changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmhais/videohai/devvideo/inc/devvideoplay.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2071 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __DEVVIDEOPLAY_H__
+#define __DEVVIDEOPLAY_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideobase.h>
+class MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver;
+class CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice;
+class CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice;
+class CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice;
+MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy is the interface to the CMMFDevVideoPlay API implementation that the hardware devices 
+use to deliver data back to the client and report their progress to the API implementation.
+class MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy
+	{
+	/**
+	Delivers a new decoded picture to the client. The CMMFDevVideoPlay implementation will maintain 
+	a list of decoded pictures and implement GetNewPictureInfo() and NextPictureL() based on those. 
+	The pictures will be returned back to the hardware device using ReturnPicture().
+	@param "aPicture" "The newly processed picture."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvppNewPicture(TVideoPicture* aPicture) = 0;
+	/**
+	Notifies the client that one or more new empty input buffers are available. Called by the decoder 
+	hardware device.
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvppNewBuffers() = 0;
+	/**
+	Returns a used input video picture back to the caller. Called by a post-processor hardware device 
+	after the picture has been processed and the picture source was the client, not another plug-in.
+	@param "aPicture" "The picture to return."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvppReturnPicture(TVideoPicture* aPicture) = 0;
+	/**
+	Delivers supplemental information from a decoder hardware device to the client. 
+	The information is codec-dependent. The method is synchronous - the client 
+	MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvppSupplementalInformation() method is called immediately, 
+	and the memory for the supplemental information can be re-used when the call returns.
+	@param "aData"		"The supplemental data."
+	@param "aTimestamp" "The presentation timestamp for the picture that the supplemental data is part of."
+	@param "aPictureId" "Picture identifier for the picture. If a picture ID is not available, 
+						aPictureId.iIdType is set to ENone."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvppSupplementalInformation(const TDesC8& aData, 
+		const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTimestamp, const TPictureId& aPictureId) = 0;
+	/**
+	Back channel information, indicating a picture loss without specifying the lost picture.
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvppPictureLoss() = 0;
+	/**
+	Back channel information, indicating the pictures that have been lost.
+	@param "aPictures"	"Picture identifiers for the lost pictures. The reference is only valid
+						until the method returns."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvppPictureLoss(const TArray<TPictureId>& aPictures) = 0;
+	/**
+	Back channel information, indicating the loss of consecutive macroblocks in raster scan order.
+	@param "aFirstMacroblock"	"The first lost macroblock.  The macroblocks are numbered 
+								such that the macroblock in the upper left corner of the picture is 
+								considered macroblock number 1 and the number for each macroblock increases 
+								from left to right and then from top to bottom in raster-scan order."
+	@param "aNumMacroblocks"	"The number of lost macroblocks that are consecutive in raster-scan order."
+	@param "aPicture"			"The picture identifier for the picture where the macroblocks were lost.  
+								If the picture is not known, aPicture.iIdType is set to ENone.  The 
+								reference is only valid until the method returns."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvppSliceLoss(TUint aFirstMacroblock, TUint aNumMacroblocks, const TPictureId& aPicture)= 0;
+	/**
+	Back channel information from the decoder, indicating a reference picture selection request. 
+	The request is delivered as a coding-standard specific binary message.  Reference picture selection
+	can be used to select a pervious correctly transmitted picture to use as a reference in case later 
+	pictures have been lost.
+	@param "aSelectionData"	"The reference picture selection request message. The message format is 
+							coding-standard specific, and defined separately. The reference is only 
+							valid until the method returns."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvppReferencePictureSelection(const TDesC8& aSelectionData)= 0;
+	/**
+	Delivers a timed snapshot result to the client. The memory reserved for the snapshot picture 
+	can no longer be used in the device.
+	@param "aError"					"An error code, KErrNone if no errors occurred. 
+									If an error occurred, the data in the snapshot may not be valid, 
+									but the memory can still be freed."
+	@param "aPictureData"			"The snapshot picture data."
+	@param "aPresentationTimestamp"	"The presentation timestamp for the snapshot picture."
+	@param "aPictureId"				"Picture identifier for the picture. If a picture ID is not 
+									available, aPictureId.iIdType is set to ENone."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvppTimedSnapshotComplete(TInt aError, TPictureData* aPictureData, 
+		const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPresentationTimestamp, const TPictureId& aPictureId) = 0;
+	/**
+	Reports a fatal error to the client. The device must automatically stop processing 
+	video data when such errors occur, and may not do further processing before it has 
+	been deleted and re-created.
+	@param "aDevice" "The device that reported the error."
+	@param "aError"	 "The error code."	
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvppFatalError(CMMFVideoHwDevice* aDevice, TInt aError) = 0;
+	/**
+	Reports that an asynchronous Initialize() method has completed. 
+	The device is now ready for playback.
+	@param "aDevice" "The device that was initialzied."
+	@param "aError"	 "Initialization result error code, KErrNone if initialization was successful."	
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvppInitializeComplete(CMMFVideoHwDevice* aDevice, TInt aError) = 0;
+	/**
+	Reports that the input video stream end has been reached and all pictures have been processed. 
+	Called by each hardware device after their InputEnd() methods have been called and all data has 
+	been processed. The proxy implementation will notify the client about stream end when all 
+	hardware devices have called this method.
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvppStreamEnd() = 0;
+	};
+A buffer for compressed video data, contains one coded data unit. Video buffers are used for writing 
+video data to the API.
+class TVideoInputBuffer
+	{
+	/**
+	Default constructor. Zeroes all members (including iData which will point to garbage until manually
+	set to point to the real video buffer memory data area by the user).
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TVideoInputBuffer();
+	/**
+	 */
+	enum TVideoBufferOptions
+		{
+		/** The sequence number field is valid. */
+		ESequenceNumber	 = 0x00000001,
+		/** The decoding timestamp field is valid */
+		EDecodingTimestamp  = 0x00000002,
+		/** The presentation timestamp field is valid.*/
+		EPresentationTimestamp = 0x00000004,
+		/** Content protected pictures cannot be displayed on unprotected 
+		    external displays such as TV-out.
+		*/
+		EContentProtected = 0x00000008
+		};
+	/**
+	Pointer to the video data.
+	*/
+	TPtr8 iData;
+	/**
+	Data unit options. The value is a bitfield combined from values from TVideoBufferOptions.
+	@see TVideoBufferOptions
+	*/
+	TUint32 iOptions;
+	/**
+	Data unit decoding timestamp. Valid if EDecodingTimestamp is set in the options.
+	*/
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iDecodingTimestamp;
+	/**
+	Data unit presentation timestamp. Valid if EPresentationTimestamp is set in the options. 
+	If the input bitstream does not contain timestamp information, this field should be valid, 
+	otherwise pictures cannot be displayed at the correct time.   If the input bitstream contains 
+	timestamp information (such as the TR syntax element of H.263 bitstreams) and valid 
+	iPresentationTimestamp is provided, the value of iPresentationTimestamp is used in playback.
+	*/
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iPresentationTimestamp;
+	/**
+	True if the data is part of a pre-roll period and may not be drawn. The decoder may skip 
+	display-related operations, but must still decode normally since pre-roll may not end in a key 
+	frame.
+	*/
+	TBool iPreRoll;
+	/**
+	Data unit sequence number. Valid if ESequenceNumber is set in the options. If present, the 
+	sequence number is incremented once per coded data unit, a gap in the numbers indicates missing 
+	data.
+	*/
+	TUint iSequenceNumber;
+	/**
+	True if the data unit is known to contain erroneous data.
+	*/
+	TBool iError;
+	/**
+	A queue link used internally by the MSL API. The field must not be modified while the buffer is 
+	in the MSL API, but can be used by the client before the buffer has been written and after the 
+	buffer has been returned.
+	*/
+	TDblQueLink iLink;
+	/**
+	A pointer for free-form user data. The pointer is set by the module that created the buffer, and 
+	is usually used for memory management purposes.
+	*/
+	TAny* iUser;
+	};
+This class contains information about the post-processing functionality that a single post-processor 
+or decoder hardware device has. Although it mainly contains static data, it is defined as a complete 
+CBase-derived class since the data is relatively complex and proper memory management is necessary.
+The objects are created by the post-processor or decoder devices, and used by the MSL video client code.
+class CPostProcessorInfo : public CBase
+	{
+	/**
+	Creates and returns a new CPostProcessorInfo object.
+	@param	"aUid"							"The UID of the post-processor."
+	@param	"aManufacturer"					"The manufacturer of the post-processor hw device."
+	@param	"aIdentifier"					"The post-processor hw device manufacturer-specific 
+											identifier."
+	@param	"aVersion"						"The post-processor version."
+	@param	"aSupportedFormats"				"The source formats supported by the post-processor."
+	@param	"aSupportedCombinations"		"The supported post-processing combinations.  An array of 
+											values created by the bitwise OR-ing of values from 
+											TPrePostProcessType."
+	@param	"aAccelerated"					"Whether the post processor is hardware-accelerated. 
+											Accelerated post-processors can run on an application DSP 
+											or dedicated hardware."
+	@param	"aSupportsDirectDisplay"		"Whether the hw device supports output directly to the 
+											screen."
+	@param	"aYuvToRgbCapabilities"			"The post-processor YUV to RGB conversion capabilities."
+	@param	"aSupportedRotations"			"A bitwise OR of values of TRotationType to indicate the 
+											supported rotation types."
+	@param	"aSupportArbitraryScaling"		"Whether the post-processor supports arbitrary scaling."
+	@param	"aSupportedScaleFactors"		"A list of the discrete scaling factors supported. If the
+											post-processor supports arbitrary scaling, this list should
+											be left zero-length."
