--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmhais/videohai/devvideo/inc/Mpeg4Visual.h Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Constants and structs specific to Mpeg4 Visual. See the DevVideo specs for more details.
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <mmf/devvideo/h263.h>
+Specifies the picture type.
+enum TMPEG4VisualVOPType
+ {
+ /**
+ An Intra-coded (I) VOP is coded using information only from itself.
+ */
+ EMPEG4VisualVOPTypeI = 0x01,
+ /**
+ A Predictive-coded (P) VOP is a VOP which is coded using motion compensated prediction from a
+ past reference VOP.
+ */
+ EMPEG4VisualVOPTypeP = 0x02,
+ /**
+ A Bidirectionally predictive-coded (B) VOP is a VOP which is coded using motion compensated
+ prediction from a past and/or future reference VOP(s).
+ */
+ EMPEG4VisualVOPTypeB = 0x04,
+ /**
+ A sprite (S) VOP is a VOP for a sprite object or a VOP which is coded using prediction based on
+ global motion compensation from a past reference VOP.
+ */
+ EMPEG4VisualVOPTypeS = 0x08
+ };
+Specifies the MPEG-4 Visual header types.
+enum TMPEG4VisualHeaderType
+ {
+ /**
+ Visual Object Sequence Header.
+ */
+ EMPEG4VisualHeaderSequence = 0x01,
+ /**
+ Visual Object Header.
+ */
+ EMPEG4VisualHeaderObject = 0x02,
+ /**
+ Video Object Layer Header.
+ */
+ EMPEG4VisualHeaderVOL = 0x04,
+ /**
+ Group of Video Object Plane Header.
+ */
+ EMPEG4VisualHeaderGOV = 0x08,
+ /**
+ Video Object Plane Header.
+ */
+ EMPEG4VisualHeaderVOP = 0x10
+ };
+Object sequence header.
+class TMPEG4VisualObjectSequenceHeader
+ {
+ /**
+ Used to signal the profile and level identification according to Table G-1 of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint iProfileLevel;
+ /**
+ Contains the user_data bytes, if any, that are directly included in the VideoObjectSequence()
+ syntax structure (subclause 6.2.2 of MPEG-4 Visual), in bitstream order. The pointer must remain
+ valid as long as the object it belongs to is being processed by the client (for playback) or MSL
+ video subsystem (for recording).
+ */
+ TPtrC8 iUserData;
+ };
+Object header.
+class TMPEG4VisualObjectHeader
+ {
+ /**
+ Identifies the version number of the visual object as specified in the semantics of
+ visual_object_verid syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint iVisualObjectVerid;
+ /**
+ Specifies the priority of the visual object as specified in the semantics of
+ visual_object_priority syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual. If the visual_object_priority syntax
+ element is not present in the bitstream, iVisualObjectPriority shall be equal to 0.
+ */
+ TUint iVisualObjectPriority;
+ /**
+ Identifies the type of the visual object as specified in the semantics of
+ visual_object_type syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual. HW devices according to this specification
+ are required to set iVisualObjectType to 1 (to indicate "video ID").
+ */
+ TUint iVisualObjectType;
+ /**
+ Uniquely identifies the video object. The value of iVideoObjectId shall be the same as the
+ value of the video_object_id syntax element specified in MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint iVideoObjectId;
+ /**
+ Contains the user_data bytes, if any, that are directly included in the VideoObject() syntax
+ structure (subclause 6.2.2 of MPEG-4 Visual), in bitstream order. The pointer must remain valid
+ as long as the object it belongs to is being processed by the client (for playback) or MSL video
+ subsystem (for recording).
+ */
+ TPtrC8 iUserData;
+ };
+Mpeg4 Visual VBV parameters.
+If the syntax elements that are used to derive the values of the class member variables are not
+present in the bitstream, the variable values shall be set to default values as specified in
+Annex D of MPEG-4 Visual.
+class TMPEG4VisualVbvParams
+ {
+ /**
+ Specifies the instantaneous video object layer channel bit rate in bits per second. Shall be set
+ to ((first_half_bit_rate << 15) + latter_half_bit_rate) * 400, where the values of
+ first_half_bit_rate and latter_half_bit_rate are conveyed in the VideoObjectLayer syntax
+ structure of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TInt64 iBitRate;
+ /**
+ Specifies the VBV buffer size in bytes. Shall be set to
+ ((first_half_vbv_buffer_size) << 3) + latter_half_vbv_buffer_size) * 2048,
+ where the values of first_half_vbv_buffer_size and latter_half_vbv_buffer_size are conveyed in
+ the VideoObjectLayer syntax structure of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint32 iVbvBufferSize;
+ /**
+ Specifies VBV occupancy in bytes just before the removal of the first VOP following the VOL
+ header. The purpose for the quantity is to provide the initial condition for VBV buffer fullness.
