changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmhais/videohai/devvideo/inc/devvideostandardcustominterfaces.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideoplay.h>
+MMmfVideoMediaProtected interface UID.
+const TUid KUidMmfVideoMediaProtected = { 0x10273827 };
+Used to notify a video rendering media device that the data can only be passed to a secure output. 
+Typically used for DRM-protected content and implemented on video decoding or post-processing media 
+device where insecure video outputs could be used.
+class MMmfVideoMediaProtected
+    {
+	/**
+	Notifies a media device if the content is protected, with the intent that it may only be sent to a secure output.
+	The device display is typically considered a secure output, but a high-quality unprotected analogue 
+	or digital video output connector is not. 
+	Once protection has been indicated, playback could fail when Start() is called or at any time 
+	during playback. The failure is reported using MdvpoFatalError(KErrorOutputUnsecured), if the current output 
+	has been switched to an insecure output.
+	@param aProtected Set to ETrue if the content can only be sent to a secure output, 
+	EFalse if both secure and non-secure outputs can be used. By default all content can be sent to 
+	both secure and insecure outputs. (aProtected == EFalse)
+	@leave KErrNotSupported Secure outputs are not supported. The client should not play protected content.
+	*/
+    virtual void MmvsoMediaIsProtectedL(TBool aProtected) = 0;
+    };
+KUidMmfVideoInputSnapshot interface UID.
+const TUid KUidMmfVideoInputSnapshot = { 0x10204beb };
+The callback interface used by MMmfVideoInputSnapshot to notify snapshot completion.
+class MMmfVideoInputSnapshotObserver
+    {
+	/**
+	The callback method that the observer should implement to receive notifications
+	from the MMmfVideoInputSnapshot implementation.
+	@param aError One of the system wide error codes.
+	*/
+    virtual void SnapshotComplete(TInt aError) = 0;
+    };
+Single frame capture support for video recording media devices.
+The interface is typically implemented in pre-processing and encoding media devices with direct capture support.
+class MMmfVideoInputSnapshot
+    {
+	/**
+	Sets the observer object to use for snapshot complete callbacks.
+	This method can be called both before and after the media device has been initialised with InitializeL(). 
+	It must be called before GetSnapshotL() is called for the first time.
+	@param aObserver A pointer to the observer object to use.
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvisSetObserver(MMmfVideoInputSnapshotObserver* aObserver) = 0;
+	/**
+	Grabs a duplicate of the next input frame. This method is asynchronous; the media device will call 
+	MMmfVideoInputSnapshotObserver::SnapshotComplete() when the picture is available. 
+	This method may only be called after the media device has been initialised with InitialiseL() 
+	and after Start() has been called. The request can be cancelled with CancelSnapshot(). Some implementations 
+	may not support format conversions or scaling for snapshot images. 
+	@param	aPictureData	Target picture. The memory for the picture must be allocated by the caller and 
+			initialised properly. The data formats must match the snapshot format requested.
+	@param	aFormat A reference to the picture format structure that indicates the snapshot format to use.
+	@leave	KErrNotSupported The requested data format or picture size is not supported.
+	@pre	This method can only be called after the media device has been initialized with InitializeL() 
+			and the MMmfVideoInputSnapshotObserver has been set.
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvisGetSnapshotL(TPictureData& aPictureData, const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat) = 0;
+	/**
+	Cancels an outstanding snapshot request.
+	If there is no active request pending then this call is ignored.
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvisCancelSnapshot() = 0;
+    };
+MMmfVideoPlayHWDeviceColourInfoCustomHeader interface UID.
+const TUid KUidMmfVideoPlayHWDeviceColourInfoCustomHeader = { 0x10273828 };
+Interface support for the HW Device Plug-in to supply colour space and pixel aspect ratio information to the controller
+class MMmfVideoPlayHWDeviceColourInfoCustomHeader
+	{
+	/**
+	 Reads colour space data format information from a coded data unit. Returns the colour space, data 
+	 range and pixel aspect ratio used in the bitstream.