+	@param	"aAntiAliasedScaling"			"Whether anti-aliasing filtering for scaling is supported."
+	@param	"aImplementationSpecificInfo"	"Implementation-specific information."
+	@return "A new CPostProcessorInfo object."
+	@leave	"This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CPostProcessorInfo* NewL(TUid aUid,
+											 const TDesC& aManufacturer,
+											 const TDesC& aIdentifier,
+											 TVersion aVersion,
+											 const TArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat>& aSupportedFormats,
+											 const TArray<TUint32>& aSupportedCombinations,
+											 TBool aAccelerated,
+											 TBool aSupportsDirectDisplay,
+											 const TYuvToRgbCapabilities& aYuvToRgbCapabilities,
+											 TUint32 aSupportedRotations,
+											 TBool aSupportArbitraryScaling,
+											 const TArray<TScaleFactor>& aSupportedScaleFactors,
+											 TBool aAntiAliasedScaling,
+											 const TDesC8& aImplementationSpecificInfo = KNullDesC8);
+	/**
+	Destructor
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C ~CPostProcessorInfo();
+	/**
+	Returns the post-processor UID.
+	@return "Post-processor UID"
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TUid Uid() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the post-processor hardware device manufacturer.
+	@return "The manufacturer name as a standard Symbian descriptor. The reference is valid until the 
+			CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const TDesC& Manufacturer() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the post-processor hardware device manufacturer-specific identifier. 
+	The combination of the manufacturer and identifier uniquely identifies the device.
+	@return "The identifier as a standard Symbian descriptor. The reference is valid until the 
+			CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const TDesC& Identifier() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the post-processor version.
+	@return "Post-processor version."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TVersion Version() const;
+	/**
+	Checks if the post-processor supports the given format as a source format.
+	@param	"aFormat"	"The format to check. The reference is not used after the method returns."
+	@return "ETrue if the post-processor supports the given format, EFalse if not."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool SupportsFormat(const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat) const;
+	/**
+	Lists the source formats supported by the post-processor.
+	@return "A RArray table of supported video formats (TUncompressedVideoFormat). The reference is 
+			valid until the CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat>& SupportedFormats() const;
+	/**
+	Checks if the post-processor supports the given post-processing combination.
+	@param	"aCombination" "Post-processing combination, a bitwise OR of values from TPrePostProcessType."
+	@return "ETrue if the post-processing combination is supported, EFalse if not."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool SupportsCombination(TUint32 aCombination) const;
+	/**
+	Lists all supported post-processing combinations.
+	@return "A RArray table or post-processing combinations. Each value is a bitwise OR of values from 
+			TPrePostProcessType. The reference is valid until the CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const RArray<TUint32>& SupportedCombinations() const;
+	/**
+	Returns whether the hardware device is hardware-accelerated. Hardware-accelerated post-processors 
+	can run on an application DSP or dedicated hardware.
+	@return "ETrue if the device is hardware-accelerated."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool Accelerated() const;
+	/**
+	Returns whether the hardware device supports output directly to the screen. Output to memory buffers 
+	is always supported.
+	@return "ETrue if the post-processor supports direct screen output."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool SupportsDirectDisplay() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the post-processor YUV to RGB color conversion capabilities.
+	@return "The conversion capabilities as a TYuvToRgbCapabilities structure. The reference is valid 
+			until the CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed. If the post-processor does not support 
+			YUV to RGB conversion, the contents are undefined."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const TYuvToRgbCapabilities& YuvToRgbCapabilities() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the rotation types the post-processor supports.
+	@return "The supported rotation types as a bitwise OR of TRotationType values. If the 
+			post-processor does not support rotation, the return value is zero."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TUint32 SupportedRotations() const;
+	/**
+	Returns whether the post-processor supports arbitrary scaling. If arbitrary scaling is not 
+	supported, a limited selection of scaling factors may still be available, use 
+	SupportedScaleFactors() to retrieve those.
+	@return "ETrue if the post-processor supports arbitrary scaling, EFalse if not."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool SupportsArbitraryScaling() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the scaling factors the post-processor supports. If the post-processor supports arbitrary 
+	scaling the list is empty - use SupportsArbitraryScaling() first.
+	@return "A RArray list of supported scale factors (TScaleFactor). The reference is valid until the 
+			CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed. If the post-processor supports arbitrary scaling 
+			or no scaling at all, the list is empty."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const RArray<TScaleFactor>& SupportedScaleFactors() const;
+	/**
+	Returns whether the hardware device supports anti-aliasing filtering for scaling.
+	@return "True if anti-aliasing filtering is supported."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool AntiAliasedScaling() const;
+	/**
+	Returns implementation-specific information about the post-processor.
+	@return "Implementation- specific information about the post-processor. The data format is 
+			implementation-specific, and defined separately by the post-processor supplier. The 
+			reference is valid until the CPostProcessorInfo object is destroyed."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const TDesC8& ImplementationSpecificInfo() const;
+	/**
+	Adds the screen number into the list of screens supported by the post processor.
+	@leave	"KErrNoMemory when there is no memory to expand the list of supported screens. 
+			 KErrNotSupported if the secondary screen display is not supported in Multimedia Framework."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void AddSupportedScreenL(TInt aScreenNo);
+	/**
+	Lists the screens supported by the post processor.
+	@param	"aSupportedScreens"		"An array to retrieve the list of supported screens. 
+									 This method resets	the array before adding elements to it. 
+									 The array must be created and destroyed by the caller."
+	@leave "KErrNotSupported if the secondary screen display is not supported in Multimedia Framework.
+			KErrNoMemory when there is no memory to expand the list."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void GetSupportedScreensL(RArray<TInt>& aSupportedScreens) const;
+	/** Sets a flag indicating whether the PostProcessor supports per picture content protection.
+	    E.g. Where content protection within a video stream can alter.
+	 @param "aSetting" "Set to TRUE to indicate PostProcessor supports content protection. 
+	 @See TVideoPicture::TVideoPictureOptions::EContentProtected 
+	 @See TVideoInputBuffer::TVideoBufferOptions::EContentProtected 
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetSupportsContentProtected(const TBool aSetting);
+	/** Returns whether the PostProcessor supports per picture content protection.
+	    E.g. Where content protection within a video stream can alter.
+	 @return "True if the PostProcessor supports Content Protection." 
+	 @See TVideoPicture::TVideoPictureOptions::EContentProtected
+	 @See TVideoInputBuffer::TVideoBufferOptions::EContentProtected
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool SupportsContentProtected() const;
+	CPostProcessorInfo(TUid aUid,
+					   TVersion aVersion,
+					   TBool aAccelerated,
+					   TBool aSupportDirectDisplay,
+					   const TYuvToRgbCapabilities& aYuvToRgbCapabilities,
+					   TUint32 aSupportedRotations,
+					   TBool aSupportArbitraryScaling,
+					   TBool aAntiAliasedScaling);
+	void ConstructL(const TDesC& aManufacturer,
+					const TDesC& aIdentifier,
+					const TArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat>& aSupportedFormats,
+					const TArray<TUint32>& aSupportedCombinations,
+					const TArray<TScaleFactor>& aSupportedScaleFactors,
+					const TDesC8& aImplementationSpecificInfo);
+	TUid iUid;
+	TVersion iVersion;
+	TBool iAccelerated;
+	TBool iSupportDirectDisplay;
+	TYuvToRgbCapabilities iYuvToRgbCapabilities;
+	TUint32 iSupportedRotations;
+	TBool iSupportArbitraryScaling;
+	TBool iAntiAliasedScaling;
+	HBufC* iManufacturer;
+	HBufC* iIdentifier;
+	HBufC8* iImplementationSpecificInfo;
+ 	RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat> iSupportedFormats;
+	RArray<TUint32> iSupportedCombinations;
+	RArray<TScaleFactor> iSupportedScaleFactors;
+	RArray<TInt> iSupportedScreens;
+	TBool iSupportsContentProtected;
+	};
+This class contains information about a single video decoder. Although it mainly contains static data, 
+it is defined as a complete CBase-derived class since the data is relatively complex and proper memory 
+management is necessary.
+The objects are created by the video decoder hardware devices, and used by the MSL video client code.
+class CVideoDecoderInfo : public CBase
+	{
+	/**
+	Creates and returns a new CVideoDecoderInfo object.
+	@param	"aUid"							"The uid of the decoder."
+	@param	"aManufacturer"					"The video decoder manufacturer."
+	@param	"aIdentifier"					"The manufacturer-specific identifier for this video decoder."
+	@param	"aVersion"						"The version of this video decoder."
+	@param	"aSupportedFormats"				"An array of the formats supported by the decoder. 
+											A copy will be taken of the array and the referenced 
+											CCompressedVideoFormat objects"
+	@param	"aAccelerated"					"Whether this decoder is accelerated or not."
+	@param	"aSupportsDirectDisplay"		"Whether this decoder supports direct display or not."
+	@param	"aMaxPictureSize"				"The maximum picture size supported by the decoder."
+	@param	"aMaxBitrate"					"The maximum bit rate supported by the decoder. Use KMaxTUint32 if there are no bit-rate restrictions."
+	@param	"aMaxPictureRates"				"An array of the maximum picture size/rate combinations supported by the decoder."
+	@param	"aSupportsPictureLoss"			"Whether the decoder supports picture loss indications."
+	@param	"aSupportsSliceLoss"			"Whether the decoder supports slice loss indications."
+	@param	"aCodingStandardSpecificInfo"	"Coding-standard specific information about the decoder."
+	@param	"aImplementationSpecificInfo"	"Implementation-specific information about the decoder."
+	@return "A new CVideoDecoderInfo object."
