changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmhais/videohai/devvideo/inc/devvideoconstants.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideoplugininterfaceuids.hrh>
+#include <mm/conversioncoefficient.h>
+DevVideo Panic Category
+_LIT(KDevVideoPanicCategory, "DevVideo");
+DevVideo Panic Codes
+enum TDevVideoPanicCodes
+	{
+	/**
+	A pre-condition on a method has been violated.
+	*/
+	EDevVideoPanicPreConditionViolation = 1,
+	/**
+	A post-condition on a method has been violated.
+	*/
+	EDevVideoPanicPostConditionViolation = 2,
+	/**
+	An invalid hardware device ID has been supplied.
+	*/
+	EDevVideoPanicInvalidHwDeviceId = 3
+	};
+// DevVideo Plugin Interface UIDs
+/** Video Decoder HW Device Plugin Interface UID 
+const TUid KUidDevVideoDecoderHwDevice = {KUidDevVideoDecoderHwDeviceDefine};
+/** Video Post Processor HW Device Plugin Interface UID
+const TUid KUidDevVideoPostProcessorHwDevice = {KUidDevVideoPostProcessorHwDeviceDefine};
+/** Video Encoder HW Device Plugin Interface UID 
+const TUid KUidDevVideoEncoderHwDevice = {KUidDevVideoEncoderHwDeviceDefine};
+/** Video Pre Processor HW Device Plugin Interface UID
+const TUid KUidDevVideoPreProcessorHwDevice = {KUidDevVideoPreProcessorHwDeviceDefine};
+// DevVideo Custom Interface Uids
+/** MMMFVideoPlayHwDeviceExtensionScanCopy Custom Interface UID
+const TUid KUidDevVideoPlayHwDeviceExtensionScanCopy = {KUidDevVideoPlayHwDeviceExScanCopyDefine};
+Picture frame rate constants
+Using these constants is recommended when the picture rate is known to match 
+one of them, to ensure that floating point equality comparisons work as expected.
+Note that the MSL video APIs currently only deal with non-interlaced frames.  For interlaced 
+video, all references to the term "picture" should be considered to refer to complete frames. 
+As such, the term "picture rate" here refers to the frame rate for interlaced video.
+const TReal KPictureRate5 = 5.0;
+const TReal KPictureRate75 = 7.5;
+const TReal KPictureRate10 = 10.0;
+const TReal KPictureRate15 = 15.0;
+const TReal KPictureRateNTSC24 = 23.97602397602398; // == 24000/1001
+const TReal KPictureRate25 = 25.0;
+const TReal KPictureRateNTSC30 = 29.97002997002997; // == 30000/1001
+const TReal KPictureRate30 = 30.0;
+Specifies the data format used for an uncompressed picture. 
+The values are bit patterns that can be combined with other format definition constants.
+enum TImageDataFormat
+	{
+	/** Raw RGB picture data in a memory area.
+	*/
+	ERgbRawData		= 0x01000000,
+	/** RGB picture data stored in a Symbian OS CFbsBitmap object.
+	*/
+	ERgbFbsBitmap	  = 0x02000000,
+	/** Raw YUV picture data stored in a memory area. The data storage 
+	format depends on the YUV sampling pattern and data layout used.
+	*/
+	EYuvRawData		= 0x04000000,
+	/** Picture stored in a surface buffer.
+	 @See MMmfVideoSurfaceHandleControl::MmvshcSetSurfaceHandle
+	*/
+	ESurfaceBuffer = 0x08000000
+	};
+RGB uncompressed image format alternatives.
+enum TRgbFormat 
+	{
+	/**
+	16-bit RGB data format with four pixels per component. 
+	The data format is the same as used in Symbian EColor4K bitmaps, 
+	with each pixel using two bytes with the bit layout [ggggbbbb xxxxrrrr]
+	where "x" indicates unused bits. (This corresponds to "XRGB" 16-bit little-endian halfwords)
+	*/
+	ERgb16bit444	   = ERgbRawData   | 0x00000001,
+	/**
+	16-bit RGB data format with five bits per component for red and blue and 
+	six bits for green. The data format is the same as used in Symbian EColor64K bitmaps, 
+	with each pixel using two bytes with the bit layout [gggbbbbb rrrrrggg]
+	(This corresponds to "RGB" 16-bit little-endian halfwords)
+	*/
+	ERgb16bit565	   = ERgbRawData   | 0x00000002,
+	/**
+	32-bit RGB data format with eight bits per component. 
