changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmhais/videohai/devvideo/inc/devvideobase.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1123 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __DEVVIDEOBASE_H__
+#define __DEVVIDEOBASE_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideoconstants.h>
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideohwdeviceadaptersetup.h>
+Panic utility function
+LOCAL_C void DevVideoPanic(TInt aReason)
+	{
+	User::Panic(KDevVideoPanicCategory, aReason);
+	}
+A hardware device ID that identifies an instantiated video hardware device. 
+Used in the playback and recording APIs to identify the component being controlled.
+typedef TInt THwDeviceId;
+Defines a supported scale factor for a scaling pre-processor or post-processor.
+The scale factor is defined as iScaleNum/iScaleDenom, 
+where the values are positive integers and relatively prime.
+class TScaleFactor
+	{
+	/**Scale factor numerator. Non-zero.*/
+	TUint iScaleNum;
+	/**Scale factor denominator. Non-zero.*/
+	TUint iScaleDenom;
+	};
+A custom YUV/RGB conversion matrix. The same matrix structure is used for both conversion directions.
+class TYuvConversionMatrix
+	{
+	/**
+	Post-multiplication offset, a three-item vector.
+	*/
+	TReal iPostOffset[3];
+	/**
+	Multiplication matrix, a 3x3 matrix. iMatrix[3*i+j] contains the j:th item on the i:th row of the matrix.
+	*/
+	TReal iMatrix[9];
+	/**
+	Pre-multiplication offset, a three-item vector.
+	*/
+	TReal iPreOffset[3];
+	};
+YUV (YCbCr) uncompressed image data format.
+class TYuvFormat
+	{
+	/**
+	The YUV/RGB conversion coefficients to use
+	*/
+	TYuvCoefficients iCoefficients;
+	/**
+	Luminance/chrominance sampling pattern.
+	*/
+	TYuvSamplingPattern iPattern;
+	/**
+	Data layout, specifies whether the data is stored in a planar or interleaved mode.
+	*/
+	TYuvDataLayout iDataLayout;
+	/**
+	Custom YUV to RGB conversion matrix to use. 
+	Valid only if custom conversion matrix is used (iCoefficients is ECustomYuvMatrix).
+	*/
+	TYuvConversionMatrix* iYuv2RgbMatrix;
+	/**
+	Custom RGB to YUV conversion matrix to use. 
+	Valid only if custom conversion matrix is used (iCoefficients is ECustomYuvMatrix).
+	*/
+	TYuvConversionMatrix* iRgb2YuvMatrix;
+	/**
+	Pixel aspect ratio numerator.
+	*/
+	TUint iAspectRatioNum;
+	/**
+	Pixel aspect ratio denominator. 
+	The aspect ratio is defined as iAspectRatioNum/iAspectRatioDenom, 
+	where the values are positive integers and relatively prime.
+	*/
+	TUint iAspectRatioDenom;
+	/**
+	Tests whether this TYuvFormat object is the same as aOther.
+	@param  "aOther" "The object to compare."
+	@return "ETrue if they are the same, EFalse if not."
+	*/
+	inline TBool operator==(const TYuvFormat& aOther) const;
+	};
+Defines an uncompressed video format. 
+This structure is mainly just a combination of YUV and RGB formats, defined to simplify the rest of the API.
+class TUncompressedVideoFormat
+	{
+	/**
+	The image data format. The validity of the rest of the fields depends on the data format used.
+	*/
+	TImageDataFormat iDataFormat;
+	union
+		{
+		/**
+		YUV picture format details, valid if iDataFormat is EYuvRawData.
+		*/
+		TYuvFormat iYuvFormat;
+		/**
+		RGB picture format details, valid if iDataFormat is ERgbRawData or ERgbFbsBitmap.
+		*/
+		TRgbFormat iRgbFormat;
+		};
+	/**
+	Tests whether this TUncompressedVideoFormat object is the same as aOther.
+	@param  "aOther" "The object to compare."
+	@return "ETrue if they are the same, EFalse if not."
+	*/
+	inline TBool operator==(const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aOther) const;
+	/**
+	Sets this object equal to aOther.
