changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmlibs/mmfw/inc/MdaAudioOutputStream.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfbase.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfstandardcustomcommands.h>
+#include <mda/common/base.h>      
+#include <mda/client/utility.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfaudio.h>
+#include <mmfclntutility.h>
+An interface class that notifies the client of the progress of audio output streaming.
+It must be implemented by users of the CMdaAudioOutputStream class.
+An object that implements this interface is passed to CMdaAudioOutputStream::NewL().
+class MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback 
+	{
+	/**
+	A callback function that is called when CMdaAudioOutputStream::Open() has completed, indicating that the
+	audio output stream is ready for use.
+	@param  aError
+	        An error value which indicates if open was completed successfully. KErrNone if succeeded.
+	*/
+	virtual void MaoscOpenComplete(TInt aError) = 0;
+	/**
+	A callback function that is called when a descriptor has been copied to the lower layers of MMF. 
+	It is also called when an error has occurred or when the client has stopped the stream playing before the descriptor 
+	has been fully copied (by calling CMdaAudioOutputStream::Stop()).
+	This function indicates to the client that it is safe to destroy the buffer passed to CMdaAudioOutputStream::WriteL(). 
+	It can also be used to make the next call to WriteL().
+	@param  aError
+	        KErrNone if the copy succeeded, otherwise one of the system error codes. KErrAbort indicates that 
+	        the client has stopped the stream playing before the descriptor has been copied.
+	@param  aBuffer
+	        A reference to the buffer that has been copied.
+	*/
+	virtual void MaoscBufferCopied(TInt aError, const TDesC8& aBuffer) = 0;
+	/**
+	A callback function that is called when playback terminates as a result of a CMdaAudioOutputStream::Stop().
+	If the end of the sound data has been reached, the function returns KErrUnderFlow. If playback terminates for any 
+	other reason, the function returns an appropriate error value.
+	@param  aError
+	        An error value which indicates play success or not. KErrNone if the close succeeded, otherwise one of the
+	        system error codes.
+	*/
+	virtual void MaoscPlayComplete(TInt aError) = 0;
+	};
+class CMMFMdaAudioOutputStream;
+The interface to an audio stream player passing raw audio data from specified buffers to the audio hardware.
+This class enables MMF clients to:
+Stream raw audio data to the audio hardware from specified buffers
+Specify the priority of the audio stream in relation to other clients that may request to use the same audio hardware
+Set the sample rate and the number of channels after successfully opening the stream. It is not possible to change these 
+values once  streaming has started.
+Change the volume and balance before or while the stream is open for writing. Volume and balance settings take effect immediately.
+The API supports callbacks from the server to notify the client:
+MaoscOpenComplete() will be called when the audio streaming object is open and ready to stream data back to the
+audio hardware as a result of a previous call to Open().
+MaoscBufferCopied() will be called each time audio data has been successfully copied to the lower layers of the
+MMF as a result of a previous WriteL().
+MaoscPlayComplete() will be called when the audio data stream has been closed as a result of a previous Stop().
+class CMdaAudioOutputStream : public CBase,
+							  public MMMFClientUtility
+	{
+	/**
+	Allocates and constructs an audio stream player object.
+	@param  aCallBack
+	        A callback to notify the client when the sound device is open and ready to receive data, when 
+	        each descriptor has been copied and when the stream is closed. The caller must create a 
+	        callback class which implements this interface.
+	@param  aServer
+	        A pointer to a CMdaServer. CMdaServer is deprecated and as such this parameter is only provided 
+	        for backward compatibility.
+	@return A pointer to new audio stream player.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CMdaAudioOutputStream* NewL(MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback& aCallBack,
+												CMdaServer* aServer = NULL);
+	/**
+	Constructs and initialises a new instance of an audio streaming object.
+	The function leaves if the audio streaming object cannot be created.
+	@param  aCallBack
+	        A callback to notify the client when the sound device is open and ready to receive data, when each
+	        descriptor has been copied and when the stream is closed. The caller must create a callback class
+	        which implements this interface.
+    @param  aPriority
+            The Priority Value - this client's relative priority. This is a value between EMdaPriorityMin and 
+            EMdaPriorityMax and represents a relative priority. A higher value indicates a more important request.
