changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmlibs/mmfw/tsrc/mmfintegrationtest/ACLNT/TSI_MMFACLNT.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Header file: Basic  tests.
+ @file TSI_MMFACLNT.h
+#ifndef TSI_MMFACLNT_H__
+#define TSI_MMFACLNT_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32keys.h>
+#include <c32comm.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <etel.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include <utf.h>
+#include <testframework.h>
+#include <mdaaudiosampleplayer.h>
+#include <mdaaudiosampleeditor.h>
+#include <mdaaudiotoneplayer.h>
+#include <mmfformatimplementationuids.hrh>
+#include "toneTest.h"
+class CTestSuite ;
+ * Global Data used within tests
+ *
+ */
+_LIT(KDTMFString,"01234, 56789, ABCDEF#*");
+_LIT(KInvalidDTMFString,"XVB4, ?>, !1231\x00ac|");
+#define _LIT8CORRUPTDATA__(name,data) const static TLitPtrC8 name={(sizeof(data) | (1<<5)),REINTERPRET_CAST(const TUint8*,data)}
+const TInt KTwelveOfMicroSecond = 83333;
+const TInt KTenPartOfSec	= 100000 ;
+const TInt KOneSecond		= 1000000;	// Used in a time out function, 1 second (in microSeconds)#
+const TInt KTwoSeconds		= KOneSecond*2;
+const TInt KTenSeconds		= 10000000;	// Used in a time out function, 10 seconds (in microSeconds)
+const TInt KFiveSeconds		= 5000000;	// 5 seconds (in microSeconds)
+const TInt KFifteenSeconds	= 15000000;	// 15 seconds (in microSeconds)
+const TInt KExpectedDeviation= 1500000; // 1.5 second tolerance for timed tests
+const TInt KNameBufSize		= 25;
+const TInt KIDBufSize       = 50;
+const TInt KExpectedDurationDeviation = 3000;	// 3 millisecond tolerance for duration
+//Amendment (for CTestMmfAclntConPosition)
+const TInt KDeviation= 1000000; // 1.0 second deviation
+//const TInt KPcm16FrameInterval = 371424;
+//const TInt KPcm16FrameInterval = 371512;
+//const TInt KPcm16FrameInterval = 278639;
+// frame size is now variable, depending on the sample rate
+//const TUint KFrameSize8K = 2048;	// frame size for 8Khz
+const TUint KFrameSize11K = 3072;	// frame size for 11Khz
+const TUint KPcmBitsPerSample8 = 8;
+const TUint KPcmChannels = 1;
+const TUint KSampleRate11K = 11025;
+const TInt KPcm16FrameInterval = 
+	(((KFrameSize11K * 1000000 / KSampleRate11K) /
+	 KPcmBitsPerSample8 * KPcmChannels)
+	* 8);
+const TInt KFixedSequenceCount = 6;
+const TInt KMaxVolume = 65535;
+const TInt KMaxBalance = 100;
+const TInt KMinBalance = -100;
+const TInt KRecSize = 10000;
+const TInt KToneFrequency = 880;
+const TInt KToneFrequencyTwo = 1880;
+const TInt KSoundFileLength = 8359183;
+const TInt KInvalidNumber =	6234623;
+//pinched from MmfAudioInput.h:
+const TUint KAudioInputMinFrameSize = 0x800; //2K
+const TUint KAudioInputMaxFrameSize = 0x4000; //16K
+const TUint KAudioInputDeltaFrameSize = 0x400;  //1K
+const TUint KAudioInputDefaultFrameSize = 0x1000;  //4K
+const TUint KAudioInputFramesPerSecond = 4;
+//pinched from gsm610.h:
+const TUint	KGsmEncodedFrameSize = 65;
+ * @ TMmfAclntWavEncodeClipFormat, provides a class to support interfaces that require a 
+ * @ TMdaClipFormat.
+ */
+const TUid KMmfUidEncodeFormatWAV = {KMmfUidFormatWAVWrite};
+class TMmfAclntWavEncodeClipFormat : public TMdaClipFormat
+	{
+	inline TMmfAclntWavEncodeClipFormat();
+	};
+inline TMmfAclntWavEncodeClipFormat::TMmfAclntWavEncodeClipFormat() : 
+TMdaClipFormat(KMmfUidEncodeFormatWAV,sizeof(TMmfAclntWavEncodeClipFormat)) {}
+ * @ TMmfAclntWavDecodeClipFormat, provides a class to support interfaces that require a 
+ * @ TMdaClipFormat.
+ */
+const TUid KMmfUidDecodeFormatWAV = {KMmfUidFormatWAVRead};
+class TMmfAclntWavDecodeClipFormat : public TMdaClipFormat
+	{
+	inline TMmfAclntWavDecodeClipFormat();
+	};
+inline TMmfAclntWavDecodeClipFormat::TMmfAclntWavDecodeClipFormat() : 
+TMdaClipFormat(KMmfUidDecodeFormatWAV,sizeof(TMmfAclntWavDecodeClipFormat)) {}
+ * @ MCallbackHandlerObserver, provides an Observer
+ * @ for monitoring callbacks.