+	@param  "aOther" "The object to clone."
+	*/
+	inline void operator=(const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aOther);
+	};
+Uncompressed picture data for one video picture.
+class TPictureData
+	{
+	/**
+	The image data format. The validity of the rest of the fields depends on the data format used.
+	*/
+	TImageDataFormat iDataFormat;
+	/**
+	Image data size in pixels. In decoder output pictures the actual active picture area may be smaller, 
+	this is indicated using TVideoPicture.iCropRect.
+	*/
+	TSize iDataSize;
+	union
+		{
+		/**
+		Pointer to raw image data. Valid if iDataFormat is ERgbRawData or iYuvRawData. 
+		The data layout depends on the format used.
+		*/
+		TPtr8* iRawData;
+		/**
+		Pointer to an RGB bitmap. Valid if iDataFormat is ERgbFbsBitmap.
+		*/
+		CFbsBitmap* iRgbBitmap;
+		/**
+		 Buffer number of current buffer for composition that is used when submitting a surface update. Valid if iDataFormat is set to ESurfaceBuffer
+		*/
+		TInt iSurfaceBufNum;
+		};
+	};
+Header information for one decoded picture. 
+The header information is returned alongside with decoded pictures, 
+or it can be read separately when DevVideoPlay is being initialized.
+class TVideoPictureHeader
+	{
+	/**
+	*/
+	enum THeaderOptions
+		{
+		/** Decoding timestamp is valid
+		*/
+		EDecodingTimestamp		   = 0x00000001,
+		/** Presentation timestamp is valid
+		*/
+		EPresentationTimestamp	   = 0x00000002,
+		/** Pre-decoder buffersize is valid
+		*/
+		EPreDecoderBufferSize		= 0x00000004,
+		/** Post-decoder buffersize is valid
+		*/
+		EPostDecoderBufferSize	   = 0x00000008,
+		/** Picture number field is valid
+		*/
+		EPictureNumber			   = 0x00000010,
+		/** Layered coding is used and the layer number field is valid
+		*/
+		ELayeredCoding			   = 0x00000020,
+		/** Supplemental data is available
+		*/
+		ESupplementalData			= 0x00000040,
+		/** Random access buffering period is valid
+		*/
+		ERandomAccessBufferingPeriod = 0x00000080,
+		/** Random access buffer occupancy is valid
+		*/
+		ERandomAccessBufferOccupancy = 0x00000100
+		};
+	/**
+	Header options.  The value is a bitfield combined from values from THeaderOptions.
+	*/
+	TUint32 iOptions;
+	/**
+	Video codec profile used. Use -1 if not applicable or not defined.
+	*/
+	TInt iProfile;
+	/**
+	Video codec level. Use -1 if not applicable or not defined.
+	*/
+	TInt iLevel;
+	/**
+	Video codec version. Use -1 if not applicable or not defined.
+	*/
+	TInt iVersion;
+	/**
+	Pointer to a descriptor that contains optional codec-specific features. Set to NULL if not used. 
+	The format of the data is codec-specific. The pointer and descriptor data are valid as long as 
+	the header information structure is valid.
+	*/
+	const TDesC8* iOptional;
+	/**
+	Image size in memory, in pixels. May be larger than the displayed picture.
+	*/
+	TSize iSizeInMemory;
+	/**
+	The portion of the full image to display.
+	*/
+	TRect iDisplayedRect;
+	/**
+	Picture presentation timestamp. Valid only if EPresentationTimestamp is set in the options. 
+	The clock frequency is stored in the timestamp structure.
+	*/
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iPresentationTimestamp;
+	/**
+	Picture decoding timestamp. Valid only if EDecodingTimestamp is set in the options.
+	*/
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iDecodingTimestamp;
+	/**
+	Expected pre-decoder buffer size in bytes. Valid only if EPreDecoderBufferSize is set in the options.
+	*/
+	TUint iPreDecoderBufferSize;
+	/**
+	Expected post-decoder buffer size in bytes. Valid only if EPostDecoderBufferSize is set in the options. 