+    @param  aPref
+            The Priority Preference - an additional audio policy parameter. The suggested default is 
+            EMdaPriorityPreferenceNone. Further values are given by TMdaPriorityPreference, and additional 
+            values may be supported by given phones and/or platforms, but should not be depended upon by 
+            portable code.
+	@return A pointer to CMdaAudioOutputStream.
+    Note: The Priority Value and Priority Preference are used primarily when deciding what to do when
+    several audio clients attempt to play or record simultaneously. In addition to the Priority Value and Preference, 
+    the adaptation may consider other parameters such as the SecureId and Capabilities of the client process. 
+    Whatever, the decision  as to what to do in such situations is up to the audio adaptation, and may
+    vary between different phones. Portable applications are advised not to assume any specific behaviour. 
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static CMdaAudioOutputStream* NewL(MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback& aCallBack,
+												TInt aPriority,
+												TInt aPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality);
+	/**
+    Destructor.
+	Frees all resources owned by the object prior to its destruction.
+	*/
+	~CMdaAudioOutputStream();
+	/**
+	Sets the sample rate and number of audio channels.
+	@param  aSampleRate
+	        The new sample rate. For possible values, see the TAudioCaps enum in class TMdaAudioDataSettings.
+	@param  aChannels
+	        The new number of channels. For possible values, see the TAudioCaps enum in class TMdaAudioDataSettings.
+	*/
+	virtual void SetAudioPropertiesL(TInt aSampleRate, TInt aChannels);
+	/**
+	Opens an output audio stream package.
+	The MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscOpenComplete() callback function is called when the stream has been 
+	opened and is ready to receive audio data. If the open was unsuccessful, this is indicated by the aError 
+	parameter of the callback.
+	@param  aSettings
+	        A pointer to a TMdaPackage object.
+	*/
+	virtual void Open(TMdaPackage* aSettings);
+	/**
+	Returns the maximum volume level.
+	@return The maximum volume level supported by the sound device, as an integer.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt MaxVolume();
+	/**
+	Returns the current volume.
+	@return The current volume as an integer.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt Volume();
+	/**
+	Sets the audio volume.
+	Set the volume to zero for "sound off" or any other value between 1 and MaxVolume().
+	@param  aNewVolume
+	        A specified audio volume.
+	*/
+	virtual void SetVolume(const TInt aNewVolume);
+	/**
+	Sets the audio priority values.
+	This function cannot be used while the stream object is open. It is intended for use before an Open() 
+	is issued, or between a previous Stop() and a new Open().
+	@param  aPriority
+	        The Priority Value.
+	@param  aPref
+	        The Priority Preference.
+    @see CMdaAudioOutputStream::NewL()
+	*/
+	virtual void SetPriority(TInt aPriority, TInt aPref);
+	/**
+	Writes (plays) streaming raw audio data.
+	This function is asynchronous. When aData has been received, the client is notified by a call to 
+	MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscBufferCopied(). The client can call WriteL() again before this notification 
+	takes place because the buffers are maintained in a client-side queue until they have been sent. An active object 
+	performs the notification, and copies the next item in the queue to the server.
+	MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscPlayComplete() is called when all descriptors have been sent.
+	@param  aData
+	        A reference to the stream data.
+	*/
+	virtual void WriteL(const TDesC8& aData);
+	/**
+	Stops writing data to a stream.
+	*/
+	virtual void Stop();
+	/**
+	Pause data rendering by audio hardware.
+	@return  An error code indicating if the operation was successful. KErrNone on success, 
+		KErrNotReady if not streaming
+		KErrNotSupported if trying to pause when resume is not supported by DevSound
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt Pause();
+	/**
+	Resume data rendering by audio hardware.
+	@return  An error code indicating if the operation was successful. KErrNone on success, 
+		KErrNotReady if not paused. 
+		KErrNotSupported if trying to resume when resume is not supported by DevSound
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt Resume();
+	/**
+	Returns the current position within the data stream.
+	@return The current position within the stream in microseconds.
+	*/
+	virtual const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& Position();
+	/**
+	Sets the audio balance.
+	@param  aBalance
+	        A specified balance volume. Default is KMMFBalanceCenter.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void SetBalanceL(TInt aBalance = KMMFBalanceCenter);
+	/**
+	Returns the current balance as an integer.
