--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmlibs/mmfw/src/server/BaseClasses/mmfdatabuffer.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// source\mmf\server\baseclasses\mmfdatabuffer.cpp
+#include <mmf/server/mmfdatabuffer.h>
+Method to instantiate a CMMFDataBuffer defaults to a CMMFDescriptorBuffer
+to maintain buffer compatiblity with MFAD ie. instantiating a CMMFDataBuffer defaults to creating
+a CMMFDescriptorBuffer. This NewL creates a CMMFDescriptorBuffer with a default size of 32 bytes.
+@return A pointer to a new CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
+EXPORT_C CMMFDataBuffer* CMMFDataBuffer::NewL()
+ {
+ return CMMFDescriptorBuffer::NewL();
+ }
+Method to instantiate a CMMFDataBuffer defaults to a CMMFDescriptorBuffer by default
+to maintain buffer compatiblity with MFAD ie. instantiating a CMMFDataBuffer defaults to
+creating a CMMFDescriptorBuffer. This NewL creates a CMMFDescriptorBuffer with a size of
+aMaxBufferSize bytes.
+@param aMaxBufferSize
+ The size in bytes of the descriptor buffer to be created.
+@return A pointer to a new CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
+EXPORT_C CMMFDataBuffer* CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(TInt aMaxBufferSize)
+ {
+ return CMMFDescriptorBuffer::NewL(aMaxBufferSize);
+ }
+Method to instantiate a CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
+Defaults to a CMMFDescriptorBuffer automatically. This NewL creates a CMMFDescriptorBuffer with a
+default size of 32 bytes.
+@return A pointer to a new CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
+EXPORT_C CMMFDescriptorBuffer* CMMFDescriptorBuffer::NewL()
+ {
+ CMMFDescriptorBuffer* self = new(ELeave) CMMFDescriptorBuffer;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(KMMFDataBufferDefaultBufferSize);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
+ return self;
+ }
+Method to instantiate a CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
+This NewL creates a CMMFDescriptorBuffer with a size of aMaxBufferSize bytes.
+@param aMaxBufferSize
+ The size in bytes of the descriptor buffer to be created.
+@return A pointer to a new CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
+EXPORT_C CMMFDescriptorBuffer* CMMFDescriptorBuffer::NewL(TInt aMaxBufferSize)
+ {
+ CMMFDescriptorBuffer* self = new(ELeave) CMMFDescriptorBuffer;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aMaxBufferSize);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
+ return self;
+ }
+@param aMaxBufferSize
+ The size in bytes of the descriptor buffer to be created.
+void CMMFDescriptorBuffer::ConstructL(TInt aMaxBufferSize)
+ {
+ iData = new(ELeave) TUint8[aMaxBufferSize];
+ iPtr.Set(iData, 0, aMaxBufferSize);
+ }
+Destructor also deletes the buffer contained in the CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
+EXPORT_C CMMFDescriptorBuffer::~CMMFDescriptorBuffer()
+ {
+ delete[] iData;
+ }
+Reallocates the max size in bytes of a CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
+@param aMaxBufferSize
+ The new size in bytes of the descriptor buffer.
+EXPORT_C void CMMFDescriptorBuffer::ReAllocBufferL(TInt aMaxBufferSize)
+ {
+ TUint8* tmp = new(ELeave) TUint8[aMaxBufferSize];
+ delete[] iData;
+ iData = tmp;
+ iPtr.Set(iData, 0, aMaxBufferSize);
+ }
+Returns a descriptor to the data contained in the CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
+@return A reference to a TPtr containing the CMMFDescriptorBuffer data.
+TDes8& CMMFDescriptorBuffer::Data()
+ {
+ return iPtr;
+ }
+Returns a descriptor to the data contained in the CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
+@return A const reference to a TPtr containing the CMMFDescriptorBuffer data.
+const TDesC8& CMMFDescriptorBuffer::Data() const
+ {
+ return iPtr;
+ }
+Returns the actual data size (ie. not the maximum length) of the
+data contained in the CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
+@return The size in bytes of the data contained in the CMMFDescriptorBuffer.
+TUint CMMFDescriptorBuffer::BufferSize() const
+ {
+ return iPtr.Length();
+ }
+Sets the position.