+ Shall be set to ((first_half_vbv_occupancy) << 15) + latter_half_vbv_occupancy) * 2048, where
+ the values of first_half_vbv_occupancy and latter_half_vbv_occupancy are conveyed in the
+ VideoObjectLayer syntax structure of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint32 iVbvOccupancy;
+ };
+Video object layer header.
+class TMPEG4VisualVOLHeader
+ {
+ /**
+ Uniquely identifies the video object layer. The value of iVideoObjectLayerId shall be the same
+ as the value of the video_object_layer_id syntax element specified in MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint iVideoObjectLayerId;
+ /**
+ iShortVideoHeader equal to ETrue indicates that the associated elementary stream conforms to
+ ITU-T Recommendation H.263 (without optional coding modes). The value of iShortVideoHeader
+ shall be equal to the value of the short_video_header flag of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TBool iShortVideoHeader;
+ /**
+ iRandomAccessibleVOL equal to ETrue indicates that every VOP in this VOL is individually
+ decodable. The value of iRandomAccessibleVOL shall be equal to the value of the
+ random_accessible_vol flag of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TBool iRandomAccessibleVOL;
+ /**
+ Indicates the object type as specified in Table 6-10 of MPEG-4 Visual and constrains the
+ associated elementary stream to use tools from the indicated object type. HW devices according
+ to this specification are required to set iVideoObjectTypeIndication to 1 (to indicate Simple
+ Object Type).
+ */
+ TUint iVideoObjectTypeIndication;
+ /**
+ Identifies the version number of the video object layer as specified in the semantics of
+ video_object_layer_verid syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint iVideoObjectLayerVerid;
+ /**
+ */
+ TUint iVideoObjectLayerPriority;
+ /**
+ Specifies the priority of the video object layer as specified in the semantics of
+ video_object_layer_priority syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual. If the video_object_layer_priority
+ syntax element is not present in the bitstream, iVideoObjectLayerPriority shall be equal to 0.
+ */
+ TUint iAspectRatioNum;
+ /**
+ Pixel aspect ratio numerator and denominator respectively. The pixel aspect ratio is defined as
+ iAspectRatioNum/iAspectRatioDenom, where the values are positive integers and relatively prime.
+ These values shall be set according to the value of aspect_ratio_info, par_width (if present),
+ and par_height (if present) syntax elements in the VideoObjectLayer() syntax structure of MPEG-4
+ Visual.
+ */
+ TUint iAspectRatioDenom;
+ /**
+ Specifies the VBV parameters in use for the VOL. The values in iVbvParams are valid if
+ iShortVideoHeader equals to EFalse. If iShortVideoHeader equals to ETrue, the VBV operation and
+ parameters are specified in Annex D of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TMPEG4VisualVbvParams iVbvParams;
+ /**
+ Indicates the number of evenly spaced subintervals, called ticks, within one modulo time. One
+ modulo time represents the fixed interval of one second. Shall be set equal to the value of
+ vop_time_increment_resolution of the VideoObjectLayer() syntax structure of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint16 iVOPTimeIncrementResolution;
+ /**
+ iFixedVOPRate equal to ETrue indicates that all VOPs are coded with a fixed VOP rate.
+ iFixedVOPRate equal to EFalse indicates that some VOPs may not be coded with a fixed VOP rate.
+ Shall be set equal to the value of fixed_vop_rate of the VideoObjectLayer() syntax structure
+ of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TBool iFixedVOPRate;
+ /**
+ The number of ticks between two successive VOPs in the display order. Valid only if
+ iFixedVOPRate is equal to ETrue. Shall be set equal to the value of fixed_vop_time_increment
+ of the VideoObjectLayer() syntax structure of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint16 iFixedVOPTimeIncrement;
+ /**
+ iDataPartitioning equal to ETrue indicates that slices are organized in data partitions within
+ the associated elementary bitstream. Shall be set equal to the value of the data_partitioned
+ syntax element of the VideoObjectLayer() syntax structure of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TBool iDataPartitioning;
+ /**
+ iReversibleVLC equal to ETrue indicates that the reversible variable length tables of MPEG-4
+ Visual are in use in the associated elementary bistream. Shall be set equal to the value of the
+ reversible_vlc syntax element of the VideoObjectLayer() syntax structure of MPEG-4 Visual. If
+ reversible_vlc is not present in the bitstream, the value of iReversibleVLC shall be set to
+ EFalse.
