changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmlibs/mmfw/src/ControllerFramework/mmfvideosurfacecustomcommands.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "mmfvideosurfacecustomcommands.h"
+Class used when sending custom commands from the client API
+to the video surface controller to get or set the video configuration.
+class TMMFVideoSurfaceConfig
+	{
+	/**
+	The surface ID for the display.
+	*/
+	TSurfaceId					iSurfaceId;
+	/**
+	The crop region currently applied to the image.
+	*/
+	TRect						iCropRectangle;
+	/**
+	The video picture pixel aspect ratio.
+	*/
+	TVideoAspectRatio			iPixelAspectRatio;
+	};
+enum TMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportMessages
+	{
+	EMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportUseSurfaces,
+	EMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportGetSurfaceParameters,
+	EMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportSurfaceRemoved
+	};
+EXPORT_C RMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommands::RMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommands(RMMFController& aController) :
+	RMMFCustomCommandsBase(aController, KUidInterfaceMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupport)
+	{
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt RMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommands::UseSurfaces() const
+	{
+	return iController.CustomCommandSync(iDestinationPckg,
+										EMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportUseSurfaces,
+										KNullDesC8,
+										KNullDesC8);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt RMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommands::GetSurfaceParameters(TSurfaceId& aSurfaceId,
+													TRect& aCropRect, TVideoAspectRatio& aPixelAspectRatio) const
+	{
+	TPckgBuf<TMMFVideoSurfaceConfig> configPackage;
+	TInt err = iController.CustomCommandSync(iDestinationPckg, 
+										 EMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportGetSurfaceParameters, 
+										 KNullDesC8,
+										 KNullDesC8,
+										 configPackage);
+	if (!err)
+		{
+		aSurfaceId = configPackage().iSurfaceId;
+		aCropRect = configPackage().iCropRectangle;
+		aPixelAspectRatio = configPackage().iPixelAspectRatio;
+		}
+	return err;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt RMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommands::SurfaceRemoved(TSurfaceId& aSurfaceId) const
+	{
+	TPckgBuf<TMMFVideoSurfaceConfig> configPackage;
+	configPackage().iSurfaceId = aSurfaceId;
+	return iController.CustomCommandSync(iDestinationPckg, 
+										 EMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportSurfaceRemoved, 
+										 configPackage,
+										 KNullDesC8);
+	}
+EXPORT_C CMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommandParser* CMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommandParser::NewL(
+													MMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommandImplementor& aImplementor)
+	{
+	return new(ELeave) CMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommandParser(aImplementor);
+	}
+EXPORT_C CMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommandParser::~CMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommandParser()
+	{
+	}
+										MMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommandImplementor& aImplementor) :
+	CMMFCustomCommandParserBase(KUidInterfaceMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupport),
+	iImplementor(aImplementor)
+	{
+	}
+void CMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommandParser::HandleRequest(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	if (aMessage.Destination().InterfaceId() == KUidInterfaceMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupport)
+		{
+		TRAPD(error, DoHandleRequestL(aMessage));
+		if (error != KErrNone)
+			{
+			aMessage.Complete(error);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		aMessage.Complete(KErrNotSupported);
+		}
+	}
+void CMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommandParser::DoHandleRequestL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	// Keep the same style of the implemetation for future maintainance and flexibility in
+	// case of the asynchronous event.	
+	TBool complete = ETrue;
+	switch (aMessage.Function())
+		{
+	case EMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportUseSurfaces:
+		complete = DoUseSurfacesL(aMessage);
+		break;
+	case EMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportGetSurfaceParameters:
+		complete = DoGetSurfaceParametersL(aMessage);
+		break;
+	case EMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportSurfaceRemoved:
+		complete = DoSurfaceRemovedL(aMessage);
+		break;
+	default:
+		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+		break;
+		}
+	if (complete)
+		{
+		aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+		}
+	}
+TBool CMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommandParser::DoUseSurfacesL(TMMFMessage& /*aMessage*/)
+	{
+	iImplementor.MvpssUseSurfacesL();
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+TBool CMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommandParser::DoGetSurfaceParametersL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	TPckgBuf<TMMFVideoSurfaceConfig> pckg;
+	iImplementor.MvpssGetSurfaceParametersL(pckg().iSurfaceId, pckg().iCropRectangle, pckg().iPixelAspectRatio );
+	aMessage.WriteDataToClientL(pckg);
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+TBool CMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupportCustomCommandParser::DoSurfaceRemovedL(TMMFMessage& aMessage)
+	{
+	TPckgBuf<TMMFVideoSurfaceConfig> pckg;
+	aMessage.ReadData1FromClientL(pckg);
+	iImplementor.MvpssSurfaceRemovedL(pckg().iSurfaceId);
+	return ETrue;
+	}