changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmhais/videohai/devvideo/inc/videoplayhwdevice.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,897 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideobase.h>
+#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideoplay.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfvideo.h>
+A base class for all video playback (decoder and post-processor) hardware devices. 
+Since both decoders and post-processors can implement post-processing functionality, 
+this class includes all post-processing related methods. The main difference between decoder 
+and post-processor devices is that decoders can input coded data and write decoded pictures 
+to another device, while post-processor devices can accept decoded pictures from the client 
+or from another device.
+class CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice : public CMMFVideoHwDevice
+	{
+	/**
+	Retrieves post-processing information about this hardware device. 
+	The device creates a CPostProcessorInfo structure, fills it with correct data, pushes it 
+	to the cleanup stack and returns it. The client will delete the object when it is no 
+	longer needed.
+	@return "Post-processor information as a CPostProcessorInfo object. 
+			The object is pushed to the cleanup stack, and must be deallocated by the caller."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	virtual CPostProcessorInfo* PostProcessorInfoLC() = 0;
+	/**
+	Retrieves the list of the output formats that the device supports. The list is ordered in 
+	plug-in preference order, with the preferred formats at the beginning of the list. The list 
+	can depend on the device source format, and therefore SetSourceFormatL() must be called before 
+	calling this method.
+	@param "aFormats" "An array for the result format list. The array must be created and destroyed by the caller."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	@pre	"This method may only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized using Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void GetOutputFormatListL(RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat>& aFormats) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets the device output format.
+	@param  "aFormat" "The format to use."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	@pre	"This method may only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized using Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetOutputFormatL(const TUncompressedVideoFormat &aFormat) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets the clock source to use for video timing. If no clock source is set. video playback 
+	will not be synchronized, but will proceed as fast as possible, depending on input data 
+	and output buffer availability.	
+	@param  "aClock" "The clock source to be used."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetClockSource(MMMFClockSource* aClock) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets the device video output destination. The destination can be the screen (using direct 
+	screen access) or memory buffers. By default memory buffers are used. If data is written 
+	to another device, this method is ignored, and suitable memory buffers are always used.
+	@param  "aScreen" "True if video output destination is the screen, false if memory buffers."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetVideoDestScreenL(TBool aScreen) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets the post-processing types to be used.
+	@param  "aPostProcCombination" "The post-processing steps to perform, a bitwise OR of values from TPostProcessType."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change must only be committed when CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetPostProcessTypesL(TUint32 aPostProcCombination) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing options for input (pan-scan) cropping.
+	@param  "aRect" "The cropping rectangle to use."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change must only be committed when CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetInputCropOptionsL(const TRect& aRect) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing options for YUV to RGB color space conversion. 
+	Specifies the input YUV and output RGB formats to use explicitly. SetSourceFormatL(), 
+	SetOutputFormatL(), and SetPostProcessTypesL() must be called before this method is used.
+	@param  "aOptions"		"The conversion options to use."
+	@param  "aYuvFormat"	"Conversion source YUV format"
+	@param  "aRgbFormat"	"Conversion target RGB format"
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change must only be committed when CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetYuvToRgbOptionsL(const TYuvToRgbOptions& aOptions, const TYuvFormat& aYuvFormat, TRgbFormat aRgbFormat) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing options for YUV to RGB color space conversion.
+	Uses the device input and output formats. For decoder devices the default YUV format used is 
+	the format specified in the input bitstream. SetSourceFormatL(), SetOutputFormatL(), and 
+	SetPostProcessTypesL() must be called before this method is used.
+	@param  "aOptions"		"The conversion options to use."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change must only be committed when CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetYuvToRgbOptionsL(const TYuvToRgbOptions& aOptions) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing options for rotation. SetPostProcessTypesL() must be called before 
+	this method is used.
+	@param  "aRotationType" "The rotation to perform."	
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change must only be committed when CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetRotateOptionsL(TRotationType aRotationType) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing options for scaling. SetPostProcessTypesL() must be called before 
+	this method is used.
+	@param  "aTargetSize"			"Scaling target size. If a fixed scale factor size is used, 
+									the new dimensions must be set to width=floor(factor*width), 
+									height=floor(factor*height). For example, scaling a 
+									QCIF (176x144) picture up by a factor of 4/3 yields a size 
+									of 234x192."