+ */
+ TBool iReversibleVLC;
+ /**
+ Contains the user_data bytes, if any, that are directly included in the VideoObjectLayer()
+ syntax structure, in bitstream order. The pointer must remain valid as long as the object it
+ belongs to is being processed by the client (for playback) or MSL video subsystem (for
+ recording).
+ */
+ TPtrC8 iUserData;
+ };
+Mpeg4 visual GOV header.
+class TMPEG4VisualGOVHeader
+ {
+ /**
+ iTimeCodeHours, iTimeCodeMinutes and iTimeCodeSeconds together specify the modulo part (i.e. the
+ full second units) of the time base for the first object plane (in display order) after the GOV
+ header according to the semantics of the time_code syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint iTimeCodeHours;
+ /**
+ iTimeCodeHours, iTimeCodeMinutes and iTimeCodeSeconds together specify the modulo part (i.e. the
+ full second units) of the time base for the first object plane (in display order) after the GOV
+ header according to the semantics of the time_code syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint iTimeCodeMinutes;
+ /**
+ iTimeCodeHours, iTimeCodeMinutes and iTimeCodeSeconds together specify the modulo part (i.e. the
+ full second units) of the time base for the first object plane (in display order) after the GOV
+ header according to the semantics of the time_code syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint iTimeCodeSeconds;
+ /**
+ Indicates the nature of the predictions used in the first consecutive B-VOPs (if any)
+ immediately following the first coded I-VOP after the GOV header. iClosedGOV equal to ETrue
+ indicates that there are no such B-VOPs or that these B-VOPs have been encoded using only
+ backward prediction or intra coding. The value of iClosedGOV shall be set equal to the value of
+ closed_gov syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TBool iClosedGOV;
+ /**
+ iBrokenLink equal to ETrue indicates that the first consecutive B-VOPs (if any) immediately
+ following the first coded I-VOP following the GOV header may not be correctly decoded because
+ the reference frame which is used for prediction is not available (e.g., due to result of
+ editing in compressed domain). A decoder may use this flag to avoid displaying frames that
+ cannot be correctly decoded. The value of iBrokenLink shall be set equal to the value of
+ broken_link syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TBool iBrokenLink;
+ };
+Mpeg4 visual VOP header.
+class TMPEG4VisualVOPHeader
+ {
+ /**
+ Indicates the coding type of the VOP.
+ */
+ TMPEG4VisualVOPType iVOPCodingType;
+ /**
+ Indicates the number of seconds elapsed since the previous GOV header or since the previous
+ picture in display order, whichever is closer in display order. The value of iModuloTimeBase
+ shall be set equal to the decoded value derived from a series of modulo_time_base fields as
+ specified in MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint iModuloTimeBase;
+ /**
+ VOP display time relative to iModuloTimeBase in clock ticks. The value of iVOPTimeIncrement
+ shall be set equal to the value of the vop_time_increment syntax element of MPEG-4 Visual.
+ */
+ TUint16 iVOPTimeIncrement;
+ /**
+ iVOPCoded equal to EFalse indicates that the VOP is a copy of the previous VOP in display order.
+ The value of iVOPCoded shall be set equal to the value of the vop_coded syntax element of MPEG-4
+ Visual.
+ */
+ TBool iVOPCoded;
+ /**
+ Indicates the initial value of the quantization parameter. iVOPQuant shall be set equal to the
+ value of the vop_quant syntax element.
+ */
+ TUint iVOPQuant;
+ /**
+ Indicates the VOP ID. iVOPId shall be set equal to the value of the vop_id syntax element. Valid
+ only if the flag newpred_enable is equal to 1.
+ */
+ TUint16 iVOPId;
+ /**
+ When equal to ETrue indicates the following iVOPIdForPrediction is valid. Valid only if the flag
+ newpred_enable is equal to 1.
+ */
+ TBool iVOPIdForPredictionValid;
+ /**
+ Indicates VOP ID of the VOP that is used as the reference VOP for the current VOP.
+ iVOPIdForPrediction shall be set equal to the value of the vop_id_for_prediction if the syntax
+ element is present (i.e. the ). Valid only if iVOPIdForPredictionValid is equal to ETrue.
+ */
+ TUint16 iVOPIdForPrediction;
+ };
+This class is used to convey information of Visual Object Sequence, Visual Object, VOL, GOV, and VOP
+headers that are consecutive in decoding order without any intervening syntax structures.
