:	no meaning
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 5
+	*/
+    EH263SEIUniformResourceIdentifierText   		= 0x00040000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	capability to repeat the current picture header (subclause W.6.3.7 of H.263)
+	decoder capability:	capability to recover a corrupted picture header with a repeated one
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 6
+	*/
+    EH263SEICurrentPictureHeaderRepetition  		= 0x00080000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	capability to repeat the previous picture header (subclause W.6.3.8 of H.263)
+	decoder capability:	capability to recover a corrupted or lost picture header with a repeated one
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 7
+	*/
+    EH263SEIPreviousPictureHeaderRepetition 		= 0x00100000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	capability to repeat the next picture header (W.6.3.9 of H.263)
+	decoder capability:	capability to recover a corrupted or lost picture header with a repeated one
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 8
+	*/
+    EH263SEINextPictureHeaderRepetitionReliableTR  	= 0x00200000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	capability to repeat the next picture header (W.6.3.10 of H.263)
+	decoder capability:	capability to recover a corrupted or lost picture header with a repeated one
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 9
+	*/
+    EH263SEINextPictureHeaderRepetitionUnreliableTR	= 0x00400000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	capability to encode top fields of interlaced pictures 
+	decoder capability:	capability to decode and display top fields of interlaced pictures (W.6.3.11of H.263)
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 10
+	*/
+    EH263SEITopInterlacedFieldIndication		   	= 0x00800000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	capability to encode bottom fields of interlaced pictures 
+	decoder capability:	capability to decode and display bottom fields of interlaced pictures (W.6.3.11of H.263)
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 10
+	*/
+    EH263SEIBottomInterlacedFieldIndication       	= 0x01000000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	capability to transmit picture numbers (subclause W.6.3.12 of H.263)
+	decoder capability:	capability to indicate reference picture losses from missing picture numbers
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 12
+	*/
+    EH263SEIPictureNumber                   		= 0x02000000,
+	/**
+	encoder capability:	capability to generate spare reference picture information (W.6.3.13 of H.263)
+	decoder capability:	capability to use a spare reference picture in absence of real reference picture
+	bitstream property:	existence of FTYPE equal to 14 and MTYPE equal to 13
+	*/
+    EH263SEISpareReferencePictures          		= 0x04000000
+    };
+H.263 picture header.
+class TH263PictureHeader
+    {
+	/**
+	Indicates the temporal reference. iTemporalReference is equal to the value of TR or the value
+	of (ETR << 8) + TR if ETR is present in the picture header.
+	*/
+    TUint iTemporalReference;
+	/**
+	iLongTermPicture equal to ETrue indicates that the picture has been marked as a long-term
+	picture according to the memory management control operation (MMCO) commands as specified 
+	in Annex U of H.263. Otherwise the picture is not a long-term picture.
+	*/
+    TBool iLongTermPicture;
+	/**
+	iSplitScreen is equal to the value of bit 3 of PTYPE.
+	*/
+    TBool iSplitScreen;
+	/**
+	iDocumentCamera is equal to the value of bit 4 of PTYPE.
+	*/
+    TBool iDocumentCamera;
+	/**
+	iFreezePictureRelease is equal to the value of bit 5 of PTYPE.
+	*/
+    TBool iFreezePictureRelease;
+	/**
+	Indicates the picture coding type. iPictureType is set according to the picture header as one 
+	of the values defined in TH263PictureType.
+	*/
+    TH263PictureType iPictureType;
+	/**
+	Indicates the initial value of the quantization parameter. iPQuant is equal to the value of 
+	the PQUANT syntax element.
+	*/
+    TUint iPQuant;
+	/**
+	Indicates the presence of the extended PTYPE field in the picture layer. The extended PTYPE 
+	field is specified in ITU-T Recommendation H.263 version 2 and later. iPlusPType is equal to 1 
+	if bits 6 - 8 of PTYPE are equal to '111'. Otherwise, iPlusPType is equal to 0.
+	*/
+    TBool iPlusPType;
+	/**
+	Indicates the presence of the full extended PTYPE field in the picture layer. If iPlusPType is 
+	EFalse, the value of of iUpdateFullExtendedPType is not valid. Otherwise, 
+	iUpdateFullExtendedPType is equal to the value of the UFEP syntax element.
+	*/
+    TBool iUpdateFullExtendedPType;
+	/**
+	Pixel aspect ratio numerator and denominator respectively. The pixel aspect ratio is defined as
+	iAspectRatioNum/iAspectRatioDenom, where the values are positive integers and relatively prime.
+	If iPlusPType is equal to 0, or iPlusPType is ETrue and iUpdateFullExtendedPType is ETrue and 
+	bits 1 - 3 of the OPPTYPE syntax element are not equal to '110', iAspectRatioNum shall be equal
+	to 12 and iAspectRatioDenom shall be equal to 11 (as specified in subclause 4.1 of ITU-T 
+	Recommendation H.263). If iPlusPType is ETrue and iUpdateFullExtendedPType is ETrue and bits
+	1 - 3 of the OPPTYPE syntax element are equal to '110', the values of iAspectRatioNum and 
+	iAspectRatioDenom are set as specified in subclauses 5.1.5 and 5.1.6 of ITU-T Recommendation
+	H.263. Otherwise (iPlusPType is ETrue and iUpdateFullExtendedPType is EFalse), the values of
+	iAspectRatioNum and iAspectRatioDenom are not valid.