+	It is assumed that a frame buffer to be displayed is returned before the decoding of the next frame 
+	is started. If this is not the case, a larger post-decoder buffer may actually be needed.
+	*/
+	TUint iPostDecoderBufferSize;
+	/**
+	Picture number, valid only if EPictureNumber is set in the options. 
+	This field is used to indicate one of the following: picture number or long-term picture index for H.263, 
+	vop_id for MPEG-4 Visual,  picture number or long-term picture number for AVC.
+	*/
+	TUint iPictureNumber;
+	/**
+	Picture layer number if layered coding is used, valid only if ELayeredCoding is set in the options. 
+	Layers are numbered [0…n-1], where n is the number of layers available. The first layer (layer zero) 
+	is the base layer, it can be decoded independently from the other layers, and it has the lowest total bitrate.
+	*/
+	TUint iPictureLayer;
+	/**
+	Picture supplemental data, valid only if ESupplementalData is set in the options. 
+	The pointer and descriptor data are valid as long as the header information structure is valid.
+	*/
+	const TDesC8* iSupplementalData;
+	/**
+	True if the picture is a random-accessible picture.
+	*/
+	TBool iIsRandomAccessible;
+	/**
+	The expected initial pre-decoder buffering period before starting the playback from this picture. 
+	Valid only if this picture is randomly accessible (iIsRandomAccessible is true) and 
+	ERandomAccessBufferingPeriod is set in the options. MPEG-2 and H.264 | MPEG-4 AVC use this value.
+	*/
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iRandomAccessBufferingPeriod;
+	/**
+	The expected initial pre-decoder buffer occupancy in bytes before starting the playback 
+	from this picture. Valid if this picture is randomly accessible (iIsRandomAccessible is true) and 
+	ERandomAccessBufferOccupancy is set in the options. MPEG-4 Visual uses this value.
+	*/
+	TUint iRandomAccessBufferOccupancy;
+	};
+One uncompressed video picture. Used for both decoded picture output as well as uncompressed picture input.
+class TVideoPicture
+	{
+	/**
+	*/
+	enum TVideoPictureOptions
+		{
+		/** The timestamp field is valid.
+		*/
+		ETimestamp		 = 0x00000001,
+		/** The crop rectangle field is valid.
+		*/
+		ECropRect		  = 0x00000002,
+		/** Picture header information is present.
+		*/
+		EHeader			= 0x00000004,
+		/** The layer bit count targets field is valid.
+		*/
+		EBitTargets		= 0x00000008,
+		/** Set in encoder input to request an instantaneous decoder refresh. 
+		As a response, the encoder should code an intra frame and no consecutive 
+		frame should refer to any frame before the encoded intra frame (in coding order).
+		*/
+		EReqInstantRefresh = 0x00000010,
+		/** Set in encoder input to indicate a scene cut in the picture stream.
+		*/
+		ESceneCut		  = 0x00000020,
+		/** Set if a picture effect is in use and the picture effect field is valid.
+		*/
+		EPictureEffect	 = 0x00000040,
+		/** Set if picture effect parameters are valid.
+		*/
+		EEffectParameters  = 0x00000080,
+		/** Content protected pictures cannot be displayed on unprotected 
+		    external displays such as TV-out.
+		*/
+		EContentProtected = 0x00000100
+		};
+	/**
+	The picture data. The picture data, including all pointers, must remain valid until 
+	the picture has been returned to its originator.
+	*/
+	TPictureData iData;
+	/**
+	Picture options. The value is a bitfield combined from values from TVideoPictureOptions.
+	*/
+	TUint32 iOptions;
+	/**
+	Picture timestamp. Valid if ETimestamp is set in the options. 
+	Used for presentation timestamps in video playback and capture timestamps in uncompressed video 
+	input for recording. If the timestamp is not specified for decoded video input for playback, 
+	the picture is displayed immediately. For decoded video output in playback and uncompressed 
+	video input for recording, the timestamp must always be set.
+	*/
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iTimestamp;
+	/**
+	Pan-scan cropping rectangle. Defines the area of the picture used for further processing. 
+	Only used for decoded video output.