+	 @param aDataUnitType The type of coded data unit that is contained in aDataUnit. If the data is a 
+	 		simple piece of bitstream, use EDuArbitraryStreamSection.
+	 @param aDataUnitEncapsulation The encapsulation type used for the coded data. If the data is a simple 
+	 		piece of bitstream, use EDuElementaryStream.
+	 @param aDataUnit The coded data unit, contained in a TVideoInputBuffer.
+	 @param aYuvFormat Target data structure for data format information. The media device will fill the 
+	 		iCoefficients, iPattern, iAspectRatioNum, and iAspectRatioDenum fields.
+	 @leave KErrNotSupported The data is not in a supported format.
+	 @leave KErrCorrupt The data appears to be in a supported format, but is corrupted.
+	 */
+	virtual void MmvpciGetColourSpaceHeaderInfoL(TVideoDataUnitType& aDataUnitType,
+												TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation& aDataUnitEncapsulation, 
+												TVideoInputBuffer* aDataUnit, TYuvFormat& aYuvFormat) = 0;
+	};
+MMmfVideoHwDevClientNotifier interface UID.
+const TUid KUidMmfVideoHwDevVideoPolicyExtension = {0x101FBFC3};
+This class needs to be inherited by the video client. This is so that the video client will
+receive a notification if its access has been revoked. 
+class MMmfVideoHwDevClientNotifier
+	{
+	/**
+	Method to allow notification to the video client that their access to the video driver has been 
+	revoked and their access to the video resources has already been removed. VideoAccessRevoked can 
+	be called anytime after Initialize()  has been called.
+	Once called it means that the video client should no longer be inputting any data.
+	The only thing the video client can do at this stage is destroy the MDF plug-in. 
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvhcnVideoAccessRevoked() = 0 ;
+	/**
+	Method to allow notification to the video client that they need to release the video resources. 
+	This allows the client slightly more control over their release process behaviour. 
+	ReleaseVideoResource can be called anytime after Initialize has been called. Once called it 
+	means that the video client needs to either call InputEnd() or Stop() to release the video resource
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvhcnReleaseVideoResource() = 0;
+	};
+Custom extension to allow MMF controller to set video policy priority preference.
+Acceptable Priorities range from -100 to 100.
+class MMmfVideoHwDeviceVideoPolicyExtension
+	{
+	/**
+	Video client should call this function so that the MDF plugins will have a handle to the video client. 
+	This is required so that the MDF plugin can notify the video client if their access has been revoked.
+	@param aClient Pointer to the video client 
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvhvpeSetVideoClient(MMmfVideoHwDevClientNotifier* aClient) = 0;
+	/**
+	Allows the video client to specify the video priority they wish their process to have for their 
+	video request. This may or may not be honoured depending upon the client process's platform security capabilities.
+	@param aPriority Preferred priority for video processing into the video manager.
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvhvpeSetVideoPriority(TInt aPriority) = 0;  
+	};	
+MMmfVideoBufferManagement interface UID.
+const TUid KUidMmfVideoBufferManagement = {0x10204bea};
+An observer class for the buffer management custom interface, MMmfVideoBufferManagement. 
+Clients and source media devices using the interface must implement this class. 
+class MMmfVideoBufferManagementObserver
+	{
+	/**
+	Notifies the observer that one or more new input buffers are available. The client can then 
+	use MMmfVideoBufferManagement:: MmvbmGetBufferL() to get a buffer.
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvbmoNewBuffers() = 0;
+	/**
+	Notifies the observer all outstanding input buffers must be released immediately. The client 
+	must synchronously call MMmfVideoBufferManagement:: MmvbmReleaseBuffer() for each of the buffers 
+	it has allocated but not returned before returning from this method. It is intended that this method 
+	is used when the target media device loses access to the buffers, as a result of a Direct Screen Access 
+	abort, resource management override, or media device destruction.
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvbmoReleaseBuffers() = 0;
+	};
+Enables target media devices to allocate input data buffers for uncompressed data. 
