changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmlibs/mmfw/inc/mmf/server/MmfCodec.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// include\mmf\common\mmfcodec.h
+#ifndef MMFCODEC_H
+#define MMFCODEC_H
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfutilities.h>
+#include <mmf/plugin/mmfplugininterfaceuids.hrh>
+ * This UID is the INTERFACE_UID for CMMFCodec.  It is used to search for codec plugins in plugin DLLs.
+ * All codec plugin DLLs must include interface_uid = KMmfUidPluginInterfaceCodec in their .rss files.
+ */
+Indicates the result of processing data from the source buffer to a destination buffer
+and provides functions to compare the result code.
+class TCodecProcessResult
+	{
+	/**
+	Flag to track the codec's processing status.
+	*/
+	enum TCodecProcessResultStatus
+	{
+	/** 
+	The codec successfully has completed its processing.
+	A codec should return this code when it has fully processed the source buffer, and is finished
+	with the destination buffer. The codec should finish with the destination buffer when it has 
+	been filled. The EProcessComplete return code indicates that the codec has finished
+	with the destination buffer. This informs the data path that the destination buffer may now be 
+	passed onto the data sink. If the codec returns EProcessComplete this means that the codec is
+	expecting a new source buffer and a new destination buffer the next time it's ProcessL() method
+	is called.
+	*/
+	EProcessComplete,
+	/** 
+	Could not empty the source buffer because the destination buffer became full.
+	A codec should return this code when it has not been able to fully process the source buffer. 
+	This would usually be the case if the codec has filled the destination buffer (or the remaining 
+	space available in the destination buffer is insufficient to perform any further useful 
+	processing) before the source buffer has been processed. The EProcessIncomplete return code 
+	indicates that the codec has finished with the destination buffer. This informs the data path 
+	that the destination buffer may now be passed onto the data sink. If the codec returns 
+	EProcessIncomplete this means that the codec is expecting the same source buffer but a new 
+	destination buffer the next time it's ProcessL() method is called.
+	*/
+	EProcessIncomplete,
+	/**
+	Codec came across an end of data.
+	This can be returned if a codec is able to determine that there is no more source data. It is
+	not necessary for the codec to return this however as in most cases the codec will not be able
+	to determine when the end of data has been reached.
+	*/
+	EEndOfData,
+	/** 
+	Could not fill the destination buffer because the source buffer has been emptied 
+	A codec should return this code when is has fully processed the source buffer and there is still
+	sufficient space available in the destination buffer for the codec to continue using the same
+	destination buffer. The EDstNotFilled return code indicates that the codec has not finished with
+	the destination buffer. If the codec returns EDstNotFilled this means that the codec is
+	expecting a new source buffer but the same destination buffer the next time its ProcessL()
+	method is called.
+	*/
+	EDstNotFilled,
+	/** 
+	An error occured.
+	This is no longer required as if an error occurs in the codec's ProcessL()function, it should 
+	leave. When used with a datapath, returning EProcessError has the same effect as leaving with 
+	KErrCorrupt.
+	*/
+	EProcessError,
+	/**
+	@deprecated
+	As 'EFrameIncomplete' but also requests a call to GetNewDataPosition.
+	*/
+	EProcessIncompleteRepositionRequest,
+	/**
+	@deprecated
+	As 'EFrameComplete' but also requests a call to GetNewDataPosition.
+	*/
+	EProcessCompleteRepositionRequest
+	};
+	/** 
+	Overloaded operator to test equality.
+	@param  aStatus
+	        The status to compare the result of the process function.
+	@return A boolean indicating if the two status codes are the same. ETrue if they are, EFalse
+	        otherwise.
+	*/
+	TBool operator==(const TCodecProcessResultStatus aStatus) const {return (iStatus == aStatus);}
+	/** 
+	Overloaded operator to test inequality.
+	@param  aStatus
+	        The status to compare the result of the process function.
+	@return A boolean indicating if the two status codes are not the same. ETrue if they are not, 
+	        EFalse otherwise.
+	*/
+	TBool operator!=(const TCodecProcessResultStatus aStatus) const {return (iStatus != aStatus);}
+	/**
+	The codec's processing status.
+	@see enum TCodecProcessResultStatus
+	*/
+	TCodecProcessResultStatus iStatus;
+	/** 
+	The number of source bytes processed.
+	The number of bytes of source data that have been processed.
+	A codec should set this, and iDstBytesAdded, to indicate the source bytes processed for a 
+	particular call (i.e. not the total number of source bytes processed or destination bytes 
+	added). The codec should also ensure that the length of the destination buffer matches the 
+	length of the processed data in the destination buffer. Note that the codec should not 
+	reallocate the maximum length of the destination buffer.
+	*/
+	TUint iSrcBytesProcessed;
+	/** 
+	The number of bytes added to the destination buffer.
+	A codec should set this, and iSrcBytesProcessed, to indicate the source bytes processed for a 
+	particular call (i.e. not the total number of source bytes processed or destination bytes 
+	added). The codec should also ensure that the length of the destination buffer matches the 
+	length of the processed data in the destination buffer. Note that the codec should not 
+	reallocate the maximum length of the destination buffer.
+	*/
+	TUint iDstBytesAdded;
+	/**
+	Default constructor.
+	*/
+	TCodecProcessResult()
+		:iStatus(EProcessError), iSrcBytesProcessed(0), iDstBytesAdded(0) {};
+	/**
+	This member is internal and not intended for use.
+	*/
+	TInt iReserved1;
+	TInt iReserved2;
+	TInt iReserved3;
+	};
+class TFourCC; //forward reference
+class CMMFBuffer; //forward reference
+ECom plugin class for a codec that processes source data in a certain fourCC coding type and
+converts it to a destination buffer of another fourCC coding type.