+	@param  "aAntiAliasFiltering"	"True if anti-aliasing filtering should be used. 
+									If the post-processor does not support anti-aliased scaling, 
+									or supports anti-aliased scaling only, this argument is ignored."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change must only be committed when CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetScaleOptionsL(const TSize& aTargetSize, TBool aAntiAliasFiltering) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing options for output cropping. SetPostProcessTypesL() must be called before 
+	this method is used.
+	@param  "aRect" "Output cropping area."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change must only be committed when CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetOutputCropOptionsL(const TRect& aRect) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets post-processing plug-in specific options. SetPostProcessTypesL() must be called before 
+	this method is used.
+	@param  "aOptions" "The options. The format is plug-in specific."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	@pre	"This method can be called either before or after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize().
+			If called after initialization, the change must only be committed when CommitL() is called."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL(const TDesC8& aOptions) = 0;
+	/**
+	Initializes the device. This method is asynchronous, the device will call 
+	MMFVideoPlayProxy::MdvppInitializeComplete() after initialization has completed. After this 
+	method has successfully completed, further configuration changes are not possible except where 
+	separately noted.
+	*/
+	virtual void Initialize() = 0;
+	/**
+	Commit all changes since the last CommitL(), Revert() or Initialize()
+	to the hardware device.  This only applies to methods which can be called both
+	before AND after DevVideoPlay has been initialized.
+	@see	SetPostProcessTypesL
+	@see	SetInputCropOptionsL
+	@see	SetYuvToRgbOptionsL
+	@see	SetRotateOptionsL
+	@see	SetScaleOptionsL
+	@see	SetOutputCropOptionsL
+	@see	SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL
+	@leave  "The method will leave if an error occurs."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void CommitL() = 0;
+	/**
+	Revert all changes since the last CommitL(), Revert() or Initialize()
+	back to their previous settings.  This only applies to methods which can 
+	be called both before AND after DevVideoPlay has been initialized.
+	@see	SetPostProcessTypesL
+	@see	SetInputCropOptionsL
+	@see	SetYuvToRgbOptionsL
+	@see	SetRotateOptionsL
+	@see	SetScaleOptionsL
+	@see	SetOutputCropOptionsL
+	@see	SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void Revert() = 0;
+	/**
+	Starts writing output directly to the display frame buffer using Direct Screen Access.
+	@param  "aVideoRect"	"The video output rectangle on screen."
+	@param  "aScreenDevice"	"The screen device to use. The screen device object must be valid in the current thread."
+	@param  "aClipRegion"	"Initial clipping region to use."
+	@leave  "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void StartDirectScreenAccessL(const TRect& aVideoRect, 
+		CFbsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice, const TRegion& aClipRegion) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets a new clipping region for Direct Screen Access. After the method returns, no video will 
+	be drawn outside of the region. If clipping is not supported, or the clipping region is too 
+	complex, either playback will pause or will resume without video display, depending on the 
+	current setting of SetPauseOnClipFail(), and the result can be verified with IsPlaying(). 
+	Clipping can be disabled by setting a new clipping region that includes the whole video window.
+	@param  "aRegion" "The new clipping region. After the method returns, no video will be drawn outside the region."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetScreenClipRegion(const TRegion& aRegion) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets whether the system should pause playback when it gets a clipping region it cannot handle, 
+	or Direct Screen Access is aborted completely. If not, processing will proceed normally, but no 
+	video will be drawn. By default, playback is paused.
+	@param "aPause" "True if playback should be paused when clipping fails, false if not. 
+					If playback is not paused, it will be continued without video display."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetPauseOnClipFail(TBool aPause) = 0;
+	/**
+	Aborts Direct Screen Access completely, to be called from MAbortDirectScreenAccess::AbortNow() 
+	and similar methods. DSA can be resumed by calling StartDirectScreenAccessL().
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void AbortDirectScreenAccess() = 0;
+	/**
+	Indicates whether playback is proceeding. This method can be used to check whether playback was 
+	paused or not in response to a new clipping region or DSA abort.
