--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmlibs/mmfw/src/server/BaseClasses/Mmfformat.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerpluginresolver.h>
+#include <mmf/server/mmfdatabuffer.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmfutilities.h>
+#include <mmf/server/Mmfclip.h>
+#include <mmf/server/MmfFile.h>
+#include <mmf/server/mmfformat.h>
+//static const TUid KUidMmfPluginInterfaceFormatDecode = {KMmfUidPluginInterfaceFormatDecode};
+//static const TUid KUidMmfPluginInterfaceFormatEncode = {KMmfUidPluginInterfaceFormatEncode};
+const TInt KMmfHeaderBufferSize = 512 ; //512 bytes read to parse the header
+CMMFFormatDecode* CMMFFormatDecode::CreateFormatL(TUid aUid, MDataSource* aSource)
+ {
+ CMMFFormatDecode* s = REINTERPRET_CAST( CMMFFormatDecode*,
+ REComSession::CreateImplementationL( aUid, _FOFF( CMMFFormatDecode, iDtor_ID_Key),
+ STATIC_CAST( TAny*, aSource ) ) ) ;
+ s->iImplementationUid = aUid;
+ return s;
+ }
+Allocates and constructs an ECom format decode object.
+This is used to explicitly instantiate a format decoder where the UID is known. This method might
+be used by controllers that only support one type of format such that the UID of the format is
+already known. For example, if an mp3 controller has been instantiated, there is no need for any
+further format recognition as this has already been performed in the controller instantiation, thus
+the controller can instantiate an mp3 format directly from it’s UID.
+@param aUid
+ The implementation UID. This is used by Com to create the plugin.
+@param aSource
+ The controller MDataSource and is the source of the data for the format decode plugin. The
+ format decode plugin is the sink of data for the MDataSource.
+@return If successful, returns the address of the format decode plugin object created. If not successful,
+ leaves with KErrNotFound.
+EXPORT_C CMMFFormatDecode* CMMFFormatDecode::NewL( TUid aUid, MDataSource* aSource )
+ {
+ return CreateFormatL(aUid, aSource);
+ }
+Attempt to locate and instantiate a FormatDecode using a filename or an extension.
+Only the extension is used. If no extension is supplied (no dot is present) the whole of the
+filename will be treated as the extension.
+If the file already exists, the file header is scanned to find a match in the opaque_data field of
+the resource file.
+@param aFileName
+ The file name of target file. May be extension only or may include full path.
+@param aSource
+ The controller's MDataSource. This is the source of the data for the format decode plugin. This must
+ be a CMMFFile source when instantiating a CMMFFormatDecode using a file name.
+@param aPreferredSupplier
+ If this is provided the list of matching plugins will be further searched for the latest version of a
+ plugin supplied by supplier named.
+@return If successful returns an instantiated CMMFFormatDecode from a plugin. If not successful, leaves with KErrNotFound.
+EXPORT_C CMMFFormatDecode* CMMFFormatDecode::NewL( const TDesC16& aFileName, MDataSource* aSource, const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier )
+ {
+ CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters* pluginSelector = CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters::NewLC();
+ CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* formatParams = CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::NewLC();
+ formatParams->SetMatchToFileNameL(aFileName);
+ pluginSelector->SetRequiredFormatSupportL(*formatParams);
+ if (aPreferredSupplier.Length() > 0)
+ pluginSelector->SetPreferredSupplierL(aPreferredSupplier, CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::EOnlyPreferredSupplierPluginsReturned);
+ // Instantiate this format
+ CMMFFormatDecode* theChosenOne =
+ MMFFormatEcomUtilities::SelectFormatDecodePluginL(*pluginSelector, aSource);
+ // Now clean up.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);//formatParams, pluginSelector
+ return theChosenOne;
+ }
+Attempt to locate and instantiate a FormatDecode using a filename or an extension.
+Only the extension is used. If no extension is supplied (no dot is present) the whole of the
+filename will be treated as the extension.
+If the file already exists, the file header is scanned to find a match in the opaque_data field of
+the resource file.
+@param aFileName
+ The file name of target file. May be extension only or may include full path.
+@param aSource
+ The controller's MDataSource. This is the source of the data for the format decode plugin. This must
+ be a CMMFFile source when instantiating a CMMFFormatDecode using a file name.
+@param aPreferredSupplier
+ If this is provided the list of matching plugins will be further searched for the latest version of a
+ plugin supplied by supplier named.
+@param aSupportsCustomInterfaces
+ Indicates whether the instantiated FormatDecode supports custom interfaces.