+	@leave	"This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CVideoDecoderInfo* NewL(TUid aUid,
+											const TDesC& aManufacturer,
+											const TDesC& aIdentifier,
+											TVersion aVersion,
+											const TArray<CCompressedVideoFormat*>& aSupportedFormats,
+											TBool aAccelerated,
+											TBool aSupportsDirectDisplay,
+											const TSize& aMaxPictureSize,
+											TUint aMaxBitrate,
+											const TArray<TPictureRateAndSize>& aMaxPictureRates,
+											TBool aSupportsPictureLoss,
+											TBool aSupportsSliceLoss,
+											const TDesC8& aCodingStandardSpecificInfo = KNullDesC8,
+											const TDesC8& aImplementationSpecificInfo = KNullDesC8);
+	/**
+	Destructor.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C ~CVideoDecoderInfo();
+	/**
+	Checks if the decoder supports the given format.
+	@param	"aFormat"	"The format to check. The reference is not used after the method returns."
+	@return "ETrue if the codec supports the given format, EFalse if not."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool SupportsFormat(const CCompressedVideoFormat& aFormat) const;
+	/**
+	Lists the video formats, including submodes, supported by the decoder.
+	@return "A RPointerArray table of supported video formats (CCompressedVideoFormat). The reference 
+			is valid until the CVideoDecoderInfo object is destroyed."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const RPointerArray<CCompressedVideoFormat>& SupportedFormats() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the codec device manufacturer.
+	@return "The manufacturer name as a standard Symbian descriptor. The reference is valid until the 
+	CVideoDecoderInfo object is destroyed."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const TDesC& Manufacturer() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the codec device manufacturer-specific identifier. The combination of the manufacturer 
+	and identifier uniquely identifies the hardware device.
+	@return "The identifier as a standard Symbian descriptor. The reference is valid until the 
+			CVideoDecoderInfo object is destroyed."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const TDesC& Identifier() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the decoder version.
+	@return "Decoder version."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TVersion Version() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the decoder UID.
+	@return "Decoder UID."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TUid Uid() const;
+	/**
+	Returns whether the decoder is hardware-accelerated. A hardware-accelerated decoder can run on 
+	an application DSP or dedicated hardware.
+	@return "True if the decoder is hardware-accelerated."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool Accelerated() const;
+	/**
+	Returns whether the hardware device supports output directly to the screen. Output to memory 
+	buffers is always supported.
+	@return "True if the hardware device supports direct screen output."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool SupportsDirectDisplay() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the maximum picture size the decoder supports.
+	Note that if the decoder reports that it supports a certain profile and level, then it 
+	shall support all bitstreams corresponding to that profile/level.  This method can be used 
+	to specify capabilities that are beyond the standard levels (for example some MPEG-4 bitstreams 
+	are encoded with picture sizes that are larger than those specified by the profile/level of the 
+	bitstream).
+	@return "The maximum picture size supported. The reference is valid until the CVideoDecoderInfo 
+			object is destroyed."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const TSize& MaxPictureSize() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the maximum bit-rate supported by the decoder.
+	Note that if the decoder reports that it supports a certain profile and level, then it shall 
+	support all bitstreams corresponding to that profile/level.  This method can be used to 
+	specify capabilities that are beyond the standard levels (for example some MPEG-4 bitstreams 
+	are encoded with bit rates that are higher than those specified by the profile/level of the
+	bitstream).
+	@return "Maximum bit-rate supported, in bits per second. KMaxTUint32 can be used if the decoder 
+			has no bit-rate restrictions."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TUint MaxBitrate() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the maximum picture size/rate combinations supported by the decoder.  
+	Video decoders can have different maximum picture rate limitations depending on the picture size used.
+	Note that if the decoder reports that it supports a certain profile and level, then it shall 
+	support all bitstreams corresponding to that profile/level.  This method can be used to specify 
+	capabilities that are beyond the standard levels (for example some MPEG-4 bitstreams are encoded
+	with picture rates that are beyond those specified by the profile/level of the bitstream).
+	@return "A reference to an array of picture size/rate combinations.  The reference remains valid
+			until this object is deleted."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const RArray<TPictureRateAndSize>& MaxPictureRates() const;
+	/**
+	Returns whether the decoder supports picture loss indications. If true, the decoder indicates
+	lost pictures by calling MdvpoPictureLoss().
+	@return "True if the decoder supports picture loss indications."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool SupportsPictureLoss() const;
+	/**
+	Returns whether the decoder supports slice loss indications. If true, the decoder indicates 
+	lost macroblocks by calling MdvpoSliceLoss().
+	@return "True if the decoder supports slice loss indications."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool SupportsSliceLoss() const;
+	/**
+	Returns coding-standard specific information about the decoder.
+	@return "Coding-standard specific information about the decoder. The data format is coding-standard
+			specific, and defined separately. The reference is valid until the CVideoDecoderInfo object
+			is destroyed."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const TDesC8& CodingStandardSpecificInfo() const;
+	/**
+	Returns implementation-specific information about the decoder.
+	@return "Implementation- specific information about the decoder. The data format is 
+			implementation-specific, and defined separately by the decoder supplier. The reference 
+			is valid until the CVideoDecoderInfo object is destroyed."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C const TDesC8& ImplementationSpecificInfo() const;
+	/**
+	Adds the screen number into the list of screens supported by the decoder.
+	@leave	"KErrNoMemory when there is no memory to expand the list of supported screens. 
+			 KErrNotSupported if the secondary screen display is not supported in Multimedia Framework."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void AddSupportedScreenL(TInt aScreenNo);
+	/**
+	Lists the screens supported by the decoder.
+	@param	"aSupportedScreens"		"An array to retrieve the list of supported screens. 
+									 This method resets	the array before adding elements to it. 
+									 The array must be created and destroyed by the caller."
+	@leave "KErrNotSupported if the secondary screen display is not supported in Multimedia Framework.
+			KErrNoMemory when there is no memory to expand the list."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void GetSupportedScreensL(RArray<TInt>& aSupportedScreens) const;
+	/** Sets a flag indicating whether the Decoder supports per picture content protection.
+	    E.g. Where content protection within a video stream can alter.
+	 @param "aSetting" "Set to TRUE to indicate decoder supports content protection. 
+	 @See TVideoPicture::TVideoPictureOptions::EContentProtected 
+	 @See TVideoInputBuffer::TVideoBufferOptions::EContentProtected 
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetSupportsContentProtected(const TBool aSetting);
+	/** Returns whether the Decoder supports per picture content protection.
+	    E.g. Where content protection within a video stream can alter.
+	 @return "True if the Decoder supports Content Protection." 
+	 @See TVideoPicture::TVideoPictureOptions::EContentProtected
+	 @See TVideoInputBuffer::TVideoBufferOptions::EContentProtected
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool SupportsContentProtected() const;
+	CVideoDecoderInfo(TUid aUid,
+					  TVersion aVersion,
+					  TBool aAccelerated,
+					  TBool aSupportsDirectDisplay,
+					  const TSize& aMaxPictureSize,
+					  TUint aMaxBitrate,
+					  TBool aSupportsPictureLoss,
+					  TBool aSupportsSliceLoss);
+	void ConstructL(const TDesC& aManufacturer,
+					const TDesC& aIdentifier,
+					const TArray<CCompressedVideoFormat*>& aSupportedFormats,
+					const TArray<TPictureRateAndSize>& aMaxPictureRates,
+					const TDesC8& aCodingStandardSpecificInfo,
+					const TDesC8& aImplementationSpecificInfo);
+	TUid iUid;
+	TVersion iVersion;
+	TBool iAccelerated;
+	TBool iSupportsDirectDisplay;
+	TSize iMaxPictureSize;
+	TUint iMaxBitrate;
+	TBool iSupportsPictureLoss;
+	TBool iSupportsSliceLoss;
+	HBufC* iManufacturer;
+	HBufC* iIdentifier;
+	RPointerArray<CCompressedVideoFormat> iSupportedFormats;
+	RArray<TPictureRateAndSize> iMaxPictureRates;
+	HBufC8* iCodingStandardSpecificInfo;
+	HBufC8* iImplementationSpecificInfo;
+	RArray<TInt> iSupportedScreens;
+	TBool iSupportsContentProtected;
+	};
+CMMFDevVideoPlay is the main client API for DevVideoPlay.
+class CMMFDevVideoPlay : public CBase, private MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy
+	{
+	/**
+	Picture statistic counters. Used for following playback progress. The counters can be retrieved 
+	using GetPictureCounters() and are reset after each call. The client must keep track of the 
+	cumulative values for counters and picture processing rates itself if necessary.
+	*/
+	class TPictureCounters
+		{
+	public:
+		/**
+		Default constructor.  Zeros all members.
+		*/
+		inline TPictureCounters();
+	public:
+		/**
+		The number of pictures skipped due to lack of processing power. This does not include pictures 
+		inside data bytes discarded due to buffer overflows, but includes all pictures skipped at 
+		picture decoding, post-processing and rendering phase.
+		*/
+		TUint iPicturesSkipped;
+		/**
+		The number of pictures decoded.
+		*/
+		TUint iPicturesDecoded;
+		/**
+		The number of pictures "virtually" displayed. "Virtually" displayed pictures are pictures 
+		that have been drawn on the screen, when using direct rendering, or pictures that have been 
+		decoded, processed, and delivered to the client when not using direct rendering.
+		*/
+		TUint iPicturesDisplayed;
+		/**
+		The total number of pictures in the input bitstream. This figure does not include pictures that 
+		have been lost due to transmission errors, since those have not been processed by the MSL 
+		hardware devices, but does include pictures that have been discarded by the HW devices due 
+		to buffer overflows or other reasons.