+	@return "ETrue if video is still being played (even if not necessarily displayed)."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual TBool IsPlaying() = 0;
+	/**
+	Re-draws the latest video picture. Only available when DSA is being used. If DSA is aborted or a 
+	non-supported clipping region has been set, the request may be ignored.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void Redraw() = 0;
+	/**
+	Starts video playback, including decoding, post-processing, and rendering. Playback will proceed 
+	until it has been stopped or paused, or the end of the bitstream is reached.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void Start() = 0;
+	/**
+	Stops video playback. No new pictures will be decoded, post-processed, or rendered.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void Stop() = 0;
+	/**
+	Pauses video playback, including decoding, post-processing, and rendering. No pictures will be 
+	decoded, post-processed, or rendered until playback has been resumed.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void Pause() = 0;
+	/**
+	Resumes video playback after a pause.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void Resume() = 0;
+	/**
+	Changes to a new decoding and playback position, used for randomly accessing (seeking) the 
+	input stream. The position change flushes all input and output buffers. Pre-decoder and 
+	post-decoder buffering are handled as if a new bitstream was being decoded. If the device still has buffered 
+	pictures that precede the new playback position, they will be discarded. If playback is 
+	synchronized to a clock source, the client is responsible for setting the clock source to the 
+	new position.
+	@param "aPlaybackPosition" "The new playback position in the video stream."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetPosition(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPlaybackPosition) = 0;
+	/**
+	Freezes a picture on the screen. After the picture has been frozen, no new pictures are 
+	displayed until the freeze is released with ReleaseFreeze(). If the device output is being 
+	written to memory buffers or to another plug-in, instead of the screen, no decoded pictures 
+	will be delivered while the freeze is active, and they are simply discarded.
+	@param "aTimestamp" "The presentation timestamp of the picture to freeze. The frozen picture 
+						will be the first picture with a timestamp greater than or equal to this 
+						parameter."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void FreezePicture(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTimestamp) = 0;
+	/**
+	Releases a picture frozen with FreezePicture().
+	@param "aTimestamp" "The presentation timestamp of the picture to release. The first picture 
+						displayed after the release will be the first picture with a timestamp 
+						greater than or equal to this parameter. To release the freeze immediately, 
+						set the timestamp to zero."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void ReleaseFreeze(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTimestamp) = 0;
+	/**
+	Returns the current playback position, i.e. the timestamp for the most recently displayed or 
+	virtually displayed picture. If the device output is written to another device, the most recent 
+	output picture is used.
+	@return "Current playback position."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds PlaybackPosition() = 0;
+	/**
+	Returns the total amount of memory allocated for uncompressed pictures. This figure only 
+	includes the pictures actually allocated by the plug-in itself, so that the total number of 
+	bytes allocated in the system can be calculated by taking the sum of the values from all plug-ins.
+	@return "Total number of bytes of memory allocated for uncompressed pictures."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual TUint PictureBufferBytes() = 0;
+	/**
+	Reads various counters related to decoded pictures. The counters are reset when Initialize() 
+	or this method is called, and thus they only include pictures processed since the last call.
+	Post-processor devices return the number of input pictures in iPicturesDecoded and 
+	iTotalPictures. If the decoded pictures are written to another plug-in, they are considered 
+	to be "virtually displayed".
+	@param "aCounters" "The counter structure to fill."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void GetPictureCounters(CMMFDevVideoPlay::TPictureCounters& aCounters) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets the computational complexity level to use. If separate complexity levels are not available, 
+	the method call is ignored. If the level specified is not available, the results are undefined. 
+	Typically the device will either ignore the request or use the nearest suitable level.
+	The complexity level can be changed at any point during playback.
+	@param "aLevel" "The computational complexity level to use. Level zero (0) is the most complex 
+					one, with the highest quality. Higher level numbers require less processing 
+					and may have lower quality."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetComplexityLevel(TUint aLevel) = 0;
+	/**
+	Gets the number of complexity levels available.
+	@return "The number of complexity control levels available, or zero if the information is not 
+			available yet. The information may not be available if the number of levels depends on 
+			the input data, and enough input data has not been read yet. In that case, using level 
+			zero is safe."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual TUint NumComplexityLevels() = 0;
+	/**
+	Gets information about a computational complexity level. This method can be called after 
+	NumComplexityLevels() has returned a non-zero value - at that point the information is guaranteed 
+	to be available. Some hardware device implementations may not be able to provide all values, 
+	in that case the values will be approximated.