+@return If successful returns an instantiated CMMFFormatDecode from a plugin. If not successful, leaves with KErrNotFound.
+EXPORT_C CMMFFormatDecode* CMMFFormatDecode::NewL( const TDesC16& aFileName, MDataSource* aSource, const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier, TBool& aSupportsCustomInterfaces )
+ {
+ CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters* pluginSelector = CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters::NewLC();
+ CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* formatParams = CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::NewLC();
+ formatParams->SetMatchToFileNameL(aFileName);
+ pluginSelector->SetRequiredFormatSupportL(*formatParams);
+ if (aPreferredSupplier.Length() > 0)
+ pluginSelector->SetPreferredSupplierL(aPreferredSupplier, CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::EOnlyPreferredSupplierPluginsReturned);
+ // Instantiate this format
+ CMMFFormatDecode* theChosenOne =
+ MMFFormatEcomUtilities::SelectFormatDecodePluginL(*pluginSelector, aSource, aSupportsCustomInterfaces);
+ // Now clean up.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);//formatParams, pluginSelector
+ return theChosenOne;
+ }
+Attempts to locate and instantiate a CMMFFormatDecode using data in a buffer. The buffer is expected to contain
+header data (from a file, stream or descriptor).
+Signatures (supplied by the plugin registry information) are sought in aSourceHeader.
+This function uses the match string as a resolver parameter. The format base class uses the match string
+to find a match to the match string defined in the opaque_data field of the resource file. The
+match string would typically be a signature for a particular format usually defined in the format header.
+@param aSourceHeader
+ The data which is searched for matching signatures.
+@param aSource
+ The controller's MDataSource and the source of the data for the format decode plugin.
+@param aPreferredSupplier
+ If this is provided the list of matching plugins will be further searched for the latest version of a
+ plugin supplied by the specified supplier.
+@return If successful returns an instantiated CMMFFormatDecode from a plugin. If not successful, leaves with KErrNotFound.
+EXPORT_C CMMFFormatDecode* CMMFFormatDecode::NewL( const TDesC8& aSourceHeader, MDataSource* aSource, const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier )
+ {
+ CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters* pluginSelector = CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters::NewLC();
+ CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* formatParams = CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::NewLC();
+ formatParams->SetMatchToHeaderDataL(aSourceHeader);
+ pluginSelector->SetRequiredFormatSupportL(*formatParams);
+ if (aPreferredSupplier.Length() > 0)
+ pluginSelector->SetPreferredSupplierL(aPreferredSupplier, CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::EOnlyPreferredSupplierPluginsReturned);
+ // Instantiate this format
+ CMMFFormatDecode* theChosenOne =
+ MMFFormatEcomUtilities::SelectFormatDecodePluginL(*pluginSelector, aSource);
+ // Now clean up.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);//formatParams, pluginSelector
+ return theChosenOne;
+ }
+Attempts to locate and instantiate a CMMFFormatDecode using data in a buffer. The buffer is expected to contain
+header data (from a file, stream or descriptor).
+Signatures (supplied by the plugin registry information) are sought in aSourceHeader.
+This function uses the match string as a resolver parameter. The format base class uses the match string
+to find a match to the match string defined in the opaque_data field of the resource file. The
+match string would typically be a signature for a particular format usually defined in the format header.
+@param aSourceHeader
+ The data which is searched for matching signatures.
+@param aSource
+ The controller's MDataSource and the source of the data for the format decode plugin.
+@param aPreferredSupplier
+ If this is provided the list of matching plugins will be further searched for the latest version of a
+ plugin supplied by the specified supplier.
+@param aSupportsCustomInterfaces
+ Indicates whether the instantiated FormatDecode supports custom interfaces.
+@return If successful returns an instantiated CMMFFormatDecode from a plugin. If not successful, leaves with KErrNotFound.
+EXPORT_C CMMFFormatDecode* CMMFFormatDecode::NewL( const TDesC8& aSourceHeader, MDataSource* aSource, const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier, TBool& aSupportsCustomInterfaces )
+ {
+ CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters* pluginSelector = CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters::NewLC();
+ CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* formatParams = CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::NewLC();
+ formatParams->SetMatchToHeaderDataL(aSourceHeader);
+ pluginSelector->SetRequiredFormatSupportL(*formatParams);
+ if (aPreferredSupplier.Length() > 0)
+ pluginSelector->SetPreferredSupplierL(aPreferredSupplier, CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::EOnlyPreferredSupplierPluginsReturned);
+ // Instantiate this format
+ CMMFFormatDecode* theChosenOne =
+ MMFFormatEcomUtilities::SelectFormatDecodePluginL(*pluginSelector, aSource, aSupportsCustomInterfaces);
+ // Now clean up.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);//formatParams, pluginSelector
+ return theChosenOne;
+ }
+Attempts to locate and instantiate a CMMFFormatDecode using data from MDataSource.