+	*/
+    TUint iAspectRatioNum;
+	/**
+	Pixel aspect ratio numerator and denominator respectively. The pixel aspect ratio is defined as
+	iAspectRatioNum/iAspectRatioDenom, where the values are positive integers and relatively prime.
+	If iPlusPType is equal to 0, or iPlusPType is ETrue and iUpdateFullExtendedPType is ETrue and 
+	bits 1 - 3 of the OPPTYPE syntax element are not equal to '110', iAspectRatioNum shall be equal
+	to 12 and iAspectRatioDenom shall be equal to 11 (as specified in subclause 4.1 of ITU-T 
+	Recommendation H.263). If iPlusPType is ETrue and iUpdateFullExtendedPType is ETrue and bits
+	1 - 3 of the OPPTYPE syntax element are equal to '110', the values of iAspectRatioNum and 
+	iAspectRatioDenom are set as specified in subclauses 5.1.5 and 5.1.6 of ITU-T Recommendation
+	H.263. Otherwise (iPlusPType is ETrue and iUpdateFullExtendedPType is EFalse), the values of
+	iAspectRatioNum and iAspectRatioDenom are not valid.
+	*/
+    TUint iAspectRatioDenom;
+	/**
+	Picture clock frequency numerator and denominator respectively. The picture clock frequency 
+	for temporal reference is defined as iPictureClockFrequencyRate / iPictureClockFrequencyScale
+	in floating point arithmetic and where the values are positive integers and relatively prime. 
+	If iPlusPType is equal to 0, or iPlusPType is equal to 1 and iUpdateFullExtendedPType is equal 
+	to 1 and bit 4 of the OPPTYPE syntax element is equal to 0, iPictureClockFrequencyRate shall be 
+	equal to 30000 and iPictureClockFrequencyScale shall be equal to 1001 (as specified in subclause
+	4.1 of ITU-T Recommendation H.263). If iPlusPType is equal to 1 and iUpdateFullExtendedPType is
+	equal to 1 and bit 4 of the OPPTYPE syntax element is equal to 1, the values of 
+	iPictureClockFrequencyRate and iPictureClockFrequencyScale are set as specified in subclause
+	5.1.7 of ITU-T Recommendation H.263. Otherwise (iPlusPType is equal to 1 and 
+	iUpdateFullExtendedPType is equal to 0), the values of iPictureClockFrequencyRate and
+	iPictureClockFrequencyScale are not valid.
+	*/
+    TUint iPictureClockFrequencyRate;
+	/**
+	Picture clock frequency numerator and denominator respectively. The picture clock frequency 
+	for temporal reference is defined as iPictureClockFrequencyRate / iPictureClockFrequencyScale
+	in floating point arithmetic and where the values are positive integers and relatively prime. 
+	If iPlusPType is equal to 0, or iPlusPType is equal to 1 and iUpdateFullExtendedPType is equal 
+	to 1 and bit 4 of the OPPTYPE syntax element is equal to 0, iPictureClockFrequencyRate shall be 
+	equal to 30000 and iPictureClockFrequencyScale shall be equal to 1001 (as specified in subclause
+	4.1 of ITU-T Recommendation H.263). If iPlusPType is equal to 1 and iUpdateFullExtendedPType is
+	equal to 1 and bit 4 of the OPPTYPE syntax element is equal to 1, the values of 
+	iPictureClockFrequencyRate and iPictureClockFrequencyScale are set as specified in subclause
+	5.1.7 of ITU-T Recommendation H.263. Otherwise (iPlusPType is equal to 1 and 
+	iUpdateFullExtendedPType is equal to 0), the values of iPictureClockFrequencyRate and
+	iPictureClockFrequencyScale are not valid.
+	*/
+    TUint iPictureClockFrequencyScale;
+    };
+This class is used to signal decoder or encoder capabilities or bitstream properties.
+class TH263VideoCapability
+    {
+	/**
+	When part of a codec capability indication, iProfileLevel[ProfileNumber] indicates the 
+	maximum processing level that a decoder or an encoder supports for a particular profile 
+	indicated by ProfileNumber. A negative value indicates that the profile is not supported.
+	When part of a stream property indication, iProfileLevel[ProfileNumber] indicates the maximum
+	processing level that is present in the stream for a particular profile indicated by 
+	ProfileNumber. A negative value indicates that the stream does not contain data coded according 
+	to the indicated profile.
+	*/
+    TInt iProfileLevel[9];
+	/**
+	When equal to ETrue, indicating that it is allowed to use PLUSPTYPE (specified in the 1998 
+	version of H.263) to indicate custom picture sizes or clock frequencies. When equal to EFalse,
+	PLUSPTYPE shall not be used.
+	*/
+    TBool iPLUSPTYPEAllowed;
+	/**
+	iSupplementalInformationCap indicates the supported supplemental enhancement functions. The
+	value is a binary OR of values from TH263SupplementalInformation.