+	@param "aLevel"	"The computational complexity level to query. The level numbers range from zero 
+					(the most complex) to NumComplexityLevels()-1."
+	@param "aInfo"	"The information structure to fill."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void GetComplexityLevelInfo(TUint aLevel, CMMFDevVideoPlay::TComplexityLevelInfo& aInfo) = 0;
+	/**
+	Returns a picture back to the device. This method is called by CMMFDevVideoPlay to return pictures 
+	from the client (after they have been written with NewPicture()), or by the output device when 
+	it has finished using a picture.
+	@param "aPicture" "The picture to return. The device can re-use the memory for the picture."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void ReturnPicture(TVideoPicture* aPicture) = 0;
+	/**
+	Gets a copy of the latest picture sent to output.
+	@param "aPictureData"	"Target picture. The memory for the picture must be allocated by the 
+							caller, and initialized properly. The data formats must match the snapshot 
+							format requested."
+	@param "aFormat"		"The picture format to use for the snapshot."
+	@return "ETrue if the snapshot was taken, EFalse if a picture is not available. The picture may not 
+			be available if decoding has not progressed far enough yet."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+			* KErrNotSupported - The requested data format or picture size is not supported, or the 
+			plug-in does not support snapshots."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual TBool GetSnapshotL(TPictureData& aPictureData, const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat) = 0;
+	/**
+	When the snapshot is available, it will be returned to the client using the TimedSnapshotComplete()
+	callback. To cancel a timed snapshot request, use CancelTimedSnapshot(). Only one timed snapshot 
+	request can be active at a time.
+	@param "aPictureData"			"Target picture. The memory for the picture must be allocated by 
+									the caller, and initialized properly. The data formats must match 
+									the snapshot format requested. The picture must remain valid until 
+									the snapshot has been taken or until the request has been cancelled 
+									with CancelTimedSnapshot()."
+	@param "aFormat"				"The picture format to use for the snapshot."
+	@param "aPresentationTimestamp"	"Presentation timestamp for the picture to copy."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+			* KErrNotSupported - The requested data format or picture size is not supported or 
+			the plug-in does not support timed snapshots."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void GetTimedSnapshotL(TPictureData* aPictureData, const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat, 
+		const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPresentationTimestamp) = 0;
+	/**
+	When the snapshot is available, it will be returned to the client using the TimedSnapshotComplete()
+	callback. To cancel a timed snapshot request, use CancelTimedSnapshot(). Only one timed snapshot 
+	request can be active at a time.
+	@param "aPictureData"			"Target picture. The memory for the picture must be allocated by 
+									the caller, and initialized properly. The data formats must match 
+									the snapshot format requested. The picture must remain valid until 
+									the snapshot has been taken or until the request has been cancelled 
+									with CancelTimedSnapshot()."
+	@param "aFormat"				"The picture format to use for the snapshot."
+	@param "aPictureId"				"Picture identifier for the picture to copy."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+			* KErrNotSupported - The requested data format or picture size is not supported or 
+			the plug-in does not support timed snapshots."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void GetTimedSnapshotL(TPictureData* aPictureData, const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat, 
+		const TPictureId& aPictureId) = 0;
+	/**
+	Cancels a timed snapshot request.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void CancelTimedSnapshot() = 0;
+	/**
+	Gets a list of the supported snapshot picture formats.
+	@param "aFormats" "An array for the result format list. The array must be created and destroyed by 
+	the caller."
+	@leave "This method may leave with one of the standard error codes."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void GetSupportedSnapshotFormatsL(RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat>& aFormats) = 0;
+	/**
+	Notifies the hardware device that the end of input data has been reached and no more input data 
+	will be written. The hardware device can use this signal to ensure that the remaining data gets 
+	processed, without waiting for new data. For example when the data type is not EDuCodedPicture,
+	calling this method is necessary otherwise a hardware device implementation might be looking for 
+	the start code for the next picture to ensure it has a complete picture before starting to decode
+	the previous one. 
