--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmlibs/mmfw/inc/mmf/server/mmfdatasource.h Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// include\mmf\Server\mmfdatasource.h
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <mmf/server/mmfdatasourcesink.hrh>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfutilities.h>
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfbase.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerframework.h>
+// MDataSource mixim
+class CMMFBuffer;
+class MDataSink;
+class MAsyncEventHandler;
+Abstract class representing a data source.
+class MDataSource
+ {
+ static inline MDataSource* NewSourceL( TUid aImplementationUid, const TDesC8& aInitData ) ;
+ /**
+ Destructor.
+ */
+ virtual ~MDataSource() {REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(iDtor_ID_Key);};
+ /**
+ Returns the UID identifying the type of data source.
+ @return The UID identifying the type of data source.
+ */
+ virtual TUid DataSourceType() const {return iDataSourceType;};
+ /**
+ Returns the data type as a fourCC code of the data source.
+ This is a pure virtual function that each derrived class must implement.
+ @param aMediaId
+ This identifies the type of media eg. audio or video and the stream ID.
+ This parameter is required in cases where the source can supply data
+ of more than one media type and/or multiple streams of data.
+ @return The fourCC code identifying the source datatype for the specified aMediaId.
+ */
+ virtual TFourCC SourceDataTypeCode(TMediaId aMediaId) = 0;
+ inline virtual TInt SetSourceDataTypeCode(TFourCC aSourceFourCC, TMediaId aMediaId);
+ /**
+ Function called by a MDataSink to request the data source to fill aBuffer with data.
+ This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+ This method is used when a data source is passively waiting for requests from a consumer ie. a data sink
+ to fill a buffer. The data source must call the BufferFilledL member on aConsumer when it has filled
+ the buffer with data. The data source can either make this callback synchronously or asynchronously.
+ The format should read the frame number of the buffer via the buffer's CMMFBuffer::FrameNumber()
+ function. From this, the format should be able to determine the actual position of the data on
+ the data source. The technique here depends on the nature of the format. For a linear audio
+ format, the position can be obtained by a simple calculation of the frame size, the header size
+ and where appropriate the datatype.
+ For non-linear formats, either an index table of frame number and location will need to be
+ created in the NewL() or some form of approximating algorithm will be required. Some formats
+ have an index table as part of the format eg. AVI. If no random access is required then no index
+ table is required, the format can keep track of the current read position and increment it on
+ each access, and reset it if the frame number is reset to 0 or 1. Given that for non-linear
+ ie. variable bit rate formats, the size of the data read may vary from frame to frame, then the
+ format should either set the request size of the buffer for the required frame or call the
+ source's ReadBufferL() (either CMMFClip::ReadBufferL(), CMMFDescriptor ::ReadBufferL() or
+ CMMFFile::ReadBufferL()) function that takes the aLength parameter.
+ It is the responsibility of the format decode to determine the size and position of the source
+ data for each frame. For linear audio formats, the format decode should fill the buffer up to
+ its maximum length. For multimedia formats e.g. mp4, AVI etc, the format decode is effectively
+ acting as a demultiplexor, and must obtain the appropriate data from the source depending on
+ the aMediaId.
+ @param aBuffer
+ The buffer that needs filling with data.
+ @param aConsumer
+ The data sink that consumes the data. The data source needs this to make the BufferFilledL
+ callback on aConsumer when the data source has completed filling the aBuffer.
+ @param aMediaId
+ This identifies the type of media eg. audio or video and the stream ID.
+ This parameter is required in cases where the source can supply data
+ of more than one media type and/or multiple strams of data eg. a multimedia file.
+ */
+ virtual void FillBufferL(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, MDataSink* aConsumer,TMediaId aMediaId)=0;
+ /**
+ Function called by a data sink to pass back an emptied buffer to the source.
+ This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+ This method is used as the callback when the data source actively requests a consumer ie. a data
+ sink to empty a buffer by calling the data sinks EmptyBufferL.
+ When the data source gets this callback it knows that the buffer has been emptied and can be
+ reused.
+ @param aBuffer
+ The buffer that has been emptied by a data sink and is now available for reuse.