+	*/
+	TRect iCropRect;
+	/**
+	Picture header information. Valid if EHeader is set in the options. 
+	Normally this field is only used in decoded pictures returned from the playback API. 
+	In that case the header info pointer is valid until the picture is returned to the API.
+	*/
+	TVideoPictureHeader* iHeader;
+	/**
+	The target number of bits for each bit-rate scalability layer, valid when EBitTargets is set in the options. 
+	Used in video encoding when the caller controls the bit-rate for each picture separately.
+	The field points to a table containing the target number of bits to use for each layer when 
+	encoding this picture, starting from the lowest layer. The bit count for an enhancement layer 
+	includes all lower layers. For example, if the client uses two layers, and reserves 1.5 kilobits 
+	for the base layer and three kilobits for the whole picture, this field is set to {1500, 3000}.
+	*/
+	RArray<TUint>* iLayerBitRates;
+	/**
+	The picture effect in use when capturing this picture, valid when EPictureEffect is set in the options. 
+	This information can be used when encoding the picture. Note that setting a picture effect does not 
+	imply that the encoder should modify the picture data based on the effect. Instead, it can be used as 
+	an encoding hint. For example, fade to black implies that the global picture brightness has been decreased, 
+	and this knowledge can be used to aid motion prediction.
+	@see TPictureEffects
+	*/
+	TPictureEffect iEffect;
+	/**
+	Picture effect parameter for fade to/from black, valid when EEffectParameters is set in the options 
+	and iEffect is EEffectFadeFromBlack or EEffectFadeToBlack. The value range is [0…65536], with zero 
+	indicating the picture is black and 65536 indicating that the lightness of the picture is unchanged. 
+	If the parameter is not given, the caller is unaware of the proper value or the value fluctuates spatially.
+	*/
+	TUint iFadeParam;
+	/**
+	A pointer for free-form user data. The pointer is set by the module that created the buffer, and is 
+	usually used for memory management purposes.
+	*/
+	TAny* iUser;
+	/**
+	A queue link used internally by the MSL video components.
+	*/
+	TDblQueLink iLink;
+	};
+Identifies a video picture in feedback messages.
+class TPictureId
+	{
+	enum TPictureIdType
+		{
+		/** Unidentified picture. */
+		ENone,
+		/** The picture is identified using its temporal reference. */
+		ETemporalReference,
+		/** The picture is identified using its picture number. Picture numbers are used in H.263 annex U and H.264 | MPEG-4 AVC, for example.. */
+		EPictureNumber
+		};
+	/** Picture identified type. */
+	TPictureIdType iIdType;	
+	/** The picture identifier. The interpretation of this field depends on the value iIdType */
+	TUint32 iId;
+	};
+Defines a compressed video format. The format is identified by its MIME type, which may include 
+parameters that describe the used format profile and level. The MIME type used for H.263
+is video/H263-2000, specified in TS 26.234, and the type for MPEG-4 is video/MP4V-ES, specified in RFC 3016.
+class CCompressedVideoFormat : public CBase
+	{
+	/**
+	Static factory function for creating new CCompressedVideoFormat objects.
+	@param "aMimeType"		"Video codec MIME type, including optional parameters for profile, 
+							level and version information. The CCompressedVideoFormat object creates
+							and owns a copy of this buffer and takes care of deallocation."
+	@param "aOptionalData"	"Reference to a descriptor that contains optional codec-specific data. 
+							Set to KNullDesC8 if not used. [The format of the data is codec-specific, typically
+							a package buffer containing a data structure may be used. The pointer lifetime 
+							and validity requirements are specified with each method that uses this structure."
+	@return "Pointer to a fully constructed CCompressedVideoFormat object."
+	@leave	"This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CCompressedVideoFormat* NewL(const TDesC8& aMimeType, const TDesC8& aOptionalData = KNullDesC8);
+	/**
+	Static factory function for creating a copy of an existing CCompressedVideoFormat object.
+	@param "aFormat"          "The CCompressedVideoFormat object to copy."
+	@return Pointer to a fully constructed CCompressedVideoFormat object.
