--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmlibs/mmfw/inc/mmf/ControllerFramework/mmfcontroller.h Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1051 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __MMFCONTROLLER_H__
+#define __MMFCONTROLLER_H__
+#include <mmf/server/mmfdatasource.h>
+#include <mmf/server/mmfdatasink.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerframework.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerpluginresolver.h>
+#include <mmf/plugin/mmfplugininterfaceuids.hrh>
+#include <caf/caf.h>
+Error category denoting a general controller error.
+@see TMMFEvent
+@since 7.0s
+const TUid KMMFErrorCategoryControllerGeneralError = {0x101F76D3};
+Error category denoting playback complete i.e. due to EOF or error condition
+@see TMMFEvent
+@since 7.0s
+const TUid KMMFEventCategoryPlaybackComplete = {0x101f7ea0};
+Client representation of a controller plugin for the Multimedia Framework.
+This class allows a client to load a controller plugin into a new thread and access the
+functionality provided by that plugin.
+@since 7.0s
+class RMMFController
+ {
+ IMPORT_C RMMFController();
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open(TUid aControllerUid, const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open(const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& aControllerInfo, const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open(TUid aControllerUid, const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings, TBool aUseSharedHeap );
+ IMPORT_C TInt Open(const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& aControllerInfo, const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings, TBool aUseSharedHeap );
+ IMPORT_C TInt OpenInSecureDRMProcess(TUid aControllerUid, const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings);
+ IMPORT_C TInt OpenInSecureDRMProcess(const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& aControllerInfo, const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings);
+ IMPORT_C TInt OpenInSecureDRMProcess(TUid aControllerUid, const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings, TBool aUseSharedHeap );
+ IMPORT_C TInt OpenInSecureDRMProcess(const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& aControllerInfo, const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings, TBool aUseSharedHeap );
+ IMPORT_C void Close();
+ IMPORT_C TInt SetPrioritySettings(const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt AddDataSource(TUid aSourceUid, const TDesC8& aSourceInitData);
+ IMPORT_C TInt AddDataSink(TUid aSinkUid, const TDesC8& aSinkInitData);
+ IMPORT_C TInt AddDataSource(TUid aSourceUid, const TDesC8& aSourceInitData, TMMFMessageDestination& aHandleInfo);
+ IMPORT_C TInt AddDataSink(TUid aSinkUid, const TDesC8& aSinkInitData, TMMFMessageDestination& aHandleInfo);
+ IMPORT_C void AddDataSource(const TMMFUidPckg& aSourceUid, const TDesC8& aSourceInitData, TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aHandleInfoPckg, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void AddFileHandleDataSource(const RFile& aFile, const TDesC8& aSourceInitData, TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aHandleInfoPckg, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void AddFileHandleDataSource(const RFile& aFile, TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aHandleInfoPckg, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void CancelAddDataSource();
+ IMPORT_C void AddDataSink(const TMMFUidPckg& aSinkUid, const TDesC8& aSinkInitData, TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aHandleInfoPckg, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void AddFileHandleDataSink(const RFile& aFile, const TDesC8& aSinkInitData, TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aHandleInfoPckg, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void AddFileHandleDataSink(const RFile& aFile, TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aHandleInfoPckg, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void CancelAddDataSink();
+ IMPORT_C TInt RemoveDataSource(const TMMFMessageDestination& aSourceHandleInfo);
+ IMPORT_C TInt RemoveDataSink(const TMMFMessageDestination& aSinkHandleInfo);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Reset();
+ IMPORT_C TInt Prime();
+ IMPORT_C TInt Play();
+ IMPORT_C TInt Pause();
+ IMPORT_C TInt Stop();
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetPosition(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPosition) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt SetPosition(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPosition) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetDuration(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetNumberOfMetaDataEntries(TInt& aNumberOfEntries) const;
+ IMPORT_C CMMFMetaDataEntry* GetMetaDataEntryL(TInt aIndex) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TDes8& aDataFrom);
+ IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2);
+ IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TDes8& aDataFrom, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8& aDataTo1, const TDesC8& aDataTo2, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void ReceiveEvents(TMMFEventPckg& aEventPckg, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C TInt CancelReceiveEvents();
+ IMPORT_C TInt SetThreadPriority(const TThreadPriority& aPriority) const;
+ /**
+ The controller proxy. Used to pass messages to the controller thread.
