--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmlibs/mmfw/MIDI/inc/mmfmidiconfig.h Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Mmf\Common\MmfMidiconfig.h
+class TMMFMidiConfig1
+ {
+ inline TMMFMidiConfig1();
+ /**
+ * Number of tracks present in the currently open MIDI resource.
+ */
+ TInt iNumTracks;
+ /**
+ * Current state of the MIDI client utility object
+ * (EMidiStateClosedDisengaged,EMidiStateOpenDisengaged,EMidiStateOpenPlaying,EMidiStatePlaybackIncompatible,
+ * EMidiStatePlaybackSilent, EMidiStateClosedEngaged, EMidiStateOpenEngaged).
+ */
+ TInt iState;
+ /**
+ * Tempo in microbeats per minute (BPM*1000000).
+ */
+ TInt iTempo;
+ /**
+ * Pitch shift in cents, i.e. semitones * 100. One octave equals 1200 cents.
+ */
+ TInt iPitch;
+ /**
+ * Array of logical {channel, MIP} value pairs to send SP-MIDI MIP message to the MIDI engine.
+ */
+ const TArray<TMipMessageEntry>* iMipMessage;
+ /**
+ * The maximum number of notes that the MIDI engine supports simultaneously (polyphony).
+ */
+ TInt iNumNotes;
+ /**
+ * Max polyphony level: 0 <= PolyphonyL() <= iMaxNotes.
+ */
+ TInt iMaxNotes;
+ /**
+ * Overall volume of the MIDI client.
+ */
+ TInt iVolume;
+ /**
+ * Maximum volume that may be applied overall to the MIDI client.
+ */
+ TInt iMaxVolume;
+ /**
+ * Length of time over which the volume is faded up from zero to the current settings when playback is started.
+ */
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iRampDuration;
+ /**
+ * Stereo balance value: KMMFBalanceMaxLeft <= iBalance <= KMMFBalanceMaxRight.
+ */
+ TInt iBalance;
+ /**
+ * The number of times the current opened resources has to be repeated.
+ * This includes the first instance of playing.
+ */
+ TInt iNumRepeats;
+ /**
+ * Length of time over which the volume is faded out from the current settings to zero.
+ */
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iFadeOutDuration;
+ };
+class TMMFMidiConfig2
+ {
+ inline TMMFMidiConfig2();
+ /**
+ * Index of the track to mute: 0 <= iTrack < NumTracksL().
+ */
+ TInt iTrack;
+ /**
+ * ETrue to mute the track/channel, EFalse to unmute it.
+ */
+ TBool iMuted;
+ /**
+ * Note to play ot to terminate: 0 <= iNote <= 127.
+ */
+ TInt iNote;
+ /**
+ * Length of time to play the note for.
+ */
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iDurationMicroSeconds;
+ /**
+ * Specifying the time at which to start playing the note.
+ * It's relative to the MIDI resource playing time or the time elapsed
+ * since Play() was called if no resource is present.
+ */
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iStartTime;
+ /**
+ * Velocity with which to start the note: 0 <= iNoteOnVelocity <= 127.
+ */
+ TInt iNoteOnVelocity;
+ /**
+ * Velocity with which to stop the note: 0 <= iNoteOffVelocity <= 127.
+ */
+ TInt iNoteOffVelocity;
+ /**
+ * Number of standard or custom sound banks currently available.
+ */
+ TInt iNumBanks;
+ /**
+ * Specifies whether to reference a custom or standard sound bank.
+ */
+ TBool iCustom;
+ /**
+ * Index of custom/deault bank: 0 <= iBankIndex < NumberOfBanksL()
+ */
+ TInt iBankIndex;
+ /**
+ * Custom/deault Bank's Identifier.
+ */
+ TInt iBankId;
+ /**
+ * Identifier of the custom bank in memory.
+ */
+ TInt iMemoryBankId;
+ /**
+ * Name of the file containing the custom sound bank or the name
+ * of the file containing the instrument. Includes the directory path.