+Client applications and source media devices can therefore write the input data directly 
+into a suitable memory area that the target media device can use, possibly eliminating one extra 
+memory copy from the data path. This is especially important with hardware implementations, where the 
+target hardware may only have access to specially allocated memory that only the media device can allocate.
+The interface is typically implemented in pre-processing, encoding, and post-processing media devices. 
+It is mainly used for video encoder memory buffer input in applications like video editors and when 
+using hardware-accelerated post-processors with software video decoders.
+class MMmfVideoBufferManagement
+	{
+	/** 
+	Used to signal the buffer options used.
+	*/
+	class TBufferOptions
+		{
+	public:
+		/**
+		The number of input buffers that the media device has. This is the number of buffers the 
+		client can request through GetBufferL() before writing any back.
+		*/        
+		TUint iNumInputBuffers;
+		/**
+		Buffer size in pixels. This should match the input data picture size, optionally with padding to 
+		meet coding standard requirements.
+		*/
+		TSize iBufferSize;
+		};
+	/** 
+	Sets the observer object to use. The observer gets notified when new buffers are available 
+	and when buffers need to be released back to the media device.
+	This method can only be called before the media device has been initialised with InitializeL().
+	@param aObserver The observer object to use.
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvbmSetObserver(MMmfVideoBufferManagementObserver* aObserver) = 0;
+	/** 
+	Enables input buffer management mode. In buffer management mode the target media device allocates 
+	memory for input buffers and the client can only use input buffers allocated with GetBufferL().
+	This method can only be called before the media device has been initialised with InitializeL(). 
+	This method must be called if the client uses GetBufferL().
+	@param aEnable ETrue if input buffer management mode is used.
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvbmEnable(TBool aEnable) = 0;
+	/** 
+	Sets the buffer options to use. The client can request the number of input buffers that should 
+	be available, but typically only few (one or two) buffers can be used.
+	This method can only be called before the media device has been initialised with InitializeL().
+	@param aOptions The buffer options to use.
+	@see TBufferOptions.
+	@leave KErrNotSupported The requested buffer options are not supported. Typically the client 
+	has requested too many input buffers.
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvbmSetBufferOptionsL(const TBufferOptions& aOptions) = 0;
+	/** 
+	Gets the buffer options currently in use.
+	This method can only be called before the media device has been initialised with InitializeL().
+	@param aOptions Target buffer options data structure.
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvbmGetBufferOptions(TBufferOptions& aOptions) = 0;
+	/** 
+	Gets a new input picture buffer. The client can then write data into the buffer and write it back 
+	to the media device with WritePictureL(). After the media device has processed the TVideoPicture and 
+	no longer needs any data from the buffer, it will notify the client by calling ReturnPicture().
+	This method can only be called after the media device has been initialised with InitializeL(). This 
+	method can only be called in buffer management mode, i.e. if the client has called Enable(ETrue).
+	Note that target-allocated and client-allocated input buffers cannot be mixed. In buffer management mode 
+	only input buffers allocated with this method can be sent to the media device.
+	If a client has retrieved buffers with GetBufferL(), it must be prepared to release them synchronously at 
+	any point if MmmfBufferManagementObserver::ReleaseBuffers() is called. This may happen if the target media 
+	device suddenly loses access to the buffers due to DSA abort, resource management conflict, or media device 
+	destruction.
+	The returned TVideoPicture object will have iHeader and iLayerBitRates set to NULL. The client can 
+	allocate memory for those fields, and any data they may contain (such as TVideoPictureHeader::iOptional) 
+	and set the pointers accordingly before writing the buffer back to the target media device. The memory must 
+	remain valid and accessible until the media device returns the buffer with ReturnPicture(), at which time the 
+	client can free or reuse the memory.
+	@param aSize The requested buffer size, in pixels. The buffer size should match the picture size set at 
+	initialisation phase, or otherwise a suitable buffer may not be available. If the size is smaller than 
+	the size set at initialisation phase, the allocated buffer may be larger than requested.
+	@return A new input picture buffer. If no free buffers are available, the return value is NULL.