+		*/
+		TUint iTotalPictures;
+		};
+	/**
+	Bitstream statistic counters, used for following decoding progress. The counters can be retrieved 
+	using GetBitstreamCounters() and are reset after each call. The client must keep track of the 
+	cumulative values for counters itself if necessary.
+	*/
+	class TBitstreamCounters
+		{
+	public:
+		/**
+		Default constructor.  Zeros all members.
+		*/
+		inline TBitstreamCounters();
+	public:
+		/**
+		Number of lost packets.  This figure includes all packets that have been dropped by the hardware 
+		devices due to buffer overruns, but it does not include packets lost due to transmission errors.
+		*/
+		TUint iLostPackets;
+		/**
+		Total number of packets. This figure includes all the packets that have been received by the 
+		decoder, including packets that have been dropped due to buffer overruns.
+		*/
+		TUint iTotalPackets;
+		};
+	/**
+	Buffer options used with SetBufferOptionsL().
+	*/
+	class TBufferOptions
+		{
+	public:
+		/**
+		Default constructor.  Zeros all members.
+		*/
+		inline TBufferOptions();
+	public:
+		/**
+		Pre-decoder buffer size in bytes. Set to zero to use decoder default value.
+		*/
+		TUint iPreDecodeBufferSize;
+		/**
+		Maximum post-decoder buffer size in bytes. Set to zero to remove limitations.
+		*/
+		TUint iMaxPostDecodeBufferSize;
+		/**
+		Initial pre-decoder buffering period, the amount of coded data to be buffered before decoding 
+		starts. If the value is set to zero, decoding begins immediately when all data associated with 
+		the first decoding timestamp is received. Default value is zero.
+		*/
+		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iPreDecoderBufferPeriod;
+		/**
+		The amount of data buffered after the decoding before playback starts. If the value is zero, 
+		playback begins immediately when the first picture has been decoded. The default value is zero.
+		*/
+		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iPostDecoderBufferPeriod;
+		/**
+		The maximum input buffer size that the client will request. If the buffer options have been 
+		set successfully, the decoder must be able to supply buffers of this size. If no information 
+		is available about the bitstream, the client may have to set this value to a relatively large 
+		value, and thus the decoder should not by default allocate buffers of this size before they 
+		are explicitly requested.
+		*/
+		TUint iMaxInputBufferSize;
+		/**
+		The minimum number of input buffers the decoder needs to have available. This is the number of 
+		buffers the client can request through GetBufferL() before writing any back using 
+		WriteCodedDataL().
+		*/
+		TUint iMinNumInputBuffers;
+		};
+	/**
+	Information about a single computational complexity level.
+	*/
+	class TComplexityLevelInfo
+		{
+	public:
+		enum TOptions
+			{
+			/** The average picture rate field is valid. */
+			EAvgPictureRate	   = 0x00000001,
+			/** The picture size field is valid. */
+			EPictureSize		  = 0x00000002,
+			/** The relative image quality field is valid. */
+			ERelativeImageQuality = 0x00000004,
+			/** The required MIPS field is valid. */
+			ERequiredMIPS		 = 0x00000008,
+			/** The relative processing time field is valid. */
+			ERelativeProcessTime  = 0x00000010
+			};
+		/**
+		Structure options. The value is a bitfield combined from values from TOptions.
+		*/
+		TUint32 iOptions;
+		/**
+		The average picture rate, in pictures per second. Valid only if EAvgPictureRate is set in the
+		options. This value depends on the input bitstream, and may not be available if enough 
+		bitstream has not been read.
+		*/
+		TReal iAvgPictureRate;
+		/**
+		Picture size (spatial resolution), in pixels. Valid only if EPictureSize is set in the options.
+		*/
+		TSize iPictureSize;
+		/**
+		Relative image quality, compared to the best available level. 1.0 is the quality at the 
+		maximum quality level (level zero). Valid only if ERelativeImageQuality is set in the options.
+		*/
+		TReal iRelativeImageQuality;
+		/**
+		The number of MIPS required to process the data. Valid only if ERequiredMIPS is set in 
+		the options.
+		*/
+		TUint iRequiredMIPS;
+		/**
+		Relative amount of processing time needed compared to standard-compliant decoding of all data. 
+		1.0 is the processing time required for full processing, which usually corresponds to 
+		complexity level zero. Valid only if ERelativeProcessTime is set in the options.
+		*/
+		TReal iRelativeProcessTime;
+		};
+	/**
+	Constructs a new MSL video client instance. Each client instance supports a single video bitstream.
+	@param  aObserver
+	        The observer object to use.
+	@return A pointer to a new CMMFDevVideoPlay object.
+	@leave  This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CMMFDevVideoPlay* NewL(MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver& aObserver);
+	/**
+	Destructor.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C ~CMMFDevVideoPlay();
+	/**
+	Finds a common format from two lists of uncompressed video formats. Used typically to find a 
+	suitable intermediate format between a video decoder and a post-processor. If multiple common 
+	formats are available, the lowest-cost format is selected, assuming that the cost of each format 
+	is equal to its position in the input array.
+	@param	"aFormats1"		"The first format list."
+	@param	"aFormats2"		"The second format list."
+	@param	"aCommonFormat"	"The target variable where the common format found (if any) is stored."
+	@return	"True if a common format was found, false if not. If no common format was found, 
+			aCommonFormat is not modified."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static TBool FindCommonFormat(const TArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat>& aFormats1, 
+										   const TArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat>& aFormats2, 
+										   TUncompressedVideoFormat& aCommonFormat);
+	/**
+	Finds all available decoders for a given video type with support for certain post-processing 
+	operations. The video type is specified using its MIME type, which may include parameters 
+	specifying the supported level, version, and other information. Decoder HW devices can use 
+	wildcards when listing the supported video types in the ECom registration information, so it is 
+	possible that all the decoders returned do not support the specified submode, e.g. profile and 
+	level, unless aExactMatch is set.
+	The decoder capabilities can be checked with VideoCodecInfoLC().
+	@param	"aMimeType"		"The video type that will be decoded."
+	@param	"aPostProcType"	"The post-processing types that the decoder has to support, a binary OR 
+							of TPrePostProcessType values. If no post-processing support is needed, 
+							set this value to zero."
+	@param	"aDecoders"		"An array for the result decoder UIDs. The array must be created and 
+							destroyed by the caller."
+	@param	"aExactMatch"	"True if exact matching should be used. In this only decoders that support 
+							exactly the MIME-type given will be returned. Since verifying this may 
+							require loading the decoders into memory, this can be a fairly expensive 
+							operation, and if the user needs to verify their capabilities further in 
+							any case this parameter should be set to EFalse."
+	@leave	"This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotFound:	No decoders were found matching the search parameters."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void FindDecodersL(const TDesC8& aMimeType, 
+								TUint32 aPostProcType, 
+								RArray<TUid>& aDecoders, 
+								TBool aExactMatch=ETrue);
+	/**
+	Finds all available post-processors for a given set of post-processing operations.
+	@param	"aPostProcType"		"The post-processing types that the hardware device has to support, 
+								a binary OR of TPrePostProcessType values."
+	@param	"aPostProcessors"	"An array for the result post-processor UIDs. The array must be 
+								created and destroyed by the caller."
+	@leave	"This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotFound:	No post-processors were found matching the search parameters."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void FindPostProcessorsL(TUint32 aPostProcType, RArray<TUid>& aPostProcessors);
+	/**
+	Retrieves a list of available video decoders in the system.
+	@param	"aDecoders"	"An array for the result decoder UIDs. The array must be created and 
+						destroyed by the caller."
+	@leave	"This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.  Not finding any decoders 
+			is not treated as an error condition: in this situation, aDecoders will be empty."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void GetDecoderListL(RArray<TUid>& aDecoders);
+	/**
+	Retrieves a list of available video post-processors in the system.
+	@param  aPostProcessors
+	        An array for the result post-processor UIDs. The array must be created and
+	        destroyed by the caller.
+	@leave  This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.  Not finding any post-processors
+	        is not treated as an error condition: in this situation, aDecoders will be empty.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void GetPostProcessorListL(RArray<TUid>& aPostProcessors);
+	/**
+	Retrieves information about an installed video decoder. Note that this method will need to load 
+	the codec hardware device into memory, and can thus be relatively expensive.
+	@param	"aVideoDecoder"	"The video decoder to query."
+	@return "Decoder information as a CVideoDecoderInfo object. The object is pushed to the cleanup
+			stack, and must be deallocated by the caller."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C CVideoDecoderInfo* VideoDecoderInfoLC(TUid aVideoDecoder);
+	/**
+	Retrieves information about the post-processing capabilities of an installed post-processor or 
+	decoder hardware device. Note that this method will need to load the device into memory, and can 
+	thus be relatively expensive.
+	@param	"aPostProcessor"	"The post-processor to query."
+	@return "Post-processor information as a CPostProcessorInfo object. The object is pushed to the 
+			cleanup stack, and must be deallocated by the caller."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C CPostProcessorInfo* PostProcessorInfoLC(TUid aPostProcessor);
+	/**
+	Selects the video decoder to be used. This method must be called before any other video decoder 
+	related methods are used. The decoder to use can be changed by calling this method again before 
+	the API has been initialized with Initialize().
+	All video decoder settings are reset to their default values, which are up to the implementation 
+	to decide if not specified in any of the MSL specifications. By default no post-processing is 
+	performed.
+	@param  "aDecoder" "The video decoder to use."
+	@return "Hardware device ID, used in other methods for configuring the decoder."
