changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmplugins/imagingplugins/codecs/JPEGCodec/rgbbufferptr.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <fbs.h>
+#include "JpegConsts.h"
+#include "rgbbufferptr.h"
+CRgbBufferPtr* CRgbBufferPtr::NewL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TSize& aMCUSizeinPixels)
+    {
+    CRgbBufferPtr* self = new (ELeave) CRgbBufferPtr(aBitmap, aMCUSizeinPixels);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+    }
+CRgbBufferPtr::CRgbBufferPtr(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TSize& aMCUSizeinPixels):
+                                    iBitmapSize( aBitmap.SizeInPixels() ),
+									iMCUSizeinPixels( aMCUSizeinPixels ),
+									iBufferPos(-1,-1),
+                                    iBitmap( &aBitmap )
+    {
+    }
+void CRgbBufferPtr::ConstructL()
+    {
+    if ((iBitmapSize.iWidth <= 0) || (iBitmapSize.iHeight <= 0))
+    	{
+    	User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+    	}
+    iBitmapData = iBitmap->DataAddress();
+	iBitmapScanlineLength = iBitmap->ScanLineLength(iBitmapSize.iWidth, iBitmap->DisplayMode());
+	if (iBitmap->DisplayMode() == EColor16M)
+        {
+        iBufferSizeInPixels.SetSize( iMCUSizeinPixels.iWidth, iMCUSizeinPixels.iHeight);
+		iBitmapDirectAccess = ETrue;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // we reduce number of bitmap round-robins using horizontally-widened buffer ONLY!
+        TInt width = Max(iMCUSizeinPixels.iWidth, Min(iMCUSizeinPixels.iWidth<<2, iBitmapSize.iWidth));
+        if (width == iBitmapSize.iWidth )
+        	{
+        	TInt oddPixels = width % iMCUSizeinPixels.iWidth;
+        	if (oddPixels)
+        		{
+        		width += iMCUSizeinPixels.iWidth - oddPixels;
+        		}
+        	}
+        iBufferSizeInPixels.SetSize( width, iMCUSizeinPixels.iHeight);
+		iBitmapDirectAccess = EFalse;
+		}
+    iOriginalRgbBuffer = reinterpret_cast<TRgbBufferPtr>(User::AllocL(Coord2Size(iBufferSizeInPixels.iWidth, iBufferSizeInPixels.iHeight) + sizeof(TUint32)));
+    iRgbBuffer = Align4(iOriginalRgbBuffer);
+    iBufferScanlineLength = iBufferSizeInPixels.iWidth * KRgbBufferPixelSize;
+	}
+    {
+    User::Free( iOriginalRgbBuffer);
+    iOriginalRgbBuffer = NULL;
+    iRgbBuffer = NULL;    
+    }
+CRgbBufferPtr::TConstRgbBufferPtr CRgbBufferPtr::LockBuffer(const TPoint& aTopLeft)
+    {
+    ASSERT( aTopLeft.iX < iBitmapSize.iWidth );
+    ASSERT( aTopLeft.iY < iBitmapSize.iHeight );
+    //const TBool KDirectAccess = ( iBitmap->DisplayMode() == EColor16M );
+    const TBool KInplaceAccess= iBitmapDirectAccess;
+    if ( !KInplaceAccess &&
+         aTopLeft.iY >= iBufferPos.iY && aTopLeft.iY + iMCUSizeinPixels.iHeight <= iBufferPos.iY + iBufferSizeInPixels.iHeight &&
+         aTopLeft.iX >= iBufferPos.iX && aTopLeft.iX + iMCUSizeinPixels.iWidth  <= iBufferPos.iX + iBufferSizeInPixels.iWidth
+       )
+        {
+        iLockedPtr = ShiftPtr(iRgbBuffer, aTopLeft.iX - iBufferPos.iX); 
+        return iLockedPtr;
+        }
+    iLockedPtr = reinterpret_cast<TRgbBufferPtr>(iBitmapData) + iBitmapScanlineLength * aTopLeft.iY + KRgbBufferPixelSize * aTopLeft.iX;
+    if (aTopLeft.iX + iMCUSizeinPixels.iWidth <= iBitmapSize.iWidth &&
+        aTopLeft.iY + iMCUSizeinPixels.iHeight <= iBitmapSize.iHeight &&