+ */
+class MCallbackHandlerObserver
+	{
+	virtual void MchoComplete(TInt aID, TInt aError)=0;
+	};
+ * CCallbackHandler provides an Observer
+ * for monitoring MMdaAudioPlayerCallback callbacks.
+ *
+ * @ class CPlayerCallbackHandler
+ *
+ */
+class CPlayerCallbackHandler : public MMdaAudioPlayerCallback
+	{
+	CPlayerCallbackHandler(const TInt aID, MCallbackHandlerObserver* aMchObserver) : iMchObserver(aMchObserver), iID(aID)  {};
+	TInt ID();	
+	// from MMdaAudioPlayerCallback
+    virtual void MapcInitComplete(TInt aError, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration);
+    virtual void MapcPlayComplete(TInt aError);
+	MCallbackHandlerObserver* iMchObserver;
+	TInt iID;
+	};
+ * CCallbackHandler provides an Observer for 
+ * monitoring MMdaObjectStateChangeObserver callbacks. 
+ *
+ * @class CStateCallbackHandler
+ *
+ */
+class CStateCallbackHandler : public MMdaObjectStateChangeObserver
+	{
+	CStateCallbackHandler(const TInt aID, MCallbackHandlerObserver* aMchObserver) : iMchObserver(aMchObserver), iID(aID) {};
+	TInt ID();	
+	// from MMdaObjectStateChangeObserver
+	virtual void MoscoStateChangeEvent(CBase* /*aObject*/, TInt /*aPreviousState*/, TInt /*aCurrentState*/, TInt aErrorCode);
+	MCallbackHandlerObserver* iMchObserver;
+	TInt iID;
+	};
+ * provides an Observer for monitoring MMdaAudioToneObserver callbacks.
+ *
+ * @class CToneCallbackHandler
+ *
+ */
+class CToneCallbackHandler : public MMdaAudioToneObserver
+	{
+	CToneCallbackHandler(const TInt aID, MCallbackHandlerObserver* aMchObserver) : iMchObserver(aMchObserver), iID(aID)  {};
+	TInt ID();	
+	// From MMdaAudioToneObserver
+	virtual void MatoPrepareComplete(TInt aError);
+	virtual void MatoPlayComplete(TInt aError);
+	MCallbackHandlerObserver* iMchObserver;
+	TInt iID;
+	};
+ *
+ * CActiveListener provides the asynchronous operation
+ * of an active object
+ *
+ * @class CActiveListener
+ *
+ */
+class CActiveListener : public CActive
+	{
+	CActiveListener();
+	void InitialiseActiveListener();
+	// From CActive
+	virtual void RunL();
+	virtual void DoCancel() {};
+	};
+ * It's a base class for all test steps.
+ *
+ * @class CTestMmfAclntStep 
+ * @brief Test class that enables tests.
+ *
+ */
+class CTestMmfAclntStep : public CTestStep
+	{
+	CTestMmfAclntStep();
+	static void CleanUp(TAny *aPtr) ;
+	void SetTestSuite(const CTestSuite* aTestSuite );
+	void WaitWithTimeout(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt aNumberOfMicroSeconds);
+	TBool TimeComparison(const TUint aActual, const TUint aExpected, const TUint aDivation);
+	// tests may optionally implement pre- and post-ambles
+	virtual TVerdict DoTestStepPreambleL();
+	virtual TVerdict DoTestStepPostambleL();
+	const CTestSuite* iTestSuite ;
+	CActiveScheduler* iActiveScheduler;
+	};
+ * Test base class that adds codec specific
+ * functionalty (applys to tests that create files).
+ *
+ * @class CTestMmfAclntCodecTest
+ * @codec specific test base class.
+ *
+ */
+class CTestMmfAclntCodecTest : public CTestMmfAclntStep
+	{
+	enum TTestFormat
+		{
+		ENone,
+		EPcm16Wav,
+		EMulawRaw,
+		E16BitAu,
+		EAlawAu,
+		EPcm16Au,
+		EImaAdpcmWav,
+		EImasPcmWav,
+		EPcm8,
+		EPcmU8,
+		EPcmU16,
+		EAlawWav,
+		EEpocWve,
+		EGsmWav
+		};
+	void SetupFormatL(const TTestFormat aFormat);
+	TVerdict DoTestStepPostambleL();
+	TMdaClipFormat* iFormat;
+	TMdaPackage* iCodec;
+	TMdaAudioDataSettings iAudioSettings;
+	TTestFormat iTestFormat;
+	};
+TAny	GetDriveName(TDes& aFileName);
+const TInt	KSizeBuf = 256;
+#endif// TSI_MMFACLNT_H__