+	@leave  "The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+			* KErrNotFound - No decoder was found with the given UID"
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C THwDeviceId SelectDecoderL(TUid aDecoder);
+	/**
+	Selects the video post-processor to be used. This method must be called before any other 
+	post-processor related methods are used. The post-processor to use can be changed by calling
+	this method again before the API has been initialized with Initialize().
+	All post-processor settings are reset to their default values, which are up to the implementation
+	to decide if not specified in any of the MSL specifications.
+	@param  "aPostProcessor" "The post-processor to use."
+	@return "Hardware device ID, used in other methods for configuring the post-processor."
+	@leave  "The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotFound - No post-processor was found with the given UID"
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C THwDeviceId SelectPostProcessorL(TUid aPostProcessor);
+	/**
+	Reads header information from a coded data unit. [1 #59] This method can be called only after 
+	SelectDecoderL().
+	@param	"aDataUnitType"				"The type of coded data unit that is contained in aDataUnit. If the 
+										data is a simple piece of bitstream, use 
+										EDuArbitraryStreamSection."
+	@param	"aDataUnitEncapsulation"	"The encapsulation type used for the coded data. If the data 
+										is a simple piece of bitstream, use EDuElementaryStream."
+	@param	"aDataUnit"					"The coded data unit, contained in a TVideoInputBuffer."
+	@return "Header information for the data unit, or NULL if the coded data unit did not contain 
+			enough data to parse the header. The header data must be returned to the API using 
+			ReturnHeader() before the API is shut down or the decoder is changed. The data remains 
+			valid until it is returned."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Running out of data is not considered an error, 
+			as described above. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The data is not in a supported format.
+				* KErrCorrupt - The data appears to be in a supported format, but is corrupted."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TVideoPictureHeader* GetHeaderInformationL(TVideoDataUnitType aDataUnitType, 
+														TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation aDataUnitEncapsulation, 
+														TVideoInputBuffer* aDataUnit);
+	IMPORT_C void ConfigureDecoderL(const TVideoPictureHeader& aVideoPictureHeader);
+	/**
+	Returns a header from GetHeaderInformationL() back to the decoder so that the memory can be freed.
+	@param	"aHeader"	"The header to return."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void ReturnHeader(TVideoPictureHeader* aHeader);
+	/**
+	Sets a hardware device input format to an uncompressed video format. Only post-processors support 
+	uncompressed video input.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"	"The hardware device to configure. The value is returned from
+						SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is selected."
+	@param	"aFormat"	"The input format to use."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The input format is not supported."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetInputFormatL(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat);
+	/**
+	Sets a hardware device Input format to a compressed video format. Only decoders support compressed 
+	video input.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"			"The hardware device to configure. The value is returned from 
+								SelectDecoderL() when the device is selected."
+	@param	"aFormat"			"The input format to use."
+	@param	"aDataUnitType"		"The data unit type for input data."
+	@param	"aEncapsulation"	"The encapsulation type used for the coded data."
+	@param	"aDataInOrder"		"True if the input data is written in correct decoding order, false if 
+								the input data may be written in arbitrary order."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The input format is not supported."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetInputFormatL(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, 
+								  const CCompressedVideoFormat& aFormat, 
+								  TVideoDataUnitType aDataUnitType, 
+								  TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation aEncapsulation, 
+								  TBool aDataInOrder);
+	/**
+	Retrieves the list of the output formats a hardware device supports. The list is ordered in 
+	preference order, with the preferred formats at the beginning of the list. The list can depend 
+	on the device source format, and therefore SetSourceFormatL() must be called for the device 
+	before calling this method.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"	"The hardware device to configure. The value is returned from SelectDecoderL() 
+						or SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is selected."
+	@param	"aFormats"	"An array for the result format list. The array must be created and destroyed 
+						by the caller."
+	@leave	"This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void GetOutputFormatListL(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat>& aFormats);
+	/**
+	Sets the output format for a hardware device. If a decoder and a post-processor are used, the 
+	decoder output format must match the post-processor source format.
+    If direct screen access is being used, then it is not necessary to call this method on the 
+	hwdevice performing the direct screen access.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"	"The hardware device to configure. The value is returned from SelectDecoderL() 
+						or SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is selected."
+	@param	"aFormat"	"The format to use."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The output format is not supported."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetOutputFormatL(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, const TUncompressedVideoFormat &aFormat);
+	/**
+	Sets the clock source to use for video timing. When video playback is synchronized with audio, the 
+	clock source is implemented by the audio playback subsystem, otherwise the clock source should get 
+	the time from the system clock. If no clock source is set, video playback will not be synchronized,
+	but will proceed as fast as possible, depending on input data and output buffer availability. This 
+	method can be called after all hardware devices have been selected, but before calling Initialize().
+	All decoders must support synchronization with an external clock source, as well as unsynchronized 
+	non-realtime operation. When a clock source is set, the decoder can skip pictures to maintain 
+	synchronization. When non-realtime operation is used and no clock source has been set, pictures 
+	may not be skipped unless a lower complexity level is used that requires this.
+	@param	"aClock"	"The clock source to use"
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetClockSource(MMMFClockSource* aClock);
+	/**
+	Sets the video output destination. The destination can be the screen (using direct screen access) 
+	or memory buffers. By default memory buffers are used. This method must be called after the 
+	decoder and post-processor have been selected and their options set, since support for direct 
+	screen access can vary between hardware devices.
+	@param	"aScreen"	"True if video output destination is the screen, false if memory buffers."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The selected video destination is not supported with the 
+				  current codec and post-processor settings."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetVideoDestScreenL(TBool aScreen);
+	/**
+	Sets whether the decoder should synchronize decoding to the current clock source, if any, or 
+	should decode all pictures as soon as possible. If decoding is synchronized, decoding timestamps 
+	are used if available, presentation timestamps are used if not. When decoding is not synchronized, 
+	pictures are decoded as soon as source data is available for them and the decoder has a free 
+	output buffer. If a clock source is not available, decoding will not be synchronized.
+	@param	"aSynchronize"	"True if decoding should be synchronized to a clock source."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SynchronizeDecoding(TBool aSynchronize);
+	/**
+	Sets video decoder buffering options.
+	@param	"aOptions"	"Buffering options."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The specified buffering options are not supported. If the 
+				  client receives this error code, it can call GetBufferOptions() to determine 
+				  the options the decoder is able to support."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetBufferOptionsL(const TBufferOptions& aOptions);
+	/**
+	Gets the video decoder buffer options actually in use. This can be used before calling 
+	SetBufferOptionsL() to determine the default options, or afterwards to check the values actually 
+	in use (if some default values were used).
+	@param	"aOptions"	"Buffering options structure to fill."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void GetBufferOptions(TBufferOptions& aOptions);
+	/**
+	Indicates which HRD/VBV specification is fulfilled in the input stream and any related parameters.
+	@param	"aHrdVbvSpec"	"The HRD/VBV specification fulfilled, see the definition of 
+							THrdVbvSpecification for details."
+	@param	"aHrdVbvParams"	"HRD/VBV parameters. The data format depends on the parameters chosen. 
+							For 3GPP TS 26.234 parameters (aHrdVbvSpec=EHrdVbv3GPP), the data in the 
+							descriptor is a package of type TPckC<T3gppHrdVbvParams> 
+							(see T3gppHrdVbvParams). If no HRD/VBV parameters are used, the descriptor 
+							is empty."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetHrdVbvSpec(THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec, const TDesC8& aHrdVbvParams);
+	/**
+	Sets the post-processing types to be used. This method, like all post-processing configuration 
+	methods, must be called before Initialize().
+	Post-processing operations are carried out in the following order:
+		1. Input cropping
+		2. Mirroring
+		3. Rotating
+		4. Scaling
+		5. Output cropping
+	Color space conversion can be performed at any point in the post-processing flow.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"				"The hardware device to configure. The value is returned from 
+									SelectDecoderL() or SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is 
+									selected."
+	@param	"aPostProcCombination"	"The post-processing steps to perform, a bitwise OR of values 
+									from TPrePostProcessType."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The post-processing combination is not supported"
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the API has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change will only be committed once CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetPostProcessTypesL(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, TUint32 aPostProcCombination);
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing options for input (pan-scan) cropping. SetPostProcessTypesL() must be called 
+	before this method is used.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"	"The hardware device to configure. The value is returned from SelectDecoderL()
+						or SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is selected."
+	@param	"aRect"		"The cropping rectangle to use."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - Pan-scan cropping is not supported"
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the API has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change will only be committed once CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetInputCropOptionsL(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, const TRect& aRect);
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing options for YUV to RGB color space conversion. Specifies the input YUV and 
+	output RGB formats to use explicitly. SetSourceFormatL() and SetOutputFormatL(), and 
+	SetPostProcessTypesL() must be called before this method is used.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"		"The hardware device to configure. The value is returned from 
+							SelectDecoderL() or SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is selected."
+	@param	"aOptions"		"The conversion options to use."
+	@param	"aYuvFormat"	"Conversion source YUV format."
+	@param	"aRgbFormat"	"Conversion target RGB format."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The conversion options are not supported."
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the API has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change will only be committed once CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetYuvToRgbOptionsL(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, 
+									  const TYuvToRgbOptions& aOptions, 
+									  const TYuvFormat& aYuvFormat, 
+									  TRgbFormat aRgbFormat);
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing options for YUV to RGB color space conversion. Uses the device input and 
+	output formats. For decoders the default YUV format used is the format specified in the input 
+	bitstream. SetSourceFormatL() and SetOutputFormatL(), and SetPostProcessTypesL() must be called 
+	before this method is used.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"		"The hardware device to configure. The value is returned from 
+							SelectDecoderL() or SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is selected."
+	@param	"aOptions"		"The conversion options to use."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The conversion options are not supported."