+ */
+ RMMFControllerProxy iControllerProxy;
+ /**
+ Used to hold the destination information for messages for the standard controller plugin interface.
+ */
+ TMMFMessageDestinationPckg iDestinationPckg;
+ };
+Defines an object to which a client may have a direct handle.
+This class provides a way of identifying objects within the controller framework, and a means
+of passing commands to those objects.
+@since 7.0s
+class CMMFObject : public CBase
+ {
+friend class CMMFObjectContainer;//to set the handle
+ IMPORT_C ~CMMFObject();
+ IMPORT_C CMMFObject(TUid aInterfaceId);
+ IMPORT_C const TMMFMessageDestination& Handle();
+ IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const CMMFObject& aOther);
+ /**
+ Passes a message to the object to handle.
+ This is a pure virtual method to be implemented by concrete classes derived from this class.
+ The message passed in MUST be completed by the object; however, it can be copied to be
+ completed at a later time, should some other asynchronous action need to occur first.
+ @param aMessage
+ The message to be handled. This MUST be completed by the object.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void HandleRequest(TMMFMessage& aMessage) = 0;
+ void SetHandle(const TMMFMessageDestination& aNewHandle);
+ TMMFMessageDestination iHandle;
+ };
+Container class to hold the CMMFObject-derived objects in the controller framework.
+@since 7.0s
+class CMMFObjectContainer : public CBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C CMMFObjectContainer();
+ IMPORT_C ~CMMFObjectContainer();
+ IMPORT_C TInt AddMMFObject(CMMFObject& aObject);
+ IMPORT_C void RemoveAndDestroyMMFObject(CMMFObject& aObject);
+ IMPORT_C TInt FindMMFObject(const TMMFMessageDestination& aObjectHandle, CMMFObject*& aObjectFound);
+ IMPORT_C void DeleteAllObjects();
+ const RPointerArray<CMMFObject>& MMFObjects();
+ /**
+ Internal method to find an object in the array.
+ */
+ TInt FindMMFObject(const CMMFObject& aObject, TInt& aPositionInArray);
+ /**
+ Internal method used to generate the object handle for a newly added object.
+ */
+ TInt GenerateObjectHandle();
+ /**
+ The array of objects.
+ */
+ RPointerArray<CMMFObject> iObjects;
+ /**
+ The next available object handle.
+ */
+ TInt iNextObjectHandle;
+ };
+CMMFObject-derived class to wrap a Data Source.
+Allows a handle to be attributed to a data source, so it can be removed from the controller and
+the client can send messages directly to it.
+@since 7.0s
+class CMMFDataSourceHolder : public CMMFObject
+ {
+ IMPORT_C CMMFDataSourceHolder(MDataSource& aDataSource);
+ IMPORT_C ~CMMFDataSourceHolder();
+ IMPORT_C MDataSource& DataSource();
+ //from CMMFObject
+ IMPORT_C void HandleRequest(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ /**
+ Pointer to the data source owned by this object.
+ */
+ MDataSource* iDataSource;
+ };
+CMMFObject-derived class to wrap a Data Sink.
+Allows a handle to be attributed to a data sink, so it can be removed from the controller and
+the client can send messages directly to it.
+@since 7.0s
+class CMMFDataSinkHolder : public CMMFObject
+ {
+ IMPORT_C CMMFDataSinkHolder(MDataSink& aDataSink);
+ IMPORT_C ~CMMFDataSinkHolder();
+ IMPORT_C MDataSink& DataSink();
+ //from CMMFObject
+ IMPORT_C void HandleRequest(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ /**
+ Pointer to the data sink owned by this object.
+ */
+ MDataSink* iDataSink;
+ };
+Base class for client-side custom command classes.
+In order facilitate the use of the more common custom commands, it is desirable to write
+a concrete API class for the client to use. This API class can then be use to wrap all the code
+involved to formulate the custom command messages.
+@since 7.0s
+class RMMFCustomCommandsBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C RMMFCustomCommandsBase(RMMFController& aController, TUid aInterfaceId);
+ /**
+ The controller.
+ Derived classes should use iController.CustomCommandSync() and
+ iController.CustomCommandAsync() to send the custom commands to the controller
+ plugin.
+ */
+ RMMFController& iController;
+ /**
+ The destination package.
+ Derived classes must pass this into iController.CustomCommandSync() and
+ iController.CustomCommandAsync() as the destination argument.