+The data is expected to contain header data (from a file, stream or descriptor). Signatures
+(supplied by the plugin registry information) are sought in aSource.
+@param aSource
+ Header data. Must be derived from CMMFClip.
+@param aPreferredSupplier
+ If this is provided, the list of matching plugins will be further searched for the latest version of a
+ plugin supplied by the specified supplier.
+@return If successful returns an instantiated CMMFFormatDecode from a plugin. If not successful, leaves with KErrNotFound.
+EXPORT_C CMMFFormatDecode* CMMFFormatDecode::NewL( MDataSource* aSource, const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier )
+ {
+ // Read header data from aSource. Call source header version
+ if ( !( (aSource->DataSourceType() == KUidMmfFileSource ) || ( aSource->DataSourceType() == KUidMmfDescriptorSource) ) )
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported ) ;
+ CMMFDataBuffer* buffer = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(KMmfHeaderBufferSize) ;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( buffer ) ;
+ aSource->SourcePrimeL();
+ TCleanupItem srcCleanupItem(DoDataSourceStop, aSource);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(srcCleanupItem);
+ STATIC_CAST( CMMFClip*, aSource )->ReadBufferL( buffer, 0 ) ;
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ aSource->SourceStopL();
+ // attempt to instantiate the format by header data
+ // if this fails, try using the file extension
+ CMMFFormatDecode* ret = NULL;
+ TInt err, errFile;
+ TRAP(err, ret = NewL( buffer->Data(), aSource, aPreferredSupplier ));
+ if (err != KErrNone && aSource->DataSourceType() == KUidMmfFileSource)
+ {
+ CMMFFile* mmfFile = static_cast<CMMFFile*> (aSource);
+ TRAP(errFile, ret = NewL( mmfFile->FullName(), aSource, aPreferredSupplier ));
+ if (errFile == KErrNone)
+ err = errFile;
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy() ; // buffer
+ return ret ;
+ }
+Attempts to locate and instantiate a CMMFFormatDecode using data from MDataSource.
+The data is expected to contain header data (from a file, stream or descriptor). Signatures
+(supplied by the plugin registry information) are sought in aSource.
+@param aSource
+ Header data. Must be derived from CMMFClip.
+@param aPreferredSupplier
+ If this is provided, the list of matching plugins will be further searched for the latest version of a
+ plugin supplied by the specified supplier.
+@param aSupportsCustomInterfaces
+ Indicates whether the instantiated FormatDecode supports custom interfaces.
+@return If successful returns an instantiated CMMFFormatDecode from a plugin. If not successful, leaves with KErrNotFound.
+EXPORT_C CMMFFormatDecode* CMMFFormatDecode::NewL( MDataSource* aSource, const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier, TBool& aSupportsCustomInterfaces )
+ {
+ // Read header data from aSource. Call source header version
+ if ( !( (aSource->DataSourceType() == KUidMmfFileSource ) || ( aSource->DataSourceType() == KUidMmfDescriptorSource) ) )
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported ) ;
+ CMMFDataBuffer* buffer = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(KMmfHeaderBufferSize) ;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( buffer ) ;
+ aSource->SourcePrimeL();
+ TCleanupItem srcCleanupItem(DoDataSourceStop, aSource);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(srcCleanupItem);
+ STATIC_CAST( CMMFClip*, aSource )->ReadBufferL( buffer, 0 ) ;
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ aSource->SourceStopL();
+ // attempt to instantiate the format by header data
+ // if this fails, try using the file extension
+ CMMFFormatDecode* ret = NULL;
+ TInt err, errFile;
+ TRAP(err, ret = NewL( buffer->Data(), aSource, aPreferredSupplier, aSupportsCustomInterfaces ));
+ if (err != KErrNone && aSource->DataSourceType() == KUidMmfFileSource)
+ {
+ CMMFFile* mmfFile = static_cast<CMMFFile*> (aSource);
+ TRAP(errFile, ret = NewL( mmfFile->FullName(), aSource, aPreferredSupplier, aSupportsCustomInterfaces ));
+ if (errFile == KErrNone)
+ err = errFile;
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy() ; // buffer
+ return ret ;
+ }
+CMMFFormatEncode* CMMFFormatEncode::CreateFormatL(TUid aUid, MDataSink* aSink)
+ {
+ CMMFFormatEncode* s = REINTERPRET_CAST( CMMFFormatEncode*,
+ REComSession::CreateImplementationL( aUid, _FOFF( CMMFFormatEncode, iDtor_ID_Key ),
+ STATIC_CAST( TAny*, aSink ) ) ) ;
+ s->iImplementationUid = aUid;
+ return s;
+ }
+Allocates and constructs an ECom format encode object.