+ */
+ virtual void BufferEmptiedL(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer)=0;
+ /**
+ @deprecated
+ Function to indicate whether the data source can create a buffer.
+ This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+ @return A boolean indicating if the data source can create a buffer. ETrue if it can otherwise
+ EFalse.
+ */
+ virtual TBool CanCreateSourceBuffer()=0;
+ /**
+ @deprecated
+ Returns a buffer created by the data source
+ This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+ @param aMediaId
+ This identifies the type of media eg. audio or video and the stream ID.
+ This parameter is required in cases where the source can supply data
+ of more than one media type and/or multiple strams of data eg a multimedia file.
+ @param aReference
+ This must be written to by the method to indicate whether the created buffer is
+ a 'reference' buffer. A 'reference' buffer is a buffer that is owned by the source
+ and should be used in preference to the sink buffer provided the sink buffer
+ is also not a reference buffer.
+ @return A pointer to the created buffer.
+ */
+ virtual CMMFBuffer* CreateSourceBufferL(TMediaId aMediaId, TBool &aReference) = 0;
+ inline virtual CMMFBuffer* CreateSourceBufferL(TMediaId aMediaId, CMMFBuffer& aSinkBuffer, TBool &aReference);
+ inline virtual TInt SourceThreadLogon(MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler);
+ /**
+ Function to 'logoff' the data source from the same thread that source supplies data in.
+ This method may be required as the thread that the data source is deleted in may not be
+ the same thread that the data transfer took place in. Therefore any thread specific
+ releasing of resources needs to be performed in the SourceThreadLogoff rather than in the
+ destructor.
+ This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if any thread specific
+ releasing of resources is required.
+ */
+ virtual void SourceThreadLogoff() {};
+ inline virtual void NegotiateSourceL(MDataSink& aDataSink); //called if source setup depends on sink
+ /**
+ Indicates whether the data source supports sample rate conversion.
+ This is a virtual function that a derived class can implement.
+ @return A boolean indicating if the data source can perform a sample rate conversion. ETrue if
+ it can otherwise EFalse.
+ */
+ virtual TBool SourceSampleConvert() {return EFalse;};
+ /**
+ Function to 'prime' the data source.
+ This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if
+ any data source specific 'priming' is required.
+ */
+ virtual void SourcePrimeL() {};
+ /**
+ Function to 'play' the data source.
+ This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if
+ any data source specific action is required prior to 'playing' ie. the start of data transfer.
+ */
+ virtual void SourcePlayL() {};
+ /**
+ Function to 'pause' the data source.
+ This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if
+ any data source specific action is required to 'pause'
+ */
+ virtual void SourcePauseL() {};
+ /**
+ Function to 'stop' the data source.
+ This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if
+ any data source specific action is required to 'stop'.
+ */
+ virtual void SourceStopL() {};
+ inline virtual void SetSourcePrioritySettings(const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings);
+ /**
+ Function to call a source specific custom command.
+ This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if
+ it implements any custom commands.
+ @param aMessage
+ The message specifying the custom command.
+ */
+ virtual void SourceCustomCommand(TMMFMessage& aMessage) {aMessage.Complete(KErrNotSupported);};
+ /**
+ Performs any source construction dependant on the source construction
+ initialisation data aInitData.
+ This is a pure virtual function that a derrived data source must implement
+ @param aInitData
+ The source specific initialisation data required for source construction.
+ */
+ virtual void ConstructSourceL( const TDesC8& aInitData ) = 0 ;
+ /**
+ Protected constructor.
+ */
+ MDataSource(TUid aType): iDataSourceType(aType) {}
+ TUid iDataSourceType;
+ TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
+ };
+Instantiates a data source.
+@param aImplementationUid
+ The UID identifying the data source to be instantiated.
+@param aInitData
+ The source specific initialisation data required for source construction.
+@return The instantiated data source.
+inline MDataSource* MDataSource::NewSourceL( TUid aImplementationUid, const TDesC8& aInitData )
+ {
+ MDataSource* retPtr = REINTERPRET_CAST( MDataSource*, REComSession::CreateImplementationL( aImplementationUid,
+ _FOFF(MDataSource, iDtor_ID_Key) ) ) ;
+ CleanupDeletePushL(retPtr);
+ retPtr->ConstructSourceL( aInitData ) ;
+ CleanupStack::Pop(retPtr);
+ return retPtr ;
+ }
+Sets the data type as a fourCC code for the data source.
