changeset 0 40261b775718
child 8 bc06d8566074
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmlibs/mmfw/inc/mmf/common/MmfPanicCodes.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+//Multimedia Framework Panic Codes
+Panic codes for CMMFAudioInput.
+enum TMMFAudioInputPanicCode
+	{
+	/**
+	Panic in MMMFAudioInput::NewAudioInputL() if ImplementationUid!=KUidMmfAudioInput.
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioInputPanicBadUID = 1,
+	/**
+	MDevSoundObserver::ToneFinished() was called but not implemented.
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioInputPanicToneFinishedNotSupported,
+	/**
+	MDevSoundObserver::BufferToBeFilled() was called but not implemented.
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioInputPanicPlayerDataUsedNotSupported,
+	/**
+	MDevSoundObserver::PlayError() was called but not implemented.
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioInputPanicPlayErrorNotSupported,
+	/**
+	Panic if CMMFAudioInput::DevSound not loaded.
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioInputDevSoundNotLoaded
+	};
+Panic codes for CMMFAudioOutput
+enum TMMFAudioOutputPanicCode
+	{
+	/**	Panic in MMMFAudioOutput::NewAudioInputL() if ImplementationUid!=KUidMmfAudioInput
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioOutputPanicBadUID = 1,
+	/**	MMMFAudioOutput::BufferFilledL() was called but not implemented
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioOutputPanicBufferFilledLNotSupported,
+	/**	MMMFAudioOutput::ToneFinished() was called but not implemented
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioOutputPanicToneFinishedNotSupported,
+	/** Unimplemented panic code.
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioOutputPanicRecordDataFilledNotSupported,
+	/**	MMMFAudioOutput::RecordError() was called but not implemented
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioOutputPanicRecordErrorNotSupported,
+	/**	Panic if CMMFAudioOutput::iMMFDevSound is NULL
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioOutputDevSoundNotLoaded, 
+	/**	Panic if trying to resume when resume is not supported by DevSound
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioOutputDevSoundResumingWhenNotSupported
+	};
+Panic codes for CMMFDescriptor
+enum TMMFDescriptorPanicCode
+	{
+	/** MDataSource::BufferEmptiedL() was called but not implemented
+	*/
+	EMMFDescriptorPanicBufferEmptiedLNotSupported = 1,
+	/** MDataSink::BufferFilledL() was called but not implemented
+	*/
+	EMMFDescriptorPanicBufferFilledLNotSupported
+	};
+Panic codes for CMMFFile
+enum TMMFFilePanicCode
+	{
+	/** MDataSource::BufferEmptiedL() called but not implemented
+	*/
+	EMMFFilePanicBufferEmptiedLNotSupported = 1,
+	/** MDataSink::BufferFilledL() called but not implemented
+	*/
+	EMMFFilePanicBufferFilledLNotSupported,
+	/** Panic code raised if the file is already open.
+	*/
+	EMMFFileAlreadyOpen
+	};
+Panic codes for CMMFDataPath
+enum TMMFDataPathPanicCode
+	{
+	/**
+	The iState value is not the expected value (normally EPlaying). For example, when it is asked to initialise
+	the sink or source whilst it is already playing some audio data.
+	*/
+	EMMFDataPathPanicBadState = 1000000,
+	/**
+	The code has detected a condition that cannot occur - must be programming error
+	*/
+	EMMFDataPathPanicProgrammingError = 2000000,
+	/**
+	A panic in CMMFDataPath::EmptySinkBufferL() if sink status
+	is not EFull or EBeingFilled.
+	*/
+	EMMFDataPathPanicSinkError = 3000000
+	};
+Panic codes for RMMFSubThread.
+enum TMMFSubThreadPanicCode
+	{
+	/** An attempt to close the subthread using RMMFSubThreadBase::Shutdown() has failed. The shutdown command
+	waits for both the death of the thread and the time-out of a timer to minimise the risk of deadlock.
+	If the timer times-out and the sub-thread is not dead then this thread is panicked in debug mode or,
+	in release mode the sub-thread is killed.
+	*/
+	EMMFSubThreadPanicTimedOut = 1
+	};
+Panic codes for MMFCodecBaseDefinitions
+enum TMMFCodecBaseDefinitionsPanicCode
+	{
+	/**
+	Panic code raised when the codec TMMFTableAudioCodec::ConvertFast() method is not supported for this codec.
+	*/
+	EMMFCodecBaseDefinitionsPanicConvertFastNotSupported = 1	
+	};
+Panic codes for CMMFAudioController.