+	@leave	This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CCompressedVideoFormat* NewL(const CCompressedVideoFormat& aFormat);
+	/**
+	Virtual destructor. Destroys iMimeType.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CCompressedVideoFormat();
+	/**
+	Returns the video codec MIME type.
+	@return "Reference to a descriptor that contains the video codec MIME type."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const TDesC8& MimeType() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the optional data.
+	@return "Reference to a descriptor that contains optional codec-specific data. 
+			Zero length if not used. The format of the data is codec-specific, typically a package buffer 
+			containing a data structure may be used."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const TDesC8& OptionalData() const;
+	/**
+	Tests whether this CCompressedVideoFormat is identical to aOther or not.
+	@return "ETrue if the two objects are identical, EFalse if not."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const CCompressedVideoFormat& aOther) const;
+        /**
+        @internalTechnology
+        */
+	CCompressedVideoFormat();
+        /**
+        @internalTechnology
+        */
+	void ConstructL(const TDesC8& aMimeType, const TDesC8& aOptionalData);
+	HBufC8* iMimeType;
+	HBufC8* iOptionalData;
+	};
+Specifies the HRD/VBV parameters used when 3GPP TS 26.234 annex G HRD/VBV settings are used (EHrdVbv3GPP). 
+See TS 26.234 Release 5 for details.
+class T3gppHrdVbvParams
+	{
+	/** Initial pre-decoder buffering period. */
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iInitialPreDecoderBufferPeriod;
+	/** Initial post-decoder buffering period. */
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iInitialPostDecoderBufferPeriod;
+	/** Hypothetical pre-decoder buffer size, in bytes. */
+	TUint iPreDecoderBufferSize;
+	/** Peak decoding byte rate. By default, the peak decoding byte rate is 
+	defined according to the video coding profile and level in use. */
+	TUint iPeakDecodingByteRate;
+	/** Decoding macroblock rate. The default decoding macroblock rate is defined 
+	according to the video coding profile and level in use. */
+	TUint iDecodingMacroblockRate;
+	};
+YUV to RGB post-processing options.
+class TYuvToRgbOptions
+	{
+	/**
+	Lightness setting. The value range is [-100 … 100], with -100 corresponding to minimum setting, 
+	100 to maximum setting, and 0 to no change in lightness. The actual lightness change formula 
+	used is hardware device specific.
+	*/
+	TInt iLightness;
+	/**
+	Saturation setting. The value range is [-100 … 100], with -100 corresponding to minimum setting, 
+	100 to maximum setting, and 0 to no change in saturation. The actual saturation formula used 
+	is hardware device specific.
+	*/
+	TInt iSaturation;
+	/**
+	Contrast setting. The value range is [-100 … 100], with -100 corresponding to minimum setting, 
+	100 to maximum setting, and 0 to no change in contrast. The actual contrast change formula 
+	used is hardware device specific.
+	*/
+	TInt iContrast;
+	/**
+	Gamma setting for conversion. Ignored if the converter does not support gamma correction. 
+	The gamma correction is defined as x' = x^(1/g), where x' refers to the corrected value, 
+	x to the original input value and g to this field. Gamma correction is performed on the RGB values. 
+	Set gamma to 1.0 to disable gamma correction.
+	*/
+	TReal iGamma;
+	/**
+	The dithering type to use.
+	*/
+	TDitherType iDitherType;
+	};
+Pre-processing options for color enhancement. 
+The value ranges have been chosen to match those in the Onboard Camera API.
+class TColorEnhancementOptions
+	{
+	/**
+	Lightness setting. The value range is [-100 … 100], with -100 corresponding to minimum setting, 
+	100 to maximum setting, and 0 to no change in lightness.
+	*/
+	TInt iLightness;
+	/**
+	Saturation setting. The value range is [-100 … 100], with -100 corresponding to minimum setting, 
+	100 to maximum setting, and 0 to no change in saturation.
+	*/
+	TInt iSaturation;
+	/**
+	Contrast setting. The value range is [-100 … 100], with -100 corresponding to minimum setting, 
+	100 to maximum setting, and 0 to no change in contrast.
+	*/
+	TInt iContrast;
+	};
+Describes the YUV to RGB color conversion capabilities of a post-processor.