+This method is used by components (eg codecs) which read data from a buffer
+and wish to store a read position marker for further reads.
+Note: The position cannot exceed the size of the actual data not the max length.
+@param aPosition
+ The position.
+void CMMFDescriptorBuffer::SetPosition (TUint aPosition)
+ {//used for repositioning
+ if (aPosition <= (TUint)iPtr.Length())
+ iPosition = aPosition;
+ else
+ iPosition = (TUint)iPtr.Length();//tried to position beyond end of data
+ }
+Sets the request size.
+This function is used in cases where a component (eg a data source) may not be able
+or be desirable to write to the entire max length of the buffer (eg variable bit rate codecs).
+In which case the SetRequestSizeL() can be set which can be read by the RequestSize()
+function in the component so that it knows to only write data upto the request size
+and not fill the buffer up to its max length.
+@param aSize
+ The request size.
+void CMMFDescriptorBuffer::SetRequestSizeL(TInt aSize)
+ {
+ if (aSize < 0)
+ User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
+ else if (aSize > iPtr.MaxLength())
+ User::Leave(KErrOverflow);
+ else
+ iRequestSize = aSize;
+ }
+Overriden method to set the status and resets the data size to 0 when the buffer becomes available.
+@param aStatus
+ The buffer status. See TBufferStatus for possible options.
+void CMMFDescriptorBuffer::SetStatus(TBufferStatus aStatus)
+ {
+ CMMFBuffer::SetStatus(aStatus);
+ if ((iStatus == EAvailable)&&iData)
+ {//need to set size to 0
+ iPtr.Zero();
+ }
+ }
+This function is not supported under EKA2.
+Method to instantiate a CMMFTransferBuffer. This NewL creates a CMMFTransferBuffer.
+@param aTransferWindow
+ This is a valid RTransferWindow that has an RTransferBuffer mapped in.
+@param aDataLength
+ This parameter sets the length of the actual data present in the transferbuffer.
+ This is because the length of actual data may be less than the length of the mapped in
+ transfer buffer.
+@return A pointer to a new CMMFTransferBuffer.
+EXPORT_C CMMFTransferBuffer* CMMFTransferBuffer::NewL(RTransferWindow& aTransferWindow, TUint aDataLength)
+ {
+//this method is not supported under EKA2
+ User::Panic(_L("Not supported!"), KErrNotSupported);
+ aTransferWindow = aTransferWindow; //suppressed unused argument warnings
+ aDataLength = aDataLength; //suppressed unused argument warnings
+ return NULL; //can't construct anything useful
+ }
+This method is not supported under EKA2.
+Internal ConstructL.
+Note this method checks if a transfer buffer has been mapped in and
+will leave with KErrNotReady if the RTransferWindow does not have a mapped
+in RTransferBuffer.
+@param aTransferWindow
+ This is a reference to a valid RTransferWindow that has an RTransferBuffer mapped in.
+@param aDataLength
+ The length of the data.
+void CMMFTransferBuffer::ConstructL(RTransferWindow& aTransferWindow, TUint aDataLength)
+ {
+//this method is not supported under EKA2
+ aTransferWindow = aTransferWindow; //suppressed unused argument warnings
+ aDataLength = aDataLength; //suppressed unused argument warnings
+ }
+CMMFTransferBuffer destructor
+Destructor maps out RTransferBuffer and closes RTransferWindow.
+EXPORT_C CMMFTransferBuffer::~CMMFTransferBuffer()
+ {
+ }
+Returns a descriptor to the data contained in the CMMFTransferBuffer.
+@return A reference to a TPtr containing the CMMFTransferBuffer data.
+TDes8& CMMFTransferBuffer::Data()
+ {
+ return iPtr;
+ }
+Returns a descriptor to the data contained in the CMMFTransferBuffer.
+@return A const reference to a TPtr containing the CMMFTransferBuffer data.
+const TDesC8& CMMFTransferBuffer::Data() const
+ {
+ return iPtr;
+ }
+Returns the actual data size (ie. not the max length) of the
+data contained in the CMMFTransferBuffer.
+@return The size in bytes of the data contained in the CMMFTransferBuffer.
+TUint CMMFTransferBuffer::BufferSize() const
+ {
+ return iPtr.Length();
+ }
+Sets the position.