+	@leave KErrGeneral The method will leave only if an error occurs. Note: Lack of free buffers is not 
+	considered an error.
+	*/
+	virtual TVideoPicture* MmvbmGetBufferL(const TSize& aSize) = 0;
+	/** 
+	Releases an input buffer back to the media device without using it. This method is mainly used as a 
+	response to a ReleaseBuffers() callback.
+	@param aBuffer The buffer to release.
+	*/
+	virtual void MmvbmReleaseBuffer(TVideoPicture* aBuffer) = 0;
+    };
+MMmfVideoWindowControl Custom Interface UID.
+const TUid KUidMmfVideoWindowControl = { 0x10282646 };
+Enables the client to control video position using a logical video window, 
+and specify the exact location of the picture within that window. 
+The logical video window may be partially or completely off-screen.
+class MMmfVideoWindowControl
+    {
+    /**
+    Horizontal alignment constants.
+    */
+    enum THorizAlign
+        {
+        /**
+        The picture is horizontally centered.
+        */
+        EHorizAlignCenter,
+        /**
+        The picture is horizontally left-aligned.
+        */
+        EHorizAlignLeft,
+        /**
+        The picture is horizontally right-aligned.
+        */
+        EHorizAlignRight
+        };
+    /**
+    Vertical alignment constants.
+    */
+    enum TVertAlign
+        {
+        /**
+        The picture is vertically centered.
+        */
+        EVertAlignCenter,
+        /**
+        The picture is vertically top-aligned.
+        */
+        EVertAlignTop,
+        /**
+        The picture is vertically bottom-aligned.
+        */
+        EVertAlignBottom
+        };
+    /** 
+    Sets the logical video window to use for positioning the video
+    picture on the screen. By default the logical video window is the same
+    as the display video window set with StartDirectScreenAccessL().
+    @param aWindow Logical window rectangle, relative to the device display.
+    */
+    virtual void MmvwcSetLogicalVideoWindow(const TRect& aWindow) = 0;
+    /**
+    Sets the offset where the video picture will be located in the
+    logical video window. By default the picture is centered in the window
+    if its content and window sizes do not match.
+    This method and MmvwcSetContentAlignment() are mutually exclusive, and
+    only one of them should be used. Calling one will override the settings
+    made by the other.
+ 	If an error occurs, this function leaves with any of the system
+    wide error codes. Common error codes are listed below.   
+    @param aOffset Offset, the position of the upper left hand corner of the
+                   picture relative to the upper left hand corner of the
+                   logical window. The picture must be fully contained within the 
+       			   window.
+    @leave KErrArgument The picture is not fully contained within the window.
+    */
+    virtual void MmvwcSetContentOffsetL(const TPoint& aOffset) = 0;
+    /**
+    Sets video picture alignment within the logical video window.
+    By default the picture is centered in the window
+    if its content and window sizes do not match.
+    This method and MmvwcSetContentOffsetL() are mutually exclusive, and
+    only one of them should be used. Calling one will override the settings
+    made by the other.
+    @param aHorizAlign Horizontal alignment within the logical window
+    @param aVertAlign Vertical alignment within the logical window
+    */
+    virtual void MmvwcSetContentAlignment(const THorizAlign aHorizAlign, const TVertAlign aVertAlign) = 0;
+    };
+KUidMmfVideoResourceManagement Custom Interface UID.
+const TUid KUidMmfVideoResourceManagement = { 0x1028264B  };
+Video resource observer interface, implemented by clients using the
+MMmfVideoResourceHandler custom interface.
+class MMmfVideoResourceObserver
+    {
+    /** 
+    Indicates that a media device has lost its resources. The client must
+    synchronously pause or stop processing before returning from this method
+    so that the media device can release its resources to the system. If
+    the client does not pause or stop, resource loss will be handled as a
+    fatal error.