+        KInplaceAccess)
+        {
+        //ASSERT( iBitmapScanlineLength % KRgbBufferPixelSize == 0 );
+        iNextLineOffset = iBitmapScanlineLength;
+		iBufferPos.iX = -1;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        const TInt KLineLen  = KRgbBufferPixelSize * Min(iBufferSizeInPixels.iWidth, iBitmapSize.iWidth - aTopLeft.iX);
+        const TInt KNumLines = Min(iBufferSizeInPixels.iHeight, iBitmapSize.iHeight - aTopLeft.iY);
+        const TInt KBufferLineLen = iBufferScanlineLength;
+        TRgbBufferPtr pixelBufferPtr = iRgbBuffer;
+        if (KInplaceAccess)
+            {
+    	    for (TInt y = KNumLines; y--;  )
+                {
+    		    Mem::Copy(pixelBufferPtr, iLockedPtr, KLineLen);
+    		    iLockedPtr      += iBitmapScanlineLength;
+    		    // now fill out hor trail using grey
+    		    const TInt green = pixelBufferPtr[ KLineLen - KRgbBufferPixelSize + 1 ]; // green of the last pixel
+    		    for (TInt f = KLineLen; f < KBufferLineLen; ++f)
+    		        {
+    		        pixelBufferPtr[ f ] = green;
+    		        }
+    		    pixelBufferPtr = ShiftPtr(pixelBufferPtr, iBufferSizeInPixels.iWidth );
+    		    }            
+            }
+        else
+            {
+    	    for (TInt y = aTopLeft.iY; y < aTopLeft.iY + KNumLines; y++ )
+                {
+    		    TPtr8 pixelDes(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(pixelBufferPtr), KLineLen, KLineLen );
+    		    // GetScanLine() is extremely slow, so if support for bitmap modes other than EColor16M is require
+    		    // it shouldn't be used
+    		    iBitmap->GetScanLine(pixelDes, TPoint(aTopLeft.iX, y), iBufferSizeInPixels.iWidth, EColor16M);
+    		    // now fill out hor trail using grey
+    		    const TInt green = pixelBufferPtr[ KLineLen - KRgbBufferPixelSize + 1 ]; // green of the last pixel
+    		    for (TInt f = KLineLen; f < KBufferLineLen; ++f)
+    		        {
+    		        pixelBufferPtr[ f ] = green;
+    		        }
+    		    pixelBufferPtr  = ShiftPtr(pixelBufferPtr, iBufferSizeInPixels.iWidth );
+                }
+    		}
+        // fill out vertical trail    		
+    	if ( KNumLines < iMCUSizeinPixels.iHeight )
+    	    {
+        	TUint32* fillBufferPtr = reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>( pixelBufferPtr );
+            // we're filling the whole buffer with mid-gray, so to reduce 
+            // color entropy of padded block
+            pixelBufferPtr  = ShiftPtr(pixelBufferPtr, -iBufferSizeInPixels.iWidth ); // go to the previous line
+            // make a grey using green component
+            TUint32 fillValue = (pixelBufferPtr[1] | pixelBufferPtr[1]<<8);
+            fillValue |= fillValue << 16;
+            TInt i =  Coord2Size( iBufferSizeInPixels.iWidth, iBufferSizeInPixels.iHeight - KNumLines) >> 3; // /8
+            do 
+                {
+                *fillBufferPtr++ = fillValue;
+                *fillBufferPtr++ = fillValue;
+                } while (--i);    	
+    	    }
+    	iLockedPtr              = iRgbBuffer;
+        iNextLineOffset			= iBufferScanlineLength;
+        iBufferPos              = aTopLeft;
+        }
+    return iLockedPtr;
+    }
+void CRgbBufferPtr::UnlockBuffer()
+    {
+    ASSERT( iLockedPtr != NULL );
+    iLockedPtr  = NULL;        
+    }