+class TYuvToRgbCapabilities
+	{
+	/**
+	Input YUV sampling patterns supported, a bitfield combination (bitwise OR) of TYuvSamplingPattern.
+	*/
+	TUint32 iSamplingPatterns;
+ 	/**
+	YUV to RGB conversion coefficients supported, a bitfield combination of TYuvCoefficients.
+	*/
+	TUint32 iCoefficients;
+ 	/**
+	Output RGB formats supported, a bitfield combination of TRgbFormat.
+	*/
+	TUint32 iRgbFormats;
+ 	/**
+	True if lightness control is supported.
+	*/
+	TBool iLightnessControl;
+ 	/**
+	True if saturation control is supported.
+	*/
+	TBool iSaturationControl;
+ 	/**
+	True if contrast control is supported.
+	*/
+	TBool iContrastControl;
+ 	/**
+	True if gamma correction is supported.
+	*/
+	TBool iGammaCorrection;
+ 	/**
+	Dithering types supported, a bitfield combination of TDitherType.
+	*/
+	TUint32 iDitherTypes;
+	};
+Specifies the YUV-to-YUV conversion capabilities for a plug-in.
+class TYuvToYuvCapabilities
+	{
+	/**
+	The YUV sampling patterns supported for input data, a combination (binary OR) of values from TYuvSamplingPatterns.
+	*/
+	TUint32 iInputSamplingPatterns;
+	/**
+	The YUV data layouts supported for input data, a combination (binary OR) of values from TYuvDataLayout.
+	*/
+	TUint32 iInputDataLayouts;
+	/**
+	The YUV sampling patterns supported for output data, a combination (binary OR) of values from TYuvSamplingPatterns.
+	*/
+	TUint32 iOutputSamplingPatterns;
+	/**
+	The YUV data layouts supported for output data, a combination (binary OR) of values from TYuvDataLayout.
+	*/
+	TUint32 iOutputDataLayouts;
+	};
+Structure to combine a picture rate and size.  Used when defining the maximum rate/size combinations
+class TPictureRateAndSize
+	{
+	/** The picture rate. */
+	TReal iPictureRate;
+	/** The picture size. */
+	TSize iPictureSize;
+	};
+CMMFVideoHwDevice is a base class for all video hardware devices.
+class CMMFVideoHwDevice : public CBase
+	{
+	/**
+	Retrieves a custom interface to the device.
+	@param  "aInterface"	"Interface UID, defined with the custom interface."
+	@return "Pointer to the interface implementation, or NULL if the device does not 
+			implement the interface requested. The return value must be cast to the 
+			correct type by the user."
+	*/
+	virtual TAny* CustomInterface(TUid aInterface) = 0;
+	};
+Defines the interface that video clock sources must to implement.
+A clock source can be used to synchronize video processing to some other processing entity, 
+for example an audio stream.  The clock source is created and controlled by the DevVideo client, 
+and passed to the video hwdevices via the DevVideo interface. This allows the hwdevice to query 
+the current stream time, so it can ascertain which frame should be processed at any given moment.
+"Stream time" is defined as the current position in the media stream. For example, when playing
+a video clip, the stream time will always equal the current position in the clip. So, when the 
+clip is repositioned, the stream time will be equal to the new clip position.  When the clip is
+paused, the stream time will pause too.
+Many hwdevice implementations will use extra threads to perform the video processing, so it is
+essential that all implementations of the MMMFClockSource interface can be used from multiple 
+threads.  A hwdevice that receives a clock source from the DevVideo client must be able to
+assume that it can pass a pointer to the clock source object into another thread and use the 
+object directly from there.
+All clock source implementations must protect the methods defined in the MMMFClockSource interface
+so they can be called from any thread within the current process.  Practically speaking, this means
+using mutexes and critical sections to protect member data from being accessed from multiple threads
+simultaneously.  Also, any use of thread-specific handles (e.g. a CMMFDevSound object) must be 
+avoided from within these methods.
+It can be assumed that any methods defined outside the MMMFClockSource interface (for example 
+methods used to control the clock source) will only be executed within the DevVideo client's thread,
+so do not require protection.