+enum TMMFAudioControllerPanicCode
+	{
+	/** Panic code for a bad Unique Identifier. This is reserved.
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioControllerPanicBadUID = 1,
+	/** AddDataSourceL() failed to add a data source. This could be caused by an 
+	audio source that has been loaded but now does not exist.
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioControllerPanicDataSourceDoesNotExist,
+	/** AddDataSinkL() failed to add a sink. This could be caused by an audio sink 
+	that has been loaded but now does not exist.
+	*/
+	EMMFAudioControllerPanicDataSinkDoesNotExist
+	};
+Panic codes for MMFDisplay
+enum TMMFDisplayPanicCode
+	{
+  	/** Panic code raised when this CMMFDisplay is in the wrong thread.
+	*/
+	EMMFDisplayPanicWrongThread = 1,
+  	/** Panic code raised when the CMMFDisplay has been asked to do something before it is ready.
+	*/
+	EMMFDisplayPanicNotReady,
+  	/** Panic code raised when the CMMFDisplay::CreateSinkBufferL() method is not supported.
+	*/
+	EMMFDisplayPanicCreateSinkBufferLNotSupported,
+  	/** Panic code raised when the CMMFDisplay::BufferFilledL() method is not supported.
+	*/
+	EMMFDisplayPanicBufferFilledLNotSupported,
+  	/** Panic code raised when the calling supplier does not exist.
+	*/
+	EMMFDisplayPanicCallingSupplierDoesNotExist,
+  	/** Panic code raised when the CMMFDisplay method has an internal error.
+	*/
+	EMMFDisplayPanicRequestStatusError
+	};
+Panic codes for MMFToneController.
+enum TMMFToneControllerPanicCode 
+	{
+	/** Panic code raised when the tone controller encounters a bad Unique Identifier.
+	*/
+	EMMFToneControllerPanicBadUID = 1,
+	/** Panic code raised when the mixin class API encounters an unexpected call, for example
+	when the hardware has full buffer or when playback is stopped due to error or EOF.
+	*/
+	EMMFToneControllerPanicUnexpectedMixinApiCall,
+	/** Panic code raised when there is an error with the cancel command. Not used at present.
+	*/
+	EMMFToneControllerPanicBadCancelCustomCommand
+	};
+Panic codes for the audio media client
+enum TMMFMediaClientPanicCode
+	{
+  	/** The specified audio device mode is not supported.
+	*/
+	EMMFMediaClientPanicSetAudioDeviceModeNotSupported = 1,
+	/** An error occurred communicating with the audio device.
+	*/
+	EMMFMediaClientPanicServerCommunicationProblem,
+	/** The functions CMMFMdaAudioConvertUtility::OpenL() or CMMFMdaAudioRecorderUtility::DoPlay()
+	detected an invalid internal state
+	*/
+	EMMFMediaClientBadState,
+	/** The audio media client received a bad argument.
+	*/
+	EMMFMediaClientBadArgument,
+	/** Reserved function should not be called
+	*/
+	EMMFReservedCall
+	};
+Panic codes for the sw codec wrapper
+enum TMMFSwCodecWrapperPanicCode
+	{
+	/** Codec wrapper did not create an internal datapath
+	*/
+	EMMFSwCodecWrapperNoDataPath,
+	/** Codec wrapper does not have a device handle
+	*/
+	EMMFSwCodecWrapperNoDevice,
+	/** Codec wrapper codec returns non existant process result
+	*/
+	EMMFSwCodecWrapperBadCodec,
+	/** Sound driver returns unexpected buffer
+	*/
+	EMMFSwCodecWrapperBadBuffer
+	};
+Panic codes for the media client utility
+enum TMMFMediaClientUtilityPanicCode 
+	{
+	/** Client utility is in a bad state
+	*/
+	EMMFMediaClientUtilityBadState = 1,
+	/** Client utility is passed a bad argument
+	*/
+	EMMFMediaClientUtilityBadArgument
+	};
+Panic codes for the video player utility
+enum TMMFVideoPlayerUtilityPanicCode 
+	{
+	/** File not opened
+	*/
+	EMMFVideoPlayerUtilityFileNotOpened = 1,
+	/** Subtitle not supported
+	*/
+	EMMFVideoPlayerUtilitySubtitleNotSupported = 2,
+	/** No display window available
+	*/
+	EMMFVideoPlayerUtilityNoWindowAdded = 3,
+	/** Subtitle not enabled
+	*/
+	EMMFVideoPlayerUtilitySubtitleNotEnabled = 4,
+	/** Subtitle language not supported
+	*/
+	EMMFVideoPlayerUtilitySubtitleLanguageNotSupported = 5
+	};