+@param aUid
+ The implementation UID.
+@param aSink
+ The data sink.
+@return If successful, returns the address of the format decode plugin object created. If not successful,
+ leaves with KErrNotFound.
+EXPORT_C CMMFFormatEncode* CMMFFormatEncode::NewL( TUid aUid, MDataSink* aSink )
+ {
+ return CreateFormatL(aUid, aSink);
+ }
+Attempts to locate and instantiate a CMMFFormatEncode using a filename or an extension.
+Only the extension of the supplied file name is used. If no extension is supplied (ie. no dot is present)
+the whole of the filename will be treated as the extension.
+@param aFileName
+ File name of target file. May be extension only or may include the full path.
+@param aSink
+ The data source.
+@param aPreferredSupplier
+ If this is provided, the list of matching plugins will be further searched for the latest version of a
+ plugin supplied by supplier named.
+@return If successful, returns the address of the format decode plugin object created. If not successful,
+ leaves with KErrNotFound.
+EXPORT_C CMMFFormatEncode* CMMFFormatEncode::NewL( const TDesC16& aFileName, MDataSink* aSink, const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier )
+ {
+ CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParameters* pluginSelector = CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParameters::NewLC();
+ CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* formatParams = CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::NewLC();
+ formatParams->SetMatchToFileNameL(aFileName);
+ pluginSelector->SetRequiredFormatSupportL(*formatParams);
+ if (aPreferredSupplier.Length() > 0)
+ pluginSelector->SetPreferredSupplierL(aPreferredSupplier, CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::EOnlyPreferredSupplierPluginsReturned);
+ TUid chosenUid = MMFFormatEcomUtilities::SelectFormatPluginL(*pluginSelector);
+ // Instantiate this format
+ CMMFFormatEncode* theChosenOne = CreateFormatL(chosenUid, aSink);
+ // Now clean up.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);//formatParams, pluginSelector
+ return theChosenOne;
+ }
+Attempts to locate and instantiate a CMMFFormatEncode using data in the specified buffer.
+The buffer is expected to contain header data (from a file, stream or descriptor).
+Signatures (supplied by the plugin registry information) are sought in aSourceHeader.
+@param aSourceHeader
+ The data which is searched for matching signatures.
+@param aSink
+ The data sink.
+@param aPreferredSupplier
+ If this is provided the list of matching plugins will be further searched for the latest version of a
+ plugin supplied by supplier named.
+@return If successful, returns the address of the format decode plugin object created. If not successful,
+ leaves with KErrNotFound.
+EXPORT_C CMMFFormatEncode* CMMFFormatEncode::NewL( const TDesC8& aSourceHeader, MDataSink* aSink, const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier )
+ {
+ CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParameters* pluginSelector = CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParameters::NewLC();
+ CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* formatParams = CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::NewLC();
+ formatParams->SetMatchToHeaderDataL(aSourceHeader);
+ pluginSelector->SetRequiredFormatSupportL(*formatParams);
+ if (aPreferredSupplier.Length() > 0)
+ pluginSelector->SetPreferredSupplierL(aPreferredSupplier, CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::EOnlyPreferredSupplierPluginsReturned);
+ TUid chosenUid = MMFFormatEcomUtilities::SelectFormatPluginL(*pluginSelector);
+ // Instantiate this format
+ CMMFFormatEncode* theChosenOne = CreateFormatL(chosenUid, aSink);
+ // Now clean up.
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);//formatParams, pluginSelector
+ return theChosenOne;
+ }
+Attempts to locate and instantiate a CMMFFormatEncode using data from aSink.
+The data is expected to contain header data (from a file, stream or descriptor).
+Signatures (supplied by the plugin registry information) are sought in the source header.
+@param aSink
+ The header data. Must be derived from CMMFClip.