+class MMMFClockSource
+	{
+	/**
+	Retrieves a custom interface for the clock source.
+	This method can be called from any thread running inside the process in which the concrete
+	clock source was created.  Note that this does not mean that all methods in the custom 
+	interface can be called from any thread - that will be specified by the custom interface itself.
+	@param  "aInterface"	"Interface UID, defined by the entity specifying the interface."
+	@return "Pointer to the interface implementation, or NULL if the interface is not available. 
+			The pointer must be cast to the appropriate interface class."
+	*/
+	virtual TAny* CustomInterface(TUid aInterface) = 0;
+	/**
+	Retrieves the current stream time.  For example, if a clip is being played, the stream time will
+	be equal to the current position in the clip.
+	This method can be called from any thread running inside the process in which the concrete clock
+	source was created.
+	@return "The number of microseconds passed in the clock compared to the reference time."
+	*/
+	virtual TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds Time() = 0;
+	};
+The CSystemClockSource provides a basic clock source implementation based on the system clock. 
+It will count microseconds since the object was created or Reset() was last called, and return 
+that count from Time(). It does not implement any custom interfaces.
+class CSystemClockSource : public CBase, public MMMFClockSource
+	{
+	/**
+	Creates a new CSystemClockSource object.
+	@return "A new clock source object."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CSystemClockSource* NewL();
+	/**
+	Destructor.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C ~CSystemClockSource();
+// Control methods
+	/**
+	Resets the clock source to zero. Typically called by the DevVideo client at stream start.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Reset();
+	/**
+	Resets the clock source to a user-defined offset. Typically called by the DevVideo client 
+	when seeking in a file.
+	@param "aOffset"	"The clock offset."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Reset(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aOffset);
+	/**
+	Suspends the clock source. The clock time will not increment until the clock has been resumed.
+	This method is used when pausing playback.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Suspend();
+	/**
+	Resumes the clock source after a Suspend() method call. This method is used when resuming playback.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Resume();
+// Implementation of MMMFClockSource
+	/** 
+	No custom interfaces are implemented by this clock source, so this method will always return NULL.
+	@param "aInterface"	"The interface"
+	@return "NULL"
+	*/
+	virtual TAny* CustomInterface(TUid aInterface);
+	/**
+	Retrieves the time that has elapsed since Reset() was last called, subtracting any time 
+	during which the clock was suspended.
+	@return "The number of microseconds that have elapsed in the stream."
+	*/
+	virtual TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds Time();
+	CSystemClockSource();
+	void ConstructL();
+	TTime iStartTime;
+	TTime iCurrentTime;
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iOffset;
+	TTime iTimeWhenSuspended;
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iTimeSuspended;
+	TBool iSuspended;
+	RCriticalSection iCriticalSection;
+	};
+Observer class to be used with class CMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtility.
+class MMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtilityObserver
+	{
+	/**
+	Notifies the observer that the specified period has elapsed.
+	@param	"aTime"	"The current time, queried from the clock source."
+	*/
+	virtual void MmcspuoTick(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime) = 0;
+	};
+Utility class that can be used by video HW devices to receive periodic callbacks with the current time.
+Note that the exact timing of the callbacks cannot be guaranteed due to other things pre-empting 
+the execution of the active object or thread.
+class CMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtility : public CBase
+	{
+	/**
+	Creates a new clock source periodic utility object.
+	@param	"aClockSource"	"A reference to the clock source to be used to query the current time."
+	@param	"aObserver"		"A reference to the observer of the utility that will receive callbacks  
+							each time the specified period elapses."
+	@return "A new clock source periodic utility object."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtility* NewL(MMMFClockSource& aClockSource, MMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtilityObserver& aObserver);
+	/**
+	Starts the clock source periodic utility.  The utility will call MmcspuoTick on its observer 
+	every aPeriod microseconds until Stop() is called.  Note that the utility will not stop 
+	automatically when the clock source is stopped.