+	After the remaining data has been processed (and displayed, if applicable), the hardware 
+	device must notify the proxy with the MdvppStreamEnd() callback.
+	DevVideo clients are encouraged to call this method, but its use is not mandatory for synchronized
+	processing.  For synchronized playback, all video pictures are processed or discarded according to 
+	their timestamps, and so the client can easily infer when processing is complete.  However, it 
+	should be noted that the last picture might not be displayed if this method is not called and the 
+	input data type is not EDuCodedPicture.
+	For non-synchronized playback (e.g. file conversion), a client must call this method otherwise it
+	will never find out when the hardware device has finished processing the data.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void InputEnd() = 0;
+	};
+CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice is the MSL video decoder hardware device interface. 
+All video decoders must implement this interface.
+class CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice : public CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice
+	{
+	/**
+	Creates a new video decoder hardware device object, based on the implementation UID.
+	@param	"aUid"		"Decoder implementation UID."
+	@param	"aProxy"	"The proxy implementation to use."
+	@return	"A new CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice object."
+	@leave	"This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice* NewL(TUid aUid, MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy& aProxy);
+	/**
+	Creates a new video decoder hardware device adapter object, based on the Implementation Information of a Processing Unit.
+	@param	"aImplInfo"	"The registration data relating to the Interface Implementation of the Processing Unit."
+	@param	"aProxy"	"The proxy implementation to use."
+	@return	"A new CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice object."
+	@leave	"This method will leave if an error occurs."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice* NewPuAdapterL(const CImplementationInformation& aImplInfo, MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy& aProxy);
+	/**
+	Destructor.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice();
+	/**
+	Retrieves decoder information about this hardware device. The device creates a CVideoDecoderInfo 
+	structure, fills it with correct data, pushes it to the cleanup stack and returns it. The client 
+	will delete the object when it is no longer needed.
+	@return	"Decoder information as a CVideoDecoderInfo object. The object is pushed to the cleanup 
+			stack, and must be deallocated by the caller."
+	@leave	"This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
+	@see CVideoDecoderInfo
+	*/
+	virtual CVideoDecoderInfo* VideoDecoderInfoLC() = 0;
+	/**
+	Reads header information from a coded data unit.
+	@param	"aDataUnitType"		"The type of the coded data unit that is contained in aDataUnit. If the data is a 
+								simple piece of bitstream, use EDuArbitraryStreamSection."
+	@param	"aEncapsulation"	"The encapsulation type used for the coded data. If the data is a 
+								simple piece of bitstream, use EDuElementaryStream."
+	@param	"aDataUnit"			"The coded data unit, contained in a TVideoInputBuffer."
+	@return "Header information for the data unit, or NULL if the coded data unit did not contain 
+			enough data to parse the header. The header data must be returned to the device using 
+			ReturnHeader() before Initialize() is called or the decoder is destroyed. The data remains 
+			valid until it is returned."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Running out of data is not considered an error, 
+			as described above. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The data is not in a supported format.
+				* KErrCorrupt - The data appears to be in a supported format, but is corrupted."
+	*/
+	virtual TVideoPictureHeader* GetHeaderInformationL(TVideoDataUnitType aDataUnitType, 
+		TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation aEncapsulation, TVideoInputBuffer* aDataUnit) = 0;
+	/**
+	Returns a header from GetHeaderInformationL() back to the decoder so that the memory can be freed.
+	@param  "aHeader" "The header to return."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void ReturnHeader(TVideoPictureHeader* aHeader) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets the device input format to a compressed video format.
+	@param	"aFormat"			"The input format to use."
+	@param	"aDataUnitType"		"The data unit type for input data."
+	@param	"aEncapsulation"	"The encapsulation type used for the coded data."
+	@param	"aDataInOrder"		"ETrue if the input data is written in correct decoding order, 
+								 EFalse if will be written in arbitrary order."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+				* KErrNotSupported - The source format is not supported."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetInputFormatL(const CCompressedVideoFormat& aFormat, 
+		TVideoDataUnitType aDataUnitType, TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation aEncapsulation, 
+		TBool aDataInOrder) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets whether decoding should be synchronized to the current clock source, if any, or if pictures 
+	should instead be decoded as soon as possible. If decoding is synchronized, decoding timestamps 
+	are used if available, presentation timestamps are used if not. When decoding is not synchronized, 
+	pictures are decoded as soon as source data is available for them, and the decoder has a free 
+	output buffer. If a clock source is not available, decoding will not be synchronized.