+	This data format is the same as is used in Symbian EColor16MU bitmaps. The bit layout is
+	[bbbbbbbb gggggggg rrrrrrrr xxxxxxxx] where "x" indicates unused bits. 
+	(This corresponds to "XRGB" 32-bit little-endian words)
+	*/
+	ERgb32bit888	   = ERgbRawData   | 0x00000004,
+	/**
+	CFbsBitmap object with EColor4K data format.
+	*/
+	EFbsBitmapColor4K  = ERgbFbsBitmap | 0x00000001,
+ 	/**
+	CFbsBitmap object with EColor64K data format.
+	*/
+	EFbsBitmapColor64K = ERgbFbsBitmap | 0x00000002,
+	/**
+	CFbsBitmap object with EColor16M data format.
+	*/
+	EFbsBitmapColor16M = ERgbFbsBitmap | 0x00000004,
+	/**
+	CFbsBitmap object with EColor16MU data format.
+	*/
+	EFbsBitmapColor16MU = ERgbFbsBitmap | 0x00000008
+	};
+YUV (YCbCr) uncompressed image data sampling pattern.
+enum TYuvSamplingPattern 
+	{
+	/**
+	4:2:0 sampling format. 4 luminance sample positions correspond to one chrominance sample position. 
+	The four luminance sample positions are on the corners of a square. The chrominance sample position 
+	is vertically half-way of the luminance sample positions and horizontally aligned with the left 
+	side of the square. This is the MPEG-2 and the MPEG-4 Part 2 sampling pattern.
+	*/
+	EYuv420Chroma1 = 0x00000001,
+	/**
+	4:2:0 sampling format. 4 luminance sample positions correspond to one chrominance sample position. 
+	The four luminance sample positions are on the corners of a square. The chrominance sample position 
+	is vertically and horizontally in the middle of the luminance sample positions. This is the MPEG-1 sampling pattern.
+	*/
+	EYuv420Chroma2 = 0x00000002,
+	/**
+	4:2:0 sampling format. 4 luminance sample positions correspond to one chrominance sample position. 
+	The four luminance sample positions are on the corners of a square. The chrominance sample position 
+	colocates with the top-left corner of the square. This sampling format is one of the options in Annex E of H.264 | MPEG-4 AVC.
+	*/
+	EYuv420Chroma3 = 0x00000004,
+	/**
+	4:2:2 sampling format. 2 luminance sample positions correspond to one chrominance sample position. 
+	The luminance sample positions reside on the same pixel row. The chrominance sample position is co-located 
+	with the left one of the luminance sample positions. This is the MPEG-2 4:2:2 sampling pattern.
+	*/
+	EYuv422Chroma1 = 0x00000008,
+	/**
+	4:2:2 sampling format. 2 luminance sample positions correspond to one chrominance sample position. 
+	The luminance sample positions reside on the same pixel row. The chrominance sample position is in the 
+	middle of the luminance sample positions. This is the MPEG-1 4:2:2 sampling pattern.
+	*/
+	EYuv422Chroma2 = 0x00000010
+	};
+Defines the YUV data layout in a decoded picture.
+enum TYuvDataLayout
+	{
+	/**
+	The data is stored in a plane mode. The memory buffer contains first all Y component 
+	data for the whole picture, followed by U and V, making the data format Y00Y01Y02Y03...U0...V0... 
+	For YUV 4:2:0 data, this is the same data format as EFormatYUV420Planar in the Onboard Camera API
+	*/
+	EYuvDataPlanar		= 0x00000001,
+	/**
+	The data is stored interleaved mode, all components interleaved in a single memory block. 
+	Interleaved layout is only supported for YUV 4:2:2 data. The data byte order is Y1VY0U, 
+	corresponding to "UY0VY1" little-endian 32-bit words. 