+	@param  "aPeriod" "Defines the period with which the observer will receive callbacks."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Start(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aPeriod);
+	/**
+	Stops the clock source periodic utility.  No more callbacks will be made after this method has 
+	been called.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Stop();
+	/**
+	Destructor.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C ~CMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtility();
+	CMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtility(MMMFClockSource& aClockSource, MMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtilityObserver& aObserver);
+	void ConstructL();
+	static TInt Callback(TAny* aAny);
+	void DoCallback();
+	CPeriodic* iTimer;
+	MMMFClockSource& iClockSource;
+	MMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtilityObserver& iObserver;
+	};
+Specifies the encoder buffering options.
+class TEncoderBufferOptions
+	{
+	/** 
+	The maximum number of pictures in the pre-encoder buffer. 
+	*/
+	TUint iMaxPreEncoderBufferPictures;
+	/** 
+	The HRD/VBV specification that shall be fullfilled. 
+	*/
+	THrdVbvSpecification iHrdVbvSpec;
+	/**
+	The HRD/VBV buffering parameters. The data format depends on the parameters chosen. For 
+	3GPP TS 26.234 parameters (iHrdVbvSpec=EHrdVbv3GPP), the data in the descriptor is a package of type 
+	TPckC<T3gppHrdVbvParams> (see T3gppHrdVbvParams). If no HRD/VBV parameters are used, the 
+	descriptor is empty.
+	*/
+	TPtrC8 iHrdVbvParams;
+	/**
+	The maximum size of an output buffer, in bytes. Use KMaxTUint for an unlimited size.
+	*/
+	TUint iMaxOutputBufferSize;
+	/**
+	The maximum size of a coded picture, in bytes. Use KMaxTUint for an unlimited size.
+	*/
+	TUint iMaxCodedPictureSize;
+	/**
+	The maximum size of a coded video segment, in bytes. Use KMaxTUint for an unlimited size.
+	*/
+	TUint iMaxCodedSegmentSize;
+	/**
+	The mimimum number of output buffers.
+	*/
+	TUint iMinNumOutputBuffers;
+	};
+Specifies the video encoder bit-rate control options.
+class TRateControlOptions
+	{
+	/**
+	Defines the bit-rate control type.
+	*/
+	TBitrateControlType iControl;
+	/**
+	The target bit-rate, in bits per second. Used if bit-rate control type is EBrControlStream. 
+	If specified for an enhancement layer, the target bit-rate includes all lower layers. For example, 
+	if the client uses two layers, with the base layer using 64000 bps and the whole stream 192000 bps, 
+	this field is set to 64000 for layer zero and 192000 for layer one.
+	*/
+	TUint iBitrate;
+	/**
+	The target picture quality. The value range is [0…100], with 0 corresponding to minimum quality 
+	and 100 to lossless coding (or the closest equivalent supported).
+	*/
+	TUint iPictureQuality;
+	/**
+	The target picture rate, in pictures per second. If specified for an enhancement layer, the target 
+	frame rate includes all lower layers.
+	*/
+	TReal iPictureRate;
+	/**
+	The quality/temporal tradeoff for bit-rate control. The value range is [0.0…1.0]. Value 0.0 
+	specifies that picture quality should be maintained as well as possible, sacrificing picture rate. 
+	Value 1.0 specifies that picture rate should be maintained as well as possible, sacrificing 
+	picture quality.
+	*/
+ 	TReal iQualityTemporalTradeoff;
+	/**
+        The latency/quality tradeoff for bit-rate control. The value range is [0.0…1.0]. Value 0.0 
+        specifies that the transmission delay and the decoder input buffer occupancy level caused by 
+        the bit-rate control is minimized, i.e. the actual coded bit-rate follows the target bit-rate 
+        as closely as possible. 1.0 specifies that the transmission delay caused by the bit-rate control 
+        should be as high as needed to guarantee a constant picture quality and frame rate as long as 
+        the coded data conforms to the given HRD/VBV parameters (if any).
+        */
+	TReal iLatencyQualityTradeoff;
+	};
+Custom interface Uid for setting up the DevVideo hw device adapter
+const TInt	KUidDevVideoHwDeviceAdapterSetup = 0x102737EF;
+#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideobase.inl>