+	@param "aSynchronize" "True if decoding should be synchronized to a clock source."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SynchronizeDecoding(TBool aSynchronize) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets decoder buffering options. See [3] for a description of the options available.
+	@param "aOptions" "Buffering options."
+	@leave "The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+			* KErrNotSupported - The specified buffering options are not supported. 
+			  If the client receives this error code, it can call GetBufferOptions() 
+			  to determine the options the decoder is able to support."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetBufferOptionsL(const CMMFDevVideoPlay::TBufferOptions& aOptions) = 0;
+	/**
+	Gets the video decoder buffer options actually in use. This can be used before calling 
+	SetBufferOptions() to determine the default options, or afterwards to check the values 
+	actually in use (if some default values were used).
+	@param "aOptions" "Buffering options structure to fill."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void GetBufferOptions(CMMFDevVideoPlay::TBufferOptions& aOptions) = 0;
+	/**
+	Indicates which HRD/VBV specification is fulfilled in the input stream and any related parameters.
+	@param "aHrdVbvSpec"	"The HRD/VBV specification fulfilled."
+	@param "aHrdVbvParams"	"HRD/VBV parameters. The data format depends on the parameters chosen. 
+							For 3GPP TS 26.234 parameters (aHrdVbvSpec=EHrdVbv3GPP), the data in the 
+							descriptor is a package of type TPckC<T3gppHrdVbvParams> 
+							(see T3gppHrdVbvParams). If no HRD/VBV parameters are used, the descriptor 
+							is zero length."
+	@see THrdVbvSpecification
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetHrdVbvSpec(THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec, const TDesC8& aHrdVbvParams) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets the output post-processor device to use. If an output device is set, all decoded pictures 
+	are delivered to that device, and not drawn on screen or returned to the client. Pictures are 
+	written using CMMDVideoPostProcDevice::WritePictureL() or a custom interface after they have been 
+	decoded. The post-processor must then synchronize rendering to the clock source if necessary.
+	@param "aDevice" "The output post-processor device to use."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetOutputDevice(CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice* aDevice) = 0;
+	/**
+	Returns the current decoding position, i.e. the timestamp for the most recently decoded picture.
+	@return "Current decoding position."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds DecodingPosition() = 0;
+	/**
+	Returns the current pre-decoder buffer size.
+	@return "The number of bytes of data in the pre-decoder buffer."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual TUint PreDecoderBufferBytes() = 0;
+	/**
+	Reads various counters related to the received input bitstream and coded data units. The counters 
+	are reset when Initialize() or this method is called, and thus they only include data processed 
+	since the last call.
+	@param "aCounters" "The counter structure to fill."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void GetBitstreamCounters(CMMFDevVideoPlay::TBitstreamCounters& aCounters) = 0;
+	/**
+	Retrieves the number of free input buffers the decoder has available.
+	@return "Number of free input buffers the decoder has available."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual TUint NumFreeBuffers() = 0;
+	/**
+	Retrieves an empty video input buffer from the decoder. After input data has been written to the 
+	buffer, it can be written to the decoder using WriteCodedDataL(). The number of buffers the decoder
+	must be able to provide before expecting any back, and the maximum size for each buffer, are 
+	specified in the buffer options.
+	The decoder maintains ownership of the buffers even while they have been retrieved by the client, 
+	and will take care of deallocating them.
+	@param	"aBufferSize"	"Required buffer size, in bytes. The resulting buffer can be larger than 
+							this, but not smaller."
+	@return "A new input data buffer. The buffer is at least as large as requested, but it may be 
+			larger. If no free buffers are available, the return value is NULL."
+	@leave  "The method will leave if an error occurs. Lack of free buffers is not considered an error."
+	*/
+	virtual TVideoInputBuffer* GetBufferL(TUint aBufferSize) = 0;
+	/**
+	Writes a piece of coded video data to the decoder. The data buffer must be retrieved from the 
+	decoder with GetBufferL().