+	This is the same data format as EFormatYUV422Reversed in the Onboard Camera API
+	*/
+	EYuvDataInterleavedLE = 0x00000002,
+	/**
+	The data is stored interleaved mode, all components interleaved in a single memory block. 
+	Interleaved layout is only supported for YUV 4:2:2 data. The data byte order is UY0VY1, 
+	corresponding to "UY0VY1" big-endian 32-bit words. 
+	This is the same data format as EFormatYUV422 in the Onboard Camera API
+	*/
+	EYuvDataInterleavedBE = 0x00000004,
+	/**
+	The data is stored in a semi-planar mode. The memory buffer contains first all Y component 
+	data for the whole picture, followed by U and V components, which are interlaced, making the data 
+	format Y00Y01Y02Y03...U0V0U1V1... For YUV 4:2:0 data, this is the same data format as 
+	FormatYUV420SemiPlanar in the Onboard Camera API
+	*/
+	EYuvDataSemiPlanar = 0x00000008
+	};
+Defines the picture effect used for an input picture. Please refer to ITU-T H.264 | ISO/IEC MPEG-4 AVC [] for the definitions of the transition effects.
+enum TPictureEffect
+	{
+	/**
+	No effect.
+	*/
+	EEffectNone          					= 0x00000001,
+	/**
+	Fade from black.
+	*/
+	EEffectFadeFromBlack 					= 0x00000002,
+	/**
+	Fade to black.
+	*/
+	EEffectFadeToBlack   					= 0x00000004,
+	/**
+	Unspecified transition from or to constant colour.
+	*/
+	EEffectUnspecifiedThroughConstantColor 	= 0x00000008,
+	/**
+	Dissolve.
+	*/
+	EEffectDissolve   						= 0x00000010,
+	/**
+	Wipe.
+	*/
+	EEffectWipe   							= 0x00000020,
+	/**
+	Unspecified mixture of two scenes.
+	*/
+	EEffectUnspecifiedMixOfTwoScenes  		= 0x00000040
+	};
+Defines the data value range used for RGB data. Used for determining the correct color space conversion factors. 
+enum TRgbRange
+	{
+	/**
+	The RGB data uses the full 8-bit range of [0…255].
+	*/
+	ERgbRangeFull	= 0x00000001,
+	/**
+	The RGB data uses the nominal range of [16…235]. Individual samples can still contain 
+	values beyond that range, the rest of the 8-bit range is used for headroom and footroom.
+	*/
+	ERgbRange16to235 = 0x00000002
+	};
+Defines possible data unit types for encoded video data. The data unit types are used both 
+for encoded video input for playback as well as encoded video output from recording.
+enum TVideoDataUnitType
+	{
+	/**
+	Each data unit is a single coded picture.
+	*/
+	EDuCodedPicture		   = 0x00000001,
+	/**
+	Each data unit is a coded video segment.  
+	A coded video segment is a part of the coded video data that forms an independently 
+	decodable part of a coded video frame. For example, a video packet in MPEG-4 Part 2 
+	and slice in H.263 are coded video segments.
+	*/
+	EDuVideoSegment		   = 0x00000002,
+	/**
+	Each data unit contains an integer number of video segments consecutive in decoding order, 
+	possibly more than one. The video segments shall be a subset of one coded picture.
+	*/
+	EDuSeveralSegments		= 0x00000004,
+	/**
+	Each data unit contains a piece of raw video bitstream, not necessarily aligned at any headers. 
+	The data must be written in decoding order. This data unit type can be used for playback if the client 
+	does not have information about the bitstream syntax, and just writes data in random-sized chunks. For 
+	recording this data unit type is useful if the client can handle arbitrarily split data units, giving the
+	encoder maximum flexibility in buffer allocation. For encoded data output, each data unit must still 
+	belong to exactly one output picture.
+	*/
+	EDuArbitraryStreamSection = 0x00000008
+	};
+Defines possible encapsulation types for coded video data units. The encapsulation information is 
+used both for encoded video input for playback as well as encoded video output from recording.
+enum TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation
+	{
+	/**
+	The coded data units can be chained in a bitstream that can be decoded. For example, MPEG-4 
+	Part 2 elementary streams, H.263 bitstreams, and H.264 | MPEG-4 AVC Annex B bitstreams fall into this category.