+The function is synchronous as it is expected that the codec will be operating in its own thread
+of execution - usually via a CMMFDataPath or CMMFDataPathProxy
+The codec can be instantiated in 3 different ways:
+1.	NewL(const TFourCC& aSrcDatatype, const TFourCC& aDstDataType).
+This instantiate a codec that can convert the aSrcDatatype to a aDstDataType.
+2.	NewL(const TFourCC& aSrcDatatype, const TFourCC& aDstDataType, const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier).
+This is similar to the above but is used where there may be multiple codecs that
+perform the same conversion - the idea is that a 3rd party deveoper may develop there own
+controller and codecs and can ensure the controller uses their codecs by setting the preferredSupplier
+to themselves.
+3.	NewL(TUid aUid).
+This is used to explicitly instantiated a codec where the uid is known.  This might be used by
+controlers that only support one codec type.
+The processing of the data is handled by the codecs ProcessL() member.
+The intention is that the source buffer for conversion is converted to the appropriate coding type
+in the destination buffer.  The buffers can be of any size.  Since the buffers can be of any size there is no
+guarantee that all the source buffer can be processed to fill the destination buffer or that the
+all the source buffer may be processed before the destination is full.  Therefore the
+ProcessL needs to return a TCodecProcessResult returing the number of source bytes processed
+and the number of destination bytes processed along with a process result code defined thus:
+- EProcessComplete: the codec processed all the source data into the sink buffer
+- EProcessIncomplete: the codec filled sink buffer before all the source buffer was processed
+- EDstNotFilled: the codec processed the source buffer but the sink buffer was not filled
+- EEndOfData: the codec detected the end data - all source data in processed but sink may not be full
+- EProcessError: the codec process error condition
+The ProcessL should start processing the source buffer from the iPosition data member of the source data
+and start filling the destination buffer from its iPosition.
+class CMMFCodec  : public CBase
+	//The function which instantiates an object of this type
+	// using the TFourCC codes as the resolver parameters.
+	IMPORT_C static CMMFCodec* NewL(const TFourCC& aSrcDatatype, const TFourCC& aDstDataType);
+	IMPORT_C static CMMFCodec* NewL(const TFourCC& aSrcDatatype, const TFourCC& aDstDataType, const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier);
+	IMPORT_C static CMMFCodec* NewL(TUid aUid);
+	static void SelectByPreference( RImplInfoPtrArray& aPlugInArray, const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier ) ;
+	inline virtual void ConfigureL(TUid aConfigType, const TDesC8& aConfigData);
+	/**
+	Codec reset.
+	Used to flush out status information when a reposition occurs. This is a virtual function that 
+	is provided should the codec require resetting prior to use.
+	*/
+	virtual void ResetL() {}
+	//Standardised destructor.
+	inline virtual ~CMMFCodec();
+	/**
+	Processes the data in the specified source buffer and writes the processed data to the specified 
+	destination buffer.
+	This function is synchronous, when the function returns the data has been processed. The source 
+	buffer is converted to the appropriate coding type in the destination buffer. The buffers can be 
+	of any size, therefore there is no guarantee that all the source buffer can be processed to fill 
+	the destination buffer or that all the source buffer may be processed before the destination is 
+	full. This function therefore returns the number of source, and destination, bytes processed
+	along with a process result code indicating completion status.
+	The aSource and aSink buffers passed in are derived from CMMFBuffer. The buffer type (e.g. a 
+	CMMFDataBuffer) passed in should be supported by the codec otherwise this function should leave 
+	with KErrNotSupported. The position of the source buffer should be checked by calling the source 
+	buffer's Position() member which indicates the current source read position in bytes. The codec 
+	should start processing from the current source buffer read position. The position of the
+	destination buffer should be checked by calling the destination buffer's Position() method which 
+	indicates the current destination write position in bytes. The codec should start writing to the 
+	destination buffer at the current destination buffer write position.
+	This is a virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+	@see enum TCodecProcessResult
+	@param  aSource
+	        The source buffer containing data to encode or decode.
+	@param  aDestination
+	        The destination buffer to hold the data after encoding or decoding.
+	@return The result of the processing.
+	*/
+	virtual TCodecProcessResult ProcessL(const CMMFBuffer& aSource, CMMFBuffer& aDestination) = 0;
+	/**
+	@internalComponent
+	Gets a pointer to the extension specified by an identifier. The extension can be either an
+	interface or function. If the extension is not supported NULL value is given and returns
+	KErrExtensionNotSupported.
+	@param	aExtensionId
+		Extension identifier.
+	@param	aExtPtr
+		Pointer to get the extension.
+	@return	If successful returns KErrNone otherwise KErrExtensionNotSupported.		
+	*/
+	TInt ExtensionInterface(TUint aExtensionId, TAny*& aExtPtr);
+	TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
+Destroys any variables then informs ECom that this specific instance of the interface has been
+inline CMMFCodec::~CMMFCodec()
+	{
+	// Destroy any instance variables and then
+	// inform ecom that this specific 
+	// instance of the interface has been destroyed.
+	REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(iDtor_ID_Key);
+	}
+Sets codec configuration.
+This is a virtual function which does not need to be implemented
+by a codec, but may be if required. This function provides additional configuration
+information for the codec. The configuration is passed in as a descriptor.
+The default version leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+@param  aConfigType
+        The UID of the configuration data.
+@param  aConfigData
+        The configuration information.
+inline void CMMFCodec::ConfigureL(TUid /*aConfigType*/, const TDesC8& /*aConfigData*/)
+	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);