+class TMPEG4VisualHeader
+ {
+ /**
+ A binary OR of values specified in TMPEG4VisualHeaderType:
+ * EMPEG4VisualHeaderSequence - set if the visual object sequence header is present and
+ iVisualObjectSequenceHeader is set accordingly. Otherwise, iVisualObjectSequenceHeader
+ shall be set to NULL.
+ * EMPEG4VisualHeaderObject - set if the visual object header is present and
+ iVisualObjectHeader is set accordingly. Otherwise, iVisualObjectHeader shall be set
+ to NULL.
+ * EMPEG4VisualHeaderVOL - set if the VOL header is present and iVOLHeader is set accordingly.
+ Otherwise, iVOLHeader shall be set to NULL.
+ * EMPEG4VisualHeaderGOV - set if the GOV header is present and iGOVHeader is set accordingly.
+ Otherwise, iGOVHeader shall be set to NULL.
+ * EMPEG4VisualHeaderVOP - set if the VOP header is present and iVOPHeader is set accordingly.
+ Otherwise, iVOPHeader shall be set to NULL
+ */
+ TUint32 iConsecutiveHeaders;
+ /**
+ The visual object sequence header.
+ */
+ const TMPEG4VisualObjectSequenceHeader* iVisualObjectSequenceHeader;
+ /**
+ The visual object header.
+ */
+ const TMPEG4VisualObjectHeader* iVisualObjectHeader;
+ /**
+ The VOL header.
+ */
+ const TMPEG4VisualVOLHeader* iVOLHeader;
+ /**
+ The GOV header.
+ */
+ const TMPEG4VisualGOVHeader* iGOVHeader;
+ /**
+ The VOP header.
+ */
+ const TMPEG4VisualVOPHeader* iVOPHeader;
+ };
+This class is used to signal decoder or encoder capabilities.
+class TMPEG4VisualCapability
+ {
+ /*
+ iProfileLevel[ i ] indicates a supported combination of profile and level, i.e.,
+ profile_and_level_indication, according to Table G-1 of MPEG-4 Visual. The values of i from 62
+ to 255 are reserved (the MPEG-4 Visual standard referenced in the present document has 62
+ combinations of profile and level).
+ */
+ TUint8 iProfileLevel[256];
+ };
+This class is used to set the encoder operation mode.
+class TMPEG4VisualNormalMPEG4Mode
+ {
+ /**
+ Specifies the picture types allowed in the bitstream. The value is a binary OR of values from
+ TMPEG4VisualVOPType. Signaled picture types that are not included in the prevailing coding
+ profile are ignored.
+ */
+ TMPEG4VisualVOPType iAllowedVOPTypes;
+ /**
+ Specifies the number of consecutive video packet headers within a VOP, starting from the first
+ video packet header in decoding order, where the value of header_extension_code shall be set to 1.
+ */
+ TUint iHeaderExtension;
+ /**
+ Specifies whether data partitioning is in use. When equal to ETrue, data partitioning is in use.
+ When equal to EFalse, data partitioning is not in use. If data partitioning is in use, the
+ SetErrorProtectionLevelsL method, if used, should set the number of unequal error protection
+ levels to be larger than one.
+ */
+ TBool iDataPartitioning;
+ /**
+ Specifies whether reversible variable length coding is in use. When equal to ETrue, reversible
+ variable length coding is in use. When equal to EFalse, reversible variable length coding is
+ not in use. Valid only if iDataPartitioned is equal to ETrue.
+ */
+ TBool iReversibleVLC;
+ /**
+ Specifies which headers are included in the first output buffer of each intra VOP. (Note: Video
+ Object Sequence and Video Object Headers can be repeated for error resiliency. VOL Header
+ includes the initial buffer occupancy level. GOV header includes an update on display times.)
+ */
+ TMPEG4VisualHeaderType iHeadersBeforeIntraVOP;
+ };
+This class is used to set the encoder operation mode.
+class TMPEG4VisualMode
+ {
+ /**
+ Indicates whether the short header mode of MPEG-4 Visual is used. If iShortHeaderMode is
+ equal to ETrue, then iH263VideoMode is valid and all other parameter values are invalid. If
+ iShortHeaderMode is equal to EFalse, then iH263VideoMode is invalid and all other parameter
+ values are valid.
+ */
+ TBool iShortHeaderMode;
+ /**
+ Contains the encoding modes to use when iShortHeaderMode is EFalse.
+ */
+ TMPEG4VisualNormalMPEG4Mode iMPEG4VisualNormalMPEG4Mode;
+ /**
+ Contains the encoding modes to use when iShortHeaderMode is ETrue.
+ */
+ TH263VideoMode iH263VideoMode;
+ };