+ */
+ TMMFMessageDestinationPckg iDestinationPckg;
+ };
+Base class to define the interface of a custom command parser.
+In order to facilitate the support of common custom commands by controller plugins, a
+custom command parser object can be used. A set of custom command parsers are created
+by the controller plugin (one for each interface supported), and added to the custom command
+parser manager in the controller framework. The controller plugin must also derive from a set of
+concrete interfaces (provided in the form of mixin classes). Then, a custom command supported by
+one of the custom command parsers will appear to the controller as a concrete API call, rather than
+a call to its own custom command API.
+@since 7.0s
+class CMMFCustomCommandParserBase : public CBase
+ {
+ /**
+ Pure virtual method to be implemented by derived classes.
+ Derived classes must implement the code to decode the message from the client.
+ @param aMessage
+ The message to be serviced. This message must be completed by the derived class.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void HandleRequest(TMMFMessage& aMessage) = 0;
+ /**
+ Returns the UID of the custom command interface provided by this parser.
+ @return The interface UID.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TUid InterfaceId();
+ /**
+ Destructor.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ IMPORT_C ~CMMFCustomCommandParserBase();
+ /**
+ Constructor.
+ @param aInterfaceId
+ The uid of the custom command interface provided by this parser.
+ This must be the same as the interface id of the corresponding client
+ API class. See RMMFCustomCommandsBase.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ IMPORT_C CMMFCustomCommandParserBase(TUid aInterfaceId);
+ /**
+ The uid of the custom command interface provided by this parser.
+ */
+ TUid iInterfaceId;
+ };
+#include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerextendeddata.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfcustomcommandparsermanager.h>
+class CMMFControllerExtendedData;
+class CMMFCustomCommandParserManager;
+Base class for controller plugins.
+A controller plugin for the multimedia framework must derive from this class and implement
+all the pure virtual functions.
+Controller plugins control the flow of multimedia data from one or more sources to one or
+more sinks. For example, an audio controller plugin might take data from a file source and
+output it to a speaker sink, or take data from a microphone source and save it to a file
+sink. A controller plugin typically supports one or more multimedia formats, for example
+WAV or MPEG4.
+@since 7.0s
+class CMMFController : public CBase
+ {
+ /**
+ Allocates and constructs a new controller plugin.
+ Uses ECOM to instantiate a new controller plugin. Can leave with any of the system-wide error codes.
+ @param aControllerUid
+ The unique ID of the controller to be instantiated from ECOM.
+ @param aEventHandler
+ A reference to an event handling object that can be used by the
+ controller to send events back to the client.
+ @param aClientTid
+ The thread Id of the client thread
+ @return A pointer to the new controller plugin.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ static CMMFController* NewL(TUid aControllerUid, MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler, TThreadId aClientTid);
+ /**
+ Handles a message from the client.
+ Decodes the message and calls one of the private DoXxx methods to unpackaged the parameters.
+ @param aMessage
+ The message to be handled.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual void HandleRequestL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ /**
+ Default destructor.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual ~CMMFController();
+ /**
+ Constructor.
+ */
+ CMMFController() {};
+ // virtual functions to be implemented by controller plugin
+ /**
+ Add a data source to the controller plugin.
+ NOTE: The data source is owned by the controller framework, NOT by the controller plugin.
+ Under no circumstances should the controller plugin delete the data source.
+ @param aDataSource
+ A reference to the data source to be added. The controller plugin
+ may call aDataSource.DataSourceType() to find out
+ exactly what type of source it is.
+ @leave KErrNotSupported
+ If the controller plugin does not support the data source, it should leave with this.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void AddDataSourceL(MDataSource& aDataSource) = 0;
+ /**
+ Adds a data sink to the controller plugin.
+ NOTE: The data sink is owned by the controller framework, NOT by the controller plugin.
+ Under no circumstances should the controller plugin delete the data sink.
+ @param aDataSink
+ A reference to the data sink to be added. The controller plugin
+ may call aDatasink.DatasinkType() to find out
+ exactly what type of sink it is.
+ @leave KErrNotSupported
+ If the controller plugin does not support the data sink, it should leave with this.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void AddDataSinkL(MDataSink& aDataSink) = 0;
+ /**
+ Removes a data source from the controller plugin.
+ Note:
+ The data source is owned by the controller framework, NOT by the controller plugin.
+ Under no circumstances should the controller plugin delete the data source.