+This method is used by components (eg codecs) which read data from a buffer
+and wish to store a read position marker for further reads.
+Note: The position cannot exceed the size of the actual data not the max length.
+@param aPosition
+ The position.
+void CMMFTransferBuffer::SetPosition (TUint aPosition)
+ {//used for repositioning
+ aPosition = aPosition; //suppress compiler warning
+ }
+Sets the request size.
+This function is used in cases where a component (eg. a data source) may not be able
+or be desirable to write to the entire max length of the buffer (eg. variable bit rate codecs).
+In this case, the SetRequestSizeL can be set which can be read by the RequestSize()
+function in the component so that it knows to only write data upto the request size
+and not fill the buffer up to its max length.
+@param aSize
+ The request size.
+void CMMFTransferBuffer::SetRequestSizeL(TInt aSize)
+ {
+ aSize = aSize; //suppress compiler warning
+ }
+This function is not supported under EKA2.
+Returns a reference to the transfer window currently used
+by the CMMFtransferBuffer.
+@return A reference to the current RTransferWindow.
+EXPORT_C RTransferWindow& CMMFTransferBuffer::TransferWindow()
+ {
+ return iTransferWindow;
+ }
+This method is not supported under EKA2.
+Modifies the CMMFTransferBuffer by updating the RTransferWindow.
+This method is used if the same CMMFTransferBuffer is used throughout
+eg. if a single CMMFTransferBuffer is created upfront but a different
+transfer window (or the same transfer window with a different buffer mapped in
+is used). That is the same CMMFTransferBuffer but the actrual buffer may be different.
+Note: If the updated RTransferWindow is new, then the old buffer must
+be mapped out first by a call to CMMFTransferBuffer::MapOutBuffer() and the
+RtransferWindow handle closed outside the CMMFTransferBuffer.
+@param aTransferWindow
+ The RTransferWindow to update - can be a new RTransferWindow
+ or the same RTransferWindow with a new RTransferBuffer mapped in.
+@param aDataLength
+ The length of the data.
+@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
+ another of the system-wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt CMMFTransferBuffer::UpdateTransferWindow(RTransferWindow& aTransferWindow, TUint aDataLength)
+ {
+//this method is not supported under EKA2
+ aTransferWindow = aTransferWindow; //suppressed unused argument warnings
+ aDataLength = aDataLength; //suppressed unused argument warnings
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+Maps the buffer out of the transfer window.
+This method should be called in preference to
+calling MapOutBuffer directly on the RtransferWindow
+so that the CMMFTransferBuffer knows that it is no longer
+EXPORT_C void CMMFTransferBuffer::MapOutBuffer()
+ {
+ }
+Function to instantiate a CMMFPtrBuffer.
+This NewL creates an unititalised CMMFPtrBuffer.
+@return A pointer to a new CMMFPtrBuffer.
+EXPORT_C CMMFPtrBuffer* CMMFPtrBuffer::NewL()
+ {
+ CMMFPtrBuffer* self = new(ELeave) CMMFPtrBuffer;
+ return self;
+ }
+Function to instantiate a CMMFPtrBuffer.
+This NewL creates a CMMFPtrBuffer which owns a TPtr8.
+@param aPtr
+ A reference to a TPtr containing the CMMFPtrBuffer data.
+@return A pointer to a new CMMFPtrBuffer.
+EXPORT_C CMMFPtrBuffer* CMMFPtrBuffer::NewL(const TPtr8& aPtr)
+ {
+ CMMFPtrBuffer* self = new(ELeave) CMMFPtrBuffer;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aPtr);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self); // self
+ return self;
+ }
+ * ConstructL
+ *
+ * Internal ConstructL
+ * @internalTechnology
+ * @param "aPtr"
+ * Reference to a TPtr containing the CMMFPtrBuffer data
+ */
+void CMMFPtrBuffer::ConstructL(const TPtr8& aPtr)
+ {
+ iPtr.Set(aPtr);
+ }
+Destructor does no deletion, as this buffer class does not own the memory.
+EXPORT_C CMMFPtrBuffer::~CMMFPtrBuffer()
+ {
+ }
+Returns a descriptor to the data contained in the CMMFPtrBuffer.