+	*/
+    TUint32 iSupplementalInformationCap;
+    };
+This class is used to set the encoder operation mode.
+class TH263VideoMode
+    {
+	/**
+	Specifies the picture types allowed in the bitstream. The value is a binary OR of values from
+	TH263PictureType. Signaled picture types that are not included in the prevailing coding profile
+	are ignored.
+	*/
+    TUint32 iAllowedPictureTypes;
+	/**
+	iForceRoundingTypeToZero equal to EFalse specifies that the value of the RTYPE bit (bit 6 of 
+	MPPTYPE) is not constrained. It is recommended to change the value of the RTYPE bit for each 
+	reference picture in error-free communication (subclause of ITU-T H.263 Recommendation).
+	iForceRoundingTypeToZero equal to ETrue specifies that the value of the RTYPE bit shall be equal 
+	to 0 or that the RTYPE field shall not be present in the picture layer. It is recommended to set 
+	iForceRoundingTypeToZero equal to ETrue (and consequently RTYPE equal to 0) in error-prone 
+	communication as recommended in section 4.2.6 of H.263 Appendix III [R6] and [R7].
+	*/
+    TBool iForceRoundingTypeToZero;
+	/**
+	Specifies the frequency of picture header repetition as specified in this paragraph. If 
+	iPictureHeaderRepetition is equal to 0, picture headers are not repeated. Otherwise, a picture 
+	header is repeated, if the value of the GFID syntax element is not equal to the value of the 
+	GFID syntax element of the previous picture in bitstream order. If EDuRtpPayload data unit 
+	encapsulation is in use, a picture header is repeated the number of times indicated by the value 
+	of iPictureHeaderRepetition in those RTP payloads of the picture where the P bit according to 
+	RFC 2429 [R8] is set equal to 1 and which do not contain the original picture header. If 
+	EDuElementaryStream data unit encapsulation is in use, the picture header is repeated once in 
+	the supplemental enhancement information of the next picture as specified in subclause W.6.3.8
+	of ITU-T Recommendation H.263 and section 4.2.6 of H.263 Appendix III [R6].
+	*/
+    TUint iPictureHeaderRepetition;
+	/**
+	Specifies the interval of non-empty GOB headers in units of GOBs. The value of 
+	iGOBHeaderInterval is valid if no slice structured coding mode (Annex K or Annex V) is in use. 
+	If iGOBHeaderInterval is equal to 0 and an unlimited segment size is specified with the 
+	SetSegmentTargetSize method, the encoder should not generate GOB headers. If iGOBHeaderInterval 
+	is greater than 0 and an unlimited segment size is specified with the SetSegmentTargetSize 
+	method, the encoder should generate a non-empty GOB header for every iGOBHeaderInterval-th GOB.
+	If SetSegmentTargetSize is used to set a limited segment size, the encoder should generate 
+	segments (i.e., insert non-empty GOB headers) so that the length of the segment is no larger
+	than the target size in bytes and no larger than the GOB header frequency specified with the 
+	value of iGOBHeaderInterval.
+	*/
+    TUint iGOBHeaderInterval;
+    };
+H.263 HRD parameters.
+class TH263HrdParams
+    {
+	/**
+	When iAnnexXConstraints is equal to EFalse, iBPPmaxKb, iB, and iRmax indicate the values of HRD 
+	parameters. When iAnnexXConstraints is equal to ETrue, the values of iBPPmaxKb, iB, and iRmax in 
+	this class are ignored but rather their values are specified in Annex X of ITU-T Recommendation
+	H.263. 
+	*/
+    TBool iAnnexXConstraints;
+	/**
+	Signals the BPPmaxKb parameter of H.263. As specified in ITU-T Recommendation H.263. The number 
+	of bits created by coding any single picture shall not exceed a maximum value specified by the 
+	parameter BPPmaxKb that is measured in units of 1024 bits. The minimum value of BPPmaxKb is 
+	specified in Table 1 of ITU-T Recommendation H.263.
+	*/
+    TUint iBPPmaxKb;
+	/**
+	Signals the B parameter of H.263 Annex B. As specified in Annex B of ITU-T Recommendation H.263. 
+	The value of B shall be equal to or greater than 4 * Rmax / PCF, where PCF is the picture clock 
+	frequency specified in subclause 5.1.7 of ITU-T Recommendation H.263. The HRD receiving buffer 
+	size is equal to (B + BPPmaxKb * 1024 bits).
+	*/
+    TUint iB;
+	/**
+	Signals the maximum video bit rate in bits per second, i.e., the Rmax parameter of H.263 Annex B. 
+	*/
+    TUint iRmax;
+    };
+H.263 redundant picture header.
+Points to a buffer to contain the redundant picture header in the orignal bitstream order. The
+buffer may be used by the MSL client in playback to pass the decapsulated redundant picture header 
+from an RTP payload formatted according to RFC 2429, or used by the MSL client in recording to pass
+the picture header to the RTP encapsulator.
+typedef TPtr8* TH263RedundantPictureHeader;