+ @param aDataSource
+ A reference to the data source to be removed.
+ @leave KErrNotSupported
+ The controller plugin may leave during this method. If the controller plugin does
+ not support the removal of data sources, it should leave with
+ KErrNotSupported. If the controller plugin leaves, the data source will
+ not be destroyed by the controller framework. If it does not leave, the data source
+ will be destroyed.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void RemoveDataSourceL(MDataSource& aDataSource) = 0;
+ /**
+ Removes a data sink from the controller plugin.
+ Note:
+ The data sink is owned by the controller framework, NOT by the controller plugin.
+ Under no circumstances should the controller plugin delete the data sink.
+ @param aDataSink
+ A reference to the data sink to be removed.
+ @leave KErrNotSupported
+ The controller plugin may leave during this method. If the controller plugin does
+ not support the removal of data sinks, it should leave with
+ KErrNotSupported. If the controller plugin leaves, the data sink will
+ not be destroyed by the controller framework. If it does not leave, the data sink
+ will be destroyed.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void RemoveDataSinkL(MDataSink& aDataSink) = 0;
+ /**
+ Resets the controller plugin.
+ The controller should revert back to its newly constructed state. If the Reset is successful
+ (i.e. it doesn't leave), the controller framework will delete all objects added to the
+ MMFObjectManager including any sources and sinks.
+ @leave KErrNotSupported
+ If the controller plugin does not support being reset, it should leave with KErrNotSupported.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void ResetL() = 0;
+ /**
+ Primes the controller plugin.
+ The controller must prepare to start playing, by initialising its sources, sinks and buffers.
+ This moves the controller from the STOPPED to the PRIMED state.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void PrimeL() = 0;
+ /**
+ A partner to the PrimeL() method that is overridable to allow Asynchronous
+ completion in the controller whilst maintaining a Synchronous client API.
+ The default implementation of this is to call PrimeL() and complete the message with KErrNone.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual void PrimeL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ /**
+ Commences playback.
+ The controller must now begin transferring data from its source(s) to its sink(s).
+ This moves the controller from the PRIMED to the PLAYING state.
+ Note:
+ This method must return once playing has commenced, and not wait until playing is complete.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void PlayL()= 0;
+ /**
+ A partner to the PlayL() method that is overridable to allow Asynchronous
+ completion in the controller whilst maintaining a Synchronous client API.
+ The default implementation of this is to call PlayL() and complete the message with KErrNone.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual void PlayL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ /**
+ Pauses the controller plugin.
+ The controller must now cease transferring data from its source(s) to its sink(s).
+ This moves the controller from the PLAYING back to the PRIMED state.
+ A subsequent call to Play() will cause the controller plugin to resume playback
+ from the point it was paused (unless there has been a call to SetPosition() in
+ the meantime.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void PauseL()= 0;
+ /**
+ A partner to the PauseL() method that is overridable to allow Asynchronous
+ completion in the controller whilst maintaining a Synchronous client API.
+ The default implementation of this is to call PauseL() and complete the message with KErrNone.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual void PauseL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ /**
+ Stops the controller plugin.
+ The controller must now undo anything that occurred during the call to Prime().
+ This moves the controller from the PRIMED back to the STOPPED state.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void StopL()= 0;
+ /**
+ A partner to the StopL() method that is overridable to allow Asynchronous
+ completion in the controller whilst maintaining a Synchronous client API.
+ The default implementation of this is to call StopL() and complete the message with KErrNone.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual void StopL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ /**
+ Gets the current position.
+ The controller plugin should calculate the current position in microseconds.
+ @return The current position in microseconds.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds PositionL() const = 0;
+ /**
+ Sets the current position.
+ The controller plugin should reposition itself to the position provided.
+ @param aPosition
+ The desired position in microseconds.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void SetPositionL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPosition) = 0;
+ /**
+ Gets the duration of the clip.
+ The controller plugin should calculate the clip duration in microseconds.
+ @return The clips duration in microseconds.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds DurationL() const = 0;
+ /**
+ Sets the priority settings.
+ The new priority settings must be applied to any resource being used by the controller
+ plugin that requires priority settings (for example the sound device).
+ @param aPrioritySettings
+ The new priority settings
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void SetPrioritySettings(const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings) = 0;
+ /**
+ Handles a custom command.