+@return A reference to a TPtr containing the CMMFPtrBuffer data.
+TDes8& CMMFPtrBuffer::Data()
+ {
+ return iPtr;
+ }
+Returns a descriptor to the data contained in the CMMFPtrBuffer.
+@return A const reference to a TPtr containing the CMMFPtrBuffer data.
+const TDesC8& CMMFPtrBuffer::Data() const
+ {
+ return iPtr;
+ }
+Returns the actual data size (ie. not the max length) of the
+data contained in the CMMFPtrBuffer.
+@return The size in bytes of the data contained in the CMMFPtrBuffer.
+TUint CMMFPtrBuffer::BufferSize() const
+ {
+ return iPtr.Length();
+ }
+Sets the position.
+This function is used by components (eg. codecs) which read data from a buffer
+and wish to store a read position marker for further reads.
+Note: The position cannot exceed the size of the actual data not the maximum length.
+@param aPosition
+ The position.
+void CMMFPtrBuffer::SetPosition (TUint aPosition)
+ {//used for repositioning
+ if (aPosition <= (TUint)iPtr.Length())
+ iPosition = aPosition;
+ else
+ iPosition = (TUint)iPtr.Length();//tried to position beyond end of data
+ }
+Sets the request size.
+This method is used in cases where a component (eg. a data source) may not be able
+or be desirable to write to the entire max length of the buffer (eg. variable bit rate codecs).
+In this case, the SetRequestSizeL() can be set which can be read by the RequestSize()
+function in the component so that it knows to only write data upto the requested size
+and not fill the buffer up to its maximum length.
+@param aSize
+ The request size.
+void CMMFPtrBuffer::SetRequestSizeL(TInt aSize)
+ {
+ if (aSize < 0)
+ User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
+ else if (aSize > iPtr.MaxLength())
+ User::Leave(KErrOverflow);
+ else
+ iRequestSize = aSize;
+ }
+Overriden method to set the status.
+Resets the data size to 0 when the buffer becomes available.
+@param aStatus
+ The buffer status. See enum TBufferStatus.
+void CMMFPtrBuffer::SetStatus(TBufferStatus aStatus)
+ {
+ CMMFBuffer::SetStatus(aStatus);
+ if (iStatus == EAvailable)
+ {//need to set size to 0
+ iPtr.Zero();
+ }
+ }
+Takes a TPtr8 to pre-allocated memory.
+@param aPtr
+ The pointer refernce.
+EXPORT_C void CMMFPtrBuffer::SetPtr(const TPtr8& aPtr)
+ {
+ iPtr.Set(aPtr);
+ }
+//This functions needs updating
+//should more CMMFDataBuffers be supported in future
+Static method which returns ETrue if the buffer UID is a supported
+CMMFDataBuffer type.
+If the buffer is not a CMMFDataBuffer this method should
+return EFalse.
+@param aUid
+ The UID of the CMMFBuffer to be checked for support.
+@return The buffer size.
+EXPORT_C TBool CMMFBuffer::IsSupportedDataBuffer(TUid aUid)
+ {
+ return((aUid == KUidMmfDescriptorBuffer)
+ || (aUid == KUidMmfTransferBuffer)
+ || (aUid == KUidMmfPtrBuffer));
+ }
+Static method which returns ETrue if the buffer UID is a buffer
+that is safe to be used with the file server. If the buffer type
+is not safe to be used with the file server, then the client would
+need to copy the contents of the buffer, prior to passing it onto
+the file server.
+This implementation assumes the CMMFPtrBuffer is safe for file server copy. If this is not the case
+then remove the PtrBuffer set to ETrue.
+@param aUid
+ The UID of the CMMFBuffer to be checked for support.
+@return The buffer size.
+EXPORT_C TBool CMMFBuffer::IsFileServerSafe(TUid aUid)
+ {
+ TBool isFileServerSafe = EFalse;
+ if (aUid == KUidMmfDescriptorBuffer)
+ isFileServerSafe = ETrue;
+ if (aUid == KUidMmfPtrBuffer) //remove this if target CMMFPtrBuffers
+ isFileServerSafe = ETrue; //are not safe for file server copy
+ return isFileServerSafe;
+ }