+    If the client is holding any buffers allocated by the media
+    device, such as video decoder input or output buffers, it must
+    synchronously return them before returning from this
+    method. Additionally, in video playback use, the client must empty
+    any queued output pictures from DevVideoPlay by repeatedly calling
+    CMMFDevVideoPlay::NextPictureL() and
+    CMMFDevVideoPlay::ReturnPicture() until no more pictures are
+    available.
+    The client may start again or resume after receiving a
+    MmvroResourcesRestored() callback.
+    @param aMediaDevice UID for the media device that lost resources. The
+                        client can use this for example to determine whether 
+                        the decoder or the post-processor lost resources. 
+                        This is typically not required though since the client
+                        must pause DevVideo entirely.
+    */
+    virtual void MmvroResourcesLost(TUid aMediaDevice) = 0;
+    /** 
+    Indicates that a media device has regained its resources after a
+    previous resource loss. The client can restart or resume processing.
+    This can be done either synchronously or asynchronously.
+    @param aMediaDevice UID for the media device that regained resources.
+    */
+    virtual void MmvroResourcesRestored(TUid aMediaDevice) = 0;
+    };
+Video hardware resource handler custom interface.
+Video decoder, encoder, pre or post-processor media devices can implement
+this interface. Clients can use this interface to register for resource
+management notifications and to set resource management priorities.
+This custom interface is only intended for media devices that can save 
+their internal state as resources are lost, making resource loss recoverable. 
+As such it is not appropriate for all media devices. 
+By default resource loss is considered a fatal error. Clients can
+use the notification callbacks to pause or stop processing when resources
+are lost and restart or resume when resources are available again, thus 
+avoiding errors and providing a better user experience.
+class MMmfVideoResourceHandler
+    {
+    /**
+    Sets the video resource observer to use. The observer will receive
+    resource loss and restore callbacks. If no observer has been set,
+    resources losses will be handled as fatal errors.
+    @param aObserver The observer to use, NULL to remove observer.
+    */
+    virtual void MmvrhSetObserver(MMmfVideoResourceObserver* aObserver) = 0;
+    };
+KUidMmfVideoResourcePriority Custom Interface UID.
+const TUid KUidMmfVideoResourcePriority = { 0x1028264C };
+Video resource priority control custom interface.
+Video decoder, encoder, pre or post-processor media devices can implement
+this interface. Clients can use this interface to set resource reservation
+priority for the media device. Typically this interface is used to lower
+the priority for background tasks to ensure they do not remove resources
+from foreground applications.
+class MMmfVideoResourcePriority
+    {
+    /**
+    Sets the priority the media device uses to reserve resources.
+    Media devices with higher priority may override requests from ones
+    with a lower priority. This method can be called at any point, but
+    implementations may ignore it after initialization. Therefore clients
+    should call this before calling Initialize().
+    The behaviour of the underlying resource manager and policy is
+    implementation-specific. Most implementations will limit high
+    priorities to clients that have certain capabilities
+    (for example, MultimediaDD) or specific Vendor IDs only. 
+    All implementations should do some policing to ensure untrusted 
+    applications cannot block the system by allocating all available 
+    resources at a high priority.
+    @param aPriority Resource management priority. The values use the same 
+                     range as TMdaPriority.
+    */
+    virtual void MmvpSetResourcePriority(TInt aPriority) = 0;
+    };
+KUidMmfVideoPropertiesManagement Custom Interface UID.
+const TUid KUidMmfVideoPropertiesManagement = { 0x10283231 };
+Video property change observer. DevVideoPlay clients or media devices can
+implement this observer and use the MMmfVideoPropertiesNotifier extension
+to receive notifications when decoded video properties (such as picture
+size and pixel aspect ratio) change.
+class MMmfVideoPropertiesObserver
+    {
+    /** 
+    Decoded video properties updated. The media device implementing the
+    MMmfVideoPropertiesNotifier extension will call this method immediately
+    before outputting a picture with the updated properties.
+    When the extension is used between a decoder and a post-processor media
+    device, the post-processor can associate the changed properties with the
+    correct picture, since the next incoming picture after this call will
+    be the first updated one. 