+ Custom commands allow a controller plugin to define its own API. If the controller framework
+ does not understand a message from the client, it is assumed this is a custom command for the
+ plugin and passed into this interface.
+ The more common custom commands can be handled by Custom Command Parsers on behalf of the
+ controller plugin. This allows the controller plugin to implement a concrete interface
+ (defined by mixin classes) rather than having to decode the command itself. For more
+ information, see CMMFCustomCommandParserBase.
+ The controller plugin must always complete the message passed into this method,
+ even if it does not support the interface required by the message.
+ @param aMessage
+ The message to be handled by the controller plugin.
+ @see CMMFCustomCommandParserBase.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void CustomCommand(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+ {aMessage.Complete(KErrNotSupported);};//default implementation
+ /**
+ RetrieveS the number of meta data entries in the clip.
+ @param aNumberOfEntries
+ The controller plugin must set this to the number of meta data entries
+ in the clip.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void GetNumberOfMetaDataEntriesL(TInt& aNumberOfEntries) = 0;
+ /**
+ Retrieves a meta data entry from the clip.
+ @param aIndex
+ The index of the meta data entry to retrieve.
+ @return A pointer to a newly created CMMFMetaDataEntry object containing the meta information.
+ The controller framework will take ownership of the object when this method returns.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual CMMFMetaDataEntry* GetMetaDataEntryL(TInt aIndex) = 0;
+ // Utility functions to be used by controller plugins
+ /**
+ Sends an event to the client.
+ The controller plugin can use this method to send an event to the client.
+ @param aEvent
+ The event to be sent to the client.
+ @return One of the system-wide error codes.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt DoSendEventToClient(const TMMFEvent& aEvent);
+ /**
+ Gets a reference to the multimedia framework object container.
+ The controller plugin may add CMMFObject-derived objects to the container to allow them
+ to receive messages directly from the client.
+ @return A reference to the MMFObjectContainer.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ IMPORT_C CMMFObjectContainer& MMFObjectContainerL();
+ /**
+ Adds a custom command parser to the controller framework.
+ If the controller framework receives a request it does not understand, it will
+ search through its list of custom command parsers before passing the request
+ on to the controller plugin as a custom command.
+ By using the custom command parsers, the controller plugin can implement a concrete
+ API rather than having to decode the common custom commands itself.
+ @param aParser
+ The parser to be added to the controller framework. The controller framework
+ takes ownership of the parser if the call does not leave.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void AddCustomCommandParserL(CMMFCustomCommandParserBase& aParser);
+ /**
+ Retrieves the client thread Id of this controller.
+ @return Thread Id of the controller's client
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TThreadId ClientThreadIdL();
+ /**
+ Check the Secure DRM Mode of current controller object
+ @return ETrue if the controller is running under Secure DRM mode; otherwise EFalse.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsSecureDrmModeL();
+ /**
+ This is internal and not intended for use.
+ */
+ void ConstructL(MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler, TThreadId aClientTid);
+ // IPC decode functions
+ TBool DoAddDataSourceL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoAddDataSinkL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoAddFileHandleDataSourceL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoAddFileHandleDataSinkL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoRemoveDataSourceL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoRemoveDataSinkL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoResetL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoPrimeL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoPlayL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoPauseL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoStopL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoGetPositionL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoSetPositionL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoGetDurationL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoSetPrioritySettingsL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ void DoCustomCommand(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoGetNumberOfMetaDataEntriesL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoGetSizeOfMetaDataEntryL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoGetMetaDataEntryL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoPreloadSourceSinkInitDataL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoAddFileHandleDataSourceWithInitDataL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ TBool DoAddFileHandleDataSinkWithInitDataL(TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ void ReplaceFileHandleInInitDataL(RFile* aFile, TDes8& aInitData);
+ // Ownership of aSource is taken into this function
+ void AddMDataSourceAndRepondClientL(MDataSource* aSource, TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ // Ownership of aSink is taken into this function
+ void AddMDataSinkAndRepondClientL(MDataSink* aSink, TMMFMessage& aMessage);
+ CMMFControllerExtendedData* GetExtendedDataL();
+ static CMMFControllerExtendedData* CreateExtendedDataL(TThreadId aClientTid);
+ /**
+ Buffer to assist copy of meta data over the thread boundary.
+ */
+ CBufFlat* iMetaDataBuffer;
+ /**
+ Required by ECOM.
+ */
+ TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
+ /**
+ The event handler for the controller plugin.