+@param aPreferredSupplier
+ If this is provided, the list of matching plugins will be further searched for the latest version of a
+ plugin supplied by supplier specified.
+@return If successful, returns the address of the format decode plugin object created. If not successful,
+ leaves with KErrNotFound.
+EXPORT_C CMMFFormatEncode* CMMFFormatEncode::NewL( MDataSink* aSink, const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier )
+ {
+ // Read header data from aSource. Call source header version if there is header data, file name version otherwise.
+ if ( !( (aSink->DataSinkType() == KUidMmfFileSink ) || ( aSink->DataSinkType() == KUidMmfDescriptorSink) ) )
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported ) ;
+ CMMFDataBuffer* buffer = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(KMmfHeaderBufferSize) ;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( buffer ) ;
+ aSink->SinkPrimeL();
+ TCleanupItem sinkCleanupItem(DoDataSinkStop, aSink);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(sinkCleanupItem);
+ STATIC_CAST( CMMFClip*, aSink )->ReadBufferL( buffer, 0 ) ;
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ aSink->SinkStopL();
+ CMMFFormatEncode* ret = NULL ; // set to null to avoid compiler warning.
+ // Check for data in the buffer
+ if ( buffer->BufferSize() != 0 )
+ ret = NewL( buffer->Data(), aSink, aPreferredSupplier ) ;
+ else if ( aSink->DataSinkType() == KUidMmfFileSink )
+ ret = NewL( STATIC_CAST(CMMFFile*, aSink)->Extension(), aSink, aPreferredSupplier ) ;
+ else
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported ) ;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy() ; // buffer
+ return ret ;
+ }
+TUid MMFFormatEcomUtilities::SelectFormatPluginL(const CMMFFormatPluginSelectionParameters& aSelectParams)
+ {
+ RMMFFormatImplInfoArray pluginArray;
+ CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(pluginArray);
+ aSelectParams.ListImplementationsL(pluginArray);
+ // Just leave if no implementations were found
+ if (pluginArray.Count() == 0)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ // Return the uid of the first plugin in the list
+ TUid ret = pluginArray[0]->Uid();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//pluginArray
+ return ret;
+ }
+ * instantiate each format decode plugin in turn until we find one that works
+ */
+CMMFFormatDecode* MMFFormatEcomUtilities::SelectFormatDecodePluginL(const CMMFFormatPluginSelectionParameters& aSelectParams, MDataSource* aSource)
+ {
+ RMMFFormatImplInfoArray pluginArray;
+ CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(pluginArray);
+ aSelectParams.ListImplementationsL(pluginArray);
+ TInt pluginCount = pluginArray.Count();
+ CMMFFormatDecode* theChosenOne = NULL;
+ TInt err = KErrNotSupported;
+ for (TInt n=0; n<pluginCount; n++)
+ {
+ // Try to instantiate this format
+ TRAP(err, theChosenOne = CMMFFormatDecode::NewL(pluginArray[n]->Uid(), aSource));
+ // Ensure OOM or any unexpected error is caught immediately
+ // i.e. don't try the next plugin
+ if (err != KErrNotSupported && err != KErrCorrupt && err != KErrArgument)
+ break;
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&pluginArray);
+ return theChosenOne;
+ }
+ * instantiate each format decode plugin in turn until we find one that works
+ */
+CMMFFormatDecode* MMFFormatEcomUtilities::SelectFormatDecodePluginL(const CMMFFormatPluginSelectionParameters& aSelectParams, MDataSource* aSource, TBool& aSupportsCustomInterfaces)
+ {
+ RMMFFormatImplInfoArray pluginArray;
+ CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(pluginArray);
+ aSelectParams.ListImplementationsL(pluginArray);
+ TInt pluginCount = pluginArray.Count();
+ CMMFFormatDecode* theChosenOne = NULL;
+ TInt err = KErrNotSupported;
+ CMMFFormatImplementationInformation* implInfo = NULL;
+ for (TInt n=0; n<pluginCount; n++)
+ {
+ implInfo = pluginArray[n];
+ // Try to instantiate this format
+ TRAP(err, theChosenOne = CMMFFormatDecode::NewL(implInfo->Uid(), aSource));
+ // Ensure OOM or any unexpected error is caught immediately
+ // i.e. don't try the next plugin
+ if (err != KErrNotSupported && err != KErrCorrupt && err != KErrArgument)
+ break;
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ aSupportsCustomInterfaces = implInfo->SupportsCustomInterfaces();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&pluginArray);
+ return theChosenOne;
+ }