+    When the extension is used between a DevVideoPlay client and a
+    post-processor media device, the client can synchronously reconfigure
+    video display options using SetScaleOptionsL() and related methods. This
+    lets the client reconfigure the display for the correct picture.
+    @param aYuvFormat Updated YUV format parameters. The updated fields are
+                      iAspectRatioDenom, iAspectRatioNum, and iCoefficients     
+    @param aPictureSize	Updated picture size. This size will be the true
+                       	picture display size, excluding any padding that
+                       	the codec might use.
+    */
+    virtual void MmvpoUpdateVideoProperties(const TYuvFormat& aYuvFormat, const TSize& aPictureSize) = 0;
+    };
+Video property notifier extension. DevVideoPlay decoders and post-processor
+can implement this extension to provide notifications when decoded video
+picture properties such as size or pixel aspect ratio change. The extension
+is typically used to get size and pixel aspect ratio updates from a decoder
+to a post-processor media device, and from a post-processor to the
+DevVideoPlay client.
+class MMmfVideoPropertiesNotifier
+    {
+    /** 
+    Sets a new video properties observer. This method can be called at any
+    time after the media device has been instantiated.
+    @param aObserver New observer object.
+    */
+    virtual void MmvpnSetObserver(MMmfVideoPropertiesObserver* aObserver) = 0;
+    };
+KUidMmfVideoH324AnnexKMode Custom Interface UID.
+const TUid KUidMmfVideoH324AnnexKMode = { 0x102836C2 };
+Video encoder H.324M Annex K mode extension. DevVideoRecord MPEG-4 and H.264
+encoders can implement this extension to support using ITu-T H.324 Annex K
+encoding parameters.
+class MMmfVideoH324AnnexKMode
+    {
+    /** 
+     * Enables or disables encoder ITU-T H.324M Annex K mode. This method
+     * is only applicable for MPEG-4 and H.264 video.
+     *
+     * When the encoder is in Annex K mode, it will use the encoding
+     * parameters and bitstream headers defined in ITU-T H.324M Annex
+     * K. Enabling Annex K mode will reset all the specified settings
+     * apart from picture size and output format to the values
+     * specified in Annex K. This includes codec profile and level,
+     * maximum bit rate, and other encoding constraints.
+     *
+     * When Annex K mode is active, the client cannot change encoder settings
+     * that would conflict with the ones specified in Annex K. Attempts to do
+     * so will cause the corresponding setting methods to fail with
+     * KErrNotSupported.
+     *
+     * Annex K mode can be deactivated by calling this method with a false
+     * parameter. This will remove restrictions on encoder settings.
+     *
+     * This method can only be called before the encoder is
+     * initialized. The client should set the input and output formats
+     * and picture size before calling this method.
+     *
+     * If an error occurs this method will fail with a system-wide error code.
+     * Typical error codes are listed below.
+     * Typically errors are only expected if the current output format or
+     * picture size do not meet Annex K constraints.
+     * 
+     * @param aAnnexKMode ETrue to enable H.324M Annex K mode, EFalse to
+     *                    disable it
+     *
+     * @pre The client has called SelectEncoderL(), SetOutputFormatL(), and
+     *      SetInputFormatL(). This method can only be called before
+     *      Initialize().
+     *
+     * @leave KErrNotSupported Annex K mode cannot be supported with the
+     *                         current settings. Possible causes are incorrect
+     *                         output format (not MPEG-4 or H.264) or picture
+     *                         size (not QCIF).
+     */
+    virtual void MmvhakmSetH324MAnnexKModeL(TBool aAnnexKMode) = 0;
+    };
+MMmfVideoClientThreadInfo interface UID.
+const TUid KMmfUidDevVideoClientThreadInfoCustomInterface = {0x102834A9};
+Custom interface providing support for setting the client thread info for the DevVideo.
+class MMmfVideoClientThreadInfo
+	{	
+	/**
+	Set client thread info for the DevVideo.
+	@param  aTid the client thread Id.
+	@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt MmvctSetClientThreadInfo(TThreadId aTid) = 0;
+	};