+	*/
+	EDuElementaryStream = 0x00010000,
+	/**
+	The coded data units are encapsulated in a general-purpose packet payload format whose coded 
+	data units can be decoded independently but cannot be generally chained into a bitstream. 
+	For example, the Network Abstraction Layer Units of H.264 | MPEG-4 AVC fall into this category. 
+	*/
+	EDuGenericPayload   = 0x00020000,
+	/**
+	The coded data units are encapsulated in RTP packet payload format. The RTP payload header 
+	may contain codec-specific items, such as a redundant copy of a picture header in the H.263 
+	payload specification RFC2429.
+	*/
+	EDuRtpPayload	   = 0x00040000
+	};
+Defines the HRD/VBV specification used in a stream.
+enum THrdVbvSpecification
+	{
+	/** No HRD/VBV specification. */
+	EHrdVbvNone		   = 0x00000001,
+	/** The HRD/VBV specification in the corresponding coding standard. */
+	EHrdVbvCodingStandard = 0x00000002,
+	/** Annex G of 3GPP TS 26.234 Release 5. */
+	EHrdVbv3GPP		   = 0x00000004
+	};
+Defines the pre-processor and post-processor types available in the system. 
+One pre-processor or post-processor can implement multiple operations simultaneously, and thus the 
+types are defined as bit values that can be combined as a bitfield.
+enum TPrePostProcessType
+	{
+	/**
+	Input cropping, used for pan-scan cropping in video playback and digital zoom in video recording. 
+	Pan-scan cropping is useful, for example, for displaying arbitrary-sized pictures with codecs that 
+	only support image dimensions that are multiples of 16 pixels.
+	*/
+	EPpInputCrop =		0x00000001,
+	/**
+	Horizontal mirroring, flips the image data around a vertical line in its center.
+	*/
+	EPpMirror =		   0x00000002,
+	/**
+	Picture rotation, supports rotation by 90 or 180 degrees, clockwise and anticlockwise.
+	*/
+	EPpRotate =		   0x00000004,
+	/**
+	Picture scaling to a new size, includes both upscaling and downscaling. 
+	The supported scaling types and scale factors depend on the pixel processor.
+	*/
+	EPpScale =			0x00000008,
+	/**
+	Crops the picture to a final output rectangle.
+	*/
+	EPpOutputCrop =	   0x00000010,
+	/**
+	Pads the output picture to a defined size. Used in video recording to pad pictures to 
+	suit the encoder input requirements.
+	*/
+	EPpOutputPad =		0x00000020,
+	/**
+	YUV to RGB color space conversion. Supported only for video playback.
+	*/
+	EPpYuvToRgb =		 0x00000040,
+	/**
+	RGB to YUV color space conversion. Supported only for video recording.
+	*/
+	EPpRgbToYuv =		 0x00000080,
+	/**
+	YUV to YUV data format conversion. Supported only for video recording.
+	*/
+	EPpYuvToYuv =		 0x00000100,
+	/**
+	Noise filtering. Noise filtering is typically used to enhance the input 
+	picture from the camera, and is usually only supported for video recording.
+	*/
+	EPpNoiseFilter =	  0x00000200,
+	/**
+	Color enhancement.  Color enhancement is typically used to enhance the input picture 
+	from the camera, and is usually only supported for video recording.
+	*/
+	EPpColorEnhancement = 0x00000400,
+	/**
+	Frame stabilisation. Supported only for video recording.
+	*/
+	EPpFrameStabilisation = 0x00000800,
+	/**
+	Deblocking is typically used to remove artefacts from the output picture that result from 
+	high compression or a noisy input signal. Only supported for video playback.
+	*/
+    EPpDeblocking =         0x00001000,
+	/**
+	Deringing is typically used to remove artefacts from the output picture that result from 
+	a noisy input signal corrupting motion estimates. Only supported for video playback.
+	*/
+    EPpDeringing =          0x00002000,
+	/**
+	Custom hardware device specific processing.
+	*/
+	EPpCustom =		   0x10000000
+	};
+Dithering types.