+ */
+ const TDesC* iFileName;
+ /**
+ * Descriptor containing the custom sound bank.
+ */
+ const TDesC8* iBankData;
+ /**
+ * Descriptor containing the instrument.
+ */
+ const TDesC8* iInstrumentData;
+ /**
+ * ETrue if the specified bank is in memory, EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+ TBool iBankLoaded;
+ /**
+ * Number of instruments available for the specified sound bank.
+ */
+ TInt iNumInstruments;
+ /**
+ * Index of the instrument to reference: 0 <= aInstrumentIndex < NumberOfInstrumentsL().
+ */
+ TInt iInstrumentIndex;
+ /**
+ * Identifier of specified instrument. This may differ from the index
+ * since the index simply enumerates the instruments, whereas identifiers
+ * may not be contiguous, especially where certain instruments correspond
+ * to General MIDI-defined instruments but not all instruments are present.
+ * 0 <= iInstrumentId <= 127.
+ */
+ TInt iInstrumentId;
+ /**
+ * Identifier of the instrument in memory.
+ */
+ TInt iMemoryInstrumentId;
+ /**
+ * Current metrical position of the MIDI resource being played.
+ * Microbeats (BPM*1000000) relative to the start of the resource.
+ */
+ TInt64 iPositionMicroBeats;
+ /**
+ * Length of the currently open MIDI resource.
+ * Duration in microbeats (beats * 1000000).
+ */
+ TInt64 iDurationMicroBeats;
+ /**
+ * Time at which playback will stop, relative to the start of the resource.
+ * Clamped to 0 and the duration of the resource.
+ */
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iStopTime;
+ /**
+ * Logical channel: 0 <= iChannel < ChannelsSupportedL().
+ */
+ TInt iChannel;
+ /**
+ * Volume level in dB corresponding to the MIDI Channel:
+ * -infinity <= iChannelVol <= MaxVolumeL().
+ */
+ TReal32 iChannelVol;
+ /**
+ * Maximum volume setting in dB, should always be 0 dB and
+ * correspond to the MIDI Channel Volume controller maximum value.
+ */
+ TReal32 iMaxChannelVol;
+ };
+class TMMFMidiConfig3
+ {
+ inline TMMFMidiConfig3();
+ /**
+ * Temporal interval between MmcuoSyncUpdate callback.
+ */
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iCallbackIntervalMicroSeconds;
+ /**
+ * Metrical interval between MmcuoSyncUpdate callback.
+ */
+ TInt64 iCallbackIntervalMicroBeats;
+ /**
+ * Number of bytes of the MIDI message buffer actually processed when client
+ * calls SendMessageL.
+ */
+ TInt iBytesProcessed;
+ /**
+ * Time at which to execute the MIDI message sent by SendMessageL.
+ * It's relative to the MIDI resource playing time or the time elapsed
+ * since Play() was called if no resource is present.
+ */
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iTimeStamp;
+ /**
+ * Number of time to repeat the resource during playback. This includes the first playing.
+ */
+ TInt iRepeatNumberOfTimes;
+ /**
+ * Time in microseconds to pause between repeats.
+ */
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iTrailingSilence;
+ /**
+ * Playback rate for the playback of the current MIDI resource
+ * in percent times 1000, i.e., 100000 means original playback speed,
+ * 200000 means double speed, and 50000 means half speed playback.
+ */
+ TInt iPlayBackRate;
+ /**
+ * Maximum playback rate supported by MIDI player.
+ */
+ TInt iPlayBackMaxRate;
+ /**
+ * Minimum playback rate supported by MIDI player.
+ */
+ TInt iPlayBackMinRate;
+ /**
+ * Descriptor containing a MIDI message data. If there
+ * are several MIDI messages in the buffer, only the first
+ * one is processed.
+ */
+ const TDesC8* iMidiMessage;
+ };
+inline TMMFMidiConfig1::TMMFMidiConfig1()
+inline TMMFMidiConfig2::TMMFMidiConfig2()
+inline TMMFMidiConfig3::TMMFMidiConfig3()