changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmplugins/imagingplugins/codecs/JPEGCodec/jpgimageframeprocessor.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology 
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <imageframe.h>
+#include "JpegTypes.h"
+/** blocks in each supported YCbCrformat */
+const TInt KUnitsYCbCrMono = 1;
+const TInt KUnitsYCbCr422  = 4;
+const TInt KUnitsYCbCr420  = 6;
+Base abstract class for ImageFrameProcessors. It covers most of the functionality, used by the 
+specific implementations. It is created using a specific CImageFrame format and key parameters 
+like format and sampling should not change.
+Clients use WriteBlockL() to store data into the CImageFrame object and ReadBlockL() to retrieve it.
+Each implementation is expected to provide format specific implementation of these functions.
+All storage and retrieval are based on a single Jpeg MCU block and these differ with 
+respect to the specific format.
+The processor relies on internal member which is updated to keep the next position. The current position 
+is obtained/set by the relevant accessors.
+class CJpgImageFrameProcessor : public CBase
+	{
+	CImageFrame& ImageFrame() const; 
+	void GetCurrentPosition(TPoint& aPosition) const;
+	void SetCurrentPosition(const TPoint& aPosition);
+	virtual TDataUnit* ReadBlockL() = 0;
+	virtual void WriteBlockL(const RArray<const TDataUnit*>& aDataUnit) = 0;
+	TBool MoreData();   
+	virtual ~CJpgImageFrameProcessor();   
+	CJpgImageFrameProcessor(CImageFrame& aFrame);
+	void ValidateCurrentBlockL();
+	void CalculateCorrections();
+	void CalculateNextBlockStart(TInt aScanLine);
+	static void DoWriteBlock(TUint8* aDest, const TDataUnit& aSrc, TInt aScanline, TInt aXComp, TInt aYComp);
+	static void DoReadBlock(TDataUnit& aDest, const TUint8* aSrc, TInt aScanline, TInt aXComp, TInt aYComp);
+    static TInt8 Clip(TInt16 aData);
+	virtual void UpdateCurrentLengthL() = 0;
+	void ConstructL(const TFrameLayoutBase& aLayout);
+	CImageFrame* iFrame;
+	TFrameLayout* iLayout;	
+	TPoint iCurrentPosition;
+	TInt iMaxHorzPlaneFactor;
+	TInt iMaxVertPlaneFactor;
+	TInt iOffsets[KMaxPlanesInFrame];
+	const TInt* iHorzSampleRatio;
+	const TInt* iVertSampleRatio;
+	TInt iWCorrection; // width correction
+	TInt iHCorrection; // height correction
+	TSize iBlockSize; 
+	TSize iMaxPlaneSize;
+	TInt iIndexY;
+	TInt iIndexU;
+	TInt iIndexV;
+	};
+CJpgImageFrameYUVMonoProcessor is used to process CImageFrame storing 
+YCbCr monochrome data only. Format is KFormatYUVMonochromeUidValue. 
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CJpgImageFrameYUVMonoProcessor ): public CJpgImageFrameProcessor
+	{
+friend class CJpgImageFrameProcessorUtility;
+	explicit CJpgImageFrameYUVMonoProcessor(CImageFrame& aFrame);
+	virtual TDataUnit*  ReadBlockL();
+	virtual void WriteBlockL(const RArray<const TDataUnit*>& aDataUnits);
+	virtual void UpdateCurrentLengthL();   
+	TDataUnit iDataUnit[KUnitsYCbCrMono];	
+	};
+CJpgImageFrameYUV422InterleavedProcessor is used to process CImageFrame storing 
+YCbCr 422 interleaved data only. Format is KFormatYUV422InterleavedUidValue.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CJpgImageFrameYUV422InterleavedProcessor ): public CJpgImageFrameProcessor
+	{
+friend class CJpgImageFrameProcessorUtility;
+	explicit CJpgImageFrameYUV422InterleavedProcessor(CImageFrame& aFrame);
+	virtual TDataUnit* ReadBlockL();
+	virtual void WriteBlockL(const RArray<const TDataUnit*>& aDataUnits);
+	virtual void UpdateCurrentLengthL();  
+	TDataUnit iDataUnit[KUnitsYCbCr422];
+	};
+Class CJpgImageFrameYUV420PlanarProcessor is a specific processor processing only specific 
+CImageFrame objects where format is either KFormatYUV420PlanarUidValue or 
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CJpgImageFrameYUV420PlanarProcessor ): public CJpgImageFrameProcessor
+	{
+friend class CJpgImageFrameProcessorUtility;
+	explicit CJpgImageFrameYUV420PlanarProcessor(CImageFrame& aFrame);
+	virtual TDataUnit* ReadBlockL();
+	virtual void WriteBlockL(const RArray<const TDataUnit*>& aDataUnits);
+	virtual void UpdateCurrentLengthL();  
+	TDataUnit iDataUnit[KUnitsYCbCr420];
+	};	
+Utility class used to create specific image processors based on the 
+frame format code. It also is used to prepare image frame using jpgframeinfo 
+and to validate imageframes or imageframedata objects.
+It is used to recommend sufficient buffer sizes.  
+class CJpgImageFrameProcessorUtility : public CBase
+	{
+	static CJpgImageFrameProcessor* NewL(CImageFrame& aFrame); 
+	static void PrepareImageFrameL(const TJpgFrameInfo& aFrameInfo, CImageFrame& aFrame);
+	static void ValidateImageFrameL(CImageFrame& aFrame, TBool aFullFrame);
+	static void ValidateFrameImageDataL(const TJpegImageData::TColorSampling aSampleScheme, CImageFrame& aSource);
+	static TInt RecommendedBufferSizeL(const TJpgFrameInfo& aFrameInfo, TUid formatCode);
+	static TInt RecommendedStreamBufferSizeL(const TJpgFrameInfo& aFrameInfo, TUid aFormatCode, TSize& aBlockSizeInPixels, TInt aNumBlocks);
+    static TBool IsRecognisedFormatType(CImageFrame& aFrame);
+    static TBool IsRecognisedLayoutType(CImageFrame& aFrame);
+	};	
+FORCEDINLINE TInt8 CJpgImageFrameProcessor::Clip(TInt16 aData)
+	{
+  	// if in the range 0:255 return data, otherwise 255 if larger or 0 if negative
+   	return  (!(aData & 0xFF00)) ? aData : (aData & 0x8000) ? 0: 0x00FF;	
+	};