+ */
+ MAsyncEventHandler* iAsyncEventHandler;
+ /**
+ The MMF object container.
+ */
+ CMMFObjectContainer* iMMFObjectContainer;
+ /**
+ The custom command parser manager.
+ */
+ CMMFCustomCommandParserManager* iCustomCommandParserManager;
+ };
+Mixin class that the user of the class CMMFControllerEventMonitor must derive from.
+@since 7.0s
+class MMMFControllerEventMonitorObserver
+ {
+ /**
+ Handles an event that has been generated.
+ @param aEvent
+ The event to be handled.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ virtual void HandleEvent(const TMMFEvent& aEvent) = 0;
+ };
+Active object utility class that can be used to monitor a controller plugin for events.
+If an event occurs, the client will be notified via the MMMFControllerEventMonitorObserver interface.
+@since 7.0s
+class CMMFControllerEventMonitor : public CActive
+ {
+ /**
+ Constructs a controller event monitor object.
+ @param aObserver
+ A reference to the observer of the active object. The observer will be
+ notified when an event occurs.
+ @param aMMFController
+ A reference to the client controller interface class.
+ @return A pointer to the new event monitor.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CMMFControllerEventMonitor* NewL(MMMFControllerEventMonitorObserver& aObserver,
+ RMMFController& aMMFController);
+ /**
+ Destructor.
+ */
+ ~CMMFControllerEventMonitor();
+ /**
+ Tells the controller event monitor to start listening for events.
+ The controller plugin must have been opened before this method is called.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void Start();
+ /**
+ Calls HandleEvent on iObserver.
+ This will not leave.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ void RunL();
+ /**
+ Cancels the outstanding request on iMMFController.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ void DoCancel();
+ /**
+ Constructs a controller event monitor object.
+ @param aObserver
+ A reference to the observer of the active object. The observer will be
+ notified when an event occurs.
+ @param aMMFController
+ A reference to the client controller interface class.
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ CMMFControllerEventMonitor(MMMFControllerEventMonitorObserver& aObserver,
+ RMMFController& aMMFController);
+ MMMFControllerEventMonitorObserver& iObserver;
+ RMMFController& iMMFController;
+ TMMFEventPckg iEventPckg;
+ };
+Mixin class that the user of the class CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync must derive from.
+@since 8.0
+class MMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsyncObserver
+ {
+The request to add a data source or sink has completed.
+@param "aError" "The error resulting from adding the source/sink."
+@param "aHandleInfo" "This object identifies the data source/sink inside the controller
+ framework. This allows the client to send custom commands directly to
+ the data source/sink, and to also remove the data sink from the controller.
+ Note that not all data sinks support custom commands, and not all
+ controller plugins support the removal of a data sink."
+ virtual void MadssaoAddDataSourceSinkAsyncComplete(TInt aError, const TMMFMessageDestination& aHandle) = 0;
+ };
+Active object utility class that can be used to add a data source or data sink to a controller
+plugin asynchronously. Once the command has been completed, the caller will be notified via the
+MMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsyncObserver interface.
+@since 8.0
+class CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync : public CActive
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync* NewL(MMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsyncObserver& aObs);
+ IMPORT_C void AddDataSource(RMMFController& aController, TUid aSourceUid, const TDesC8& aSourceInitData);
+ IMPORT_C void AddFileHandleDataSource(RMMFController& aController, const RFile& aFile);
+ IMPORT_C void AddFileHandleDataSource(RMMFController& aController, const RFile& aFile, const TDesC8& aSourceInitData);
+ IMPORT_C void AddDataSink(RMMFController& aController, TUid aSinkUid, const TDesC8& aSinkInitData);
+ IMPORT_C void AddFileHandleDataSink(RMMFController& aController, const RFile& aFile);
+ IMPORT_C void AddFileHandleDataSink(RMMFController& aController, const RFile& aFile, const TDesC8& aSinkInitData);
+ ~CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync();
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync(MMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsyncObserver& aObserver);
+ enum TCurrentAction {EIdle, EAddingDataSource, EAddingDataSink};
+ MMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsyncObserver& iObserver;
+ TMMFMessageDestinationPckg iHandleInfoPckg;
+ TCurrentAction iCurrentAction;
+ RMMFController* iMMFController;
+ HBufC8* iSourceSinkInitData;
+ TMMFUidPckg iSourceSinkUidPckg;
+ };