+This is a virtual function that each derived class can implement if the data source supports
+the ability to have its data type set.
+@param aSourceFourCC
+ This specifies the data type as a fourCC code to set the source to.
+@param aMediaId
+ This identifies the type of media eg. audio or video and the stream ID.
+ This parameter is required in cases where the source can supply data
+ of more than one media type and/or multiple strams of data eg a multimedia file.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotSupported if the source does not support having
+ it's data type set, otherwise a system wide error code.
+inline TInt MDataSource::SetSourceDataTypeCode(TFourCC /*aSourceFourCC*/, TMediaId /*aMediaId*/)
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+Returns a buffer created by the data source.
+This is a virtual function that a derived class can implement.
+This can be used in preference to the above CreateSourceBufferL method in cases where
+the source buffer creation has a dependancy on the sink buffer.
+@param aMediaId
+ This identifies the type of media eg. audio or video and the stream ID.
+ This parameter is required in cases where the source can supply data
+ of more than one media type and/or multiple strams of data eg a multimedia file
+@param aSinkBuffer
+ The sink buffer the nature of which may influence the creation of the source buffer.
+@param aReference
+ This must be written to by the method to indicate whether the created buffer is
+ a 'reference' buffer. A 'reference' buffer is a buffer that is owned by the source
+ and should be used in preference to the sink buffer provided the sink buffer is not a
+ reference buffer.
+@return A pointer to the created buffer.
+inline CMMFBuffer* MDataSource::CreateSourceBufferL(TMediaId aMediaId, CMMFBuffer& /*aSinkBuffer*/, TBool &aReference)
+ return CreateSourceBufferL(aMediaId, aReference);
+Function to 'logon' the data source to the same thread that source will be supplying data in.
+This method may be required as the thread that the data source was created in is not always
+the same thread that the data transfer will take place in. Therefore any thread specific
+initialisation needs to be performed in the SourceThreadLogon rather than in the creation
+of the data source.
+This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if any thread specific
+initialisation is required and/or the data source can create any asynchronous events.
+@param aEventHandler
+ This is an MAsyncEventHandler to handle asynchronous events that occur during the
+ transfer of multimedia data. The event handler must be in the same thread as the data transfer
+ thread. Hence the reason it is passed in the SourceThreadLogon as opposed to say the constructor.
+@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
+ another of the system-wide error codes.
+inline TInt MDataSource::SourceThreadLogon(MAsyncEventHandler& /*aEventHandler*/)
+ return KErrNone;
+Function to allow the data source to negotiate with a data sink
+This method is required in cases where the settings of data source are dependant on those of a
+data sink. This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement.
+@param aDataSink
+ The data sink whose settings can affect the data source.
+inline void MDataSource::NegotiateSourceL(MDataSink& /*aDataSink*/)
+Function to set the source priority settings.
+This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if
+a priority mechanism is required to arbitrate between multiple clients
+trying to access the same resource.
+@param aPrioritySettings
+ The source priority settings.
+inline void MDataSource::SetSourcePrioritySettings(const TMMFPrioritySettings& /*aPrioritySettings*/)
+This function is used by TCleanupItem objects to perform
+a SourceStopL() when leaving functions exist, ususally between SourcePrimeL-SourceStopL pairs.
+@param aSource
+ The data source to be stopped.
+inline static void DoDataSourceStop(TAny* aSource)
+ {
+ MDataSource* source = STATIC_CAST(MDataSource*, aSource);
+ // we don't want this function to leave because no leaving functions are supposed
+ // to be used as argument to the TCleanupItem objects. Hence we catch the error but
+ // we do nothing with it.
+ TRAP_IGNORE(source->SourceStopL());
+ }
+This method is used by TCleanupItem objects to perform a SourceThreadLogoff().
+@param aSource
+ The data source to be logged off.
+inline static void DoDataSourceThreadLogoff(TAny* aSource)
+ {
+ MDataSource* source = STATIC_CAST(MDataSource*, aSource);
+ source->SourceThreadLogoff();
+ }