+enum TDitherType
+	{
+	/** No dithering. */
+	EDitherNone		   = 0x00000001,
+	/** Ordered dither. */
+	EDitherOrdered		= 0x00000002,
+	/** Error diffusion dither. */
+	EDitherErrorDiffusion = 0x00000004,
+	/** Other hardware device specific dithering type. */
+	EDitherOther		  = 0x00000008
+	};
+Rotation types for pre-processors and post-processors.
+enum TRotationType
+	{
+	/**	No rotation. */
+	ERotateNone			   = 0x00000001,
+	/** Rotate the picture 90 degrees clockwise. */
+	ERotate90Clockwise	 = 0x00000002,
+	/** Rotate the picture 90 degrees anticlockwise. */
+	ERotate90Anticlockwise = 0x00000004,
+	/** Rotate the picture 180 degrees. */
+	ERotate180			 = 0x00000008
+	};
+Defines possible encoding bit-rate control modes.
+enum TBitrateControlType
+	{
+	/**
+	The encoder does not control the bit-rate, but uses specified target picture quality and picture 
+	rate as such. The coded data stream must still remain compliant with the standard and buffer settings 
+	in use, if any, and thus HRD/VBV settings can limit the possible bit-rate.
+	*/
+	EBrControlNone	= 0x00000001,
+	/**
+	The encoder controls the coded bit-rate of the stream. The caller indicates target bit-rate, target 
+	picture quality, target frame rate, spatial-temporal trade-off, and latency-quality trade-off.
+	*/
+	EBrControlStream  = 0x00000002,
+	/**
+	The encoder controls the coded bit-rate of each picture. The caller gives the target amount of bits per 
+	frame. Each given input frame is coded. This type of operation is applicable only in memory-buffer-based 
+	input.
+	*/
+	EBrControlPicture = 0x00000004
+	};
+Defines the scalability type for a single bit-rate scalability layer.
+enum TScalabilityType
+	{
+	/**
+	The layer uses temporal scalability. Using the layer increases the picture rate.
+	*/
+	EScalabilityTemporal		= 0x00000001,
+	/**
+	The layer uses quality scalability. Using the layer improves picture quality.
+	*/
+	EScalabilityQuality		 = 0x00000002,
+	/**
+	The layer uses spatial scalability. Using the layer increases picture resolution.
+	*/
+	EScalabilitySpatial		 = 0x00000004,
+	/**
+	The layer is a fine-granularity scalability layer. In fine granularity scalability, the output 
+	quality increases gradually as a function of decoded bits from the enhancement layer.
+	*/
+	EScalabilityFineGranularity = 0x10000000,
+	/**
+	The layer is a fine-granularity quality scalability layer.
+	*/
+	EScalabilityQualityFG	   = EScalabilityFineGranularity | EScalabilityQuality
+	};
+Forward error control strength used for an unequal error protection level. Also other values between 
+EFecStrengthNone and EFecStrengthHigh can be used, the encoder will round the values to the levels 
+it supports.
+enum TErrorControlStrength
+	{
+	/** No error control. */
+	EFecStrengthNone = 0,
+	/** Low error control strength. */
+	EFecStrengthLow = 256,
+	/** Normal error control strength. */
+	EFecStrengthNormal = 512,
+	/** High error control strength. */
+	EFecStrengthHigh = 768
+	};
+Defines the scalability type for in-layer bit-rate scalability.
+enum TInLayerScalabilityType
+	{
+	/** Temporal scalability, such as B-pictures. */
+	EInLScalabilityTemporal = 1,
+	/** Other scalability type. */
+	EInLScalabilityOther
+	};
+Defines what part of a frame is contained within a video buffer.
+enum TFramePortion
+	{
+	/** The frame portion is unknown. */
+	EFramePortionUnknown,
+	/** An entire frame. */
+	EFramePortionWhole,
+	/** A fragment of a frame containing the start but not the end. */
+	EFramePortionStartFragment,
+	/** An fragment of a frame containing neither the start nor the end. */
+	EFramePortionMidFragment,
+	/** A fragment of a frame containing the end but not the start. */
+	EFramePortionEndFragment
+	};