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the API has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change will only be committed once CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetYuvToRgbOptionsL(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, const TYuvToRgbOptions& aOptions);
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing options for rotation. SetPostProcessTypesL() must be called before this 
+	method is used.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"		"The hardware device to configure. The value is returned from 
+							SelectDecoderL() or SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is selected."
+	@param	"aRotationType"	"The rotation to perform."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The rotation options are not supported."
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the API has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change will only be committed once CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetRotateOptionsL(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, TRotationType aRotationType);
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing options for scaling. SetPostProcessTypesL() must be called before this method 
+	is used.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"				"The hardware device to configure. The value is returned from 
+									SelectDecoderL() or SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is 
+									selected."
+	@param	"aTargetSize"			"Scaling target size. If a fixed scale factor size is used, the 
+									new dimensions must be set to width=floor(factor*width), 
+									height=floor(factor*height). For example, scaling a QCIF (176x144) 
+									picture up by a factor of 4/3 yields a size of 234x192."
+	@param	"aAntiAliasFiltering"	"True if anti-aliasing filtering should be used. If the 
+									post-processor does not support anti-aliased scaling, or supports 
+									anti-aliased scaling only, this argument is ignored."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The scale options are not supported."
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the API has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change will only be committed once CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetScaleOptionsL(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, 
+								   const TSize& aTargetSize, 
+								   TBool aAntiAliasFiltering);
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing options for output cropping. SetPostProcessTypesL() must be called before this
+	method is used.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"	"The hardware device to configure. The value is returned from SelectDecoderL()
+						# SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is selected."
+	@param	"aRect"		"Output cropping area."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - Output cropping is not supported."
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the API has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change will only be committed once CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetOutputCropOptionsL(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, const TRect& aRect);
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing hardware device specific options. SetPostProcessTypesL() must be called 
+	before this method is used.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"	"The hardware device to configure. The value is returned from SelectDecoderL()
+						or SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is selected."
+	@param	"aOptions"	"The options. The format is plug-in specific."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The options are not supported."
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the API has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change will only be committed once CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, const TDesC8& aOptions);
+	/**
+	Initializes the video device. This method is asynchronous, DevVideoPlay will call 
+	MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver::MdvpoInitializeComplete() after initialization has completed. No 
+	DevVideoPlay method may be called while initialization is in progress, the initialization process 
+	can only be cancelled by destroying the DevVideoPlay object. After this initialization has been 
+	successfully completed, further configuration changes are not possible except where separately 
+	noted.
+	If initialization fails for any reason, the DevVideoPlay object must be destroyed and set up from
+	scratch.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Initialize();
+	/**
+	Commit all configuration changes since the last CommitL(), Revert() or Initialize(). This only applies 
+	to methods that can be called both before AND after DevVideoPlay has been initialized. 
+	See the following methods for details.
+	@see	SetPostProcessTypesL
+	@see	SetInputCropOptionsL
+	@see	SetYuvToRgbOptionsL
+	@see	SetRotateOptionsL
+	@see	SetScaleOptionsL
+	@see	SetOutputCropOptionsL
+	@see	SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL
+	@leave  "The method will leave if an error occurs."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void CommitL();
+	/**
+	Revert any configuration changes that have not yet been committed using CommitL().  This only applies 
+	to methods that can be called both before AND after DevVideoPlay has been initialized. 
+	See the following methods for details.
+	@see	SetPostProcessTypesL
+	@see	SetInputCropOptionsL
+	@see	SetYuvToRgbOptionsL
+	@see	SetRotateOptionsL
+	@see	SetScaleOptionsL
+	@see	SetOutputCropOptionsL
+	@see	SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Revert();
+	/**
+	Starts video decoding directly to the display frame buffer using Direct Screen Access. 
+	Playback to the display can start immediately.
+	@param	"aVideoRect"	"The video output rectangle on screen. The rectangle size should be the 
+							same as the output video size, otherwise results are undefined. Some 
+							decoders may set limitations to the position and alignment of the 
+							rectangle. The rectangle must be aligned to a 32-bit boundary on screen 
+							(even X-coordinate on 12-bpp and 16-bpp displays) and must fit completely 
+							on the screen."
+	@param	"aScreenDevice"	"The screen device to use. The screen device will supply frame buffer 
+							information, and is used to update the frame buffer to screen. The screen 
+							device object must be valid in the current thread."
+	@param	"aClipRegion"	"Initial clipping region to use."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				*KErrNotSupported - Direct Screen Access is not supported"
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void StartDirectScreenAccessL(const TRect& aVideoRect, 
+										   CFbsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice, 
+										   const TRegion& aClipRegion);
+	/**
+	Sets a new clipping region for Direct Screen Access. After the method returns, no video will be 
+	drawn outside of the region. (Note that in Symbian OS clipping regions are "positive" - that is, 
+	they define the legal area inside which an application may draw.) 
+	If clipping is not supported, or the clipping region is too complex, either playback will pause 
+	or will resume without video display, depending on the current setting of SetPauseOnClipFail(), 
+	and the result can be verified with IsPlaying(). Clipping can be disabled by setting a new 
+	clipping region that includes the whole video window.
+	@param	"aRegion"	"The new clipping region. After the method returns, no video will be drawn 
+						outside the region."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetScreenClipRegion(const TRegion& aRegion);
+	/**
+	Sets whether the system should pause playback when it gets a clipping region it cannot handle, 
+	or Direct Screen Access is aborted completely. If not, decoding will proceed normally, but no 
+	video will be drawn. By default, playback is paused.
+	@param	"aPause"	"True if playback should be paused when clipping fails, false if not. If 
+						playback is not paused, it will be continued without video display."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetPauseOnClipFail(TBool aPause);
+	/**
+	Aborts Direct Screen Access completely, to be called from MAbortDirectScreenAccess::AbortNow() and 
+	similar methods. DSA can be resumed by calling StartDirectScreenAccessL().
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void AbortDirectScreenAccess();
+	/**
+	Indicates whether playback is proceeding. This method can be used to check whether playback was 
+	paused or not in response to a new clipping region or DSA abort.
+	@return "ETrue if video is still being played (even if not necessarily displayed)."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsPlaying();
+	/**
+	Re-draws the latest video picture. Only available when DSA is being used. If DSA is aborted 
+	or a non-supported clipping region has been set, the request may be ignored.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Redraw();
+	/**
+	Starts video playback, including decoding, post-processing, and rendering. Playback will proceed 
+	until it has been stopped or paused, or the end of the bitstream is reached.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Start();
+	/**
+	Stops video playback. No new pictures will be decoded, post-processed, or rendered.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Stop();
+	/**
+	Pauses video playback, including decoding, post-processing, and rendering. No pictures will be 
+	decoded, post-processed, or rendered until playback has been resumed. The client is responsible 
+	for pausing the clock source (typically by pausing audio output) if necessary.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Pause();
+	/**
+	Resumes video playback after a pause. The client is responsible for restarting the clock source 
+	if necessary.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Resume();
+	/**
+	Changes to a new decoding and playback position, used for randomly accessing (seeking) the input 
+	stream. The position change flushes all input and output buffers. Pre-decoder and post-decoder 
+	buffering are handled as if a new bitstream was started. If the MSL video subsystem still has 
+	buffered pictures that precede the new playback position, they will be discarded. If playback is 
+	synchronized to a clock source, the client is responsible for setting the clock source to the new 
+	position.
+	@param	"aPlaybackPosition"	"The new playback position in the video stream."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetPosition(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPlaybackPosition);
+	/**
+	Freezes a picture on the screen. After the picture has been frozen, no picture is displayed until 
+	the freeze is released with ReleaseFreeze(). If the video output is being written to memory 
+	buffers, not the screen, decoded pictures will not be delivered to the client when a freeze is 
+	active, but are simply discarded.
+	@param	"aPlaybackPosition"	"The presentation timestamp of the picture to freeze. The frozen 
+								picture will be the first picture with a timestamp greater than or 
+								equal to this parameter."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void FreezePicture(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPlaybackPosition);
+	/**
+	Releases a picture frozen with FreezePicture().
+	@param	"aPlaybackPosition"	"The presentation timestamp of the picture to release. The first 
+								picture displayed after the release will be the first picture with a 
+								timestamp greater than or equal to this parameter. To release the 
+								freeze immediately, set the timestamp to zero."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void ReleaseFreeze(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPlaybackPosition);
+	/**
+	Returns the current decoding position, i.e. the timestamp for the most recently decoded picture.
+	@return "Current decoding position."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds DecodingPosition();
+	/**
+	Returns the current playback position, i.e. the timestamp for the most recently displayed or 
+	virtually displayed picture.
+	@return "Current playback position."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds PlaybackPosition();
+	/**
+	Returns the current pre-decoder buffer size.
+	@return "The number of bytes of data in the pre-decoder buffer."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TUint PreDecoderBufferBytes();
+	/**
+	Returns the total amount of memory allocated for uncompressed pictures.
+	@return "Total number of bytes of memory allocated for uncompressed pictures."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TUint PictureBufferBytes();
+	/**
+	Reads various counters related to decoded pictures. See the definition of TPictureCounters for a 
+	description of the counters. The counters are reset when Initialize() or this method is called, 
+	and thus they only include pictures processed since the last call.
+	@param	"aCounters"	"The counter structure to fill."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void GetPictureCounters(TPictureCounters& aCounters);
+	/**
+	Reads various counters related to the received input bitstream and coded data units. See the 
+	definition of  TBitstreamCounters for a description about the counters. The counters are reset 
+	when Initialize() or this method is called, and thus they only include data processed since the 
+	last call.