+	@return The current balance value as integer.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetBalanceL() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the current number of bytes rendered by audio hardware.
+	@return The current current number of bytes rendered by audio hardware as an integer.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetBytes();
+	/**
+    Sets the data type.  If the data type is not explicitly set it will assumed to be pcm16.
+    If it is set then the hardware must support the data type being set otherwise the 
+    function leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+    @param	aAudioType The fourCC code used to specify the data type of the streamed audio
+	@leave KErrNotSupported
+	       Leaves with this for any unsuported data type.
+	*/
+    IMPORT_C void SetDataTypeL(TFourCC aAudioType);
+	/**
+	Returns the current data type.
+	@return The ID of the data type.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TFourCC DataType() const;
+	/**
+	Registers the Event for Notification when resource is avaliable.
+	@param	aCallback
+	      	The audio outputstream observer interface..
+	@param 	aNotificationEventUid
+	 	The Event for which the client is registered.
+	@param 	aNotificationRegistrationData
+		Notification registration specific data.
+	@return An error code indicating if the registration was successful. KErrNone on success, 
+		otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt RegisterAudioResourceNotification(MMMFAudioResourceNotificationCallback& aCallback,TUid aNotificationEventUid,const TDesC8& aNotificationRegistrationData = KNullDesC8);
+	/**
+	Cancels the registered notification event.
+	@param  aNotificationEventUid
+		The Event to notify the client.
+	@return An error code indicating if the registration was successful. KErrNone on success, 
+		otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification(TUid aNotificationEventId);
+    	/**
+	Waits for the client to resume the play even after the default timer expires.
+	@return An error code indicating if the registration was successful. KErrNone on success, 
+		otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt WillResumePlay();
+	/**
+	Retrieves a custom interface to the underlying device.
+	@param  aInterfaceId
+	        The interface UID, defined with the custom interface.
+	@return A pointer to the interface implementation, or NULL if the device does not
+	        implement the interface requested. The return value must be cast to the
+	        correct type by the user.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TAny* CustomInterface(TUid aInterfaceId);
+	/**
+	When this method is called, AudioOutputStream goes into a different mode wherein it does not call 
+	MaoscPlayComplete() with KErrUnderflow when all the supplied data has been played. Instead client 
+	should signal the end of the play by calling RequestStop() or Stop() on AudioOutputStream.
+	If the client calls RequestStop(), AudioOutputStream waits until all the queued data has been played out
+	and then calls MaoscPlayComplete(). This behaviour is different from that of Stop(), which stops the play
+	immediately by discarding all the queued data.
+	Client should call this method on CMdaAudioOutputStream just after its construction and its 
+	effect remains through out its lifetime.
+	Note: This feature is supported only on a DevSound which ignores the underflow errors in the middle of
+	the play i.e which returns ETrue from QueryIgnoresUnderflow().
+	@return KErrNone on success, 
+			KErrNotSupported if the underlying DevSound does not ignore the underflow errors in the middle of the play
+	@see CMdaAudioOutputStream::RequestStop()
+	@see CMMFDevSound::QueryIgnoresUnderflow()
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt KeepOpenAtEnd();
+	/**
+	This method signals the end of play when the AudioOutputStream is in KeepOpenAtEnd mode i.e when client
+	makes KeepOpenAtEnd call on it. When RequestStop is called, AudioOutputStream completes playing all
+	the data that is supplied to it and calls MaoscPlayComplete() with KErrUnderflow.
+	Note: Before calling this method, client must have already called KeepOpenAtEnd() successfully, Otherwise, this
+		  method returns KErrNotSupported. 
+		  It is recommended to use KeepOpenAtEnd and RequestStop calls to get a predictable behaviour during stopping.
+	@return KErrNone on success
+			KErrNotSupported when this method is called without calling KeepOpenAtEnd
+			KErrNotReady when this method is called before completing previous RequestStop or AudioOutputStream
+			is already in the stopped state
+	@see CMdaAudioOutputStream::KeepOpenAtEnd()
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TInt RequestStop();
+	CMdaAudioOutputStream();
+	/**
+	This member is internal and not intended for use.
+	*/
+	CMMFMdaAudioOutputStream* iProperties;
+	};