+	@param "aBuffer" "The coded data unit to write."
+	@leave "This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void WriteCodedDataL(TVideoInputBuffer* aBuffer) = 0;
+	/**
+	Configures the Decoder using header information known by the client.
+	@param	"aVideoPictureHeader"	"Header information to configure the decoder with"
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Running out of data is not considered an error, 
+			as described above.
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void ConfigureDecoderL(const TVideoPictureHeader& aVideoPictureHeader);
+	/**
+	Constructor.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice();
+	/**
+	Set the proxy implementation to be used. Called just after the object is constructed.
+	@param	"aProxy"	"The proxy to use."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetProxy(MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy& aProxy) = 0;
+	TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
+	};
+CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice is the MSL video post-processor plug-in interface. All MSL video 
+post-processors must implement this interface.
+class CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice : public CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice
+	{
+	/**
+	Creates a new video post-processor hardware device object, based on the implementation UID.
+	@param	"aUid"		"Post-processor implementation UID."
+	@param	"aProxy"	"The proxy implementation to use."
+	@return	"A new CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice object."
+	@leave	"This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice* NewL(TUid aUid, MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy& aProxy);
+	/**
+	Destructor.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice();
+	/**
+	Sets the device input format to an uncompressed video format.
+	@param	"aFormat"	"The input format to use."
+	@leave	"The method will leave if an error occurs. Typical error codes used:
+			* KErrNotSupported - The input format is not supported."	
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetInputFormatL(const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat) = 0;
+	/**
+	Sets the decoder device that will write data to this post-processor. Decoded pictures will be 
+	written with WritePictureL() or through a custom interface. After pictures have been processed, 
+	they must be returned to the decoder using ReturnPicture().
+	@param	"aDevice"	"The decoder source plug-in to use."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called before the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetInputDevice(CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice* aDevice) = 0;
+	/**
+	Writes an uncompressed video picture to the post-processor. The picture must be returned to the 
+	client or source plug-in after it has been used.
+	@param	"aPicture"	"The picture to write."
+	@leave	"This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void WritePictureL(TVideoPicture* aPicture) = 0;
+	/**
+	Constructor.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C CMMFVideoPostProcHwDevice();
+	/**
+	Set the proxy implementation to be used. Called just after the object is constructed.
+	@param	"aProxy"	"The proxy to use."
+	*/
+	virtual void SetProxy(MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy& aProxy) = 0;
+	TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
+	};
+A custom interface extending the functionality of CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice, adding support for the decoder to handle the 
+copying of the bitstream data into the buffers, combining this with a scan of the data and support for the passing of 
+information from the client to the decoder describing what part of a frame the data contains.
+class MMMFVideoPlayHwDeviceExtensionScanCopy
+	{
+	/**
+	Writes a piece of coded video data to the decoder. The data buffer must be retrieved from the
+	decoder with GetBufferL().
+	@param	"aBuffer"	"The coded data unit to write."
+	@param	"aPortion"	"The portion of the frame that the data contains. Defaults to EFramePortionUnknown."
+	@leave	"This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void WriteCodedDataL(TVideoInputBuffer* aBuffer, TFramePortion aPortion = EFramePortionUnknown) = 0;
+	/**
+	Passes a pointer to a piece of coded video data to the decoder. The data buffer, which is left empty by the client,
+	must be retrieved from the decoder with GetBufferL().
+	@param	"aCodedData"	"A pointer to the coded data unit to scan and copy."
+	@param	"aBuffer"		"The empty data buffer."
+	@param	"aPortion"		"The portion of the frame that the data contains. Defaults to EFramePortionUnknown."
+	@leave	"This method may leave with one of the system-wide error codes."
+	@pre	"This method can only be called after the hwdevice has been initialized with Initialize()."
+	*/
+	virtual void ScanAndCopyCodedDataL(TPtr8 aCodedData, TVideoInputBuffer* aBuffer, TInt& aConsumed, TFramePortion aPortion = EFramePortionUnknown) = 0;
+	};
+inline void CMMFVideoDecodeHwDevice::ConfigureDecoderL(const TVideoPictureHeader& /*aVideoPictureHeader*/) 
+	{
+	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+	}