+	@param	"aCounters"	"The counter structure to fill."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void GetBitstreamCounters(TBitstreamCounters& aCounters);
+	/**
+	Retrieves the number of free input buffers the decoder has available. If only a post-processor 
+	is used, the return value is undefined.
+	@return "Number of free input buffers the decoder has available."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TUint NumFreeBuffers();
+	/**
+	Sets the computational complexity level to use. The level can be set separately for each hardware 
+	device in use. If separate complexity levels are not available, the method call is ignored. If the 
+	level specified is not available, the results are undefined. Typically the device will either 
+	ignore the request or use the nearest suitable level.
+	The complexity level can be changed at any point during playback.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"	"The plug-in to control. The value is returned from SelectDecoderL()or 
+						SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is selected."
+	@param	"aLevel"	"The computational complexity level to use. Level zero (0) is the most 
+						complex one, with the highest quality. Higher level numbers require less 
+						processing and may have lower quality."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetComplexityLevel(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, TUint aLevel);
+	/**
+	Gets the number of complexity levels available.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"	"The plug-in to query. The value is returned from SelectDecoderL()or 
+						SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is selected."
+	@return	"The number of complexity control levels available, or zero if the information is not 
+			available yet. The information may not be available if the number of levels depends on 
+			the input data, and enough input data has not been read yet. In that case, using level 
+			zero is safe."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TUint NumComplexityLevels(THwDeviceId aHwDevice);
+	/**
+	Gets information about a computational complexity level. This method can be called after 
+	NumComplexityLevels() has returned a non-zero value - at that point the information is guaranteed 
+	to be available. Some hardware device implementations may not be able to provide all values, 
+	in that case the values will be approximated.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"	"The hw device to query. The value is returned from SelectDecoderL()or 
+						SelectPostProcessorL() when the device is selected."
+	@param	"aLevel"	"The computational complexity level to query. The level numbers range from 
+						zero (the most complex) to NumComplexityLevels()-1."
+	@param	"aInfo"		"The information structure to fill."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void GetComplexityLevelInfo(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, TUint aLevel, TComplexityLevelInfo& aInfo);
+	/**
+	Retrieves an empty video input buffer from the decoder. After input data has been written to the 
+	buffer, it can be written to the decoder using WriteCodedDataL(). The maximum number of buffers 
+	the client can retrieve before returning any to the decoder is determined by the 
+	TBufferOptions.iMinNumInputBuffers value set with SetBufferOptionsL().
+	If a buffer is not immediately available, the client can wait for a MdvpoNewBuffers() callback 
+	before trying again, or poll for new buffer availability after a delay. Note that video decoding 
+	may be performed in the same thread, in a separate active object, so the client must not block 
+	the active scheduler while waiting for buffers to become available, otherwise the system can 
+	deadlock. Assuming that the client does not keep too many buffers retrieved and playback is in 
+	progress, new buffers will be available after some time.
+	The decoder maintains ownership of the buffers even while they have been retrieved by the client, 
+	and will take care of deallocating them. The client must not destroy the buffer objects, even if 
+	it has retrieved buffers and it is being shut down. The buffers will be destroyed by the decoder, 
+	and will not be valid after the decoder has been shut down.
+	@param	"aBufferSize"	"Required buffer size, in bytes. The resulting buffer can be larger than 
+							this, but not smaller"
+	@return	"A new input data buffer. The buffer is at least as large as requested, but it may be 
+			larger. If no free buffers are available, the return value is NULL."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Lack of free buffers is not considered an error."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TVideoInputBuffer* GetBufferL(TUint aBufferSize);
+	/**
+	Writes a piece of coded video data. The data will be passed to the video decoder and 
+	post-processor to be used in video playback. The data buffer must be retrieved from the decoder 
+	with GetBufferL().
+	@param	"aBuffer"	"The coded data unit to write."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void WriteCodedDataL(TVideoInputBuffer* aBuffer);
+	/**
+	Writes an uncompressed video picture. The picture must remain valid and unmodified until it is 
+	returned with the MdvpoReturnPicture() callback.
+	@param	"aPicture"	"The picture to write."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void WritePictureL(TVideoPicture* aPicture);
+	/**
+	Notifies the system that the end of input data has been reached.
+	The decoder and post-processor can use this signal to ensure that the remaining data gets processed,
+	without waiting for new data.  For example when the data type is not EDuCodedPicture, calling this
+	method is necessary otherwise a decoder implementation might be waiting for the start code for the
+	next picture to ensure it has a complete picture before starting to decode the previous one. 
+	After the remaining data has been processed (and displayed, if applicable), the client gets 
+	notified with the MdvpoStreamEnd() callback.  The client must then call Stop() on the interface.
+	DevVideo clients are encouraged to call this method, but its use is not mandatory for synchronized 
+	processing.  For synchronized playback, all video pictures are processed or discarded according to
+	their timestamps, and so the client can easily infer when processing is complete.  However, it 
+	should be noted that the last picture might not be displayed if this method is not called and the
+	input data type is not EDuCodedPicture.
+	For non-synchronized playback (e.g. file conversion), a client must call this method otherwise it
+	will never find out when the hardware device has finished processing the data.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void InputEnd();
+	/**
+	Gets information about new decoded pictures. "New decoded pictures" are pictures that have not 
+	been returned to the caller using NextPicture(). This method can only be called if video 
+	destination is memory buffers, i.e. Direct Screen Access is not used.
+	@param	"aNumPictures"			"Target for the number of new decoded pictures. If no pictures are 
+									available, the value written is zero, and the timestamps are not 
+									valid."
+	@param	"aEarliestTimestamp"	"Timestamp for the earliest available new decoded picture. If the 
+									number of new decoded pictures (aNumPictures) is zero, the 
+									timestamp is not valid."
+	@param	"aLatestTimestamp"		"Timestamp for the latest available new decoded picture. If the 
+									number of new decoded pictures (aNumPictures) is zero, the 
+									timestamp is not valid."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void GetNewPictureInfo(TUint& aNumPictures, 
+									TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aEarliestTimestamp, 
+									TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aLatestTimestamp);
+	/**
+	Gets the next (in displaying order) new decoded picture. Only one picture can be retrieved at a 
+	time, the current picture must be returned with ReturnPicture() before a new one can be read.
+	@return	"The next new decoded picture. The pointer and the related data is valid until the picture 
+			is returned using ReturnPicture(), or the API is shut down. If no new picture is available,
+			the method returns NULL."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TVideoPicture* NextPictureL();
+	/**
+	Returns a picture from NextPicture() back to the device. The picture data cannot be used afterwards.
+	@param	"aPicture"	"The picture to return. After this method returns, the pointer is no longer
+						valid and the picture data cannot be used."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void ReturnPicture(TVideoPicture* aPicture);
+	/**
+	Gets a copy of the latest picture displayed.
+	@param	"aPictureData"	"Target picture. The memory for the picture must be allocated by the 
+							caller, and initialized properly. The data formats must match the snapshot 
+							format requested."
+	@param	"aFormat"		"The picture format to use for the snapshot."
+	@return "ETrue if the snapshot was taken, EFalse if a picture is not available. The picture may not 
+			be available if decoding has not progressed far enough yet."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				*KErrNotSupported - The requested data format or picture size is not supported."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetSnapshotL(TPictureData& aPictureData, const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat);
+	/**
+	Gets a copy of a specified picture. Timed snapshots are required for implementing the video 
+	telephony use-case. Simply using the latest picture may not work, since the latest picture 
+	is typically not the one whose supplemental information is being processed.
+	The picture is specified using its presentation timestamp. The timestamp must match the timestamp 
+	in the picture exactly, otherwise no snapshot will be taken. The timestamp must refer to the 
+	currently displayed picture or a future picture. Typically the timestamp is received with 
+	supplemental information (with the MdvpoSupplementalInformation() callback) indicating a snapshot 
+	picture.
+	When the snapshot is available, it will be returned to the client using the 
+	MdvpoTimedSnapshotComplete() callback. To cancel a timed snapshot request, use 
+	CancelTimedSnapshot(). Only one timed snapshot request can be active at a time.
+	@param	"aPictureData"				"Target picture. The memory for the picture must be allocated 
+										by the caller, and initialized properly. The data formats must 
+										match the snapshot format requested. The picture must remain 
+										valid until the snapshot has been taken or until the request 
+										has been cancelled with CancelTimedSnapshot()."
+	@param	"aFormat"					"The picture format to use for the snapshot."
+	@param	"aPresentationTimestamp"	"Presentation timestamp for the picture to copy. The timestamp 
+										must match the timestamp in the picture exactly"
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				*KErrNotSupported - The requested data format or picture size is not supported."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void GetTimedSnapshotL(TPictureData* aPictureData, 
+									const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat, 
+									const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPresentationTimestamp);
+	/**
+	Gets a copy of a specified picture. Timed snapshots are required for implementing the video 
+	telephony use-case. Simply using the latest picture may not work, since the latest picture 
+	is typically not the one whose supplemental information is being processed.
+	The picture is specified using either its picture identifier. The id must refer to the currently 
+	displayed picture or a future picture. Typically the picture ID is received with supplemental 
+	information (with the MdvpoSupplementalInformation() callback) indicating a snapshot picture.
+	When the snapshot is available, it will be returned to the client using the 
+	MdvpoTimedSnapshotComplete() callback. To cancel a timed snapshot request, use 
+	CancelTimedSnapshot(). Only one timed snapshot request can be active at a time.
+	@param	"aPictureData"	"Target picture. The memory for the picture must be allocated by the 
+							caller, and initialized properly. The data formats must match the snapshot 
+							format requested. The picture must remain valid until the snapshot has been
+							taken or until the request has been cancelled with CancelTimedSnapshot()."
+	@param	"aFormat"		"The picture format to use for the snapshot."
+	@param	"aPictureId"	"Picture identifier for the picture to copy."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				*KErrNotSupported - The requested data format or picture size is not supported."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void GetTimedSnapshotL(TPictureData* aPictureData, 
+									const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat, 
+									const TPictureId& aPictureId);
+	/**
+	Cancels a timed snapshot request.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void CancelTimedSnapshot();
+	/**
+	Gets a list of the supported snapshot picture formats.
+	@param	"aFormats"	"An array for the result format list. The array must be created and destroyed by the caller."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the API has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void GetSupportedSnapshotFormatsL(RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat>& aFormats);
+	/**
+	Retrieves a custom interface to the specified hardware device.
+	@param	"aHwDevice"		"The hardware device from which the custom interface shall be requested. 
+							The value is returned from SelectDecoderL() or SelectPostProcessorL() when
+							the device is selected."
+	@param  "aInterface"	"Interface UID, defined with the custom interface."
+	@return "Pointer to the interface implementation, or NULL if the device does not 
+			implement the interface requested. The return value must be cast to the 
+			correct type by the user."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TAny* CustomInterface(THwDeviceId aHwDevice, TUid aInterface);
+	enum TInitializationState 
+		{
+		ENotInitialized = 0x01, 
+		EInitializing = 0x02,
+		EInitialized = 0x04,
+		EInitializationFailed = 0x08
+		};
+	CMMFDevVideoPlay(MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver& aObserver);
+	// Methods to check aHwDevice is valid and return the appropriate HwDevice
+	CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice& VideoPlayHwDevice(THwDeviceId aHwDevice) const;
+	CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice& RenderingHwDevice() const; //returns the last plugin in the chain
+	CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice& VideoDecodeHwDevice(THwDeviceId aHwDevice) const;// Checks that aHwDevice is valid
+	CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice& VideoPostProcHwDevice(THwDeviceId aHwDevice) const;// Checks that aHwDevice is valid
+	CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice& VideoDecodeHwDevice() const;
+	CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice& VideoPostProcHwDevice() const;
+	CMMFVideoHwDevice& VideoHwDevice(THwDeviceId aHwDevice) const;
+	// Connects the plugins together
+	void ConnectPlugins();
+	// Check that we are in a valid initialization state
+	// Panics if iInitializationState is not one of aExpected
+	void CheckInitializationState(TUint aExpected);
+	// Methods to handle init complete callbacks from the hw devices
+	void HandlePostProcInitializeComplete(TInt aError);
+	void HandleDecodeInitializeComplete(TInt aError);
+	CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice* CreateDecoderL(TUid aVideoDecoder);
+	// From MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy
+	virtual void MdvppNewPicture(TVideoPicture* aPicture);
+	virtual void MdvppNewBuffers();
+	virtual void MdvppReturnPicture(TVideoPicture* aPicture);
+	virtual void MdvppSupplementalInformation(const TDesC8& aData, 
+											  const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTimestamp, 
+											  const TPictureId& aPictureId);
+	virtual void MdvppPictureLoss();
+	virtual void MdvppPictureLoss(const TArray<TPictureId>& aPictures);
+	virtual void MdvppSliceLoss(TUint aFirstMacroblock, TUint aNumMacroblocks, const TPictureId& aPicture);
+	virtual void MdvppReferencePictureSelection(const TDesC8& aSelectionData);
+	virtual void MdvppTimedSnapshotComplete(TInt aError, 
+											TPictureData* aPictureData, 
+											const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPresentationTimestamp, 
+											const TPictureId& aPictureId);
+	virtual void MdvppFatalError(CMMFVideoHwDevice* aDevice, TInt aError);
+	virtual void MdvppInitializeComplete(CMMFVideoHwDevice* aDevice, TInt aError);
+	virtual void MdvppStreamEnd();
+	MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver& iObserver;
+	CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice* iVideoDecodeHwDevice;
+	CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice* iVideoPostProcHwDevice;
+	TUint iInitializationState;
+	TDblQue<TVideoPicture> iVideoPictureQue;
+	TDblQueIter<TVideoPicture> iVideoPictureQueIter;
+	TUint iNumberOfVideoPictures;
+	// Not to be used, but kept for BC purposes
+	TInt iReserved;
+	TUint iNumberOfMdvppStreamEndCallbacks;
+	TBool iIsDecodeComplete;
+	RImplInfoPtrArray iPuImplementations;
+	TBool iPuListCreated;
+	};
+The MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver mixin class defines a set of callback functions that the client using 
+the MSL video API needs to implement. The callbacks are called in the context of the same thread that 
+uses the API. DevVideo API methods can be safely called from the callbacks.
+class MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver
+	{
+	/**
+	Notifies the client that one or more new empty input buffers are available. The client can fetch 
+	the input buffer with GetBufferL().
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvpoNewBuffers() = 0;
+	/**
+	Returns a used input video picture back to the caller. The picture memory can be re-used or freed.
+	@param	"aPicture"	"The picture to return."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvpoReturnPicture(TVideoPicture* aPicture) = 0;
+	/**
+	Delivers supplemental information from a coded data unit. The information is codec-dependent.
+	@param	"aData"			"The supplemental data. The reference is only valid until the method 
+							returns, and thus the data must be processed or copied immediately."
+	@param	"aTimestamp"	"The presentation timestamp for the picture that the supplemental data 
+							is part of."
+	@param	"aPictureId"	"Picture identifier for the picture. If a picture ID is not available, 
+							aPictureId.iIdType is set to ENone."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvpoSupplementalInformation(const TDesC8& aData, 
+											  const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTimestamp, 
+											  const TPictureId& aPictureId) = 0;
+	/**
+	Back channel information from the decoder, indicating a picture loss without specifying the lost picture.
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvpoPictureLoss() = 0;
+	/**
+	Back channel information from the decoder, indicating the pictures that have been lost.
+	@param "aPictures"	"Picture identifiers for the lost pictures. The reference is only valid until the 
+						method returns, and thus the data must be processed or copied immediately."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvpoPictureLoss(const TArray<TPictureId>& aPictures) = 0;
+	/**
+	Back channel information from the decoder, indicating the loss of consecutive macroblocks in raster 
+	scan order.
+	@param "aFirstMacroblock"	"The first lost macroblock.  The macroblocks are numbered such 
+								that the macroblock in the upper left corner of the picture is considered 
+								macroblock number 1 and the number for each macroblock increases from left 
+								to right and then from top to bottom in raster-scan order."
+	@param "aNumMacroblocks"	"The number of lost macroblocks that are consecutive in raster-scan order."
+	@param "aPicture"			"The picture identifier for the picture where the macroblocks were lost.  
+								If the picture is not known, aPicture.iIdType is set to ENone.  The reference 
+								is only valid until the method returns."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvpoSliceLoss(TUint aFirstMacroblock, TUint aNumMacroblocks, const TPictureId& aPicture)= 0;
+	/**
+	Back channel information from the decoder, indicating a reference picture selection request. The 
+	request is delivered as a coding-standard specific binary message.  Reference picture selection can 
+	be used to select a pervious correctly transmitted picture to use as a reference in case later pictures 
+	have been lost.
+	@param "aSelectionData" "The reference picture selection request message. The message format is 
+							coding-standard specific, and defined separately. The reference is only 
+							valid until the method returns, and thus the data must be processed or 
+							copied immediately."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvpoReferencePictureSelection(const TDesC8& aSelectionData)= 0;
+	/**
+	Called when a timed snapshot request has been completed. When this method is called, the snapshot 
+	has been taken, and the memory reserved for the picture can be re-used or freed.
+	@param	"aError"					"An error code, KErrNone if no errors occurred. If an error 
+										occurred, the data in the snapshot may not be valid, but the 
+										memory can still be freed."
+	@param	"aPictureData"				"The snapshot picture data."
+	@param	"aPresentationTimestamp"	"The presentation timestamp for the snapshot picture. "
+	@param	"aPictureId"				"Picture identifier for the picture. If a picture ID is not
+										available, aPictureId.iIdType is set to ENone."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvpoTimedSnapshotComplete(TInt aError, 
+											TPictureData* aPictureData, 
+											const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPresentationTimestamp, 
+											const TPictureId& aPictureId) = 0;
+	/**
+	Notifies the client that one or more new output pictures are available. The client can then use 
+	GetNewPictureInfo() and NextPicture() to fetch the pictures.
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvpoNewPictures() = 0;
+	/**
+	Reports a fatal decoding or playback error to the client. When these errors
+	occur, decoding and playback is stopped automatically. The client must
+	destroy the CMMFDevVideoPlay object and create a new instance before
+	attempting to continue. Note that scenarios have been identified where
+	MdvpoFatalError may get referenced at some point during the execution of a
+	CMMFDevVideoPlay procedure. Therefore CMMFDevVideoPlay object should be
+	deleted outside of MdvpoFatalError context in order to avoid accidental
+	access to de-allocated CMMFDevVideoPlay data members.
+	Note that running out of processing power or encountering corrupted
+	bitstream data should not be classified as errors if the decoder and
+	post-processor can recover automatically.
+	@param	"aError"	"The error code."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvpoFatalError(TInt aError) = 0;
+	/**
+	Reports that DevVideoPlay initialization has completed. The interface can now be used for video 
+	playback.
+	@param	"aError"	"Initialization error code, KErrNone if no error occurred."
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvpoInitComplete(TInt aError) = 0;
+	/**
+	Reports that the input video stream end has been reached and all pictures have been processed. 
+	This method is only called after the client has called InputEnd(). No more output pictures will 
+	be available.
+	*/
+	virtual void MdvpoStreamEnd() = 0;
+	};
+#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideoplay.inl>